view = data.loc[chosen_timeline == chosen_slider.value] print 'Parameter button option ' + str(new) + ' selected.' global param_choice if str(new) == "0": param_choice = data['resolution2'] if str(new) == "1": param_choice = data['percentageofpote1'] if str(new) == "2": param_choice = data['cloud_score_aver2'] if str(new) == "3": param_choice = data['gelbstoffmax0'] colors = ["#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(255/(r+1)), 100, 100) for r in param_choice] x = view['scene_lat'] y = view['scene_lon'] = dict(x=x, y=y, c=colors) param_button_group.on_click(param_radio_handler) #OK def time_radio_handler(new): global param_choice global inputs global chosen_slider global chosen_timeline print 'Time button option ' + str(new) + ' selected.' if str(new) == "0": chosen_slider = year_slider chosen_timeline = data['year'] if str(new) == "1": chosen_slider = month_slider chosen_timeline = data['yearmonth'] if str(new) == "2":
def clear_plot(): = dict(x=[], y=[]) = dict(x=[], y=[]) = dict(y=[], right=[]) = dict(y=[], x=[]) = dict(y=[], x=[]) def update_plot_signature(attr, old, new): # print(attr, old, new) update_plot() # Disable controls initially change_model() plot_run.on_click(update_plot) plot_clear.on_click(clear_plot) ctl_model.on_click(change_model) ctl_feat_reduce.on_click(update_plot) ctl_kernel.on_click(update_plot) # Page Layout col_inputs = column(plot_ctls, ctl_inputs, disp_disclaimer) row_plots = row(plot_mood_scatter, plot_mood_bar) row_page = row(col_inputs, column(row_plots, plot_feature_scatter), column(disp_features, disp_score), width=1200) curdoc().add_root(row_page) curdoc().title = "Daylio Data Display" = top_five_dict bot_five = df.sort_values(card_type).head(5)[[ 'STATION', card_type, 'LINES' ]] bot_five_dict = dict(stations=bot_five['STATION'], lines=bot_five['LINES'], percents=bot_five[card_type], rank=list(range(1, 6))) = bot_five_dict ## Add widgets and corresponding callback functions price_period_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( active=0, labels=['Period 1', 'Period 2', 'Period 3', 'Period 4']) price_period_buttons.on_click(callback_change_dataframe) metrocard_type_buttons = RadioButtonGroup( active=0, labels=['Full Fare', '7-Day Unlimited', '30-Day Unlimited']) metrocard_type_buttons.on_click(callback_change_dataframe) line_list = [ 'ALL', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'J', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ] subway_line_select = Select(title="Subway Line:", value="ALL", options=line_list) subway_line_select.on_change("value", callback_subway_line_filter) ## Add table showing price hike information
'Weakness', 'Atrophy', 'Cramps', 'Fasciculations', "Gait changes"]) # onset radio button def onset_loc_handler(new): print ('Radio button option' + str(new) + ' selected.') pp_onset = Paragraph(text="""Onset Neuron Group""", width=250, height=15) onset_loc = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Bulbar", "Spinal", "Both", "*Unk"], active=3) #onset_loc.on_click(onset_loc_handler) # riluzole radio button def riluzole_handler(new): print ('Radio button option ' + str(new) + ' selected.') pp_riluzole = Paragraph(text="""Subject used Riluzole""", width=250, height=15) riluzole = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["No", "Yes", "*Unk"], active=2) riluzole.on_click(onset_loc_handler) # caucasian radio button def caucasian_handler(new): print ('Radio button option ' + str(new) + ' selected.') pp_caucasian = Paragraph(text="""Race Caucasian""", width=250, height=15) caucasian = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["No", "Yes", "*Unk"], active=2) caucasian.on_click(caucasian_handler) # sex radio button def sex_handler(new): print ('Radio button option ' + str(new) + ' selected.') pp_sex = Paragraph(text="""Sex""", width=250, height=15) sex = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Female", "Male", "*Unk"], active=2) sex.on_click(sex_handler)
plt.legend.label_text_font_size = "18px" plt.legend.click_policy="mute" # Make and format tooltip hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("# of Institutions", '@num_insts') ]) plt.add_tools(hover) # Format axes and labels plt.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi/4 plt.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "18px" plt.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "18px" plt.yaxis.axis_label = "Number of Female Students / Institution" plt.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "18px" plt.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "18px" # Get rid of stupid Bokeh logo plt.toolbar.logo = None # Set callback function for the radio button group radio_button_group.on_click(gather_data) # Define layout of glyphs on the page layout = column(div_title, row(div_RadGroup, radio_button_group), plt, p1, p2, p3) curdoc().add_root(layout) # Set title curdoc().title = "Visualization 3"
##### COLOR BAND MAPPINGS redText = PreText(text="""Red:""", width=60, height=15) redBandMapping = RadioButtonGroup(labels=possible_bands, active=2, name="Red") greenText = PreText(text="""Green:""", width=60, height=15) greenBandMapping = RadioButtonGroup(labels=possible_bands, active=1, name="Green") blueText = PreText(text="""Blue:""", width=60, height=15) blueBandMapping = RadioButtonGroup(labels=possible_bands, active=0, name="Blue") ##### COLOR BAND MAPPING INTERACTIONS redBandMapping.on_click(change_band_red) greenBandMapping.on_click(change_band_green) blueBandMapping.on_click(change_band_blue) ##### BUTTON TO MATERIALISE CHANGES renderButton = Button(label="Confirm Mappings", button_type="success") renderButton.on_click(render) ##### TIME SLIDER time_slider = Slider(start=1, end=12, value=1, step=1, title="Image Number(between 1 and 12)")
""") oo = column(children=[exptime]) pp = column(children=[distance, radius, semimajor, exozodi]) qq = column(children=[instruction0, text_input, instruction1, format_button_group, instruction2, link_box]) observation_tab = Panel(child=oo, title='Observation') planet_tab = Panel(child=pp, title='Planet') download_tab = Panel(child=qq, title='Download') for w in [text_input]: w.on_change('value', change_filename) format_button_group.on_click(i_clicked_a_button) inputs = Tabs(tabs=[ planet_tab, observation_tab, download_tab ]) curdoc().add_root(row(children=[inputs, snr_plot])) #curdoc().theme = Theme(json=yaml.load(""" #attrs: # Figure: # background_fill_color: '#2F2F2F' # border_fill_color: '#2F2F2F' # outline_line_color: '#444444' # Axis: # axis_line_color: "white" # axis_label_text_color: "white" # major_label_text_color: "green"
def do_layout(self): """ generates the overall layout by creating all the widgets, buttons etc and arranges them in rows and columns :return: None """ self.source = self.generate_source() tab_plot = self.generate_plot(self.source) multi_select = MultiSelect(title="Option (Multiselect Ctrl+Click):", value=self.active_country_list, options=countries, height=500) multi_select.on_change('value', self.update_data) tab_plot.on_change('active', self.update_tab) radio_button_group_per_capita = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Total Cases", "Cases per Million"], active=0 if not self.active_per_capita else 1) radio_button_group_per_capita.on_click(self.update_capita) radio_button_group_scale = RadioButtonGroup( labels=[,], active=self.active_y_axis_type.value) radio_button_group_scale.on_click(self.update_scale_button) radio_button_group_df = RadioButtonGroup(labels=[,,, ], active=int( self.active_case_type)) radio_button_group_df.on_click(self.update_data_frame) refresh_button = Button(label="Refresh Data", button_type="default", width=150) refresh_button.on_click(load_data_frames) export_button = Button(label="Export Url", button_type="default", width=150) export_button.on_click(self.export_url) slider = Slider(start=1, end=30, value=self.active_window_size, step=1, title="Window Size for rolling average") slider.on_change('value', self.update_window_size) radio_button_average = RadioButtonGroup( labels=[,], active=self.active_average) radio_button_average.on_click(self.update_average_button) plot_variables = [ self.active_plot_raw, self.active_plot_average, self.active_plot_trend ] plots_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Raw", "Averaged", "Trend"], active=[i for i, x in enumerate(plot_variables) if x]) plots_button_group.on_click(self.update_shown_plots) world_map = self.create_world_map() link_div = Div( name="URL", text= fr'Link <a target="_blank" href="{self.url}">Link to this Plot</a>.', width=300, height=10, align='center') footer = Div( text= """Covid-19 Dashboard created by Andreas Weichslgartner in April 2020 with python, bokeh, pandas, numpy, pyproj, and colorcet. Source Code can be found at <a href="">Github</a>.""", width=1600, height=10, align='center') self.generate_table_cumulative() columns = [ TableColumn(field="name", title="Country"), TableColumn(field="number_rolling", title="daily avg", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.")), TableColumn(field="number_daily", title="daily raw", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.")) ] top_top_14_new_header = Div(text="Highest confirmed (daily)", align='center') top_top_14_new = DataTable(source=self.top_new_source, name="Highest confirmed(daily)", columns=columns, width=300, height=380) self.generate_table_new() columns = [ TableColumn(field="name", title="Country"), TableColumn(field="number", title="confirmed(cumulative)", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.")) ] top_top_14_cum_header = Div(text="Highest confirmed (cumulative)", align='center') top_top_14_cum = DataTable(source=self.top_total_source, name="Highest confirmed(cumulative)", columns=columns, width=300, height=380) self.layout = layout([ row( column(tab_plot, world_map), column(top_top_14_new_header, top_top_14_new, top_top_14_cum_header, top_top_14_cum), column(link_div, row(refresh_button, export_button), radio_button_group_df, radio_button_group_per_capita, plots_button_group, radio_button_group_scale, slider, radio_button_average, multi_select), ), row(footer) ]) curdoc().add_root(self.layout) curdoc().title = "Bokeh Covid-19 Dashboard"
for j in gpa_list: if j == i and years_list[ count_total] == '2017' and dept_student_list[ count_total] == new: count_part = count_part + 1 count_total = count_total + 1 list_2017_new.append(count_part) data = {} data['gpa'] = gpa data['2015'] = list_2015_new data['2016'] = list_2016_new data['2017'] = list_2017_new = data btnGroupLetters.on_click(functools.partial(onclick, name='Letters')) refresh.on_click(functools.partial(onclick, name='refresh')) btnGroupTitle.on_click(functools.partial(onclick, name='Title')) btnGroupDept.on_click(functools.partial(onclick, name='Dept')) dept_select.on_change('value', onTableMasterSelect) layout_query = layout([ [widgetbox(btnGroupLetters, width=1000)], [widgetbox(btnGroupTitle), widgetbox(btnGroupDept)], [ widgetbox(title_input), widgetbox(paragraph, optionGroup, width=100), widgetbox(dept_input) ], [widgetbox(refresh, width=100)],
p_title.axis.visible = None # put Cylance Logo in # p_logo = figure(toolbar_location=None, tools = "lasso_select", x_range=(0,1), y_range=(0,1), plot_width=520, plot_height=200) # img = mpimg.imread("cylance_logo.png") # p_logo.image_url(url=["cylance_logo.png"], x=0, y=0) # p_logo.background_fill_color = "black" # p_logo.border_fill_color = "black" # p_logo.grid.grid_line_color = "black" # p_logo.outline_line_color = "black" # radio button group for uploading file radio_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["NO-SPLIT", "SPLIT", "START"], button_type="success") radio_group.width = 500 radio_group.on_click(_fit_util) # text for console output text_input = TextInput(value="", title="CONSOLE") text_input.width = 500 cluster_stats = Div( render_as_text=False, text=generate_display_string("", name="Cluster Statistics", height=100) ) cluster_stats.width = 500 cluster_stats.height = 100 cluster_commonality = Div( render_as_text=False, text=generate_display_string("")
p_title.axis.visible = None # put Cylance Logo in # p_logo = figure(toolbar_location=None, tools = "lasso_select", x_range=(0,1), y_range=(0,1), plot_width=520, plot_height=200) # img = mpimg.imread("cylance_logo.png") # p_logo.image_url(url=["cylance_logo.png"], x=0, y=0) # p_logo.background_fill_color = "black" # p_logo.border_fill_color = "black" # p_logo.grid.grid_line_color = "black" # p_logo.outline_line_color = "black" # radio button group for uploading file radio_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["NO-SPLIT", "SPLIT", "START"], button_type="success") radio_group.width = 500 radio_group.on_click(_fit_util) # text for console output text_input = TextInput(value="", title="CONSOLE") text_input.width = 500 cluster_stats = Div(render_as_text=False, text=generate_display_string("", name="Cluster Statistics", height=100)) cluster_stats.width = 500 cluster_stats.height = 100 cluster_commonality = Div(render_as_text=False, text=generate_display_string("")) cluster_commonality.width = 500
def main(): """ The main function only describes both graphical and comunication parts of the app. It creates and initializes all necessary widgets. At the end the function calls doc.add_root to display the objects on a browser :return: """ # Quasi constant FrequencyRange = np.logspace(0, 5, 1000) doc = curdoc() # ========================== GRAPHICAL PART ================================ # CREATE ALL PLOTS: Input = figure(title="", tools="", width=500, height=500) Graph = VibroP_GraphObject([ "Wave Velocities", "Wave Velocities plus Limit Frequencies", "Modes in Band", "Modal Density", "Modal Overlap Factor", "Maximum Element Size (FEM)" ], FrequencyRange, Width=950, Height=650) Graph.defineContainers([ "WaveVelocity", "WaveVElocityLimitFreq", "ModesInBand", "ModalDensity", "ModalOverlapFactor", "MaxElementSize" "EigenFrequency" ]) # CREATE TABLES: # ........................ Elastic Modulus table ........................... ELASTIC_MODULUS_TITEL = Div(text="""ELASTIC MODULUS:""") ElasticModulus = VibroP_InteractiveTable(TableName="ELASTIC MODULUS", Rows=1, Columns=3) ElasticModulus.setTitels([[EMODUL_X, EMODUL_Y, EMODUL_Z]]) OrthotropicData = [["1.10E+10", "3.67E+08", "3.67E+08"]] IsotropicData = [["1.10E+10", "1.10E+10", "1.10E+10"]] ElasticModulus.setValues(OrthotropicData) ElasticModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultIsotropic", BufferData=IsotropicData) ElasticModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultOrthotropic", BufferData=OrthotropicData) ElasticModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralIsotropic", BufferData=IsotropicData) ElasticModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralOrthotropic", BufferData=OrthotropicData) ElasticModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="Input", BufferData=OrthotropicData) # ........................ Shear Modulus table ............................. SHEAR_MODULUS_TITEL = Div(text="""SHEAR MODULUS:""") ShearModulus = VibroP_InteractiveTable(TableName="SHEAR MODULUS", Rows=1, Columns=3) ShearModulus.setTitels([[EMODUL_XY, EMODUL_XZ, EMODUL_YZ]]) OrthotropicData = [["6.90E+08", "6.90E+08", "6.90E+07"]] IsotropicData = [["6.90E+08", "6.90E+08", "6.90E+08"]] ShearModulus.setValues(OrthotropicData) ShearModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultIsotropic", BufferData=IsotropicData) ShearModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultOrthotropic", BufferData=OrthotropicData) ShearModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralIsotropic", BufferData=IsotropicData) ShearModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralOrthotropic", BufferData=OrthotropicData) ShearModulus.addBuffer(BufferName="Input", BufferData=OrthotropicData) # ........................ Poissons ratios ................................ POISSON_RATIO_TITEL = Div(text="""POISSON'S RATIOS:""") PoissonRatios = VibroP_InteractiveTable(TableName="POISSON'S RATIOS", Rows=2, Columns=3) PoissonRatios.setTitels( [[POISSON_RATIO_XY, POISSON_RATIO_XZ, POISSON_RATIO_YZ], [ POISSON_RATIO_YX + "\t(auto)", POISSON_RATIO_ZX + "\t(auto)", POISSON_RATIO_ZY + "\t(auto)" ]]) PoissonRatios.setDisabled(1, 0, True) PoissonRatios.setDisabled(1, 1, True) PoissonRatios.setDisabled(1, 2, True) DataIsotropic = [["0.42", "0.42", "0.42"], ["0.42", "0.42", "0.42"]] DataOrthotropic = [["0.42", "0.42", "0.3"], ["0.014", "0.014", "0.3"]] PoissonRatios.setValues(DataOrthotropic) PoissonRatios.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultIsotropic", BufferData=DataIsotropic) PoissonRatios.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultOrthotropic", BufferData=DataOrthotropic) PoissonRatios.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralIsotropic", BufferData=DataIsotropic) PoissonRatios.addBuffer(BufferName="GeneralOrthotropic", BufferData=DataOrthotropic) PoissonRatios.addBuffer(BufferName="Input", BufferData=DataOrthotropic) # ........................ Material Properties table ....................... MATERIALS_TITEL = Div(text="""FURTHER MATERIAL PROPERTIES:""") MaterialProperties = VibroP_InteractiveTable( TableName="MATERIAL PROPERTIES", Rows=1, Columns=2) MaterialProperties.setTitels([["Density", "Loss Factor"]]) Data = [["450.0", "0.012"]] MaterialProperties.setValues(Data) MaterialProperties.setValues(Data) MaterialProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultIsotropic", BufferData=Data) MaterialProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultOrthotropic", BufferData=Data) MaterialProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="General", BufferData=Data) MaterialProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="Input", BufferData=Data) # ........................ Geometry table ....................... GEOMETRY_TITEL = Div(text="""GEOMETRY:""") GeometryProperties = VibroP_InteractiveTable(TableName="GEOMETRY", Rows=1, Columns=3) GeometryProperties.setTitels( [["Length", "Width", "Thicknesses of the layers*"]]) Data = [["2.5", "3.0", "0.027"]] GeometryProperties.setValues(Data) GeometryProperties.setValues(Data) GeometryProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultIsotropic", BufferData=Data) GeometryProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="DefaultOrthotropic", BufferData=Data) GeometryProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="General", BufferData=Data) GeometryProperties.addBuffer(BufferName="Input", BufferData=Data) ElasticModulus.fillTableWithBufferData("DefaultOrthotropic") ShearModulus.fillTableWithBufferData("DefaultOrthotropic") PoissonRatios.fillTableWithBufferData("DefaultOrthotropic") MaterialProperties.fillTableWithBufferData("DefaultOrthotropic") GeometryProperties.fillTableWithBufferData("DefaultOrthotropic") Tables = { "ElasticModulus": ElasticModulus, "ShearModulus": ShearModulus, "PoissonRatios": PoissonRatios, "MaterialProperties": MaterialProperties, "GeometryProperties": GeometryProperties } # CREATE BUTTONS: SetDefaultButton = Button(label="Default", button_type="success", width=100) ApplyButton = Button(label="Apply", button_type="success", width=100) # PrintReport = Button( label = "Print Report", # button_type = "primary", # width = 100 ) ShowInput = Button(label="Show Input", button_type="success", width=100) ModeRadioButtons = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Orthotropic Material", "Isotropic Material"], width=500, active=0) LayersInfo = VibroP_Message(Color="black", Size=2, MessageHeader="Number of layers: ") WarningMessage = VibroP_Message(Color="red", Size=3, MessageHeader="Warning: ") Info = Div(text="*Thicknesses of top to center layer separated by " "semicolon or space: <br>" " Symmetric cross section with odd number of layers" " and crosswise layup assumed.", render_as_text=False, width=500, height=40) Scheme = Div( text= "<img src='/Vibroacoustic_plates/static/images/scheme.png' width=464 height=220>", width=464, height=220) Description = Div( text= "The application \"Vibroacoustics of Plates\" can be classified in two steps: <br><br>" "<b>1.</b> Insert the physical properties of a homogenous plate or of a single layer" " in the case of a layered plate (default values are given) on the left and press <i>'Apply'</i>. <br><br>" "<b>Notice</b> that in the case of a layered plate, a symmetric cross section" " with an odd number of layers and a crosswise layup is assumed (cf. scheme)." " Therefore, the thicknesses of the top to the center layer have to be inserted." " The material properties are homogenized through the thickness." " Thus, the input data of the single layer" " is overwritten by homogenized material parameters of the plate after pressing <i>'Apply'</i>." " The input data of the single layers can be checked by pressing the" " button <i>'Show Input'</i>. <br><br>" "<b>2.</b> On the right, dynamic properties of the plate and of" " its wave types are plotted. These can be studied" " using e.g. the zoom function and saved as .png.<br><br>" " Please refer to the following publication for further explanations and references:<br><br>" " Winter, C.: Frequency Dependent Modeling for the Prediction of the Sound Transmission in Timber Constructions. (2018).", render_as_text=False, width=1000, height=50) Title = Div(text="<b><h1> Vibroacoustics of Plates</b><h1>", render_as_text=False, width=900, height=80) # SPECIFY THE LAYOUT: Buttons = row( row(Spacer(width=50), ApplyButton, Spacer(width=50), ShowInput, Spacer(width=50), SetDefaultButton)) Headline = row(column(Title, Description), Spacer(width=50), Scheme) LeftSide = column( ModeRadioButtons, Spacer(height=20), ELASTIC_MODULUS_TITEL, ElasticModulus.Table, Spacer(height=20), SHEAR_MODULUS_TITEL, ShearModulus.Table, Spacer(height=20), POISSON_RATIO_TITEL, PoissonRatios.Table, Spacer(height=20), MATERIALS_TITEL, MaterialProperties.Table, Spacer(height=20), GEOMETRY_TITEL, GeometryProperties.Table, LayersInfo.Widget, Spacer(height=10), Info, Spacer(height=20), WarningMessage.Widget) RightSide = column(Graph.Widget, Spacer(height=50), Buttons, Spacer(height=100)) # ========================= COMMUNICATION PART ============================= # Set up callback function for the "Apply" button ApplyButton.on_click( partial(updateData, Tables, Graph, LayersInfo, WarningMessage)) # Set up callback function for all radion buttons that are responsible # for changing the mode, namely: Isotropic and Orthotropic material properties ModeRadioButtons.on_click( partial(updateMode, Tables, WarningMessage, Graph)) # Set up callback function for all radion buttons that are responsible # for plotting different graphs Graph.GraphRadioButtons.on_click(partial(updateGraph, Graph)) # Set up callback function for all the "Default" button that are responsible # for assigning the default data to all entries SetDefaultButton.on_click( partial(setDefaultSettings, Tables, Graph, LayersInfo, WarningMessage)) ShowInput.on_click(partial(showInput, Tables, LayersInfo)) # ================= RUN SIMULATION WITH DEFAULT DATA ===================== updateData(Tables, Graph, LayersInfo, WarningMessage) # RUN ALL WIDGETS doc.add_root(Headline) doc.add_root( column(Spacer(height=150), row(LeftSide, Spacer(width=50), RightSide, Spacer(width=50))))
height=140) tab_table_monitor_service = Panel(child=spectrum_table_monitor_service, title="Moitor service") tabs_monitor_service = Tabs(tabs=[tab_table_monitor_service]) iframe_text_2 = """<iframe src="" height="350" width="1000" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" ></iframe>""" div = Div(text=iframe_text_2, width=600, height=270) div_text = """""" div_blank = Div(text=div_text, width=600, height=20) button_group_channel_trace = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["OFF", "2.412MHz", "2.437MHz", "2.462MHz", "2.484MHz"], active=0, width=400) button_group_channel_trace.on_click(set_channel_trace_channel) # tab_channel_trace_button = Panel(child=button_group_channel_trace, title="Channel") # tabs_wifi = Tabs(tabs=[ tab_channel_trace_button ]) l1 = layout([[div_blank, button_group_channel_trace], [div]], sizing_mode='fixed') tab_channel_trace = Panel(child=div, title="Channel Trace") tabs_channel_trace = Tabs(tabs=[tab_channel_trace]) div_blank_2 = Div(text=div_text, width=100, height=250) plots = [[[tabs_channel_trace], [ div_blank, button_group_channel_trace, div_blank_2, tabs_monitor_service ], [tabs_active_networks_table]]]
