コード例 #1
def optimize(rgb, debug=False):    

    im = rgb.mean(2).astype('u1')
    size = im.shape[::-1]
    mask = table_calibration.make_mask(config.bg['boundpts'])
    d = DividingLine(im, mask)

    def error(x):
        theta, dist = x
        line = middle_offset(theta, dist, size)
        s =  1./(d.score(line, debug) + 1e-5)
        if debug:
            imshow(d.debug * d.image)
        return s

    for iteration in xrange(5):
        initial = (np.random.rand()*2*pi, (2*np.random.rand()-1)*100)
        r, score, _, _, _ = scipy.optimize.fmin(error, initial, 
                                                full_output=True, disp=False)
        # This threshold is based on empirical observations. Might change.
        if score < 0.02: break
        print 'Failed %d times' % iteration
        raise ValueError

    line = middle_offset(r[0], r[1], size)
    line = np.array(line) / line[2]
    res = d.traverse(line)

    # Scale the line so that a positive dot product indicates the point is
    # on the 'bright' side of the line
    if res['p1'] / res['p0'] < res['n1'] / res['n0']:
        line *= -1
    return line
コード例 #2
def finish_calibration(calib):
    mask = table_calibration.make_mask(config.bg['boundpts'])

    # Construct the homography from the camera to the XZ plane
    Hi = np.dot(config.bg['Ktable'], config.bg['KK'])
    Hi = np.linalg.inv(Hi)
    Hi = Hi[(0,1,3),:][:,(0,2,3)]

    L_table = []
    L_image = []
    for i, (L, rgb, depth) in enumerate(calib):
        Li = optimize(rgb)
    L_table, L_image = map(np.array, (L_table, L_image))

    # We need to solve for M.

    #  P_image = Hi * M * P_table
    #  L_table * P_table = 0 when P_table is on L.
    #  L_image * P_image = 0 when P_image is on L.

    # So,
    #  L_image = L_table * np.linalg.inv(Hi * M)
    #  L_table = L_image * Hi * M
    # At this point, we could solve by constructing an Ax = 0 and
    # computing SVD (also known as the DLT method)

    # But since we know we're only looking for rigid transformations,
    # we can solve for rotation and translation separately.

    # To solve for rotation, lets look at the vanishing points.
    normalize2 = lambda x: x / np.sqrt((x[:2]**2).sum())

    V_table = np.array([normalize2(x[:2]) for x in L_table])
    V_image = np.array([normalize2(x[:2]) for x in np.dot(L_image, Hi)])

    V = np.dot(V_table.T, V_image)
    assert V.shape == (2,2)

    u,s,v = np.linalg.svd(V)
    R = np.dot(v,u.T)
    within_eps = lambda a, b: np.all(np.abs(a-b) < 1e-2)
    assert within_eps(np.dot(R, V_table.T), V_image.T)

    R_ = np.eye(3)
    R_[:2,:2] = R

    # Now we need to solve for the two translation parameters.
    # First lets normalize the lines so that the C's are the same.

    L_i = np.array(map(normalize2, np.dot(L_image, np.dot(Hi, R_))))
    L_t = np.array(map(normalize2, np.dot(L_table, np.eye(3))))

    A = L_i[:,:2]
    b = L_t[:,2] - L_i[:,2]

    x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)

    R_ = R_.T
    R_[:2,2] = -x.T
    R_ = np.linalg.inv(R_)

    L_final = np.array(map(normalize2, np.dot(L_image, np.dot(Hi, R_))))
    L_gold = np.array(map(normalize2, L_table))
    assert within_eps(L_final, L_gold)

    M = np.eye(4)
    M[0,(0,2,3)] = R_[0,:]
    M[2,(0,2,3)] = R_[1,:]

    # If we've made it this far, then we can patch up the config
    print M
    config.bg['Ktable'] = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(M), config.bg['Ktable']).astype('f')

    return M