コード例 #1
ファイル: dragknife.py プロジェクト: DodoLaSaumure/bCNC
        def initPoint(P, dir, offset):
            P = Vector(P[0], P[1])

            if dir == 'X+':
                P[0] += offset
            elif dir == 'X-':
                P[0] -= offset
            elif dir == 'Y+':
                P[1] += offset
            elif dir == 'Y-':
                P[1] -= offset
            return P
コード例 #2
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: MrRemmers/tagCNC
	def convert(self, value, units):
		"""Convert units to another format"""
		f = self._TOMM[self.units] / DXF._TOMM[units]

		if isinstance(value,float):
			return value * f

		elif isinstance(value,Vector):
			new = Vector(value)
			for i in range(len(value)):
				new[i] *= f
			return new

		elif isinstance(value,list):
			new = []
			for x in value:
			return new

			raise Exception("Cannot convert type %s %s"%(type(value),str(value)))
コード例 #3
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: MrRemmers/tagCNC
	def _calcEndPoints(self):
		if self.type == "LINE":
			self._start = self.point()
			self._end   = self.point(1)
		elif self.type == "CIRCLE":
			x,y = self.point()
			r = self.radius()
			self._start = self._end = Vector(x+r,y)
		elif self.type == "ARC":
			x,y = self.point()
			r = self.radius()
			s = math.radians(self.startPhi())
			self._start = Vector(x+r*math.cos(s), y + r*math.sin(s))
			s = math.radians(self.endPhi())
			self._end = Vector(x+r*math.cos(s), y + r*math.sin(s))
		elif self.type in ("POLYLINE", "LWPOLYLINE", "SPLINE"):
			self._start = Vector(self[10][0], self[20][0])
			if self.isClosed():
				self._end = Vector(self[10][0], self[20][0])
				self._end = Vector(self[10][-1], self[20][-1])
		elif self.type in ("POINT", "ELLIPSE", "DIMENSION", "@START"):
			self._start = self._end = self.point()
			error("Cannot handle entity type: %s in layer: %s\n"%(self.type, self.name))
			#import traceback; traceback.print_stack()
			self._start = self._end = self.point()
コード例 #4
    def _intersectLineArc(self, arc):
        #AB = self.B
        #a  = AB.length2()
        a = self.AB[0]**2 + self.AB[1]**2
        if a < EPS2: return None, None

        #CA = self.start-arc.center
        #b  = 2.0*AB*CA
        #c  = CA.length2() - arc.radius**2
        CAx = self.start[0] - arc.center[0]
        CAy = self.start[1] - arc.center[1]
        b = 2.0 * (self.AB[0] * CAx + self.AB[1] * CAy)
        c = CAx**2 + CAy**2 - arc.radius**2

        t1, t2 = quadratic(b / a, c / a)
        if t1 is None: return None, None
        if t1 < -EPS or t1 > 1.0 + EPS:
            P1 = None
        elif t1 <= EPS:
            P1 = self.start
        elif t1 >= 1.0 - EPS:
            P1 = self.end
            #P1 = AB*t1 + self.start
            P1 = Vector(self.AB[0] * t1 + self.start[0],
                        self.AB[1] * t1 + self.start[1])
        if P1 and not arc._insideArc(P1): P1 = None

        if t2 < -EPS or t2 > 1.0 + EPS:
            P2 = None
        elif t2 <= EPS:
            P2 = self.start
        elif t2 >= 1.0 - EPS:
            P2 = self.end
            #P2 = AB*t2 + self.start
            P2 = Vector(self.AB[0] * t2 + self.start[0],
                        self.AB[1] * t2 + self.start[1])
        if P2 and not arc._insideArc(P2): P2 = None
        return P1, P2
コード例 #5
    def start(self):
        if self._start is not None: return self._start