# create buttons and add callbacks # reset data button_reset = Button(label='Reset', button_type='primary') button_reset.on_click(lambda: callbacks.callback_button_reset(source, surface)) # add data on double tap p.on_event( DoubleTap, lambda event: callbacks.callback_add_dot_on_double_tap( event, state, source)) # update model button_update = Button(label='Train model', button_type='success') button_update.on_click(lambda: callbacks.callback_button_update( source, classifiers, state, surface)) # choose class button_class = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['Class 0', 'Class 1'], active=0) button_class.on_click(lambda event: callbacks.callback_change_current_state( event, state.current_level)) # choose classifier button_model = RadioButtonGroup( labels=['Log. Reg.', 'Naive Bayes', 'SVC', 'RF'], active=0) button_model.on_click(lambda event: callbacks.callback_change_current_state( event, state.current_model)) # create document curdoc().add_root( column(p, row(button_class, button_model), row(button_update, button_reset), table))
department=[6, 0, 3, 2], credit=[4, 8, 3, 0], instructor=[5, 2, 6, 4] ) columns = [ TableColumn(field="course_ID", title="Course ID"), TableColumn(field="title", title="Title"), TableColumn(field="department", title="Department"), TableColumn(field="credit", title="Credit"), TableColumn(field="instructor", title="Instructor") ] data_source = ColumnDataSource(table_data) table1 = DataTable(source=data_source, columns=columns, width=1000, height=1000) # callbacks btnGroupPosition1.on_click(partial(onClick, 'Position1')) ## Change Plot -- layout2 # widgets btnGroupPosition2 = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['All', 'Top', 'Jug', 'Mid', 'ADC', 'Sup'], active=0) btnGroupType1 = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['Win Rate', 'Pick Rate', 'Ban Rate'], active=0) # callbacks btnGroupPosition2.on_click(partial(onClick, 'Position2')) btnGroupType1.on_click(partial(onClick, 'Type1'))
oo = column(children=[ exptime, diameter, resolution, temperature, ntherm, dtmax, gain, ground_based ]) pp = column(children=[template, magnitude]) qq = column(children=[ instruction0, text_input, instruction1, format_button_group, instruction2, link_box ]) #ii = column(children=[inner, outer, dtmax]) #ee = column(children=[want_snr]) observation_tab = Panel(child=oo, title='Observation') planet_tab = Panel(child=pp, title='Target') #instrument_tab = Panel(child=ii, title='Instrumentation') download_tab = Panel(child=qq, title='Download') for w in [text_input]: w.on_change('value', change_filename) format_button_group.on_click(i_clicked_a_button) for ww in [template]: ww.on_change('value', update_data) for gg in [ground_based]: gg.on_change('value', update_data) inputs = Tabs(tabs=[planet_tab, observation_tab, download_tab]) curdoc().add_root(row(inputs, ptabs))
def slider_change(attr, old, new): global interval interval = (10 * max_interval + min_interval + new * (min_interval - max_interval)) / 9 if play: curdoc().remove_periodic_callback(update) curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, interval) def button_group_click(new): global play if new == 0: # play play = True curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, interval) else: play = False curdoc().remove_periodic_callback(update) def button_click(): global X, step step = 1 X = np.copy(X_init) redraw() slider.on_change("value", slider_change) button_group.on_click(button_group_click) button.on_click(button_click), p1, p2)) session.loop_until_closed()
class Dashboard: """Explorepy dashboard class""" def __init__(self, n_chan, mode="signal"): self.n_chan = n_chan self.y_unit = DEFAULT_SCALE self.offsets = np.arange(1, self.n_chan + 1)[:, np.newaxis].astype(float) self.chan_key_list = ['Ch' + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.n_chan)] self.exg_mode = 'EEG' self.rr_estimator = None self.win_length = WIN_LENGTH self.mode = mode # Init ExG data source exg_temp = np.zeros((n_chan, 2)) exg_temp[:, 0] = self.offsets[:, 0] exg_temp[:, 1] = np.nan init_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, exg_temp)) init_data['t'] = np.array([0., 0.]) self.exg_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init ECG R-peak source init_data = dict(zip(['r_peak', 't'], [np.array([None], dtype=np.double), np.array([None], dtype=np.double)])) self.r_peak_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init ORN data source init_data = dict(zip(ORN_LIST, np.zeros((9, 1)))) init_data['t'] = [0.] self.orn_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init table sources self.heart_rate_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'heart_rate': ['NA']}) self.firmware_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'firmware_version': ['NA']}) self.battery_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'battery': ['NA']}) self.temperature_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'temperature': ['NA']}) self.light_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'light': ['NA']}) self.battery_percent_list = [] self.server = None # Init fft data source init_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, np.zeros((self.n_chan, 1)))) init_data['f'] = np.array([0.]) self.fft_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init impedance measurement source init_data = {'channel': [CHAN_LIST[i] for i in range(0, self.n_chan)], 'impedance': ['NA' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'row': ['1' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'color': ['black' for i in range(self.n_chan)]} self.imp_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) def start_server(self): """Start bokeh server""" validation = validate(False) self.server = Server({'/': self._init_doc}, num_procs=1) self.server.start() def start_loop(self): """Start io loop and show the dashboard""" self.server.io_loop.add_callback(, "/") self.server.io_loop.start() def _init_doc(self, doc): self.doc = doc self.doc.title = "Explore Dashboard" # Create plots self._init_plots() # Create controls m_widgetbox = self._init_controls() # Create tabs exg_tab = Panel(child=self.exg_plot, title="ExG Signal") orn_tab = Panel(child=column([self.acc_plot, self.gyro_plot, self.mag_plot], sizing_mode='fixed'), title="Orientation") fft_tab = Panel(child=self.fft_plot, title="Spectral analysis") imp_tab = Panel(child=self.imp_plot, title="Impedance") if self.mode == "signal": self.tabs = Tabs(tabs=[exg_tab, orn_tab, fft_tab], width=1200) elif self.mode == "impedance": self.tabs = Tabs(tabs=[imp_tab], width=1200) self.doc.add_root(row([m_widgetbox, self.tabs])) self.doc.add_periodic_callback(self._update_fft, 2000) self.doc.add_periodic_callback(self._update_heart_rate, 2000) @gen.coroutine def update_exg(self, time_vector, ExG): """update_exg() Update ExG data in the visualization Args: time_vector (list): time vector ExG (np.ndarray): array of new data """ # Update ExG data ExG = self.offsets + ExG / self.y_unit new_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, ExG)) new_data['t'] = time_vector, rollover=2 * EEG_SRATE * WIN_LENGTH) @gen.coroutine def update_orn(self, timestamp, orn_data): """Update orientation data Args: timestamp (float): timestamp of the sample orn_data (float vector): Vector of orientation data with shape of (9,) """ new_data = dict(zip(ORN_LIST, np.array(orn_data)[:, np.newaxis])) new_data['t'] = [timestamp], rollover=2 * WIN_LENGTH * ORN_SRATE) @gen.coroutine def update_info(self, new): """Update device information in the dashboard Args: new(dict): Dictionary of new values """ for key in new.keys(): data = {key: new[key]} if key == 'firmware_version':, rollover=1) elif key == 