コード例 #1
ファイル: Car_discovery_rBCIisN.py プロジェクト: mrow4a/UNI
def Catch_and_Store_advertisement_meassages(sock):

    global tags_list 
    global semaphore
    #Setup filter to receive only the events what we need
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_all_events(flt) # Enable all events, then mask it with HCI_EVENT_PKT = 0x04 check bluez source/lib/hci.h
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT) #HCI Packet types: Bluetooth specification (4.2) page 2406, Vol 4, Part A, Section: 2 - Protocol
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt ) #(socket level)SOL_HCI = 0 check bluez source/lib/bluetooth.h
        if(BLOCK_THREADS == False):
                packet = sock.recv(46)
                if packet:
                    entry = process_BLE_packet(packet)
                    if entry:
                        if (len(tags_list)>20):
                            status = update_detected_tags(tags_list)
                            tags_list =[]
                            CHANGES_TO_DATABASE = 1
            except Exception,e:
                error_reporting(("ERROR - Catch_and_Store_advertisement_meassages..." + str(e)))
            print "close ble thread..."
コード例 #2
ファイル: discoverer.py プロジェクト: Roel/Gyrid
    def _check_command_support(self, octet, mask):
        Checks if a certain command is supported by the Bluetooth sensor.

        @param  octet   The octet of the command.
        @param  mask    The bitmask of the command.
                           Both as defined in the Bluetooth specification v4.0 pp. 447 (pdf 693).
        # save current filter
        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the
        # read_inquiry_mode command
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(0x04, 0x0002)
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
        bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        # Send the Read Local Supported Commands command
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.sock, 0x04, 0x0002)

        pkt = self.sock.recv(65)

        status = struct.unpack("65B", pkt)
        status = status[6:]

        # restore old filter
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

        # Check if the requested bit is set.
        if len(status) >= octet+1:
            return status[octet+1] & mask == mask
        return False
コード例 #3
def write_inquiry_mode(sock, mode):
    """returns 0 on success, -1 on failure"""
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the
    # write_inquiry_mode command
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
    bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    # send the command!
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
            bluez.OCF_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE, struct.pack("B", mode) )

    pkt = sock.recv(255)

    status = struct.unpack("xxxxxxB", pkt)[0]

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    if status != 0: return -1
    return 0
コード例 #4
def read_inquiry_scan_activity(sock):
    """returns the current inquiry scan interval and window, 
    or -1 on failure"""
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the
    # read_inquiry_mode command
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
    bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    # first read the current inquiry mode.
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
            bluez.OCF_READ_INQ_ACTIVITY )

    pkt = sock.recv(255)

    status,interval,window = struct.unpack("!xxxxxxBHH", pkt)
    interval = bluez.btohs(interval)
    interval = (interval >> 8) | ( (interval & 0xFF) << 8 )
    window = (window >> 8) | ( (window & 0xFF) << 8 )
    if status != 0: mode = -1

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return interval, window
コード例 #5
ファイル: bt_find.py プロジェクト: stariq1995/PiWire
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    global FOUND
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
                if addr == ADDR:
                    FOUND = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        print("event ", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
コード例 #6
    def find_local_bdaddr(self):
        dev_id = 0
        hci_sock = _bt.hci_open_dev(dev_id)

        old_filter = hci_sock.getsockopt( _bt.SOL_HCI, _bt.HCI_FILTER, 14)
        flt = _bt.hci_filter_new()
        opcode = _bt.cmd_opcode_pack(_bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, _bt.OCF_READ_BD_ADDR)
        _bt.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, _bt.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        _bt.hci_filter_set_event(flt, _bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
        _bt.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
        hci_sock.setsockopt(_bt.SOL_HCI, _bt.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        _bt.hci_send_cmd(hci_sock, _bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, _bt.OCF_READ_BD_ADDR)

        pkt = hci_sock.recv(255)

        status,raw_bdaddr = struct.unpack("xxxxxxB6s", pkt)
        assert status == 0

        t = [ "%X" % ord(b) for b in raw_bdaddr ]
        bdaddr = ":".join(t)

        # restore old filter
        hci_sock.setsockopt( _bt.SOL_HCI, _bt.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
        return bdaddr
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: bluewish/we_iot_demo
 def _hci_set_le_scan_params(self):
     # set scan parameter
     self._old_filter = self._dev_sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
     new_filter = bluez.hci_filter_new()
     bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(new_filter, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
     self._dev_sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, new_filter)
コード例 #8
ファイル: btscan.py プロジェクト: circumstance/wimpy
	def find_devices (s, lookup_names=True, duration=8, flush_cache=True):
		if s.is_inquiring:
			raise BluetoothError ("Already inquiring!")

		s.lookup_names = lookup_names

		s.sock = _gethcisock ()
		flt = _bt.hci_filter_new ()
		_bt.hci_filter_all_events (flt)
		_bt.hci_filter_set_ptype (flt, _bt.HCI_EVENT_PKT)

			s.sock.setsockopt (_bt.SOL_HCI, _bt.HCI_FILTER, flt)
			raise BluetoothError ("problem with local bluetooth device.")

		# send the inquiry command
		max_responses = 255
		cmd_pkt = struct.pack ("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, \
			duration, max_responses)

		s.pre_inquiry ()
			_bt.hci_send_cmd (s.sock, _bt.OGF_LINK_CTL, \
			    _bt.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)
			raise BluetoothError ("problem with local bluetooth device.")

		s.is_inquiring = True

		s.names_to_find = {}
コード例 #9
ファイル: discoverer.py プロジェクト: Roel/Gyrid
    def _write_inquiry_tx_power(self, power):
        Returns 0 on success, error status code or -1 on failure.
        if not self._check_command_support(18, 0b10):
            return -1

        # save current filter
        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the
        # read_inquiry_mode command
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 0x0059)
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
        bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        # first read the current inquiry mode.
        bluez.hci_send_cmd(self.sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL,
                0x0059, struct.pack("b", power))

        pkt = self.sock.recv(255)

        status = struct.unpack("xxxxxxB", pkt)[0]

        # restore old filter
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
        return status
コード例 #10
def read_inquiry_mode(sock):
    """returns the current mode, or -1 on failure"""
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # Setup socket filter to receive only events related to the
    # read_inquiry_mode command
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    opcode = bluez.cmd_opcode_pack(bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE);
    bluez.hci_filter_set_opcode(flt, opcode)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    # first read the current inquiry mode.
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
            bluez.OCF_READ_INQUIRY_MODE )

    pkt = sock.recv(255)

    status,mode = struct.unpack("xxxxxxBB", pkt)
    if status != 0: mode = -1

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return mode
コード例 #11
ファイル: fetch_rssi.py プロジェクト: Cleanshooter/fetch_rssi
def fetch_rssi(socket, bdaddr):
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    socket.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("????")
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(socket, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_READ_RSSI, cmd_pkt)

    pkt = socket.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
    if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
            addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
            rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
            results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
            print("[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi))
    elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
        status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
        if status != 0:
            print("uh oh...")
            done = True
    elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
        pkt = pkt[3:]
        nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
        for i in range(nrsp):
            addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
            results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )
            print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
        print("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
    print("event ", event)
コード例 #12
    def Listen(self):
            old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

            # perform a device inquiry on blue tooth device #0
            # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
            # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
            # previously discovered devices
            flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
            bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
            self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
            while True:
                pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
                ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

                if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                    i = 0
                elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                    i = 0
                elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                    i = 0
                elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
                    subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
                    pkt = pkt[4:]
                    if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
                    elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                        # print "advertising report"
                        num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                        report_pkt_offset = 0
                        for i in range(0, num_reports):
                            if DEBUG == True:
                                print "-------------"
                                print "\t", "full packet: ", self.printpacket(pkt)
                                print "\t", "MAC address: ", self.packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                                    pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3 : report_pkt_offset + 9]
                            # build the return string
                            id = pkt[report_pkt_offset + 12 : report_pkt_offset + 26]
                            if DEBUG == True:
                                print "\t", "id: ", id
                            if id == "MSOT_BLE_Demo:":
                                # MAC address
                                macAddress = self.packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                                    pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3 : report_pkt_offset + 9]
                                # string representation of Water Volume Content (unit-less) floating point value
                                value = pkt[report_pkt_offset + 26 : report_pkt_offset + 36]
                                if DEBUG == True:
                                    print "\t", "address=", macAddress, " value=", value
                                if self.callback != None:
                                    print "calling event handler"
                                    self.callback(macAddress, value)
            self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
            print "error in BLE Listen loop"
コード例 #13
def save_filter(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    return old_filter
コード例 #14
    def handle_events(self, callback=None):
        if callback is None: callback = self.print_detect

        self.old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

        while True:
            pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

            if DEBUG: print "-------------- ptype: 0x%02x event: 0x%02x plen: 0x%02x" % (ptype, event, plen)

            if event != LE_META_EVENT: continue

            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]

            if DEBUG: print "LE META EVENT subevent: 0x%02x" %(subevent,)

            if subevent != EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT: continue

            if DEBUG: print "advertising report"
            num_reports, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])
            report_pkt_offset = 0
            if DEBUG: print "Number of reports in the report: 0x%02x" % num_reports
            for i in range(0, num_reports):
                if DEBUG: print "report", i
                report_event_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1])[0]
                bdaddr_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 2])[0]
                if DEBUG: print "\tadvertising report event type: 0x%02x" % report_event_type
                if DEBUG: print "\tbdaddr type: 0x%02x" % (bdaddr_type,)
                bdaddr = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                if DEBUG: print "\tdevice address: ", bdaddr
                report_data_length, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
                if DEBUG: print "\tadvertising packet metadata length: ", report_data_length
                report_event_type_human = ADV_TYPES.get(report_event_type, 'Unknown(%s)' % report_event_type)
                if DEBUG: print "\ttype: ", report_event_type_human

                name = None
                if report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                    local_name_len, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 11])
                    # TODO: the line below is probably bugged
                    name = pkt[report_pkt_offset + 12:report_pkt_offset + 12+local_name_len].split('\x00')[0]
                    if DEBUG: print "\tname:", name

