コード例 #1
def get_index_from_region(coorRegion, imageRegion, coorCCRegion, suffix):
    bdResult = {}
    index1 = []
    index2 = []
    bdResult = bd_rec(imageRegion, client, imgForm=suffix, api='accurate')
    if "words_result" not in bdResult:
        print("BaiDu recognized error, exit...")
    if len(bdResult["words_result"]) == 0:
        return index1, index2

    words = []
    for j, w in enumerate(bdResult["words_result"]):
        words.append((j, dic2length(w["location"])))

    graphs = []
    for j, c in enumerate(coorCCRegion):
        if c[2] > heightOfLine * 3 or c[3] > heightOfLine * 1.5:
            # if c[2] > heightOfLine*0.5 or c[3] > heightOfLine*0.5:

    for w in words:
        flag = False
        for g in graphs:
            g = expand_box(g)
            if is_within(w[1], g):
                flag = True
        if not flag:
    return index1, index2
コード例 #2
def get_index_from_region(coorRegion, imageRegion, coorCCRegion, suffix):
    """Gets index from region.

        coorRegion: Coordinate of region.
        imageRegion: The image data of region.
        coorCCRegion: The coordinate of connected components in region.
        suffix: Image name's suffix.

        Index out graph and Index in graph.
    bdResult = {}
    index1 = []
    index2 = []
    bdResult = bd_rec(imageRegion, client, imgForm=suffix, api='accurate')
    if "words_result" not in bdResult:
        print("BaiDu recognized error, exit...")
    if len(bdResult["words_result"]) == 0:
        return index1, index2

    words = []
    for j, w in enumerate(bdResult["words_result"]):
        words.append((j, dic2length(w["location"])))

    graphs = []
    for j, c in enumerate(coorCCRegion):
        if c[2] > heightOfLine * 3 or c[3] > heightOfLine * 1.5:
            # if c[2] > heightOfLine*0.5 or c[3] > heightOfLine*0.5:

    for w in words:
        flag = False
        for g in graphs:
            g = expand_box(g)
            if is_within(w[1], g):
                flag = True
        if not flag:
    return index1, index2
コード例 #3
def get_items_v02(region, image, coorCC, name):
    """Gets items from regions.

        region: The coordinate of region.
        image: Image data.
        coorCC: The coordinate of connected components.
        name: Image name.

        A dictionary of result.
    result = {}
    result["paper_name"] = name
    result["questions"] = []
    itemDir = os.path.join(desDir, os.path.splitext(name)[0])
    suffix = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
    if os.path.exists(itemDir):
        # os.removedirs(itemDir)

    for i, r in enumerate(region):
        question = {}
        r = (r[0], int(r[1] - heightOfLine * 0.2), r[2], r[3])
        if r[2] - r[0] < 15 or r[3] - r[1] < 15:
        imageRegion = image[r[1]:r[3], r[0]:r[2]]
        coorCCRegion = [
            coor for coor in coorCC if is_within(coor, coor2length(r))
        coorCCRegion = [(c[0] - r[0], c[1] - r[1], c[2], c[3])
                        for c in coorCCRegion]
        # question = get_items_from_region(r, imageRegion, coorCCRegion, itemDir, suffix, idGraph)
        index1, index2 = get_index_from_region(r, imageRegion, coorCCRegion,
        question["index_out_graph"] = index1
        question["index_in_graph"] = index2
        savePath = os.path.join(itemDir, str(i) + '.png')
        question["question_image"] = savePath
        cv2.imwrite(savePath, imageRegion)
    return result
コード例 #4
def get_items_v02(region, image, coorCC, name):
    result = {}
    result["paper_name"] = name
    result["questions"] = []
    itemDir = os.path.join(desDir, os.path.splitext(name)[0])
    suffix = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
    if os.path.exists(itemDir):
        # os.removedirs(itemDir)

