コード例 #1
    def fly_body():
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([E_centers], name='energy_bins')

        for y in range(num_scans):
            # go to start of row
            yield from bps.mv(mono.linear, l_start)

            # set the fly speed
            yield from bps.mv(mono.linear.velocity, flyspeed)

            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([mono], name='row_ends')

            for v in ['p1600=0', 'p1600=1']:
                yield from bps.mv(dtt, v)
                yield from bps.sleep(0.1)

            # arm the struck
            yield from bps.trigger(sclr, group=f'fly_energy_{y}')
            # fly the motor
            yield from bps.abs_set(mono.linear,
                                   l_stop + a_l_step_size,
            yield from bps.wait(group=f'fly_energy_{y}')

            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([mono], name='row_ends')

            yield from bps.mv(mono.linear.velocity, 0.5)
            # hard coded to let the sclr count its fingers and toes
            yield from bps.sleep(.1)
            # read and save the struck
            yield from bps.create(name='primary')
            yield from bps.read(sclr)
            yield from bps.save()
コード例 #2
    def _plan(self):
        yield from bps.open_run()

        # stash numcapture and shutter_enabled
        num_capture = yield from bps.rd(self.device.hdf5.num_capture)
        shutter_enabled = yield from bps.rd(self.device.dg1.shutter_enabled)

        # set to 1 temporarily

        # Restage to ensure that dark frames goes into a separate file.
        yield from bps.stage(self.device)
        yield from bps.mv(self.device.dg1.shutter_enabled, 2)
        # The `group` parameter passed to trigger MUST start with
        # bluesky-darkframes-trigger.
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([self.device], name='dark')
        # Restage.
        yield from bps.unstage(self.device)
        # restore numcapture and shutter_enabled
        yield from bps.mv(self.device.hdf5.num_capture, num_capture)
        yield from bps.mv(self.device.dg1.shutter_enabled, shutter_enabled)

        # Dark frames finished, moving on to data

        yield from bps.stage(self.device)
        status = yield from bps.trigger(self.device, group='primary-trigger')
        while not status.done:
            yield from bps.trigger_and_read(self.async_poll_devices,
            yield from bps.sleep(1)
        yield from bps.create('primary')
        yield from bps.read(self.device)
        yield from bps.save()
        yield from bps.unstage(self.device)
コード例 #3
def test_trigger_and_read(hw):
    det = hw.det
    msgs = list(trigger_and_read([det]))
    expected = [
        Msg('trigger', det),
        Msg('create', name='primary'),
        Msg('read', det),
    for msg in msgs:
        msg.kwargs.pop('group', None)
    assert msgs == expected

    msgs = list(trigger_and_read([det], 'custom'))
    expected = [
        Msg('trigger', det),
        Msg('create', name='custom'),
        Msg('read', det),
    for msg in msgs:
        msg.kwargs.pop('group', None)
    assert msgs == expected
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_broker.py プロジェクト: ronpandolfi/databroker
    def myplan(dets):
        ''' Simple plan to trigger two detectors.

        Meant for test only.
        for msg in trigger_and_read([dets[0]], name='primary'):
            yield msg
        for msg in trigger_and_read([dets[1]], name='secondary'):
            yield msg
コード例 #5
    def one_1d_step(detectors, motor, step):
        Inner loop of a 1D step scan

        This is the default function for ``per_step`` param in 1D plans.
        yield from checkpoint()
        yield from abs_set(motor, step, wait=True)
        yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor], name="dark")
        return (yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor]))
コード例 #6
def sim_plan_outer(npts):
    for j in range(int(npts / 2)):
        yield from bps.mov(hw.motor, j * 0.2)
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([hw.motor, hw.det])

    yield from sim_plan_inner(npts + 1)

    for j in range(int(npts / 2), npts):
        yield from bps.mov(hw.motor, j * 0.2)
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([hw.motor, hw.det])
コード例 #7
ファイル: plans.py プロジェクト: teddyrendahl/pdr_demo
def wait_for_value(det, field, position, atol, delay=0.5):
    # Initial reading
    reading = yield from trigger_and_read(det)
    curr = reading[field]['value']