                # each report is 2 (event type, bdaddr type) + 6 (the address)
                #    + 1 (data length field) + data length + 1 (rssi)
                report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset +  10 + report_data_length + 1
                rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                if DEBUG: print "\tRSSI:", rssi

                callback(bdaddr, rssi, report_event_type_human, name)
コード例 #15
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock, wanted_addr):
    global results

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    # 0x9e8b33 is the reserved code for general inquiry of Bluetooth devices
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                if addr == wanted_addr:
                    results.append( rssi )
                    # print "*** ",
                # print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
            # print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    if len(results) > 10:
        results = results[-10:]
    return results
コード例 #16
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack('BBB', pkt[:3])
        #print '--------------' 
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack('B', pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print 'advertising report'
                num_reports = struct.unpack('B', pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    #print '\tfullpacket: ', printpacket(pkt)    
                    device = bledevice()
                    device.udid = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]) 
                    device.major = returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    device.minor = returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    device.macaddress = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    device.txpower = struct.unpack('b', pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                    device.rssi = struct.unpack('b', pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                    #print returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]) 
                    #print returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    #print returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    #print packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    #print struct.unpack('b', pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                    #print struct.unpack('b', pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
        done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #17
ファイル: blescan.py プロジェクト: olimpiurob/beaconreport
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    beacons = {}
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
        except (socket.timeout, socket.error, bluez.timeout) as e:
            print "Connection error: {}".format(e)
            return {}
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------" 
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    beacon_data = {}
                    beacon_data['udid'] = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    beacon_data['major'] = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    beacon_data['minor'] = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    mac_addr = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    beacon_data['txpower'] = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                    beacon_data['rssi'] = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                    beacons[mac_addr] = beacon_data
            done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return beacons
コード例 #18
ファイル: ble_scan.py プロジェクト: erinxocon/proximity
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    message = dict()
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------"
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                mac = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    if mac not in message:
                        message[mac] = {'uuid': returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6]),
                                        'majorid': returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6]),
                                        'minorid': returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2]),
                                        'calibratedtx': struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])[0],
                                        'rssi': struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])[0]
                        if DEBUG:
                            print "\n-------------"
                            print "\tUDID: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                            print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                            print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                            print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                            # commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower LOOK AT BLE Specification
                            print "\t(Unknown):", struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                            print "\tRSSI:", struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return message
コード例 #19
def parse_le_events(socket):

    old_filter = socket.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    nfilter = bluez.hci_filter_new()
                                            # HCI_EVENT_PKT = 0x04
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(nfilter, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    # socket.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
    socket.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, nfilter)

    bluez.hci_send_cmd(socket, bluez.OGF_HOST_CTL, 
            bluez.OCF_READ_INQUIRY_MODE )

    for i in range(0, 5000):
        pkt = socket.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

        # BLE EVENTS
        if event == LE_META_EVENT:

            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    report_event_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1])[0]
                    bdaddr_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 2])[0]
                    report_data_length, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    payload = "{"
                    payload += "\"addr\": \"%s\"" % packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset +  10 + report_data_length + 1
                    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                    payload += ", \"rssi\": %s " % rssi
                    payload += ", \"source\": \"%s\" " % adress
                    payload += ", \"captured\": \"%s\"" % datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
                    payload += "}"
                    print payload
                    requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)

                    #requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

    socket.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
コード例 #20
ファイル: spp.py プロジェクト: fhorinek/MotionLog
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        __, event, __ = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, __, __ = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                results.append( ( addr, -1 ) )

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
コード例 #21
ファイル: brewmonitor.py プロジェクト: tmclane/brewmonitor
def process_ble_advertisements(sock, loop_count=100):
    def packet2string(pkt):
        return ''.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % struct.unpack("B", x)[0], pkt))

    def packed_bdaddr_to_string(bdaddr_packed):
        return ':'.join('%02x'%i for i in struct.unpack("<BBBBBB", bdaddr_packed[::-1]))

    def fmt_major_minor(value):
        return sum(map(lambda c: struct.unpack("B", c)[0], value[1:]),
                   struct.unpack("B", value[0])[0] * 256.0)

    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    reports = {}
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

        if event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]

            if subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                if not isBean.match(packet2string(pkt[report_pkt_offset-22: report_pkt_offset-6])):

                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    report = {
                        "udid": packet2string(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6]),
                        "temp": fmt_major_minor(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6: report_pkt_offset - 4]),
                        "sg": fmt_major_minor(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4: report_pkt_offset - 2]) / 1000.0,
                        "addr": packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    reports[report["addr"]] = report

    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return reports
コード例 #22
ファイル: ble-scanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/PyBLE
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    for i in range(loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        parsed_packet = ble.hci_le_parse_response_packet(pkt)
        if (
            "bluetooth_le_subevent_name" in parsed_packet
            and parsed_packet["bluetooth_le_subevent_name"] == "EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT"
            for report in parsed_packet["advertising_reports"]:
                print "Found BLE device:", report["peer_bluetooth_address"]
                for k, v in report.items():
                    print "\t%s: %s" % (k, v)
コード例 #23
def createSocket(port_id):
		sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(port_id)

		print "ble thread started on ", port_id
		old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
		flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
		bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
                sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

		print "error accessing bluetooth device on ", port_id
コード例 #24
    def create_socket(self):
            self.socket = bluez.hci_open_dev(self.dev_id)
            raise BluetoothError.BluetoothError("Error al acceder al dispositivo")

        # Establece el filtro para recibir todos los eventos
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
            # Establece opciones:       nivel      nombre opción   valor
            self.socket.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
            raise BluetoothError.BluetoothError("Problema al establecer filtro de eventos.")
コード例 #25
ファイル: rssiscan.py プロジェクト: drewp/homeauto
def parse_events(sock, loop_count, source, influx, coll, lastDoc):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )

    points = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        now = datetime.datetime.now(tzlocal())
        nowMs = int(time.time() * 1000)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            print "EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI"
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            print "EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS"
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            print "EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE"
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                rows = list(evt_le_advertising_report_dump(pkt))
                for row in sorted(rows):
                    rssi = row.pop('rssi')
                    if row['addr_type'] == 'Public': # or, someday, if it's a device we know
                            tags={'from': source, 'toAddr': row['addr']},
                            fields={'value': rssi},
                        key = (row['addr'], row['evt_type'])
                        if lastDoc.get(key) != row:
                            # should check mongodb here- maybe another
                            # node already wrote this row
                            lastDoc.put(key, row)
                            row = row.copy()
                            row['t'] = now

    influx.write_points(points, time_precision='ms')
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
コード例 #26
ファイル: blescan.py プロジェクト: stevewoolley/IoT
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    results = {}
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for x in range(0, num_reports):
                    txpower, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                            packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]),
                            returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6]),
                            returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6: report_pkt_offset - 4]),
                            returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    ] = {
                        'udid': returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6]),
                        'mac': packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]),
                        'major': returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6: report_pkt_offset - 4]),
                        'minor': returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4: report_pkt_offset - 2]),
                        'rssi': rssi,
                        'txpower': txpower
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return results
コード例 #27
def getBeacons(sock, loop_count=10):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    beaconsList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------" 
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
            beacon = {'uuid': 'none', 'rssi': 0}
            beacon['uuid'] =  returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
            beacon['rssi']  = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
            done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return beaconsList
コード例 #28
ファイル: blescanner.py プロジェクト: jdye64/residence-web
def hci_le_set_scan_parameters(sock):
    SCAN_TYPE = 0x01
    INTERVAL = 0x10
    WINDOW = 0x10
    OWN_TYPE = 0x00
    FILTER = 0x00  # all advertisements, not just whitelisted devices

    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("<BBBBBBB", SCAN_TYPE, 0x0, INTERVAL, 0x0, WINDOW, OWN_TYPE, FILTER)

