コード例 #1
ファイル: test_fromiter.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
class FromIterMemory_int64array(FromiterTemplate, TestCase):
    ds = dshape('x, int64')
    count = 1000
    p = params(clevel=5)

    def gen(self):
        return (i for i in xrange(self.count))
コード例 #2
def run_test(args):
    T = Terminal

    x = T('x')
    y = T('y')
    z = T('z')
    w = T('w')
    a = T('a')
    b = T('b')
    vm = "python" if "python" in args else "numexpr"
    print "evaluating expression with '%s' vm..." % vm
    expr = (x+y).dot(a*z + b*w)

    print 'opening blaze arrays...'
    x_ = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[0])
    y_ = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[1])
    z_ = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[2])
    w_ = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[3])
    a_ = 2.0
    b_ = 2.0

    if 'in_memory' in args:
        print 'getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays...'
        params = blaze.params(clevel=0)
        t0 = time()
        x_ = blaze.array(x_[:], params=params)
        y_ = blaze.array(y_[:], params=params)
        z_ = blaze.array(z_[:], params=params)
        w_ = blaze.array(w_[:], params=params)
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'datashape is:', x_.datashape

    if 'print_expr' in args:
        print expr

    t_ce = time()
    expr_vars = {'x': x_, 'y': y_, 'z': z_, 'w': w_, 'a': a_, 'b': b_, }
    result_ce = expr.eval(expr_vars, params={'vm': vm})
    t_ce = time() - t_ce
    print "'%s' vm result is : %s in %.3f s" % (vm, result_ce, t_ce)
    # in numpy...
    print 'evaluating expression with numpy...'
    x_ = x_[:]
    y_ = y_[:]
    z_ = z_[:]
    w_ = w_[:]

    t_np = time()
    result_np = np.dot(x_+y_, a_*z_ + b_*w_)
    t_np = time() - t_np

    print 'numpy result is : %s in %.3f s' % (result_np, t_np)
コード例 #3
ファイル: persist_example.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def build_array(array_name, rows):
    if not os.path.exists(array_name):
        ds = 'x, float'

        p = params(clevel=5, storage=array_name)
        t = fromiter((0.1*i for i in xrange(rows)),
                     dshape=ds, params=p)
        t = open(array_name)

    return t
コード例 #4
ファイル: sliding_window.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
def sliding_window_blz(dirname, window_size):
    X = blz.open(dirname)
    if os.path.exists('result.blz'): shutil.rmtree('result.blz')
    filtered = blz.array([], dshape=X.datashape,
    starts = window_size * [0] + range(1, NROWS - window_size + 1)
    for i in range(NROWS):
        start = starts[i]
        partial = (X[start:i + 1]).mean()
    return filtered
コード例 #5
def test_simple_persistent_blob():
    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmppath = os.path.join(td, 'c')

    ds = blaze.dshape('x, blob')
    c = blaze.Array(["s1", "sss2"], ds, params=blaze.params(storage=tmppath))

    assert c[0] == "s1"
    assert c[1] == "sss2"

    # Remove everything under the temporary dir
コード例 #6
def build_array(array_name, rows):
    if not os.path.exists(array_name):
        ds = 'x, float'

        p = params(clevel=5, storage=array_name)
        t = fromiter((0.1*i for i in xrange(rows)),
                     dshape=ds, params=p)
        t = open(array_name)

    return t
コード例 #7
def run_test(in_memory, args):
    T = Terminal

    print 'opening blaze arrays...'
    x = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[0])
    y = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[1])
    z = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[2])
    w = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[3])
    shape, dtype = blaze.to_numpy(x.datashape)
    print "***nelements:", shape[0]

    if in_memory:
        print 'getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays...'
        params = blaze.params(clevel=9)
        t0 = time()
        x = blaze.array(x[:], params=params)
        y = blaze.array(y[:], params=params)
        z = blaze.array(z[:], params=params)
        w = blaze.array(w[:], params=params)
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'datashape is:', x.datashape

    print 'evaluating expression with blir...'
    expr = (T(x) + T(y)).dot(T(2.0) * T(z) + T(2.0) * T(w))

    if 'print_expr' in args:
        print expr.gen_blir()[1]

    t_ce = time()
    result_ce = chunked_eval(expr, chunk_size=50000)
    t_ce = time() - t_ce
    print 'blir chunked result is : %s in %f s' % (result_ce, t_ce)
    print '***blir time: %.3f' % t_ce

