コード例 #1
def Gas_Plan(gas_in='He', liveplot_key=None, totExpTime=5, num_exp=1, delay=1):
    Set the gasses. They can be in any other, nothing to do with
    the order they are used in the plan. But, should match the connections on switch.
    >>> gas.gas_list = ['He', 'N2', 'CO2']
    >>> RGA mass is set to different value, base shows 1^-13 with He 5 cc flow shows max 2^-8
    >>> RGA mass setup in mID mode: 4,18,28,31,44,79,94,32,81
    gas_in : string
        e.g., 'He', default is 'He'
        These gas must be in `gas.gas_list` but they may be in any order.
    liveplot_key : str, optional
        e. g., liveplot_key = rga_mass1
        data key for LivePlot. default is None, which means no LivePlot
    totExpTime : float
        total exposure time per frame in seconds. Dafault value is 5 sec
    num_exp : int
        number of images/exposure, default is 1
    delay: float
        delay time between exposures in sec

    Execute it
    >> %run -i /home/xf28id1/Documents/Sanjit/Scripts/GasXrun_Plan.py
    >> change all the parameters inside Gas_Plan as required
    >>> gas_plan = Gas_Plan(gas_in = 'He', liveplot_key= 'rga_mass1', totExpTime = 5, num_exp = 3, delay = 1)
    >> to run the xrun, save metadata & save_tiff run the following
    >>> run_and_save(sample_num = 0)  

    ## switch gas
    yield from abs_set(gas, gas_in)

    ## configure the exposure time first
    _configure_area_det(totExpTime)  # 5 secs exposuretime

    ## ScanPlan you need
    plan = bp.count([pe1c, gas.current_gas, rga], num=num_exp, delay=delay)

    #plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([xpd_configuration['area_det'], rga]))   # give you LiveTable
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(
        plan, LiveTable([xpd_configuration['area_det'], gas.current_gas, rga]))
    if liveplot_key and isinstance(liveplot_key, str):
        plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LivePlot(liveplot_key))

    yield from plan
コード例 #2
def cam_scan(detectors, camera, motor, start, stop, num, md=None, idle_time=1):

    def per_step(dets, motor, step):
        yield from one_1d_step(dets, motor, step)
        yield from bp.abs_set(camera, 1, wait=True)
        yield from bp.abs_set(camera, 0, wait=True)
        yield from bp.sleep(idle_time)

    if md is None:
        md = {}
    md = ChainMap(
        {'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)), 'num': num,
                       'motor': repr(motor),
                       'start': start, 'stop': stop,
                       'per_step': repr(per_step),
                       'idle_time': float(idle_time)},
         'plan_name': 'cam_scan',

