コード例 #1
def test_count():
    actual_intensity = []
    col = collector('det', actual_intensity)
    scan = Count([det])
    RE(scan, subs={'event': col})
    assert actual_intensity[0] == 1.

    # multiple counts, via updating attribute
    actual_intensity = []
    col = collector('det', actual_intensity)
    scan = Count([det], num=3, delay=0.05)
    RE(scan, subs={'event': col})
    assert scan.num == 3
    assert actual_intensity == [1., 1., 1.]

    # multiple counts, via passing arts to __call__
    actual_intensity = []
    col = collector('det', actual_intensity)
    scan = Count([det], num=3, delay=0.05)
    RE(scan(num=2), subs={'event': col})
    assert actual_intensity == [1., 1.]
    # attribute should still be 3
    assert scan.num == 3
    actual_intensity = []
    col = collector('det', actual_intensity)
    RE(scan, subs={'event': col})
    assert actual_intensity == [1., 1., 1.]
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_scans.py プロジェクト: tacaswell/bluesky
def test_pre_run_post_run():
    c = Count([])

    def f(x):
        yield Msg('HEY', None)
    c.pre_run = f
    list(c)[0].command == 'HEY'

    c = Count([])

    def f(x):
        yield Msg('HEY', None)
    c.pre_run = f
    list(c)[-1].command == 'HEY'
コード例 #3
def test_round_trip_from_run_engine():
        import bluesky
    except ImportError as ie:
        raise pytest.skip('ImportError: {0}'.format(ie))
    # generate a new specfile
    from bluesky.tests.utils import setup_test_run_engine
    from bluesky.examples import motor, det
    from bluesky.plans import RelativeScan, Scan, Count
    RE = setup_test_run_engine()
    RE.ignore_callback_exceptions = False
    fname = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
    cb = DocumentToSpec(fname)
    dscan = RelativeScan([det], motor, -1, 1, 10)
    RE(dscan, {'all': cb})
    ascan = Scan([det], motor, -1, 1, 10)
    RE(ascan, {'all': cb})
    # add count to hit some lines in
    #   suitcase.spec:_get_motor_name
    #   suitcase.spec:_get_motor_position
    #   suitcase.spec:_get_plan_type
    ct = Count([det])
    RE(ct, {'all': cb})

    sf = Specfile(fname)
    sf1 = _round_trip(sf)

    assert len(sf) == len(sf1)
コード例 #4
    def test_prun_with_bleusky_plan(self):
        cc = Count([det], 2)
        self.sp = ScanPlan('bluesky', {'bluesky_plan': cc}, shutter=False)
        self.sc = Scan(self.sa, self.sp)
        self.assertEqual(self.sc.sp, self.sp)
        cfg_f_name = 'srxconfig.cfg'
        cfg_src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                               cfg_f_name)  # __file__ gives relative path
        cfg_dst = os.path.join(glbl.config_base, cfg_f_name)
        shutil.copy(cfg_src, cfg_dst)
        # sp_params should be id to object
        self.assertEqual(id(cc), self.sp.md['sp_params']['bluesky_plan'])

        # case 1: bluesky plan object exist in current name space
        prun(self.sa, self.sp)
        # is xpdRE used?
        # is md updated?
        self.assertFalse(glbl.xpdRE.call_args_list[-1][1] == self.sc.md)
        # is prun passed eventually?
        self.assertTrue('sc_isprun' in glbl.xpdRE.call_args_list[-1][1])
        # is auto_dark executed? -> No as we don't support
        self.assertFalse('sc_dk_field_uid' in glbl.xpdRE.call_args_list[-1][1])
        # is calibration loaded?
        self.assertTrue(cfg_f_name in glbl.xpdRE.call_args_list[-1][1]
        # is 'blusky_plan' appears in sp_params ?
            'bluesky_plan' in glbl.xpdRE.call_args_list[-1][1]['sp_params'])
        # is  ScanPlan.md remain unchanged after scan?
        self.assertFalse('sc_isprun' in self.sp.md)

        # case 2: bluesky plan object doesn't exist in current name spaece
        del cc
        self.assertRaises(NameError, lambda: prun(self.sa, self, sp))
コード例 #5
def test_dets(db, tmp_dir, name, fp):
    det = det_factory(name, db.fs, fp, save_path=tmp_dir)
    RE = setup_test_run_engine()
    RE.subscribe('all', db.mds.insert)
    scan = Count([det], )
    uid = RE(scan)
    db.fs.register_handler('RWFS_NPY', be.ReaderWithFSHandler)
    cycle2 = build_image_cycle(fp)
    cg = cycle2()
    for n, d in db.restream(db[-1], fill=True):
        if n == 'event':
            assert_array_equal(d['data']['pe1_image'], next(cg)['pe1_image'])
    assert uid is not None
コード例 #6
def test_plan_md(fresh_RE):
    mutable = []
    md = {'color': 'red'}

    def collector(name, doc):

