コード例 #1
def passed_test(dtype, as_matrix, side, uplo, trans_a, diag):
    Run one triangular solve with multiple right-hand sides test.

        dtype:        either 'float64' or 'float32', the NumPy dtype to test
        as_matrix:    True to test a NumPy matrix, False to test a NumPy ndarray
        side:         BLASpy 'side' parameter to test
        uplo:         BLASpy 'uplo' parameter to test
        trans_a:      BLASpy 'trans_a' parameter to test
        diag:         BLASpy 'diag' parameter to test

        True if the expected result is within the margin of error of the actual result,
        False otherwise.

    side_is_left = side == 'l' or side == 'L'
    a_is_unit = diag == 'u' or diag == 'U'

    # generate random sizes for matrix dimensions
    m = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    n = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    dim_A = m if side_is_left else n

    # create random scalars and matrices to test
    alpha = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
    A = random_triangular_matrix(dim_A, dtype, as_matrix, uplo, diag='n')
    B = random_matrix(m, n, dtype, as_matrix)

    # scale off-diagonals to avoid numerical issues
    A /= dim_A
    B /= dim_A

    # fill diagonal with 1 if unit-triangular, else fill diagonal with values between 1 and 2
    if a_is_unit:
        fill_diagonal(A, 1)
        for i in range(dim_A):
            A[i, i] = uniform(1, 2)

    # compute the expected result
    expected = alpha * B

    #compute the actual result
    trsm(A, B, side, uplo, trans_a, diag, alpha)
    trmm(A, B, side, uplo, trans_a, diag)
    actual = B

    # compare the actual result to the expected result and return result of the test
    return allclose(actual, expected, RTOL, ATOL)
コード例 #2
def passed_test(dtype, as_matrix, uplo, side, trans_a, diag):
    Run one symmetric matrix-matrix multiplication test.

        dtype:        either 'float64' or 'float32', the NumPy dtype to test
        as_matrix:    True to test a NumPy matrix, False to test a NumPy ndarray
        uplo:         BLASpy 'uplo' parameter to test
        side:         BLASpy 'side' parameter to test
        trans_a:      BLASpy 'trans_a' parameter to test
        diag:         BLASpy 'diag' parameter to test

        True if the expected result is within the margin of error of the actual result,
        False otherwise.

    side_is_left = side == 'l' or side == 'L'
    transpose = trans_a == 't' or trans_a == 'T'

    # generate random sizes for matrix dimensions
    m = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    n = randint(N_MIN, N_MAX)
    k = m if side_is_left else n

    # create random scalars and matrices to test
    alpha = uniform(SCAL_MIN, SCAL_MAX)
    A = random_triangular_matrix(k, dtype, as_matrix, uplo, diag, trans_a)
    B = random_matrix((k if side_is_left else m), (n if side_is_left else k), dtype, as_matrix)

    # compute the expected result
    B_2 = alpha * (dot(A, B) if side_is_left else dot(B, A))

    # get the actual result
    trmm(A, B, side, uplo, trans_a, diag, alpha)

    # compare the actual result to the expected result and return result of the test
    return allclose(B, B_2, RTOL, ATOL)