    return (yield from bp.subs_wrapper(
        bp.scan(detectors, motor, start, stop, num, per_step=per_step, md=md),
        LiveTable(detectors + [motor]))
コード例 #3
ファイル: xpdacq.py プロジェクト: sbillinge/xpdAcq
def take_dark():
    """a plan for taking a single dark frame"""
    print('INFO: closing shutter...')
    # 60 means open at XPD, Oct.4, 2016
    yield from bp.abs_set(glbl.shutter, 0, wait=True)
    #if glbl.shutter_control:
    #    yield from bp.sleep(2)
    print('INFO: taking dark frame....')
    # upto this stage, glbl.pe1c has been configured to so exposure time is
    # correct
    acq_time = glbl.area_det.cam.acquire_time.get()
    num_frame = glbl.area_det.images_per_set.get()
    computed_exposure = acq_time * num_frame
    # update md
    _md = {
        'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
        'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
        'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
        'sp_type': 'ct',
        # 'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()), # dark plan doesn't need uid
        'sp_plan_name': 'dark_{}'.format(computed_exposure),
        'dark_frame': True
    c = bp.count([glbl.area_det], md=_md)
    yield from bp.subs_wrapper(c, {'stop': [_update_dark_dict_list]})
    print('opening shutter...')
コード例 #4
ファイル: xpdacq.py プロジェクト: sbillinge/xpdAcq
def take_dark():
    """a plan for taking a single dark frame"""
    print('INFO: closing shutter...')
    yield from bp.abs_set(glbl.shutter, 0)
    if glbl.shutter_control:
        yield from bp.sleep(2)
    print('INFO: taking dark frame....')
    # upto this stage, glbl.pe1c has been configured to so exposure time is
    # correct
    acq_time = glbl.area_det.cam.acquire_time.get()
    num_frame = glbl.area_det.images_per_set.get()
    computed_exposure = acq_time * num_frame
    # update md
    _md = {'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
           'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
           'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
           'sp_type': 'ct',
           # 'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()), # dark plan doesn't need uid
           'sp_plan_name': 'dark_{}'.format(computed_exposure),
           'dark_frame': True}
    c = bp.count([glbl.area_det], md=_md)
    yield from bp.subs_wrapper(c, {'stop': [_update_dark_dict_list]})
    print('opening shutter...')
    yield from bp.abs_set(glbl.shutter, 1)
    if glbl.shutter_control:
        yield from bp.sleep(2)
コード例 #5
ファイル: 99-utils.py プロジェクト: NSLS-II-SMI/ipython_ophyd
def cam_scan(detectors, camera, motor, start, stop, num, md=None, idle_time=1):

    def per_step(dets, motor, step):
        yield from one_1d_step(dets, motor, step)
        yield from bp.abs_set(camera, 1, wait=True)
        yield from bp.abs_set(camera, 0, wait=True)
        yield from bp.sleep(idle_time)

    if md is None:
        md = {}
    md = ChainMap(
        {'plan_args': {'detectors': list(map(repr, detectors)), 'num': num,
                       'motor': repr(motor),
                       'start': start, 'stop': stop,
                       'per_step': repr(per_step),
                       'idle_time': float(idle_time)},
         'plan_name': 'cam_scan',

    return (yield from bp.subs_wrapper(
        bp.scan(detectors, motor, start, stop, num, per_step=per_step, md=md),
        LiveTable(detectors + [motor]))
コード例 #6
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: xpdAcq/xpdAcq
def Tramp(dets, exposure, Tstart, Tstop, Tstep, *, md=None):
    Scan over temeprature controller in steps.

    temeprature steps are defined by starting point,
    stoping point and step size

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        exposure time at each temeprature step in seconds
    Tstart : float
        starting point of temperature sequence
    Tstop : float
        stoping point of temperature sequence
    Tstep : float
        step size between Tstart and Tstop of this sequence
    md : dict, optional
        extra metadata

    temperature controller that is driven will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    # compute Nsteps
    (Nsteps, computed_step_size) = _nstep(Tstart, Tstop, Tstep)
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(md, {'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
                        'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
                        'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
                        'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
                        'sp_type': 'Tramp',
                        'sp_startingT': Tstart,
                        'sp_endingT': Tstop,
                        'sp_requested_Tstep': Tstep,
                        'sp_computed_Tstep': computed_step_size,
                        'sp_Nsteps': Nsteps,
                        # need a name that shows all parameters values
                        # 'sp_name': 'Tramp_<exposure_time>',
                        'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                        'sp_plan_name': 'Tramp'})
    plan = bp.scan([glbl.area_det], glbl.temp_controller, Tstart, Tstop,
                   Nsteps, md=_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan,
                           LiveTable([glbl.area_det, glbl.temp_controller]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #7
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: sbillinge/xpdAcq
def tseries(dets, exposure, delay, num, *, md=None):
    time series scan with area detector.

