def get_mu_star(model): """ Given a model, return the (x, y) coords of mu-star. :param model: The underlying GP. :return: """ X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain() mu = model.predict(X_).reshape(-1, 1) coords = np.hstack((X_, mu)) idx = np.argmin(coords, axis=0)[1] return coords[idx, :]
def get_lcb_maximum(model, kappa): """ Given a model, return the (x, y) coords of LCB maximum. :param model: The underlying GP. :return: """ X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain() mu, sigma = model.predict(X_, return_std=True) lcb = - (mu - kappa * sigma).reshape(-1) idx = np.argmax(lcb)"Found lcb maximum at index {}:{}".format(idx, (X_[idx, 0], lcb[idx]))) return (X_[idx, 0], -lcb[idx])
def visualize_es(initial_design, init=None): """ Visualize one-step of ES. :param initial_design: Method for initializing the GP, choice between 'uniform', 'random', and 'presentation' :param init: Number of datapoints to initialize GP with. :return: None """ # 1. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 0 samples, histogram # 2. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 1 sample, histogram # 3. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 3 samples, histogram # 4. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 50 samples, histogram # 5. Show PDF derived from the histogram at 10e9 samples # 6. Mark maximum of the PDF as next configuration to be evaluated # a. Plot GP # b. Sample GP, mark minima, update histogram of lambda* # c. Repeat 2 for each sample. # d. Show results after multiple iterations boplot.set_rc('figure', figsize=(22, 11)) # Initial setup # ------------------------------------------- logging.debug("Visualizing ES with initial design {} and init {}".format( initial_design, init)) # Initialize dummy dataset x, y = initialize_dataset(initial_design=initial_design, init=init) logging.debug( "Initialized dataset with:\nsamples {0}\nObservations {1}".format( x, y)) # Fit GP to the currently available dataset gp = GPR(kernel=Matern()) logging.debug("Fitting GP to\nx: {}\ny:{}".format(x, y)), y) # fit the model histogram_precision = 20 X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain(precision=histogram_precision) nbins = X_.shape[0]"Creating histograms with {} bins".format(nbins)) bin_range = (bounds['x'][0], bounds['x'][1] + 1 / histogram_precision) # ------------------------------------------- def bin_large_sample_size(nsamples, seed, return_pdf=False, batch_size=1280000): # Used for plotting a histogram when a large number of samples are to be generated. f"Generating batch-wise histogram data for {nsamples} samples {batch_size} samples at at time." ) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) counts = np.zeros_like(X_.flatten()) bin_edges = np.zeros(shape=(counts.shape[0] + 1)) # Smoothen out the batches - we don't care about missing out a small overflow number of samples. nsamples = (nsamples // batch_size) * batch_size for idx in range(0, nsamples, batch_size): # # Iterate in increments of batch_size samples, but check for an uneven batch in the last iteration # batch_nsamples = batch_size if (nsamples - idx) % batch_size == 0 else nsamples - idx if idx % (batch_size * 10) == 0: f"Generated {idx} samples out of an expected {nsamples}" f"[{idx * 100.0 / nsamples}%].") batch_nsamples = batch_size mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=batch_nsamples, random_state=rng) minima = X_[np.argmin(mu, axis=0), 0] hist, bin_edges = np.histogram( minima, bins=nbins, range=bin_range, density=return_pdf, ) counts += hist"Finished generating {nsamples} samples.") return counts, bin_edges def draw_samples(nsamples, ax1, ax2, show_min=False, return_pdf=False, show_samples=True, show_hist=True, data=None): if not nsamples: raise RuntimeError( f"Number of samples must be a positive integer, received " f"{nsamples} of type {type(nsamples)}") # If data is not None, assume that it contains pre-computed histogram data logging.debug("Recieved histogram data of shape %s." % str(np.array(data).shape)) if data: logging.debug( "Histogram data contained %d counts and %d bins." % (np.array(data[0]).shape[0], np.array(data[1]).shape[0])) counts = data[0] bins = data[1] return ax2.hist(bins[:-1], bins=bins, density=return_pdf, weights=counts, color='lightgreen', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.0 if return_pdf else 1.0) mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=GP_SAMPLE_SEED) if show_samples: boplot.plot_gp_samples(mu=mu, nsamples=nsamples, precision=histogram_precision, custom_x=X_, show_min=show_min, ax=ax1, seed=GP_SAMPLE_COLOR_SEED) minima = X_[np.argmin(mu, axis=0), 0]"Shape of minima is {}".format(minima.shape)) # logging.debug("minima is: {}".format(minima)) bins = None if show_hist: bins = ax2.hist(minima, bins=nbins, range=bin_range, density=return_pdf, color='lightgreen', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.0 if return_pdf else 1.0) return bins def draw_basic_plot(ax2_sci_not=False): fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds['acq_y']) if ax2_sci_not: f = mtick.