コード例 #1
def inflight(v, h, vs, thr0):
    """Compute thrust ration for inflight"""
    def dfunc(mratio):
        d = -0.4204 * mratio + 1.0824
        return d

    def nfunc(roc):
        n = 2.667e-05 * roc + 0.8633
        return n

    def mfunc(vratio, roc):
        m = -1.2043e-1 * vratio - 8.8889e-9 * roc**2 + 2.4444e-5 * roc + 4.7379e-1
        return m

    roc = np.abs(np.asarray(vs / aero.fpm))
    v = np.where(v < 10, 10, v)

    mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    vcas = aero.vtas2cas(v, h)

    p = aero.vpressure(h)
    p10 = aero.vpressure(10000 * aero.ft)
    p35 = aero.vpressure(35000 * aero.ft)

    # approximate thrust at top of climb (REF 2)
    F35 = (200 + 0.2 * thr0 / 4.448) * 4.448
    mach_ref = 0.8
    vcas_ref = aero.vmach2cas(mach_ref, 35000 * aero.ft)

    # segment 3: alt > 35000:
    d = dfunc(mach / mach_ref)
    b = (mach / mach_ref)**(-0.11)
    ratio_seg3 = d * np.log(p / p35) + b

    # segment 2: 10000 < alt <= 35000:
    a = (vcas / vcas_ref)**(-0.1)
    n = nfunc(roc)
    ratio_seg2 = a * (p / p35)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)

    # segment 1: alt <= 10000:
    F10 = F35 * a * (p10 / p35)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)
    m = mfunc(vcas / vcas_ref, roc)
    ratio_seg1 = m * (p / p35) + (F10 / F35 - m * (p10 / p35))

    ratio = np.where(
        h > 35000 * aero.ft,
        np.where(h > 10000 * aero.ft, ratio_seg2, ratio_seg1),

    # convert to maximum static thrust ratio
    ratio_F0 = ratio * F35 / thr0

    return ratio_F0
コード例 #2
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: ProfHoekstra/bluesky
def inflight(v, h, vs, thr0):
    """Compute thrust ration for inflight"""
    def dfunc(mratio):
        d = -0.4204 * mratio + 1.0824
        return d

    def nfunc(roc):
        n = 2.667e-05 * roc + 0.8633
        return n

    def mfunc(vratio, roc):
        m = -1.2043e-1 * vratio - 8.8889e-9 * roc**2 + 2.4444e-5 * roc + 4.7379e-1
        return m

    roc = np.abs(np.asarray(vs/aero.fpm))
    v = np.where(v < 10, 10, v)

    mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    vcas = aero.vtas2cas(v, h)

    p = aero.vpressure(h)
    p10 = aero.vpressure(10000*aero.ft)
    p35 = aero.vpressure(35000*aero.ft)

    # approximate thrust at top of climb (REF 2)
    F35 = (200 + 0.2 * thr0/4.448) * 4.448
    mach_ref = 0.8
    vcas_ref = aero.vmach2cas(mach_ref, 35000*aero.ft)

    # segment 3: alt > 35000:
    d = dfunc(mach/mach_ref)
    b = (mach / mach_ref) ** (-0.11)
    ratio_seg3 = d * np.log(p/p35) + b

    # segment 2: 10000 < alt <= 35000:
    a = (vcas / vcas_ref) ** (-0.1)
    n = nfunc(roc)
    ratio_seg2 = a * (p/p35) ** (-0.355 * (vcas/vcas_ref) + n)

    # segment 1: alt <= 10000:
    F10 = F35 * a * (p10/p35) ** (-0.355 * (vcas/vcas_ref) + n)
    m = mfunc(vcas/vcas_ref, roc)
    ratio_seg1 = m * (p/p35) + (F10/F35 - m * (p10/p35))

    ratio = np.where(h>35000*aero.ft, ratio_seg3, np.where(h>10000*aero.ft, ratio_seg2, ratio_seg1))

    # convert to maximum static thrust ratio
    ratio_F0 = ratio * F35 / thr0

    return ratio_F0
コード例 #3
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: poyoin/bluesky
def compute_thrust_ratio(phase, bpr, v, h, unit='SI'):
    """Computer the dynamic thrust based on engine bypass-ratio, static maximum
    thrust, aircraft true airspeed, and aircraft altitude

        phase (int or 1D-array): phase of flight, option: phase.[NA, TO, IC, CL,
            CR, DE, FA, LD, GD]
        bpr (int or 1D-array): engine bypass ratio
        v (int or 1D-array): aircraft true airspeed
        h (int or 1D-array): aircraft altitude

        int or 1D-array: thust in N

    n = len(phase)

    if unit == 'EP':
        v = v * aero.kts
        h = h * aero.ft

    G0 = 0.0606 * bpr + 0.6337
    Mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    P0 = aero.p0
    P = aero.vpressure(h)
    PP = P / P0