    # Repeat until the operator responds
    while not np.isclose(curr, position, atol=atol):
        reading = yield from trigger_and_read(det)
        curr = reading[field]['value']
        if delay:
            yield from sleep(delay)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_broker.py プロジェクト: ronpandolfi/databroker
 def plan():
     # working around 'yield from' here which breaks py2
     for msg in configure(det, {'z': 3}):  # no-op
         yield msg
     for msg in trigger_and_read([det]):
         yield msg
     # changing the config after a read generates a new Event Descriptor
     for msg in configure(det, {'z': 4}):
         yield msg
     for msg in trigger_and_read([det]):
         yield msg
コード例 #9
def sim_multirun_plan_nested(npts: int, delay: float = 1.0):
    for j in range(int(npts / 2)):
        yield from bps.mov(motor, j * 0.2)
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([motor, det])
        yield from bps.sleep(delay)

    yield from _sim_plan_inner(npts + 1, delay)

    for j in range(int(npts / 2), npts):
        yield from bps.mov(motor, j * 0.2)
        yield from bps.trigger_and_read([motor, det])
        yield from bps.sleep(delay)
コード例 #10
        def plan(npts):

            for j in range(int(npts/2)):
                yield from bps.mov(hw.motor1, j * 0.2)
                yield from bps.trigger_and_read([hw.motor1, hw.det1])

            # Different parameter values may be passed to the recursively called plans
            yield from sim_plan_recursive(npts + 2)

            for j in range(int(npts/2), npts):
                yield from bps.mov(hw.motor1, j * 0.2)
                yield from bps.trigger_and_read([hw.motor1, hw.det1])
コード例 #11
def light_dark_nd_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan
    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param`` in ND plans.
    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    def move():
        yield Msg("checkpoint")
        grp = _short_uid("set")
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield Msg("set", motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield Msg("wait", None, group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from close_shutter_stub()
    yield from move()
    for k, v in sub_sample_dict.items():
        if np.abs(sample_motor.get().user_readback - k) < 1.5:
            inner_dict = v
            inner_dict = {"exposure": .1, "wait": 1}
    yield from configure_area_det_expo(inner_dict["exposure"])

    # This is to make certain that the detector has properly configured the
    # exposure time, uncomment if waits don't work
    # yield from bps.sleep(10)

    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors) + [shutter],
    yield from open_shutter_stub()

    t0 = time.time()
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors) + [shutter])
    t1 = time.time()
    print("INFO: exposure time (plus minor message overhead) = {:.2f}".format(
        t1 - t0))

    yield from close_shutter_stub()
    yield from bps.sleep(inner_dict["wait"])
コード例 #12
ファイル: adapt_opt.py プロジェクト: tangkong/SSRL-2-1
def filter_opt_count(det, target_count=100000, md={}):
    """ filter_opt_count
    OPtimize counts using filters 
    Assumes mu=0.2, x = [0.89, 2.52, 3.83, 10.87]
    I = I_o \exp(-mu*x) 

    Only takes one detector, since we are optimizing based on it alone
    target is mean+2std
    dc = DocumentCache()
    token = yield from bps.subscribe('all', dc)
    yield from bps.stage(det)

    md = {}

    yield from bps.open_run(md=md)
    # BlueskyRun object allows interaction with documents similar to db.v2,
    # but documents are in memory
    run = BlueskyRun(dc)
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read([det, filter1, filter2, filter3, filter4])

    data = run.primary.read()['pilatus300k_image']
    mean = data[-1].mean().values.item()  # xarray.DataArray methods
    std = data[-1].std().values.item()  # xarray.DataArray methods
    curr_counts = mean + 2 * std