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        exposure time at each reading from area detector in seconds
    delay : float
        delay between two adjustant reading from area detector in seconds
    num : int
        total number of readings
    md : dict, optional

    area detector that is triggered will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    real_delay = max(0, delay - computed_exposure)
    period = max(computed_exposure, real_delay + computed_exposure)
    print('INFO: requested delay = {}s  -> computed delay = {}s'.format(
        delay, real_delay))
    print('INFO: nominal period (neglecting readout overheads) of {} s'.format(
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(
            'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
            'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
            'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
            'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
            'sp_type': 'tseries',
            # need a name that shows all parameters values
            # 'sp_name': 'tseries_<exposure_time>',
            'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'sp_plan_name': 'tseries'
    plan = bp.count([glbl.area_det], num, delay, md=_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([glbl.area_det]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #8
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: chiahaoliu/xpdAcq
def tseries(dets, exposure, delay, num, *, md=None):
    time series scan with area detector.

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        exposure time at each reading from area detector in seconds
    delay : float
        delay between two adjustant reading from area detector in seconds
    num : int
        total number of readings
    md : dict, optional

    area detector that is triggered will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    real_delay = max(0, delay - computed_exposure)
    period = max(computed_exposure, real_delay + computed_exposure)
    print('INFO: requested delay = {}s  -> computed delay = {}s'
          .format(delay, real_delay))
    print('INFO: nominal period (neglecting readout overheads) of {} s'
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(md, {'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
                        'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
                        'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
                        'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
                        'sp_requested_delay': delay,
                        'sp_requested_num': num,
                        'sp_type': 'tseries',
                        # need a name that shows all parameters values
                        # 'sp_name': 'tseries_<exposure_time>',
                        'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                        'sp_plan_name': 'tseries'})
    plan = bp.count([glbl.area_det], num, delay, md=_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([glbl.area_det]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #9
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: chiahaoliu/xpdAcq
def Tlist(dets, exposure, T_list):
    """defines a flexible scan with user-specified temperatures

    A frame is exposed for the given exposure time at each of the
    user-specified temperatures

    dets : list
        list of objects that represent instrument devices. In xpdAcq, it is
        defaulted to area detector.
    exposure : float
        total time of exposure in seconds for area detector
    T_list : list
        a list of temperature where a scan will be run

    area detector and temperature controller will always be the one
    configured in global state. To find out which these are, please
    using following commands:

        >>> glbl.area_det
        >>> glbl.temp_controller

    To interrogate which devices are currently in use.

    pe1c, = dets
    # setting up area_detector and temp_controller
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    T_controller = glbl.temp_controller
    xpdacq_md = {'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
                 'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
                 'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
                 'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
                 'sp_T_list': T_list,
                 'sp_type': 'Tlist',
                 'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                 'sp_plan_name': 'Tlist'
    # pass xpdacq_md to as additional md to bluesky plan
    plan = bp.list_scan([glbl.area_det], T_controller, T_list, md=xpdacq_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([glbl.area_det, T_controller]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #10
def test_intreupted_with_callbacks(fresh_RE, int_meth, stop_num, msg_num):
    RE = fresh_RE

    docs = defaultdict(list)

    def collector_cb(name, doc):
        nonlocal docs

    RE.msg_hook = MsgCollector()
    RE(subs_wrapper(run_wrapper(pause()), {'all': collector_cb}))
    getattr(RE, int_meth)()

    assert len(docs['start']) == 1
    assert len(docs['event']) == 0
    assert len(docs['descriptor']) == 0
    assert len(docs['stop']) == stop_num
    assert len(RE.msg_hook.msgs) == msg_num
コード例 #11
def test_subs():
    def cb(name, doc):

    def plan(*args, **kwargs):
        # check that args to plan are passed through
        yield from [Msg("null", None, *args, **kwargs)]

    processed_plan = list(subs_wrapper(plan("test_arg", test_kwarg="val"), {"all": cb}))

    expected = [
        Msg("subscribe", None, "all", cb),
        Msg("null", None, "test_arg", test_kwarg="val"),
        Msg("unsubscribe", token=None),

    assert processed_plan == expected

    processed_plan = list(subs_decorator({"all": cb})(plan)("test_arg", test_kwarg="val"))
    assert processed_plan == expected
コード例 #12
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: sbillinge/xpdAcq
def ct(dets, exposure, *, md=None):
    Take one reading from area detectors with given exposure time

