コード例 #1
def pack_awb(dir):
  file_list  = sorted(os.listdir(dir))
  file_count = len(file_list)
  file_end_offset = 0x10 + (2 * file_count)
  data = AWB_MAGIC + \
         AWB_UNK + \
         bitstring.pack("uintle:32, uintle:32", file_count, AWB_ALIGN) + \
         bitstring.pack(", ".join(["uintle:16=%d" % id for id in range(file_count)])) + \
         BitStream(uintle = 0, length = (file_count + 1) * 32)
         # Plus one for the header.
  for i, file in enumerate(file_list):
    file_end = data.len / 8
    data.overwrite(bitstring.pack("uintle:32", file_end), (file_end_offset + (i * 4)) * 8)
    padding = 0
    if file_end % AWB_ALIGN > 0:
      padding = AWB_ALIGN - (file_end % AWB_ALIGN)
      data.append(BitStream(uintle = 0, length = padding * 8))
    file_data = ConstBitStream(filename = os.path.join(dir, file))
  # One last file end.
  file_end = data.len / 8
  data.overwrite(bitstring.pack("uintle:32", file_end), (file_end_offset + (file_count * 4)) * 8)
  return data
コード例 #2
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: brendanlong/mpeg-ts-inspector
    def bytes(self):
        binary = bitstring.pack(
            "pad:8, uint:8, bool, bool, pad:2",
            self.TABLE_ID, self.section_syntax_indicator,

        program_info_length = 0
        for descriptor in self.descriptors:
            program_info_length += descriptor.size

        length = 13 + program_info_length
        for stream in self.streams.values():
            length += stream.size

            "uint:12, uint:16, pad:2, uint:5, bool, uint:8, uint:8, pad:3," +
            "uint:13, pad:4, uint:12",
            length, self.program_number, self.version_number,
            self.current_next_indicator, self.section_number,
            self.last_section_number, self.pcr_pid, program_info_length))

        for descriptor in self.descriptors:
        for stream in self.streams.values():

        binary.append(bitstring.pack("uint:32", crc32(binary.bytes[1:])))
        return binary.bytes
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_bits.py プロジェクト: jlopezvilanova/bitstring
 def testPack(self):
     s = bitstring.pack('0b11, pad:3=5, 0b1')
     self.assertEqual(s.bin, '110001')
     d = bitstring.pack('pad:c', c=12)
     self.assertEqual(d, Bits(12))
     e = bitstring.pack('0xf, uint:12, pad:1, bin, pad:4, 0b10', 0, '111')
     self.assertEqual(e.bin, '11110000000000000111000010')
コード例 #4
    def convert_data(self, weather_data):
        """Converts the weather data into a string of bits

        The display is based on a relatively simple programmable interrupt controller (or PIC) when compared to a
        Raspberry PI. It only speaks binary, which means that we need to convert the dictionary with weather data into a
        sequence of bits, before it can be transmitted.
        This conversion is based on four principles:
        # The amount of bits available for each data element is fixed
        # Each element in the data has a minimum value
        # Each element has a maximum value
        # Each element can vary only in discrete steps

        @precondition: the member 'requested data' is properly set
        @param weather_data: a dictionary containing the weatherdata
        @return: a bitstring with the data in bits according to the configuration
        s = None
        t_data = self.transmittable_data(weather_data, self.requested_data)

        for i, data in enumerate(self.requested_data):
            formatting = self.requested_data[str(i)]
            bit_length = int(formatting['length'])
            bit_key = formatting['key']
            bit_value = t_data[bit_key]
            padding_string = '#0{0}b'.format(bit_length + 2)  # don't forget to account for '0b' in the length
            padded_bit_value = format(bit_value, padding_string)
            if s is not None:
                s += bitstring.pack("bin:{}={}".format(bit_length, padded_bit_value))
                s = bitstring.pack("bin:{}={}".format(bit_length, padded_bit_value))

        return s
コード例 #5
    def decode(self, in_stream, out_stream):
        bs = BitStream()
        dq = deque()
        at_least_three = False
        for word in self.words_from_file(in_stream):
            if not word or word not in self.word_dict:
            #print >> sys.stderr, 'word:"', word, '"'
            if at_least_three or len(dq) == 3:
                bs.append(pack(self.int_type, dq.popleft()))
                at_least_three = True
                if bs.len > self.bit_buffer:
                    cut = 0
                    for byte in bs.cut(self.bit_buffer):
                        cut += 1
                    del bs[:cut * self.bit_buffer]

        # dq has to have exactly 2 elements here, the last is the bit length of the first, unless it's 0
        #print >> sys.stderr, 'dq:', dq
        extra_bits = dq.pop()
        bs.append(pack('uint:' + str(extra_bits), dq.popleft()))

コード例 #6
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Service", self.service))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Port", self.port))
     service = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.service))
     port = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.port))
     payload = service + port
     return payload
コード例 #7
ファイル: pyllrp.py プロジェクト: tymiles003/CrossMgr
	def pack( self, s, p ):

		beginPos = len(s)
		# print 'Packing:', p.Name, beginPos >> 3
		if p.Encoding == self.TLV:
			s.append( bitstring.pack('uintbe:16, uintbe:16', p.Type, 0) )
			assert not p.Parameters, 'LLRP TV _parameters cannot contain nested parameters'
			s.append( bitstring.pack('uintbe:8', p.Type | 128 ) )
		for f in p.FieldDefs:	# Was self.FieldDefs.  We need to use the "p" to handle the extra fields in the custom messages.
			f.write( s, p )