    # in numpy...
    t0 = time()
    x = x[:]
    y = y[:]
    z = z[:]
    w = w[:]
    print "conversion to numpy in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'evaluating expression with numpy...'
    t_np = time()
    result_np = np.dot(x + y, 2.0 * z + 2.0 * w)
    t_np = time() - t_np

    print 'numpy result is : %s in %f s' % (result_np, t_np)
    print '***numpy time: %.3f' % t_np

    print '**** %d, %.5f, %.5f' % (shape[0], t_ce, t_np)
コード例 #8
def run_test(in_memory, args):
    T = Terminal

    print "opening blaze arrays..."
    x = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[0])
    y = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[1])
    z = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[2])
    w = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[3])
    shape, dtype = blaze.to_numpy(x.datashape)
    print "***nelements:", shape[0]

    if in_memory:
        print "getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays..."
        params = blaze.params(clevel=9)
        t0 = time()
        x = blaze.array(x[:], params=params)
        y = blaze.array(y[:], params=params)
        z = blaze.array(z[:], params=params)
        w = blaze.array(w[:], params=params)
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print "datashape is:", x.datashape

    print "evaluating expression with blir..."
    expr = (T(x) + T(y)).dot(T(2.0) * T(z) + T(2.0) * T(w))

    if "print_expr" in args:
        print expr.gen_blir()[1]

    t_ce = time()
    result_ce = chunked_eval(expr, chunk_size=50000)
    t_ce = time() - t_ce
    print "blir chunked result is : %s in %f s" % (result_ce, t_ce)
    print "***blir time: %.3f" % t_ce

    # in numpy...
    t0 = time()
    x = x[:]
    y = y[:]
    z = z[:]
    w = w[:]
    print "conversion to numpy in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print "evaluating expression with numpy..."
    t_np = time()
    result_np = np.dot(x + y, 2.0 * z + 2.0 * w)
    t_np = time() - t_np

    print "numpy result is : %s in %f s" % (result_np, t_np)
    print "***numpy time: %.3f" % t_np

    print "**** %d, %.5f, %.5f" % (shape[0], t_ce, t_np)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_quickstart.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def test_simple_persistence():
    import tempfile, shutil, os.path
    import numpy as np
    from blaze import Array, dshape, params
    ds = dshape('2, 2, float64')
    data = np.zeros(4).reshape(2,2)
    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmppath = os.path.join(td, 'a')

    a = Array([1,2,3,4], ds, params=params(storage=tmppath))

    # Remove everything under the temporary dir
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_vlen.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
def test_simple_persistent_blob():
    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmppath = os.path.join(td, 'c')

    ds = blaze.dshape('x, blob')
    c = blaze.Array(["s1", "sss2"], ds,

    assert c[0] == "s1"
    assert c[1] == "sss2"

    # Remove everything under the temporary dir
コード例 #11
ファイル: sliding_window.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def sliding_window_blz(dirname, window_size):
    X = blz.open(dirname)
    if os.path.exists('result.blz'): shutil.rmtree('result.blz')
    filtered = blz.array([],
    starts = window_size * [0] + range(1, NROWS - window_size + 1)
    for i in range(NROWS):
        start = starts[i]
        partial = (X[start:i + 1]).mean()
    return filtered
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_vlen.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
def test_object_persistent_blob():
    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmppath = os.path.join(td, 'c')

    ds = blaze.dshape('x, blob')
    c = blaze.Array([(i, str(i*.2)) for i in range(10)], ds,

    for i, v in enumerate(c):
        assert v[0] == i
        assert v[1] == str(i*.2)

    # Remove everything under the temporary dir
コード例 #13
def test_object_persistent_blob():
    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmppath = os.path.join(td, 'c')

    ds = blaze.dshape('x, blob')
    c = blaze.Array([(i, str(i * .2)) for i in range(10)],

    for i, v in enumerate(c):
        assert v[0] == i
        assert v[1] == str(i * .2)

