def do_player_action_transport_goods(game: Game, player_id: int, destination_id: int) -> None: """Transport 1 freight unit from the current location to the destination location. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] destination_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) node = game._get_node_by_id(player.location_id) target_node = game._get_node_by_id(destination_id) action_cost = 1 if node.damage == 2: action_cost = 2 if node.freight < 1: raise InvalidActionException(player) if node.damage >= 3: raise InvalidActionException(player) if action_cost > player.actions_left: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.actions_left -= ( action_cost - 1 ) # add one because every action automatically cost one action point node.freight -= 1 target_node.freight += 1 ACTIONS[RUN_ACTION_NAME](game, player_id, destination_id)
def test_choose_driver_action(self) -> None: g = Game(0) a = Agent(g) g.nodes[8].damage = 2 action = a._choose_driver_actions( g._get_player_by_id(g.active_player_id)) self.assertTrue(True)
def test_choose_industry_action(self): g = Game(0) a = Agent(g) g._get_node_by_id(g.start_node_id).freight = 3 g.players[0].location_id = 10 action = a._choose_industry_actions( g._get_player_by_id(g.active_player_id)) self.assertTrue(True)
def test_find_shortest_path(self) -> None: g = Game(0) a = Agent() graph_dict = parse_nodes_to_graph_format(g.nodes) result = find_shortest_path(graph_dict, 21, 19) print(result) flat = flatten_list(result) self.assertTrue(True)
def do_player_action_run(game: Game, player_id: int, destination_id: int) -> None: """Move (run) to a neighboring node. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): Id of the moving player. destination_id (int): Id of the destination node. Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) player_current_node_id = player.location_id if destination_id not in game._get_node_by_id( player_current_node_id).neighbors: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.location_id = destination_id
def do_player_action_generate_goods(game: Game, player_id: int) -> None: """Generate 1 freight unit at the node the player is currently located at. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) node = game._get_node_by_id(game.start_node_id) if player.funds < 2: raise InvalidActionException(player) if node.freight >= 3: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.funds -= 2 node.freight += 1
def do_player_action_repair(game: Game, player_id: int) -> None: """Remove 1 damage point from the node the player is currently located. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) node = game._get_node_by_id(player.location_id) if player.funds < 1: raise InvalidActionException(player) if node.damage < 1: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.funds += 1 node.damage -= 1
def do_player_action_special_flight(game: Game, player_id: int, destination_id: int) -> None: """Special fly to a purple node. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] destination_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) valid_destination_ids = [ for node in game.nodes if node.node_type in ['purple'] ] if destination_id not in valid_destination_ids: raise InvalidActionException(player) game.location_id = destination_id
def do_player_action_share_resources(game: Game, player_id: int, target_player_id: int) -> None: """Transfer 1 fund to a player that is at the same node. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] target_player_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) target_player = game._get_player_by_id(target_player_id) if player.funds < 1: raise InvalidActionException(player) if target_player.location_id != player.location_id: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.funds -= 1 target_player.funds += 1
def do_player_action_coordinate_drivers(game: Game, player_id: int, target_player_id: int, destination_id: int) -> None: """Use an action point to move one of the driver players when it is not their turn. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] target_player_id (int): [description] destination_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) target_player = game._get_player_by_id(target_player_id) try: game.do_player_action_run(target_player_id, destination_id) except InvalidActionException as e: raise InvalidActionException(player)
def do_player_action_fly(game: Game, player_id: int, destination_id: int) -> None: """Fly to a orange node. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] destination_id (int): [description] Raises: InvalidActionException: If the action is not feasible with the given parameters. """ player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) player_current_node_id = player.location_id valid_destination_ids = [ for node in game.nodes if node.node_type in ['orange'] ] if destination_id not in valid_destination_ids: raise InvalidActionException(player) if player.funds < 2: raise InvalidActionException(player) player.location_id = destination_id player.funds -= 2