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) g = lambda x, pos: "${}$".format(f._formatSciNotation('%1.10e' % x) ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FuncFormatter(g)) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) return fig, (ax1, ax2) def draw_freq_plots(nsamples): fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_basic_plot() if nsamples == 1: show_min = True else: show_min = False draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=show_min) return fig, (ax1, ax2) def finishing_touches(ax1, ax2, ax1_title, ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname="es.pdf"): ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) # ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) # ax1.set_title(ax1_title, loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax2.set_ylabel(r'Frequency') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') if show_legend: ax1.legend().set_zorder(zorders["legend"]) else: ax1.legend().remove() # plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=1.0) if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{figname}") else: # 1. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 0 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- ax2_title = r'$p_{min}=P(\lambda=\lambda^*)$' bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 1.0) fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_basic_plot() boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], ax=ax1, custom_x=x) # Plot uniform prior for p_min xplot = boplot.get_plot_domain() ylims = ax2.get_ylim() xlims = ax2.get_xlim() yupper = [(ylims[1] - ylims[0]) / (xlims[1] - xlims[0])] * xplot.shape[0] ax2.plot(xplot[:, 0], yupper, color='green', linewidth=2.0) ax2.fill_between(xplot[:, 0], ylims[0], yupper, color='lightgreen') # ax1.legend().set_zorder(zorders["legend"]) ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) # ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) # ax1.set_title(r"Visualization of $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/es_1.pdf") else: # ------------------------------------------- # 2. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 1 sample, histogram # ------------------------------------------- nsamples = 1 bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 5.0) ax1_title = r"One sample$" ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' figname = "es_2.pdf" fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_freq_plots(nsamples=nsamples) finishing_touches(ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, ax1_title=ax1_title, ax2_title=ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname=figname) # 3. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 10 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- nsamples = 10 bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 10.0) ax1_title = r"Ten samples$" ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' figname = "es_3.pdf" fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_freq_plots(nsamples=nsamples) finishing_touches(ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, ax1_title=ax1_title, ax2_title=ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname=figname) # ------------------------------------------- # 4. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 200 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- nsamples = 100 bounds["acq_y"] = (0.0, 20.0) ax1_title = r"200 samples$" ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' figname = "es_4.pdf" fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_freq_plots(nsamples=nsamples) finishing_touches(ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, ax1_title=ax1_title, ax2_title=ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname=figname) # ------------------------------------------- # 5. Show PDF derived from the histogram at 10e9 samples # ------------------------------------------- nsamples = int(1e9) # Generate ~1 Billion samples bounds["acq_y"] = (0.0, nsamples / 10.0) # ax1_title = r"200 samples from $\mathcal{G}^t$" # ax2_title = "$\hat{P}(\lambda=\lambda^*)$" ax1_title = r"A very large number of samples" ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' figname = "es_5.pdf" fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_basic_plot(ax2_sci_not=True) # Draw only a limited number of samples