		# Fix the length field.
		if p.Encoding == self.TLV:
			for pp in p.Parameters:
				pp.pack( s )
			endPos = len(s)
			p._Length = (endPos - beginPos) >> 3
			s.overwrite( bitstring.pack('uintbe:16', p._Length), beginPos + 16 )
			s.pos = endPos
			p._Length = self.Length
		return s
コード例 #8
ファイル: pysql.py プロジェクト: nnabeyang/pysql
    def clonePage(self, pgno):
        origine = self.getPage(pgno)
        fp = bitstring.BitString(bytes="\x00" * DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, length=DEFAULT_PAGESIZE * 8)
        celloffset = origine.hdroffset + 8 + origine.childPtrSize
        end = celloffset + origine.nCell * 2
        data = origine.fp.bytes
        s = bitstring.pack("bytes:%d" % (end - origine.hdroffset), data[origine.hdroffset : end])
        fp.pos = 0
        origine.fp.pos = (origine.hdroffset + 5) * 8
        top = get2byte(origine.fp)
        size = self.usableSize - top
        self.nPage += 1

        s = bitstring.pack("bytes:%d" % size, data[top : self.usableSize])
        fp.pos = top * 8

        page = Page(fp.bytes, self.pagesize, self.nPage, self)
        page.overflow = origine.overflow
        fp = page.fp
        self.init_freelist(fp, page.hdroffset, page.pageno)
        fp.pos = page.hdroffset * 8
        fp.overwrite(bitstring.pack("uint:8", origine.flag))
        return page
コード例 #9
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Label", self.label))
     field_len_bytes = 32
     label = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", ord(c))) for c in self.label)
     padding = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", 0)) for i in range(field_len_bytes - len(self.label)))
     payload = label + padding
     return payload
コード例 #10
    def testUnfoldConcatenatedValues(self):
        class Foo(object):
        cls = Foo

        def unfold_func(name, instance, **kw):
            instance = instance or Foo()
            instance.a = kw['a']
            instance.b = kw['b']
            return instance
        folds = 'a=uint:8, b=uint:8'
        creases = {}
        self.crafter.learn_pattern(cls, unfold_func, folds, creases)

        a, b = 120, 254
        other_a, other_b = 121, 255
        data = bitstring.pack('uint:8, uint:8', a, b)
        data += bitstring.pack('uint:8, uint:8', other_a, other_b)

        foo = self.crafter.unfold(data, Foo)
        other_foo = self.crafter.unfold(data, Foo)

        assert foo.a == a
        assert foo.b == b
        assert other_foo.a == other_a
        assert other_foo.b == other_b
コード例 #11
def check_flag_a(flags, flag_ops, fail_label):
  # XX XX 00 YY 
  #   * If there are multiple flags (as many as needed)
  #   -> WW XX XX 00 YY 
  #   * When all the flags have been listed.
  #   -> 70 3C 70 34 ZZ ZZ
  #   * XX XX = Flag group/ID
  #   * YY = Flag State
  #     * 00 = Off
  #     * 01 = On
  #   * WW = Operator
  #     * 06 = AND
  #     * 07 = OR  (?)
  #   * ZZ ZZ = Label to jump to if check failed.
  command = bitstring.pack("uint:8, uint:8", CMD_MARKER, WRD_CHECKFLAG_A)
  for i, (flag_group, flag_id, flag_state) in enumerate(flags):
    command += bitstring.pack("uint:8, uint:8, uint:16", flag_group, flag_id, flag_state)
    if i < len(flag_ops):
      command += bitstring.pack("uint:8", flag_ops[i])
  command += bitstring.pack("uint:8, uint:8", CMD_MARKER, WRD_FLAG_CHECK_END)
  if not fail_label == None:
    command += bitstring.pack("uint:8, uint:8, uint:16", CMD_MARKER, WRD_GOTO_LABEL, fail_label)
  return command
コード例 #12
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: mclarkk/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Count", self.service))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Index", self.port))
     count = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.service))
     index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.port))
     payload = count + index
     return payload
コード例 #13
ファイル: etherio.py プロジェクト: jsamch/Ethernet-IO
    def InterpretRcvFrame( self, RawData ):
        # Basic sanity check
        if RawData[0] != MAGIC_ID:
            print "Error: Bad Magic"
            return( False )
        if RawData[1] != VERSION:
            print "Error: Bad Expected Protocol Version/Revision"
            return( False )
        header = struct.unpack_from("!ccBBH",RawData)
        Headers = {}
        Headers["frameType"] = header[2]
        Headers["sequence"]  = header[4]
        #print Headers
        if Headers["frameType"] == CTRL_FRAMETYPE_IORESP:
            body = struct.unpack_from("!IIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHH", RawData[6:])
            quad_val = body[0:10]
            adc_val  = body[10:18]

            for ii in range(10):
                self.QEs[ii].updateValue( bitstring.pack('uint:32',quad_val[ii] ))
            for ii in range(8):
                self.ADCs[ii].updateVoltage( bitstring.pack('uint:16', adc_val[ii]))