    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, OGF_LE_CTL, OCF_LE_SET_SCAN_PARAMETERS, cmd_pkt)

    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    filtr = bluez.hci_filter_new()

    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(filtr, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(filtr, LE_META_EVENT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, filtr)
コード例 #29
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0:1])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    # build the return string
                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ',' + returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    #Adstring += ',' + "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    Adstring += ',' + returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    #Adstring += ',' + "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ',' + returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        #Adstring += ',' + "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2:report_pkt_offset -1])
                        Adstring += ',' + returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -2:report_pkt_offset -1])
                        #The last byte is always 00; we don't really need it
                        #Adstring += ',' + "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1:report_pkt_offset])
                        #Adstring += ',' + returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -1:report_pkt_offset])
                    except: 1
                    #Prevent duplicates in results
                    if Adstring not in myFullList: myFullList.append(Adstring)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #30
ファイル: btsupport.py プロジェクト: heihei1252/bluewho
  def get_localAdapter(self, deviceNr):
    "Return name and address of a local adapter"
    name = None
    address = None
    sock = bt.hci_open_dev(deviceNr)
    if sock.getsockid() >= 0:
      # Save original filter
      orig_filter = sock.getsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, 14)
      # Create new filter
      new_filter = orig_filter
      new_filter = bt.hci_filter_new()
      bt.hci_filter_set_ptype(new_filter, bt.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
      bt.hci_filter_set_event(new_filter, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE)
      # CMD Read local name
      opcode = bt.cmd_opcode_pack(bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_READ_LOCAL_NAME)
      bt.hci_filter_set_opcode(new_filter, opcode)
      sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, new_filter)
      bt.hci_send_cmd(sock, bt.OGF_HOST_CTL, bt.OCF_READ_LOCAL_NAME)
        data = sock.recv(255)
        name = data[7:]
        name = name[:name.find('\0')]
      except bluetooth._bluetooth.timeout:
        print 'bluetooth timeout during local device scan for name'
      # CMD Read local address
      opcode = bt.cmd_opcode_pack(bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_BD_ADDR)
      bt.hci_filter_set_opcode(new_filter, opcode)
      sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, new_filter)
      bt.hci_send_cmd(sock, bt.OGF_INFO_PARAM, bt.OCF_READ_BD_ADDR)
        data = sock.recv(255)
        status, raw_bdaddr = struct.unpack('xxxxxxB6s', data)
        address = ['%02X' % ord(b) for b in raw_bdaddr]
        address = ':'.join(address)
      except bluetooth._bluetooth.timeout:
        print 'bluetooth timeout during local device scan for address'

      # Restore original filter
      sock.setsockopt(bt.SOL_HCI, bt.HCI_FILTER, orig_filter)
    return name, address
コード例 #31
ファイル: blescan.py プロジェクト: MRMRMRMAY/beacon
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    #isBeacon = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22])
                    isBeacon2 = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 21])
                    isBeacon3 = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 20])

                    if (DEBUG == True and isBeacon2 == "aa"
                            and isBeacon3 == "fc"):
                        print "-------------"
                        print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)

                        print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])

                        print "\tACCEL: ", returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 24:report_pkt_offset + 30])

                        print "....."

                        t1 = int(
                            returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset +
                                                   25:report_pkt_offset + 26]),
                        t2 = int(
                            returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset +
                                                   27:report_pkt_offset + 28]),
                        t3 = int(
                            returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset +
                                                   29:report_pkt_offset + 30]),
                        print "\tA1:", t1
                        print "\tA2:", t2
                        print "\tA3:", t3

                        intru = 0

                        if (t1 > 1 and t1 < 254):
                            intru = 1

                        if (t2 > 32 or t2 < 30):
                            intru = 1

                        if (t3 > 0 and t3 < 252):
                            intru = 1

                        if (intru == 1):
                            print "!!!!!!!!!! INTRUSION !!!!!!!!!!"

                        trame = returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 18:report_pkt_offset + 37])
                        print "\tTRAME:", trame

                        print "....."

                        temp = 0
                        temp2 = 0
                        temp3 = 0
                        temp = returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 30:report_pkt_offset + 34])
                        temp2 = int(temp, 16)
                        temp3 = int("00FFFFFF", 16)
                        print "\tTEMP: ", (temp2 & temp3) / 100

                        txpower, = struct.unpack("b",
                                                 pkt[report_pkt_offset - 3])
                        print "\tBATT:", txpower

                        print "\tPOSITION: ", returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2:report_pkt_offset - 1])

                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                        print "\tRSSI:", rssi

                done = True
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #32
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100, cnt=0, scanner_id=1):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    clr = 0
    counter = cnt
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack('B', bytes([pkt[3]]))
            #subevent, = struct.unpack('B',pkt[3]) #PYTHON 2

            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", bytes([pkt[0]]))[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                #print(returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -27: report_pkt_offset - 25]))

                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    # build the return string if iBeacon packet received

                    if (returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                            == "12345678901234567890123456789012"
                            or returnstringpacket(
                                pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset -
                                    6]) == "01234567890123456789012345678901"):
                        Adstring = str(scanner_id)
                        Adstring += ";"
                        if counter > 9999:
                            Adstring += str(clr)
                            counter = 0
                            Adstring += str(counter)

                        Adstring += ";"
                        Adstring += packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        Adstring += ";"

                        Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        Adstring += ";"

                        #Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        #Adstring += ";"

                        Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack(
                            "b", bytes([pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1]]))
                        Adstring += ";"

                        #print Adstring
                        counter += 1
    done = True
    return counter, results
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
コード例 #33
def scan():
    beacon_found = False

    for sig in [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGQUIT]:
        signal.signal(sig, handler)

    # Setup logging:
    FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
    if "logOutFilename" in globals() :

    # Reset Bluetooth interface, hci0
    os.system("sudo hciconfig hci0 down")
    os.system("sudo hciconfig hci0 up")

    # Make sure device is up
    interface = subprocess.Popen(["sudo hciconfig"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    (output, err) = interface.communicate()

    # Get the output from bytes to text (UTF-8):
    output = output.decode("utf-8")

    # Check return of hciconfig to make sure it's up:
    # (This validation will only make sense if the hci0 is the only hci available.)
    if "RUNNING" in output: 
        logging.debug('Ok hci0 interface Up n running !')
        logging.critical('Error : hci0 interface not Running. Do you have a BLE device connected to hci0 ? Check with hciconfig !')
    # Define the hci number. In this case, hci0:
    devId = 0

    # Try to open connection with hci0:
        sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(devId)
        logging.debug('Connect to bluetooth device %i',devId)
        logging.critical('Unable to connect to bluetooth device...')

    # Gets the value of the given socket option, which can contain 14 characteres 
    # at maximum:
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, 0x01)

    # Start scanning!

    call_count = 0
    testbed_counter = 0

    while True:
        old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
        # Creates new filter:
        new_filter = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(new_filter, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, new_filter)
        # Receive data from the socket (255 bytes at maximum):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

        # Verifies the type of the event received by the socket:
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI or event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS or event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent = pkt[3]

            pkt = pkt[4:]

            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:

            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = pkt[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0

                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    macAddressSeen = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    if "0c:f3:ee:04" in macAddressSeen:
                        #logging.debug('is beacon!')
                        #print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)
                        #print "\tUDID: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        #print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        #print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        #print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])


                        datetime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        logging.debug('%s, %s, %d', datetime, macAddressSeen, testbed_counter + 1)
                        distance = -1

                        testbed_counter = testbed_counter + 1

                            upsert_by_macaddress({"cellId":CELL_ID, "dateTime":datetime, "distanceFromCell":distance, "macAddress":macAddressSeen})
                        except firebase_admin.db.ApiCallError:
                            logging.error("Error while inserting the beacon into Firebase.")