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        total time of exposrue in seconds
    md : dict, optional
        extra metadata

    area detector that is triggered will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(
            'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
            'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
            'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
            'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
            'sp_type': 'ct',
            # need a name that shows all parameters values
            # 'sp_name': 'ct_<exposure_time>',
            'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'sp_plan_name': 'ct'
    plan = bp.count([glbl.area_det], md=_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([glbl.area_det]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #13
def test_subs():

    def cb(name, doc):

    def plan(*args, **kwargs):
        # check that args to plan are passed through
        yield from [Msg('null', None, *args, **kwargs)]

    processed_plan = list(subs_wrapper(plan('test_arg', test_kwarg='val'),
                                       {'all': cb}))

    expected = [Msg('subscribe', None, 'all', cb),
                Msg('null', None, 'test_arg', test_kwarg='val'),
                Msg('unsubscribe', token=None)]

    assert processed_plan == expected

    processed_plan = list(subs_decorator({'all': cb})(plan)('test_arg',
    assert processed_plan == expected
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_new_examples.py プロジェクト: gjwillms/bluesky
def test_subs():

    def cb(name, doc):

    def plan(*args, **kwargs):
        # check that args to plan are passed through
        yield from [Msg('null', None, *args, **kwargs)]

    processed_plan = list(subs_wrapper(plan('test_arg', test_kwarg='val'),
                                       {'all': cb}))

    expected = [Msg('subscribe', None, 'all', cb),
                Msg('null', None, 'test_arg', test_kwarg='val'),
                Msg('unsubscribe', token=None)]

    assert processed_plan == expected

    processed_plan = list(subs_decorator({'all': cb})(plan)('test_arg',
    assert processed_plan == expected
コード例 #15
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: xpdAcq/xpdAcq
def ct(dets, exposure, *, md=None):
    Take one reading from area detectors with given exposure time

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        total time of exposrue in seconds
    md : dict, optional
        extra metadata

    area detector that is triggered will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(md, {'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
                        'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
                        'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
                        'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
                        'sp_type': 'ct',
                        # need a name that shows all parameters values
                        # 'sp_name': 'ct_<exposure_time>',
                        'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                        'sp_plan_name': 'ct'})
    plan = bp.count([glbl.area_det], md=_md)
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan, LiveTable([glbl.area_det]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_run_engine.py プロジェクト: gjwillms/bluesky
 def custom_subs(plan):
     yield from bp.subs_wrapper(plan, my_sub)
コード例 #17
 def custom_subs(plan):
     yield from bp.subs_wrapper(plan, my_sub)
コード例 #18
ファイル: 91-wirescan.py プロジェクト: mskoly/ipython_ophyd
def hf2dwire(*,
        xstart, xnumstep, xstepsize (float)
        zstart, znumstep, zstepsize (float)
        acqtime (float): acqusition time to be set for both xspress3 and F460
        numrois (integer): number of ROIs set to display in the live raster scans. This is for display ONLY. 
                           The actualy number of ROIs saved depend on how many are enabled and set in the read_attr
                           However noramlly one cares only the raw XRF spectra which are all saved and will be used for fitting.
        i0map_show (boolean): When set to True, map of the i0 will be displayed in live raster, default is True
        itmap_show (boolean): When set to True, map of the trasnmission diode will be displayed in the live raster, default is True   
        energy (float): set energy, use with caution, hdcm might become misaligned
        u_detune (float): amount of undulator to detune in the unit of keV

    #record relevant meta data in the Start document, defined in 90-usersetup.py
    md = get_stock_md()

    #setup the detector
    # TODO do this with configure
    current_preamp.exp_time.put(acqtime - 0.09)
    xs.total_points.put((xnumstep + 1) * (znumstep + 1))