            print "uninterpreted body"
コード例 #14
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: mce35/agocontrol
 def get_payload(self):
     reserved_8 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.reserved))
     color = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", field)) for field in self.color)
     duration = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.duration))
     payload = reserved_8 + color + duration
     payloadUi = " ".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in payload)
     return payload
コード例 #15
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Start Index", self.start_index))
     self.payload_fields.append(("End Index", self.end_index))
     start_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.start_index))
     end_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.end_index))
     payload = start_index + end_index
     return payload
コード例 #16
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Power Level", self.power_level))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Duration", self.duration))
     power_level = little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", self.power_level))
     duration = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.duration))
     payload = power_level + duration
     return payload
コード例 #17
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: mce35/agocontrol
 def get_payload(self):
     start_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.start_index))
     end_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.end_index))
     color = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", field)) for field in self.color)
     duration = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.duration))
     apply = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.apply))
     payload = start_index + end_index + color + duration + apply
     return payload
コード例 #18
ファイル: sollution.py プロジェクト: PKlimo/CryptoChallenge
def hamdist(str1, str2):
    diffs = 0
    assert len(str1) == len(str2), "length of arguments are different"
    for i in range(len(str1)):
        a = bitstring.pack('uint:8', str1[i])
        b = bitstring.pack('uint:8', str2[i])
        diffs += (a ^ b).count(True)
    return diffs
コード例 #19
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Color", self.color))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Duration", self.duration))
     reserved_8 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.reserved))
     color = b"".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", field)) for field in self.color)
     duration = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.duration))
     payload = reserved_8 + color + duration
     return payload
コード例 #20
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Vendor", self.vendor))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Reserved", self.product))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Version", self.version))
     vendor = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.vendor))
     product = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.product))
     version = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.version))
     payload = vendor + product + version
     return payload
コード例 #21
ファイル: message.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_protocol_header(self):
     reserved_64_format = self.protocol_header_format[0]
     message_type_format = self.protocol_header_format[1]
     reserved_16_format = self.protocol_header_format[2]
     reserved_64 = little_endian(bitstring.pack(reserved_64_format, self.reserved))
     message_type = little_endian(bitstring.pack(message_type_format, self.message_type))
     reserved_16 = little_endian(bitstring.pack(reserved_16_format, self.reserved))
     protocol_header = reserved_64 + message_type + reserved_16
     return protocol_header
コード例 #22
ファイル: message.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_frame(self):
     size_format = self.frame_format[0]
     flags_format = self.frame_format[1]
     source_id_format = self.frame_format[2]
     size = little_endian(bitstring.pack(size_format, self.size))
     flags = little_endian(bitstring.pack(flags_format, self.origin, self.tagged, self.addressable, self.protocol))
     source_id = little_endian(bitstring.pack(source_id_format, self.source_id))
     frame = size + flags + source_id
     return frame
コード例 #23
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: mce35/agocontrol
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Count", self.count))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Index", self.index))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Color (HSBK)", self.color))
     count = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.count))
     index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", self.index))
     color = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", field)) for field in self.color)
     payload = count + index + color
     return payload
コード例 #24
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Current Time", self.time))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Uptime (ns)", self.uptime))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Last Downtime Duration (ns) (5 second error)", self.downtime))
     time = little_endian(bitstring.pack("64", self.time))
     uptime = little_endian(bitstring.pack("64", self.uptime))
     downtime = little_endian(bitstring.pack("64", self.downtime))
     payload = time + uptime + downtime
     return payload
コード例 #25
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Timestamp of Build", self.build))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Reserved", self.reserved1))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Version", self.version))
     build = little_endian(bitstring.pack("64", self.build))
     reserved1 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("64", self.reserved1))
     version = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.version))
     payload = build + reserved1 + version
     return payload
コード例 #26
 def append_minifloat(self, fmt, unit, value):
     if value is None:
         e = s = 0
         (e, s, rounded) = fmt.encode(value)
         if value != rounded:
             self.roundings.append("{0} {2} to {1} {2}".format(value, rounded, unit))
     self.data.append(pack('uint:n', e, n = fmt.ebits))
     self.data.append(pack('uint:n', s, n = fmt.sbits))
コード例 #27
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: FlyingDiver/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Label", self.label))
     field_len_bytes = 32
         label = b"".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", c)) for c in self.label.encode('utf-8'))
     except ValueError: # because of differences in Python 2 and 3
         label = b"".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", ord(c))) for c in self.label.encode('utf-8'))
     padding = b"".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", 0)) for i in range(field_len_bytes-len(self.label)))
     payload = label + padding
     return payload
コード例 #28
ファイル: ts.py プロジェクト: brendanlong/mpeg-ts-inspector
 def bytes(self):
     binary = bitstring.pack("uint:8, uint:8", self.tag, self.length)
     if self.tag == self.TAG_CA_DESCRIPTOR:
             "bytes:2, pad:3, uint:13, bytes",
             self.ca_system_id, self.ca_pid, self.private_data_bytes))
     assert(len(binary) / 8 == self.size)
     return binary.bytes
コード例 #29
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Signal (mW)", self.signal))
     self.payload_fields.append(("TX (bytes since on)", self.tx))
     self.payload_fields.append(("RX (bytes since on)", self.rx))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Reserved", self.reserved1))
     signal = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.signal))
     tx = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.tx))
     rx = little_endian(bitstring.pack("32", self.rx))
     reserved1 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", self.reserved1))
     payload = signal + tx + rx + reserved1
     return payload
コード例 #30
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: chrisford/lifxlan
 def get_payload(self):
     field_len = 64
     self.payload_fields.append(("Byte Array", self.byte_array))
     byte_array = "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", b)) for b in self.byte_array)
     byte_array_len = len(byte_array)
     if byte_array_len < field_len:
         byte_array += "".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", 0)) for i in range(field_len - byte_array_len))
     elif byte_array_len > field_len:
         byte_array = byte_array[:field_len]
     payload = byte_array
     return payload
コード例 #31
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: merc1031/aiolifx
 def get_payload(self):
     power_level = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:16",
     duration = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", self.duration))
     payload = power_level + duration
     return payload
コード例 #32
def calc_similarity_matrix(glyphs, sim_calc, n, p, in_sim_file):
    """Compute similarity matrix.