'battery': self.battery_percent_list.append(new[key][0]) if len(self.battery_percent_list) > N_MOVING_AVERAGE: del self.battery_percent_list[0] value = int(np.mean(self.battery_percent_list) / 5) * 5 if value < 1: value = 1{key: [value]}, rollover=1) elif key == 'temperature':, rollover=1) elif key == 'light': data[key] = [int(data[key][0])], rollover=1) else: print("Warning: There is no field named: " + key) @gen.coroutine def _update_fft(self): """ Update spectral frequency analysis plot """ # Check if the tab is active and if EEG mode is active if ( != 2) or (self.exg_mode != 'EEG'): return exg_data = np.array([[key] for key in self.chan_key_list]) # Check if the length of data is enough for FFT if exg_data.shape[1] < EEG_SRATE * 4.5: return fft_content, freq = get_fft(exg_data) data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, fft_content)) data['f'] = freq = data @gen.coroutine def _update_heart_rate(self): """Detect R-peaks and update the plot and heart rate""" if self.exg_mode == 'EEG':{'heart_rate': ['NA']}, rollover=1) return if self.rr_estimator is None: self.rr_estimator = HeartRateEstimator() # Init R-peaks plot't', y='r_peak', source=self.r_peak_source, fill_color="red", size=8) ecg_data = (np.array(['Ch1'])[-500:] - self.offsets[0]) * self.y_unit time_vector = np.array(['t'])[-500:] # Check if the peak2peak value is bigger than threshold if (np.ptp(ecg_data) < V_TH[0]) or (np.ptp(ecg_data) > V_TH[1]): print("P2P value larger or less than threshold!") return peaks_time, peaks_val = self.rr_estimator.estimate(ecg_data, time_vector) peaks_val = (np.array(peaks_val)/self.y_unit) + self.offsets[0] if peaks_time: data = dict(zip(['r_peak', 't'], [peaks_val, peaks_time])), rollover=50) # Update heart rate cell estimated_heart_rate = self.rr_estimator.heart_rate data = {'heart_rate': [estimated_heart_rate]}, rollover=1) @gen.coroutine def update_imp(self, imp): if self.mode == "impedance": color = [] imp_str = [] for x in imp: if x > 500: color.append("black") imp_str.append("Open") elif x > 100: color.append("red") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 50: color.append("orange") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 10: color.append("yellow") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 5: imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0)) + " K\u03A9") color.append("green") else: color.append("green") imp_str.append("<5K\u03A9") # As the ADS is not precise in low values. data = {"impedance": imp_str, 'channel': [CHAN_LIST[i] for i in range(0, self.n_chan)], 'row': ['1' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'color': color }, rollover=self.n_chan) else: raise RuntimeError("Trying to compute impedances while the dashboard is not in Impedance mode!") @gen.coroutine def _change_scale(self, attr, old, new): """Change y-scale of ExG plot""" new, old = SCALE_MENU[new], SCALE_MENU[old] old_unit = 10 ** (-old) self.y_unit = 10 ** (-new) for ch, value in if ch in CHAN_LIST: temp_offset = self.offsets[CHAN_LIST.index(ch)][ch] = (value - temp_offset) * (old_unit / self.y_unit) + temp_offset['r_peak'] = (np.array(['r_peak'])-self.offsets[0]) *\ (old_unit / self.y_unit) + self.offsets[0] @gen.coroutine def _change_t_range(self, attr, old, new): """Change time range""" self._set_t_range(TIME_RANGE_MENU[new]) @gen.coroutine def _change_mode(self, new): """Set EEG or ECG mode""" self.exg_mode = MODE_LIST[new] def _init_plots(self): """Initialize all plots in the dashboard""" self.exg_plot = figure(y_range=(0.01, self.n_chan + 1 - 0.01), y_axis_label='Voltage', x_axis_label='Time (s)', title="ExG signal", plot_height=600, plot_width=1270, y_minor_ticks=int(10), tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.mag_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Magnetometer [mgauss/LSB]', x_axis_label='Time (s)', plot_height=230, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.acc_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Accelerometer [mg/LSB]', plot_height=190, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.acc_plot.xaxis.visible = False self.gyro_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Gyroscope [mdps/LSB]', plot_height=190, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.gyro_plot.xaxis.visible = False self.fft_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Amplitude (uV)', x_axis_label='Frequency (Hz)', title="FFT", x_range=(0, 70), plot_height=600, plot_width=1270, y_axis_type="log") self.imp_plot = self._init_imp_plot() # Set yaxis properties self.exg_plot.yaxis.ticker = SingleIntervalTicker(interval=1, num_minor_ticks=10) # Initial plot line for i in range(self.n_chan): self.exg_plot.line(x='t', y=CHAN_LIST[i], source=self.exg_source, line_width=1.5, alpha=.9, line_color="#42C4F7") self.fft_plot.line(x='f', y=CHAN_LIST[i], source=self.fft_source, legend=CHAN_LIST[i] + " ", line_width=2, alpha=.9, line_color=FFT_COLORS[i]) for i in range(3): self.acc_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i], source=self.orn_source, legend=ORN_LIST[i] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) self.gyro_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i + 3], source=self.orn_source, legend=ORN_LIST[i + 3] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) self.mag_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i + 6], source=self.orn_source, legend=ORN_LIST[i + 6] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) # Set x_range self.plot_list = [self.exg_plot, self.acc_plot, self.gyro_plot, self.mag_plot] self._set_t_range(WIN_LENGTH) self.exg_plot.ygrid.minor_grid_line_color = 'navy' self.exg_plot.ygrid.minor_grid_line_alpha = 0.05 # Set the formatting of yaxis ticks' labels self.exg_plot.yaxis[0].formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format="Ch %i") # Autohide toolbar/ Legend location for plot in self.plot_list: plot.toolbar.autohide = True plot.background_fill_color = "#fafafa" if len(plot.legend) != 0: plot.legend.location = "bottom_left" plot.legend.orientation = "horizontal" plot.legend.padding = 2 def _init_imp_plot(self): p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=200, x_range=CHAN_LIST[0:self.n_chan], y_range=[str(1)], toolbar_location=None)'channel', y="row", radius=.3, source=self.imp_source, fill_alpha=0.6, color="color", line_color='color', line_width=2) text_props = {"source": self.imp_source, "text_align": "center", "text_color": "black", "text_baseline": "middle", "text_font": "helvetica", "text_font_style": "bold"} x = dodge("channel", -0.1, range=p.x_range) r = p.text(x=x, y=dodge('row', -.4, range=p.y_range), text="impedance", **text_props) r.glyph.text_font_size = "10pt" r = p.text(x=x, y=dodge('row', -.3, range=p.y_range), text="channel", **text_props) r.glyph.text_font_size = "12pt" p.outline_line_color = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 p.axis.visible = False return p def _init_controls(self): """Initialize all controls in the dashboard""" # EEG/ECG Radio button self.mode_control = RadioButtonGroup(labels=MODE_LIST, active=0) self.mode_control.on_click(self._change_mode) self.t_range = Select(title="Time window", value="10 s", options=list(TIME_RANGE_MENU.keys()), width=210) self.t_range.on_change('value', self._change_t_range) self.y_scale = Select(title="Y-axis Scale", value="1 mV", options=list(SCALE_MENU.keys()), width=210) self.y_scale.on_change('value', self._change_scale) # Create device info tables columns = [TableColumn(field='heart_rate', title="Heart Rate (bpm)")] self.heart_rate = DataTable(source=self.heart_rate_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='firmware_version', title="Firmware Version")] self.firmware = DataTable(source=self.firmware_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='battery', title="Battery (%)")] self.battery = DataTable(source=self.battery_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='temperature', title="Temperature (C)")] self.temperature = DataTable(source=self.temperature_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='light', title="Light (Lux)")] self.light = DataTable(source=self.light_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) # Add widgets to the doc m_widgetbox = widgetbox([self.mode_control, self.y_scale, self.t_range, self.heart_rate, self.battery, self.temperature, self.light, self.firmware], width=220) return m_widgetbox def _set_t_range(self, t_length): """Change time range of ExG and orientation plots""" for plot in self.plot_list: self.win_length = int(t_length) plot.x_range.follow = "end" plot.x_range.follow_interval = t_length plot.x_range.range_padding = 0. plot.x_range.min_interval = t_length