    #    det = [current_preamp, xs]
    det = [xs]

    #setup the live callbacks
    livecallbacks = []

    livetableitem = [
        hf_stage.x, hf_stage.z, 'current_preamp_ch0', 'current_preamp_ch2',

    xstop = xstart + xnumstep * xstepsize
    zstop = zstart + znumstep * zstepsize

    print('xstop = ' + str(xstop))
    print('zstop = ' + str(zstop))

    for roi_idx in range(numrois):
        roi_name = 'roi{:02}'.format(roi_idx + 1)

        roi_key = getattr(xs.channel1.rois, roi_name).value.name

        #    livetableitem.append('saturn_mca_rois_roi'+str(roi_idx)+'_net_count')
        #    livetableitem.append('saturn_mca_rois_roi'+str(roi_idx)+'_count')
        #    #roimap = LiveRaster((xnumstep, znumstep), 'saturn_mca_rois_roi'+str(roi_idx)+'_net_count', clim=None, cmap='viridis', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', extent=None)
        colormap = 'inferno'  #previous set = 'viridis'
        #    roimap = LiveRaster((znumstep, xnumstep), 'saturn_mca_rois_roi'+str(roi_idx)+'_count', clim=None, cmap='inferno',
        #                        xlabel='x (mm)', ylabel='y (mm)', extent=[xstart, xstop, zstop, zstart])

        #        roimap = myLiveRaster((znumstep+1, xnumstep+1), roi_key, clim=None, cmap='inferno', aspect='equal',
        #                            xlabel='x (mm)', ylabel='y (mm)', extent=[xstart, xstop, zstop, zstart])
        roimap = LiveRaster((znumstep + 1, xnumstep + 1),
                            xlabel='x (mm)',
                            ylabel='y (mm)',
                            extent=[xstart, xstop, zstop, zstart])
        #        liveplotfig = plt.figure('through focus')
        #        roiplot = LivePlot(roi_key,x=hf_stage.x.name, fig=liveplotfig)
#        livecallbacks.append(roiplot)

#    if i0map_show is True:
#        i0map = myLiveRaster((znumstep+1, xnumstep+1), 'current_preamp_ch2', clim=None, cmap='inferno',
#                        xlabel='x (mm)', ylabel='y (mm)', extent=[xstart, xstop, zstop, zstart])
#        livecallbacks.append(i0map)

#    if itmap_show is True:
#        itmap = myLiveRaster((znumstep+1, xnumstep+1), 'current_preamp_ch0', clim=None, cmap='inferno',
#                        xlabel='x (mm)', ylabel='y (mm)', extent=[xstart, xstop, zstop, zstart])
#        livecallbacks.append(itmap)
#    commented out liveTable in 2D scan for now until the prolonged time issue is resolved

    #setup the plan

    if energy is not None:
        if u_detune is not None:
            # TODO maybe do this with set
        # TODO fix name shadowing
        yield from bp.abs_set(energy, energy, wait=True)

#    shut_b.open_cmd.put(1)
#    while (shut_b.close_status.get() == 1):
#        epics.poll(.5)
#        shut_b.open_cmd.put(1)

    hf2dwire_scanplan = bp.grid_scan(det,
                                     znumstep + 1,
                                     xnumstep + 1,
    hf2dwire_scanplan = bp.subs_wrapper(hf2dwire_scanplan, livecallbacks)
    scaninfo = yield from hf2dwire_scanplan

    #    shut_b.close_cmd.put(1)
    #    while (shut_b.close_status.get() == 0):
    #        epics.poll(.5)
    #        shut_b.close_cmd.put(1)

    #write to scan log

    return scaninfo
コード例 #19
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: sbillinge/xpdAcq
def Tramp(dets, exposure, Tstart, Tstop, Tstep, *, md=None):
    Scan over temeprature controller in steps.