    glyphs -- 
    sim_calc -- method index
    n  --
    p --
    in_sim_file -- name of file containing matrix to be read in and returned
    #FIXME ... above docstring
    if sim_calc == CALC_PACKBITS:
        # optimize by packing the bits with numpy.packbits
        cast_to_uint8 = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint8)
        dummy_ba = np.packbits(np.array([True] * p) + cast_to_uint8)
        b_glyphs = [None] * n
        print "converting to bitstrings using numpy.packbits",
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(n):
                ba = np.packbits(glyphs[i] + cast_to_uint8)
            except TypeError:
                ba = dummy_ba
            b_glyphs[i] = ba
            print '.',
        print "converted to bitstrings in %f seconds" % (time.time() -
        print "computing similarity matrix with bitcount",
        time_start = time.time()
        sim = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float)
        for i in range(n):
            sim[i, i] = 1.0
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                    s = jaccard_sim_numpy_packed(b_glyphs[i],
                                                 verbose=(0, 1315) == (i, j))
                except TypeError:
                    # a glyph exceeded the bounding box and therefore
                    # was probably a non-textual item such as a line
                    s = 0.0
                sim[i, j] = s
                sim[j, i] = s
            print '.',

        print "computed (bitstring) similarity matrix in %f seconds" % (
            time.time() - time_start)

    elif sim_calc == CALC_BITSTRING:
        # optimize by packing the bits with bitstring
        dummy_ba = [True] * p
        b_glyphs = [None] * n
        fmt = "%d*bool" % p
        print "converting to bitstrings",
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(n):
                ba = glyphs[i].ravel().tolist()
            except AttributeError:
                ba = dummy_ba
            b_glyphs[i] = bitstring.pack(fmt, *ba)
            print '.',
        print "converted to bitstrings in %f seconds" % (time.time() -
        print "computing similarity matrix with bitstring",
        time_start = time.time()
        sim = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float)
        for i in range(n):
            sim[i, i] = 1.0
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                    s = jaccard_sim_bitstring(b_glyphs[i],
                                              verbose=(0, 1315) == (i, j))
                except TypeError:
                    # a glyph exceeded the bounding box and therefore
                    # was probably a non-textual item such as a line
                    s = 0.0
                sim[i, j] = s
                sim[j, i] = s
            print '.',

        print "computed (bitstring) similarity matrix in %f seconds" % (
            time.time() - time_start)

    elif sim_calc == CALC_NUMPY:
        print "computing similarity matrix with numpy",
        time_start = time.time()
        sim = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float)
        for i in range(n):
            sim[i, i] = 1.0
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                    s = jaccard_sim(glyphs[i],
                                    verbose=(0, 1315) == (i, j))
                except TypeError:
                    # a glyph exceeded the bounding box and therefore
                    # was probably a non-textual item such as a line
                    s = 0.0
                sim[i, j] = s
                sim[j, i] = s
            print ".",

        print "computed (numpy) similarity matrix in %f seconds" % (
            time.time() - time_start)
    elif sim_calc == CALC_SCIPY:
        print "computing similarity matrix with scipy",
        time_start = time.time()
        ba_dummy = np.ones(glyphs[0].shape, dtype=np.bool)
        f_glyphs = np.zeros((n, p), dtype=np.bool)
        for i in range(n):
                f_glyphs[i, :] = glyphs[i].ravel()
            except AttributeError:
                f_glyphs[i, :] = ba_dummy.ravel()
        print '.',
        dissimilarity = distance.pdist(f_glyphs, 'jaccard')
        print '.',
        sim = 1 - distance.squareform(dissimilarity)
        print "computed (scipy) similarity matrix in %f seconds" % (
            time.time() - time_start)
    elif sim_calc == CALC_FROMFILE:
        with open(in_sim_file) as f:
            o = cPickle.load(f)
            sim = o.sim
        print >> sys.stderr, "sim_calc method %d undefined." % sim_calc
    return sim
コード例 #33
	def format_ip_address(self):
		address = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
		return bitstring.pack('uint:8, uint:8, uint:8, uint:8', *[int(x) for x in address.split('.')]).bytes
コード例 #34
ファイル: Question.py プロジェクト: SiberianBear86/DNS
 def to_bytes(self):
     bytes_name = name_to_bytes(self.qname)[0]
     bits_packet = BitArray(length=32)
     bits_packet[0:16] = pack('uint: 16', self.qtype)
     bits_packet[16:32] = pack('uint: 16', self.qclass)
     return bytes_name + bits_packet.tobytes()
コード例 #35
    def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()

        parser.add_argument('airconSwitch', type=str)
        parser.add_argument('barnNo', type=str)

        args = parser.parse_args()

        barnNo = args['barnNo']
        airconSwitch = args['airconSwitch']

        nodes = db.session.query(LoraNode.node_addr).join(
            GrainBarn, GrainBarn.id == LoraNode.grain_barn_id).filter(
                GrainBarn.barn_no == barnNo).order_by(
        print("nodes are:", nodes)