    # gather filter information and solve
    filter_status = [
        round(filter1.get() / 5),
        round(filter2.get() / 5),
        round(filter3.get() / 5),
        round(filter4.get() / 5)
    filter_status = [not e for e in filter_status]
    new_filters = solve_filter_setup(filter_status, curr_counts, target_count)
    # invert again to reflect filter status
    new_filters = [not e for e in new_filters]
    # set new filters and read.  For some reason hangs on bps.mv when going high
    filter1.put(new_filters[0] * 4.9)
    filter2.put(new_filters[1] * 4.9)
    filter3.put(new_filters[2] * 4.9)
    filter4.put(new_filters[3] * 4.9)

    yield from bps.trigger_and_read([det, filter1, filter2, filter3, filter4])

    # close out run
    yield from bps.close_run()
    yield from bps.unsubscribe(token)
    yield from bps.unstage(det)
コード例 #13
        def fly_row():
            # go to start of row
            target_y = ystart + y * a_ystep_size
            yield from bps.mv(xy_fly_stage.x, xstart, xy_fly_stage.y, target_y)
            yield from bps.mv(y_centers,
                              np.ones(num_xpixels) *
                              target_y)  # set the fly speed

            ret = yield from bps.read(xy_fly_stage.z.user_readback)  # (in mm)
            zpos = (ret[xy_fly_stage.z.user_readback.name]["value"]
                    if ret is not None else 0)
            yield from bps.mov(z_centers, np.ones(num_xpixels) * zpos)

            yield from bps.mv(xy_fly_stage.x.velocity, flyspeed)

            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([xy_fly_stage], name="row_ends")

            for v in ["p1600=0", "p1600=1"]:
                yield from bps.mv(dtt, v)
                yield from bps.sleep(0.1)

            # arm the struck
            yield from bps.trigger(sclr, group=f"fly_row_{y}")
            # maybe start the xspress3
            if xspress3 is not None:
                yield from bps.trigger(xspress3, group=f"fly_row_{y}")
            yield from bps.sleep(0.1)
            # fly the motor
            yield from bps.abs_set(xy_fly_stage.x,
                                   xstop + a_xstep_size,
            yield from bps.wait(group=f"fly_row_{y}")

            yield from bps.trigger_and_read([xy_fly_stage], name="row_ends")
            yield from bps.mv(xy_fly_stage.x.velocity, 5.0)
            yield from bps.sleep(0.1)
            # read and save the struck
            yield from bps.create(name="primary")
            yield from bps.read(sclr)
            yield from bps.read(mono)
            yield from bps.read(x_centers)
            yield from bps.read(y_centers)
            yield from bps.read(z_centers)
            yield from bps.read(xy_fly_stage.y)
            yield from bps.read(xy_fly_stage.z)
            # and maybe the xspress3
            if xspress3 is not None:
                yield from bps.read(xspress3)
            yield from bps.save()
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_new_examples.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
def test_trigger_and_read(hw):
    det = hw.det
    msgs = list(trigger_and_read([det]))
    expected = [Msg('trigger', det), Msg('wait'),
                Msg('create', name='primary'), Msg('read', det), Msg('save')]
    for msg in msgs:
        msg.kwargs.pop('group', None)
    assert msgs == expected

    msgs = list(trigger_and_read([det], 'custom'))
    expected = [Msg('trigger', det), Msg('wait'), Msg('create', name='custom'),
                Msg('read', det), Msg('save')]
    for msg in msgs:
        msg.kwargs.pop('group', None)
    assert msgs == expected
コード例 #15
def test_read_clash(RE):
    dcm = DCM('', name='dcm')
    dcm2 = DCM('', name='dcm')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] + list(trigger_and_read([dcm, dcm2.th])) +

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] + list(trigger_and_read([dcm, dcm2])) +

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] + list(trigger_and_read([dcm.th, dcm2.th])) +
コード例 #16
ファイル: scans.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II-HXN/hxntools
def one_nd_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan

    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param`` in ND plans.

