コード例 #1
ファイル: pulllongbc.py プロジェクト: sebczech/oursql
def test(testfilter):
    global datadir1
    global datadir2
    _lib.StartTestGroup("Run node with 30 blocks and test import from second node")
    inf = blocksnodes.MakeBlockchainWithBlocks('30000')
    datadir = inf[0]
    address1 = inf[1]
    address1_2 = inf[2]
    address1_3 = inf[3]
    for x in range(5, 31):
        _lib.StartTestGroup("Create block #"+str(x))
        for y in range(0, x-1):
        txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir)
        _lib.FatalAssert(len(txlist) == x-1,"Should be "+str(x-1)+" unapproved transaction")
        blockchash = _blocks.MintBlock(datadir,address1)
        blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, x)
        _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == x,"Should be "+str(x)+" blocks on server 1")
    #_node.StartNodeInteractive(datadir, address1,'30000', "Server 1")
    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address1,'30000', "Server 1")
    datadir1 = datadir
    d = pullsync.StartNodeAndImport('30001', '30000', "Server 2", 0, "_2_", "xxx.com" )
    datadir2 = d[0]
    address2 = d[1]
    blocks = _blocks.GetBlocks(datadir2)
    # wait when all 30 bocks are on node 2
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 30, 100)# 100 sec
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 30,"Should be 17 blocks on server 2")
    startnode.StopNode(datadir1,"Server 1")
    datadir1 = ""
    time.sleep(4)# allow to complete blocks adding
    startnode.StopNode(datadir2,"Server 2")
    datadir2 = ""
コード例 #2
def test(testfilter):
    global datadir1
    global datadir2
    global datadir3

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Test data exahcnge with non-public address node")


    inf = blocksnodes.MakeBlockchainWithBlocks('30000')
    datadir = inf[0]
    address1 = inf[1]
    address1_2 = inf[2]
    address1_3 = inf[3]

    #_node.StartNodeInteractive(datadir, address1,'30000', "Server 1")
    startnode.StartNode(datadir, address1, '30000', "Server 1")
    datadir1 = datadir

    d = StartNodeAndImport('30001', '30000', "Server 2", 0, "_2_", "xxx.com")
    datadir2 = d[0]
    address2 = d[1]

    d = StartNodeAndImport('30002', '30000', "Server 3", 0, "_3_")
    datadir3 = d[0]
    address3 = d[1]

    nodes = managenodes.GetNodes(datadir1)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes on server 1")
    nodes = managenodes.GetNodes(datadir2)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes on server 2")
    nodes = managenodes.GetNodes(datadir3)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(nodes) == 2, "Should be 2 nodes on server 3")

    # make transaction on first node
    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, address2, 0.1)


    # this TX should appear on second node too
    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir2)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(txlist) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transaction")

    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir2, address2, address1, 0.01)

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir2)
        len(txlist) == 2, "Should be 2 unapproved transactions on second node")

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir)
        len(txlist) == 2, "Should be 2 unapproved transactions on first node")

    # make block on a secod node
    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir2, address2, address1, 0.01)
    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir2, address2, address1, 0.01)

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 5)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 5, "Should be 5 blocks on server 2")


    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir1, 5)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 5, "Should be 5 blocks on server 1")
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir3, 5)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 5, "Should be 5 blocks on server 3")

    # create block on the first node and check it appears on first
    for x in range(5):
        tx = _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, address2, 0.1)

    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir1, 6)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 6, "Should be 5 blocks on server 1")
    # extra transaction to pull
    tx = _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, address2, 0.1)


    # new block should be pulled
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir2, 6)
    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 6, "Should be 6 blocks on server 2")

    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir1)


    txlist = transactions.GetUnapprovedTransactions(datadir2)

        len(txlist) == 1, "Should be 1 unapproved transactions on second node")

    startnode.StopNode(datadir1, "Server 1")
    datadir1 = ""

    startnode.StopNode(datadir2, "Server 2")
    datadir2 = ""

    startnode.StopNode(datadir3, "Server 3")
    datadir3 = ""

コード例 #3
def test(testfilter):
    global datadir

    nodeport = '30000'

    _lib.StartTestGroup("Wallet Balance")


    inf = blocksnodes.MakeBlockchainWithBlocks(nodeport)
    datadir_tmp = inf[0]
    address1 = inf[1]
    address1_2 = inf[2]
    address1_3 = inf[3]

    balances = _transfers.GetGroupBalance(datadir_tmp)