        if airconSwitch == '1':
            for node in nodes:
                node_addr = node[0]
                print('node_addr is:', node_addr)
                mqtt_node_addr = bitstring.pack('uint:13', node_addr).bin

                node_mqtt_trans_func = db.session.query(
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.func_code, NodeMqttTransFunc.wind_direct,
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.wind_speed, NodeMqttTransFunc.model,
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.on_off, NodeMqttTransFunc.work_mode,
                        NodeMqttTransFunc.node_addr == mqtt_node_addr).all()

                print('******node_mqtt_trans_func******', node_mqtt_trans_func)

                if node_mqtt_trans_func:
                    print('airconditoner switch to on!')
                    on_off = '01'
                    mqtt_auto_control_air(node_mqtt_trans_func, on_off)

        elif airconSwitch == '0':
            for node in nodes:
                node_addr = node[0]
                print('node_addr is:', node_addr)
                mqtt_node_addr = bitstring.pack('uint:13', node_addr).bin

                node_mqtt_trans_func = db.session.query(
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.func_code, NodeMqttTransFunc.wind_direct,
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.wind_speed, NodeMqttTransFunc.model,
                    NodeMqttTransFunc.on_off, NodeMqttTransFunc.work_mode,
                        NodeMqttTransFunc.node_addr == mqtt_node_addr).all()

                print('******node_mqtt_trans_func******', node_mqtt_trans_func)
                if node_mqtt_trans_func:
                    print('airconditoner switch to off!')
                    on_off = '00'
                    mqtt_auto_control_air(node_mqtt_trans_func, on_off)
            print('airconSwitch is :', airconSwitch)
        return nodes, args
コード例 #36
    def __init__(self, num_entries: int) -> None:

        with self._at_offset(20):
            self.buffer.overwrite(pack('uintle:32', num_entries))
コード例 #37
    def __init__(self, offset: int, bitfield: int) -> None:

        with self._at_offset(0):
            self.buffer.overwrite(pack('uintle:32', offset))
            self.buffer.overwrite(pack('uintle:32', bitfield))
コード例 #38
ファイル: lnaddr.py プロジェクト: arowser/py-lightning-signer
def tagged(char, l):
    # Tagged fields need to be zero-padded to 5 bits.
    while l.len % 5 != 0:
    return bitstring.pack("uint:5, uint:5, uint:5", CHARSET.find(char),
                          (l.len / 5) / 32, (l.len / 5) % 32) + l
コード例 #39
ファイル: lnaddr.py プロジェクト: moneysocket/py-moneysocket
def lnencode(addr, privkey):
    if addr.amount:
        amount = Decimal(str(addr.amount))
        # We can only send down to millisatoshi.
        if amount * 10**12 % 10:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot encode {}: too many decimal places".format(

        amount = addr.currency + shorten_amount(amount)
        amount = addr.currency if addr.currency else ''

    hrp = 'ln' + amount

    # Start with the timestamp
    data = bitstring.pack('uint:35', addr.date)

    # Payment hash
    data += tagged_bytes('p', addr.paymenthash)
    tags_set = set()

    for k, v in addr.tags:

        # BOLT #11:
        # A writer MUST NOT include more than one `d`, `h`, `n` or `x` fields,
        if k in ('d', 'h', 'n', 'x'):
            if k in tags_set:
                raise ValueError("Duplicate '{}' tag".format(k))

        if k == 'r':
            route = bitstring.BitArray()
            for step in v:
                pubkey, channel, feebase, feerate, cltv = step
                    bitstring.BitArray(pubkey) + bitstring.BitArray(channel) +
                    bitstring.pack('intbe:32', feebase) +
                    bitstring.pack('intbe:32', feerate) +
                    bitstring.pack('intbe:16', cltv))
            data += tagged('r', route)
        elif k == 'f':
            data += encode_fallback(v, addr.currency)
        elif k == 'd':
            data += tagged_bytes('d', v.encode())
        elif k == 'x':
            # Get minimal length by trimming leading 5 bits at a time.
            expirybits = bitstring.pack('intbe:64', v)[4:64]
            while expirybits.startswith('0b00000'):
                expirybits = expirybits[5:]
            data += tagged('x', expirybits)
        elif k == 'h':
            data += tagged_bytes('h',
        elif k == 'n':
            data += tagged_bytes('n', v)
            # FIXME: Support unknown tags?
            raise ValueError("Unknown tag {}".format(k))


    # BOLT #11:
    # A writer MUST include either a `d` or `h` field, and MUST NOT include
    # both.
    if 'd' in tags_set and 'h' in tags_set:
        raise ValueError("Cannot include both 'd' and 'h'")
    if not 'd' in tags_set and not 'h' in tags_set:
        raise ValueError("Must include either 'd' or 'h'")

    # We actually sign the hrp, then data (padded to 8 bits with zeroes).
    privkey = secp256k1.PrivateKey(bytes(unhexlify(privkey)))
    sig = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
        bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes())
    # This doesn't actually serialize, but returns a pair of values :(
    sig, recid = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
    data += bytes(sig) + bytes([recid])

    return bech32_encode(hrp, bitarray_to_u5(data))
コード例 #40
    def connectionMade(self):
        # Yank out our peer/host addresses as we'll need them to construct our
        # header.
        peer = self.peer.transport.getPeer()
        peer_parsed = ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(peer.host))
        host = self.peer.transport.getHost()
        host_parsed = ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(host.host))

        # All of our PROXY data needs to start with this header to indicate
        # that it is the PROXY v2 protocol.
        data = [_PROXY_HEADER]

        # We need to communicate what version of the protocol we speak (v2) and
        # what kind of command this is. Currently we only support the Proxy
        # commands.
                "int:4, int:4",

        # We also need to communicate what type of connection this is, like an
        # IPv4 over TCP or so.
                "int:4, int:4",

        # Here we need to add what the length of the rest of our data is,
        # however we don't actually *have* the rest of out data yet, so we'll
        # just add a junk value here for now and come back to this later.