#dropdown_split.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('dropdown_split: ' + this.value, this.toString())")) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(lambda value: print('checkbox_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(lambda value: print('radio_group: %s' % value)) radio_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_group: ' +, this.toString())")) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(lambda value: print('checkbox_button_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('checkbox_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(lambda value: print('radio_button_group: %s' % value)) radio_button_group.js_on_click(CustomJS(code="console.log('radio_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) widgetBox = WidgetBox(children=[ button, button_disabled, toggle_inactive, toggle_active, dropdown, dropdown_disabled, #dropdown_split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group, ]) document = curdoc() document.add_root(widgetBox) if __name__ == "__main__": session = push_session(document)
def createClusterFigure(doc): active_gene = None print('Starting Document....') if doc.session_context.request.arguments is not None: args = doc.session_context.request.arguments dataPath = doc.session_context.db_path if dataPath != 'None': dataSet = sc.read_h5ad(dataPath) else: dataSet = sc.read_h5ad('/app/ProcessedData.h5ad') geneList = [(args[x][0].decode())for x in args.keys() if 'Gene' in x] if 'None' not in geneList and len(geneList) is not 0: print(geneList[0]) active_gene = geneList[0] def makePlot(doc, active_gene, adata): cdsDict = {} cdsDict['x'] = adata.obsm['X_umap'][:, 0] cdsDict['y'] = adata.obsm['X_umap'][:, 1] single_gene_colors = [] # Color by Cluster color_Dict = dict(zip(adata.obs['louvain'].cat.categories, adata.uns['louvain_colors'])) colors = [ color_Dict[cluster] for cluster in adata.obs['louvain'] if cluster in color_Dict.keys() ] cdsDict['color'] = colors # Color by n_genes gene_colors = [] for x, y, z, _ in 255 *['n_genes'].tolist())): gene_colors.append("#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(x), int(y), int(z))) cdsDict['gene_colors'] = gene_colors if active_gene is not None: # Sort matrix by gene columnthen normalize the count values geneExpression = adata.X[:, adata.var.index == active_gene].flatten() single_gene_colors = [] for x, y, z, _ in 255 * single_gene_colors.append("#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(x), int(y), int(z))) if len(single_gene_colors) == 2638: cdsDict['single_gene'] = single_gene_colors source = ColumnDataSource(cdsDict) # source = ColumnDataSource(dict( x=adata.obsm['X_umap'][:, 0], y=adata.obsm['X_umap'][:, 1], color=colors, gene_colors=gene_colors, single_gene=single_gene_colors)) title = 'T-SNE visualization of sequences' geneTitle = 'n_genes' plotDict = {} plot_lda = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=title, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) plot_lda.scatter(x='x', y='y', legend='label', source=source, color='color', alpha=0.8, size=5) plotDict['tsne'] = plot_lda genePlot = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=geneTitle, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) genePlot.scatter(x='x', y='y', legend='label', source=source, color='gene_colors', alpha=0.8, size=5) plotDict['nGene'] = genePlot if 'single_gene' in cdsDict.keys(): singleGene = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=active_gene, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave", x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) singleGene.scatter(x='x', y='y', legend='label', source=source, color='single_gene', alpha=0.8, size=5) plotDict['sGene'] = singleGene return plotDict def update(new): active_gene = geneList[new] sgCol.children[0] = makePlot(doc, active_gene, dataSet)['sGene'] plotDict = makePlot(doc, active_gene, dataSet) # hover tools hover = plotDict['tsne'].select(dict(type=HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = {"content": "Sequence: @seq, CCS: @ccs, Charge: @charge "} plotDict['tsne'].legend.location = "top_left" button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=geneList) button_group.on_click(update) tabList = [] if 'sGene' in plotDict.keys(): controls = widgetbox([button_group], width=800) sgCol = column(plotDict['sGene'], controls) sgTab = Panel(child=sgCol, title="Single Gene") tabList.append(sgTab) tsneTab = Panel(child=plotDict['tsne'], title="Louvain") tabList.append(tsneTab) nGeneTab = Panel(child=plotDict['nGene'], title="nGene") tabList.append(nGeneTab) tabs = Tabs(tabs=tabList) doc.add_root(tabs) return doc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------- Create the gridplot containing 9 sensors scatter plot ---------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CDSs = [] for i in range(len(sensors)): data = {'x': range(2208), 'y': Readings[i][0]} for j in range(len(chems)): data[chems[j]] = Readings[i][j] CDS = ColumnDataSource(data=data) CDSs.append(CDS) # Create 4 panels, each with 9 figures, one for each sensor chem_select = RadioButtonGroup(labels=chems, active=0) chem_select.on_click(chem_callback) figures = [] for j in range(len(sensors)): fig = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, y_range=[0, 10], tools=['wheel_zoom', 'pan', 'reset'], title="Sensor " + str(j + 1)) dots ='x', y='y', source=CDSs[j]) fig.xaxis.ticker = [] fig.xaxis.axis_label = "Time" fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Sensor Reading" figures.append(fig)
dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", type="warning", menu=menu) dropdown.on_click(dropdown_handler) menu = [("Item 1", "foo"), ("Item 2", "bar"), None, ("Item 3", "baz")] split = Dropdown(label="Split button", type="danger", menu=menu, default_action="baz") split.on_click(split_handler) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(checkbox_group_handler) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(radio_group_handler) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(checkbox_button_group_handler) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(radio_button_group_handler) vbox = VBox(children=[button, toggle, dropdown, split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group]) document.add(vbox) session.store_document(document) if __name__ == "__main__": link = session.object_link(document.context) print("Please visit %s to see the plots" % link) view(link) print("\npress ctrl-C to exit") session.poll_document(document)
def showall_handler(): for w in visibility_widgets: = list(range(len(w.labels))) layout.children[0] = create_figure() def hideall_handler(): for w in visibility_widgets: = [] layout.children[0] = create_figure() modelboxes.on_click(handler) datasetboxes.on_click(handler) filterboxes.on_click(handler) showall.on_click(showall_handler) hideall.on_click(hideall_handler) modelsort.on_click(handler) datasetsort.on_click(handler) filtersort.on_click(handler) legendtext = ('\n'*8 + 'Solid: SVM Score\nOutline: RF Score\n\n' + 'Green: UK\nPink: US\nOrange: Mixed\n' + 'Purple: Reverse Split\nBlue: Split\n\n' + 'Circle: Complete\nDiamond: Filtered') controls = widgetbox([PreText(text='Choose Visible Items')] + visibility_widgets + [showall, hideall] + [PreText(text='Choose What to Sort Kmers by')] + sort_widgets + [PreText(text=legendtext)]) layout = row(create_figure(), controls) curdoc().add_root(layout)