        # if testbed_counter >= TESTBED_SAMPLES:
        #     logging.debug('Test finished.')
        #     break

        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
        time.sleep(10 / 1000)
コード例 #34
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock,

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 1
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    # TODO Optimize code for performance
    # update the global device name dictionary before sending hci cmd(which changes mode)
    headers = ["Name", "MAC Address", "RSSI"]
    data = []
    results = []
    if show_extra_info or show_name:
        devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True,
        if show_name:
            update_dict = {i[0]: i[1] for i in devices}
        if show_extra_info:
            update_dict = {i[0]: i[2] for i in devices}
            headers.extend(["Major Dev Class", "Minor Dev Class", "Services"])
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    done = False
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                # get human readable addr
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                    bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                # retrieve device name, or assign address as name
                    name = NAME_DICT[addr]
                    name = addr
                results.append((addr, rssi, name))
                if color:
                    data.append([name, addr, rssi_to_colour_str(rssi)])
                    data.append([name, addr, rssi])
                if show_extra_info:
                    extra_info = get_device_extra(addr)
                    # extend last data list with extra info
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print("uh oh...")
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                results.append((addr, -1, "UNK"))
                print("[%s] (no RRSI)" % addr)
            logging.debug("unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype)
        logging.debug("event %s", event)

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    # if ordered to return a table by analyze_all, ignore other sequence
    if ret_table:
        if len(results) < 1:
            return ((None, headers))
        return ((data, headers))
        # print all the data at once since blessings clears the screen just before
        if len(results) >= 1:
            # terminate concurrent loading handler
            if bool(LOADING_HANDLER):
            print(tabulate(data, headers=headers, disable_numparse=True))
            # LOADING_HANDLER = spin(before="Searching",
            #                    after="\nNo devices found in nearby range")
            LOADING_HANDLER = spin(before="No BT devices in nearby range")
        return results
コード例 #35
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100,macfilter=None):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
		i =0
        elif event == ADV_IND:
          i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            offset = 0
            mac = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[offset + 3:offset + 9])
            if plen < 40:
            print "\t len:"+str(plen)+" fullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports,adv_type = struct.unpack("BB", pkt[0:2])
                if adv_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                  print "ignoring ADV_SCAN_RSP ("+hex(adv_type)+") Advertising"
                elif adv_type == ADV_SCAN_IND :
                  print "ignoring ADV_SCAN_IND ("+hex(adv_type)+") Advertising"
  #             elif adv_type == ADV_IND :
  #               print "ignoring ADV_IND ("+hex(adv_type)+") Advertising"
                  print " ("+hex(adv_type)+") Advertising"
                  if macfilter or macfilter == mac:
                    m_offset = offset +10
                    s = mac + " - "+str(datetime.now())
                    bat, = struct.unpack("B",pkt[m_offset+13])
                    x,y,z = struct.unpack(">hhh",pkt[m_offset+14:m_offset+20])
                    xf = float(x)/256.0
                    yf = float(y)/256.0
                    zf = float(z)/256.0
                    f = "%0.2f"
                    s += " x:"+f%xf+" y:"+f%yf+" z:"+f%zf
                    r,t = calcAngles(xf,yf,zf)
                    s += " r:"+f%r+" t:"+f%t
                    print s
                    for i in range(0, num_reports):
		      if (DEBUG == True):
			print "-------------"
                    	#print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)
		    	print "\tUDID: ", printpacket(pkt[offset -22: offset - 6])
		    	print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(pkt[offset -6: offset - 4])
		    	print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(pkt[offset -4: offset - 2])
                    	print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[offset + 3:offset + 9])
		    	# commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower
                    	txpower, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[offset -2])
                    	print "\t(Unknown):", txpower
                    	rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[offset -1])
                    	print "\tRSSI:", rssi
		      # build the return string
                      Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[offset + 3:offset + 9])
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[offset -22: offset - 6]) 
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[offset -2]) 
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[offset -6: offset - 4]) 
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[offset -4: offset - 2]) 
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[offset -2])
		      Adstring += ","
		      Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[offset -1])
#	    Adstring += "=("+str(len(pkt))+")\t"
#	    Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt)

		    #print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #36
def parse_events(sock, queue, loop_count=100):
    logger.info('Started parsing BLE events...')
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    filter = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(filter, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, filter)

    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        if not is_running:

        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack('BBB', pkt[:3])

        if event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack('B', pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack('B', pkt[0])[0]
                report_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    # print 'Raw: ', return_string_from_packet(pkt)
                    report_event_type = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_offset +
                    mac = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_offset +
                                                      3:report_offset + 9])

                    report_data_length = struct.unpack("B", pkt[report_offset +

                    pkt = pkt[report_offset + 10:]

                    if report_event_type == ADV_IND:
                        # print "\tADV_IND"
                        adv_scan_rsp[mac] = pkt[:report_data_length]
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_DIRECT_IND:
                        # print "\tADV_DIRECT_IND"
                        adv_scan_rsp[mac] = pkt[:report_data_length]
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_IND:
                        # print "\tADV_SCAN_IND"
                        adv_scan_rsp[mac] = pkt[:report_data_length]
                    # elif report_event_type == ADV_NONCONN_IND:
                    # print "\tADV_NONCONN_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                        # print "\tADV_SCAN_RSP"
                        previous_pkt = adv_scan_rsp.get(mac, None)
                        if previous_pkt is not None:
                            del adv_scan_rsp[mac]
                            pkt = previous_pkt + pkt[report_offset:]
                    # else:
                    # print "\tUnknown or reserved event type"

                        manufacturer = return_string_from_packet(
                            pkt[report_offset + 5:7])
                        if manufacturer.lower(
                        ) == 'c6a0':  # Ignore mac address if Gimbal
                            mac = ''

                        ble_type = return_string_from_packet(
                            pkt[report_offset + 7:9])

                        # Get UUID
                        if report_data_length > report_offset + 25 and \
                            manufacturer.lower() == '4c00' and ble_type.lower() == '0215':
                            uuid = return_string_from_packet(
                                pkt[report_offset + 9:report_offset + 25])
                        elif report_data_length > report_offset + 31 and \
                            manufacturer.lower() == 'c6a0':
                            uuid = return_string_from_packet(
                                pkt[report_offset + 22:report_offset + 31])
                            uuid = ''

                        # Get Data
                        if uuid == '' and report_data_length > report_offset + 9:
                            data = return_string_from_packet(
                                pkt[report_offset + 9:-1])
                        elif report_data_length > report_offset + 25 and \
                            manufacturer.lower() != 'c6a0':
                            data = return_string_from_packet(
                                pkt[report_offset + 25:-1])
                            data = ''

                        # major = return_number_from_packet(pkt[report_offset + 25: report_offset + 27])
                        # minor = return_number_from_packet(pkt[report_offset + 27: report_offset + 29])
                        # power = struct.unpack('b', pkt[report_offset + 29])[0]
                        if report_data_length > report_offset + 30:
                            battery = struct.unpack('b',
                                                    pkt[report_offset + 30])[0]
                            battery = 0

                        rssi = struct.unpack('b', pkt[-1])[0]

                        now = int(time.time() * 1000) + server_time_offset
                        previous_item = queue.queue[-1] if not queue.empty(
                        ) else {}  # dict()
                        if uuid != previous_item.get('beacon_uid', None) or \
                                (uuid == previous_item.get('beacon_uid', None) and
                                         (now - previous_item.get('timestamp')) >= 1000):
                            logger.debug('Raw: %s',
                                'Parsed: %s,%s,%s,%s,%i,%i' %
                                (mac, manufacturer, uuid, data, battery, rssi))
                            print 'Parsed: %s,%s,%s,%s,%i,%i' % (
                                mac, manufacturer, uuid, data, battery, rssi)

                            sighting = {}  # dict()
                            sighting['timestamp'] = now
                            sighting['beacon_mac'] = mac.replace(':', '')
                            sighting['beacon_uid'] = uuid
                            sighting['beacon_battery'] = battery
                            sighting['rssi'] = rssi
                        # else:
                        # logger.info('Skipping packet as a similar one happened less than 1 second ago.')

                    except Exception as ex:
                            'Failed to parse beacon advertisement package:')

                    report_offset = report_offset + 10 + report_data_length + 1

    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    logger.info('Finished parsing events.')
コード例 #37
def parse_le_advertising_events(sock,
    Parse and report LE advertisements.

    This is a blocking call, an infinite loop is started and the
    given handler will be called each time a new LE advertisement packet
    is detected and corresponds to the given filters.

    .. note:: The :func:`.start_le_advertising` function must be
        called before calling this function.

    :param sock: A bluetooth HCI socket (retrieved using the
        ``hci_open_dev`` PyBluez function).
    :param mac_addr: list of filtered mac address representations
        (uppercase, with ':' separators).
        If not specified, the LE advertisement of any device will be reported.
        Example: mac_addr=('00:2A:5F:FF:25:11', 'DA:FF:12:33:66:12')
    :type mac_addr: ``list`` of ``string``
    :param packet_length: Filter a specific length of LE advertisement packet.
    :type packet_length: ``int``
    :param handler: Handler that will be called each time a LE advertisement
        packet is available (in accordance with the ``mac_addr``
        and ``packet_length`` filters).
    :type handler: ``callable`` taking 4 parameters:
        mac (``str``), adv_type (``int``), data (``bytes``) and rssi (``int``)
    :param debug: Enable debug prints.
    :type debug: ``bool``
    if not debug and handler is None:
        raise ValueError("You must either enable debug or give a handler !")

