def main(options, args): logger = log.get_logger("ginga", options=options) # create a new plot with default tools, using figure fig = figure(x_range=[0,600], y_range=[0,600], plot_width=600, plot_height=600, toolbar_location=None) viewer = ib.CanvasView(logger) viewer.set_figure(fig) def load_file(path): image = AstroImage(logger) image.load_file(path) viewer.set_image(image) def load_file_cb(attr_name, old_val, new_val): #print(attr_name, old_val, new_val) load_file(new_val) # add a entry widget and configure with the call back dstdir = options.indir path_w = TextInput(value=dstdir, title="File:") path_w.on_change('value', load_file_cb) if len(args) > 0: load_file(args[0]) # put the path widget and viewer in a layout and add to the document curdoc().add_root(vplot(fig, path_w))
def plot(): # Set up data N = 200 x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, N) y = np.sin(x) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) # Set up plots plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, title="my sine wave", tools="crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom", x_range=[0, 4*np.pi], y_range=[-2.5, 2.5]) plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) # Set up widgets text = TextInput(title="title", value='my sine wave') offset = Slider(title="offset", value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1) amplitude = Slider(title="amplitude", value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0) phase = Slider(title="phase", value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi) freq = Slider(title="frequency", value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1) # Set up callbacks def update_title(attrname, old, new): plot.title = text.value text.on_change('value', update_title) def update_data(attrname, old, new): # Get the current slider values a = amplitude.value b = offset.value w = phase.value k = freq.value # Generate the new curve x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, N) y = a*np.sin(k*x + w) + b = dict(x=x, y=y) for w in [offset, amplitude, phase, freq]: w.on_change('value', update_data) # Set up layouts and add to document inputs = VBoxForm(children=[text, offset, amplitude, phase, freq]) fullformat = HBox(children=[inputs, plot], width=800) return fullformat, []
def main(options, args): logger = log.get_logger("ginga", options=options) TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,tap" # create a new plot with default tools, using figure fig = figure(x_range=[0,600], y_range=[0,600], plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=TOOLS) viewer = ib.CanvasView(logger) viewer.set_figure(fig) ## box_select_tool = ## box_select_tool.select_every_mousemove = True #tap_tool = fig.select_one(TapTool).renderers = [cr] # open a session to keep our local document in sync with server session = push_session(curdoc()) #curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 50) def load_file(path): image = AstroImage(logger) image.load_file(path) viewer.set_image(image) def load_file_cb(attr_name, old_val, new_val): #print(attr_name, old_val, new_val) load_file(new_val) # add a entry widget and configure with the call back dstdir = options.indir path_w = TextInput(value=dstdir, title="File:") path_w.on_change('value', load_file_cb) curdoc().add_root(vplot(fig, path_w)) if len(args) > 0: load_file(args[0]) # open the document in a browser # run forever session.loop_until_closed()
# initialize controls # choose between original and arc length parametrization parametrization_input = CheckboxGroup(labels=['show original parametrization', 'show arc length parametrization'], active=[0, 1]) parametrization_input.on_click(parametrization_change) # slider controlling the current parameter t t_value_input = Slider(title="parameter t", name='parameter t', value=arc_settings.t_value_init, start=arc_settings.t_value_min, end=arc_settings.t_value_max, step=arc_settings.t_value_step) t_value_input.on_change('value', t_value_change) # text input for the x component of the curve x_component_input = TextInput(value=arc_settings.x_component_input_msg, title="curve x") x_component_input.on_change('value', curve_change) # text input for the y component of the curve y_component_input = TextInput(value=arc_settings.y_component_input_msg, title="curve y") y_component_input.on_change('value', curve_change) # dropdown menu for selecting one of the sample curves sample_curve_input = Dropdown(label="choose a sample function pair or enter one below", menu=arc_settings.sample_curve_names) sample_curve_input.on_click(sample_curve_change) # initialize plot toolset = "crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom" # Generate a figure container plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title="Arc length parametrization", x_range=[arc_settings.x_min_view, arc_settings.x_max_view],
def update(attr, old, new): init_time = main_doc.clear() main_doc.add_root(layout) #main_doc.theme = 'dark_minimal' title = ticker0.value print('-I- selected item is : ', title) # sentiment = ticker1.value reviews = reviews_ms1.copy() reviews = reviews[reviews.title == title] reviews = reviews.drop_duplicates() reviews['id'] = range(len(reviews)) ## sentence making full_comments = [] full_title = [] l1 = int(len(reviews) / 2) c1, t1, id1 = sentence_finder(reviews, 0, l1) c2, t2, id2 = sentence_finder(reviews, l1, len(reviews)) full_comments = c1 + c2 full_title = t1 + t2 full_id = id1 + id2 reviews_old = reviews[['id', 'comments']] reviews_old.columns = ['id', 'comments_full'] def stripper(s): return s.strip() reviews = pd.DataFrame() reviews['comments'] = full_comments reviews['comments'] = reviews['comments'].apply(stripper) reviews['title'] = full_title reviews['id'] = full_id reviews = reviews[reviews.comments != ''] reviews = reviews.drop_duplicates(subset=['comments']) reviews = reviews.merge(reviews_old, on='id', how='left') title_words = spacy_tokenizer(reviews.title.iloc[0].replace("'", "")).split() def title_word_remover(s): for t in title_words: s = s.replace(t, '') return s ## For finding bigrams data = reviews.comments.values.tolist() # Remove Emails data = [re.sub('\S*@\S*\s?', '', sent) for sent in data] # Remove new line characters data = [re.sub('\s+', ' ', sent) for sent in data] # Remove distracting single quotes data = [re.sub("\'", "", sent) for sent in data] data_words = list(sent_to_words(data)) # Build the bigram and trigram models bigram = gensim.models.Phrases( data_words, min_count=4, threshold=50) # higher threshold fewer phrases. # trigram = gensim.models.Phrases(bigram[data_words], threshold=50) # Faster way to get a sentence clubbed as a trigram/bigram bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram) # trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram) data_words1 = [' '.join(bigram_mod[d]) for d in data_words] reviews['comments'] = data_words1 ## steming lemmetising and stop word removal reviews['cleaned_comments'] = reviews.comments.apply(spacy_tokenizer) ## sentiment finding senti = sentimental_analysis.find_sentiment(reviews) reviews['sentiment_pred'] = senti ## finding all nouns in the full reviews all_nouns = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(reviews))): all_nouns = all_nouns + noun_finder(reviews.cleaned_comments.iloc[i]) ## Nouns and their count with weight noun_df = pd.DataFrame( pd.Series(all_nouns).astype('str').value_counts().reset_index()) noun_df.columns = ['noun', 'count'] noun_df['weight'] = 0 noun_df.head() print('-I- finding the weight and updating it in df ---------------------') ## finding the weight and updating it in df for text in tqdm(reviews.cleaned_comments): doc = nlp(text) noun_adj_pairs = [] for i, token in enumerate(doc): bi_words = str(token).split('_') if ((token.pos_ not in ('ADJ')) & (len(bi_words) == 1)): continue if ((len(bi_words) == 2)): if ((nlp(bi_words[0])[0].pos_ == 'ADJ') & (nlp(bi_words[1])[0].pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN')) & (~pd.Series(bi_words[1]).isin(title_words)[0])): noun_adj_pairs.append((bi_words[0], bi_words[1])) try: noun_df.loc[noun_df.noun == str(bi_words[1]), 'weight'] = noun_df.loc[ noun_df.noun == str(bi_words[1]), 'weight'].iloc[0] + 1 except: noun_df = noun_df.append( pd.DataFrame( { 'noun': [bi_words[1]], 'count': [1], 'weight': [1] }, index=[len(noun_df)])) elif ((token.pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN')) & (nlp(bi_words[0])[0].pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN')) & (nlp(bi_words[1])[0].pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN')) & (~pd.Series(bi_words[0]).isin(title_words)[0]) & (~pd.Series(bi_words[1]).isin(title_words)[0])): # elif((nlp(bi_words[0])[0].pos_ in ('NOUN','PROPN')) & (nlp(bi_words[1])[0].pos_ in ('NOUN','PROPN'))): noun_df.loc[ noun_df.noun == str(token), 'weight'] = noun_df.loc[noun_df.noun == str(token), 'weight'].iloc[0] + 1 continue if ((pd.Series([str(token)]).isin(positive)[0]) | (pd.Series([str(token)]).isin(negative)[0])): for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 6, len(doc))): # if (doc[j].pos_ in ('NOUN','PROPN')): if ((doc[j].pos_ in ('NOUN', 'PROPN')) & (len(str(doc[j]).split('_')) != 2)): noun_adj_pairs.append((token, doc[j])) noun_df.loc[noun_df.noun == str(doc[j]), 'weight'] = noun_df.loc[ noun_df.noun == str(doc[j]), 'weight'].iloc[0] + 1 break ## removing words from noun which is in title to find top topics ( topic nouns ) noun_df = noun_df[~noun_df.noun.isin( spacy_tokenizer(reviews.title.iloc[0].replace("'", "")).split())] noun_df = noun_df.sort_values(by='weight', ascending=False) noun_df = noun_df.iloc[0:20, ] reviews.to_csv('./CRM_bokeh_app/static/temp.csv', index=False) topic_df = pd.DataFrame() topic_df['topics'] = noun_df['noun'] print('-I- topic sentimental distribution finding---') pos_r = [] neg_r = [] neu_r = [] full_l = [] for t in tqdm(topic_df.topics): temp = reviews.copy() temp['item_presence'] = temp.apply( lambda row: topic_presence(row['cleaned_comments'], t), axis=1) temp = temp[temp.item_presence != -1] full_l.append(len(temp)) pos_r.append(len(temp[temp.sentiment_pred == 'positive'])) neg_r.append(len(temp[temp.sentiment_pred == 'negative'])) neu_r.append(len(temp[temp.sentiment_pred == 'neutral'])) # topic_df['length'] = full_l topic_df['positive'] = pos_r topic_df['negative'] = neg_r topic_df['neutral'] = neu_r final_time = print('-I- Time taken for update is = ', str(final_time - init_time)) global ticker2 global radio_button_group global text_input ticker2 = Select(title='Topic', value='all', options=['all'] + list(noun_df.noun)) ticker2.on_change('value', update2) radio_button_group = RadioButtonGroup( labels=['all', 'positive', 'negative', 'neutral'], active=0) radio_button_group.on_change('active', update2) text_input = TextInput(value="", title="Custom topic search:") text_input.on_change("value", update2) t_r = column([row([ticker2, text_input]), radio_button_group]) z = plot_senti(reviews, title) z1 = plot_topic(noun_df, title) z2 = column([ row([ plot_senti_stack(topic_df.sort_values(by='positive'), 1), plot_senti_stack(topic_df.sort_values(by='negative'), 2) ]), plot_senti_stack(topic_df.sort_values(by='neutral'), 3) ]) z = column([row([z, z1]), z2]) z1 = row([plot_senti(reviews, 'all topics'), summarizer(reviews)]) z2 = plot_rows(reviews) z2 = column([z1, z2]) z3 = column(column([z, t_r], name='needed1'), column([z2], name='review1'), name='needed') main_doc.add_root(z3)
def update_slider(attrname, old, new): n_samples = int(samples_slider.value) newdata = get_ends(n_samples) = dict(newdata.to_dict('list')) plot.x_range.factors = newdata['aspects'].tolist() # this was missing plot.y_range.start = min(['importance']) plot.y_range.end = max(['importance']) data_table = DataTable(source=source_cut, columns=columns, width=700, height=500) dataset_select.on_change('value', update_dataset) exponent_slider.on_change('value', update_dataset) ratings_box.on_change('value', update_dataset) samples_slider.on_change('value', update_slider) # Set up layout selects = row(dataset_select) inputs = column(selects, widgetbox(exponent_slider, ratings_box, samples_slider)) table = widgetbox(data_table) tab1 = Panel(child=table, title="Data") tab2 = Panel(child=plot, title="Bar Plot") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2]) lay = layout([[inputs,tabs],]) # Add to document curdoc().add_root(lay) curdoc().title = "Keyword Extraction"