    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    def move():
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield from bps.mov(motor, pos)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors))
コード例 #17
def motor_dark_step(detectors, motor, step):
    Take darks while moving motors, wait for all to be finished before 
    taking light

    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    # close the shutter
    #yield from _close_shutter_stub() COMMENTED OUT (dark per light)
    # move motors don't wait yet.
    # Note for Soham: use `group=None` to ramp temp after dark collected
    # (Broken and replaced below) yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, group="dark_motor")
    yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, group="dark_motor")
    # take dark (this has an internal wait on the readback)
    #yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors), name="dark") COMMENTED OUT (dark per light)
    # (Broken) now wait for the motors to be done too
    yield from bps.wait(group="dark_motor")
    # open shutter
    yield from open_shutter_stub()
    # take data
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor])
コード例 #18
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: hz-b/naus
def per_step_plan(detectors, motors, actions, *args, log=None, **kwargs):
    '''execute one step and return detecors readings

    Applies the actions to the motors and reads the detectors.

        detectors: detectors to read from
        motors:    motors to apply the actions to
        actions:   keras-rl requested actions

        the detector readings.
    if log is None:
        log = logger

    motors = list(motors)
    action = list(actions)

    # There should be a func
    ml = []
    for m, a in zip(motors, action):
        ml.extend([m, a])
    args = tuple(ml)

    log.debug(f'Executing move (bps.mv) {args}')
    yield from bps.mv(*args)

    r = (yield from bps.trigger_and_read(detectors))
    log.debug(f'Read {detectors} to {r}')

    return r
コード例 #19
def optimize_energy_per_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Our custom function for ``per_step`` param`` in grid_scan below.

    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    def move():
        yield Msg('checkpoint')
        grp = _short_uid('set')
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield Msg('set', motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield Msg('wait', None, group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    yield from optimize_energy_with_sscan_record()
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors))
コード例 #20
 def plan(reader):
     yield from bps.null()
     for i in range(10):
         assert daq.state == 'Running'
         yield from bps.trigger_and_read([reader])
     assert daq.state == 'Running'
     yield from bps.null()
コード例 #21
def collect_white_field(experiment, cfg_tomo, atfront=True):
    Collect white/flat field images by moving the sample out of the FOV
    # unpack devices
    det = experiment.det
    tomostage = experiment.tomostage

    # move sample out of the way
    _x = cfg_tomo['fronte_white_ksamX'] if atfront else cfg_tomo[
    _z = cfg_tomo['fronte_white_ksamZ'] if atfront else cfg_tomo[
    yield from bps.mv(tomostage.ksamX, _x)
    yield from bps.mv(tomostage.ksamZ, _z)

    # setup detector
    yield from bps.mv(det.hdf1.nd_array_port, 'PROC1')
    yield from bps.mv(det.tiff1.nd_array_port, 'PROC1')
    yield from bps.mv(det.proc1.enable, 1)
    yield from bps.mv(det.proc1.reset_filter, 1)
    yield from bps.mv(det.proc1.num_filter, cfg_tomo['n_frames'])
    yield from bps.mv(det.cam.trigger_mode, "Internal")
    yield from bps.mv(det.cam.image_mode, "Multiple")
    yield from bps.mv(det.cam.num_images,
                      cfg_tomo['n_frames'] * cfg_tomo['n_white'])
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read([det])

    # move sample back to FOV
    # NOTE:
    # not sure is this will work or not...
    yield from bps.mv(tomostage.samX, cfg_tomo['initial_ksamX'])
    yield from bps.mv(tomostage.samY, cfg_tomo['initial_ksamZ'])
コード例 #22
 def insert_dark_frame(force_read, msg=None):
     # Acquire a fresh Snapshot if we need one, or retrieve a cached one.
     state = {}
     for signal in self.locked_signals:
         reading = yield from bluesky.plan_stubs.read(signal)
         # Restructure
         # {'data_key': {'value': <value>, 'timestamp': <timestamp>}, ...}
         # into (('data_key', <value>) ...).
         values_only = tuple(
             (k, v['value']) for k, v in reading.items())
         state[signal.name] = values_only
     if self._current_state != state:
         self._current_state = state
         snapshot_changed = True
         snapshot_changed = False
         snapshot = self.get_snapshot(state)
     except NoMatchingSnapshot:
         logger.info(f"Taking a new dark frame for state=%r", state)
         snapshot = yield from self.dark_plan()
         self.add_snapshot(snapshot, state)
     if snapshot_changed or force_read:
         logger.info(f"Creating a 'dark' Event for state=%r", state)
         # Read the Snapshot into the 'dark' Event stream.
         yield from bps.stage(self._current_snapshot)
         yield from bps.trigger_and_read([self._current_snapshot],
         yield from bps.unstage(self._current_snapshot)
     self._latch = False
     if msg is not None:
         return (yield msg)
コード例 #23
def one_nd_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan

    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param in ND plans.