    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    # bluez.hci_filter_all_events(flt)
    bluez.hci_filter_set_event(flt, LE_META_EVENT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    # print("socket filter set to ptype=HCI_EVENT_PKT event=LE_META_EVENT")
    # print("Listening ...")

        while True:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

            if event != LE_META_EVENT:
                # Should never occur because we filtered with this type of event
                print("Not a LE_META_EVENT !")

            sub_event, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
            if sub_event != EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                if debug:
                    print("Not a EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT !")

            pkt = pkt[4:]
            adv_type = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1:2])[0]
            mac_addr_str = bluez.ba2str(pkt[3:9])

            if packet_length and plen != packet_length:
                # ignore this packet
                if debug:
                        "packet with non-matching length: mac=%s adv_type=%02x plen=%s"
                        % (mac_addr_str, adv_type, plen))

            data = pkt[9:-1]
            rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[-2:-1])[0]

            if mac_addr and mac_addr_str not in mac_addr:
                if debug:
                        "packet with non-matching mac %s adv_type=%02x data=%s RSSI=%s"
                        % (mac_addr_str, adv_type, raw_packet_to_str(data),

            if debug:
                    "LE advertisement: mac=%s adv_type=%02x data=%s RSSI=%d" %
                    (mac_addr_str, adv_type, raw_packet_to_str(data), rssi))

            if handler is not None:
                    handler(mac_addr_str, adv_type, data, rssi)
                except Exception as e:
                        'Exception when calling handler with a BLE advertising event: %r'
                        % (e, ))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("\nRestore previous socket filter")
        sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
コード例 #38
def device_inquiry(sock, cycle_period, hash_addrs, log_out, device_queue):

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    filtr = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(filtr, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, filtr)

    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, int(cycle_period / 1.25),
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    #While still scanning
    done = False
    while not done:
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #Enquiry result with rssi
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                if (hash_addrs):
                    addr = hashlib.sha224(addr.replace(":", "")).hexdigest()
                rssi = bluetooth.byte_to_signed_int(
                    bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i]))
                register_device(addr, rssi, log_out, device_queue)

        #Enquiry result without rssi
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = bluetooth.get_byte(pkt[0])
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                if (hash_addrs):
                    addr = hashlib.sha224(addr.replace(":", "")).hexdigest()
                register_device(addr, None, log_out, device_queue)

        #On finish
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True

        #Status update?
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                done = True

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
コード例 #39
ファイル: BLE.py プロジェクト: minscof/Bluetooth-scanner
# Connect to hci adapter
    sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(hciId)
    logging.debug('Connected to bluetooth adapter hci%i', hciId)
    logging.critical('Unable to connect to bluetooth device...')

# Enable LE scan
hci_toggle_le_scan(sock, 0x01)
# Infinite loop to listen socket
while True:
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    pkt = sock.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

    if event == LE_META_EVENT:
        subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
        pkt = pkt[4:]
        if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
        elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
            num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(0, num_reports):
                macAdressSeen = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[3:9])
                ts = int(time.time())  # time of event
コード例 #40
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    done = False
    if True:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            curr_time = current_milli_time()
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                if (int(rssi) >= -45 and addr not in purchased):
                    if addr in first_time:
                        if curr_time - first_time[addr] >= 4000 and curr_time - prev_time[addr] <= 10000:
                             print("Purchased ticket: [%s], final ping!" % addr)
                             with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                 socketIO.emit('beacon-purchased', addr);
                            if curr_time - prev_time[addr] > 10000:
                                print("Purchasing ticket: [%s] (reset), ping!" % addr)
                                first_time[addr] = curr_time
                                prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                                with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                     socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);
                                print("Purchasing ticket: [%s], ping!" % addr)
                                prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                                with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                                     socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);
                        print("Purchasing ticket: [%s], ping!" % addr)
                        first_time[addr] = curr_time
                        prev_time[addr] = curr_time
                        with SocketIO('', 80, LoggingNamespace) as socketIO:
                            socketIO.emit('beacon-ping', addr);

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )

    return results
コード例 #41
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    results = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        packet = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", packet[:3])
        packetOffset = 0
        dataString = packetToString(packet)
        If the bluetooth device is an beacon then show the beacon.
        #print (dataString)
        if dataString[34:50] == '0303aafe1516aafe' or '0303AAFE1116AAFE':
            Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
            broadcastType = dataString[50:52]
            if broadcastType == '00':
                type = "Eddystone UID"
                namespace = dataString[54:74].upper()
                instance = dataString[74:86].upper()
                resultsArray = [{
                    "type": type,
                    "namespace": namespace,
                    "instance": instance
                return resultsArray

            elif broadcastType == '10':
                type = "Eddystone URL"
                urlprefix = dataString[54:56]
                if urlprefix == '00':
                    prefix = 'http://www.'
                elif urlprefix == '01':
                    prefix = 'https://www.'
                elif urlprefix == '02':
                    prefix = 'http://'
                elif urlprefix == '03':
                    prefix = 'https://'
                hexUrl = dataString[56:][:-2]
                url = prefix + hexUrl.decode("hex")
                rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[packetOffset - 1])
                resultsArray = [{"type": type, "url": url}]
                return resultsArray

            elif broadcastType == '20':
                type = "Eddystone TLM"
                resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
                return resultsArray

            elif broadcastType == '30':
                type = "Eddystone EID"
                resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
                return resultsArray

            elif broadcastType == '40':
                type = "Eddystone RESERVED"
                resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
                return resultsArray

        if dataString[38:46] == '4c000215':
            Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
            type = "iBeacon"
            uuid = dataString[46:54] + "-" + dataString[
                54:58] + "-" + dataString[58:62] + "-" + dataString[
                    62:66] + "-" + dataString[66:78]
            major = dataString[78:82]
            minor = dataString[82:86]
            majorVal = int("".join(major.split()[::-1]), 16)
            minorVal = int("".join(minor.split()[::-1]), 16)
            Organises Mac Address to display properly
            scrambledAddress = dataString[14:26]
            fixStructure = iter("".join(
                    scrambledAddress[i:i + 2]
                    for i in range(0, len(scrambledAddress), 2)
            macAddress = ':'.join(a + b
                                  for a, b in zip(fixStructure, fixStructure))
            if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                rssi, = struct.unpack("b", bytes([packet[packetOffset - 1]]))
                rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[packetOffset - 1])

            resultsArray = [{
                "type": type,
                "uuid": uuid,
                "major": majorVal,
                "minor": minorVal,
                "rssi": rssi,
                "macAddress": macAddress

            return resultsArray

    return results
コード例 #42
def parse_events(sock, callback, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = {}
    ret = {}

    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0

        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0

        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0

        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
            pkt = pkt[4:]

            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:

            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0:1])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0

                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    company = returnhexpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 15: report_pkt_offset + 17])

                    if (DEBUG == True):

                    nm = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset+33:report_pkt_offset+33+8])

                    if (company == "3301" or nm=='C481AF21' or nm=='C2E4EB1B'):

                        nameLength = int(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 32])
                        name = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 33:report_pkt_offset + (33+nameLength-1)])

                        ret['make'] = company
                        ret['model'] = pkt[report_pkt_offset+17]
                        ret['name'] = name

                        ret["udid"] = returnhexpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        ret["mac"] = returnhexpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3: report_pkt_offset + 9])

                        if (ret['model'] == 27 ): # Purple
                            ret["temperature"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 23:report_pkt_offset + 25]))/10
                            ret["humidity"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 25:report_pkt_offset + 27]))/10
                            ret["pressure"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 27:report_pkt_offset + 29]))/10

                        else: #if (ret['model'] == 23 ): # Blue
                            ret["temperature"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 23:report_pkt_offset + 25]))/10
                            ret["humidity"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 25:report_pkt_offset + 27]))/10
                            ret["dewpoint"] = float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 27:report_pkt_offset + 29]))/10

                        ret["battery"] = float(float(returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 18:report_pkt_offset + 19]) / float(25500) ) * 100)
                        ret["data"] = pkt

    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return results
コード例 #43
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=10):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []

    for i in range(0, loop_count):
                pkt = sock.recv(255)
                pkt = ""
                if (LOGLEVEL >= 4):
                	sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a")
                	print str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " [Python] <WARNING> Timeout..."
                	sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
                i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
		    if (LOGLEVEL >= 7):
                    	sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a")
                    	print str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " [Python] -----------------------------------------\n" + hexdump( pkt )
                    	print str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " [Python] MAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    	txpower, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                    	rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                    	print str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " [Python] RSSI:", rssi 
                    	sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		    # build the return string
		    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
		    Adstring += ","
		    Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]) 
		    Adstring += ","
		    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]) 
		    Adstring += ","
		    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2]) 
		    Adstring += ","
		    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
		    Adstring += ","
		    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])

		    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
		    conn = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/ble_scanner.dat')
		    c = conn.cursor()
		    sql = "REPLACE INTO `ble_scanner` (MAC,rssi,Timestamp) VALUES ('" + packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]) + "','" + "-" + str(abs(rssi)) + "',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"
		    if (LOGLEVEL >= 6):
		    	sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a")
		    	print str(datetime.datetime.now()) + " [Python] <INFO> SQLite:", sql
		    	sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
		    	# Execute the SQLite command
		    	# Commit changes in the database
		    	# Rollback in case there is any error
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #44
    def scan(self, timeout=10, UUID=None):

        old_filter = self.sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

        # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
        # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
        # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
        # previously discovered devices
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

        beacons = []

        timeStart = time.time()

        while (time.time() - timeStart) < timeout:

                pkt = self.sock.recv(255)
            except bluez.timeout:
                return None