    # thrust ratio at take off
    ratio_takeoff = 1 - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Mach \
               + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * Mach**2

    # thrust ratio for climb and cruise
    A = -0.4327 * PP**2 + 1.3855 * PP + 0.0472
    Z = 0.9106 * PP**3 - 1.7736 * PP**2 + 1.8697 * PP
    X = 0.1377 * PP**3 - 0.4374 * PP**2 + 1.3003 * PP

    ratio_inflight = A - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Z * Mach \
          + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * X * Mach**2

    # thrust ratio for descent, considering 15% of inflight model thrust
    ratio_idle = 0.15 * ratio_inflight

    # thrust ratio array
    #   LD and GN assume ZERO thrust
    tr = np.zeros(n)
    tr = np.where(phase == ph.TO, ratio_takeoff, tr)
    tr = np.where((phase == ph.IC) | (phase == ph.CL) | (phase == ph.CR),
                  ratio_inflight, tr)
    tr = np.where(phase == ph.DE, ratio_idle, tr)

    return tr
コード例 #4
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: isabelmetz/bluesky
def compute_thrust_ratio(phase, bpr, v, h, unit='SI'):
    """Computer the dynamic thrust based on engine bypass-ratio, static maximum
    thrust, aircraft true airspeed, and aircraft altitude

        phase (int or 1D-array): phase of flight, option: phase.[NA, TO, IC, CL,
            CR, DE, FA, LD, GD]
        bpr (int or 1D-array): engine bypass ratio
        v (int or 1D-array): aircraft true airspeed
        h (int or 1D-array): aircraft altitude

        int or 1D-array: thust in N

    n = len(phase)

    if unit == 'EP':
        v = v * aero.kts
        h = h * aero.ft

    G0 = 0.0606 * bpr + 0.6337
    Mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    P0 = aero.p0
    P = aero.vpressure(h)
    PP = P / P0

    # thrust ratio at take off
    ratio_takeoff = 1 - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Mach \
               + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * Mach**2

    # thrust ratio for climb and cruise
    A = -0.4327 * PP**2 + 1.3855 * PP + 0.0472
    Z = 0.9106 * PP**3 - 1.7736 * PP**2 + 1.8697 * PP
    X = 0.1377 * PP**3 - 0.4374 * PP**2 + 1.3003 * PP

    ratio_inflight = A - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Z * Mach \
          + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * X * Mach**2

    # thrust ratio for descent, considering 15% of inflight model thrust
    ratio_idle = 0.15 * ratio_inflight

    # thrust ratio array
    #   LD and GN assume ZERO thrust
    tr = np.zeros(n)
    tr = np.where(phase==ph.TO, ratio_takeoff, tr)
    tr = np.where((phase==ph.IC) | (phase==ph.CL) | (phase==ph.CR), ratio_inflight, tr)
    tr = np.where(phase==ph.DE, ratio_idle, tr)

    return tr
コード例 #5
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: thobson88/bluesky
def tr_takepff(bpr, v, h):
    """Compute thrust ration at take-off"""
    G0 = 0.0606 * bpr + 0.6337
    Mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    P0 = aero.p0
    P = aero.vpressure(h)
    PP = P / P0

    A = -0.4327 * PP**2 + 1.3855 * PP + 0.0472
    Z = 0.9106 * PP**3 - 1.7736 * PP**2 + 1.8697 * PP
    X = 0.1377 * PP**3 - 0.4374 * PP**2 + 1.3003 * PP

    ratio = A - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Z * Mach \
          + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * X * Mach**2

    return ratio
コード例 #6
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: thobson88/bluesky
def tr_takepff(bpr, v, h):
    """Compute thrust ration at take-off"""
    G0 = 0.0606 * bpr + 0.6337
    Mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    P0 = aero.p0
    P = aero.vpressure(h)
    PP = P / P0

    A = -0.4327 * PP**2 + 1.3855 * PP + 0.0472
    Z = 0.9106 * PP**3 - 1.7736 * PP**2 + 1.8697 * PP
    X = 0.1377 * PP**3 - 0.4374 * PP**2 + 1.3003 * PP

    ratio = A - 0.377 * (1+bpr) / np.sqrt((1+0.82*bpr)*G0) * Z * Mach \
          + (0.23 + 0.19 * np.sqrt(bpr)) * X * Mach**2

    return ratio
コード例 #7
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: thobson88/bluesky
def inflight(v, h, vs, thr0):
    """Compute thrust ration for inflight"""
    def dfunc(mratio):
        d = np.where(
            mratio<0.85, 0.73, np.where(
                mratio<0.92, 0.73+(0.69-0.73)/(0.92-0.85)*(mratio-0.85), np.where(
                    mratio<1.08, 0.66+(0.63-0.66)/(1.08-1.00)*(mratio-1.00), np.where(
                        mratio<1.15, 0.63+(0.60-0.63)/(1.15-1.08)*(mratio-1.08), 0.60
        return d

