コード例 #1
def new_game():
    client = BGGClient()
    not_found = True
    while not_found:

        game_search = input_prompt(
            validation_function=lambda x: True
            if x != "" else "Enter something!",
        if game_search.lower() == "r":

        games = client.search(game_search)

        game_names = [game.name for game in games]
        if not game_names:
            print("No games found")

        game_question_list = game_names + [GAME_CANCEL_OPTION]

        answer = list_prompt(message=GAME_CHOICE_MESSAGE,
        if answer == GAME_CANCEL_OPTION:
        if confirmation_prompt(
                message=f"Are you sure you would like to add {answer}?"):
            not_found = False

コード例 #2
def search_boardgame(boardgame, game_type=None):
    Uses the boardgamemeek XML API to search for games
    Currently supports boardgames and TT RPGS
    if game_type is None:
        search_type = None
        game_type = 'boardgame'
    elif game_type == 'RPG':
        game_type = 'rpgitem'
        search_type = [BGGRestrictSearchResultsTo.RPG]
    bgg = BGGClient()
    res = bgg.search(boardgame, search_type=search_type)
    # this is terrible
    if len(res) == 0:
        return "I couldn't find any game similar to the title %s" % boardgame
    print([x.data() for x in res[0:10]])
    games = [x for x in res if boardgame.lower() == x.name.lower()]
    resp = ""
    if len(games) == 0:
        resp += ("Couldn't find game {} exactly, but I found {} which " +
                 "looks close\n").format(boardgame, len(res))
        games = [x for x in res if boardgame.lower() in x.name.lower()]
        if len(games) == 0:
            resp += "Well, not exactly close, "
            resp += "but here's the oldest one on the list\n"
            games = res
    g = sorted(games, key=lambda x: x.year)[0]
    url_format = "https://www.boardgamegeek.com/{game_tp}/{id}/{name}".format(
        game_tp=game_type, id=g.id, name=g.name.lower().replace(' ', '-'))
    return resp + url_format
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: szpone/BoardgameStats
    def get(self, request):
        form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        if form.is_valid():
            bgg = BGGClient()
            query = form.cleaned_data["query"]
            query = bgg.search(query)
            query = [q.data() for q in query]

            keys = ['id', 'name', 'type', 'yearpublished']

            query_items = [[(key, data[key]) for key in keys]
                           for data in query]

            return render(request, "results.html", {
                "query_items": query_items,
                "keys": keys,
            return render(request, "main.html", {"form": form})
コード例 #4
class BGGManager():
    ''' The BGGManager class is a wrapper around the boardgamegeek2 API. Init
        with an ids file, a names file, and a details file. The instance can
        optionally download from boardgamegeek, or loaded from disk.'''
    def __init__(self, ids_file, names_file, details_file):
        '''ids_file - name of a file with/for BGG ids
           names_file - name of a file with/for BGG game names
           details_file - name of a file with/for BGG game details'''
        self._ids_file = ids_file
        self._ids = None
        self._names_file = names_file
        self._names = None
        self._details_file = details_file
        self._bgg = BGGClient()

    def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):
        '''Turns a flat list into a set of groups of length n. BGGManager uses
           this to group the downloaded ids into batches for retrieval from
           boargamegeek's batch API.
           Example: grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx
        args = [iter(iterable)] * n
        return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)

    def boardgame_to_dict(bg):
        ''' Turns the structure returned by boardgamegeek2 into a dict, suitable
            for uploading to Elasticsearch.
            TODO: there are some deeper substructures - stats and ranks that
                  would be nice to have as well. They don't bear directly, so I
                  have ignored them.

