class PassThrough(): """ Constructor for the PassThrough class. This contains the calculation of pass-through business income. All other components of pass-through taxation occur through Tax-Calculator. For now, a PassThrough object contains 6 different business entities: sole proprietorship, positive net income sole proprietorship, negative net income S corporation, positive net income S corporation, negative net income partnership, positive net income partnership, negative net income Therefore, the process for modeling the pass-through sector evolves in two stages. The first, like for the Corporation class, produces a single Asset object, Debt object and earnings for the pass-through sector. Once these are calculated, they are split between each of the 6 entities. The results from these will later be used by the Investor class to distribute the changes in business income to individuals in Tax-Calculator. The following functions apply to the sector as a whole: create_asset() create_earnings() create_debt() real_activity() """ def __init__(self, btax_params): # Store policy parameter objects if isinstance(btax_params, pd.DataFrame): self.btax_params = btax_params else: raise ValueError('btax_params must be DataFrame') # Create Data object = Data() # Create Asset object and calculate self.asset = Asset(self.btax_params, corp=False, self.asset.calc_all() # Create earnings forecast self.create_earnings() def create_earnings(self): """ Creates the initial forecast for earnings. Static only. """ # Get initial EBITDA for 2014, for those in net income positions sp_posinc2014 = np.array(['netinc'])[-1] part_posinc2014 = np.array(['netinc_total'])[-1] scorp_posinc2014 = np.array(['netinc_total'])[-1] # Get initial EBITDA for 2014, for those in net loss positions sp_neginc2014 = -np.array(['netloss'])[-1] part_neginc2014 = -np.array(['netloss_total'])[-1] scorp_neginc2014 = -np.array(['netloss_total'])[-1] # Get growth factor for noncorporate business income and apply it gfact_propinc = np.array(['propinc_nonfarm'])[1:] sp_posinc = sp_posinc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc part_posinc = part_posinc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc scorp_posinc = scorp_posinc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc sp_neginc = sp_neginc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc part_neginc = part_neginc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc scorp_neginc = scorp_neginc2014 / gfact_propinc[0] * gfact_propinc # Aggregate and save EBITDAs total_inc = (sp_posinc + sp_neginc + part_posinc + part_neginc + scorp_posinc + scorp_neginc) earnings_result = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028), 'total': total_inc, 'SchC_pos': sp_posinc, 'SchC_neg': sp_neginc, 'partner_pos': part_posinc, 'partner_neg': part_neginc, 'Scorp_pos': scorp_posinc, 'Scorp_neg': scorp_neginc}) self.earnings = earnings_result def create_debt(self): """ Creates the Debt object for the pass-through sector. Note: create_asset must have already been called """ self.debt = Debt(self.btax_params, self.asset.get_forecast(),, corp=False) self.debt.calc_all() def real_activity(self): """ Produces a DataFrame of the pass-through sector's real activity. Real measures are: Capital stock Investment Depreciation (economic) Debt Interest paid Earnings Net income Cash flow Note that unlike for a corporation, the final real activity measures (net income and cash flow) are pre-tax, as these would be passed to units in Tax-Calculator. """ real_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028), 'Earnings': self.earnings['total']}) real_results['Kstock'] = self.asset.get_forecast() real_results['Inv'] = self.asset.get_investment() real_results['Depr'] = self.asset.get_truedep() real_results['Debt'] = self.debt.get_debt() real_results['NIP'] = self.debt.get_nip() real_results['NetInc'] = real_results['Earnings'] - real_results['Depr'] - real_results['NIP'] real_results['CashFlow'] = real_results['Earnings'] - real_results['Inv'] self.real_results = real_results def calc_schC(self): """ Calculates net income for sole proprietorships """ SchC_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028)}) # Update earnings