コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, server_name):

        self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(server_name, FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
        self.joint_cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher("/gripper/command", Float64)

        self.joint_positions = []
        self.names = ["joint1",

        blocks = get_blocks()
        block = blocks[0]

        # the list of xyz points we want to plan
        xy_positions = [
                block[2][0] + (block[0][0] - block[2][0]) / 2,
                block[3][1] + (block[1][1] - block[3][1]) / 2

        # findAngle q4
        t1 = findAngle(block[0], block[1])
        t2 = findAngle(block[1], block[2])
        theta = t1 if t1 < t2 else t2

        # Transformation
        xyz_newpositions = []

        for pos in xy_positions:
            xyz_newpositions.append(transformation(pos[0], pos[1]))

        # initial duration
        dur = rospy.Duration(1)

        # construct a list of joint positions by calling invkin for each xyz point
        for p in xyz_newpositions:
            joint_positions = invkin(p, theta)
            jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=joint_positions, velocities=[0.5] * self.N_JOINTS, time_from_start=dur)
            dur += rospy.Duration(2)

        self.jt = JointTrajectory(joint_names=self.names, points=self.joint_positions)
        self.goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory=self.jt, goal_time_tolerance=dur + rospy.Duration(2))