    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions
    def move():
        yield from checkpoint()
        grp = short_uid('set')
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield from abs_set(motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield from wait(group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors))
コード例 #24
ファイル: best_effort.py プロジェクト: xpdAcq/xpdAn
def one_nd_step(detectors, step, pos_cache):
    Inner loop of an N-dimensional step scan

    This is the default function for ``per_step`` param in ND plans.

    detectors : iterable
        devices to read
    step : dict
        mapping motors to positions in this step
    pos_cache : dict
        mapping motors to their last-set positions

    def move():
        yield from checkpoint()
        grp = short_uid("set")
        for motor, pos in step.items():
            if pos == pos_cache[motor]:
                # This step does not move this motor.
            yield from abs_set(motor, pos, group=grp)
            pos_cache[motor] = pos
        yield from wait(group=grp)

    motors = step.keys()
    yield from move()
    yield from trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(motors))
コード例 #25
 def x_motion_per_step(dets, stream_name):
     nonlocal last_group
     if last_group is not None:
         yield from bps.wait(last_group)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets, stream_name)
     last_group = short_uid()
     target = start + step_size * (next(j) % num_pos)
     yield from bps.abs_set(motor, target, group=last_group)
コード例 #26
def xpdacq_trigger_and_read(detectors: list,
                            name: str = "primary") -> typing.Generator:
    """Open shutter, wait, trigger and read detectors, close shutter."""
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    yield from xb.open_shutter_stub()
    yield from bps.sleep(xb.glbl["shutter_sleep"])
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(detectors, name=name)
    yield from xb.close_shutter_stub()
コード例 #27
 def per_step(detectors, step: dict, pos_cache: dict):
     _motors = step.keys()
     yield from my_move_per_step(step, pos_cache)
     yield from bps.sleep(wait_for_step)
     yield from open_shutter_stub()
     yield from bps.sleep(wait_for_shutter)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + list(_motors))
     yield from close_shutter_stub()
コード例 #28
    def inner():
        while True:
            x = queue.get(timeout=1)
            if x is None:

            yield from step_plan(motors, x)
            yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets + motors)
コード例 #29
 def per_shot(dets):
     nonlocal start, stop
     yield from bps.mv(motor.velocity, abs(stop - start) / exposure)
     gp = short_uid("rocker")
     yield from bps.abs_set(motor, stop, group=gp)
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets)
     yield from bps.wait(group=gp)
     start, stop = stop, start
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_devices.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
def test_read_clash(RE):
    dcm = DCM('', name='dcm')
    dcm2 = DCM('', name='dcm')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] +
            list(trigger_and_read([dcm, dcm2.th])) +

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] +
            list(trigger_and_read([dcm, dcm2])) +

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RE(([Msg('open_run')] +
            list(trigger_and_read([dcm.th, dcm2.th])) +
コード例 #31
ファイル: lu6017.py プロジェクト: slactjohnson/mec
    def __single_shot(self, gasdelay=0.05, shotdelay=10.0, record=True,
                      use_l3t=False, controls=[], end_run=True):
        logging.debug("Calling __single_shot with the folling parameters:")
        logging.debug("gasdelay: {}".format(gasdelay))
        logging.debug("shotdelay: {}".format(shotdelay))
        logging.debug("record: {}".format(record))
        logging.debug("use_l3t: {}".format(use_l3t))
        logging.debug("controls: {}".format(controls))
        logging.debug("end_run: {}".format(end_run))

        nshots = 1

        yield from bps.configure(daq, begin_sleep=2, record=record, use_l3t=use_l3t, controls=controls)
        yield from bps.configure(daq, events=nshots)