    # idxCC = index.Index()
    # for j,c in enumerate(coorCC):
    #     idxCC.insert(j, length2coor(c))

    for i, r in enumerate(region):
        question = {}
        r = (r[0], int(r[1] - heightOfLine * 0.2), r[2], r[3])
        if r[2] - r[0] < 15 or r[3] - r[1] < 15:
        imageRegion = image[r[1]:r[3], r[0]:r[2]]
        coorCCRegion = [
            coor for coor in coorCC if is_within(coor, coor2length(r))
        coorCCRegion = [(c[0] - r[0], c[1] - r[1], c[2], c[3])
                        for c in coorCCRegion]
        # question = get_items_from_region(r, imageRegion, coorCCRegion, itemDir, suffix, idGraph)
        index1, index2 = get_index_from_region(r, imageRegion, coorCCRegion,
        question["index_out_graph"] = index1
        question["index_in_graph"] = index2
        savePath = os.path.join(itemDir, str(i) + '.png')
        question["question_image"] = savePath
        cv2.imwrite(savePath, imageRegion)
    return result
コード例 #5
def get_items_from_region(coorRegion, imageRegion, coorCCRegion, itemDir,
                          suffix, idGraph):

        coorRegion: The coordinate of region.
        imageRegion: The image of region.
        coorCCRegion: The coordinate of CC in region.
        suffix: Image form suffix.
        idGraph: The id of graph in paper.

        A dic of question result.

    xiaoti = {}
    bdResult = {}
    bdResult = bd_rec(imageRegion, client, imgForm=suffix, api='accurate')
    title = ''
    if "words_result" in bdResult and len(
            bdResult["words_result"]) > 0:  #结果返回错误处理
        title = bdResult["words_result"][0]["words"]
    # i = 0
    # if "words_result" in bdResult:
    #     while i < len(bdResult["words_result"]) and \
    #         not title.endswith(('。', '?', ')')):
    #         title += bdResult["words_result"][i]["words"]
    #         i += 1

    xiaoti["title"] = title
    xiaoti["location"] = coor2dic(coorRegion)
    xiaoti["content"] = []

    if is_special(title):
        locationOfTitle = bdResult["words_result"][0]["location"]
        boxOfGraph = (10, dic2coor(locationOfTitle)[3] + 10,
                      coorRegion[2] - coorRegion[0] - 10,
                      coorRegion[3] - coorRegion[1] - 10)
        itemText = {}
        itemText["id"] = 0
        itemText["location"] = locationOfTitle
        itemText["type"] = "text"
        itemText["value"] = title

        itemGraph = {}
        itemPath = os.path.join(itemDir, str(idGraph) + '.png')
            itemPath, imageRegion[boxOfGraph[1]:boxOfGraph[3],
        itemGraph["id"] = 1
        itemGraph["location"] = coor2dic(boxOfGraph)
        itemGraph["type"] = "graph"
        itemGraph["value"] = itemPath
        return xiaoti

    wordBoxes = []
    if "words_result" in bdResult:
        for j, w in enumerate(bdResult["words_result"]):
            wordBoxes.append((j, dic2length(w["location"])))

    graphBoxes = []

    for j, b in wordBoxes:
        # print(j,b)
        b = expand_box(b)
        coorCCRegion = [c for c in coorCCRegion if not is_within(c, b)]

    n = 0
    for j, c in enumerate(coorCCRegion):
        # if c[2] > heightOfLine*3 or c[3] > heightOfLine*1.5:
        if c[2] > heightOfLine * 0.5 or c[3] > heightOfLine * 0.5:
            graphBoxes.append((n, c))
            n += 1
            c = expand_box(c)
            wordBoxes = [it for it in wordBoxes if not is_within(it[1], c)]

    mixBoxes = []
    for j, w in enumerate(wordBoxes.copy()):
        if w[1][2] > len(
                bdResult["words_result"][w[0]]["words"]) * heightOfLine * 1.5:
            del (wordBoxes[j - len(mixBoxes)])
            mixBoxes.append((n, w[1]))
            n += 1