    # Remove everything under the temporary dir
コード例 #14
def test_perserve():
    shape = (3, 4)
    arr = np.ones(shape)

    dshape = "%s,%s, float64" % (shape[0], shape[1])
    path = "p.blz"
    if os.path.exists(path):
    bparams = blz.params(storage=path)
    barray = blz.Array(arr, dshape, params=bparams)
    print "barray:", repr(barray)

    barray2 = blz.open(path)
    print "barray2:", repr(barray2)

    assert (str(barray.datashape) == str(barray2.datashape))
コード例 #15
def test_perserve():
    shape = (3,4)
    arr = np.ones(shape)

    dshape = "%s,%s, float64" % (shape[0], shape[1])
    path = "p.blz"
    if os.path.exists(path):
    bparams = blz.params(storage=path)
    barray = blz.Array(arr, dshape, params=bparams)
    print "barray:", repr(barray)

    barray2 = blz.open(path)
    print "barray2:", repr(barray2)

    assert(str(barray.datashape) == str(barray2.datashape))
コード例 #16
ファイル: persist_example.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def build_table(table_name, rows):
    """build the table to use in our example.

    if already built just open it"""
    if not os.path.exists(table_name):
        ds = 'x, {i: int64; f: float64}'
        p = params(clevel=5, storage=table_name)
        t = Table([], dshape=ds, params=p)
        for i in xrange(rows):
            t.append((i, random()))

        t = open(table_name)

    return t
コード例 #17
def build_table(table_name, rows):
    """build the table to use in our example.

    if already built just open it"""
    if not os.path.exists(table_name):
        ds = 'x, {i: int64; f: float64}'
        p = params(clevel=5, storage=table_name)
        t = Table([], dshape=ds, params=p)
        for i in xrange(rows):
            t.append((i, random()))

        t = open(table_name)

    return t
コード例 #18
ファイル: chunked_dot.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
def run_test(args):
    T = Terminal

    print 'opening blaze arrays...'
    x = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[0])
    y = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[1])
    z = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[2])
    w = blaze.open(_persistent_array_names[3])

    if 'in_memory' in args:
        print 'getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays...'
        params = blaze.params(clevel=9)
        t0 = time()
        x = blaze.array(x, params=params)
        y = blaze.array(y, params=params)
        z = blaze.array(z, params=params)
        w = blaze.array(w, params=params)
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'datashape is:', x.datashape

    print 'evaluating expression with blir...'
    expr = (T(x)+T(y)).dot(T(2.0)*T(z) + T(2.0)*T(w))

    if 'print_expr' in args:
        print expr.gen_blir()[1]

    t_ce = time()
    result_ce = chunked_eval(expr, chunk_size=50000)
    t_ce = time() - t_ce
    print 'blir chunked result is : %s in %f s' % (result_ce, t_ce)

    # in numpy...
    t0 = time()
    x = x[:]
    y = y[:]
    z = z[:]
    w = w[:]
    print "Conversion to numpy in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'evaluating expression with numpy...'
    t_np = time()
    result_np = np.dot(x+y, 2.0*z + 2.0*w)
    t_np = time() - t_np

    print 'numpy result is : %s in %f s' % (result_np, t_np)
コード例 #19
def test_getitem_nd_persistent():
    import tempfile, shutil, os.path

    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    path = os.path.join(td, 'test.blz')

    # write
    bparams = params(storage=path, clevel=6)
    nd = ndarr()
    barray = Array(nd, params=bparams)

    # read
    arr = open(path)
    data = arr[:]

    assert np.all(data == nd)

コード例 #20
def test_getitem_nd_persistent():
    import tempfile, shutil, os.path

    td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    path = os.path.join(td, 'test.blz')

    # write
    bparams = params(storage=path, clevel=6)
    nd = ndarr()
    barray = Array(nd, params=bparams)

    # read
    arr = open(path)
    data = arr[:]

    assert np.all(data == nd)

コード例 #21
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def test_simple():
    if not os.path.exists('./noaa_data'):
        p = params(clevel=5, storage='./noaa_data')

        t = Table([], dshape='{f0: int, f1:int, f2:int, f3:float}', params=p)

        # TODO: chunkwise copy
        t = open('ctable://noaa_data')

    print '--------------------------------------'
    print 'mean', mean(t, 'f3')
    print 'std', std(t, 'f2')
    print '--------------------------------------'

    qs1 = select(t, lambda x: x > 80000, 'f0')
    qs2 = select2(t, lambda x, y: x > y, ['f0', 'f1'])

    result = t[qs1]
コード例 #22
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
def test_simple():
    if not os.path.exists('./noaa_data'):
        p = params(clevel=5, storage='./noaa_data')

        t = Table([], dshape='{f0: int, f1:int, f2:int, f3:float}', params=p)

        # TODO: chunkwise copy
        t = open('ctable://noaa_data')

    print '--------------------------------------'
    print 'mean', mean(t, 'f3')
    print 'std', std(t, 'f2')
    print '--------------------------------------'

    qs1 = select(t, lambda x: x > 80000, 'f0')
    qs2 = select2(t, lambda x,y: x > y, ['f0', 'f1'])

    result = t[qs1]
コード例 #23
def make_expression(in_memory=False):
    T = Terminal

    expr = (T('x')+T('y')).dot(T('a')*T('z') + T('b')*T('w'))
    print 'opening blaze arrays...'
    arrays = map(blaze.open, _persistent_array_names)

    if (in_memory):
        print 'getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays...'
        t0 = time()
        params = blaze.params(clevel=9)
        arrays = [blaze.array(array, params=params) for array in arrays]
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'datashape is:', arrays[0].datashape

    return expr, { 'x': arrays[0], 
                   'y': arrays[1], 
                   'z': arrays[2], 
                   'w': arrays[3], 
                   'a': 2.0, 
                   'b': 2.0 }
コード例 #24
ファイル: chunked_dot.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def make_expression(in_memory=False):
    T = Terminal

    expr = (T('x') + T('y')).dot(T('a') * T('z') + T('b') * T('w'))
    print 'opening blaze arrays...'
    arrays = map(blaze.open, _persistent_array_names)

    if (in_memory):
        print 'getting an in-memory version of blaze arrays...'
        t0 = time()
        params = blaze.params(clevel=9)
        arrays = [blaze.array(array, params=params) for array in arrays]
        print "conversion to blaze in-memory: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

    print 'datashape is:', arrays[0].datashape

    return expr, {
        'x': arrays[0],
        'y': arrays[1],
        'z': arrays[2],
        'w': arrays[3],
        'a': 2.0,
        'b': 2.0
コード例 #25
ファイル: ucrmain.py プロジェクト: atbrox/blaze
def convert(filetxt, storage):
    import os.path
    if not os.path.exists(storage):
コード例 #26
ファイル: sliding_window.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
    if os.path.exists('result.blz'): shutil.rmtree('result.blz')
    filtered = blz.array([], dshape=X.datashape,
    starts = window_size * [0] + range(1, NROWS - window_size + 1)
    for i in range(NROWS):
        start = starts[i]
        partial = (X[start:i + 1]).mean()
    return filtered

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X = np.random.normal(0, 1, NROWS)
    #X = np.linspace(0, 1, NROWS)

    start = time.time()
    result_numpy = sliding_window_numpy(X, WINDOW_SIZE)
    if timing: print 'numpy', time.time() - start

    if os.path.exists('Xp.blz'): shutil.rmtree('Xp.blz')
    Xp = blz.array(X, params=blz.params(storage='Xp.blz'))

    start = time.time()
    result_blaze = sliding_window_blz('Xp.blz', WINDOW_SIZE)
    if timing: print 'blaze', time.time() - start

    print "numpy result", result_numpy
    print "blaze result", result_blaze
    print "allclose?", np.allclose(result_numpy, result_blaze[:])
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_quickstart.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def test_ones():
    from blaze import ones, params

    a = ones('10, float64', params=params(clevel=5))
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_quickstart.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def test_fromiter():
    from blaze import fromiter, params

    a = fromiter(xrange(10), 'x, float64', params=params(clevel=5))
コード例 #29
ファイル: ucrmain.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def convert(filetxt, storage):
    import os.path
    if not os.path.exists(storage):
        blaze.Array(np.loadtxt(filetxt), params=blaze.params(storage=storage))
コード例 #30
ファイル: sliding_window.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
    filtered = blz.array([],
    starts = window_size * [0] + range(1, NROWS - window_size + 1)
    for i in range(NROWS):
        start = starts[i]
        partial = (X[start:i + 1]).mean()
    return filtered

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X = np.random.normal(0, 1, NROWS)
    #X = np.linspace(0, 1, NROWS)

    start = time.time()
    result_numpy = sliding_window_numpy(X, WINDOW_SIZE)
    if timing: print 'numpy', time.time() - start

    if os.path.exists('Xp.blz'): shutil.rmtree('Xp.blz')
    Xp = blz.array(X, params=blz.params(storage='Xp.blz'))

    start = time.time()
    result_blaze = sliding_window_blz('Xp.blz', WINDOW_SIZE)
    if timing: print 'blaze', time.time() - start

    print "numpy result", result_numpy
    print "blaze result", result_blaze
    print "allclose?", np.allclose(result_numpy, result_blaze[:])
コード例 #31
def _create_persistent_array(name, n, clevel=9):
    print 'creating ' + name + '...'
    blaze.array(n, params=blaze.params(storage=name, clevel=clevel))
コード例 #32
ファイル: bench-vlen.py プロジェクト: c-mori/blaze-core
import shutil
Benchmark that compares the storing of objects in both Blaze and PyTables

from time import time
import blaze
import tables

N = 500

if os.path.exists('c'):

t0 = time()
c = blaze.Array([], 'x, object', params=blaze.params(storage='c', clevel=5))

for i in xrange(N):
print "time taken for writing in Blaze: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

t0 = time()
c2 = blaze.open('c')
#c2 = c
#print c2.datashape

tlen = 0
for i in range(N):
    #print "i:", i, repr(c2[i]), type(c2[i])
    tlen += len(c2[i][()])
コード例 #33
def _create_persistent_array(name, n, clevel=9):
    print "creating " + name + "..."
    blaze.array(n, params=blaze.params(storage=name, clevel=clevel))
コード例 #34
ファイル: bench-vlen.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
import shutil
Benchmark that compares the storing of objects in both Blaze and PyTables

from time import time
import blaze
import tables

N = 500

if os.path.exists('c'):

t0 = time()
c = blaze.Array([], 'x, object', params=blaze.params(storage='c', clevel=5))

for i in xrange(N):
    c.append(u"s" * N * i)
print "time taken for writing in Blaze: %.3f" % (time() - t0)

t0 = time()
c2 = blaze.open('c')
#c2 = c
#print c2.datashape

tlen = 0
for i in range(N):
    #print "i:", i, repr(c2[i]), type(c2[i])
    tlen += len(c2[i][()])
コード例 #35
def _create_persistent_array(name, dshape):
    print 'creating ' + name + '...'
    blaze.ones(dshape, params=blaze.params(storage=name, clevel=0))
コード例 #36
ファイル: chunked_dot.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def _create_persistent_array(name, dshape):
    print 'creating ' + name + '...'
    blaze.ones(dshape, params=blaze.params(storage=name, clevel=0))
コード例 #37
import os, shutil, math
from time import time
import blaze as blz
from blaze.ts.ucr_dtw import ucr
import numpy as np

NROWS = int(1e6)
NPERIODS = int(1e4)
timing = True

t0 = time()
# Create a large time series dataset:
if os.path.exists('ts.blz'): shutil.rmtree('ts.blz')
ts = blz.array([], 'x, float64', params=blz.params(storage='ts.blz'))
for i in range(NPERIODS):
    # Proceed to fill the empty array in chunks
    x = np.linspace(i*math.pi, (i+1)*math.pi, CS)

