コード例 #1
    def _make_raw_circus_npy(self):
        emap = self._emap
        file_dir = self._rec_dir
        all_data = None
        for i, row in emap.iterrows():
            el = row['Electrode']
            trace = h5io.get_raw_trace(file_dir, el, emap)

            if trace is None:
                raise ValueError('Unable to obtain data trace for electrode %i' % el)

            if all_data is None:
                all_data = trace
                all_data = np.vstack((all_data, trace))

        np.save(self._data_file, all_data)
コード例 #2
def blech_clust_process(electrode_num, file_dir, params):

    print('Clustering electrode %i...' % electrode_num)
    # Check if the directories for this electrode number exist - if they do, delete
    # them (existence of the directories indicates a job restart on the cluster, so
    # restart afresh), and make the directories
    fig_folders = [os.path.join('Plots',str(electrode_num)),
                   os.path.join('spike_waveforms','electrode%i' % electrode_num),
                   os.path.join('spike_times','electrode%i' % electrode_num),
                   os.path.join('clustering_results','electrode%i' % electrode_num)]

    for x in fig_folders:
        tmp_path = os.path.join(file_dir, x)
        if os.path.isdir(tmp_path):


    # Get the names of all files in the current directory, and find the .params and hdf5 (.h5) file
    file_list = os.listdir(file_dir)
    h5_file = h5io.get_h5_filename(file_dir)

    # Assign the parameters to variables
    max_clusters = params['clustering_params']['Max Number of Clusters']
    num_iter = params['clustering_params']['Max Number of Iterations']
    thresh = params['clustering_params']['Convergence Criterion']
    num_restarts = params['clustering_params']['GMM random restarts']
    voltage_cutoff = params['data_params']['V_cutoff for disconnected headstage']
    max_breach_rate = params['data_params']['Max rate of cutoff breach per second']
    max_secs_above_cutoff = params['data_params']['Max allowed seconds with a breach']
    max_mean_breach_rate_persec = params['data_params']['Max allowed breaches per second']
    wf_amplitude_sd_cutoff = params['data_params']['Intra-cluster waveform amp SD cutoff']
    bandpass_lower_cutoff = params['bandpass_params']['Lower freq cutoff']
    bandpass_upper_cutoff = params['bandpass_params']['Upper freq cutoff']
    spike_snapshot_before = params['spike_snapshot']['Time before spike (ms)']
    spike_snapshot_after = params['spike_snapshot']['Time after spike (ms)']
    sampling_rate = params['sampling_rate']
    data_quality = params['data_quality']

    # Open up hdf5 file, and load this electrode number
    # Check if referenced data exists, if not grab raw
    raw_el = h5io.get_referenced_trace(file_dir, electrode_num)
    if raw_el is None:
        raw_el = h5io.get_raw_trace(file_dir, electrode_num)

    if raw_el is None:
        raise KeyError('Neither /raw/electrode{0} nor /referenced/electrode{0} found in {1}'. \

    # High bandpass filter the raw electrode recordings
    filt_el = clust.get_filtered_electrode(raw_el, freq = [bandpass_lower_cutoff, bandpass_upper_cutoff], sampling_rate = sampling_rate)

    # Delete raw electrode recording from memory
    del raw_el

    # Calculate the 3 voltage parameters
    breach_rate = float(len(np.where(filt_el>voltage_cutoff)[0])*int(sampling_rate))/len(filt_el)
    test_el = np.reshape(filt_el[:int(sampling_rate)*int(len(filt_el)/sampling_rate)], (-1, int(sampling_rate)))
    breaches_per_sec = [len(np.where(test_el[i] > voltage_cutoff)[0]) for i in range(len(test_el))]
    breaches_per_sec = np.array(breaches_per_sec)
    secs_above_cutoff = len(np.where(breaches_per_sec > 0)[0])
    if secs_above_cutoff == 0:
        mean_breach_rate_persec = 0
        mean_breach_rate_persec = np.mean(breaches_per_sec[np.where(breaches_per_sec > 0)[0]])

    # And if they all exceed the cutoffs, assume that the headstage fell off mid-experiment
    recording_cutoff = int(len(filt_el)/sampling_rate)
    if breach_rate >= max_breach_rate and secs_above_cutoff >= max_secs_above_cutoff and mean_breach_rate_persec >= max_mean_breach_rate_persec:
        # Find the first 1 second epoch where the number of cutoff breaches is higher than the maximum allowed mean breach rate 
        recording_cutoff = np.where(breaches_per_sec > max_mean_breach_rate_persec)[0][0]

    # Dump a plot showing where the recording was cut off at
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.plot(np.arange(test_el.shape[0]), np.mean(test_el, axis = 1))
    plt.plot((recording_cutoff, recording_cutoff), (np.min(np.mean(test_el, axis = 1)), np.max(np.mean(test_el, axis = 1))), 'k-', linewidth = 4.0)
    plt.xlabel('Recording time (secs)', fontsize=18)
    plt.ylabel('Average voltage recorded\nper sec (microvolts)', fontsize=18)
    plt.title('Recording cutoff time\n(indicated by the black horizontal line)', fontsize=18)
    save_file = os.path.join(file_dir,'Plots',str(electrode_num),'Plots','cutoff_time.png')
    fig.savefig(save_file, bbox_inches='tight')

    # Then cut the recording accordingly
    filt_el = filt_el[:recording_cutoff*int(sampling_rate)]
    if len(filt_el)==0:
        print('Immediate Cutoff for electrode %i...exiting' % electrode_num)
        return electrode_num, 0, recording_cutoff

    # Slice waveforms out of the filtered electrode recordings
    slices, spike_times = clust.extract_waveforms(filt_el, spike_snapshot = [spike_snapshot_before, spike_snapshot_after], sampling_rate = sampling_rate)
    if len(slices)==0:
        print('No spikes found for electrode %i...exiting' % electrode_num)
        return electrode_num, 0, recording_cutoff

    # Delete filtered electrode from memory
    del filt_el, test_el

    # Dejitter these spike waveforms, and get their maximum amplitudes
    slices_dejittered, times_dejittered = clust.dejitter(slices, spike_times, spike_snapshot = [spike_snapshot_before, spike_snapshot_after], sampling_rate = sampling_rate)
        amplitudes = np.min(slices_dejittered, axis = 1)
        # This error triggers if slices dejittered have different lengths and thus cannot cast into 2D numpy array
        # Has been fixed in slices dejittered to throw out spikes whose minimum is
        # too close to the end of the waveform to get a full snapshot, happens only
        # for a few spikes since extract waveforms should make properly sized
        # waveforms around min, but not always
        print('Electrode %i slices_dejittered error: Dejitter shape %s & slices shape %s' % (electrode_num,str(slices_dejittered.shape),str(slices.shape)))
        return electrode_num, -1, recording_cutoff

    # Delete the original slices and times now that dejittering is complete
    del slices; del spike_times

    wave_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'spike_waveforms', 'electrode%i' % electrode_num)
    time_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'spike_times', 'electrode%i' % electrode_num)
    plot_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'Plots', '%i' % electrode_num, 'Plots')
    clust_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'clustering_results', 'electrode%i' % electrode_num)
    # Save these slices/spike waveforms and their times to their respective folders
    np.save(os.path.join(wave_dir, 'spike_waveforms.npy'), slices_dejittered)
    np.save(os.path.join(time_dir, 'spike_times.npy'), times_dejittered)

    # Scale the dejittered slices by the energy of the waveforms
    scaled_slices, energy = clust.scale_waveforms(slices_dejittered)

    # Run PCA on the scaled waveforms
    pca_slices, explained_variance_ratio = clust.implement_pca(scaled_slices)

    # Save the pca_slices, energy and amplitudes to the spike_waveforms folder for this electrode
    np.save(os.path.join(wave_dir, 'pca_waveforms.npy'), pca_slices)
    np.save(os.path.join(wave_dir, 'energy.npy'), energy)
    np.save(os.path.join(wave_dir, 'spike_amplitudes.npy'), amplitudes)

    # Create file for saving plots, and plot explained variance ratios of the PCA
    fig = plt.figure()
    x = np.arange(len(explained_variance_ratio))
    plt.plot(x, explained_variance_ratio)
    plt.title('Variance ratios explained by PCs',fontsize=26)
    plt.xlabel('PC #',fontsize=24)
    plt.ylabel('Explained variance ratio',fontsize=24)
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'pca_variance.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

    # Make an array of the data to be used for clustering, and delete pca_slices, scaled_slices, energy and amplitudes
    # Use trough to prior peak slope and the first 3 PCs
    n_pc = 3
    data = np.zeros((len(pca_slices), n_pc + 3))
    data[:,3:] = pca_slices[:,:n_pc]
    data[:,0] = energy[:]/np.max(energy)
    data[:,1] = np.abs(amplitudes)/np.max(np.abs(amplitudes))
    del pca_slices; del scaled_slices; del energy

    # Get slopes
    for i, wave in enumerate(slices_dejittered):
        peaks = find_peaks(wave)[0]
        minima = np.argmin(wave)
        if not any(peaks < minima):
            maxima = np.argmax(wave[:minima])
            maxima = max(peaks[np.where(peaks < minima)[0]])

        data[i,2] = (wave[minima]-wave[maxima])/(minima-maxima)

    # Run GMM, from 2 to max_clusters
    for i in range(max_clusters-1):
            model, predictions, bic = clust.clusterGMM(data, n_clusters = i+2, n_iter = num_iter, restarts = num_restarts, threshold = thresh)
            #print "Clustering didn't work - solution with %i clusters most likely didn't converge" % (i+2)

        # Sometimes large amplitude noise waveforms cluster with the spike waveforms because the amplitude has been factored out of the scaled slices.   
        # Run through the clusters and find the waveforms that are more than wf_amplitude_sd_cutoff larger than the cluster mean. Set predictions = -1 at these points so that they aren't picked up by blech_post_process
        for cluster in range(i+2):
            cluster_points = np.where(predictions[:] == cluster)[0]
            this_cluster = predictions[cluster_points]
            cluster_amplitudes = amplitudes[cluster_points]
            cluster_amplitude_mean = np.mean(cluster_amplitudes)
            cluster_amplitude_sd = np.std(cluster_amplitudes)
            reject_wf = np.where(cluster_amplitudes <= cluster_amplitude_mean - wf_amplitude_sd_cutoff*cluster_amplitude_sd)[0]
            this_cluster[reject_wf] = -1
            predictions[cluster_points] = this_cluster

        # Make folder for results of i+2 clusters, and store results there
        tmp_clust_dir = os.path.join(clust_dir, 'clusters%i' % (i+2))
        np.save(os.path.join(tmp_clust_dir, 'predictions.npy'), predictions)
        np.save(os.path.join(tmp_clust_dir, 'bic.npy'), bic)

        # Plot the graphs, for this set of clusters, in the directory made for this electrode
        tmp_plot_dir = os.path.join(plot_dir, '%i_clusters' % (i+2))
        colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, i+2))

        for feature1 in range(len(data[0])):
            for feature2 in range(len(data[0])):
                if feature1 < feature2:
                    fig = plt.figure()
                    plt_names = []
                    for cluster in range(i+2):
                        plot_data = np.where(predictions[:] == cluster)[0]
                        plt_names.append(plt.scatter(data[plot_data, feature1], data[plot_data, feature2], color = colors[cluster], s = 0.8))
                    plt.xlabel("Feature %i" % feature1)
                    plt.ylabel("Feature %i" % feature2)
                    # Produce figure legend
                    plt.legend(tuple(plt_names), tuple("Cluster %i" % cluster for cluster in range(i+2)), scatterpoints = 1, loc = 'lower left', ncol = 3, fontsize = 8)
                    plt.title("%i clusters" % (i+2))
                    fig.savefig(os.path.join(tmp_plot_dir, 'feature%ivs%i.png' % (feature2, feature1)))