        if self.type == "LINE":
            self._start = self.point()
        elif self.type == "CIRCLE":
            x, y = self.point()
            r = self.radius()
            self._start = self._end = Vector(x + r, y)
        elif self.type == "ARC":
            x, y = self.point()
            r = self.radius()
            s = math.radians(self.startPhi())
            self._start = Vector(x + r * math.cos(s), y + r * math.sin(s))
        elif self.type == "LWPOLYLINE":
            self._start = Vector(self[10][0], self[20][0])
        #elif self.type == "ELLIPSE":
        #elif self.type == "SPLINE":
            raise Exception("Cannot handle entity type %s" % (self.type))

        return self._start
コード例 #6
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: viewsat/bCNC
 def start(self):
     if self._start is not None:
         return self._start
     elif self.type == "LINE":
         self._start = self.point()
     elif self.type == "CIRCLE":
         x, y = self.point()
         r = self.radius()
         self._start = self._end = Vector(x + r, y)
     elif self.type == "ARC":
         x, y = self.point()
         r = self.radius()
         s = math.radians(self.startPhi())
         self._start = Vector(x + r * math.cos(s), y + r * math.sin(s))
     elif self.type in ("POLYLINE", "LWPOLYLINE", "SPLINE"):
         self._start = Vector(self[10][0], self[20][0])
     elif self.type in ("POINT", "ELLIPSE"):
         self._start = self.point()
         #raise Exception("Cannot handle entity type %s"%(self.type))
         error("Cannot handle entity type: %s in layer: %s\n" %
               (self.type, self.name))
         self._start = self.point()
     return self._start
コード例 #7
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: jarretluft/bCNC
	def end(self):
		if self._end is not None: return self._end

		if self.type == "LINE":
			self._end = self.point(1)
		elif self.type == "CIRCLE":
			x,y = self.point()
			r = self.radius()
			self._start = self._end = Vector(x+r,y)
		elif self.type == "ARC":
			x,y = self.point()
			r = self.radius()
			s = math.radians(self.endPhi())
			self._end = Vector(x+r*math.cos(s), y + r*math.sin(s))
		elif self.type == "LWPOLYLINE":
			self._end = Vector(self[10][-1], self[20][-1])
		elif self.type == "POINT":
			self._end = self.point()
			#raise Exception("Cannot handle entity type %s"%(self.type))
			sys.stderr.write("Cannot handle entity type %s: %s\n"%(self.type, self.name))
			self._end = self.point()

		return self._end
コード例 #8
		def circle3center(A,B,C):
				xDelta_a = B[0] - A[0]
				yDelta_a = B[1] - A[1]
				xDelta_b = C[0] - B[0]
				yDelta_b = C[1] - B[1]
				center = Vector(0, 0)

				aSlope = yDelta_a/xDelta_a
				bSlope = yDelta_b/xDelta_b
				center[0] = (aSlope*bSlope*(A[1] - C[1]) + bSlope*(A[0] + B[0]) - aSlope*(B[0]+C[0]) )/(2* (bSlope-aSlope) )
				center[1] = -1*(center[0] - (A[0]+B[0])/2)/aSlope +  (A[1]+B[1])/2

				return center
				return None
コード例 #9
	def extrapolatePoint(self, dist, B=False):
		if self.type == Segment.LINE:
			if not B:
				return self.A+(self.tangentStart()*dist)
				return self.B+(self.tangentStart()*dist)
			if self.type == Segment.CW:
				dist = -dist

			raddist = dist/self.radius
			if not B:
				phi = self.startPhi+raddist
				phi = self.endPhi+raddist
			return Vector(	self.C[0] + self.radius*cos(phi),
					self.C[1] + self.radius*sin(phi))
コード例 #10
	def isInside(self, P):
		#print "P=",P
		#minx,miny,maxx,maxy = self.bbox()
		maxx = self.bbox()[2]
		#print "limits:",minx,miny,maxx,maxy
		#FIXME: this is strange. adding +1000 to line endpoint changes the outcome of method
		#	i've found that doing this works around some unknown problem in most cases, but it's not really ideal solution
		line = Segment(Segment.LINE, P, Vector(maxx*1.1, P[1]+1000))
		count = 0
		PP1 = None	# previous points to avoid double counting
		PP2 = None
		#print "Line=",line
		for segment in self:
			P1,P2 = line.intersect(segment)
			#print i,segment
			if P1 is not None:
				if PP1 is None and PP2 is None:
					count += 1
				elif PP1 is not None and PP2 is not None and \
				     not eq(P1,PP1) and not eq(P1,PP2):
					count += 1
				elif PP1 is not None and not eq(P1,PP1):
					count += 1
				elif PP2 is not None and not eq(P1,PP2):
					count += 1

