コード例 #1
def valid_placement(board, block, surface_coords):
    width, height = len(block.value[0]), len(block.value)
    results = []

    #need to consider multiple positions to left
    for rotation_index in range(4):
        for offset_x in range(width)[::-1]:
            test_block = Block.copy_block(block)
            test_block.x = surface_coords[0] - offset_x
            test_block.y = surface_coords[1] - height

            #True if any of the blocks are above starting_row
            above_starting_row = any([y < 0 for x, y in test_block.get_coords()])

            #sometimes blocks will be above
            while above_starting_row:
                test_block.y += 1
                above_starting_row = any([y < 0 for x, y in test_block.get_coords()])

            coords = valid_placement_helper(board, test_block)

            if coords:

    return results
コード例 #2
def drop_helper(board, block):
    if block == None:
        return False
    #we first test to see if there will be a collision if block moves down
    test_block = Block.copy_block(block)
    test_block.y += 1

    return not detect_collisions(board, test_block)
コード例 #3
    def rotate(self):
        if self.game_running:

            test_block = Block.copy_block(self.block)

            #try to rotate right

            #if there is no collision detected, rotate actual block
            if not detect_collisions(self.board, test_block):
コード例 #4
    def move(self, amt):
        if self.game_running:
            #we first test to see if there will be a collision if block moves down
            #by using a test_block
            test_block = Block.copy_block(self.block)
            test_block.x += amt

            #checks that ensure block does not go out of screen
            if test_block.x < test_block.buffer[0]:
                self.block.x = self.block.buffer[0]

            elif test_block.x > cols - test_block.length + test_block.buffer[1]:
                self.block.x = cols - self.block.length + self.block.buffer[1]

            #if there is a collision, then apply the movement to actual block
            if not detect_collisions(self.board, test_block):
                self.block.x += amt
コード例 #5
def valid_placement(board, block, surface_coords):
    width, height = len(block.value[0]), len(block.value)
    results = []

    #need to consider multiple positions to left
    for rotation_index in range(4):
        for offset_x in range(width)[::-1]:
            test_block = Block.copy_block(block)
            test_block.x = surface_coords[0] - offset_x
            test_block.y = surface_coords[1] - height

            coords = valid_placement_helper(board, test_block)

            if coords:

    return results