        # Add sequencer, DAQ to detectors for shots
        dets = [daq, seq]

        for det in dets:
            yield from bps.stage(det)

        # Setup sequencer for requested rate
        sync_mark = int(self._sync_markers[self._rate])
        seq.play_mode.put(0) # Run sequence once
        # Determine the different sequences needed
        gdelay = int(gasdelay*120)  # 120 beam delays/second    
        sdelay = int(shotdelay*120) # 120 beam delays/second
        slow_cam_seq = [[167, 0, 0, 0]]
        gas_jet_seq = [[177, 0, 0, 0],
                       [176, gdelay, 0, 0],
                       [169, 0, 0, 0],
                       [0, sdelay, 0, 0]]

        s = slow_cam_seq + gas_jet_seq

        logging.debug("Sequence: {}".format(s))
        # Get exposure time in beam deltas from number of shots
        exposure = nshots * (int(shotdelay/120.0) + int(gasdelay/120.0))
        logging.debug("Exposure time: {}".format(exposure*120.0))
        # Stage and add in slow cameras *after* daq is staged and configured
        slowcams = SlowCameras()
        # The camera delay and number of 'during' shots are the same in this case (I think)
        config = {'slowcamdelay': exposure, 'during': exposure} 
        dets.append(slowcams) # Add this in to auto-unstage later


        yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets)                

        # If this is the last move in the scan, check cleanup settings
        if end_run:
コード例 #32
    def gp_inner_plan():
        uids = []
        while len(queue) > 0:
            print("*** queue loop")
            actions = queue.pop()
            yield from bps.mv(env.action, actions)
            uid = yield from bps.trigger_and_read([env])

        return uids
コード例 #33
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: rohanpok/xpdAcq
def shutter_step(detectors, motor, step):
    """ customized step to ensure shutter is open before
    reading at each motor point and close shutter after reading
    yield from bps.checkpoint()
    yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, wait=True)
    yield from open_shutter_stub()
    yield from bps.sleep(glbl["shutter_sleep"])
    yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor])
    yield from close_shutter_stub()
コード例 #34
ファイル: adaptive_fitting.py プロジェクト: mrakitin/docs
    def plan():
        while True:
            for step in np.linspace(start, stop, num):
                yield from bps.abs_set(motor, step, wait=True)
                yield from bps.trigger_and_read(list(detectors) + [motor])
                yield from bps.checkpoint()

            err = errorbar(lf.result, 'sigma')
            if err < err_thresh:
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_run_engine.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
def test_nonrewindable_detector(RE, hw, start_state, msg_seq):
    class FakeSig:
        def get(self):
            return False

    hw.det.rewindable = FakeSig()

    RE.rewindable = start_state
    m_col = MsgCollector()
    RE.msg_hook = m_col

    RE(run_wrapper(trigger_and_read([hw.motor, hw.det])))

    assert [m.command for m in m_col.msgs] == msg_seq
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_devices.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
 def test_plan(det1, det_list):
     yield from trigger_and_read([det1])
     for p in itertools.permutations(det_list):
         yield from trigger_and_read(det_list)
コード例 #37
ファイル: test_callbacks.py プロジェクト: xpdAcq/xpdAn
 def plan(dets):
     data_id = yield from trigger_and_read(dets)
     data = rt.retrieve_datum(data_id["img"]["value"])
     np.testing.assert_allclose(data, np.ones((10, 10)))
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_bec.py プロジェクト: xpdAcq/xpdAn
 def broken_plan(dets):
     yield from bps.trigger_and_read(dets)
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_devices.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
 def test_plan(det1, det2):
     yield from trigger_and_read([det1])
     yield from trigger_and_read([det2], name='other')
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_devices.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II/bluesky
 def test_plan(det1, det2):
     yield from trigger_and_read([det1])
     yield from trigger_and_read([det2])