				if P2 is not None:
					if eq(P1,P2):
						P2 = None
					elif PP1 is None and PP2 is None:
						count += 1
					elif PP1 is not None and PP2 is not None and \
					     not eq(P2,PP1) and not eq(P2,PP2):
						count += 1
					elif PP1 is not None and not eq(P2,PP1):
						count += 1
					elif PP2 is not None and not eq(P2,PP2):
						count += 1
			#print P1,P2,count
			PP1 = P1
			PP2 = P2
		#print "Count=",count
		return bool(count&1)
コード例 #11
    def isInside(self, P):
        #print "P=",P
        #minx,miny,maxx,maxy = self.bbox()
        maxx = self.bbox()[2]
        #print "limits:",minx,miny,maxx,maxy
        line = Segment(Segment.LINE, P, Vector(maxx * 1.1, P[1]))
        count = 0
        PP1 = None  # previous points to avoid double counting
        PP2 = None
        #print "Line=",line
        for segment in self:
            P1, P2 = line.intersect(segment)
            #print i,segment
            if P1 is not None:
                if PP1 is None and PP2 is None:
                    count += 1
                elif PP1 is not None and PP2 is not None and \
                     not eq(P1,PP1) and not eq(P1,PP2):
                    count += 1
                elif PP1 is not None and not eq(P1, PP1):
                    count += 1
                elif PP2 is not None and not eq(P1, PP2):
                    count += 1

                if P2 is not None:
                    if eq(P1, P2):
                        P2 = None
                    elif PP1 is None and PP2 is None:
                        count += 1
                    elif PP1 is not None and PP2 is not None and \
                         not eq(P2,PP1) and not eq(P2,PP2):
                        count += 1
                    elif PP1 is not None and not eq(P2, PP1):
                        count += 1
                    elif PP2 is not None and not eq(P2, PP2):
                        count += 1
            #print P1,P2,count
            PP1 = P1
            PP2 = P2
        #print "Count=",count
        return bool(count & 1)
コード例 #12
ファイル: bpath.py プロジェクト: zhoudianyou/bCNC
    def _intersectLineArc(self, arc):
        #AB = self.B
        #a  = AB.length2()
        a = self.AB[0]**2 + self.AB[1]**2
        if a < EPS2: return None, None

        #CA = self.start-arc.center
        #b  = 2.0*AB*CA
        #c  = CA.length2() - arc.radius**2
        CAx = self.start[0] - arc.center[0]
        CAy = self.start[1] - arc.center[1]
        b = 2.0 * (self.AB[0] * CAx + self.AB[1] * CAy)

        #c  = CAx**2 + CAy**2 - arc.radius**2
        if abs(CAx) < abs(CAy):
            c = CAy**2 + (CAx + arc.radius) * (CAx - arc.radius)
            c = CAx**2 + (CAy + arc.radius) * (CAy - arc.radius)

        t1, t2 = quadratic(b / a, c / a)
        if t1 is None: return None, None
        if t1 < -EPS or t1 > 1.0 + EPS:
            P1 = None
        elif t1 <= EPS:
            P1 = Vector(self.start)
        elif t1 >= 1.0 - EPS:
            P1 = Vector(self.end)
            #P1 = AB*t1 + self.start
            P1 = Vector(self.AB[0] * t1 + self.start[0],
                        self.AB[1] * t1 + self.start[1])
        if P1 and not arc._insideArc(P1): P1 = None

        if t2 < -EPS or t2 > 1.0 + EPS:
            P2 = None
        elif t2 <= EPS:
            P2 = Vector(self.start)
        elif t2 >= 1.0 - EPS:
            P2 = Vector(self.end)
            #P2 = AB*t2 + self.start
            P2 = Vector(self.AB[0] * t2 + self.start[0],
                        self.AB[1] * t2 + self.start[1])
        if P2 and not arc._insideArc(P2): P2 = None