    #get balance when a node is not run
    bal1 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir_tmp, address1)
    bal1_2 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir_tmp, address1_2)
    bal1_3 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir_tmp, address1_3)

    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1 == balances[address1],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 1")
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1_2 == balances[address1_2],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 2")
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1_3 == balances[address1_3],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 3")

    s1 = bal1 + bal1_2 + bal1_3

    startnode.StartNode(datadir_tmp, address1, nodeport)
    datadir = datadir_tmp

    #get balaces on nodes wallets
    bal1 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir, address1)
    bal1_2 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir, address1_2)
    bal1_3 = _transfers.GetBalance(datadir, address1_3)

    s2 = bal1 + bal1_2 + bal1_3

    _lib.FatalAssert(s1 == s2,
                     "Balances shoul be equal when a node is On and Off")

    #get group balance on a node
    balances = _transfers.GetGroupBalance(datadir)
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1 == balances[address1],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 1")
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1_2 == balances[address1_2],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 2")
    _lib.FatalAssert(bal1_3 == balances[address1_3],
                     "Balance is different from group rec for 3")

    #create 2 wallet locations and 2 wallets in each of them
    walletdatadir1 = _lib.CreateTestFolder("wallet")
    walletdatadir2 = _lib.CreateTestFolder("wallet")

    waddress1_1 = _wallet.CreateWallet(walletdatadir1)
    waddress1_2 = _wallet.CreateWallet(walletdatadir1)
    waddress1_3 = _wallet.CreateWallet(walletdatadir1)

    waddress2_1 = _wallet.CreateWallet(walletdatadir2)
    waddress2_2 = _wallet.CreateWallet(walletdatadir2)

    #send some funds to all that wallets
    amounttosend = "%.8f" % round(bal1[0] / 5, 8)
    amounttosend3 = "%.8f" % round(bal1_3[0] / 5, 8)

    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, waddress1_1, amounttosend)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, waddress1_2, amounttosend)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, waddress2_1, amounttosend)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1_3, waddress1_3, amounttosend3)

    # we control how blocks are created. here we wait on a block started and then send another 3 TX
    # we will get 2 more blocks here

    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1, waddress2_2, amounttosend)
    amounttosend2 = "%.8f" % round(bal1_2[0] / 5, 8)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1_2, waddress1_1, amounttosend2)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1_2, waddress1_2, amounttosend2)

    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1_3, waddress1_3, amounttosend3)
    _transfers.Send(datadir, address1_3, waddress1_3, amounttosend3)

    # wait to complete blocks
    blocks = _blocks.WaitBlocks(datadir, 6)

    _lib.FatalAssert(len(blocks) == 6, "Expected 6 blocks")

    #get balances on wallets
    am1 = _wallet.GetBalanceWallet(walletdatadir1, waddress1_1, "localhost",
    am2 = _wallet.GetBalanceWallet(walletdatadir1, waddress1_2, "localhost",
    am3 = _wallet.GetBalanceWallet(walletdatadir2, waddress2_1, "localhost",
    am4 = _wallet.GetBalanceWallet(walletdatadir2, waddress2_2, "localhost",

        am1[1] == round(float(amounttosend) + float(amounttosend2), 8),
        "Expected balance is different for wallet 1_1")
        am2[1] == round(float(amounttosend) + float(amounttosend2), 8),
        "Expected balance is different for wallet 1_2")
    _lib.FatalAssert(am3[1] == float(amounttosend),
                     "Expected balance is different for wallet 2_1")
    _lib.FatalAssert(am4[1] == float(amounttosend),
                     "Expected balance is different for wallet 2_2")

    #get group blances on a wallet loc
    balances = _transfers.GetGroupBalance(datadir)
    #get balances on node wallets

    balances1 = _wallet.GetGroupBalanceWallet(walletdatadir1, "localhost",
    balances2 = _wallet.GetGroupBalanceWallet(walletdatadir2, "localhost",

        am1[1] == balances1[waddress1_1][1],
        "Expected balance is different from group listing for 1_1")
        am2[1] == balances1[waddress1_2][1],
        "Expected balance is different from group listing for 1_2")
        am3[1] == balances2[waddress2_1][1],
        "Expected balance is different from group listing for 2_1")
        am4[1] == balances2[waddress2_2][1],
        "Expected balance is different from group listing for 2_2")

    datadir = ""
