コード例 #1
def main():
    # Experiment specifications
    imagename = 'image_Lena512rgb.png'

    # Load noise-free image
    y = np.array(Image.open(imagename)) / 255

    # Possible noise types to be generated 'gw', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g1w',
    # 'g2w', 'g3w', 'g4w'.
    noise_type = 'g3'
    noise_var = 0.02  # Noise variance
    seed = 0  # seed for pseudorandom noise realization

    # Generate noise with given PSD
    noise, psd, kernel = get_experiment_noise(noise_type, noise_var, seed,
    # N.B.: For the sake of simulating a more realistic acquisition scenario,
    # the generated noise is *not* circulant. Therefore there is a slight
    # discrepancy between PSD and the actual PSD computed from infinitely many
    # realizations of this noise with different seeds.

    # Generate noisy image corrupted by additive spatially correlated noise
    # with noise power spectrum PSD
    z = np.atleast_3d(y) + np.atleast_3d(noise)

    # Call BM3D With the default settings.
    y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd)

    # To include refiltering:
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd, 'refilter');

    # For other settings, use BM3DProfile.
    # profile = BM3DProfile(); # equivalent to profile = BM3DProfile('np');
    # profile.gamma = 6;  # redefine value of gamma parameter
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd, profile);

    # Note: For white noise, you may instead of the PSD
    # also pass a standard deviation
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, sqrt(noise_var));

    # If the different channels have varying PSDs, you can supply a MxNx3 PSD or a list of 3 STDs:
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, np.concatenate((psd1, psd2, psd3), 2))
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, [sigma1, sigma2, sigma3])

    psnr = get_psnr(y, y_est)
    print("PSNR:", psnr)

    # PSNR ignoring 16-pixel wide borders (as used in the paper), due to refiltering potentially leaving artifacts
    # on the pixels near the boundary of the image when noise is not circulant
    psnr_cropped = get_cropped_psnr(y, y_est, [16, 16])
    print("PSNR cropped:", psnr_cropped)

    # Ignore values outside range for display (or plt gives an error for multichannel input)
    y_est = np.minimum(np.maximum(y_est, 0), 1)
    z_rang = np.minimum(np.maximum(z, 0), 1)

    plt.title("y, z, y_est")
    plt.imshow(np.concatenate((y, np.squeeze(z_rang), y_est), axis=1))
コード例 #2
def bm3d(img, sigma=None):
    if sigma == None:
        sigma = est_sigma(img)
        if sigma < 4:
            sigma **= 2
            print("Used sigma = %.2f" % sigma)
        tic = time()
        dumb = bm3d_rgb(img, sigma)
        tock = time()
        print("Execute time = %.2f" % (tock - tic), "s")
        print("Something went wrong, trying different method.")
        tic = time()
        dumb = cv.xphoto.bm3dDenoising(img)
        tock = time()
        print("Execute time = %.2f" % (tock - tic), "s")
    dumb = np.clip(dumb, 0.0, 255.0).astype('uint8')
    return dumb
コード例 #3
def generate_red_img(noisy_img, pred_psd, gt_img):
    noisy_img = np.array(noisy_img)
    noisy_img = noisy_img / 255.0
    gt_img = np.array(gt_img)
    gt_img = gt_img / 255.0
    profile = BM3DProfile()
    profile.bs_ht = random.choice([2, 4, 8])
    profile.transform_2d_wiener_name = random.choice(['dct', 'dst'])
    profile.bs_wiener = random.choice([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])
    cspace = random.choice(['opp', 'YCbCr'])
    cff = random.uniform(1, 15)

    red_img = bm3d_rgb(noisy_img,
                       cff * pred_psd[0],
    red_img = np.minimum(np.maximum(red_img, 0), 1)

    psnr = get_psnr(gt_img, red_img)

    red_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(red_img * 255.0))