default_value="baz") split.on_click(split_handler) checkbox_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_group.on_click(checkbox_group_handler) radio_group = RadioGroup(labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_group.on_click(radio_group_handler) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click(checkbox_button_group_handler) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click(radio_button_group_handler) vbox = VBox(children=[ button, toggle, dropdown, split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group, radio_button_group ]) document = Document() document.add_root(vbox) session = push_session(document) if __name__ == "__main__": session.loop_until_closed()
readsUpload.on_change('value', upload_reads_data) fastaUploadTitle = Div(text='Fusion fragments aligned to original reads file (.bed, optional)') fastaUpload = FileInput(accept=".bed", name='fareads') informUser = Div(text='updates will appear here', name='informUser') tableSource.selected.on_change('indices', table_click_callback) buttonSource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(press=[0], figs=[2])) def buttonClick(attr):{"selected":[attr]}).data) table_click_callback(0, 0, 0) def saveClick(attr): # currLayout = curdoc().get_model_by_name('mainLayout').children # curdoc().get_model_by_name() # for i in length of plots: # export_png(curdoc().get_model_by_name("p"+string(length)), filename="plot0.png") export_png(curdoc().get_model_by_name("p0"), filename="plot0.png") export_png(curdoc().get_model_by_name("p1"), filename="plot1.png") curdoc().get_model_by_name('informUser').text = 'files saved' # buttons = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['Full View', 'Remapped Alignment View', 'Isoform Full Length View'], active=0) buttons.on_click(buttonClick) button = Button(label="Save") button.on_click(saveClick) subColumn = column([pageTitle, fusionUploadTitle, fusionUpload, readsUploadTitle, readsUpload, fastaUploadTitle, fastaUpload, buttons, button, informUser, data_table], name='subColumn') mainLayout = row([subColumn, pl, pr], name='mainLayout') curdoc().add_root(mainLayout)
unload_file_button = Button(label="Unload", button_type="danger", width=50) unload_file_button.on_click(unload_file) # files selection box files_selector = Select(title="Files:", options=[""]) files_selector.on_change('value', change_data_selector) # data selection box data_selector = MultiSelect(title="Data:", options=[], size=12) data_selector.on_change('value', select_data) # x axis selection box x_axis_selector_title = Div(text="""X Axis:""", height=10) x_axis_selector = RadioButtonGroup(labels=x_axis_options, active=0) x_axis_selector.on_click(change_x_axis) # toggle second axis button toggle_second_axis_button = Button(label="Toggle Second Axis", button_type="success") toggle_second_axis_button.on_click(toggle_second_axis) # averaging slider # This data source is just used to communicate / trigger the real callback averaging_slider_dummy_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(value=[])) averaging_slider_dummy_source.on_change('data', update_averaging) averaging_slider = Slider(title="Averaging window", start=1, end=101, step=10, callback_policy='mouseup') averaging_slider.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=averaging_slider_dummy_source), code=""" = { value: [cb_obj.value] } """) # group properties checkbox
def SIF_Explorer_tab(): ################################# # Initialize all layers ################################# # Load from a save file if path.exists(LAYERS_FILE): with open(LAYERS_FILE, 'rb') as layers_file: us_county_layer, us_state_layer, world_grid_2_degree_layer = pickle.load(layers_file) # Load from scratch else: us_county_layer = US_County_Layer() us_state_layer = US_State_Layer() world_grid_2_degree_layer = US_World_Grid_2_Degree_Layer() # Save the layers to file with open(LAYERS_FILE, 'wb') as layers_file: layers = (us_county_layer, \ us_state_layer, world_grid_2_degree_layer) pickle.dump(layers, layers_file) # Want the custom layer to be new every time custom_shapes_layer = Custom_Shapes_Layer() world_grid_dynamic_layer = World_Grid_Dynamic_Layer() # Set the active layer to be the county layer active_layer = us_county_layer ################################# # Set up layer selector ################################# # Once a new layer is selected, use that layer to refresh the page # and all data def refresh_page(): # Get initial map details xs, ys, names = active_layer.get_map_details() if type(active_layer) != Custom_Shapes_Layer: # Obtain and update date boundaries start_date, end_date = active_layer.get_date_range() date_range_slider.start = start_date date_range_slider.end = end_date # Unpack the current range range_start, range_end = date_range_slider.value # Convert to SQL format range_start = utc_from_timestamp(range_start) range_end = utc_from_timestamp(range_end) # Get the initial sif values sifs = active_layer.get_data_for_date_range(range_start, range_end) # Dictionary to hold the data new_source_dict = dict( x= xs, y= ys, name= np.array(names), sifs= np.array(sifs)) # Update all source data values = new_source_dict # Turn off custom layer = dict(x= np.array([]), y= np.array([]), name = np.array([])) else: # Turn off the other layers = dict(x= np.array([]), y= np.array([]), name= np.array([]), sifs= np.array([])) # Safeguard - that at least one custom shape is drawn if (xs.size != 0): # Dictionary to hold the selected shape data new_source_dict = dict( x= xs, y= ys, name = np.array(names)) = new_source_dict # Trigger for when a new layer is selected def layer_selected(new): # We want to modify the overall active layer (not local to this func) nonlocal active_layer # Simple dictionary to switch out the active layer switcher = { 0 : custom_shapes_layer, 1 : us_state_layer, 2 : us_county_layer, 3 : world_grid_2_degree_layer, 4 : world_grid_dynamic_layer, } # Swap out the active layer active_layer = switcher.get(new, active_layer) # Fetch new dates, shapes, names, etc. and refresh the page refresh_page() # Define selection labels layer_selector = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Custom", "US States", "US Counties", "World", "World (Dynamic)"], active=2) # Set up layer selection callback layer_selector.on_click(layer_selected) ################################# # Set up date range slider ################################# # Obtain date boundaries start_date, end_date = active_layer.get_date_range() # create a callback for when the date slider is changed def date_range_selected(attr, old, new): t0 = time.time() # Unpack the new range range_start, range_end = new # Convert to SQL format range_start = utc_from_timestamp(range_start) range_end = utc_from_timestamp(range_end) # Get the new day's data sifs = active_layer.get_data_for_date_range(range_start, range_end) # Update the sif values["sifs"] = np.array(sifs) # Set the title of the map to reflect the selected date range p.title.text = "SIF Average: %s to %s" % (range_start, range_end) print("Took " + str(time.time() - t0) + " seconds to update") # Create the date slider date_range_slider = DateRangeSlider(title="Date Range: ", start=start_date, end=end_date, value=(START_DATE_INIT, END_DATE_INIT), step=1) # Assign the callback for when the date slider changes date_range_slider.callback_policy = "throttle" date_range_slider.callback_throttle = 200 date_range_slider.on_change('value_throttled', date_range_selected) ################################# # Set up the map and its source ################################# # Get initial map details xs, ys, names = active_layer.get_map_details() # Get the initial sif values sifs = active_layer.get_data_for_date_range(START_DATE_INIT, END_DATE_INIT) # Dictionary to hold the data source=ColumnDataSource(data = dict( x= np.array(xs), y= np.array(ys), name= np.array(names), sifs= np.array(sifs)) ) # Which tools should be available to the user TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,hover,save,tap" # Obtain map provider tile_provider = get_provider(Vendors.CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA) # tile_options = {} # tile_options['url'] = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}' # tile_options['attribution'] = """ # Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under # <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. # Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, # under <a href="">ODbL</a>. # """ # mq_tile_source = WMTSTileSource(**tile_options) # Don't want the map to wrap around tile_provider.wrap_around = False # Configure the figure p = figure( title="SIF Average by County: %s" % end_date, tools=TOOLS, active_scroll = "wheel_zoom", x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, tooltips=[ ("Name", "@name"), ("Average SIF", "@sifs") ], x_axis_type='mercator', y_axis_type='mercator', plot_height = 900, plot_width = 1100, output_backend="webgl", x_range=Range1d(-20000000, 20000000, bounds = 'auto')) # Add the map! p.add_tile(tile_provider) p.lod_threshold = None # No downsampling #p.lod_interval = 150 p.toolbar.logo = None # No logo p.grid.grid_line_color = None # No grid # Policy for hovering p.hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" # Color mapper color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, low = SIF_MIN, high = SIF_MAX) color_transform = {'field': 'sifs', 'transform': color_mapper} # Patch all the information onto the map patch_renderer = p.patches('x', 'y', source=source, fill_color=color_transform, fill_alpha=0.9, line_color="white", line_width=0.1, selection_fill_alpha = 1.0, selection_fill_color = color_transform, nonselection_line_color="black", nonselection_fill_alpha=0.7, nonselection_fill_color= color_transform) p.title.text_font_size = '16pt' # Add a color bar ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=[-1,0,1,2]) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, ticker = ticker, label_standoff=12, border_line_color=None, location=(0,0)) p.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') # Add zoom in / out tools zoom_in = ZoomInTool(factor=ZOOM_FACTOR) zoom_out = ZoomOutTool(factor=ZOOM_FACTOR) def range_changed(param, old, new): if (type(active_layer) == World_Grid_Dynamic_Layer): x1 = p.x_range.start x2 = p.x_range.end y1 = p.y_range.start y2 = p.y_range.end new_x1, new_y1 = to_lat_lon(y1, x1) new_x2, new_y2 = to_lat_lon(y2, x2) if (active_layer.range_changed(new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2)): refresh_page() #convert_shapes_to_mercator(np.array([[x1], [x2]]), #np.array([[y1], [y2]])) #print("(%s, %s) to (%s, %s)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)) #40000000 # # p.callback_policy = "throttle" # p.callback_throttle = 200 p.x_range.on_change('end', range_changed) p.add_tools(zoom_in) p.add_tools(zoom_out) ################################# # Set up custom plot data ################################# # Data source for custom shapes custom_data_source = ColumnDataSource(data = \ dict(x= np.array([]), y= np.array([]), name=np.array([]))) # Patch the custom data onto the map p.patches('x', 'y', source=custom_data_source, line_color="darkslategray", line_width=1, fill_alpha=0.3, fill_color="lightgray") # On geometry selection # zoom = WheelZoomTool() # p.on_event() # p.add_tools(lasso) # p.on_event(SelectionGeometry, shape_drawn) ################################# # Set up time series ################################# def color_gen(): yield from itertools.cycle(time_pltt[10]) color = color_gen() def shape_drawn(event): # Check if more than one point # Otherwise a tap triggers this function if (type(event.geometry['x']) != float): # Notify the custom selection layer that this # shape was selected and obtain relevant info # custom_shapes_layer.patch_selected(event) # Change to the custom layer = 0 layer_selected(0) # Notify the layer that this patch was created. active_layer.patch_created(event) # Clear all time series sif_series.renderers = [] # Update the title and get new data from the active layer sif_series.title.text, time_srs_src_list, names = \ active_layer.patch_clicked(source, None) # Plot each series returned for i in range(len(time_srs_src_list)): sif_series.scatter('date', 'sif', source=time_srs_src_list[i], color=time_pltt[10][i]) # Make sure the current shape is drawn refresh_page() def patch_clicked(event): """ When a patch is clicked, update the time series chart. """ # Clear all time series sif_series.renderers = [] # Update the title and get new data from the active layer sif_series.title.text, time_srs_src_list, names = \ active_layer.patch_clicked(source, event) # Plot each series returned for i in range(len(time_srs_src_list)): sif_series.scatter('date', 'sif', source=time_srs_src_list[i], color=time_pltt[10][i]) # Which tools should be available to the user for the timer series TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,hover,save" # Figure that holds the time-series sif_series = figure(plot_width=750, plot_height=400, x_axis_type='datetime', tools=TOOLS, title= "SIF Time-Series (Select a county...)", active_scroll = "wheel_zoom", tooltips=[ ("Day", "@date"), ("Average SIF", "@sif") ], x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label = 'SIF Average', y_range = (SIF_MIN, SIF_MAX)) # Some font choices sif_series.title.text_font_size = '16pt' sif_series.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" sif_series.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" # Policy for hovering sif_series.hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" # No logo sif_series.toolbar.logo = None # When a patch is selected, trigger the patch_time_series function p.on_event(Tap, patch_clicked) # On geometry selection lasso = LassoSelectTool(select_every_mousemove = False) p.add_tools(lasso) p.on_event(SelectionGeometry, shape_drawn) ################################# # TODO: Set up download area ################################# # def save_data(): # active_layer.save_data() # print("Button Clicked") # callback = active_layer.get_save_data_js_callback() button = Button(label="Save Data", button_type="success") # button.on_click(active_layer.save_data) #button.js_on_event(ButtonClick, callback) ################################# # Set up tab ################################# # The layout of the view layout = row(column(p, date_range_slider, layer_selector), column(sif_series, row(column(), button))) # Create tab using layout tab = Panel(child=layout, title = 'US Visualization') # Return the created tab return tab
CustomJS( code="console.log('radio_group: ' +, this.toString())")) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=[0, 1]) checkbox_button_group.on_click( lambda value: print('checkbox_button_group: %s' % value)) checkbox_button_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code= "console.log('checkbox_button_group: ' +, this.toString())" )) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"], active=0) radio_button_group.on_click( lambda value: print('radio_button_group: %s' % value)) radio_button_group.js_on_click( CustomJS( code= "console.log('radio_button_group: ' +, this.toString())")) widgetBox = WidgetBox(children=[ button, button_disabled, toggle_inactive, toggle_active, dropdown, dropdown_disabled, #dropdown_split, checkbox_group, radio_group, checkbox_button_group,
MessageBox.text = msg return fpath = os.path.join(fdir, csvfiles[0]) cfg = bu.config() Config = Paragraph(text=bu.config()) Above = Paragraph(text="You are Here") Here = Paragraph() Here.text = CurDir MessageBox = Paragraph(text="Go") Timer = Paragraph() spacer = Paragraph(width=10) blabels = bu.list_from_path(CurDir) button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=blabels) button_group.on_click(dir_select) def dirs_source_callback(attr, old, new): global dirs_source oldind = old.get('1d', None) newind = (new['1d']['indices'][0] if len(new['1d']['indices']) > 0 else None) if newind is None: return if['Name'][newind] == '.': return newpath = (['Name'][newind] if newind is not None else None) newpath = os.path.join(CurDir, newpath)