    temeprature steps are defined by starting point,
    stoping point and step size

    detectors : list
        list of 'readable' objects
    exposure : float
        exposure time at each temeprature step in seconds
    Tstart : float
        starting point of temperature sequence
    Tstop : float
        stoping point of temperature sequence
    Tstep : float
        step size between Tstart and Tstop of this sequence
    md : dict, optional
        extra metadata

    temperature controller that is driven will always be the one configured in
    global state. Please refer to http://xpdacq.github.io for more information

    pe1c, = dets
    if md is None:
        md = {}
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = _configure_pe1c(exposure)
    # compute Nsteps
    (Nsteps, computed_step_size) = _nstep(Tstart, Tstop, Tstep)
    # update md
    _md = ChainMap(
            'sp_time_per_frame': acq_time,
            'sp_num_frames': num_frame,
            'sp_requested_exposure': exposure,
            'sp_computed_exposure': computed_exposure,
            'sp_type': 'Tramp',
            'sp_startingT': Tstart,
            'sp_endingT': Tstop,
            'sp_requested_Tstep': Tstep,
            'sp_computed_Tstep': computed_step_size,
            'sp_Nsteps': Nsteps,
            # need a name that shows all parameters values
            # 'sp_name': 'Tramp_<exposure_time>',
            'sp_uid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
            'sp_plan_name': 'Tramp'
    plan = bp.scan([glbl.area_det],
    plan = bp.subs_wrapper(plan,
                           LiveTable([glbl.area_det, glbl.temp_controller]))
    yield from plan
コード例 #20
ファイル: beamtime.py プロジェクト: rohanpok/xpdAcq
def statTramp(
    dets, exposure, Tstart, Tstop, Tstep, sample_mapping, *, bt=None
    sample_mapping : dict
        {'sample_ind': croysta_motor_pos}
    pe1c, = dets
    # setting up area_detector
    (num_frame, acq_time, computed_exposure) = yield from _configure_area_det(
    area_det = xpd_configuration["area_det"]
    temp_controller = xpd_configuration["temp_controller"]
    stat_motor = xpd_configuration["stat_motor"]
    ring_current = xpd_configuration["ring_current"]
    # compute Nsteps
    (Nsteps, computed_step_size) = _nstep(Tstart, Tstop, Tstep)
    # stat_list
    _sorted_mapping = sorted(sample_mapping.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    sp_uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
    xpdacq_md = {
        "sp_time_per_frame": acq_time,
        "sp_num_frames": num_frame,
        "sp_requested_exposure": exposure,
        "sp_computed_exposure": computed_exposure,
        "sp_type": "statTramp",
        "sp_startingT": Tstart,
        "sp_endingT": Tstop,
        "sp_requested_Tstep": Tstep,
        "sp_computed_Tstep": computed_step_size,
        "sp_Nsteps": Nsteps,
        "sp_uid": sp_uid,
        "sp_plan_name": "statTramp",
    # plan
    uids = {k: [] for k in sample_mapping.keys()}
    yield from bp.mv(temp_controller, Tstart)
    for t in np.linspace(Tstart, Tstop, Nsteps):
        yield from bp.mv(temp_controller, t)
        for s, pos in _sorted_mapping:  # sample ind
            yield from bp.mv(stat_motor, pos)
            # update md
            md = list(bt.samples.values())[int(s)]
            _md = ChainMap(md, xpdacq_md)
            plan = bp.count(
                [temp_controller, stat_motor, ring_current] + dets, md=_md
            plan = bp.subs_wrapper(
                    [area_det, temp_controller, stat_motor, ring_current]
            # plan = bp.baseline_wrapper(plan, [temp_controller,
            #                                  stat_motor,
            #                                  ring_current])
            uid = yield from plan
            if uid is not None:
                from xpdan.data_reduction import save_last_tiff

    for s, uid_list in uids.items():
        from databroker import db
        import pandas as pd

        hdrs = db[uid_list]
        dfs = [db.get_table(h, stream_name="primary") for h in hdrs]
        df = pd.concat(dfs)
        fn_md = list(bt.samples.keys())[int(s)]
        fn_md = "_".join([fn_md, sp_uid]) + ".csv"
        fn = os.path.join(glbl["tiff_base"], fn_md)
    return uids