    return red_img, cff, profile.bs_ht, cspace, profile.transform_2d_wiener_name, profile.bs_wiener, psnr
コード例 #4
def generate_red_img(noisy_img, pred_psd, gt_img):
    noisy_img = np.array(noisy_img)
    noisy_img = noisy_img / 255.0
    gt_img = np.array(gt_img)
    gt_img = gt_img / 255.0
    profile = BM3DProfile()
    profile.bs_ht = 4
    profile.transform_2d_wiener_name = 'dst'
    profile.bs_wiener = choose_neighborhood
    cspace = 'YCbCr'
    cff = choose_cff

    red_img = bm3d_rgb(noisy_img,
                       cff * pred_psd[0],
    red_img = np.minimum(np.maximum(red_img, 0), 1)

    psnr = get_psnr(gt_img, red_img)

    red_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(red_img * 255.0))

    return red_img, cff, profile.bs_ht, cspace, profile.transform_2d_wiener_name, profile.bs_wiener, psnr
コード例 #5
ファイル: ppp_admm_dmsc.py プロジェクト: wangjinjia1/sporco
def proxg(x, rho):
    return bm3d_rgb(x, bsigma)
コード例 #6
ファイル: ppp_admm_dmsc.py プロジェクト: wangjinjia1/sporco
Define proximal operator of (implicit, unknown) regularisation term for PPP problem. In this case we use BM3D :cite:`dabov-2008-image` as the denoiser, using the [code](https://pypi.org/project/bm3d) released with :cite:`makinen-2019-exact`.

bsigma = 6.1e-2  # Denoiser parameter

def proxg(x, rho):
    return bm3d_rgb(x, bsigma)

Construct a baseline solution and initaliser for the PPP solution by BM3D denoising of a simple bilinear demosaicing solution. The `3 * nsigma` denoising parameter for BM3D is chosen empirically for best performance.

imgb = bm3d_rgb(demosaic(sn), 3 * nsigma)
Set algorithm options for PPP solver, including use of bilinear demosaiced solution as an initial solution.

opt = PPP.Options({
    'Verbose': True,
    'RelStopTol': 1e-3,
    'MaxMainIter': 12,
    'rho': 1.8e-1,
    'Y0': imgb
Create solver object and solve, returning the the demosaiced image ``imgp``.
コード例 #7
Define proximal operator of (implicit, unknown) regularisation term for PPP problem. In this case we use BM3D :cite:`dabov-2008-image` as the denoiser, using the [code](https://pypi.org/project/bm3d) released with :cite:`makinen-2019-exact`.

bsigma = 6.1e-2  # Denoiser parameter

def proxg(x, rho):
    return bm3d_rgb(x, bsigma)

Construct a baseline solution and initaliser for the PPP solution by BM3D denoising of a simple bilinear demosaicing solution. The `3 * nsigma` denoising parameter for BM3D is chosen empirically for best performance.

imgb = bm3d_rgb(bilinear_demosaic(sn), 3 * nsigma)
Set algorithm options for PPP solver, including use of bilinear demosaiced solution as an initial solution.

opt = PPP.Options({
    'Verbose': True,
    'RelStopTol': 1e-3,
    'MaxMainIter': 12,
    'rho': 1.8e-1,
    'Y0': imgb
Create solver object and solve, returning the the demosaiced image ``imgp``.
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: wuzhan11/deepgtv
def main(t, sigma, args=None):
    # Experiment specifications
    #imagename = 'image_Lena512rgb.png'
    imagepath = args.path + '\\'
    imagename = imagepath + 'ref\\' + t + '_r.bmp'
    # Load noise-free image
    y = np.array(Image.open(imagename)) / 255

    # Possible noise types to be generated 'gw', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g1w',
    # 'g2w', 'g3w', 'g4w'.
    noise_type = 'gw'
    noise_var = (sigma / 255)**2  # Noise variance 25 std
    seed = 0  # seed for pseudorandom noise realization

    # Generate noise with given PSD
    noise, psd, kernel = get_experiment_noise(noise_type, noise_var, seed,
    # N.B.: For the sake of simulating a more realistic acquisition scenario,
    # the generated noise is *not* circulant. Therefore there is a slight
    # discrepancy between PSD and the actual PSD computed from infinitely many
    # realizations of this noise with different seeds.