    # Fuses image
    graphBoxes += mixBoxes
    idxWords = index.Index()
    for j, b in enumerate(wordBoxes):
        if b[1][2] < heightOfLine * 5:
            idxWords.insert(b[0], length2coor(b[1]))
    wordBoxes = [b for b in wordBoxes if b[1][2] >= heightOfLine * 5]

    count = 0
    idDeleted = []
    for j, b in graphBoxes.copy():
        bEx = expand_box(b)
        items = list(idxWords.intersection(length2coor(bEx), objects=True))
        if len(items) > 0:
            boxes = [num2int(i.bbox) for i in items] + [length2coor(b)]
            box = fuse_box(boxes)
            for i, it in enumerate(items):
                # del(wordBoxes[it.id-i-len(idDeleted)])
                idxWords.delete(it.id, it.bbox)
            del (graphBoxes[j - count])
            count += 1
            graphBoxes.append((n, box))
            n += 1
    if len(idxWords.leaves()[0][1]) > 0:
        wordItems = list(
            idxWords.intersection(idxWords.get_bounds(), objects=True))
        wordBoxes += [(i.id, coor2length(num2int(i.bbox))) for i in wordItems]

    idxGraphs = index.Index()
    for j, b in enumerate(graphBoxes):
        idxGraphs.insert(j, length2coor(b[1]))

    count = 0
    for j, b in enumerate(graphBoxes.copy()):
        bEx = expand_box(b[1])
        items = list(idxGraphs.intersection(length2coor(bEx), objects=True))
        if len(items) > 0:
            boxes = [num2int(i.bbox) for i in items] + [length2coor(b[1])]
            box = fuse_box(boxes)
            for i, it in enumerate(items):
                # if it.id-i not in range(0, len(graphBoxes)):
                #     print(it.id-i)
                #     print(graphBoxes)
                #     continue
                idxGraphs.delete(it.id, it.bbox)
            idxGraphs.insert(len(graphBoxes) + count, length2coor(box))
            count += 1
            # graphBoxes.append((n, box))
            # n += 1
    # print(idxGraphs.get_bounds())
    # print(idxGraphs.leaves())
    # exit(0)
    if len(graphBoxes) > 0:
        graphItems = list(
            idxGraphs.intersection(idxGraphs.get_bounds(), objects=True))
        graphBoxes = [(i.id, coor2length(num2int(i.bbox))) for i in graphItems]

    for j, b in graphBoxes:
        bEx = expand_box(b)
        wordBoxes = [
            it for it in wordBoxes
            if not is_within(it[1], bEx) and it[1][3] < it[1][2] * 1.5

    items = [(it, 0) for it in wordBoxes] + [(it, 1) for it in graphBoxes]
    idxItems = index.Index()
    for i, it in enumerate(items):
        idxItems.insert(it[0][0], length2coor(it[0][1]), obj=it[1])

    count = 0
    # flag = False
    while True:
        tempItems = []
        for it in items:
            itemInter = list(
                idxItems.intersection(length2coor(it[0][1]), objects=True))
            if len(itemInter) > 1:
                boxes = [num2int(i.bbox) for i in itemInter]
                box = fuse_box(boxes)
                for it1 in itemInter:
                    idxItems.delete(it1.id, it1.bbox)
                idxItems.insert(len(items) + count, length2coor(box), obj=1)
                count += 1
                itemExs = list(
                    idxItems.intersection(idxItems.get_bounds(), objects=True))
                tempItems = [((i.id, coor2length(num2int(i.bbox))), i.object)
                             for i in itemExs]
        if len(tempItems) > 0:
            items = tempItems.copy()
            itemExs = list(
                idxItems.intersection(idxItems.get_bounds(), objects=True))
            items = [((i.id, coor2length(num2int(i.bbox))), i.object)
                     for i in itemExs]

    # Sort

    g = 0
    for j, it in enumerate(items):
        c = length2coor(it[0][1])
        item = {}
        item["id"] = j
        item["location"] = coor2dic(c)
        if it[1] == 0:
            item["type"] = "text"
            words = bdResult["words_result"][it[0][0]]["words"]
            item["value"] = words
        elif it[1] == 1:
            item["type"] = "graph"
            itemPath = os.path.join(itemDir, str(idGraph + g) + '.png')
            cv2.imwrite(itemPath, imageRegion[c[1]:c[3], c[0]:c[2]])
            item["value"] = itemPath
            g += 1
    return xiaoti