コード例 #1
def set_all_off_except_last_k_positions(bitstring, k):
    """if the bitstring is 1001011, we want to keep the last two places,
    which is 11 intact and set previous positions to 0: (x & ((1 << k) - 1))
    because, 1<<k means there are k zeros after a 1.
    Example: 1 << 3 = 1000. 1000 - 1 = 111
    so this will keep the last k places intact and set other places to zero.
    shifted_one = create_and_shift_ones(bitstring, k)  # create a bitarray of 1 and shift it left k times
    str_len = len(bitstring)  # this length doesn't include '0b'
    shifted_one_minus_one = bin(shifted_one.int - 1)[2:]  # subtract 1 from the shifted 1, so that all bits are 1s
    diff = len(bitstring) - len(shifted_one_minus_one)  # this much 0s are needed to make them of equal lenght
    equal_length_ones = BitArray('0b' + '0' * diff + shifted_one_minus_one)
    return equal_length_ones.__and__(bitstring)  # now we can perform the AND operation