    # Generate noisy image corrupted by additive spatially correlated noise
    # with noise power spectrum PSD
    z = np.atleast_3d(y) + np.atleast_3d(noise)

    z_rang = np.minimum(np.maximum(z, 0), 1)
    noisyimagename = imagepath + 'noisy\\' + t + '_g.bmp'
    plt.imsave(noisyimagename, z_rang)
    z = np.array(Image.open(noisyimagename)) / 255
    # Call BM3D With the default settings.
    y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd)

    # To include refiltering:
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd, 'refilter');

    # For other settings, use BM3DProfile.
    # profile = BM3DProfile(); # equivalent to profile = BM3DProfile('np');
    # profile.gamma = 6;  # redefine value of gamma parameter
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, psd, profile);

    # Note: For white noise, you may instead of the PSD
    # also pass a standard deviation
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, sqrt(noise_var));

    # If the different channels have varying PSDs, you can supply a MxNx3 PSD or a list of 3 STDs:
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, np.concatenate((psd1, psd2, psd3), 2))
    # y_est = bm3d_rgb(z, [sigma1, sigma2, sigma3])

    psnr = get_psnr(y, y_est)
    print("PSNR:", psnr)

    # PSNR ignoring 16-pixel wide borders (as used in the paper), due to refiltering potentially leaving artifacts
    # on the pixels near the boundary of the image when noise is not circulant
    psnr_cropped = get_cropped_psnr(y, y_est, [16, 16])
    print("PSNR cropped:", psnr_cropped)

    # Ignore values outside range for display (or plt gives an error for multichannel input)
    y_est = np.minimum(np.maximum(y_est, 0), 1)
    z_rang = np.minimum(np.maximum(z, 0), 1)
    opath = 'bm3d_{0}.bmp'.format(t)
    plt.imsave(opath.format(t), y_est)
    y_est = np.array(Image.open(opath.format(t))) / 255

    psnr = get_psnr(y, y_est)
    print("PSNR 2:", psnr)
    mse = ((y_est - y)**2).mean() * 255
    print("MSE:", mse)
    #plt.imsave(imagepath+ 'noisy\\' + t + '_g.bmp', z_rang)

        from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as compare_ssim
    except Exception:
        from skimage.measure import compare_ssim
    import cv2
    opath = 'bm3d_{0}.bmp'.format(t)
    argref = imagename  # path of noisy image
    d = cv2.imread(opath)
    tref = cv2.imread(argref)
    (score, diff) = compare_ssim(tref, d, full=True, multichannel=True)
    psnr2 = cv2.PSNR(tref, d)
    print('CV2 PSNR, SSIM: {:.2f}, {:.2f}'.format(psnr2, score))
    #plt.title("y, z, y_est")
    #plt.imshow(np.concatenate((y, np.squeeze(z_rang), y_est), axis=1))
    return psnr, mse
コード例 #9
def denoising(noise_im, clean_im, LR=1e-2, sigma=3, rho=1, eta=0.5, total_step=30, 
              prob1_iter=500, noise_level=None, result_root=None, f=None):
    input_depth = 3
    latent_dim = 3
    en_net = UNet(input_depth, latent_dim).to(device)
    de_net = UNet(latent_dim, input_depth).to(device)
    parameters = [p for p in en_net.parameters()] + [p for p in de_net.parameters()]
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(parameters, lr=LR)
    l2_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss().cuda()
    i0 = np_to_torch(noise_im).to(device)
    noise_im_torch = np_to_torch(noise_im).to(device)
    i0_til_torch = np_to_torch(noise_im).to(device)
    Y = torch.zeros_like(noise_im_torch).to(device)
    diff_original_np = noise_im.astype(np.float32) - clean_im.astype(np.float32)
    diff_original_name = 'Original_dis.png'
    save_hist(diff_original_np, result_root+diff_original_name)  
    best_psnr = 0
    for i in range(total_step):
################################# sub-problem 1 ###############################

        for i_1 in range(prob1_iter):

            mean = en_net(noise_im_torch)
            z = sample_z(mean)
            out = de_net(z)
            total_loss =  0.5 * l2_loss(out, noise_im_torch)
            total_loss += 0.5 * (1/sigma**2)*l2_loss(mean, i0)
            total_loss += (rho/2) * l2_loss(i0 + Y, i0_til_torch)
            with torch.no_grad():
                i0 = ((1/sigma**2)*mean.detach() + rho*(i0_til_torch - Y)) / ((1/sigma**2) + rho)
        with torch.no_grad():
################################# sub-problem 2 ###############################
            i0_np = torch_to_np(i0)
            Y_np = torch_to_np(Y)
            sig = eval_sigma(i+1, noise_level)
            i0_til_np = bm3d.bm3d_rgb(i0_np.transpose(1, 2, 0) + Y_np.transpose(1, 2, 0), sig).transpose(2, 0, 1)
            i0_til_torch = np_to_torch(i0_til_np).to(device)
################################# sub-problem 3 ###############################

            Y = Y + eta * (i0 - i0_til_torch)


            Y_name = 'Y_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
            i0_name = 'i0_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
            mean_name = 'Latent_im_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
            out_name = 'res_of_dec_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
            diff_name = 'Latent_dis_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
            Y_np = torch_to_np(Y)
            Y_norm_np = np.sqrt((Y_np*Y_np).sum(0))
            save_heatmap(Y_norm_np, result_root + Y_name)
            save_torch(mean, result_root + mean_name)
            save_torch(out, result_root + out_name)
            save_torch(i0, result_root + i0_name)
            mean_np = torch_to_np(mean)
            diff_np = mean_np - clean_im
            save_hist(diff_np, result_root + diff_name)

            i0_til_np = torch_to_np(i0_til_torch).clip(0, 255)
            psnr = compare_psnr(clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0), i0_til_np.transpose(1, 2, 0), 255)
            ssim = compare_ssim(clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0), i0_til_np.transpose(1, 2, 0), multichannel=True, data_range=255)
            i0_til_pil = np_to_pil(i0_til_np)
            i0_til_pil.save(os.path.join(result_root, '{}'.format(i) + '.png'))

            print('Iteration: {:02d}, VAE Loss: {:f}, PSNR: {:f}, SSIM: {:f}'.format(i, total_loss.item(), psnr, ssim), file=f, flush=True)
            if best_psnr < psnr:
                best_psnr = psnr
                best_ssim = ssim
    return i0_til_np, best_psnr, best_ssim
コード例 #10
def denoising_fixd_noise_level(noise_im,
    sig = noise_level
    r_bm3d = bm3d.bm3d_rgb(noise_im.transpose(1, 2, 0), sig)
    r_bm3d = np.clip(r_bm3d, 0, 255)
    psnr_bm3d = compare_psnr(clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0), r_bm3d, 255)
    ssim_bm3d = compare_ssim(r_bm3d,
                             clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0),

    print('noise level {} '.format(noise_level), file=fo, flush=True)
    print('PSNR_BM3D: {}, SSIM_BM3D: {}'.format(psnr_bm3d, ssim_bm3d),

    r_bm3d = Image.fromarray(r_bm3d.astype(np.uint8))
    r_bm3d.save(result_root + 'bm3d_result.png')

    input_depth = 3
    latent_dim = 3

    en_net = UNet(input_depth, latent_dim, need_sigmoid=True).cuda()
    de_net = UNet(latent_dim, input_depth, need_sigmoid=True).cuda()

    en_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(en_net.parameters(), lr=LR)
    de_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(de_net.parameters(), lr=LR)

    l2_loss = torch.nn.MSELoss().cuda()

    noise_im = noise_im / 255.0
    i0 = torch.Tensor(noise_im[None, ...]).cuda()
    noise_im_torch = torch.Tensor(noise_im)[None, ...].cuda()
    Y = torch.zeros_like(noise_im_torch).cuda()
    i0_til_torch = torch.Tensor(noise_im[None, ...]).cuda()

    output = None

    for i in range(total_step):

        ############################### sub-problem 1 #################################

        for i_1 in range(prob1_iter):
            mean_i = en_net(noise_im_torch)

            eps = mean_i.clone().normal_()
            out = de_net(mean_i + eps)

            total_loss = 0.5 * l2_loss(out, noise_im_torch)
            total_loss += 1 / (2 * sigma**2) * l2_loss(mean_i, i0)




            with torch.no_grad():
                i0 = ((1 / sigma**2) * mean_i + rho *
                      (i0_til_torch - Y) + alpha * noise_im_torch) / (
                          (1 / sigma**2) + rho + alpha)

        with torch.no_grad():

            ############################### sub-problem 2 #################################

            i0_np = i0.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy()
            Y_np = Y.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy()

            tmp = i0_np.transpose(1, 2, 0) + Y_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)
            tmp = np.clip(tmp, 0, 1)

            sig = noise_level

            i0_til_np = bm3d.bm3d_rgb(tmp * 255, sig) / 255
            i0_til_torch = torch.Tensor(
                i0_til_np.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, ...]).cuda()

            ############################### sub-problem 3 #################################

            Y = Y + eta * (i0 - i0_til_torch)


            i0_til_np = i0_til_torch.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy()
            i0_til_np = np.clip(i0_til_np, 0, 1)
            output = i0_til_np

            psnr_gt = compare_psnr(clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0),
                                   255 * i0_til_np.transpose(1, 2, 0), 255)
            ssim_gt = compare_ssim(255 * i0_til_np.transpose(1, 2, 0),
                                   clean_im.transpose(1, 2, 0),

            if not i % 5:

                denoise_obj_pil = Image.fromarray((tmp * 255).astype(np.uint8))
                Y_np = Y.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy()
                i0_np = np.clip(i0_np, 0, 1)
                i0_pil = Image.fromarray(
                    np.uint8(255 * i0_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)))
                i0_til_np = i0_til_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)
                i0_til_pil = Image.fromarray(
                    (255 * i0_til_np).astype(np.uint8))
                mean_i_np = mean_i.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy().clip(0, 1)
                mean_i_pil = Image.fromarray(
                    (255 * mean_i_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8))
                out_np = out.cpu().squeeze().detach().numpy().clip(0, 1)
                out_pil = Image.fromarray(
                    (255 * out_np.transpose(1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8))

                denoise_obj_name = 'denoise_obj_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
                Y_name = 'Y_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
                i0_name = 'i0_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
                result_name = 'num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
                mean_i_name = 'Latent_im_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'
                out_name = 'res_of_dec_num_epoch_{:04d}'.format(i) + '.png'

                denoise_obj_pil.save(result_root + denoise_obj_name)
                Y_norm_np = np.sqrt((Y_np * Y_np).sum(0))
                save_heatmap(Y_norm_np, result_root + Y_name)
                i0_pil.save(result_root + i0_name)
                i0_til_pil.save(result_root + result_name)
                mean_i_pil.save(result_root + mean_i_name)
                out_pil.save(result_root + out_name)

            print('Iteration %02d  Loss %f  PSNR_gt: %f, SSIM_gt: %f' %
                  (i, total_loss.item(), psnr_gt, ssim_gt),

    psnr = psnr_gt
    ssim = ssim_gt

    output_pil = Image.fromarray(
        (255 * output.transpose(1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8))
    output_pil.save(result_root + 'ours_result.png')

    return psnr, ssim, psnr_bm3d, ssim_bm3d