            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack('BBB', pkt[:3])

            if event == LE_META_EVENT:

                subevent = pkt[3]
                pkt = pkt[4:]

                if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:

                newBLE = {}

                # Parse the trame
                newBLE['MACADDR'] = ':'.join(('%012X' % int.from_bytes(pkt[3: 9], byteorder='big', signed=False))[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2))
                newBLE['UUID'] = self.returnstringpacket(pkt[-22: -6])
                newBLE['MAJOR'] = self.returnnumberpacket(pkt[-6: -4])
                newBLE['MINOR'] = self.returnnumberpacket(pkt[-4: -2])
                newBLE['TXPOWER'] = pkt[-2]
                newBLE['RSSI'] = pkt[-1]

                addThisBLE = True

                # If this beacon just scanned has not already been scanned
                for beacon in beacons:
                    if beacon['MACADDR'] == newBLE['MACADDR']:
                        addThisBLE = False

                # If this beacon is an Estimote (default UUID)
                if UUID is not None and not newBLE['UUID'] == UUID:
                    addThisBLE = False

                # If so, we add this beacon
                if addThisBLE:

        self.sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

        return beacons
コード例 #45
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=10):
    global sensorBeaconList
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in xrange(0, loop_count):
            pkt = sock.recv(255)
        except socket.timeout:
            print "connection timed out!"
        except socket.error as e:
            print "connection erred out: {}!".format(e)
            print "time out!"

        # Raw avertise packet data from Bluez scan
        # Packet Type (1byte) + BT Event ID (1byte) + Packet Length (1byte) + 
        # BLE sub-Event ID (1byte) + Number of Advertising reports (1byte) + 
        # Report type ID (1byte) + BT Address Type (1byte) + BT Address (6byte) + 
        # Data Length (1byte) + Data ((Data Length)byte) + RSSI (1byte)
        # Packet Type = 0x04
        # BT Event ID = EVT_LE_META_EVENT = 0x3E (BLE events)
        # (All LE commands result in a metaevent, specified by BLE sub-Event ID)
        # BLE sub-Event ID = {
        #                       EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE = 0x01
        #                       EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT = 0x02
        #                       EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE = 0x03
        #                       EVT_LE_READ_REMOTE_USED_FEATURES_COMPLETE = 0x04
        #                       EVT_LE_LTK_REQUEST = 0x05
        #                     }
        # Number of Advertising reports = 0x01 (normally)
        # Report type ID = {
        #                       LE_ADV_IND = 0x00
        #                       LE_ADV_DIRECT_IND = 0x01
        #                       LE_ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x02
        #                       LE_ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0x03
        #                       LE_ADV_SCAN_RSP = 0x04
        #                   }
        # BT Address Type = {
        #                       LE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS = 0x00
        #                       LE_RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x01
        #                    }
        # Data Length = 0x00 - 0x1F
        # * Maximum Data Length of an advertising packet = 0x1F
        parsed_packet = hci_le_parse_response_packet(pkt)
        if "bluetooth_le_subevent_name" in parsed_packet and \
                parsed_packet["bluetooth_le_subevent_name"] == 'EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT':
            if (DEBUG == True):
                for report in parsed_packet["advertising_reports"]:
                    print "----------------------------------------------------"
                    print packet_as_hex_string(pkt, flag_with_spacing = True, flag_force_capitalize = True)
                    print "Found BLE device:", report['peer_bluetooth_address']
                    for k, v in report.items():
                        print "\t%s: %s" % (k, v)
            for report in parsed_packet["advertising_reports"]:
                if (sensorCheck_IM(report)):
                    sensorBeacon = SensorBeacon(report["peer_bluetooth_address_s"], report["payload_binary"])
                    index = sensorInList(sensorBeacon, sensorBeaconList)
                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        print (" -- sensor data ---")
                    lock = threading.Lock()
                    if (index != -1): # BT Address found in sensorBeaconList
                        if (sensorBeacon.checkDiffSeqNum(index)):
                            data = sensorBeacon.upload()
                    else : # new SensorBeacon
                        data = sensorBeacon.upload()

    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return sensorBeaconList
コード例 #46
def parse_events(sock, loop_count):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices

    iBeaconIdString = (255, 76, 0, 2, 21)
    # Type - xFF (255)
    # MFGID - x4C x00 (76 0)
    # Type - Proximity / iBeacon - x02 (2)
    # Length - x15 (21)

    custBeaconIdString = (255, 00, 128, 1)
    # Type - xFF (255)
    # MFGID - x00 x80 (0 128)
    # Type - x01 Bio telemetry (1)

    TempTrackIdString = (109, 112, 116, 114)
    # Type - x6D (109)
    # MFGID - x7A x74 (112 116)
    # Type  - x72 (114)

    beaconType = 0x01

    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if (DEBUG == True):
            print("------ptype, event, plen--------", ptype, event, plen)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent = pkt[3]
            pkt = pkt[4:]

            if len(pkt) < 20:

            parser = nullParser

            if struct.unpack("BBBBB", pkt[14:19]) == iBeaconIdString:
                parser = iBeaconParser
            elif struct.unpack("BBBB", pkt[14:18]) == custBeaconIdString:
                parser = custBeaconParser
            elif struct.unpack("BBBB", pkt[14:18]) == TempTrackIdString:
                parser = TempTrackParser

            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:

    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #47
    def __parseEvents(self, sensor_id, num_events, tx_list):
        self.__old_filter = self.__socket.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)  # @UndefinedVariable

        # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device
        # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
        # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
        # previously discovered devices
        flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()  # @UndefinedVariable
        bluez.hci_filter_all_events(flt)  # @UndefinedVariable
        bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)  # @UndefinedVariable
        self.__socket.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )  # @UndefinedVariable
        done = False
        results = []
        udid = ""
        mac_address = ""
        major = 0
        minor = 0
        rssi = ""
        txPower = ""
        packet_cnt = 0
        while (not done):
#         for i in range(0, num_events):
            pkt = self.__socket.recv(255)
            ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
            #print "--------------" 
            if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:  # @UndefinedVariable
                    i =0
            elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:  # @UndefinedVariable
                    i =0 
            elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:  # @UndefinedVariable
                    i =0 
            elif event == self.LE_META_EVENT:
#                 subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
                subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3:4])
                pkt = pkt[4:]
                if subevent == self.EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
                    le_handle_connection_complete(pkt)  # @UndefinedVariable
                elif subevent == self.EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                    num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0:1])[0]
                    report_pkt_offset = 0
                    for i in range(0, num_reports):
#                         self.__printpacket(pkt)
                        rptPktLen = int(len(pkt) / num_reports)
                        advertType = struct.unpack("B", pkt[1:2])[0]
                        mac_address = MacAddress.unformat_mac_address(self.__packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]))
                        udid = self.__returnstringpacket(pkt[rptPktLen -22: rptPktLen - 6])
                        major = self.__returnnumberpacket(pkt[rptPktLen -6: rptPktLen - 4])
                        minor = self.__returnnumberpacket(pkt[rptPktLen -4: rptPktLen - 2]) 
                        if (self.__bleInList(tx_list=tx_list, mac_address=mac_address, uuid=udid, major=major, minor=minor)):
                            rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[rptPktLen -1:rptPktLen])
                            txPower = struct.unpack("b", pkt[rptPktLen -2:rptPktLen -1])
                            #TODO: Not getting transmit power back
                            if (isinstance(txPower, tuple)):
                                txPower = txPower[0]
                            if ((txPower == 0) or (txPower == -1)):
                                if (advertType == self.ADV_SCAN_RSP):
                                    txPower = self.__TX_Power_AdvScanResp
                                    txPower = self.__TX_Power_AdvIndirect

                            self.__packet_number += 1
                            blePkt = BLE_Packet(
                            report_pkt_offset += rptPktLen
                            packet_cnt += 1
                            if (packet_cnt >= num_events):
                                done = True
                    done = True
                #Unknown even type
#                 print("Uknown ble event: ", str(event))
        self.__socket.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, self.__old_filter )  # @UndefinedVariable
        return results
コード例 #48
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100, hostScript="", macid=""):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------"
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):

                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        Reqstring = hostScript
                        Reqdict = {}

                        Reqdict['ddatetime'] = "2014-09-27T23:55:00"
                        Reqdict['ddatetime'] = time.strftime(
                            '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

                            'raspMac'] = macid  # "b8:27:eb:50:53:a7"  # magnus RPI MAC, kolon escaped med %3A
                        Reqdict['beaconMac'] = packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                        Reqdict['rcvStrength'] = rssi

                        r = requests.get(Reqstring, params=Reqdict)

                        print "\-------------"
                        #print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)
                        print "\tUDID: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        # commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower
                        txpower, = struct.unpack("b",
                                                 pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        print "\t(Unknown):", txpower