draw_samples(nsamples=200, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=False, show_samples=True, show_hist=False) # Use an alternate procedure to generate the histogram data counts, bins = bin_large_sample_size(nsamples, seed=GP_SAMPLE_SEED, return_pdf=False, batch_size=1280000) hist_data = (counts, bins) # Draw histogram only for a large number of samples draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=False, show_samples=False, show_hist=True, data=hist_data) finishing_touches(ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, ax1_title=ax1_title, ax2_title=ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname=figname) # ------------------------------------------- # 6. Mark maximum of the PDF as next configuration to be evaluated # ------------------------------------------- figname = "es_6.pdf" fig, (ax1, ax2) = draw_basic_plot(ax2_sci_not=True) # Draw only a limited number of samples draw_samples(nsamples=200, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=False, show_samples=True, show_hist=False) # Draw histogram only for a large number of samples using previously generated histogram data draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=False, show_samples=False, show_hist=True, data=hist_data) xplot = boplot.get_plot_domain() idx_umax = np.argmax(counts) xmax = (bins[idx_umax] + bins[idx_umax + 1]) / 2.0 f"Highlighting xmax as configuration at index {idx_umax} with count {counts[idx_umax]}, " f"at configuration {xmax}.") boplot.highlight_configuration(x=xmax, label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', ax=ax1, disable_ticks=False) # boplot.annotate_x_edge(label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', xy=(xplot[idx_umax], ax1.get_ylim()[0]), # ax=ax1, align='top', offset_param=1.5) boplot.highlight_configuration(x=xmax, label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', ax=ax2, disable_ticks=False) # boplot.annotate_x_edge(label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', xy=(xplot[idx_umax], ys[idx_umax]), # ax=ax2, align='top', offset_param=1.0) finishing_touches(ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, ax1_title=ax1_title, ax2_title=ax2_title, show_legend=False, figname=figname)
def visualize_es(initial_design, init=None): """ Visualize one-step of ES. :param initial_design: Method for initializing the GP, choice between 'uniform', 'random', and 'presentation' :param init: Number of datapoints to initialize GP with. :return: None """ # 1. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 0 samples, histogram # 2. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 1 sample, histogram # 3. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 3 samples, histogram # 4. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 50 samples, histogram # 5. Show PDF derived from the histogram at 50 samples # 6. Mark maximum of the PDF as next configuration to be evaluated # a. Plot GP # b. Sample GP, mark minima, update histogram of lambda* # c. Repeat 2 for each sample. # d. Show results after multiple iterations boplot.set_rcparams(**{'figure.figsize': (22, 11)}) # Initial setup # ------------------------------------------- logging.debug("Visualizing ES with initial design {} and init {}".format( initial_design, init)) # Initialize dummy dataset x, y = initialize_dataset(initial_design=initial_design, init=init) logging.debug( "Initialized dataset with:\nsamples {0}\nObservations {1}".format( x, y)) # Fit GP to the currently available dataset gp = GPR(kernel=Matern()) logging.debug("Fitting GP to\nx: {}\ny:{}".format(x, y)), y) # fit the model histogram_precision = 20 X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain(precision=histogram_precision) nbins = X_.shape[0]"Creating histograms with {} bins".format(nbins)) bin_range = (bounds['x'][0], bounds['x'][1] + 1 / histogram_precision) # ------------------------------------------- def draw_samples(nsamples, ax1, ax2, show_min=False, return_pdf=False): if not nsamples: return seed2 = 1256 seed3 = 65 mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=seed3) boplot.plot_gp_samples(mu=mu, nsamples=nsamples, precision=histogram_precision, custom_x=X_, show_min=show_min, ax=ax1, seed=seed2) data_h = X_[np.argmin(mu, axis=0), 0]"Shape of data_h is {}".format(data_h.shape)) logging.debug("data_h is: {}".format(data_h)) bins = ax2.hist(data_h, bins=nbins, range=bin_range, density=return_pdf, color='lightgreen', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.0 if return_pdf else 1.0) return bins # 1. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 0 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- ax2_title = r'$p_{min}=P(\lambda=\lambda^*)$' bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 1.0) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds['acq_y']) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[3.0], ax=ax1, custom_x=x) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 0 draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=True) # Plot uniform prior for p_min xplot = boplot.get_plot_domain() ylims = ax2.get_ylim() xlims = ax2.get_xlim() yupper = [(ylims[1] - ylims[0]) / (xlims[1] - xlims[0])] * xplot.shape[0] ax2.plot(xplot[:, 0], yupper, color='green', linewidth=2.0) ax2.fill_between(xplot[:, 0], ylims[0], yupper, color='lightgreen') ax1.legend().set_zorder(20) ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"Visualization of $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_1') else: # ------------------------------------------- # 2. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 1 sample, histogram # ------------------------------------------- bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 5.0) ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds['acq_y']) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 1 draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2, show_min=True) ax1.legend().set_zorder(20) ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"One sample from $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) # ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'Frequency') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_2') else: # 3. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 10 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- bounds['acq_y'] = (0.0, 10.0) ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds['acq_y']) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 10 draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2) ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"Ten samples from $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) # ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'Frequency') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_3') else: # ------------------------------------------- # 4. Show GP fit on initial dataset, 200 samples, histogram # ------------------------------------------- bounds["acq_y"] = (0.0, 20.0) ax2_title = r'Frequency of $\lambda=\hat{\lambda}^*$' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds['acq_y']) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 200 draw_samples(nsamples=nsamples, ax1=ax1, ax2=ax2) ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"200 samples from $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) # ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'Frequency') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_4') else: # ------------------------------------------- # 5. Show PDF derived from the histogram at 200 samples # ------------------------------------------- ax2_title = "$\hat{P}(\lambda=\lambda^*)$" bounds["acq_y"] = (0.0, 1.0) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds["acq_y"]) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[3.0], ax=ax1, custom_x=x) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 200 seed3 = 65 mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=seed3) data_h = X_[np.argmin(mu, axis=0), 0] kde = kd(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.75).fit(data_h.reshape(-1, 1)) xplot = boplot.get_plot_domain() ys = np.exp(kde.score_samples(xplot)) ax2.plot(xplot, ys, color='green', lw=2.) ax2.fill_between(xplot[:, 0], ax2.get_ylim()[0], ys, color='lightgreen') ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"Visualization of $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_5') else: # ------------------------------------------- # 6. Mark maximum of the PDF as next configuration to be evaluated # ------------------------------------------- ax2_title = "$\hat{P}(\lambda=\lambda^*)$" bounds["acq_y"] = (0.0, 1.0) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, squeeze=True) ax1.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax1.set_ylim(bounds['gp_y']) ax2.set_xlim(bounds['x']) ax2.set_ylim(bounds["acq_y"]) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax1) boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[3.0], ax=ax1, custom_x=x) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, ax=ax1) nsamples = 200 seed3 = 65 mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=seed3) data_h = X_[np.argmin(mu, axis=0), 0] kde = kd(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.75).fit(data_h.reshape(-1, 1)) xplot = boplot.get_plot_domain() ys = np.exp(kde.score_samples(xplot)) idx_umax = np.argmax(ys) boplot.highlight_configuration(x=xplot[idx_umax], label='', ax=ax1, disable_ticks=True) boplot.annotate_x_edge(label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', xy=(xplot[idx_umax], ax1.get_ylim()[0]), ax=ax1, align='top', offset_param=1.5) boplot.highlight_configuration(x=xplot[idx_umax], label='', ax=ax2, disable_ticks=True) boplot.annotate_x_edge(label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', xy=(xplot[idx_umax], ys[idx_umax]), ax=ax2, align='top', offset_param=1.0) ax2.plot(xplot, ys, color='green', lw=2.) ax2.fill_between(xplot[:, 0], ax2.get_ylim()[0], ys, color='lightgreen') ax1.