コード例 #1
def _current_source_location():
    """Return source location in current BUILD file"""
    from blade import build_manager  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    source_dir = Path(build_manager.instance.get_current_source_path())
    return source_location(os.path.join(str(source_dir), 'BUILD'))
コード例 #2
def glob(include, exclude=None, excludes=None, allow_empty=False):
    """This function can be called in BUILD to specify a set of files using patterns.
        include:List[str], file patterns to be matched.
        exclude:Optional[List[str]], file patterns to be removed from the result.
        allow_empty:bool: Whether a empty result is a error.

    Patterns may contain shell-like wildcards, such as * , ? , or [charset].
    Additionally, the path element '**' matches any subpath.
    from blade import build_manager  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
    source_dir = Path(build_manager.instance.get_current_source_path())
    source_loc = _current_source_location()
    include = var_to_list(include)
    severity = config.get_item('global_config', 'glob_error_severity')
    output = getattr(console, severity)
    if excludes:
        output('%s %s: "excludes" is deprecated, use "exclude" instead' %
               (source_loc, severity),
    exclude = var_to_list(exclude) + var_to_list(excludes)

    def includes_iterator():
        results = []
        for pattern in include:
            for path in source_dir.glob(pattern):
                if path.is_file() and not path.name.startswith('.'):

        return results

    def is_special(pattern):
        return '*' in pattern or '?' in pattern or '[' in pattern

    non_special_excludes = set()
    match_excludes = set()
    for pattern in exclude:
        if is_special(pattern):

    def exclusion(path):
        if str(path) in non_special_excludes:
            return True
        for pattern in match_excludes:
            ret = path.match(pattern)
            if ret:
                return True
        return False

    result = sorted({str(p) for p in includes_iterator() if not exclusion(p)})
    if not result and not allow_empty:
        args = repr(include)
        if exclude:
            args += ', exclude=%s' % repr(exclude)
            '%s %s: "glob(%s)" got an empty result. If it is the expected behavior, '
            'specify "allow_empty=True" to eliminate this message' %
            (source_loc, severity, args),

    return result
コード例 #3
def glob(include, exclude=None, excludes=None, allow_empty=False):
    """This function can be called in BUILD to specify a set of files using patterns.
        include:List(str), file patterns to be matched.
        exclude:List[str], file patterns to be removed from the result.
        allow_empty:bool: Whether a empty result is a error.

    Patterns may contain shell-like wildcards, such as * , ? , or [charset].
    Additionally, the path element '**' matches any subpath.
    from blade import build_manager
    source_dir = Path(build_manager.instance.get_current_source_path())

    include = var_to_list(include)
    if excludes:
            '//%s: "glob.excludes" is deprecated, use "exclude" instead' %
    exclude = var_to_list(exclude) + var_to_list(excludes)

    def includes_iterator():
        results = []
        for pattern in include:
            for path in source_dir.glob(pattern):
                if path.is_file() and not path.name.startswith('.'):

        return results

    def is_special(pattern):
        return '*' in pattern or '?' in pattern or '[' in pattern

    non_special_excludes = set()
    match_excludes = set()
    for pattern in exclude:
        if is_special(pattern):

    def exclusion(path):
        if str(path) in non_special_excludes:
            return True
        for pattern in match_excludes:
            ret = path.match(pattern)
            if ret:
                return True
        return False

    result = sorted(
        set([str(p) for p in includes_iterator() if not exclusion(p)]))
    if not result and not allow_empty:
        args = repr(include)
        if exclude:
            args += ', exclude=%s' % repr(exclude)
            '//%s: "glob(%s)" got an empty result. If it is the expected behavior, '
            'specify "allow_empty=True" to eliminate this error' %
            (source_dir, args))

    return result