                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                        print "\tRSSI:", rssi
                    # build the return string
                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack(
                        "b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack(
                        "b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])

                    #print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #49
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    myFullList = []
    distances = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        # print "--------------"
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                # print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    if (DEBUG):
                        print "-------------"
                        # print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)
                        print "\tUDID: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        # commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower
                        txpower, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        print "\t(Unknown):", txpower

                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                        print "\tRSSI:", rssi

                    uuid = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    if uuid in beaconList:
                        # build the return string
                        Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        Adstring += ","
                        Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        Adstring += ","
                        Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        Adstring += ","
                        Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        Adstring += ","
                        txPower = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
#		        Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                        Adstring += "%i" % txPower
                        Adstring += ","
                        rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
#		        Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])
                        Adstring += "%i," % rssi
                        dist = calculateDistance(rssi[0], txPower[0])
                        Adstring += "[%.2fm]," % dist
                        Adstring += "[%.2fm]" % calculateRoughDistance(rssi[0], txPower[0])

                        # print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
#                        if Adstring not in myFullList:

                done = True

    if len(distances)>2:
        avg = sum(distances) / float(len(distances))
        print "avg:",avg
        cmd = 'DIST '+str(NODE_ID)+' 1 9 '+str(avg)
        print "cmd:",cmd
        except socket.error as e:
            print "Socket Error"
        if avg < 0.3:
            print "***** blink *****"
        #     led.flash_led(led.LED_PIN,3,0.2)

    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #50
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------" 
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
             i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
             i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
             i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:

            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3].to_bytes(1, 'little'))

            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print ("advertising report")
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0].to_bytes(1,'little'))[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        print ("\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt))
                        print("\tUDID: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]))
                        print("\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]))
                        print("\tMINOR: ", printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2]))
                        print("\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1:report_pkt_offset + 9]))
                        # commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower
                        txpower, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2].to_bytes(1,'little'))
                        print("\t(Unknown):", txpower)
                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1].to_bytes(1,'little'))
                        print("\tRSSI:", rssi)
                    # build the return string
                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset +3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]) 
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]) 
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2]) 
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2].to_bytes(1,'little'))
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1].to_bytes(1,'little'))

                    #print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #51
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        print "-------------- ptype: 0x%02x event: 0x%02x plen: 0x%02x" % (
            ptype, event, plen)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]
                results.append((addr, rssi))
                print "Inquiry: [%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            print "num completed packets"
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            num_connection_handles = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            pkt = pkt[1:]
            print "handles:", num_connection_handles
            for i in range(0, num_connection_handles):
                handle, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[0:2])
                completed_packets, = struct.unpack("H", pkt[2:4])
                print "\thandle: 0x%04x completed packets: 0x%04x" % (
                    handle, completed_packets)
                pkt = pkt[4:]
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            status, handle, reason = struct.unpack("<BHB", pkt)
            print "Disconnected, status: 0x%02x handle: 0x%04x reason: 0x%02x" % (
                status, handle, reason)
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            print "LE META EVENT subevent: 0x%02x" % (subevent, )
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
                print "connection complete"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                print "Number of reports in the report: 0x%02x" % num_reports
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    print "report", i
                    report_event_type = struct.unpack(
                        "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 1])[0]
                    bdaddr_type = struct.unpack("B",
                                                pkt[report_pkt_offset + 2])[0]
                    print "\tadvertising report event type: 0x%02x" % report_event_type
                    print "\tbdaddr type: 0x%02x" % (bdaddr_type, )
                    print "\tdevice address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    report_data_length, = struct.unpack(
                        "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    print "\tadvertising packet metadata length: ", report_data_length
                    if report_event_type == ADV_IND:
                        print "\tADV_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_DIRECT_IND:
                        print "\tADV_DIRECT_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_IND:
                        print "\tADV_SCAN_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_NONCONN_IND:
                        print "\tADV_NONCONN_IND"
                    elif report_event_type == ADV_SCAN_RSP:
                        print "\tADV_SCAN_RSP"
                        local_name_len, = struct.unpack(
                            "B", pkt[report_pkt_offset + 11])
                        name = pkt[report_pkt_offset + 12:report_pkt_offset +
                                   12 + local_name_len]
                        print "\tname:", name
                        print "\tUnknown or reserved event type"

                    # each report is 2 (event type, bdaddr type) + 6 (the address)
                    #    + 1 (data length field) + data length + 1 (rssi)
                    report_pkt_offset = report_pkt_offset + 10 + report_data_length + 1
                    rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                    print "\tRSSI:", rssi

                #for i in range(nrsp):
                #    addr = bluez.ba2str( pkt[1+6*i:1+6*i+6] )
                #    rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1+13*nrsp+i])[0]
                #    results.append( ( addr, rssi ) )
                #    print "Meta: [%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)

            elif subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE:
                print "connection updated"
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_READ_REMOTE_USED_FEATURES_COMPLETE:
                print "read remote used features complete"
                print "unknown LE_META_EVENT subevent"

        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            print "device inquiry complete"
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("<BBH", pkt[3:7])
            if status != 0:
                print "uh oh..."
                done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                results.append((addr, -1))
                print "[%s] (no RSSI)" % (addr, )
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE:
            ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BB", pkt[4:6])
            print "command complete: cmd: 0x%02x opcode: 0x%02x" % (ncmd,
            print "unknown packet, event 0x%02x " % event
            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype
            print "event ", event
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
コード例 #52
ファイル: blescan.py プロジェクト: Fototux/iBeacon-Scanner
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                subevent = pkt[3]
                subevent = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])[0]
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
                    num_reports = pkt[0]
                    num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    # build the return string
                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 26:report_pkt_offset - 22])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    # TO DO: make last bytes conversion compatible to Python 3
                    #Adstring += ","
                    #Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
                    #Adstring += ","
                    #Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])

                done = True
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #53
def parse_events(sock, mqtt_client, pi_id, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    #print "pi_id = " + pi_id
    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------" 
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
		i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
                i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
                i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):

                    uuid = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    #print "\n" + "rsting: " + returnstringpacket(pkt)
                    #print "\n" + "uudid: " + uuid
		    #mqtt_client.publish("paxton10/location/" + uuid)

		    #if uuid == "010300010000d60b00120201060303a4fe0afffbce":
		    #if uuid.__contains__("010300010000d60b00120201060303a4fe0afffbce"):
                    if "010300010000d60b00120201060303a4fe0afffbce" in returnstringpacket(pkt):
		    #if "0103000100" in uuid:
                        print "\n" + uuid
                        print "\n" + returnstringpacket(pkt)
                        Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
		        Adstring += ","
		        Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]) 
		        Adstring += ","
		        Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]) 
		        Adstring += ","
		        Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2]) 
		        Adstring += ","
		        Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2])
		        Adstring += ","
		        Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1])

		        #print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
 		        mqtt_client.publish("paxton10/location/" + str(pi_id), payload=Adstring, qos=1, retain=False)
                        print "****\n"
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #54
def device_inquiry_with_with_rssi(sock):
    #check for rssi value
    #CREDIT: code.google.com

    # save current filter
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)

    duration = 4
    max_responses = 255
    cmd_pkt = struct.pack("BBBBB", 0x33, 0x8b, 0x9e, duration, max_responses)
    bluez.hci_send_cmd(sock, bluez.OGF_LINK_CTL, bluez.OCF_INQUIRY, cmd_pkt)

    results = []

    pkt = sock.recv(255)
    ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])

    done = False
    xil = 0
    while not done:
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            pkt = pkt[3:]
            nrsp = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]

            for i in range(nrsp):
                addr = bluez.ba2str(pkt[1 + 6 * i:1 + 6 * i + 6])
                rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[1 + 13 * nrsp + i])[0]

                if addr == target_address:
                    xil = xil + 1
                    print " [%s] [%d]" % (addr, xil)
                    results.append((addr, rssi))

            if xil > 0:

            #print "[%s] RSSI: [%d]" % (addr, rssi)
        elif event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_COMPLETE:
            done = True
        elif event == bluez.EVT_CMD_STATUS:
            status, ncmd, opcode = struct.unpack("BBH", pkt[3:7])

            if status != 0:
                #   print "uh oh..."
                #   printpacket(pkt[3:7])
                done = True

            print "unrecognized packet type 0x%02x" % ptype

    # restore old filter
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)

    if len(results) == 0:
        return 0
        return 100 + results[0][1]
コード例 #55
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = {}
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------"
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    company = returnstringpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 15:report_pkt_offset + 17])
                    print "==============================================================================================================="
                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        print "\tfullpacket: ", printpacket(pkt)

                    if (company == "3301"):
                        print "\tCompany: ", company
                        udid = returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                        print "\tUDID: ", udid
                        myFullList["udid"] = udid

                        print "\tMAJOR: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                        print "\tMINOR: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                        print "\tMAC address: ", packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        mac = returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset +
                                                     3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        myFullList["mac"] = mac
                        print "\tMAC Address string: ", returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                        tempString = returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 23:report_pkt_offset + 25])
                        print "\tTemp: ", tempString
                        temp = float(
                                pkt[report_pkt_offset + 23:report_pkt_offset +
                                    25])) / 10
                        print "\tTemp: ", temp
                        myFullList["temp"] = temp