    def nfunc(roc):
        n = np.where(roc<1500, 0.89, np.where(roc<2500, 0.93, 0.97))
        return n

    def mfunc(vratio, roc):
        m = np.where(
            vratio<0.67, 0.4, np.where(
                vratio<0.75, 0.39, np.where(
                    vratio<0.83, 0.38, np.where(
                        vratio<0.92, 0.37, 0.36
        m = np.where(
            roc<1500, m-0.06, np.where(
                roc<2500, m-0.01, m
        return m

    roc = np.abs(np.asarray(vs/aero.fpm))
    v = np.where(v < 10, 10, v)

    mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    vcas = aero.vtas2cas(v, h)

    p = aero.vpressure(h)
    p10 = aero.vpressure(10000*aero.ft)
    p35 = aero.vpressure(35000*aero.ft)

    # approximate thrust at top of climb (REF 2)
    F35 = (200 + 0.2 * thr0/4.448) * 4.448
    mach_ref = 0.8
    vcas_ref = aero.vmach2cas(mach_ref, 35000*aero.ft)

    # segment 3: alt > 35000:
    d = dfunc(mach/mach_ref)
    b = (mach / mach_ref) ** (-0.11)
    ratio_seg3 = d * np.log(p/p35) + b

    # segment 2: 10000 < alt <= 35000:
    a = (vcas / vcas_ref) ** (-0.1)
    n = nfunc(roc)
    ratio_seg2 = a * (p/p35) ** (-0.355 * (vcas/vcas_ref) + n)

    # segment 1: alt <= 10000:
    F10 = F35 * a * (p10/p35) ** (-0.355 * (vcas/vcas_ref) + n)
    m = mfunc(vcas/vcas_ref, roc)
    ratio_seg1 = m * (p/p35) + (F10/F35 - m * (p10/p35))

    ratio = np.where(h>35000*aero.ft, ratio_seg3, np.where(h>10000*aero.ft, ratio_seg2, ratio_seg1))

    # convert to maximum static thrust ratio
    ratio_F0 = ratio * F35 / thr0

    return ratio_F0
コード例 #8
ファイル: thrust.py プロジェクト: thobson88/bluesky
def inflight(v, h, vs, thr0):
    """Compute thrust ration for inflight"""
    def dfunc(mratio):
        d = np.where(
            mratio < 0.85, 0.73,
                mratio < 0.92,
                0.73 + (0.69 - 0.73) / (0.92 - 0.85) * (mratio - 0.85),
                    mratio < 1.08,
                    0.66 + (0.63 - 0.66) / (1.08 - 1.00) * (mratio - 1.00),
                        mratio < 1.15,
                        0.63 + (0.60 - 0.63) / (1.15 - 1.08) * (mratio - 1.08),
        return d

    def nfunc(roc):
        n = np.where(roc < 1500, 0.89, np.where(roc < 2500, 0.93, 0.97))
        return n

    def mfunc(vratio, roc):
        m = np.where(
            vratio < 0.67, 0.4,
                vratio < 0.75, 0.39,
                np.where(vratio < 0.83, 0.38,
                         np.where(vratio < 0.92, 0.37, 0.36))))
        m = np.where(roc < 1500, m - 0.06, np.where(roc < 2500, m - 0.01, m))
        return m

    roc = np.abs(np.asarray(vs / aero.fpm))
    v = np.where(v < 10, 10, v)

    mach = aero.vtas2mach(v, h)
    vcas = aero.vtas2cas(v, h)

    p = aero.vpressure(h)
    p10 = aero.vpressure(10000 * aero.ft)
    p35 = aero.vpressure(35000 * aero.ft)

    # approximate thrust at top of climb (REF 2)
    F35 = (200 + 0.2 * thr0 / 4.448) * 4.448
    mach_ref = 0.8
    vcas_ref = aero.vmach2cas(mach_ref, 35000 * aero.ft)

    # segment 3: alt > 35000:
    d = dfunc(mach / mach_ref)
    b = (mach / mach_ref)**(-0.11)
    ratio_seg3 = d * np.log(p / p35) + b

    # segment 2: 10000 < alt <= 35000:
    a = (vcas / vcas_ref)**(-0.1)
    n = nfunc(roc)
    ratio_seg2 = a * (p / p35)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)

    # segment 1: alt <= 10000:
    F10 = F35 * a * (p10 / p35)**(-0.355 * (vcas / vcas_ref) + n)
    m = mfunc(vcas / vcas_ref, roc)
    ratio_seg1 = m * (p / p35) + (F10 / F35 - m * (p10 / p35))

    ratio = np.where(h > 35000 * aero.ft, ratio_seg3,
                     np.where(h > 10000 * aero.ft, ratio_seg2, ratio_seg1))

    # convert to maximum static thrust ratio
    ratio_F0 = ratio * F35 / thr0

    return ratio_F0