            Initially I was trying to use class introspection to implement this
            but not all of the below are actually attributes of the class. This
            method is messier but actually works.'''
        return {
            "accessory": bg.accessory,
            "alternative_names": bg.alternative_names,
            "artists": bg.artists,
            "bgg_rank": bg.bgg_rank,
            "boardgame_rank": bg.boardgame_rank,
            "categories": bg.categories,
            "comments": bg.comments,
            "description": bg.description,
            "designers": bg.designers,
            "expansion": bg.expansion,
            "families": bg.families,
            "id": bg.id,
            "image": bg.image,
            "implementations": bg.implementations,
            "max_players": bg.max_players,
            "max_playing_time": bg.max_playing_time,
            "mechanics": bg.mechanics,
            "min_age": bg.min_age,
            "min_players": bg.min_players,
            "min_playing_time": bg.min_playing_time,
            "name": bg.name,
            "playing_time": bg.playing_time,
            "publishers": bg.publishers,
            "rating_average": bg.rating_average,
            "rating_average_weight": bg.rating_average_weight,
            "rating_bayes_average": bg.rating_bayes_average,
            "rating_median": bg.rating_median,
            "rating_num_weights": bg.rating_num_weights,
            "rating_stddev": bg.rating_stddev,
            "thumbnail": bg.thumbnail,
            "users_commented": bg.users_commented,
            "users_owned": bg.users_owned,
            "users_rated": bg.users_rated,
            "versions": bg.versions,
            "videos": bg.videos,
            "year": bg.year

    def _download_and_save_games(self):
        ''' Use the API to pull games from boardgamegeek. There isn't a good way
            to search generically, the API requires at least 1 character for the
            wildcard. So I took the approach of wildcarding each letter of the
            alphabet. This misses some games, even some top games, but gets most
            Note, since the API is searching across words, there are duplicate
            names and ids downloaded. This is handled with a set() structure to
            hold names and ids.
            Pickles ids and names that it downloads to the names file and ids
        self._ids = set()
        self._names = set()
        small_letters = map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1))
        for letter in small_letters:
            things = self._bgg.search('{}*'.format(letter))
            for thing in things:
        with open(self._ids_file, 'wb') as ids_file:
            pickle.dump(self._ids, ids_file)
        with open(self._names_file, 'wb') as names_file:
            pickle.dump(self._names, names_file)

    def _load_saved_games(self):
        '''Loads the pickled game names and ids'''
        with open(self._names_file, 'rb') as names_file:
            self._names = pickle.load(names_file)

        with open(self._ids_file, 'rb') as ids_file:
            self._ids = pickle.load(ids_file)

    def load_game_names_and_ids(self, download=False):
        ''' Entry point for loading game names and ids. Set download=True to use
            the Boardgame Geek APIs to download them fresh, or False to load
            pickled data from a prior run. '''
        if download:

        print('Got {} ids and {} names'.format(len(self._ids),

    def _download_and_save_game_details(self):
        ''' Downloads game details from the BoardgameGeek API. This takes the
            ids and splits them into chunks of 100 so that it can call the BGG
            batch API for retrieval.
            After retrieving the game details, this reformats them as a dict for
            easier transmission to ES.
            I made the decision to store the text JSON of the details instead of
            pickling or storing in some other binary format. This facilitates
            quickly grepping the source data as well as processing to generate
            test sets.
            A bunch of the parameters (e.g. group size) might be better specified
            on the command line. For simplicity, they're hard-coded here.'''
        n = 0
        chunk_size = 100
        with open(self._details_file, 'w') as details_file:
            for chunk in self.grouper(chunk_size, self._ids, fillvalue=None):
                games = self._bgg.game_list(game_id_list=list(chunk))
                n += chunk_size
                print('Downloaded {} games.'.format(n))
                for g in games:
                        d = self.boardgame_to_dict(g)
                        if d:
                            json.dump(d, details_file)
                    except Exception as e:
                            'Exception getting details. Skipping "{}".'.format(

    def _load_saved_game_details(self):
        ''' Loads the game details from the JSON file where they are stored. '''
        self._details = list()
        with open(self._details_file, 'r') as f_in:
            for line in f_in:
                dic = json.loads(line.lstrip().rstrip())
        print("Loaded {} game records".format(len(self._details)))

    def load_game_details(self, download=False):
        ''' Entry point for downloading or loading the game details. Specify
            download=True to pull from BGG or download=False to load a previous
            data set. '''
        if download:
            if not self._ids or not self._names:
                # TODO: Better exception
                raise Exception(
                    'Can\'t download game details without loading names and ids first!'

    def game_details(self):
        ''' Iterator over the game details. Details must be loaded first. '''
        if not self._details:
            raise ValueError(
                'Trying to send iterate game details, but none loaded')
        for detail in self._details:
            yield detail