                        print "\tHumidity: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 25:report_pkt_offset + 27])
                        humidity = float(
                                pkt[report_pkt_offset + 25:report_pkt_offset +
                                    27])) / 10
                        print "\tHumidity: ", humidity
                        myFullList["humidity"] = humidity

                        dewpoint = float(
                                pkt[report_pkt_offset + 27:report_pkt_offset +
                                    29])) / 10
                        print "\tDewpoint: ", dewpoint
                        myFullList["dewpoint"] = dewpoint

                        nameLength = int(
                            returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 32]))
                        print "\tNameLength: ", nameLength

                        name = returnstringpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 33:report_pkt_offset +
                                (33 + nameLength - 1)])
                        print "\tName: %s %d " % (name.decode("hex"),
                        myFullList["name"] = name.decode("hex")

                        print "\tBattery: ", printpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset + 18:report_pkt_offset + 19])
                        battery = float(
                                returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 18])
                                / float(25500)) * 100)
                        print "\tBattery: ", battery
                        myFullList["battery"] = battery
                        done = True
                        print "\tNon blue maestro packet found"
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    return myFullList
コード例 #56
def parse_events(sock, loop_count):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)

    # perform a device inquiry on bluetooth device #0
    # The inquiry should last 8 * 1.28 = 10.24 seconds
    # before the inquiry is performed, bluez should flush its cache of
    # previously discovered devices
    iBeaconIdString = (255, 76, 0, 2, 21)
    # Type - xFF (255)
    # MFGID - x4C x00 (76 0)
    # Type - Proximity / iBeacon - x02 (2)
    # Length - x15 (21)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt )
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        if (DEBUG == True):
            print("------ptype, event, plen-------- \n", ptype, event, plen)
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i =0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i =0 
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i =0 
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            #subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            subevent = pkt[3]
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            isiBeacon = False
            if (pkt[14:19]):
                isiBeacon = True if struct.unpack("BBBBB", pkt[14:19]) == iBeaconIdString else False
            if (DEBUG == True):
                print("----- isIbeacon -----", isiBeacon)
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif ((subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) and isiBeacon):
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = pkt[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):
                    #pktbs = bitstring.BitStream(pkt) Previous way to get two last values from pkt
                    #pktbs.pos += len(pktbs) - (2 * 8)
                    #txpower = pktbs.read('int:8')
                    #rssi = pktbs.read('int:8')
                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        print("fullpacket:", end = ' ')
                        print("UDID:", end = ' ') 
                        print(printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6]))
                        print("TTMFGID:", end = ' ')
                        print(printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -27: report_pkt_offset - 22]))
                        print("MAJOR:", end = ' ')
                        print(printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]))
                        print("MINOR:", end = ' ')
                        print(printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2]))
                        print("MAC address:", end = ' ')
                        print(packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9]))
                        # commented out - don't know what this byte is.  It's NOT TXPower
                        txpower = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2: report_pkt_offset -1])[0]
                        rssi = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1: report_pkt_offset -2:-1])[0]
                        print ('TXPOWER:', txpower)
                        print("RSSI:", rssi)
             # build the return string
                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -22: report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -4: report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -2: report_pkt_offset -1])[0]
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset -1: report_pkt_offset -2:-1])[0]
                    if (DEBUG == True):
                        print("Adstring =", Adstring)
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt( bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter )
    return myFullList
コード例 #57
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    results = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        packet = sock.recv(255)
        # ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", packet[:3])
        # packetOffset = 0
        dataString = packetToString(packet)
        If the bluetooth device is an beacon then show the beacon.
        # print(dataString)

        # print(dataString[32:40])
        # if dataString[34:50] == '0303aafe1516aafe' or '0303AAFE1116AAFE':
        #     """
        #     Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
        #     """
        #     broadcastType = dataString[50:52]
        #     if broadcastType == '00' :
        #         type = "Eddystone UID"
        #         namespace = dataString[54:74].upper()
        #         instance = dataString[74:86].upper()
        #         resultsArray = [
        #         {"type": type, "namespace": namespace, "instance": instance}]
        #         return resultsArray

        #     elif broadcastType == '10':
        #         type = "Eddystone URL"
        #         urlprefix = dataString[54:56]
        #         if urlprefix == '00':
        #             prefix = 'http://www.'
        #         elif urlprefix == '01':
        #             prefix = 'https://www.'
        #         elif urlprefix == '02':
        #             prefix = 'http://'
        #         elif urlprefix == '03':
        #             prefix = 'https://'
        #         hexUrl = dataString[56:][:-2]
        #         url = prefix + hexUrl.decode("hex")
        #         rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[packetOffset -1])
        #         resultsArray = [{"type": type, "url": url}]
        #         return resultsArray

        #     elif broadcastType == '20':
        #         type = "Eddystone TLM"
        #         resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
        #         return resultsArray

        #     elif broadcastType == '30':
        #         type = "Eddystone EID"
        #         resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
        #         return resultsArray

        #     elif broadcastType == '40':
        #         type = "Eddystone RESERVED"
        #         resultsArray = [{"type": type}]
        #         return resultsArray

        # if dataString[38:46] == '4c000215':
        if dataString[32:40] == '4c000215':

            # return packet
            Selects parts of the bluetooth packets.
            type = "iBeacon"
            # uuid = dataString[46:54] + "-" + dataString[54:58] + "-" + dataString[58:62] + "-" + dataString[62:66] + "-" + dataString[66:78]
            uuid = dataString[40:48] + "-" + dataString[
                48:52] + "-" + dataString[52:56] + "-" + dataString[
                    56:60] + "-" + dataString[60:72]

            # print(uuid)

            major = dataString[72:76]
            minor = dataString[76:80]

            # print(major, minor)

            majorVal = int("".join(major.split()[::-1]), 16)
            minorVal = int("".join(minor.split()[::-1]), 16)

            # print(majorVal, minorVal)
            Organises Mac Address to display properly
            scrambledAddress = dataString[14:26]
            fixStructure = iter("".join(
                    scrambledAddress[i:i + 2]
                    for i in range(0, len(scrambledAddress), 2)
            macAddress = ':'.join(a + b
                                  for a, b in zip(fixStructure, fixStructure))

            rssi, = struct.unpack("b", packet[len(packet) - 1:])
            # print(packet[len(packet)-1:])
            txp, = struct.unpack("b", packet[len(packet) - 2:len(packet) - 1])
            # print(packet[len(packet)-3:len(packet)-2], txp)
            # print("TX Power:", txp)
            resultsArray = [{
                "type": type,
                "uuid": uuid,
                "major": majorVal,
                "minor": minorVal,
                "rssi": rssi,
                "macAddress": macAddress

            return resultsArray

    return results
コード例 #58
ファイル: blescan.py プロジェクト: dajink815/sensor_project
def parse_events(sock, loop_count=100):
    old_filter = sock.getsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, 14)
    result = False

    flt = bluez.hci_filter_new()
    bluez.hci_filter_set_ptype(flt, bluez.HCI_EVENT_PKT)
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, flt)
    done = False
    results = []
    myFullList = []
    for i in range(0, loop_count):
        pkt = sock.recv(255)
        ptype, event, plen = struct.unpack("BBB", pkt[:3])
        #print "--------------"
        if event == bluez.EVT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_NUM_COMP_PKTS:
            i = 0
        elif event == bluez.EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE:
            i = 0
        elif event == LE_META_EVENT:
            subevent, = struct.unpack("B", pkt[3])
            pkt = pkt[4:]
            if subevent == EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE:
            elif subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
                #print "advertising report"
                num_reports = struct.unpack("B", pkt[0])[0]
                report_pkt_offset = 0
                for i in range(0, num_reports):

                    # build the return string
                    #printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    #print(printpacket(pkt[report_pkt_offset -6: report_pkt_offset - 4]))
                    if (returnnumberpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset -
                                4]) == 4660):
                        print("major : %d" % returnnumberpacket(
                            pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4]))
                        rssi, = struct.unpack("b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])
                        #print "\tRSSI:", rssi
                        numr = int(rssi)
                        if (numr > (-40)):
                            result = True

                    Adstring = packed_bdaddr_to_string(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset + 3:report_pkt_offset + 9])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += returnstringpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 22:report_pkt_offset - 6])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 6:report_pkt_offset - 4])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % returnnumberpacket(
                        pkt[report_pkt_offset - 4:report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack(
                        "b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 2])
                    Adstring += ","
                    Adstring += "%i" % struct.unpack(
                        "b", pkt[report_pkt_offset - 1])

                    #print "\tAdstring=", Adstring
                done = True
    sock.setsockopt(bluez.SOL_HCI, bluez.HCI_FILTER, old_filter)
    #return myFullList
    #return result
    if (result == True):
        return result