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax1.set_ylabel(labels['gp_ylabel']) ax1.set_title(r"Visualization of $\mathcal{G}^t$", loc='left') ax2.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$p_{min}$') ax2.set_title(ax2_title, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig('es_6') else:
def visualize_ts(initial_design, init=None): """ Visualize one-step of TS. :param initial_design: Method for initializing the GP, choice between 'uniform', 'random', and 'presentation' :param init: Number of datapoints to initialize GP with. :return: None """ # 1. Plot GP fit on initial dataset # 2. Plot one sample # 3. Mark minimum of sample boplot.set_rcparams(**{'legend.loc': 'upper left'}) logging.debug("Visualizing EI with initial design {} and init {}".format( initial_design, init)) # Initialize dummy dataset x, y = initialize_dataset(initial_design=initial_design, init=init) ymin_arg = np.argmin(y) ymin = y[ymin_arg] logging.debug( "Initialized dataset with:\nsamples {0}\nObservations {1}".format( x, y)) # Fit GP to the currently available dataset gp = GPR(kernel=Matern()) logging.debug("Fitting GP to\nx: {}\ny:{}".format(x, y)), y) # fit the model # noinspection PyStringFormat logging.debug( "Model fit to dataset.\nOriginal Inputs: {0}\nOriginal Observations: {1}\n" "Predicted Means: {2}\nPredicted STDs: {3}".format( x, y, *(gp.predict(x, return_std=True)))) # 1. Plot GP fit on initial dataset # -------------Plotting code ----------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=True) ax.set_xlim(bounds["x"]) ax.set_ylim(bounds["gp_y"]) ax.grid() boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], custom_x=x, ax=ax) boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, highlight_datapoint=None, highlight_label=None, ax=ax) ax.legend().set_zorder(zorders['legend']) ax.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/ts_1.pdf") else: # ------------------------------------------- # 2. Plot one sample # -------------Plotting code ----------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=True) ax.set_xlim(bounds["x"]) ax.set_ylim(bounds["gp_y"]) ax.grid() boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], custom_x=x, ax=ax) boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, highlight_datapoint=None, highlight_label=None, ax=ax) # Sample from the GP nsamples = 1 seed2 = 2 seed3 = 1375 X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain(precision=None) mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=seed3) boplot.plot_gp_samples(mu=mu, nsamples=nsamples, precision=None, custom_x=X_, show_min=False, ax=ax, seed=seed2) ax.legend().set_zorder(zorders['legend']) ax.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/ts_2.pdf") else: # ------------------------------------------- # 3. Mark minimum of sample # -------------Plotting code ----------------- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, squeeze=True) ax.set_xlim(bounds["x"]) ax.set_ylim(bounds["gp_y"]) ax.grid() # boplot.plot_gp(model=gp, confidence_intervals=[2.0], custom_x=x, ax=ax) boplot.plot_objective_function(ax=ax) boplot.mark_observations(X_=x, Y_=y, mark_incumbent=False, highlight_datapoint=None, highlight_label=None, ax=ax) # Sample from the GP nsamples = 1 X_ = boplot.get_plot_domain(precision=None) mu = gp.sample_y(X=X_, n_samples=nsamples, random_state=seed3) colors['highlighted_observations'] = 'red' # Special for Thompson Sampling boplot.plot_gp_samples(mu=mu, nsamples=nsamples, precision=None, custom_x=X_, show_min=True, ax=ax, seed=seed2) min_idx = np.argmin(mu, axis=0) candidate = X_[min_idx] cost = mu[min_idx] boplot.highlight_configuration(x=np.array([candidate]), label='', lloc='bottom', disable_ticks=True, ax=ax) boplot.annotate_x_edge(label=r'$\lambda^{(t)}$', xy=(candidate, cost), align='top', ax=ax) boplot.highlight_output(y=np.array([cost]), label='', lloc='left', disable_ticks=True, ax=ax) boplot.annotate_y_edge(label=r'$g(\lambda^{(t)})$', xy=(candidate, cost), align='left', ax=ax) ax.legend().set_zorder(zorders['legend']) ax.set_xlabel(labels['xlabel']) plt.tight_layout() if TOGGLE_PRINT: plt.savefig(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/ts_3.pdf") else: