コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: harrispilton/fieldcycling
def modify_doc(doc):
    """ Contains the application, including all callbacks
        TODO: could the callbacks be outsourced?
    :param doc:
    :type doc:
    logger.debug('modify_doc has been called')
    def get_data_frames(ie,):
        """ Called one time initially, and then every time the experiment number is changed by the slider
        :param ie: experiment number
        :type ie: int
        :returns: dataframe from stella datafile and dataframe with tau and phi and fitted values
        :rtype: list of 2 pandas dataframes
        logger.debug('get_dataframe with ie={}'.format(ie))
        fid = polymer.getfid(ie) #read FID or series of FIDs for selected experiment
            tau = polymer.get_tau_axis(ie) #numpy array containing the taus for experiment ie
                startpoint=fid_slider.range[0] #lower integration bound
                endpoint = fid_slider.range[1] #upper integration bound
            except NameError:
                # fid_slider not initialized for first plot. Use default values:
                endpoint = int(0.1*polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS'))
                logger.debug('fid_slider not initialized for first plot. Use default values {} and {}.'.format(startpoint, endpoint))
            polymer.addparameter(ie,'fid_range',(startpoint,endpoint)) #add integration range to parameters to make it accesible
            phi = get_mag_amplitude(fid, startpoint, endpoint,
                                    polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) # list containing averaged fid amplitudes (which is proportional to a magnetization phi)
            df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[tau, phi], columns=['tau', 'phi']) # DataFrames are nice
            df['phi_normalized'] = (df['phi'] - df['phi'].iloc[0] ) / (df['phi'].iloc[-1] - df['phi'].iloc[1] ) #Normalize magnetization,
            #Note: in the normalized magnetization the magnetization build-up curves and magnetization decay curves look alike
            #Note: this makes it easier for fitting as everything looks like 1 * exp(-R/time) in first order
            polymer.addparameter(ie,'df_magnetization',df) # make the magnetization dataframe accesible as parameter
            fit_option = 2 #mono exponential, 3 parameter fit
            p0=[1.0, polymer.getparvalue(ie,'T1MX')**-1*2, 0] #choose startparameters for fitting an exponential decay
            df, popt = magnetization_fit(df, p0, fit_option) # use leastsq to find optimal parameters
            polymer.addparameter(ie,'popt(mono_exp)',popt) # add fitting parameters for later access
            logger.info('fitfunction(t) = {} * exp(- {} * t) + {}'.format(*popt)) # print the fitting parameters to console (for convenience)
        except KeyError:
            logger.warning('no relaxation experiment found')
            df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[tau, phi], columns=['tau', 'phi'])
            df['phi_normalized'] = np.zeros(1)
            df['fit_phi'] = np.zeros(1)
        return fid, df

    def calculate_mag_dec(attr, old, new, start_ie=None):
        ''' Is being call from the callback for the experiment chooser
            loads selected experiment visualize in plot p1 and p2 
            gets experiment number from the slider
            writes source_fid.data from the fid from the polymer object
            writes source_mag_dec.data from the dataframe
        ie = experiment_slider.value   #get expermient number from the slider
        logger.debug('calculate mag_dec for ie={}'.format(ie))
        fid, df = get_data_frames(ie)
        source_fid.data=ColumnDataSource.from_df(fid) #convert fid to bokeh format
        source_mag_dec.data = ColumnDataSource.from_df(df)

    def plot_par():
        ''' Creates plot for the parameters 
            Called with every update from the callback'''
        logger.debug('creating plot for the parameters')

        # read data due to selection of select_x/y
        xs = par_df[select_xaxis.value ].values
        ys = par_df[select_yaxis.value].values
        # read titles due to name of select_x/y
        x_title = select_xaxis.value.title()
        y_title = select_yaxis.value.title()

        # remark: many attributes in a bokeh plot cannot be modified after initialization
        #         for example p4.x_axis_type='datetime' does not work. keywords are a
        #         workaround to pass all optional arguments initially
        # set optional keyword arguments, kw, for figure()
        kw = dict() #initialize
        if select_xaxis.value in discrete:
            kw['x_range'] = sorted(set(xs))
        if select_yaxis.value in discrete:
            kw['y_range'] = sorted(set(ys))
        if select_yaxis.value in time:
            kw['y_axis_type'] = 'datetime'
        if select_xaxis.value in time:
            kw['x_axis_type'] = 'datetime'
        kw['title']="%s vs %s" % (x_title, y_title)
        # create figure using optional keywords kw
        p4 = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=600, tools='pan,box_zoom,reset',
        # set axis label
        p4.xaxis.axis_label = x_title
        p4.yaxis.axis_label = y_title

        # strings at x axis ticks need a lot of space. solution: rotate label orientation
        if select_xaxis.value in discrete:
            p4.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pd.np.pi / 4 # rotates labels...