def modify_doc(doc): """ Contains the application, including all callbacks TODO: could the callbacks be outsourced? :param doc: :type doc: """ logger.debug('modify_doc has been called') def get_data_frames(ie,): """ Called one time initially, and then every time the experiment number is changed by the slider :param ie: experiment number :type ie: int :returns: dataframe from stella datafile and dataframe with tau and phi and fitted values :rtype: list of 2 pandas dataframes """ logger.debug('get_dataframe with ie={}'.format(ie)) fid = polymer.getfid(ie) #read FID or series of FIDs for selected experiment try: tau = polymer.get_tau_axis(ie) #numpy array containing the taus for experiment ie try: startpoint=fid_slider.range[0] #lower integration bound endpoint = fid_slider.range[1] #upper integration bound except NameError: # fid_slider not initialized for first plot. Use default values: startpoint=int(0.05*polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) endpoint = int(0.1*polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) logger.debug('fid_slider not initialized for first plot. Use default values {} and {}.'.format(startpoint, endpoint)) polymer.addparameter(ie,'fid_range',(startpoint,endpoint)) #add integration range to parameters to make it accesible phi = get_mag_amplitude(fid, startpoint, endpoint, polymer.getparvalue(ie,'NBLK'), polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) # list containing averaged fid amplitudes (which is proportional to a magnetization phi) df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[tau, phi], columns=['tau', 'phi']) # DataFrames are nice df['phi_normalized'] = (df['phi'] - df['phi'].iloc[0] ) / (df['phi'].iloc[-1] - df['phi'].iloc[1] ) #Normalize magnetization, #Note: in the normalized magnetization the magnetization build-up curves and magnetization decay curves look alike #Note: this makes it easier for fitting as everything looks like 1 * exp(-R/time) in first order polymer.addparameter(ie,'df_magnetization',df) # make the magnetization dataframe accesible as parameter fit_option = 2 #mono exponential, 3 parameter fit p0=[1.0, polymer.getparvalue(ie,'T1MX')**-1*2, 0] #choose startparameters for fitting an exponential decay df, popt = magnetization_fit(df, p0, fit_option) # use leastsq to find optimal parameters polymer.addparameter(ie,'popt(mono_exp)',popt) # add fitting parameters for later access'fitfunction(t) = {} * exp(- {} * t) + {}'.format(*popt)) # print the fitting parameters to console (for convenience) except KeyError: logger.warning('no relaxation experiment found') tau=np.zeros(1) phi=np.zeros(1) df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.c_[tau, phi], columns=['tau', 'phi']) df['phi_normalized'] = np.zeros(1) df['fit_phi'] = np.zeros(1) return fid, df def calculate_mag_dec(attr, old, new, start_ie=None): ''' Is being call from the callback for the experiment chooser loads selected experiment visualize in plot p1 and p2 gets experiment number from the slider writes from the fid from the polymer object writes from the dataframe ''' ie = experiment_slider.value #get expermient number from the slider logger.debug('calculate mag_dec for ie={}'.format(ie)) fid, df = get_data_frames(ie) #convert fid to bokeh format = ColumnDataSource.from_df(df) def plot_par(): ''' Creates plot for the parameters Called with every update from the callback''' logger.debug('creating plot for the parameters') # read data due to selection of select_x/y xs = par_df[select_xaxis.value ].values ys = par_df[select_yaxis.value].values # read titles due to name of select_x/y x_title = select_xaxis.value.title() y_title = select_yaxis.value.title() # remark: many attributes in a bokeh plot cannot be modified after initialization # for example p4.x_axis_type='datetime' does not work. keywords are a # workaround to pass all optional arguments initially # set optional keyword arguments, kw, for figure() kw = dict() #initialize if select_xaxis.value in discrete: kw['x_range'] = sorted(set(xs)) if select_yaxis.value in discrete: kw['y_range'] = sorted(set(ys)) if select_yaxis.value in time: kw['y_axis_type'] = 'datetime' if select_xaxis.value in time: kw['x_axis_type'] = 'datetime' kw['title']="%s vs %s" % (x_title, y_title) # create figure using optional keywords kw p4 = figure(plot_height=300, plot_width=600, tools='pan,box_zoom,reset', **kw) # set axis label p4.xaxis.axis_label = x_title p4.yaxis.axis_label = y_title # strings at x axis ticks need a lot of space. solution: rotate label orientation if select_xaxis.value in discrete: p4.xaxis.major_label_orientation = / 4 # rotates labels... # standard size of symbols sz = 9 # custom size of symbols due to select_size if select_size.value != 'None': groups = pd.qcut(pd.to_numeric(par_df[select_size.value].values), len(SIZES)) sz = [SIZES[xx] for xx in] # standard color c = "#31AADE" # custom color due to select_color if select_color.value != 'None': groups = pd.qcut(pd.to_numeric(par_df[select_color.value]).values, len(COLORS)) c = [COLORS[xx] for xx in] # create the plot using circles, y=ys, color=c, size=sz, line_color="white", alpha=0.6, hover_color='white', hover_alpha=0.5) return p4 #return the plot def callback_update_plot_1(attr, old, new): ''' Callback for update of figure 1 in parameters tab ''' tabs.tabs[1].child.children[1] = plot_par() print(tabs.tabs[1].child.children[1]) logger.debug('Parameter plot updated') # p4 = plot_par() def callback_update_p3(): logger.debug('update plot 3') p3 = fit_mag_decay_all(polymer,par_df) return p3 def callback_update_experiment(attr, old, new): """ Callback for the experiment chooser """ ie = experiment_slider.value logger.debug('Callback experiment update, ie={}'.format(ie)) fid_slider.end = polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS') try: fid_slider.range=polymer.getparvalue(ie,'fid_range') except: startpoint = int(0.05 * polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) endpoint = int(0.1 * polymer.getparvalue(ie,'BS')) fid_slider.range=(startpoint,endpoint) calculate_mag_dec(attr,old,new) def callback_load_more_data(attr,old,new): ''' callback for loading of data ''' # TODO: implement logger.debug('callback for loading of data ') logger.error('Not implemented!') path=pathbox.value.strip() file=filebox.value.strip() if file=="*.sdf":'callback for loading data. filename: {}'.format(file)) allsdf=filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.sdf'),os.listdir(path)) for f in allsdf: sdf_list.append(sdf.StelarDataFile(f,path)) else: sdf_list.append(sdf.StelarDataFile(file,path)) filenames=[x.file() for x in sdf_list] filenames_df=pd.DataFrame(data=filenames,columns=['file']) def callback_export_data(attr,old,new): logger.debug('callback_export_data has been called ') logger.error('Not implemented!') pass def callback_write_table_to_file(attr,old,new): ##FIXME logger.debug('callback_write_table_to_file has been called ') logger.error('Not implemented!') pass # path=export_text.value.strip() # # CustomJS(args=dict(source=export_source), # code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "export_csv.js")).read()) def callback_update_parameters(): ''' callback for button function to call when button is clicked for updates parameters of polymer, since they can change during evaluation ''' logger.debug('callback for button (update parameter).') par_df, columns, discrete, continuous, time, quantileable = polymer.scan_parameters() select_xaxis.options=columns select_yaxis.options=columns select_size.options=['None']+quantileable select_color.options=['None']+quantileable'Starting the script') ### This is the start of the script ### ### The callbacks are above ### #load data: # TODO: how to handle multiple datafiles? # New Tab for each datafile? # dropdown selection to choose datafile # complete new start of process? (probably not prefered) polymer = load_data('glyzerin_d3_300K.sdf') nr_experiments = polymer.get_number_of_experiments() start_ie = 1 # initially set ie = 1 par_df, columns, discrete, continuous, time, quantileable = polymer.scan_parameters(20) # for the initial call get the dataframes without callback # they are being updated in following callbacks fid, df = get_data_frames(start_ie) source_fid = ColumnDataSource(data=ColumnDataSource.from_df(fid)) source_mag_dec = ColumnDataSource(data=ColumnDataSource.from_df(df)) # initialy creates the plots p1 and p2 p1, p2 = create_plot_1_and_2(source_fid, source_mag_dec) ### initiates widgets, which will call the callback on change ### # initiate slider to choose experiment experiment_slider = Slider(start=1, end=nr_experiments, value=1, step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=800) #select experiment by value # initiate slider for the range in which fid shall be calculated # select the intervall from which magneitization is calculated from fid fid_slider = RangeSlider(start=1,end=polymer.getparvalue(start_ie,'BS'), range=polymer.getparvalue(start_ie,'fid_range'), step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=400) # fit magnetization decay for all experiments p3 = fit_mag_decay_all(polymer, par_df) # refit mag dec with updated ranges after button push button_refit = Button(label='Update',button_type="success") button_refit.on_click(callback_update_p3) # initialize empty source for experiment slider source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(value=[])) # 'data' is the attribute. it's a field in source, which is a ColumnDataSource # initiate callback_update_experiment which is the callback source.on_change('data',callback_update_experiment) #source for experiment_slider experiment_slider.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source),code=""" = { value: [cb_obj.value] } """)#unfortunately this customjs is needed to throttle the callback in current version of bokeh # initialize empty source for fid slider, same as above source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(range=[], ie=[])) source2.on_change('data',calculate_mag_dec) fid_slider.callback=CustomJS(args=dict(source=source2),code=""" = { range: cb_obj.range } """)#unfortunately this customjs is needed to throttle the callback in current version of bokeh # same for the update button button_scan = Button(label='Scan Parameters',button_type="success") button_scan.on_click(callback_update_parameters) # here comes for callbacks for x, y, size, color select_xaxis = Select(title='X-Axis', value='ZONE', options=columns) select_xaxis.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1) select_yaxis = Select(title='Y-Axis', value='TIME', options=columns) select_yaxis.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1) select_size = Select(title='Size', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable) select_size.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1) select_color = Select(title='Color', value='None', options=['None'] + quantileable) select_color.on_change('value', callback_update_plot_1) controls_p4 = widgetbox([button_scan, select_xaxis,select_yaxis,select_color,select_size], width=150) #p4 = plot_par() layout_p4 = row(controls_p4,plot_par()) logger.debug('layout for parameter plot created') #### #### TODO: write file input #### TODO: select files to import #### TODO: discard imported files #### # load more data: table_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) sdf_list=[polymer] # TODO: This is current plan, to save the different dataframes in a list, right? filenames=[x.file() for x in sdf_list] files_df=pd.DataFrame(data=filenames,columns=['file']) t_columns = [ TableColumn(field='file', title='Path / Filename'), #TableColumn(field='file', title='Filename'), ] table=DataTable(source=table_source,columns=t_columns) pathbox=TextInput(title="Path",value=os.path.curdir) filebox=TextInput(title="Filename",value="*.sdf") pathbox.on_change('value',callback_load_more_data) filebox.on_change('value',callback_load_more_data) layout_input=column(pathbox,filebox,table) # Data Out: export data from figures # & export parameters export_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) export_columns=[] output_table=DataTable(source=export_source,columns=export_columns) export_slider = Slider(start=1, end=4, value=3, step=1,callback_policy='mouseup', width=200) #do we need mouseup on this? export_slider.on_change('value',callback_export_data) export_text = TextInput(title="Path",value=os.path.curdir) export_button = Button(label='Export to csv',button_type="success") # FIXME Callback doesn't work yet export_button.on_click(callback_write_table_to_file) layout_output=row(column(export_slider,export_text,export_button),output_table) print('after layout_output') # set the layout of the tabs layout_p1 = column(experiment_slider, p1, row( column(fid_slider,p2), column(button_refit, p3) ), ) tab_relaxation = Panel(child = layout_p1, title = 'Relaxation') tab_parameters = Panel(child = layout_p4, title = 'Parameters') tab_input = Panel(child = layout_input, title = 'Data In') tab_output = Panel(child = layout_output, title = 'Data Out') # initialize tabs object with 3 tabs tabs = Tabs(tabs = [tab_relaxation, tab_parameters, tab_input, tab_output]) print('tabs') doc.add_root(tabs) doc.add_root(source) # i need to add source to detect changes doc.add_root(source2) print('tab tab')
def plot(): # FIGURES AND X-AXIS fig1 = Figure(title = 'Energy', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS) timeticks = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(seconds =["%b%d %H:%M:%S"], minutes =["%b%d %H:%M"], hours =["%b%d %H:%M"], days =["%b%d %H:%M"], months=["%b%d %H:%M"], years =["%b%d %H:%M %Y"])) fig1.xaxis.formatter = timeticks # INPUT WIDGETS collection_list = CONN[DB].collection_names(include_system_collections=False) gliders = sorted([platformID for platformID in collection_list if len(platformID)>2]) gliders = Select(title = 'PlatformID', value = gliders[0], options = gliders) prev_glider = Button(label = '<') next_glider = Button(label = '>') glider_controlbox = HBox(children = [gliders, prev_glider, next_glider]) max_amphr = TextInput(title='Max AmpHrs', value='1040') deadby_date = TextInput(title='Deadby Date', value='') data_controlbox = HBox(max_amphr, deadby_date, width = 300) control_box = HBox(glider_controlbox, data_controlbox) # DATA VARS coulombs_raw = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) coulombs_ext = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) coulombs_per = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) # AXIS setup fig1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Coulombs (AmpHr)' fig1.extra_y_ranges = {'usage': Range1d(start=0, end=1200)} # PLOT OBJECTS fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = coulombs_raw, legend = 'm_coulombs_amphr_total', color = 'blue')'x', 'y', source = coulombs_raw, legend = 'm_coulombs_amphr_total', color = 'blue') fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = coulombs_ext, legend = 'projected', color = 'red') #fig1.cross('x', 'y', source = coulombs_ext, legend = 'projected', size=10, color = 'red') fig1.renderers.append(Span(name = 'maxamp_span', location = int(max_amphr.value), dimension = 'width', line_color= 'green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2)) fig1.renderers.append(Span(name = 'maxamp_intersect', location = 1000*time.time(), dimension = 'height', line_color= 'green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=2)) fig1.legend[0].location = 'top_left' fig1.legend[0].legend_padding = 30 # CALLBACK FUNCS def update_coulombs(attrib,old,new): g = gliders.value = load_sensor(g, 'm_coulomb_amphr_total') = moving_usage( update_projection(None,None,None) def update_projection(attrib,old,new): g = gliders.value try:'maxamp_span')[0].location = int(max_amphr.value), deadby_date.value = calc_deadby_date(g, int(max_amphr.value))'maxamp_intersect')[0].location =['x'][-1] except Exception as e: print('update_projection error',type(e),e) #GLIDER SELECTS def glider_buttons(increment): ops = gliders.options new_index = ops.index(gliders.value) + increment if new_index >= len(ops): new_index = 0 elif new_index < 0: new_index = len(ops)-1 gliders.value = ops[new_index] def next_glider_func(): glider_buttons(1) def prev_glider_func(): glider_buttons(-1) gliders.on_change('value', update_coulombs) next_glider.on_click(next_glider_func) prev_glider.on_click(prev_glider_func) max_amphr.on_change('value', update_projection) update_coulombs(None,None,None) return vplot(control_box, fig1)
order = int(new) update_data() def on_text_value_change(attr, old, new): try: global expr expr = sy.sympify(new, dict(x=xs)) except (sy.SympifyError, TypeError, ValueError) as exception: dialog.content = str(exception) dialog.visible = True else: update_data() dialog = Dialog(title="Invalid expression") slider = Slider(start=1, end=20, value=order, step=1, title="Order:") slider.on_change('value', on_slider_value_change) text = TextInput(value=str(expr), title="Expression:") text.on_change('value', on_text_value_change) inputs = HBox(children=[slider, text]) layout = VBox(children=[inputs, plot, dialog]) update_data() document.add_root(layout) if __name__ == "__main__": print("\npress ctrl-C to exit") session.loop_until_closed()
reset_button.on_click(lambda x: reset_ButtonClick()) autoscale_button.on_click(lambda x: autoscale_ButtonClick()) channel_button[0].on_click(lambda x: channel_ButtonClick(1)) channel_button[1].on_click(lambda x: channel_ButtonClick(2)) channel_button[2].on_click(lambda x: channel_ButtonClick(3)) channel_button[3].on_click(lambda x: channel_ButtonClick(4)) pulse_capture_button.on_click(lambda x: pulseCapture_ButtonClick()) auto_save_button.on_click(lambda x: autoSave_ButtonClick()) load_button.on_click(lambda x: load_ButtonClick()) force_save_button.on_click(lambda x: forceSave_ButtonClick()) save_PC_button.on_click(lambda x: savePC_ButtonClick()) acq_period_select.on_change("value", acqPeriod_SelectChange) channel_name_select1.on_change("value", chanNameSelect1_SelectChange) force_save_filename_input.on_change("value", forceSaveFilename_InputChange) channel_name_input.on_change("value", channelName_InputChange) time_range_input.on_change("value", timeRange_InputChange) trigger_level_input.on_change("value", triggerLevel_InputChange) save_filepath_input.on_change("value", saveFilepath_InputChange) load_file_input.on_change("value", loadFile_InputChange) save_filepath_PC_input.on_change("value", saveFilepath_InputChange) # save_filename_PC_input.on_change("value", forceSaveFilename_InputChange) #reusing callbacks #set up layout doc.title = "Intensity Tracker" grid = layout([ [channel_button[0],channel_button[1],channel_button[2],channel_button[3]], [all_on_button, all_off_button, reset_button, autoscale_button],
class MetaModelVisualization(object): """ Top-level container for the Meta Model Visualization. Attributes ---------- prob : Problem Name of variable corresponding to Problem Component meta_model : MetaModel Name of empty Meta Model Component object reference resolution : int Number used to calculate width and height of contour plot is_structured_meta_model : Bool Boolean used to signal whether the meta model is structured or unstructured slider_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing dictionary of sliders contour_training_data_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing dictionary of training data points bottom_plot_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing data for the bottom subplot bottom_plot_scatter_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing scatter point data for the bottom subplot right_plot_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing data for the right subplot right_plot_scatter_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing scatter point data for the right subplot contour_plot_source : ColumnDataSource Data source containing data for the contour plot input_names : list List of input data titles as strings output_names : list List of output data titles as strings training_inputs : dict Dictionary of input training data x_input_select : Select Bokeh Select object containing a list of inputs for the x axis y_input_select : Select Bokeh Select object containing a list of inputs for the y axis output_select : Select Bokeh Select object containing a list of inputs for the outputs x_input_slider : Slider Bokeh Slider object containing a list of input values for the x axis y_input_slider : Slider Bokeh Slider object containing a list of input values for the y axis slider_dict : dict Dictionary of slider names and their respective slider objects predict_inputs : dict Dictionary containing training data points to predict at. num_inputs : int Number of inputs num_outputs : int Number of outputs limit_range : array Array containing the range of each input scatter_distance : TextInput Text input for user to enter custom value to calculate distance of training points around slice line right_alphas : array Array of points containing alpha values for right plot bottom_alphas : array Array of points containing alpha values for bottom plot dist_range : float Value taken from scatter_distance used for calculating distance of training points around slice line x_index : int Value of x axis column y_index : int Value of y axis column output_variable : int Value of output axis column sliders_and_selects : layout Layout containing the sliders and select elements doc_layout : layout Contains first row of plots doc_layout2 : layout Contains second row of plots Z : array A 2D array containing contour plot data """ def __init__(self, model, resolution=50, doc=None): """ Initialize parameters. Parameters ---------- model : MetaModelComponent Reference to meta model component resolution : int Value used to calculate the size of contour plot meshgrid doc : Document The bokeh document to build. """ self.prob = Problem() self.resolution = resolution logging.getLogger("bokeh").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # If the surrogate model coming in is structured if isinstance(model, MetaModelUnStructuredComp): self.is_structured_meta_model = False # Create list of input names, check if it has more than one input, then create list # of outputs self.input_names = [name[0] for name in model._surrogate_input_names] if len(self.input_names) < 2: raise ValueError('Must have more than one input value') self.output_names = [name[0] for name in model._surrogate_output_names] # Create reference for untructured component self.meta_model = MetaModelUnStructuredComp( default_surrogate=model.options['default_surrogate']) # If the surrogate model coming in is unstructured elif isinstance(model, MetaModelStructuredComp): self.is_structured_meta_model = True self.input_names = [name for name in model._var_rel_names['input']] if len(self.input_names) < 2: raise ValueError('Must have more than one input value') self.output_names = [name for name in model._var_rel_names['output']] self.meta_model = MetaModelStructuredComp( distributed=model.options['distributed'], extrapolate=model.options['extrapolate'], method=model.options['method'], training_data_gradients=model.options['training_data_gradients'], vec_size=1) # Pair input list names with their respective data self.training_inputs = {} self._setup_empty_prob_comp(model) # Setup dropdown menus for x/y inputs and the output value self.x_input_select = Select(title="X Input:", value=[x for x in self.input_names][0], options=[x for x in self.input_names]) self.x_input_select.on_change('value', self._x_input_update) self.y_input_select = Select(title="Y Input:", value=[x for x in self.input_names][1], options=[x for x in self.input_names]) self.y_input_select.on_change('value', self._y_input_update) self.output_select = Select(title="Output:", value=[x for x in self.output_names][0], options=[x for x in self.output_names]) self.output_select.on_change('value', self._output_value_update) # Create sliders for each input self.slider_dict = {} self.predict_inputs = {} for title, values in self.training_inputs.items(): slider_data = np.linspace(min(values), max(values), self.resolution) self.predict_inputs[title] = slider_data # Calculates the distance between slider ticks slider_step = slider_data[1] - slider_data[0] slider_object = Slider(start=min(values), end=max(values), value=min(values), step=slider_step, title=str(title)) self.slider_dict[title] = slider_object self._slider_attrs() # Length of inputs and outputs self.num_inputs = len(self.input_names) self.num_outputs = len(self.output_names) # Precalculate the problem bounds. limits = np.array([[min(value), max(value)] for value in self.training_inputs.values()]) self.limit_range = limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0] # Positional indicies self.x_index = 0 self.y_index = 1 self.output_variable = self.output_names.index(self.output_select.value) # Data sources are filled with initial values # Slider Column Data Source self.slider_source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.predict_inputs) # Contour plot Column Data Source self.contour_plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( z=np.random.rand(self.resolution, self.resolution))) self.contour_training_data_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=np.repeat(0, self.resolution), y=np.repeat(0, self.resolution))) # Bottom plot Column Data Source self.bottom_plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=np.repeat(0, self.resolution), y=np.repeat(0, self.resolution))) self.bottom_plot_scatter_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( bot_slice_x=np.repeat(0, self.resolution), bot_slice_y=np.repeat(0, self.resolution))) # Right plot Column Data Source self.right_plot_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=np.repeat(0, self.resolution), y=np.repeat(0, self.resolution))) self.right_plot_scatter_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( right_slice_x=np.repeat(0, self.resolution), right_slice_y=np.repeat(0, self.resolution))) # Text input to change the distance of reach when searching for nearest data points self.scatter_distance = TextInput(value="0.1", title="Scatter Distance") self.scatter_distance.on_change('value', self._scatter_input) self.dist_range = float(self.scatter_distance.value) # Grouping all of the sliders and dropdowns into one column sliders = [value for value in self.slider_dict.values()] sliders.extend( [self.x_input_select, self.y_input_select, self.output_select, self.scatter_distance]) self.sliders_and_selects = row( column(*sliders)) # Layout creation self.doc_layout = row(self._contour_data(), self._right_plot(), self.sliders_and_selects) self.doc_layout2 = row(self._bottom_plot()) if doc is None: doc = curdoc() doc.add_root(self.doc_layout) doc.add_root(self.doc_layout2) doc.title = 'Meta Model Visualization' def _setup_empty_prob_comp(self, metamodel): """ Take data from surrogate ref and pass it into new surrogate model with empty Problem model. Parameters ---------- metamodel : MetaModelComponent Reference to meta model component """ # Check for structured or unstructured if self.is_structured_meta_model: # Loop through the input names for idx, name in enumerate(self.input_names): # Check for no training data try: # Append the input data/titles to a dictionary self.training_inputs[name] = metamodel.inputs[idx] # Also, append the data as an 'add_input' to the model reference self.meta_model.add_input(name, 0., training_data=metamodel.inputs[idx]) except TypeError: msg = "No training data present for one or more parameters" raise TypeError(msg) # Add the outputs to the model reference for idx, name in enumerate(self.output_names): self.meta_model.add_output( name, 0., training_data=metamodel.training_outputs[name]) else: for name in self.input_names: try: self.training_inputs[name] = { title for title in metamodel.options['train:' + str(name)]} self.meta_model.add_input( name, 0., training_data=[ title for title in metamodel.options['train:' + str(name)]]) except TypeError: msg = "No training data present for one or more parameters" raise TypeError(msg) for name in self.output_names: self.meta_model.add_output( name, 0., training_data=[ title for title in metamodel.options['train:' + str(name)]]) # Add the subsystem and setup self.prob.model.add_subsystem('interp', self.meta_model) self.prob.setup() def _slider_attrs(self): """ Assign data to slider objects and callback functions. Parameters ---------- None """ for name, slider_object in self.slider_dict.items(): # Checks if there is a callback previously assigned and then clears it if len(slider_object._callbacks) == 1: slider_object._callbacks.clear() # Check if the name matches the 'x input' title if name == self.x_input_select.value: # Set the object and add an event handler self.x_input_slider = slider_object self.x_input_slider.on_change('value', self._scatter_plots_update) # Check if the name matches the 'y input' title elif name == self.y_input_select.value: # Set the object and add an event handler self.y_input_slider = slider_object self.y_input_slider.on_change('value', self._scatter_plots_update) else: # If it is not an x or y input then just assign it the event handler slider_object.on_change('value', self._update) def _make_predictions(self, data): """ Run the data parameter through the surrogate model which is given in prob. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary containing training points. Returns ------- array np.stack of predicted points. """ # Create dictionary with an empty list outputs = {name: [] for name in self.output_names} # Parse dict into shape [n**2, number of inputs] list inputs = np.empty([self.resolution**2, self.num_inputs]) for idx, values in enumerate(data.values()): inputs[:, idx] = values.flatten() # Check for structured or unstructured if self.is_structured_meta_model: # Assign each row of the data coming in to a tuple. Loop through the tuple, and append # the name of the input and value. for idx, tup in enumerate(inputs): for name, val in zip(data.keys(), tup): self.prob[ + '.' + name] = val self.prob.run_model() # Append the predicted value(s) for title in self.output_names: outputs[title].append( np.array(self.prob[ + '.' + title])) else: for idx, tup in enumerate(inputs): for name, val in zip(data.keys(), tup): self.prob[ + '.' + name] = val self.prob.run_model() for title in self.output_names: outputs[title].append( float(self.prob[ + '.' + title])) return stack_outputs(outputs) def _contour_data_calcs(self): """ Parse input data into a dictionary to be predicted at. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- dict Dictionary of training data to be predicted at. """ # Create initial data array of training points resolution = self.resolution x_data = np.zeros((resolution, resolution, self.num_inputs)) self._slider_attrs() # Broadcast the inputs to every row of x_data array x_data[:, :, :] = np.array(self.input_point_list) # Find the x/y input titles and match their index positions for idx, (title, values) in enumerate( if title == self.x_input_select.value: self.xlins_mesh = values x_index_position = idx if title == self.y_input_select.value: self.ylins_mesh = values y_index_position = idx # Make meshgrid from the x/y inputs to be plotted X, Y = np.meshgrid(self.xlins_mesh, self.ylins_mesh) # Move the x/y inputs to their respective positions in x_data x_data[:, :, x_index_position] = X x_data[:, :, y_index_position] = Y pred_dict = {} for idx, title in enumerate( pred_dict.update({title: x_data[:, :, idx]}) return pred_dict def _contour_data(self): """ Create a contour plot. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Bokeh Image Plot """ resolution = self.resolution # Output data array initialization y_data = np.zeros((resolution, resolution, self.num_outputs)) self.input_point_list = [point.value for point in self.slider_dict.values()] # Pass the dict to make predictions and then reshape the output to # (resolution, resolution, number of outputs) y_data[:, :, :] = self._make_predictions(self._contour_data_calcs()).reshape( (resolution, resolution, self.num_outputs)) # Use the output variable to pull the correct column of data from the predicted # data (y_data) self.Z = y_data[:, :, self.output_variable] # Reshape it to be 2D self.Z = self.Z.reshape(resolution, resolution) # Update the data source with new data = dict(z=[self.Z]) # Min to max of training data self.contour_x_range = xlins = self.xlins_mesh self.contour_y_range = ylins = self.ylins_mesh # Color bar formatting color_mapper = LinearColorMapper( palette="Viridis11", low=np.amin(self.Z), high=np.amax(self.Z)) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, ticker=BasicTicker(), label_standoff=12, location=(0, 0)) # Contour Plot self.contour_plot = contour_plot = figure( match_aspect=False, tooltips=[(self.x_input_select.value, "$x"), (self.y_input_select.value, "$y"), (self.output_select.value, "@z")], tools='') contour_plot.x_range.range_padding = 0 contour_plot.y_range.range_padding = 0 contour_plot.plot_width = 600 contour_plot.plot_height = 500 contour_plot.xaxis.axis_label = self.x_input_select.value contour_plot.yaxis.axis_label = self.y_input_select.value contour_plot.min_border_left = 0 contour_plot.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') contour_plot.x_range = Range1d(min(xlins), max(xlins)) contour_plot.y_range = Range1d(min(ylins), max(ylins)) contour_plot.image(image='z', source=self.contour_plot_source, x=min(xlins), y=min(ylins), dh=(max(ylins) - min(ylins)), dw=(max(xlins) - min(xlins)), palette="Viridis11") # Adding training data points overlay to contour plot if self.is_structured_meta_model: data = self._structured_training_points() else: data = self._unstructured_training_points() if len(data): # Add training data points overlay to contour plot data = np.array(data) if self.is_structured_meta_model: = dict(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 1], z=self.meta_model.training_outputs[ self.output_select.value].flatten()) else: = dict(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 1], z=self.meta_model._training_output[ self.output_select.value]) training_data_renderer = x='x', y='y', source=self.contour_training_data_source, size=5, color='white', alpha=0.50) self.contour_plot.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[training_data_renderer], tooltips=[ (self.x_input_select.value + " (train)", '@x'), (self.y_input_select.value + " (train)", '@y'), (self.output_select.value + " (train)", '@z'), ])) return self.contour_plot def _right_plot(self): """ Create the right side subplot to view the projected slice. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Bokeh figure """ # List of the current positions of the sliders self.input_point_list = [point.value for point in self.slider_dict.values()] # Find the title of the y input and match it with the data y_idx = self.y_input_select.value y_data = self.predict_inputs[y_idx] # Find the position of the x_input slider x_value = self.x_input_slider.value # Rounds the x_data to match the predict_inputs value subplot_value_index = np.where( np.around(self.predict_inputs[self.x_input_select.value], 5) == np.around(x_value, 5))[0] # Make slice in Z data at the point calculated before and add it to the data source z_data = self.Z[:, subplot_value_index].flatten() x = z_data y =[y_idx] # Update the data source with new data = dict(x=x, y=y) # Create and format figure self.right_plot_fig = right_plot_fig = figure( plot_width=250, plot_height=500, title="{} vs {}".format(y_idx, self.output_select.value), tools="pan") right_plot_fig.xaxis.axis_label = self.output_select.value right_plot_fig.yaxis.axis_label = y_idx right_plot_fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 9 right_plot_fig.line(x='x', y='y', source=self.right_plot_source) right_plot_fig.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 right_plot_fig.y_range.range_padding = 0.02 # Determine distance and alpha opacity of training points if self.is_structured_meta_model: data = self._structured_training_points(compute_distance=True, source='right') else: data = self._unstructured_training_points(compute_distance=True, source='right') self.right_alphas = 1.0 - data[:, 2] / self.dist_range # Training data scatter plot scatter_renderer = right_plot_fig.scatter(x=data[:, 3], y=data[:, 1], line_color=None, fill_color='#000000', fill_alpha=self.right_alphas.tolist()) right_plot_fig.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[scatter_renderer], tooltips=[ (self.output_select.value + " (train)", '@x'), (y_idx + " (train)", '@y'), ])) right_plot_fig.scatter(x=data[:, 3], y=data[:, 1], line_color=None, fill_color='#000000', fill_alpha=self.right_alphas.tolist()) span_width = self.dist_range * (max(y_data) - min(y_data)) # Set the right_plot data source to new values = dict( right_slice_x=np.repeat(x_value, self.resolution), right_slice_y=y_data, left_dashed=[i - span_width for i in np.repeat(x_value, self.resolution)], right_dashed=[i + span_width for i in np.repeat(x_value, self.resolution)]) self.contour_plot.line( 'right_slice_x', 'right_slice_y', source=self.right_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) self.contour_plot.line( 'left_dashed', 'right_slice_y', line_dash='dashed', source=self.right_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) self.contour_plot.line( 'right_dashed', 'right_slice_y', line_dash='dashed', source=self.right_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) return self.right_plot_fig def _bottom_plot(self): """ Create the bottom subplot to view the projected slice. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Bokeh figure """ # List of the current positions of the sliders self.input_point_list = [point.value for point in self.slider_dict.values()] # Find the title of the x input and match it with the data x_idx = self.x_input_select.value x_data = self.predict_inputs[x_idx] # Find the position of the y_input slider y_value = self.y_input_slider.value # Rounds the y_data to match the predict_inputs value subplot_value_index = np.where( np.around(self.predict_inputs[self.y_input_select.value], 5) == np.around(y_value, 5))[0] # Make slice in Z data at the point calculated before and add it to the data source z_data = self.Z[subplot_value_index, :].flatten() x =[x_idx] y = z_data # Update the data source with new data = dict(x=x, y=y) # Create and format figure self.bottom_plot_fig = bottom_plot_fig = figure( plot_width=550, plot_height=250, title="{} vs {}".format(x_idx, self.output_select.value), tools="") bottom_plot_fig.xaxis.axis_label = x_idx bottom_plot_fig.yaxis.axis_label = self.output_select.value bottom_plot_fig.line(x='x', y='y', source=self.bottom_plot_source) bottom_plot_fig.x_range.range_padding = 0.02 bottom_plot_fig.y_range.range_padding = 0.1 # Determine distance and alpha opacity of training points if self.is_structured_meta_model: data = self._structured_training_points(compute_distance=True) else: data = self._unstructured_training_points(compute_distance=True) self.bottom_alphas = 1.0 - data[:, 2] / self.dist_range # Training data scatter plot scatter_renderer = bottom_plot_fig.scatter(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 3], line_color=None, fill_color='#000000', fill_alpha=self.bottom_alphas.tolist()) bottom_plot_fig.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[scatter_renderer], tooltips=[ (x_idx + " (train)", '@x'), (self.output_select.value + " (train)", '@y'), ])) span_width = self.dist_range * (max(x_data) - min(x_data)) # Set the right_plot data source to new values = dict( bot_slice_x=x_data, bot_slice_y=np.repeat(y_value, self.resolution), upper_dashed=[i + span_width for i in np.repeat(y_value, self.resolution)], lower_dashed=[i - span_width for i in np.repeat(y_value, self.resolution)]) self.contour_plot.line( 'bot_slice_x', 'bot_slice_y', source=self.bottom_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) self.contour_plot.line( 'bot_slice_x', 'upper_dashed', line_dash='dashed', source=self.bottom_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) self.contour_plot.line( 'bot_slice_x', 'lower_dashed', line_dash='dashed', source=self.bottom_plot_scatter_source, color='black', line_width=2) return self.bottom_plot_fig def _unstructured_training_points(self, compute_distance=False, source='bottom'): """ Calculate the training points and returns and array containing the position and alpha. Parameters ---------- compute_distance : bool If true, compute the distance of training points from surrogate line. source : str Which subplot the method is being called from. Returns ------- array The array of training points and their alpha opacity with respect to the surrogate line """ # Input training data and output training data x_training = self.meta_model._training_input training_output = np.squeeze(stack_outputs(self.meta_model._training_output), axis=1) # Index of input/output variables x_index = self.x_input_select.options.index(self.x_input_select.value) y_index = self.y_input_select.options.index(self.y_input_select.value) output_variable = self.output_names.index(self.output_select.value) # Vertically stack the x/y inputs and then transpose them infos = np.vstack((x_training[:, x_index], x_training[:, y_index])).transpose() if not compute_distance: return infos points = x_training.copy() # Normalize so each dimension spans [0, 1] points = np.divide(points, self.limit_range) dist_limit = np.linalg.norm(self.dist_range * self.limit_range) scaled_x0 = np.divide(self.input_point_list, self.limit_range) # Query the nearest neighbors tree for the closest points to the scaled x0 array # Nearest points to x slice if x_training.shape[1] < 3: tree = cKDTree(points) # Query the nearest neighbors tree for the closest points to the scaled x0 array dists, idxs = tree.query( scaled_x0, k=len(x_training), distance_upper_bound=self.dist_range) # kdtree query always returns requested k even if there are not enough valid points idx_finite = np.where(np.isfinite(dists)) dists = dists[idx_finite] idxs = idxs[idx_finite] else: dists, idxs = self._multidimension_input(scaled_x0, points, source=source) # data contains: # [x_value, y_value, ND-distance, func_value] data = np.zeros((len(idxs), 4)) for dist_index, j in enumerate(idxs): data[dist_index, 0:2] = infos[j, :] data[dist_index, 2] = dists[dist_index] data[dist_index, 3] = training_output[j, output_variable] return data def _structured_training_points(self, compute_distance=False, source='bottom'): """ Calculate the training points and return an array containing the position and alpha. Parameters ---------- compute_distance : bool If true, compute the distance of training points from surrogate line. source : str Which subplot the method is being called from. Returns ------- array The array of training points and their alpha opacity with respect to the surrogate line """ # Create tuple of the input parameters input_dimensions = tuple(self.meta_model.inputs) # Input training data and output training data x_training = np.array([z for z in product(*input_dimensions)]) training_output = self.meta_model.training_outputs[self.output_select.value].flatten() # Index of input/output variables x_index = self.x_input_select.options.index(self.x_input_select.value) y_index = self.y_input_select.options.index(self.y_input_select.value) # Vertically stack the x/y inputs and then transpose them infos = np.vstack((x_training[:, x_index], x_training[:, y_index])).transpose() if not compute_distance: return infos points = x_training.copy() # Normalize so each dimension spans [0, 1] points = np.divide(points, self.limit_range) self.dist_limit = np.linalg.norm(self.dist_range * self.limit_range) scaled_x0 = np.divide(self.input_point_list, self.limit_range) # Query the nearest neighbors tree for the closest points to the scaled x0 array # Nearest points to x slice if x_training.shape[1] < 3: x_tree, x_idx = self._two_dimension_input(scaled_x0, points, source=source) else: x_tree, x_idx = self._multidimension_input(scaled_x0, points, source=source) # format for 'data' # [x_value, y_value, ND-distance_(x or y), func_value] n = len(x_tree) data = np.zeros((n, 4)) for dist_index, j in enumerate(x_idx): data[dist_index, 0:2] = infos[j, :] data[dist_index, 2] = x_tree[dist_index] data[dist_index, 3] = training_output[j] return data def _two_dimension_input(self, scaled_points, training_points, source='bottom'): """ Calculate the distance of training points to the surrogate line. Parameters ---------- scaled_points : array Array of normalized slider positions. training_points : array Array of input training data. source : str Which subplot the method is being called from. Returns ------- idxs : array Index of closest points that are within the dist range. x_tree : array One dimentional array of points that are within the dist range. """ # Column of the input if source == 'right': col_idx = self.y_input_select.options.index(self.y_input_select.value) else: col_idx = self.x_input_select.options.index(self.x_input_select.value) # Delete the axis of input from source to predicted 1D distance x = np.delete(scaled_points, col_idx, axis=0) x_training_points = np.delete(training_points, col_idx, axis=1).flatten() # Tree of point distances x_tree = np.abs(x - x_training_points) # Only return points that are within our distance-viewing paramter. idx = np.where(x_tree <= self.dist_range) x_tree = x_tree[idx] return x_tree, idx[0] def _multidimension_input(self, scaled_points, training_points, source='bottom'): """ Calculate the distance of training points to the surrogate line. Parameters ---------- scaled_points : array Array of normalized slider positions. training_points : array Array of input training data. source : str Which subplot the method is being called from. Returns ------- idxs : array Index of closest points that are within the dist range. x_tree : array Array of points that are within the dist range. """ # Column of the input if source == 'right': col_idx = self.y_input_select.options.index(self.y_input_select.value) else: col_idx = self.x_input_select.options.index(self.x_input_select.value) # Delete the axis of input from source to predicted distance x = np.delete(scaled_points, col_idx, axis=0) x_training_points = np.delete(training_points, col_idx, axis=1) # Tree of point distances x_tree = cKDTree(x_training_points) # Query the nearest neighbors tree for the closest points to the scaled array dists, idx = x_tree.query(x, k=len(x_training_points), distance_upper_bound=self.dist_range) # kdtree query always returns requested k even if there are not enough valid points idx_finite = np.where(np.isfinite(dists)) dists_finite = dists[idx_finite] idx = idx[idx_finite] return dists_finite, idx # Event handler functions def _update_all_plots(self): self.doc_layout.children[0] = self._contour_data() self.doc_layout.children[1] = self._right_plot() self.doc_layout2.children[0] = self._bottom_plot() def _update_subplots(self): self.doc_layout.children[1] = self._right_plot() self.doc_layout2.children[0] = self._bottom_plot() def _update(self, attr, old, new): self._update_all_plots() def _scatter_plots_update(self, attr, old, new): self._update_subplots() def _scatter_input(self, attr, old, new): # Text input update function of dist range value self.dist_range = float(new) self._update_all_plots() def _x_input_update(self, attr, old, new): # Checks that x and y inputs are not equal to each other if new == self.y_input_select.value: raise ValueError("Inputs should not equal each other") else: self.x_input_select.value = new self._update_all_plots() def _y_input_update(self, attr, old, new): # Checks that x and y inputs are not equal to each other if new == self.x_input_select.value: raise ValueError("Inputs should not equal each other") else: self.y_input_select.value = new self._update_all_plots() def _output_value_update(self, attr, old, new): self.output_variable = self.output_names.index(new) self._update_all_plots()
# initialize controls # buttons for choosing a sample function sample_function_type = RadioButtonGroup(labels=fs.function_names, active=fs.function_init) # here one can choose arbitrary input function default_function_input = TextInput(value=fs.function_input_init) default_function_period_start = TextInput(title='period start', value=fs.timeinterval_start_init) default_function_period_end = TextInput(title='period end', value=fs.timeinterval_end_init) # slider controlling degree of the fourier series degree = Slider(title="degree", name='degree', value=fs.degree_init, start=fs.degree_min, end=fs.degree_max, step=fs.degree_step) # initialize callback behaviour degree.on_change('value', degree_change) default_function_input.on_change('value', type_input_change) # todo write default functions for any callback, like above default_function_period_start.on_change('value', type_input_change) default_function_period_end.on_change('value', type_input_change) sample_function_type.on_change('active', type_input_change) # initialize plot toolset = "crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom" # Generate a figure container plot = Figure(plot_height=fs.resolution, plot_width=fs.resolution, tools=toolset, title="Fourier Series Approximation", x_range=[fs.x_min, fs.x_max], y_range=[fs.y_min, fs.y_max] ) # Plot the line by the x,y values in the source property
def plotting(self): #Tools = [hover, TapTool(), BoxZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool(), PreviewSaveTool(), ResetTool()] TOOLS="crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave" tab_plots = [] #output_file("test.html") self.all_elements = [] self.elements_comparison = [] for attr_id, i in zip(self.attribute_ids, range(len(self.attribute_ids))): """ create plots for each datafile and put them in a tab. """ list_of_datasets = getattr(self, attr_id) y_axis_units = [x["y_unit"] for x in list_of_datasets] x_axis_units = [x["x_unit"] for x in list_of_datasets] figure_obj = figure(plot_width = 1000, plot_height = 800, y_axis_type = "log", title = attr_id, tools = TOOLS) #figure_obj.axes.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") #figure_obj.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") setattr(self, attr_id+"_"+"figure_obj",figure_obj) figure_obj.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis_units[0] figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis_units[0] if not all(x == y_axis_units[0] for x in y_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(y_axis_units, list_of_datasets): if not unit == y_axis_units[0]: figure_obj.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["data"]["y"]), end = np.amax(data["data"]["y"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LogAxis(y_range_name = "foo", axis_label = unit), "right") break if not all(x == x_axis_units[0] for x in x_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(x_axis_units, list_of_datasets): if not unit == x_axis_units[0]: figure_obj.extra_x_ranges = {"bar": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["data"]["x"]), end = np.amax(data["data"]["x"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name = "bar", axis_label = unit), "above") break figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = list_of_datasets[0]["x_unit"] colour_list = Spectral11 + RdPu9 + Oranges9 colour_indices = [0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15] list_of_elements = [] for dataset, color_index in zip(list_of_datasets, colour_indices): self.all_elements.append(dataset["sample element"]) #strip isotope number color = colour_list[color_index] source = ColumnDataSource(data = dataset["data"]) #Datastructure for source of plotting setattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"]+"_source", source) #Source element generalized for all plotting list_of_elements.append(dataset["sample element"]) figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = getattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"] +"_source"), line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = dataset["sample element"], name = dataset["sample element"], ) hover = figure_obj.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [("element", "@element"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)")] radio_group = RadioGroup(labels = list_of_elements, active=0) """ Need to fetch default variables from input file and replace DEFAULT Block of code produces the layout of buttons and callbacks """ #Calculations on the dataset text_input_rsf = TextInput(value = "default", title = "RSF (at/cm^3): ") do_integral_button = Button(label = "Calibration Integral") smoothing_button = Button(label = "Smoothing on selected curve") text_input_sputter = TextInput(value = "default", title = "Sputter speed: float unit") text_input_crater_depth = TextInput(value = "default", title = "Depth of crater in: float") radio_group.on_change("active", lambda attr, old, new: None) text_input_xval_integral = TextInput(value = "0", title = "x-value for calibration integral ") text_input_yval_integral = TextInput(value = "0", title = "y-value for calibration integral ") #Save files for later use save_flexDPE_button = Button(label = "Save element for FlexPDE") save_all_flexDPE_button = Button(label = "Save all elements for FlexPDE") #Pointers to methods on click / change handlers do_integral_button.on_click(lambda identity = self.attribute_ids[i], radio = radio_group, x_box = text_input_xval_integral, y_box = text_input_yval_integral: self.integrate(identity, radio, x_box, y_box)) smoothing_button.on_click(lambda identity = self.attribute_ids[i], radio = radio_group: self.smoothing(identity, radio) ) save_flexDPE_button.on_click(lambda identity = self.attribute_ids[i], radio = radio_group: self.write_to_flexPDE(identity, radio)) save_all_flexDPE_button.on_click(lambda identity = self.attribute_ids[i], radio = radio_group: self.write_all_to_flexPDE(identity, radio)) text_input_rsf.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, identity = self.attribute_ids[i], text_input = text_input_rsf, which = "rsf": self.update_data(identity, radio, text_input, new, which)) text_input_sputter.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, identity = self.attribute_ids[i], text_input = text_input_sputter, which = "sputter": self.update_data(identity, radio, text_input, new, which)) text_input_crater_depth.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, identity = self.attribute_ids[i], text_input = text_input_crater_depth, which = "crater_depth": self.update_data(identity, radio, text_input, new, which)) #Initialization of actual plotting. tab_plots.append(Panel(child = hplot(figure_obj, vform(radio_group, save_flexDPE_button, save_all_flexDPE_button), vform(text_input_rsf, smoothing_button, text_input_sputter, text_input_crater_depth), vform(text_input_xval_integral, text_input_yval_integral, do_integral_button)), title = attr_id)) """ Check to see if one or more element exists in the samples and creat a comparison plot for each of those elements. """ for element in self.all_elements: checkers = list(self.all_elements) checkers.remove(element) if element in checkers and not element in self.elements_comparison: self.elements_comparison.append(element) """create plots for each element that is to be compared """ for comparison_element in self.elements_comparison: colour_list = Spectral11 + RdPu9 + Oranges9 colour_indices = [0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15] figure_obj = figure(plot_width = 1000, plot_height = 800, y_axis_type = "log", title = comparison_element, tools = TOOLS) #figure_obj.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") #figure_obj.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") y_axis_units = [] x_axis_units = [] comparison_datasets = [] for attr_id, color_index in zip(self.attribute_ids, colour_indices): list_of_datasets = getattr(self, attr_id) for dataset in list_of_datasets: if dataset["sample element"] == comparison_element: comparison_datasets.append(dataset) y_axis_units.append(dataset["y_unit"]) x_axis_units.append(dataset["x_unit"]) figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = comparison_datasets[-1]["x_unit"] figure_obj.yaxis.axis_label = comparison_datasets[-1]["y_unit"] if not all(x == y_axis_units[-1] for x in y_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(y_axis_units, comparison_datasets): if not unit == y_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["data"]["y"]), end = np.amax(data["data"]["y"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LogAxis(y_range_name = "foo", axis_label = unit), "right") break if not all(x == x_axis_units[-1] for x in x_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(x_axis_units, comparison_datasets): if not unit == x_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.extra_x_ranges = {"bar": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["data"]["x"]), end = np.amax(data["data"]["x"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name = "bar", axis_label = unit), "above") break for attr_id, color_index in zip(self.attribute_ids, colour_indices): list_of_datasets = getattr(self, attr_id) for dataset in list_of_datasets: if dataset["sample element"] == comparison_element: color = colour_list[color_index] """ Logic that ensures that plots get put with correspoinding axes. """ if dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1] or dataset["y_unit"] != y_axis_units[-1]: if dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1] and dataset["y_unit"] != y_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = getattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"]+"_source"), line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, x_range_name = "bar", y_range_name = "foo") elif dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = getattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"]+"_source"), line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, x_range_name = "bar") else: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = getattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"]+"_source"), line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, y_range_name = "foo") else: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = getattr(self, attr_id+"_"+dataset["sample element"]+"_source"), line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id) tab_plots.append(Panel(child = figure_obj, title = comparison_element)) tabs = Tabs(tabs = tab_plots) session = push_session(curdoc()) session.loop_until_closed()
"PARAMS: offset: %s amplitude: %s", offset.value, amplitude.value ) = dict(x=x, y=y) update_data() def input_change(attrname, old, new): """Executes whenever the input form changes. It is responsible for updating the plot, or anything else you want. Args: attrname : the attr that changed old : old value of attr new : new value of attr """ update_data() plot.title = text.value # Text box event registration text.on_change('value', input_change) # Slider event registration for w in [offset, amplitude, phase, freq]: w.on_change('value', input_change) # put ourselves in the document curdoc().add(hbox)
# other widgets (not all are used yet) phase = Slider(title="phase", value=0.0, start=0.0, end=5.0, step=0.1) points = Slider(title="data points", value=20, start=0, end=500, step=1) statsA = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=40) statsB = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=40) g2 = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=80) g2_2d = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=40) # Set up callbacks def send_command(attrname, old, new): # not implemented yet # TODO turn into a raw command area for sending any device command plot.title.text = command.value command.on_change('value', send_command) last_time = time.time() # start out keeping 20 data points datapoints = 20 def update_data(): # TODO: store data in a stream for charting vs time # this function is called every 100 ms (set below if you want to change it) # keep track of time interval for accurate counting calculations global last_time T = time.time() - last_time last_time = time.time() #print(T)
text = TextInput(title="Map Name", value="NicheLife Map") feature1 = Slider(title="Subway Accessibility", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) feature2 = Slider(title="Safety", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) feature3 = Slider(title="Public Satisfaction", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) feature4 = Slider(title="Restaurants", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) feature5 = Slider(title="Grocery Stores", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) feature6 = Slider(title="Nightlife", value=0.5, start=0, end=1, step=0.1) price = Select(title="Show Affordability", options=["Yes", "No"]) # Set up callbacks def update_title(attrname, old, new): p.title = text.value text.on_change("value", update_title) def update_data(attrname, old, new): # Get the current slider values f1user = feature1.value f2user = feature2.value f3user = feature3.value f4user = feature4.value f5user = feature5.value f6user = feature6.value showprice = price.value # Calculate score based on user input qivals = getscore([f1user, f2user, f3user, f4user, f5user, f6user])
value=10, step=1) salary_slider.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) city = Select(title="Location", value="All", options=open('city.txt').read().split('\n')) city.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) company = Select(title="Company", value="All", options=open('company.txt').read().split('\n')) company.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) keyword = TextInput(title="Keywords") keyword.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) def select_jobs(): company_val = str(company.value) city_val = str(city.value) kwd_val = str(keyword.value) selected = data[data.Salary_Upper_Bound >= salary_slider.value] if (company_val != "All"): selected = selected[selected.Company.str.contains(company_val) == True] if (city_val != "All"): selected = selected[selected.City.str.contains(city_val) == True] if (keyword != ""): selected = selected[selected.Description.str.contains(kwd_val) == True]
# 绝对值曲线 = source_absolute.from_df( pd.DataFrame({'ts': dataframe['absolute']})) # 词表格 data = pd.read_csv("%s/%s_%s_words.csv" % (DATA_DIR, word, threshold)) = {'word': data['word'], 'distance': data['distance']} years_selections = [str(year) for year in range(2010, 2018)] year_select = Select(value="2013", title="开始年份", width=200, options=years_selections) year_select.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new: update_data()) slider = TextInput(title="阈值", value="0.3") # slider = Slider(title="阈值", start=0.0, end=1.0, value=0.3, step=0.1) slider.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update_data()) text = TextInput(title="关键词(例如:MPA、房地产、通胀)", value=u'楼市') text.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update_data()) update_data() # Set up layouts and add to document inputs = widgetbox(text, slider, year_select) table = widgetbox(data_table) curdoc().add_root( row(inputs, table, plot_absolute, plot, plot_weighted, width=800)) curdoc().title = u"关键词历史热度"
class Market(): ########################################################################### # PLOT WIDGET ########################################################################### # +----------------------------+ # | +-----------+ +----------+ | # | | start_btn | | end_btn | | # | +-----------+ +----------+ | # +----------------------------+ # | | # | plot | # | | # +----------------------------+ ########################################################################### def __init__(self, start=( - relativedelta(years=3)), self.start = str(start) self.end = str(end) self.sp500 ='dataset/tickers.h5') symbols =['info']['symbol'].values.tolist() #"{}".format(symbols)) # Select tick button title = "Company tick" self.select_tick = Select(title=title, value=symbols[0], options=symbols) # Inputs buttons self.start_date = TextInput(value=self.start, title='start') self.end_date = TextInput(value=self.end, title='end') # layout self.plot_layout = self.candle_plot(symbols[0]) self.start_date.on_change('value', self.on_start_date_change) self.end_date.on_change('value', self.on_end_date_change) self.select_tick.on_change('value', self.on_tick_selection_change) self.layout = layout( [[self.select_tick, self.start_date, self.end_date], [self.plot_layout]]) def candle_plot(self, ticker, index_name='date'): self.df = self.sp500.get_ticker_stocks(ticker, self.start, self.end) self.df = plot.normalize_name(self.df) self.df = self.df.set_index(index_name) index = self.df.index.get_level_values(index_name) stock_data = {index_name: index} for val in self.df.columns.values: stock_data[val] = self.df[val] # source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(stock_data)) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('date', '@date{%F}'), ('adj close', '$@adj_close{%0.2f}'), ('adj open', '$@adj_open{%0.2f}'), ('volume', '@volume{0.00 a}'), ('open', '@open{%0.2f}'), ('close', '@close{%0.2f}')], formatters={ 'date': 'datetime', 'adj_close': 'printf', 'adj_open': 'printf', 'open': 'printf', 'close': 'printf' }, mode='vline') inc = self.df['close'] > self.df['open'] dec = self.df['open'] > self.df['close'] w = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # half day in ms p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", plot_width=1600, title=ticker, tools="xwheel_zoom, xpan, reset, save", active_drag="xpan") p.add_tools(hover) p.toolbar.logo = None p.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Price' p.line(index_name, 'adj_close', color='#A6CEE3', source=source) p.line(index_name, 'adj_open', color='#FB9A99', source=source) p.segment(index_name, 'high', index_name, 'low', color="white", source=source) p.vbar(index[inc], w, self.df['open'][inc], self.df['close'][inc], fill_color="#D5E1DD", line_color="white") p.vbar(index[dec], w, self.df['open'][dec], self.df['close'][dec], fill_color="#F2583E", line_color="white") p.legend.location = "top_left" p.background_fill_color = "black" columns = [ TableColumn(field="date", title="date", formatter=DateFormatter()) ] for key in stock_data.keys(): if key != 'date': columns.append(TableColumn(field=key, title=key)) # Layout return column(p, DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=1600)) # Callbacks def on_tick_selection_change(self, attr, old, new): log.debug('VALUE: old {} | new {}'.format(old, new)) self.layout.children[1] = self.candle_plot(new) def on_start_date_change(self, attr, old, new): log.debug('VALUE: old {} | new {}'.format(old, new)) self.start = new self.layout.children[1] = self.candle_plot(self.select_tick.value) def on_end_date_change(self, attr, old, new): log.debug('VALUE: old {} | new {}'.format(old, new)) self.end = new self.layout.children[1] = self.candle_plot(self.select_tick.value)
# Filtering both DataFrames and creating the CDSs in this callback cb_cds = ColumnDataSource(df[μ].copy()) # Updating old CDSs data with new CDSs data # Creating title with the number filtered-in trees of the given species fig.title.text = f'There are {trees} {species} in Barcelona.' # %% ATTACHING BOKEH CALLBACKS ================================================ # ============================================================================= # Attaching the Text Input widget to the Text Input callback ti_wg.on_change('value', ti_callback) # %% CREATING BOKEH LAYOUT ==================================================== # ============================================================================= # Creating a layout combining the slider and the figure layout = column(ti_wg, fig) # Adding the layout to the current document curdoc().add_root(layout) # Defining a title for our current document curdoc().title = 'pyTree dashboard' # %% INVOKING BOKEH SERVER ==================================================== # =============================================================================
p.y_range.start = max(nys) + y_buf p.y_range.end = min(nys) - y_buf mld = {} mldf = {} for nd in nds: mld.setdefault('xs',[]).append(nd['x'] if len(nd['x']) else [0.0]) mld.setdefault('ys',[]).append(nd['y'] if len(nd['y']) else [0.0]) mld.setdefault('colors',[]).append(plotting.bandcolorf(nd['band']) if len(nd['x']) else 'white') mld.setdefault('lws',[]).append(2) mldf.setdefault('xs',[]).extend(nd['x'] if len(nd['x']) else []) mldf.setdefault('ys',[]).extend(nd['y'] if len(nd['y']) else []) mldf.setdefault('colors',[]).extend([plotting.bandcolorf(nd['band']) for x in range(len(nd['x']))]) = mld = mldf def bandcb(attrname, old, new): callback() def namecb(attrname, old, new): callback() namefield.on_change('value', namecb) bandfield.on_change('value', bandcb) button.on_click(callback) # put the button and plot in a layout and add to the document curdoc().add_root(column(p, row(namefield, bandfield), button))
toolset = "box_zoom,resize,pan,reset,save,xwheel_zoom" plot_zoomed = Figure(plot_width=1000, plot_height=500, x_axis_type="datetime",tools=toolset, lod_factor=100,lod_interval=1000) plot_zoomed.line('x', 'y',source=source_zoomed, color='navy', alpha=0.5) plot = Figure(plot_width=PLOT_WIDTH, plot_height=250, x_axis_type="datetime",toolbar_location=None,lod_factor=100,lod_interval=1000) plot.line('x', 'y',source=source_small, color='navy', alpha=0.5) plot.y_range.start=Min_Y plot.y_range.end=Max_Y glyph = Quad(left="left", right="right", top="top", bottom="bottom", fill_color="#b3de69", fill_alpha=0.1) plot.add_glyph(sourceQuad, glyph) RangeStartX=0 RangeEndX=1 text_start_x = TextInput(title="X range start", name='x_range_start', value="0") text_end_x = TextInput(title="X range end", name='x_range_end', value="1") text_start_x.on_change('value', update_data) text_end_x.on_change('value', update_data) toolset = "box_zoom,resize,pan,reset,save,x_wheel_zoom" plot_zoomed.x_range.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(xrange=plot_zoomed.x_range,start_x=text_start_x,end_x=text_end_x),code=""" var start = xrange.get("start"); var end = xrange.get("end"); start_x.set("value",start.toString()); end_x.set("value",end.toString()); start_x.trigger('change'); end_x.trigger('change'); """) curdoc().add_root(VBoxForm(children=[plot_zoomed,plot], width=1000))
def plotting(self): if self.debug: self.debug_file = open("debug_output.txt", "w") self.debug_file.write("Initialized plotting subroutine \n") TOOLS="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,previewsave" tab_plots = [] self.all_elements = [] self.elements_comparison = [] for filename in self.filenames: if "ITO" in filename: tab_plots.append(self.mass_plotting(filename)) continue data_dict = self.data_generation(filename) self.data_test(data_dict) name_check = data_dict["gen_info"]["DATA FILES"] attr_id = name_check[1][4][:-3] + "_" + name_check[2][2] self.attribute_ids.append(attr_id) attr_extra_y_ranges = False attr_extra_x_ranges = False local_source_line = [] """ create plots for each datafile and put them in a tab. """ y_axis_units = [x["y_unit"] for x in data_dict["data"]] x_axis_units = [x["x_unit"] for x in data_dict["data"]] figure_obj = figure(plot_width = 1000, plot_height = 800, y_axis_type = "log", title = attr_id, tools = TOOLS) #figure_obj.axes.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") #figure_obj.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") hover = = HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = [ ("Element:", "@element"), ("(x, y):", "($x, $y)")] self.figure_data.append((figure_obj, data_dict)) figure_obj.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis_units[0] figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis_units[0] if not all(x == y_axis_units[0] for x in y_axis_units): for unit, dataset in zip(y_axis_units, data_dict["data"]): if not unit == y_axis_units[0]: extra_y_ranges_exists = attr_extra_y_ranges extra_y_ranges_exists = True if self.debug: self.debug_file.write("Added extra y-axis for file_id: %s, element: %s | New length %g \n" %(attr_id, dataset["sample_element"], len(figure_obj.yaxis))) figure_obj.