def get_valid_player_actions(game: Game, player_id: int) -> list[PlayerAction]: """Returns all valid player actions for a given player at the current state of the game. This implementation is brittle and should not be used except for demonstration purpose. Args: game (Game): [description] player_id (int): [description] Returns: list[PlayerAction]: List of possible actions for the player. """ valid_actions = [] player = game._get_player_by_id(player_id) player_node = game._get_node_by_id(player.location_id) # PASS # passing introduced as 'doing nothing' valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[DO_NOTHING_ACTION_NAME])) # RUN # running to neighboring nodes is always valid neighbor_node_ids = player_node.neighbors for neighbor_node_id in neighbor_node_ids: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[RUN_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"destination_id": neighbor_node_id})) # FLY # flying is valid to all orange nodes that are not the players current location orange_node_ids = [ for node in game.nodes if node.node_type in ['orange'] ] if player.location_id in orange_node_ids: orange_node_ids.remove(player.location_id) # flying costs 2 funds if player.funds - 2 >= 0: for orange_node_id in orange_node_ids: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[FLY_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"destination_id": orange_node_id})) # SPECIAL FLY # special flying is valid to all purple nodes that are not the players current location purple_node_ids = [ for node in game.nodes if node.node_type in ['purple'] ] if player.location_id in purple_node_ids: purple_node_ids.remove(player.location_id) for purple_node_id in purple_node_ids: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[SPECIAL_FLY_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"destination_id": purple_node_id})) # TYPE DEPENDENT ACTIONS: DRIVER ACTIONS if player.type is PLAYER_TYPE_DRIVER: # SHARE RESOuRCES # 1 fund can be shared with a player at the same location if player.funds - 1 >= 0: same_node_player_ids = [ for other_player in game.players if other_player.location_id == player.location_id ] same_node_player_ids.remove(player_id) for same_node_player_id in same_node_player_ids: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction( game, player_id, ACTIONS[SHARE_RESOURCES_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"target_player_id": same_node_player_id})) # REPAIR # repair is valid if the current node has damage and 1 fund is available if player.funds - 1 >= 0 and player_node.damage > 0: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[REPAIR_ACTION_NAME])) # TYPE DEPENDEND ACTIONS: INDUSTRY ACTIONS if player.type is PLAYER_TYPE_INDUSTRY: # GENERATE GOODS # generate goods costs 2 funds and is valid if the current node has less than 2 freight if player.funds - 2 >= 0 and player_node.freight < 3: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[GENERATE_GOODS_ACTION_NAME])) # TRANSPORT GOODS # transport goods is valid if starting node has less than 2 (3) damage and costs 1 (2) AP if player_node.freight > 0 and (player_node.damage < 2 or (player_node.damage == 2 and player.actions_left - 2 >= 0)): for node_id in player_node.neighbors: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction(game, player_id, ACTIONS[TRANSPORT_GOODS_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"destination_id": node_id})) # TYPE DEPENDEND ACTIONS: INVESTOR ACTIONS if player.type is PLAYER_TYPE_INVESTOR: # SHARE RESOURCES # 1 fund can be shared with a player at the same location if player.funds - 1 >= 0: same_node_player_ids = [ for other_player in game.players if other_player.location_id == player.location_id ] same_node_player_ids.remove(player_id) for same_node_player_id in same_node_player_ids: valid_actions.append( PlayerAction( game, player_id, ACTIONS[SHARE_RESOURCES_ACTION_NAME], parameters={"target_player_id": same_node_player_id})) # COORDINATE DRIVERS # TODO: rewrite # coordinate drivers is only valid for player type driver and valid move actions #driver_player_ids = [ for player in game.players if player.type == PLAYER_TYPE_DRIVER] #for driver_player_id in driver_player_ids: # valid_driver_move_actions = [player_action for player_action in get_valid_player_actions(game, driver_player_id) if player_action.action.__name__ in ALLOWED_ACTIONS] # for valid_driver_action in valid_driver_move_actions: # valid_actions.append(PlayerAction(game, player_id, valid_driver_action.action, valid_driver_action.parameters)) return valid_actions
def test_parse_nodes_to_graph_format(self) -> None: g = Game() a = Agent() nodes = g.nodes graph_dict = a.parse_nodes_to_graph_format(nodes) self.assertTrue(True)
def test_Game(self) -> None: g = Game(random_seed=0, cascade_damage_threshold=5, target_amount=6) g.set_agent(Agent(g)) result = g.play_game() self.assertTrue(True)