        # We need to send information about our client and what they connected
        # to, and the exact format of that will change based on the address
        # family of the connection.
        if isinstance(peer, address.IPv4Address):
        elif isinstance(peer, address.IPv6Address):
        elif isinstance(peer, address.UNIXAddress):

        # TODO: Insert TLS Stuff
        # We can only actually do this for one of our known address types,
        # otherwise we have to have a length of zero for the rest of the data.
        if isinstance(peer, tuple(_PROXY_AF.keys())):

        # Now that we've finished building up our message, we'll figure out
        # what the length of our header block is.
        data[3] = _LengthStruct.pack(sum(map(len, data[4:])))

        # Send this all to the server we're proxying for so that it can set its
        # own internal state correctly.

        # Finally, we'll call the standard connectionMade, which will finish
        # constructing our tunnel.
        return super(ProxyClient, self).connectionMade()
コード例 #41
def u5_to_bitarray(arr):
    """Bech32 spits out array of 5-bit values. Shim here."""
    ret = bitstring.BitArray()
    for a in arr:
        ret += bitstring.pack("uint:5", a)
    return ret
コード例 #42
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Start Index", self.start_index))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Total Count", self.total_count))
     self.payload_fields.append(("Tile Devices", self.tile_devices))
     start_idex = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.start_index))
     payload = start_idex
     for tile in self.tile_devices:
         reserved1 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("int:16", tile['reserved1']))
         reserved2 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("int:16", tile['reserved2']))
         reserved3 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("int:16", tile['reserved3']))
         reserved4 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("int:16", tile['reserved4']))
         user_x = little_endian(bitstring.pack("float:32", tile['user_x']))
         user_y = little_endian(bitstring.pack("float:32", tile['user_y']))
         width = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", tile['width']))
         height = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", tile['height']))
         reserved5 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", tile['reserved5']))
         device_version_vendor = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", tile['device_version_vendor']))
         device_version_product = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", tile['device_version_product']))
         device_version_version = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", tile['device_version_version']))
         firmware_build = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:64", tile['firmware_build']))
         reserved6 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:64", tile['reserved6']))
         firmware_version = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", tile['firmware_version']))
         reserved7 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", tile['reserved7']))
         payload += reserved1 + reserved2 + reserved3 + reserved4 + user_x + user_y + width + height + reserved5 + device_version_vendor + device_version_product + device_version_version + firmware_build + reserved6 + firmware_version + reserved7
     total_count = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.total_count))
     payload += total_count
     return payload
コード例 #43
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: merc1031/aiolifx
    def get_payload(self):
        reserved_8 = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.reserved))
        transient = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.transient))
        color = b"".join(
            little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:16", field))
            for field in self.color)
        period = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:32", self.period))
        cycles = little_endian(bitstring.pack("float:32", self.cycles))
        skew_ratio = little_endian(bitstring.pack("int:16", self.skew_ratio))
        waveform = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.waveform))
        set_hue = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.set_hue))
        set_saturation = little_endian(
            bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.set_saturation))
        set_brightness = little_endian(
            bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.set_brightness))
        set_kelvin = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.set_kelvin))
        payload = reserved_8 + transient + color + period + cycles + skew_ratio + waveform + set_hue + set_saturation + set_brightness + set_kelvin

        payloadUi = " ".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in payload)
        return payload
コード例 #44
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Byte Array", self.byte_array))
     byte_array = b"".join(little_endian(bitstring.pack("8", b)) for b in self.byte_array)
     payload = byte_array
     return payload
コード例 #45
ファイル: pehash.py プロジェクト: AnyMaster/pehash
def get_pehash(pe_file):
    """ Return pehash for PE file, sha1 of PE structural properties.

    :param pe_file:     file name or instance of pefile.PE() class
    :rtype : string     SHA1 in hexdigest format

    if isinstance(pe_file, PE):  # minimize mem. usage and time of execution
        exe = pe_file
        exe = PE(pe_file, fast_load=True)

    # Image Characteristics
    img_chars = pack('uint:16', exe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics)
    pehash_bin = img_chars[0:8] ^ img_chars[8:16]

    # Subsystem
    subsystem = pack('uint:16', exe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Subsystem)
    pehash_bin.append(subsystem[0:8] ^ subsystem[8:16])

    # Stack Commit Size, rounded up to a value divisible by 4096,
    # Windows page boundary, 8 lower bits must be discarded
    # in PE32+ is 8 bytes
    stack_commit = exe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfStackCommit
    if stack_commit % 4096:
        stack_commit += 4096 - stack_commit % 4096
    stack_commit = pack('uint:56', stack_commit >> 8)
        stack_commit[:8] ^ stack_commit[8:16] ^
        stack_commit[16:24] ^ stack_commit[24:32] ^
        stack_commit[32:40] ^ stack_commit[40:48] ^ stack_commit[48:56])

    # Heap Commit Size, rounded up to page boundary size,
    # 8 lower bits must be discarded
    # in PE32+ is 8 bytes
    heap_commit = exe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeapCommit
    if heap_commit % 4096:
        heap_commit += 4096 - heap_commit % 4096
    heap_commit = pack('uint:56', heap_commit >> 8)
        heap_commit[:8] ^ heap_commit[8:16] ^
        heap_commit[16:24] ^ heap_commit[24:32] ^
        heap_commit[32:40] ^ heap_commit[40:48] ^ heap_commit[48:56])

    # Section structural information
    for section in exe.sections:
        # Virtual Address, 9 lower bits must be discarded
        pehash_bin.append(pack('uint:24', section.VirtualAddress >> 9))

        # Size Of Raw Data, 8 lower bits must be discarded
        pehash_bin.append(pack('uint:24', section.SizeOfRawData >> 8))

        # Section Characteristics, 16 lower bits must be discarded
        sect_chars = pack('uint:16', section.Characteristics >> 16)
        pehash_bin.append(sect_chars[:8] ^ sect_chars[8:16])

        # Kolmogorov Complexity, len(Bzip2(data))/len(data)
        # (0..1} ∈ R   ->  [0..7] ⊂ N
        kolmogorov = 0
        if section.SizeOfRawData:
            kolmogorov = int(round(
                * 7.0 /
            if kolmogorov > 7:
                kolmogorov = 7
        pehash_bin.append(pack('uint:8', kolmogorov))

    assert 0 == pehash_bin.len % 8
    if not isinstance(pe_file, PE):

    return sha1(pehash_bin.tobytes()).hexdigest()
コード例 #46
ファイル: lnaddr.py プロジェクト: scalaris-project/electrum
def lnencode(addr: 'LnAddr', privkey) -> str:
    if addr.amount:
        amount = Decimal(str(addr.amount))
        # We can only send down to millisatoshi.
        if amount * 10**12 % 10:
            raise ValueError("Cannot encode {}: too many decimal places".format(

        amount = addr.currency + shorten_amount(amount)
        amount = addr.currency if addr.currency else ''

    hrp = 'ln' + amount

    # Start with the timestamp
    data = bitstring.pack('uint:35', addr.date)

    tags_set = set()

    # Payment hash
    data += tagged_bytes('p', addr.paymenthash)

    if addr.payment_secret is not None:
        data += tagged_bytes('s', addr.payment_secret)

    for k, v in addr.tags:

        # BOLT #11:
        # A writer MUST NOT include more than one `d`, `h`, `n` or `x` fields,
        if k in ('d', 'h', 'n', 'x', 'p', 's'):
            if k in tags_set:
                raise ValueError("Duplicate '{}' tag".format(k))

        if k == 'r':
            route = bitstring.BitArray()
            for step in v:
                pubkey, channel, feebase, feerate, cltv = step
                route.append(bitstring.BitArray(pubkey) + bitstring.BitArray(channel) + bitstring.pack('intbe:32', feebase) + bitstring.pack('intbe:32', feerate) + bitstring.pack('intbe:16', cltv))
            data += tagged('r', route)
        elif k == 'f':
            data += encode_fallback(v, addr.currency)
        elif k == 'd':
            data += tagged_bytes('d', v.encode())
        elif k == 'x':
            expirybits = bitstring.pack('intbe:64', v)
            expirybits = trim_to_min_length(expirybits)
            data += tagged('x', expirybits)
        elif k == 'h':
            data += tagged_bytes('h', sha256(v.encode('utf-8')).digest())
        elif k == 'n':
            data += tagged_bytes('n', v)
        elif k == 'c':
            finalcltvbits = bitstring.pack('intbe:64', v)
            finalcltvbits = trim_to_min_length(finalcltvbits)
            data += tagged('c', finalcltvbits)
        elif k == '9':
            if v == 0:
            feature_bits = bitstring.BitArray(uint=v, length=v.bit_length())
            feature_bits = trim_to_min_length(feature_bits)
            data += tagged('9', feature_bits)
            # FIXME: Support unknown tags?
            raise ValueError("Unknown tag {}".format(k))


    # BOLT #11:
    # A writer MUST include either a `d` or `h` field, and MUST NOT include
    # both.
    if 'd' in tags_set and 'h' in tags_set:
        raise ValueError("Cannot include both 'd' and 'h'")
    if not 'd' in tags_set and not 'h' in tags_set:
        raise ValueError("Must include either 'd' or 'h'")

    # We actually sign the hrp, then data (padded to 8 bits with zeroes).
    msg = hrp.encode("ascii") + data.tobytes()
    privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey)
    sig = privkey.sign_message(msg, is_compressed=False, algo=lambda x:sha256(x).digest())
    recovery_flag = bytes([sig[0] - 27])
    sig = bytes(sig[1:]) + recovery_flag
    data += sig

    return bech32_encode(hrp, bitarray_to_u5(data))
コード例 #47
 def prepare_bitstream(self) -> BitStream:
     with self._at_offset(12):
         self.buffer.overwrite(pack('uintle:32', self.offset - 16))
     return super().prepare_bitstream()
コード例 #48
ファイル: lnaddr.py プロジェクト: scalaris-project/electrum
def u5_to_bitarray(arr):
    ret = bitstring.BitArray()
    for a in arr:
        ret += bitstring.pack("uint:5", a)
    return ret
コード例 #49
 def parse_address_to(address: str):
     result = bitstring.BitArray()
     for part in address.split("."):
         result += bitstring.pack("uint:8", int(part))
     return result.bytes
コード例 #50
ファイル: fault_util.py プロジェクト: guanh01/wot
def _inject_faults_int8_random_bit_position_ecc(tensor,
    For the input tensor, apply ecc protection. Input tensor should be 1-d torch tensor. 
    Total number of bits is num_values * 8. The procedure is: 
    Step 1: randomly choose n_bits number of bits to flip for tensor 
    Step 2: get the bit flipps that can be corrected via ECC. 
    Step 3: apply ECC correction.

    - tensor: torch tensor
    - random: numpy random
    - n_bits: # bits to be flipped
    - block_size: the number of bits to be protected together to form a codeword
    - t: protection ability, can be 1 or 2 
    - stats (dict): key-value pairs. The key is the index of a value whose bits are flipped. 
    The value is a tuple: (value before flipped, flipped bit position, bit after flipped, value after flipped)
    - corr (dict): key-value pairs. The key is the index of a value who is detected to be faulty based on parity encoding. 
    The value is a tuple: (value before correction, value after correction)
    assert len(tensor.size(
    )) == 1, "The input tensor is not a 1-D vector. Current shape:{}".format(
    # 1. fault injection with correction
    start = time.time()
    num_values = tensor.nelement()
    indexes = random.choice(num_values * 8, size=n_bits, replace=False)
    sample_time = time.time() - start

    # correct some error: put the indexes into data blocks, check whether a data block has more than two faults.
    corrected_indexes = _get_correctable_indexes(indexes,

    start = time.time()
    stats = defaultdict(list)
    corr = {}
    for index in indexes:
        vid, bid = index >> 3, index & 0b111
        value = int(tensor[vid])

        assert value == tensor[vid], "value is not an integer," + str(
            value) + ', ' + str(tensor[vid])

        bits = bitstring.pack('>b', value)
        bits[bid] ^= 1
        value_after_flip = bits.int

        # if the flip can be corrected:
        if index in corrected_indexes:
            corr[vid] = (value_after_flip, value)
            tensor[vid] = value_after_flip

        if debug_mode:
            print('vid: %5d, before: %5d, bid: %d => %s, after: %5d (%s)' %
                  (vid, value, bid, bits[bid], value_after_flip, bits.bin))

        stats[vid].append((value, bid, bits[bid], value_after_flip))
    injection_time = time.time() - start
    print('sample time (s):%.4f' % (sample_time),
          ', injection_time (s):%.4f' % (injection_time),
          ', #faults:%5d' % (n_bits), ', #corr:%5d' % (len(corr)))

    return stats, corr
コード例 #51
ファイル: bolt11.py プロジェクト: alexander-koval/bctip
def _u5_to_bitarray(arr: List[int]) -> bitstring.BitArray:
    ret = bitstring.BitArray()
    for a in arr:
        ret += bitstring.pack("uint:5", a)
    return ret
コード例 #52
ファイル: fault_util.py プロジェクト: guanh01/wot
def _parity_bit(v):
    bits = bitstring.pack('>b', v)  # 8 bits
    #     code = (sum(bits)%2 == 1)
    code = reduce(lambda x, y: x ^ y, bits)
    return code
コード例 #53
msg = open("./enwik8", "rb").read()

# do a pass through to find the cummulative distribution
msg_length = 0
cum = [0] * 256
for c in msg:
    cum[c + 1] += 1
    msg_length += 1
for i in range(1, len(cum)):
    cum[i] = cum[i - 1] + (cum[i]) / msg_length
    if cum[i] > 1:
        cum[i] = 1


out.append(bitstring.pack('uint:64', msg_length))
for ch in range(256):
    bf = bitstring.pack('float:64', cum[ch])
    cum[ch] = bf.read('float:64')


b = 0
l = 1

# we make sure l is always bigger than .5
def renormalize():
    # use b as lower
コード例 #54
ファイル: fault_util.py プロジェクト: guanh01/wot
def _parity_bit_sum(v):
    bits = bitstring.pack('>b', v)  # 8 bits
    code = (sum(bits) % 2 == 1)
    return code
コード例 #55
 def encode_pad(value):
     return pack('pad:n', n=value)
コード例 #56
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Infrared Brightness", self.infrared_brightness))
     infrared_brightness = little_endian(bitstring.pack("16", self.infrared_brightness))
     payload = infrared_brightness
     return payload
コード例 #57
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: merc1031/aiolifx
 def get_payload(self):
     start_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.start_index))
     end_index = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:8", self.end_index))
     payload = start_index + end_index
     return payload
コード例 #58
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: merc1031/aiolifx
 def get_payload(self):
     self.payload_fields.append(("Power Level", self.power_level))
     power_level = little_endian(bitstring.pack("uint:16",
     payload = power_level
     return payload
コード例 #59
ファイル: msgtypes.py プロジェクト: merc1031/aiolifx
 def get_payload(self):
     infrared_brightness = little_endian(
         bitstring.pack("uint:16", self.infrared_brightness))
     payload = infrared_brightness
     return payload
コード例 #60
#!/usr/bin/env python

import pymongo
import bitstring

from hashes.simhash import simhash

connection = pymongo.Connection("localhost", 27017)

db = connection.pace
coll = db.people

for i in coll.find():
    h = simhash(i['firstName'] + i['lastName'], hashbits=64)

    ha = bitstring.pack('uint:64', long(h))
    for j in xrange(0, 8):
        i['h%s' % j] = ha.hex
        #print ha.hex
        ha.ror(64 / 8)

    coll.update({'n': i['n']}, i)