        # force P1 to have always the solution if any
        if P1 is None: return P2, None
        return P1, P2
コード例 #13
ファイル: bpath.py プロジェクト: MrRemmers/tagCNC
	def fromDxf(self, dxf, layer, units=0):
		for entity in layer:
			self.color = entity.color()
			start = dxf.convert(entity.start(), units)
			end   = dxf.convert(entity.end(), units)
			if entity.type == "LINE":
				if not eq(start,end):
					self.append(Segment(Segment.LINE, start, end))

			elif entity.type == "CIRCLE":
				center = dxf.convert(entity.center(), units)
				self.append(Segment(Segment.CCW, start, end, center))

			elif entity.type == "ARC":
				t = entity._invert and Segment.CW or Segment.CCW
				center = dxf.convert(entity.center(), units)
				self.append(Segment(t, start, end, center))

			elif entity.type in ("POLYLINE", "LWPOLYLINE", "SPLINE"):
				# split it into multiple line segments
				xy = list(zip(dxf.convert(entity[10],units), dxf.convert(entity[20],units)))
				if entity.isClosed(): xy.append(xy[0])
				bulge = entity.bulge()
				if not isinstance(bulge,list): bulge = [bulge]*len(xy)
				if entity._invert:
					# reverse and negate bulge
					bulge = [-x for x in bulge[::-1]]

				for i,(x,y) in enumerate(xy[1:]):
					b = bulge[i]
					end = Vector(x,y)
					if eq(start,end): continue
					if abs(b)<EPS:
						self.append(Segment(Segment.LINE, start, end))

					elif abs(b-1.0)<EPS:
						# Semicircle
						center = (start+end)/2.0
						if b<0.0:
							t  = Segment.CW
							t  = Segment.CCW
						self.append(Segment(t, start, end, center))

						# arc with bulge = b
						# b = tan(theta/4)
						theta = 4.0*atan(abs(b))
						if abs(b)>1.0:
							theta = 2.0*pi - theta
						AB = start-end
						ABlen = AB.length()
						d = ABlen / 2.0
						r = d / sin(theta/2.0)
						C = (start+end)/2.0
							OC = sqrt((r-d)*(r+d))
							if b<0.0:
								t  = Segment.CW
								t  = Segment.CCW
								OC = -OC
							if abs(b)>1.0:
								OC = -OC
							center = Vector(C[0] - OC*AB[1]/ABlen,
									C[1] + OC*AB[0]/ABlen)
							self.append(Segment(t, start, end, center))
							self.append(Segment(Segment.LINE, start, end))
					start = end
コード例 #14
 def point3D(self, idx=0):
     """return 3D point 10+idx,20+idx"""
     return Vector(self.get(10 + idx), self.get(20 + idx),
                   self.get(30 + idx))
コード例 #15
 def point(self, idx=0):
     """return 2D point 10+idx,20+idx"""
     return Vector(self.get(10 + idx, 0), self.get(20 + idx, 0))
コード例 #16
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: viewsat/bCNC
 def point(self, idx=0):
     return Vector(self.get(10 + idx, 0), self.get(20 + idx, 0))
コード例 #17
ファイル: gear.py プロジェクト: mielnicz/bCNC
 def point_on_circle(self, radius, angle):
     return Vector(radius * math.cos(angle), radius * math.sin(angle))
コード例 #18
ファイル: dxf.py プロジェクト: viewsat/bCNC
 def point3D(self, idx=0):
     return Vector(self.get(10 + idx), self.get(20 + idx),
                   self.get(30 + idx))