SchC_results['ebitda_pos'] = self.earnings['SchC_pos'] SchC_results['ebitda_neg'] = self.earnings['SchC_neg'] # Update tax depreciation SchC_results['dep_pos'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * SchC_results['dep_neg'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * # Update interest deduction SchC_results['intded_pos'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * SchC_results['intded_neg'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * # Update business net income SchC_results['netinc_pos'] = SchC_results['ebitda_pos'] - SchC_results['dep_pos'] - SchC_results['intded_pos'] SchC_results['netinc_neg'] = SchC_results['ebitda_neg'] - SchC_results['dep_neg'] - SchC_results['intded_neg'] self.SchC_results = SchC_results def calc_partner(self): """ Calculates net income for partnerships """ partner_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028)}) # Update earnings partner_results['ebitda_pos'] = self.earnings['partner_pos'] partner_results['ebitda_neg'] = self.earnings['partner_neg'] # Update tax depreciation partner_results['dep_pos'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * partner_results['dep_neg'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * # Update interest deduction partner_results['intded_pos'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * partner_results['intded_neg'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * # Update business net income partner_results['netinc_pos'] = partner_results['ebitda_pos'] - partner_results['dep_pos'] - partner_results['intded_pos'] partner_results['netinc_neg'] = partner_results['ebitda_neg'] - partner_results['dep_neg'] - partner_results['intded_neg'] self.partner_results = partner_results def calc_Scorp(self): """ Calculates net income for S corporations """ Scorp_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028)}) # Update earnings Scorp_results['ebitda_pos'] = self.earnings['Scorp_pos'] Scorp_results['ebitda_neg'] = self.earnings['Scorp_neg'] # Update tax depreciation Scorp_results['dep_pos'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * Scorp_results['dep_neg'] = (self.asset.get_taxdep() * # Update interest deduction Scorp_results['intded_pos'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * Scorp_results['intded_neg'] = (self.debt.get_nid() * # Update business net income Scorp_results['netinc_pos'] = Scorp_results['ebitda_pos'] - Scorp_results['dep_pos'] - Scorp_results['intded_pos'] Scorp_results['netinc_neg'] = Scorp_results['ebitda_neg'] - Scorp_results['dep_neg'] - Scorp_results['intded_neg'] self.Scorp_results = Scorp_results def calc_netinc(self): """ Runs all calculations for each entity and saves the net income results. """ self.calc_schC() self.calc_partner() self.calc_Scorp() netinc_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(2014,2028)}) netinc_results['SchC_pos'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_pos'] netinc_results['SchC_neg'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_neg'] netinc_results['partner_pos'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_pos'] netinc_results['partner_neg'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_neg'] netinc_results['Scorp_pos'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_pos'] netinc_results['Scorp_neg'] = self.SchC_results['netinc_neg'] self.netinc_results = netinc_results def calc_static(self): """ Runs the static calculations """ self.create_debt() self.real_activity() self.calc_netinc() def update_legal(self, responses): """ Updates the rescale_corp and rescale_noncorp associated with each Data associated with each object. """, responses.rescale_noncorp), responses.rescale_noncorp) def update_investment(self, responses): """ Updates the Asset object to include investment response. """ # First, save the capital stock by asset type and year (for earnings) self.old_capital_history = copy.deepcopy(self.asset.capital_history) self.asset.update_response(responses.investment_response) self.asset.calc_all() def update_earnings(self, responses): """ Recalculates earnings using the old capital stock by asset type, the new capital stock by asset type (based on the investment response), and the marginal product of capital. """ Kstock_base = copy.deepcopy(self.old_capital_history) Kstock_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.asset.capital_history) deltaK = Kstock_ref - Kstock_base changeEarnings = np.zeros((96, 14)) for j in range(14): # for each year mpk = np.array(responses.investment_response['MPKnc' + str(j + 2014)]) for i in range(96): # by asset changeEarnings[i,j] = deltaK[i,j] * mpk[i] * deltaE = np.zeros(14) for j in range(14): deltaE[j] = changeEarnings[:, j].sum() earnings_old = np.array(self.earnings['total']) ebitda_chgfactor = (earnings_old + deltaE) * / earnings_old keylist = list(self.earnings) for key in keylist: self.earnings[key] = self.earnings[key] * ebitda_chgfactor def update_debt(self, responses): """ Replaces the Debt object to use the new asset forecast and Data """ pctch_delta = np.array(responses.debt_response['pchDelta_corp']) self.debt = Debt(self.btax_params, self.asset.get_forecast(),, response=pctch_delta, corp=False) self.debt.calc_all() def apply_responses(self, responses): """ Updates Data, Asset, earnings, and Debt to include responses. """ assert isinstance(responses, Response) self.update_legal(responses) self.update_investment(responses) self.update_earnings(responses) self.update_debt(responses) self.real_activity() self.calc_netinc()
class Corporation(): """ Constructor for the Corporation class. This contains both the real and tax information relevant to the corporate income tax. """ def __init__(self, btax_params): # Store policy parameter objects if isinstance(btax_params, pd.DataFrame): self.btax_params = btax_params else: raise ValueError('btax_params must be DataFrame') # Create Data object = Data() # Create Asset object and calculate self.asset = Asset(self.btax_params, corp=True, self.asset.calc_all() # Create DomesticMNE object self.dmne = DomesticMNE(self.btax_params) self.dmne.calc_all() # Create earnings forecast self.create_earnings() def create_debt(self): """ Creates the Debt object for the Corporation. Note: create_asset must have already been called """ self.debt = Debt(self.btax_params, self.asset.get_forecast(),, corp=True) self.debt.calc_all() def create_earnings(self): """ Creates the initial forecast for earnings. Static only. """ # Grab forecasts of profit growth earnings_forecast = np.asarray(['profit']) gfacts = earnings_forecast[1:] / earnings_forecast[0] # 2013 values for non-modeled revenues taxitems = np.array(['ALL']) receipts = taxitems[4] * gfacts rent_inc = taxitems[7] * gfacts royalties = taxitems[8] * gfacts capgains = (taxitems[9] + taxitems[10] + taxitems[11] - taxitems[32]) * gfacts domestic_divs = taxitems[12] * gfacts other_recs = taxitems[14] * gfacts # 2013 values for non-modeled deductions and credits cogs = taxitems[16] * gfacts execcomp = taxitems[17] * gfacts wages = taxitems[18] * gfacts repairs = taxitems[19] * gfacts baddebt = taxitems[20] * gfacts rent_paid = taxitems[21] * gfacts statelocaltax = taxitems[22] * gfacts charity = taxitems[24] * gfacts amortization = taxitems[25] * gfacts depletion = taxitems[27] * gfacts advertising = taxitems[28] * gfacts pensions = taxitems[29] * gfacts benefits = taxitems[30] * gfacts sec199_base = taxitems[31] * gfacts other_ded = taxitems[33] * gfacts gbc = taxitems[42] * gfacts # Save unodeled tax items self.revenues = pd.DataFrame({ 'year': range(START_YEAR, END_YEAR + 1), 'receipts': receipts, 'rent': rent_inc, 'royalties': royalties, 'capgains': capgains, 'domestic_divs': domestic_divs, 'other': other_recs }) self.deductions = pd.DataFrame({ 'year': range(START_YEAR, END_YEAR + 1), 'cogs': cogs, 'execcomp': execcomp, 'wages': wages, 'repairs': repairs, 'baddebt': baddebt, 'rent': rent_paid, 'statelocaltax': statelocaltax, 'charity': charity, 'amortization': amortization, 'depletion': depletion, 'advertising': advertising, 'pensions': pensions, 'benefits': benefits, 'sec199share': sec199_base, 'other': other_ded }) self.credits = pd.DataFrame({ 'year': range(START_YEAR, END_YEAR + 1), 'gbc': gbc }) def file_taxes(self): """ Creates the CorpTaxReturn object. """ self.taxreturn = CorpTaxReturn(self.btax_params, self.revenues, self.deductions, self.credits, dmne=self.dmne,, assets=self.asset, debts=self.debt) self.taxreturn.calc_all() def real_activity(self): """ Produces a DataFrame of the corporation's real activity. Real measures are: Capital