def my_kmax(R, k): N = len(R) f = np.ravel(R) #print(f) indices = np.array(heapq.nlargest(k, range(len(f)), f.__getitem__)) j = np.mod(indices, N) i = np.floor(indices / N) #print(indices) return [i, j]
def valueRotate(img, amount=0.5): """ Rotate the values, wrapping around at the beginning """ return np.mod(np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0) + amount, 1.0)
xb = x count = 0 #xsave = [0]*steps #save_As=[] #save_distribution = [] WRITE("Starting simulation") avalanche_sizes = [] start = time.time() for i in range(steps): print('Step:', i) WRITE("Step: " + str(i)) if np.mod(i, float(steps) / 100) == 0: # dist = list(np.bincount(list(degree.flat))) x_axis = list(np.arange(0, int(np.max(degree) + 1))) save_frame(i, A, [x_axis, dist]) #Particle addition add_site = np.random.randint(0, N - 1) x[add_site] = x[add_site] + 1 WRITE("Starting avalanche processing") #Avalanche processing """ degree = np.array(np.sum(A,0))