        # standard size of symbols
        sz = 9
        # custom size of symbols due to select_size
        if select_size.value != 'None':
            groups = pd.qcut(pd.to_numeric(par_df[select_size.value].values), len(SIZES))
            sz = [SIZES[xx] for xx in groups.codes]

        # standard color
        c = "#31AADE"        
        # custom color due to select_color
        if select_color.value != 'None':
            groups = pd.qcut(pd.to_numeric(par_df[select_color.value]).values, len(COLORS))
            c = [COLORS[xx] for xx in groups.codes]

        # create the plot using circles
        p4.circle(x=xs, y=ys, color=c, size=sz, line_color="white", alpha=0.6, hover_color='white', hover_alpha=0.5)
        return p4 #return the plot
    def callback_update_plot_1(attr, old, new):
        ''' Callback for update of figure 1 in parameters tab '''
        tabs.tabs[1].child.children[1] = plot_par()
        logger.debug('Parameter plot updated')
#        p4 = plot_par()

    def callback_update_p3():
        logger.debug('update plot 3')
        p3 = fit_mag_decay_all(polymer,par_df)
        return p3

    def callback_update_experiment(attr, old, new):
        """ Callback for the experiment chooser
        ie = experiment_slider.value
        logger.debug('Callback experiment update, ie={}'.format(ie))
        fid_slider.end = polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')
            startpoint = int(0.05 * polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS'))
            endpoint = int(0.1 * polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS'))
    def callback_load_more_data(attr,old,new):
        ''' callback for loading of data '''
        # TODO: implement
        logger.debug('callback for loading of data ')
        logger.error('Not implemented!')
        if file=="*.sdf":
            logger.info('callback for loading data. filename: {}'.format(file))
            allsdf=filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.sdf'),os.listdir(path))
            for f in allsdf:
        filenames=[x.file() for x in sdf_list]

    def callback_export_data(attr,old,new):
        logger.debug('callback_export_data has been called ')
        logger.error('Not implemented!')
    def callback_write_table_to_file(attr,old,new): ##FIXME
        logger.debug('callback_write_table_to_file has been called ')
        logger.error('Not implemented!')
#        path=export_text.value.strip()
#        exportdata=export_source.data
#        CustomJS(args=dict(source=export_source),
#                 code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "export_csv.js")).read())

    def callback_update_parameters():
        ''' callback for button
            function to call when button is clicked
            for updates parameters of polymer, since they can change during evaluation '''
        logger.debug('callback for button (update parameter).')
        par_df, columns, discrete, continuous, time, quantileable = polymer.scan_parameters()

    logger.info('Starting the script')
    ### This is the start of the script ###
    ### The callbacks are above ###

    #load data:
    # TODO: how to handle multiple datafiles?
    # New Tab for each datafile?
    # dropdown selection to choose datafile
    # complete new start of process? (probably not prefered)

    polymer = load_data('glyzerin_d3_300K.sdf')
    nr_experiments = polymer.get_number_of_experiments()
    start_ie = 1     # initially set ie = 1
    par_df, columns, discrete, continuous, time, quantileable = polymer.scan_parameters(20)
    # for the initial call get the dataframes without callback
    # they are being updated in following callbacks
    fid, df = get_data_frames(start_ie)
    source_fid = ColumnDataSource(data=ColumnDataSource.from_df(fid))
    source_mag_dec = ColumnDataSource(data=ColumnDataSource.from_df(df))
    # initialy creates the plots p1 and p2
    p1, p2 = create_plot_1_and_2(source_fid, source_mag_dec)
    ### initiates widgets, which will call the callback on change ###
    # initiate slider to choose experiment
    experiment_slider = Slider(start=1, end=nr_experiments, value=1, step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=800) #select experiment by value
    # initiate slider for the range in which fid shall be calculated
    # select the intervall from which magneitization is calculated from fid
    fid_slider = RangeSlider(start=1,end=polymer.getparvalue(start_ie,'BS'),
                             step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=400)

    # fit magnetization decay for all experiments
    p3 = fit_mag_decay_all(polymer, par_df)
    # refit mag dec with updated ranges after button push
    button_refit = Button(label='Update',button_type="success")

    # initialize empty source for experiment slider
    source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(value=[]))
    # 'data' is the attribute. it's a field in source, which is a ColumnDataSource
    # initiate callback_update_experiment which is the callback
    source.on_change('data',callback_update_experiment) #source for experiment_slider
    experiment_slider.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source),code="""
        source.data = { value: [cb_obj.value] }
    """)#unfortunately this customjs is needed to throttle the callback in current version of bokeh

    # initialize empty source for fid slider, same as above
    source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(range=[], ie=[]))
        source.data = { range: cb_obj.range }
    """)#unfortunately this customjs is needed to throttle the callback in current version of bokeh

    # same for the update button
    button_scan = Button(label='Scan Parameters',button_type="success")
    # here comes for callbacks for x, y, size, color
    select_xaxis = Select(title='X-Axis', value='ZONE', options=columns)
    select_xaxis.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1)

    select_yaxis = Select(title='Y-Axis', value='TIME', options=columns)
    select_yaxis.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1)

    select_size = Select(title='Size', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable)
    select_size.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1)

    select_color = Select(title='Color', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable)
    select_color.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1)

    controls_p4 = widgetbox([button_scan, select_xaxis,select_yaxis,select_color,select_size], width=150)
    #p4 = plot_par()
    layout_p4 = row(controls_p4,plot_par())
    logger.debug('layout for parameter plot created')

    #### TODO: write file input
    #### TODO: select files to import
    #### TODO: discard imported files

    # load more data:
    # TODO: This is current plan, to save the different dataframes in a list, right?
    filenames=[x.file() for x in sdf_list]
    t_columns = [
        TableColumn(field='file', title='Path / Filename'),
        #TableColumn(field='file', title='Filename'),

    # Data Out: export data from figures
    #         & export parameters

    export_slider = Slider(start=1, end=4, value=3, step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=200) #do we need mouseup on this?
    export_text = TextInput(title="Path",value=os.path.curdir)
    export_button = Button(label='Export to csv',button_type="success") # FIXME Callback  doesn't work yet
    print('after layout_output')

    # set the layout of the tabs
    layout_p1 = column(experiment_slider, p1,
                           column(button_refit, p3)
    tab_relaxation = Panel(child = layout_p1, title = 'Relaxation')
    tab_parameters = Panel(child = layout_p4, title = 'Parameters')
    tab_input = Panel(child = layout_input, title = 'Data In')
    tab_output = Panel(child = layout_output, title = 'Data Out')

    # initialize tabs object with 3 tabs
    tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab_relaxation, tab_parameters,
                        tab_input, tab_output])
    doc.add_root(source) # i need to add source to detect changes
    print('tab tab')
コード例 #2

def on_change(attr, old, new):
    layout.children[1] = player_plot()

for w in [range_slider]:
    w.on_change('value', on_change)

source_slider = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(value=[]))
source_slider.on_change('data', on_change)

range_slider.callback = CustomJS(
    code='source.data = { value: [cb_obj.value] }')

div = Div(
    """<b><h>DYNAMIC PASS NETWORK MAP</b></h></br></br>Dynamic network graph of passes between players in a football (soccer) 
match. The tool uses <a href="https://networkx.github.io/">NetworkX</a> and <a href="https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/">Bokeh (Python)</a> 
to plot the graph.<br></br><a href="https://samirak93.github.io/analytics/projects/proj-2.html">Blog Post</a><br></br>
Adjust the slider to filter the passes between any 2 game seconds. Thickness of line indicates the volume of passes between 2 players
<br>Created by <b><a href="https://twitter.com/Samirak93">Samira Kumar</a></b> </br> Best viewed on Google Chrome""",

layout = column(div, player_plot(), range_slider)
