def test_invalid_files(): from import open_file # script should error-out if file does not exist with pytest.raises(IOError): open_file(here + 'file_does_not_exist.h5') # script should error-out if file is not a # valid blimpy data file with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): open_file(here + '/')
def test_file_wrapper_open_h5_file(): from import open_file h5r = open_file(voyager_h5) # check all if branches h5r.populate_timestamps(update_header=False) h5r.populate_timestamps(update_header=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): h5r.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300), -1) # testing to make sure all internal functions are already used h5r._setup_selection_range(f_start=3, f_stop=4, t_stop=3, t_start=4) h5r._setup_selection_range() h5r._init_empty_selection() # perform reading again and we make sure that # the user-facing functions survive h5r.populate_freqs() # just arbitrary values h5r.calc_n_blobs(300) h5r.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300)) h5r.calc_n_coarse_chan() h5r.calc_n_coarse_chan(1)
def test_file_wrapper_open_fil_file(): from import open_file filr = open_file(voyager_fil) #print('voyager_fil header:') #filr.read_header() filr.calc_n_blobs(300) filr.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300))
def h5_to_xarray(self, path, out='arr', f_start=None, f_stop=None, max_load=1., out_dir=None, in_blimpy=False, waterfall_obj=None): """Converts h5 file to an xarray DataArray""" if in_blimpy and waterfall_obj is not None: container = waterfall_obj.container #container = path.container else: container = fw.open_file(path, f_start=f_start, f_stop=f_stop, max_load=max_load) snr_data = np.asarray( [array for array in [data[0] for data in]]) #snr_data = np.asarray([data[0] for data in]) timestamps = container.populate_timestamps() frequencies = container.populate_freqs() header = container.header if not in_blimpy: del header['DIMENSION_LABELS'] header['n_ints_in_file'] = container.selection_shape[0] dataset = xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(snr=(['time', 'freq'], snr_data), ), coords=dict( frequency=(['freq'], frequencies), time=timestamps, ), attrs=header) if out_dir is not None: dataset.to_netcdf(out_dir, format='NETCDF4') data_array = xr.DataArray( #data=dict( # snr=(['time','freq'], snr_data), # ), snr_data, coords=[timestamps, frequencies], dims=['time', 'freq'], attrs=header) #coords=dict( # frequency=(['freq'], frequencies), # time=timestamps, # ), #attrs=header #) if out == 'dataset': return dataset else: return data_array
def test_file_wrapper_open_file(): from import open_file open_file(voyager_h5) open_file(voyager_fil) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): open_file(here + '/')
def test_file_wrapper_open_h5_file(): from import open_file h5r = open_file(voyager_h5) 'check all if branches' h5r.populate_timestamps(update_header=False) h5r.populate_timestamps(update_header=True) # we are missing at least one if-body with pytest.raises(ValueError): h5r.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300), -1) 'testing to make sure all internal functions' 'are already used' # h5r._setup_selection_range(init=False) # h5r._setup_selection_range(init=True) 'h5r.t_begin = 0' 'h5r.t_end = 4' h5r._setup_selection_range(f_start=3, f_stop=4, t_stop=3, t_start=4) h5r._setup_selection_range() #h5r._setup_selection_range() h5r._init_empty_selection() # h5r._setup_dtype() # we will definitely want data files with different dtypes # h5r._calc_selection_size() # h5r._calc_selection_shape() # h5r._setup_chans() # many unused if branches #h5r._setup_freqs() 'Now that I have fiddled with all of these internal' 'functions, the true test will be to perform reading again' 'and we make sure that the user-facing functions survive' h5r.populate_freqs() # we want to test both if cases, # but I am working with an outdated version # that mandates bytestrings #h5r.isheavy() 'These values do not express any understanding' 'of real-world use cases for the code.' h5r.calc_n_blobs(300) h5r.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300)) #h5r.read_data() h5r.calc_n_coarse_chan() h5r.calc_n_coarse_chan(1)
def __init__(self, filename=None, f_start=None, f_stop=None, t_start=None, t_stop=None, load_data=True, max_load=1., header_dict=None, data_array=None): """ Class for loading and plotting blimpy data. This class parses the blimpy file and stores the header and data as objects: fb = Waterfall('filename_here.fil') fb.header # blimpy header, as a dictionary # blimpy data, as a numpy array Args: filename (str): filename of blimpy file. f_start (float): start frequency in MHz f_stop (float): stop frequency in MHz t_start (int): start integration ID t_stop (int): stop integration ID load_data (bool): load data. If set to False, only header will be read. max_load (float): maximum data to load in GB. Default: 1GB. e.g. 0.1 is 100 MB header_dict (dict): Create blimpy from header dictionary + data array data_array (np.array): Create blimpy from header dict + data array """ ##EE super(Waterfall, self).__init__() if filename: self.filename = filename self.ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower() self.container = fw.open_file(filename, f_start=f_start, f_stop=f_stop, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, load_data=load_data, max_load=max_load) self.file_header = self.container.header self.header = self.file_header self.n_ints_in_file = self.container.n_ints_in_file self.file_shape = self.container.file_shape self.file_size_bytes = self.container.file_size_bytes self.selection_shape = self.container.selection_shape self.n_channels_in_file = self.container.n_channels_in_file # These values will be modified once code for multi_beam and multi_stokes observations are possible. self.freq_axis = 2 self.time_axis = 0 self.beam_axis = 1 # Place holder self.stokes_axis = 4 # Place holder self.logger = logger self.__load_data() elif header_dict is not None and data_array is not None: self.filename = '' self.header = header_dict = data_array self.n_ints_in_file = 0 self._setup_freqs() else: self.filename = '' # Attach methods self.plot_spectrum = six.create_bound_method(plot_spectrum, self) self.plot_waterfall = six.create_bound_method(plot_waterfall, self) self.plot_kurtosis = six.create_bound_method(plot_kurtosis, self) self.plot_time_series = six.create_bound_method(plot_time_series, self) self.plot_all = six.create_bound_method(plot_all, self) self.plot_spectrum_min_max = six.create_bound_method( plot_spectrum_min_max, self)
def test_file_wrapper_open_fil_file(): from import open_file filr = open_file(voyager_fil) filr.calc_n_blobs(300) filr.read_blob((300, 300, 300, 300))