コード例 #1
    def create_instance(self, report_id, instance_id, rows, footer, expire):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        expire = now + timedelta(seconds=expire)

        # Check if the instance already exists
        metas = self.conn.execute('''
            select expires_ts from %s
            where report_id = ? and instance_id = ?
        ''' % self.METADATA_TABLE, (report_id, instance_id))
        for meta in metas:
            if meta[0] > now:
                raise caches.InstanceExistsError('Instance already cached.')

        # Build the table for this instance (will not exist for zero rows)
        table_name = '%s_%s' % (report_id, instance_id)
        self.conn.execute('drop table if exists %s' % table_name)
            first_row = rows.next()
        except StopIteration:
            columns = ', '.join(sorted(first_row.keys()))
            self.conn.execute('create table %s (%s)' % (table_name, columns))
            for column in first_row.keys():
                    create index ix_%s_%s on %s (%s)
                ''' % (table_name, column, table_name, column))

            # Insert the rows into the table
            for row in itertools.chain([first_row], rows):
                columns, values = zip(*row.items())
                columns = ','.join(columns)
                inserts = ','.join(['?' for value in values])
                    insert into %s (%s) values (%s)
                ''' % (table_name, columns, inserts), map(encode, values))

        # Create the metadata row for the instance
            insert or replace into %s
            (report_id, instance_id, created_ts, expires_ts, footer)
            values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
        ''' % self.METADATA_TABLE, (report_id, instance_id, now, expire, encode(footer() or {})))
コード例 #2
ファイル: redis_cache.py プロジェクト: jpulec/blingalytics
    def create_instance(self, report_id, instance_id, rows, footer, expire):
        keys = set()
        table_name = '%s:%s' % (report_id, instance_id)

        # Really simple lock on writing to the table
        # NOTE: Cannot use expire on the table lock because until Redis 2.1.3
        # any write operation (even setnx on an existing key) causes the key
        # to be deleted so setnx returns true, even on existing keys, if they
        # have an expire set.
        if not self.conn.setnx('%s:_lock:' % table_name, 'lock'):
            raise caches.InstanceLockError('Instance already locked')

        # Check if table already created, or set the timestamp
        if self.conn.exists('%s:' % table_name):
            # Release lock and raise an error
            self.conn.delete('%s:_lock:' % table_name)
            raise caches.InstanceExistsError('Instance already cached')
        self.conn['%s:' % table_name] = encode(datetime.utcnow())
        keys.add('%s:' % table_name)

        # Pipeline the insert operations for speed
        p = self.conn.pipeline(False)

        for row_id, row in enumerate(rows):
            p.hmset('%s:%s' % (table_name, row_id), encode_dict(row))
            keys.add('%s:%s' % (table_name, row_id))
            p.sadd('%s:ids:' % table_name, row_id)
            keys.add('%s:ids:' % table_name)

            # Index the row
            key = '%s:index:%s:' % (table_name, row_id)
            data = {}
            for name, value in row.iteritems():
                t = type(value)
                if t is unicode:
                    data[name] = value.encode('utf-8')
                elif t is Decimal:
                    data[name] = float(value)
                elif t in (int, float, long, str):
                    data[name] = value
                elif t is type(None):
                    data[name] = REDIS_MAX_INT  # For sorting
                    data[name] = str(value)
            p.hmset(key, data)

        # Table footer
        if footer:
            footer_row = encode_dict(footer() or {})
            p.hmset('%s:footer:' % table_name, footer_row)
            keys.add('%s:footer:' % table_name)

        # mark that the table is done.
        p.set('%s:_done:' % table_name, 'done')
        keys.add('%s:_done:' % table_name)

        # Table expiration.
        if expire:
            for key in keys:
                p.expire(key, expire)

        # Release the table lock
        p.delete('%s:_lock:' % table_name)
コード例 #3
ファイル: redis_cache.py プロジェクト: ChowNow/blingalytics
    def create_instance(self, report_id, instance_id, rows, footer, expire):
        keys = set()
        table_name = '%s:%s' % (report_id, instance_id)

        # Really simple lock on writing to the table
        # NOTE: Cannot use expire on the table lock because until Redis 2.1.3
        # any write operation (even setnx on an existing key) causes the key
        # to be deleted so setnx returns true, even on existing keys, if they
        # have an expire set.
        if not self.conn.setnx('%s:_lock:' % table_name, 'lock'):
            raise caches.InstanceLockError('Instance already locked')

        # Check if table already created, or set the timestamp
        if self.conn.exists('%s:' % table_name):
            # Release lock and raise an error
            self.conn.delete('%s:_lock:' % table_name)
            raise caches.InstanceExistsError('Instance already cached')
        self.conn['%s:' % table_name] = encode(datetime.utcnow())
        keys.add('%s:' % table_name)

        # Pipeline the insert operations for speed
            p = self.conn.pipeline(False)

            for row_id, row in enumerate(rows):
                p.hmset('%s:%s' % (table_name, row_id), encode_dict(row))
                keys.add('%s:%s' % (table_name, row_id))
                p.sadd('%s:ids:' % table_name, row_id)
                keys.add('%s:ids:' % table_name)

                # Index the row
                key = '%s:index:%s:' % (table_name, row_id)
                data = {}
                for name, value in row.iteritems():
                    t = type(value)
                    if t is unicode:
                        data[name] = value.encode('utf-8')
                    elif t is Decimal:
                        data[name] = float(value)
                    elif t in (int, float, long, str):
                        data[name] = value
                        data[name] = str(value)
                p.hmset(key, data)

            # Table footer
            if footer:
                footer_row = encode_dict(footer() or {})
                p.hmset('%s:footer:' % table_name, footer_row)
                keys.add('%s:footer:' % table_name)

            # mark that the table is done.
            p.set('%s:_done:' % table_name, 'done')
            keys.add('%s:_done:' % table_name)

            # Table expiration.
            if expire:
                for key in keys:
                    p.expire(key, expire)

            # Release the table lock
            p.delete('%s:_lock:' % table_name)
                # failed to actually run the report, so cleanup initial cache data.
                self.conn.delete('%s:_lock:' % table_name)
                self.conn.delete('%s:' % table_name)
                # don't set a redis error mask the original exception