stock Investment Depreciation (economic) Net debt Net interest paid Earnings Tax liability Net income Cash flow """ real_results = pd.DataFrame({'year': range(START_YEAR, END_YEAR + 1)}) real_results['Earnings'] = ( self.revenues['receipts'] + self.revenues['rent'] + self.revenues['royalties'] + self.revenues['capgains'] + self.revenues['domestic_divs'] + self.revenues['other'] - self.deductions['cogs'] - self.deductions['execcomp'] - self.deductions['wages'] - self.deductions['repairs'] - self.deductions['baddebt'] - self.deductions['rent'] - self.deductions['charity'] - self.deductions['depletion'] - self.deductions['advertising'] - self.deductions['pensions'] - self.deductions['benefits'] - self.deductions['other'] + self.dmne.dmne_results['foreign_directinc'] + self.dmne.dmne_results['foreign_indirectinc']) real_results['Kstock'] = self.asset.get_forecast() real_results['Inv'] = self.asset.get_investment() real_results['Depr'] = self.asset.get_truedep() real_results['Debt'] = self.debt.get_debt() real_results['NIP'] = self.debt.get_nip() real_results['Tax'] = self.taxreturn.get_tax() real_results['NetInc'] = (real_results['Earnings'] - real_results['Depr'] - real_results['NIP'] - real_results['Tax'] - self.dmne.dmne_results['foreign_tax'] - self.deductions['statelocaltax']) real_results['CashFlow'] = (real_results['Earnings'] - real_results['Inv'] - real_results['Tax'] - self.dmne.dmne_results['foreign_tax'] - self.deductions['statelocaltax']) self.real_results = real_results def calc_static(self): """ Runs the static calculations. """ self.create_debt() self.file_taxes() self.real_activity() def update_legal(self, responses): """ Updates the rescale_corp and rescale_noncorp associated with each Data associated with each object. """, responses.rescale_noncorp), responses.rescale_noncorp) def update_investment(self, responses): """ Updates the Asset object to include investment response. """ # First, save the capital stock by asset type and year (for earnings) self.old_capital_history = copy.deepcopy(self.asset.capital_history) self.asset.update_response(responses.investment_response) self.asset.calc_all() def update_repatriation(self, responses): """ Updates the DomesticMNE object to include the repatriation response. Also updates profits to reflect this response. """ # First, save current foreign earnings self.dmne.update_profits(responses.repatriation_response, responses.shifting_response) self.dmne.calc_all() def update_earnings(self, responses): """ Recalculates earnings using the old capital stock by asset type, the new capital stock by asset type (based on the investment response), and the marginal product of capital. """ Kstock_base = copy.deepcopy(self.old_capital_history) Kstock_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.asset.capital_history) changeEarnings = np.zeros((95, NUM_YEARS)) for iyr in range(NUM_YEARS): # for each year ystr = str(iyr + START_YEAR) mpk = np.array(responses.investment_response['MPKc' + ystr]) for i in range(95): # by asset changeEarnings[i, iyr] = (Kstock_ref[ystr][i] - Kstock_base[ystr][i]) * mpk[i] deltaE = np.zeros(NUM_YEARS) for iyr in range(NUM_YEARS): deltaE[iyr] = changeEarnings[:, iyr].sum() # Update new earnings self.revenues['receipts'] = self.revenues['receipts'] + deltaE def update_debt(self, responses): """ Replaces the Debt object to use the new asset forecast and Data """ pctch_delta = np.array(responses.debt_response['pchDelta_corp']) self.debt = Debt(self.btax_params, self.asset.get_forecast(),, response=pctch_delta, corp=True) self.debt.calc_all() def apply_responses(self, responses): """ Updates Data, Asset, earnings, Debt and CorpTaxReturn to include responses. Then calc_all() for each object. """ assert isinstance(responses, Response) self.update_legal(responses) self.update_investment(responses) self.update_repatriation(responses) self.update_earnings(responses) self.update_debt(responses) self.file_taxes() self.real_activity() def get_netinc(self): """ Returns an array of the corporation's net income (after-tax). """ netinc = np.array(self.real_results['NetInc']) return netinc def get_taxrev(self): """ Returns an array of the corporation's tax liability. """ taxrev = np.array(self.real_results['Tax']) return taxrev