    # test genereator
    fresh_RE(count([det], md=md), collector)
    assert 'color' in mutable[0]

    # test Plan with explicit __init__
    fresh_RE(Count([det], md=md), collector)
    assert 'color' in mutable[0]

    # test Plan with implicit __init__ (created via metaclasss)
    fresh_RE(Scan([det], motor, 1, 2, 2, md=md), collector)
    assert 'color' in mutable[0]
コード例 #7
def test_pre_run_post_run():
    c = Count([])

    def f(x):
        yield Msg('HEY', None)

    c.pre_run = f
    list(c)[0].command == 'HEY'

    c = Count([])

    def f(x):
        yield Msg('HEY', None)

    c.pre_run = f
    list(c)[-1].command == 'HEY'
コード例 #8
def test_dets_shutter(db, tmp_dir, name, fp):
    det = det_factory(name, db.fs, fp, save_path=tmp_dir, shutter=shctl1)
    RE = setup_test_run_engine()
    RE.subscribe('all', db.mds.insert)
    scan = Count([det], )
    db.fs.register_handler('RWFS_NPY', be.ReaderWithFSHandler)
    cycle2 = build_image_cycle(fp)
    cg = cycle2()
    # With the shutter down
    RE(abs_set(shctl1, 0, wait=True))
    uid = RE(scan)
    for n, d in db.restream(db[-1], fill=True):
        if n == 'event':
    assert uid is not None

    # With the shutter up
    RE(abs_set(shctl1, 1, wait=True))
    uid = RE(scan)
    for n, d in db.restream(db[-1], fill=True):
        if n == 'event':
            assert_array_equal(d['data']['pe1_image'], next(cg)['pe1_image'])
    assert uid is not None
コード例 #9
from bluesky.plans import Count

print('Waiting for pb6 to report connected')

c = Count([])
c.flyers = [pb6.enc1]
RE(c, LiveTable([]))
コード例 #10
import asyncio
import os
import sys
from bluesky.examples import det, motor, motor1, motor2, MockFlyer, det1, det2
from bluesky.plans import (Count, AbsScanPlan, AbsListScanPlan,
                           DeltaListScanPlan, InnerProductAbsScanPlan,

count_with_flyers = Count([det])
count_with_flyers.flyers = [
    MockFlyer(det, motor, loop=asyncio.new_event_loop())
mf = count_with_flyers.flyers[0]
mf.root = mf

plans = {
    'Count([det1, det2], 2)',
    'AbsScanPlan([det], motor, 1, 5, 3)',
    'AbsListScanPlan([det], motor, [1, 3, 8])',
    'DeltaListScanPlan([det], motor, [1, 3, 8])',
    'InnerProductAbsScanPlan([det], 2, motor1, 1, 2, motor2, 10, 20)',
コード例 #11
from bluesky.plans import Count

uid, = RE(Count([fm]), LiveTable([fm]))
コード例 #12
from bluesky.plans import Count

print('Waiting for pb6 to report connected')

c = Count([])
c.flyers = [pb6.enc1]
RE(c, LiveTable([]))
コード例 #13
import asyncio
import os
import sys
from bluesky.examples import det, motor, motor1, motor2, MockFlyer, det1, det2
from bluesky.plans import (Count, AbsScanPlan, AbsListScanPlan, DeltaListScanPlan,
                           InnerProductAbsScanPlan, OuterProductAbsScanPlan)

count_with_flyers = Count([det])
count_with_flyers.flyers = [MockFlyer(det, motor, loop=asyncio.new_event_loop())]
mf = count_with_flyers.flyers[0]
mf.root = mf

plans = {'count-one-det': 'Count([det])',
         'count-two-dets': 'Count([det1, det2], 2)',
         'count-with-flyers': 'count_with_flyers',
         'ascan': 'AbsScanPlan([det], motor, 1, 5, 3)',
         'list-scan': 'AbsListScanPlan([det], motor, [1, 3, 8])',
         'dscan-from-8': 'DeltaListScanPlan([det], motor, [1, 3, 8])',
         'inner': 'InnerProductAbsScanPlan([det], 2, motor1, 1, 2, motor2, 10, 20)',
         'outer': 'OuterProductAbsScanPlan([det], motor1, 1, 2, 2, motor2, 10, 20, 2, '

def main(path):
    for name, plan in plans.items():
        with open(os.path.join(path, name), 'w') as f:
            f.write(plan + "\n")
            for msg in list(eval(plan)):
                if 'group' in msg.kwargs:
                    msg.kwargs['group'] = 'PLACEHOLDER'
コード例 #14
from bluesky.plans import Count

ct = Count([])
ct.flyers = [topoff_inj, diag6_flyer5, diag6_flyer1]

uid, = RE(ct, LiveTable([]))
assert len(db[uid].descriptors) == 3  # one event stream per flyer
コード例 #15
from bluesky.plans import Count
from bluesky.callbacks import LiveTable, LivePlot

assert diag6_monitor.connected
assert sclr.connected

RE(Count([diag6_monitor, sclr]), LiveTable(['sclr_ch2', 'diag6_monitor']))