        for cluster in range(i+2):
            fig = plt.figure()
            cluster_points = np.where(predictions[:] == cluster)[0]
            for other_cluster in range(i+2):
                mahalanobis_dist = []
                other_cluster_mean = model.means_[other_cluster, :]
                other_cluster_covar_I = linalg.inv(model.covariances_[other_cluster, :, :])
                for points in cluster_points:
                     mahalanobis_dist.append(mahalanobis(data[points, :], other_cluster_mean, other_cluster_covar_I))
                # Plot histogram of Mahalanobis distances
                bincenters = 0.5*(binEdges[1:] + binEdges[:-1])
                plt.plot(bincenters, y, label = 'Dist from cluster %i' % other_cluster)    
            plt.xlabel('Mahalanobis distance')
            plt.legend(loc = 'upper right', fontsize = 8)
            plt.title('Mahalanobis distance of Cluster %i from all other clusters' % cluster, fontsize=24)
            fig.savefig(os.path.join(tmp_plot_dir, 'Mahalonobis_cluster%i.png' % cluster))
        # Create file, and plot spike waveforms for the different clusters. Plot 10 times downsampled dejittered/smoothed waveforms.
        # Additionally plot the ISI distribution of each cluster 
        tmp_plot_dir = os.path.join(plot_dir, '%i_clusters_waveforms_ISIs' % (i+2))
        for cluster in range(i+2):
            cluster_points = np.where(predictions[:] == cluster)[0]
            if cluster_points.shape[0] == 0:
                print('No cluster points for %s: electrode %i, cluster %i' 
                      % (os.path.basename(file_dir), electrode_num, cluster))

            fig, ax = blech_waveforms_datashader.waveforms_datashader(slices_dejittered[cluster_points, :], dir_name = "datashader_temp_el%i" % electrode_num)
            ax.set_xlabel('Sample ({:d} samples per ms)'.format(int(sampling_rate/1000)), fontsize=20)
            ax.set_ylabel('Voltage (microvolts)', fontsize=20)
            ax.set_title('Cluster%i' % cluster, fontsize=26)
            fig.savefig(os.path.join(tmp_plot_dir, 'Cluster%i_waveforms' % cluster))
            fig = plt.figure()
            cluster_times = times_dejittered[cluster_points]
            ISIs = np.ediff1d(np.sort(cluster_times))
            ISIs = ISIs/(sampling_rate/1000)
                plt.hist(ISIs, bins = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, np.max(ISIs)])
                print('Electrode %i clustering %i has no ISIs: %s' % (electrode_num,cluster,str(ISIs.shape)))
                return electrode_num, -1, recording_cutoff

            plt.xlim([0.0, 10.0])
            plt.title("2ms ISI violations = %.1f percent (%i/%i)" %((float(len(np.where(ISIs < 2.0)[0]))/float(len(cluster_times)))*100.0, len(np.where(ISIs < 2.0)[0]), len(cluster_times)) + '\n' + "1ms ISI violations = %.1f percent (%i/%i)" %((float(len(np.where(ISIs < 1.0)[0]))/float(len(cluster_times)))*100.0, len(np.where(ISIs < 1.0)[0]), len(cluster_times)), fontsize=16)
            fig.savefig(os.path.join(tmp_plot_dir, 'Cluster%i_ISIs' % cluster))

    # Make file for dumping info about memory usage
    f = open(os.path.join(file_dir, 'memory_monitor_clustering', '%i.txt' % electrode_num), 'w')
    print(mm.memory_usage_resource(), file=f)
    print('Finished clustering electrode %i' % electrode_num)
    return electrode_num, 1, recording_cutoff