# Create a dataset to query
if os.path.exists('query.blz'): shutil.rmtree('query.blz')
xq = np.linspace(3*math.pi, 4*math.pi, CS)
query = blz.array(xq*np.sin(xq), params=blz.params(storage='query.blz'))
if os.path.exists('query2.blz'): shutil.rmtree('query2.blz')
n = np.random.randn(query.size)*.1  # introduce some noise
query2 = blz.array(xq*np.sin(xq)+n, params=blz.params(storage='query2.blz'))
if timing: print "Total Blaze arrays create time :", round(time()-t0, 4)
コード例 #38
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: atbrox/blaze
# Script for benchmarking OOC matrix matrix multiplication (only 2D supported)

import shutil, os.path
from time import time
import blaze

from linalg import dot

# Remove pre-existent data directories
for d in ('a', 'b', 'out'):
    if os.path.exists(d):

# Create simple inputs
t0 = time()
a = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 2000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix a creation : ", round(time()-t0, 3)
t0 = time()
b = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 3000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix b creation : ", round(time()-t0, 3)

# Do the dot product
t0 = time()
out = dot(a, b, outname='out')
print "Time for ooc matmul : ", round(time()-t0, 3)
print "out:", out
コード例 #39
ファイル: linalg.py プロジェクト: renjiec/blaze-core
def dot(a, b, out=None, outname='out'):
    Matrix multiplication of two 2-D arrays.

    a : array
        First argument.
    b : array
        Second argument.
    out : array, optional
        Output argument. This must have the exact kind that would be
        returned if it was not used. In particular, it must have the
        right type, must be C-contiguous, and its dtype must be the
        dtype that would be returned for `dot(a,b)`. This is a
        performance feature. Therefore, if these conditions are not
        met, an exception is raised, instead of attempting to be
    outname : str, optional
       If provided this will be the name for the output matrix storage.
       This parameter is only used when `out` is not provided.

    output : array
        Returns the dot product of `a` and `b`.  If `a` and `b` are
        both scalars or both 1-D arrays then a scalar is returned;
        otherwise an array is returned.
        If `out` is given, then it is returned.

        If the last dimension of `a` is not the same size as the
        second-to-last dimension of `b`.

    a_shape = tuple(i.val for i in a.datashape.parameters[:-1])
    b_shape = tuple(i.val for i in b.datashape.parameters[:-1])

    if len(a_shape) != 2 or len(b_shape) != 2:
        raise (ValueError, "only 2-D matrices supported")

    if a_shape[1] != b_shape[0]:
        raise (ValueError,
               "last dimension of `a` does not match first dimension of `b`")

    l, m, n = a_shape[0], a_shape[1], b_shape[1]

    if out:
        out_shape = tuple(i.val for i in out.datashape.parameters[:-1])
        if out_shape != (l, n):
            raise (ValueError, "`out` array does not have the correct shape")
        parms = blaze.params(clevel=5, storage=outname)
        a_dtype = a.datashape.parameters[-1].to_dtype()
        dshape = blaze.dshape('%d, %d, %s' % (l, n, a_dtype))
        out = blaze.zeros(dshape, parms)

    # Compute a good block size
    out_dtype = out.datashape.parameters[-1].to_dtype()
    bl = math.sqrt(OOC_BUFFER_SIZE / out_dtype.itemsize)
    bl = 2**int(math.log(bl, 2))
    for i in range(0, l, bl):
        for j in range(0, n, bl):
            for k in range(0, m, bl):
                a0 = a[i:min(i+bl, l), k:min(k+bl, m)]
                b0 = b[k:min(k+bl, m), j:min(j+bl, n)]
                out[i:i+bl, j:j+bl] += np.dot(a0, b0)

    return out
コード例 #40
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: garfee/blaze
# Script for benchmarking OOC matrix matrix multiplication (only 2D supported)

import shutil, os.path
from time import time
import blaze

from linalg import dot

# Remove pre-existent data directories
for d in ('a', 'b', 'out'):
    if os.path.exists(d):

# Create simple inputs
t0 = time()
a = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 2000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix a creation : ", round(time() - t0, 3)
t0 = time()
b = blaze.ones(blaze.dshape('2000, 3000, float64'),
print "Time for matrix b creation : ", round(time() - t0, 3)

# Do the dot product
t0 = time()
out = dot(a, b, outname='out')
print "Time for ooc matmul : ", round(time() - t0, 3)
print "out:", out