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start = np.amin(dataset["y"]), end = np.amax(dataset["y"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LogAxis(y_range_name = "foo", axis_label = unit), "right") break if not all(x == x_axis_units[0] for x in x_axis_units): for unit, dataset in zip(x_axis_units, data_dict["data"]): if not unit == x_axis_units[0]: extra_x_ranges_exists = attr_extra_x_ranges extra_x_ranges_exists = True if self.debug: self.debug_file.write("Added extra x-axis for file_id: %s, element: %s. | New length %g \n" %(attr_id, dataset["sample_element"], len(figure_obj.yaxis))) figure_obj.extra_x_ranges = {"bar": Range1d(start = np.amin(dataset["x"]), end = np.amax(dataset["x"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name = "bar", axis_label = unit), "above") break figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis_units[0] colour_list = Spectral11 + RdPu9 + Oranges9 colour_indices = [0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 22, 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15] list_of_elements = [] source_list = [] line_list = [] for dataset, color_index in zip(data_dict["data"], colour_indices): self.all_elements.append(dataset["sample_element"]) #strip isotope number color = colour_list[color_index] source = ColumnDataSource(data = dataset) #Datastructure for source of plotting self.source_test(source) list_of_elements.append(dataset["sample_element"]) line_glyph = figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = source, line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = dataset["sample_element"]) if self.debug: self.debug_file.write("Create line object on figure %s at %s \n" %(id(figure_obj), id(line_glyph))) line_list.append(line_glyph) source_list.append(source) local_source_line.append([[source, line] for source, line in zip(source_list, line_list)]) self.source_line.append(local_source_line) #Calculations on the dataset text_input_rsf = TextInput(value = "default", title = "RSF or SF (at/cm^3): ") do_integral_button = Button(label = "Calibration integral") smoothing_button = Button(label = "smth selct elem") matplot_button = Button(label = "Create matplotlib fig") text_input_sputter = TextInput(value = "default", title = "Sputter speed: number unit") text_input_crater_depth = TextInput(value = "default", title = "Depth of crater in: number unit") radio_group = RadioGroup(labels = list_of_elements, active=0) text_input_xval_integral = TextInput(value = "0", title = "x-delimiter ") text_input_dose = TextInput(value = "0", title = "Dose[cm^-2] ") #Save files for later use save_flexDPE_button = Button(label = "Save element for FlexPDE") save_all_flexDPE_button = Button(label = "Save all elements for FlexPDE") save_textfile_button = Button(label = "Sava Data in textfile") #Pointers to methods on click / change handlers radio_group.on_change("active", lambda attr, old, new: None) matplot_button.on_click(lambda source_list = source_list: self.matplotlib_export(source_list)) do_integral_button.on_click(lambda source_list = source_list, line_list = line_list, source_line = self.source_line, figure_data = self.figure_data, data_dict = data_dict, radio = radio_group, x_box = text_input_xval_integral, dose = text_input_dose, extra_y_ranges = attr_extra_y_ranges: self.integrate(data_dict, source_list, line_list, source_line, figure_data, radio, x_box, dose, extra_y_ranges)) smoothing_button.on_click(lambda source_list = source_list, radio = radio_group, data_dict = data_dict, x_box = text_input_xval_integral: self.smoothing(source_list, data_dict, radio, x_box) ) save_flexDPE_button.on_click(lambda source_list = source_list, attrname = attr_id, radio = radio_group: self.write_to_flexPDE(source_list, attrname, radio)) save_all_flexDPE_button.on_click(lambda source_list = source_list, attrname = attr_id: self.write_all_to_flexPDE(source_list, attrname)) save_textfile_button.on_click(lambda data_dict = data_dict, source_list = source_list, attrname = attr_id, radio = radio_group: self.write_new_datafile(data_dict, source_list, attrname,radio)) text_input_rsf.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, data_dict = data_dict, figure = figure_obj, source_list = source_list, text_input = text_input_rsf, line_list = line_list, which = "rsf": self.update_data(line_list, data_dict, source_list, figure, radio, text_input, new, which)) text_input_sputter.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, data_dict = data_dict, figure = figure_obj, source_list = source_list, text_input = text_input_sputter, which = "sputter": self.update_data(data_dict, source_list, figure, radio, text_input, new, which)) text_input_crater_depth.on_change("value", lambda attr, old, new, radio = radio_group, data_dict = data_dict, source_list = source_list, figure = figure_obj, text_input = text_input_crater_depth, which = "crater_depth": self.update_data(data_dict, source_list, figure, radio, text_input, new, which)) #Initialization of actual plotting. tab_plots.append(Panel(child = hplot(figure_obj, vform( vform(radio_group, save_flexDPE_button, save_all_flexDPE_button, save_textfile_button, matplot_button), vform(text_input_rsf, smoothing_button, text_input_sputter, text_input_crater_depth) ), vform(text_input_xval_integral, text_input_dose, do_integral_button)), title = attr_id)) """ Check to see if one or more element exists in the samples and creat a comparison plot for each of those elements. """ for element in self.all_elements: checkers = list(self.all_elements) checkers.remove(element) if element in checkers and not element in self.elements_comparison: self.elements_comparison.append(element) """create plots for each element that is to be compared """ for comparison_element in self.elements_comparison: figure_obj = figure(plot_width = 1000, plot_height = 800, y_axis_type = "log", title = comparison_element, tools = TOOLS) #figure_obj.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") #figure_obj.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size("12pt") y_axis_units = [] x_axis_units = [] comparison_datasets = [] for data_dict_iter in self.column(self.figure_data, 1): for dataset in data_dict_iter["data"]: if dataset["sample_element"] == comparison_element: comparison_datasets.append(dataset) y_axis_units.append(dataset["y_unit"]) x_axis_units.append(dataset["x_unit"]) figure_obj.xaxis.axis_label = comparison_datasets[-1]["x_unit"] figure_obj.yaxis.axis_label = comparison_datasets[-1]["y_unit"] if not all(x == y_axis_units[-1] for x in y_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(y_axis_units, comparison_datasets): if not unit == y_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["y"]), end = np.amax(data["y"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LogAxis(y_range_name = "foo", axis_label = unit), "right") break if not all(x == x_axis_units[-1] for x in x_axis_units): for unit, data in zip(x_axis_units, comparison_datasets): if not unit == x_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.extra_x_ranges = {"bar": Range1d(start = np.amin(data["x"]), end = np.amax(data["x"]))} figure_obj.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name = "bar", axis_label = unit), "above") break active_sources = [] for data_dict, source_line_nested, attr_id, color_index in zip(self.column(self.figure_data, 1), self.source_line, self.attribute_ids, colour_indices): for dataset, source_lis_coup, in zip(data_dict["data"], source_line_nested[0]): source_local = source_lis_coup[0] active_sources.append(source_local) self.source_test(source_local) self.source_dataset_test(source_local, dataset) if dataset["sample_element"] == comparison_element: color = colour_list[color_index] """ Logic that ensures that plots get put with correspoinding axes. """ if dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1] or dataset["y_unit"] != y_axis_units[-1]: if dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1] and dataset["y_unit"] != y_axis_units[-1]: name_check = data_dict["gen_info"]["DATA FILES"] attr_id = name_check[1][4][:-3] + "_" + name_check[2][2] figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = source_local, line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, x_range_name = "bar", y_range_name = "foo") elif dataset["x_unit"] != x_axis_units[-1]: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = source_local, line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, x_range_name = "bar") else: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = source_local, line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id, y_range_name = "foo") else: figure_obj.line("x", "y", source = source_local, line_width = 2, line_color = color, legend = attr_id) matplot_button = Button(label = "Create matplotlib fig") save_all_flexDPE_button = Button(label = "Save all elements for FlexPDE") matplot_button.on_click(lambda source_list = active_sources: self.matplotlib_export(source_list)) save_all_flexDPE_button.on_click(lambda source_list = active_sources, attrname = comparison_element: self.write_all_to_flexPDE(source_list, attrname)) tab_plots.append(Panel(child = hplot(figure_obj, vform(save_all_flexDPE_button, matplot_button)), title = comparison_element)) tabs = Tabs(tabs = tab_plots) #curdoc().add_root(tabs) session = push_session(curdoc()) session.loop_until_closed()
geneSource = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(Gene=[], Cluster=[])) df = pd.DataFrame() boundaryDF = pd.DataFrame() colorDF = pd.DataFrame() outDF = pd.DataFrame() Console = PreText( text="Console:\nStart visualize by entering \nannotations, pickle file and gene.\nPress Enter to submit.\n", width=250, height=100, ) p = createPlot(df, boundaryDF) Gene.on_change("value", updateGene) Full.on_change("value", updateFP) Partial.on_change("value", updateFP) Alpha.on_change("value", updateFP) Cluster.on_change("value", updateGroup) Save.on_change("value", saveFasta) Width.on_change("value", updateWidth) dataColumns = [TableColumn(field="Gene", title="Gene"), TableColumn(field="Cluster", title="Cluster")] data_table = DataTable(source=geneSource, columns=dataColumns, width=200, height=1200) paramSource = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( Parameter=[ "annotation", "format",
here=np.loadtxt('here5.csv',str,delimiter='\n') here=list(here) here_height=df_counts['numbers'] y_here_height=here_height/2.0 x=here[:10], y=y_here_height[:10], height=here_height[:10] )[hover] plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation=np.pi/3 plot.x_range.factors=here[:10] new_height=here_height[:10].values plot.y_range.end=new_height[0]+200 #plot.rect(x=axis_map[x_axis.value],y=height_map[x_axis.value],height=height_map[x_axis.value]*2.0) #plot.x_range.on_change('_bounds_as_factors',update) x_axis.on_change('value',update) cities.on_change('value',update) companies.on_change('value',update) industries.on_change('value',update) #filters=VBox(x_axis) #tot=HBox(filters,plot) #show(tot) curdoc().add_root(HBox(inputs,plot))
# initialize data source source_curve = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) source_point = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) source_sector = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[])) source_lines = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x_start=[], y_start=[], x_end=[], y_end=[])) source_text = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(area=[])) # initialize controls # slider controlling the current parameter t t_value_input = Slider(title="parameter t", name='parameter t', value=leibnitz_settings.t_value_init, start=leibnitz_settings.t_value_min, end=leibnitz_settings.t_value_max, step=leibnitz_settings.t_value_step) t_value_input.on_change('value', t_value_change) # text input for the x component of the curve x_component_input = TextInput(value=leibnitz_settings.x_component_input_msg, title="curve x") x_component_input.on_change('value', curve_change) # text input for the y component of the curve y_component_input = TextInput(value=leibnitz_settings.y_component_input_msg, title="curve y") y_component_input.on_change('value', curve_change) # dropdown menu for selecting one of the sample curves sample_curve_input = Dropdown(label="choose a sample function pair or enter one below", menu=leibnitz_settings.sample_curve_names) sample_curve_input.on_change('value', sample_curve_change) # initialize plot toolset = "crosshair,pan,reset,save,wheel_zoom" # Generate a figure container plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title="Leibnitz sector formula", x_range=[leibnitz_settings.x_min_view, leibnitz_settings.x_max_view], y_range=[leibnitz_settings.y_min_view, leibnitz_settings.y_max_view])
def plot(): # FIGURES AND X-AXIS fig1 = Figure(title = 'Dive Profile', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS) fig2 = Figure(title = 'Dive Controls', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) fig3 = Figure(title = 'Attitude', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) figs = gridplot([[fig1],[fig2],[fig3]]) # Formatting x-axis timeticks = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(seconds =["%b%d %H:%M:%S"], minutes =["%b%d %H:%M"], hourmin =["%b%d %H:%M"], hours =["%b%d %H:%M"], days =["%b%d %H:%M"], months=["%b%d %H:%M"], years =["%b%d %H:%M %Y"])) fig1.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig2.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig3.xaxis.formatter = timeticks # removing gridlines fig1.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig1.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # INPUT WIDGETS collection_list = CONN[DB].collection_names(include_system_collections=False) gliders = sorted([platformID for platformID in collection_list if len(platformID)>2]) gliders = Select(title = 'PlatformID', value = gliders[0], options = gliders) prev_glider = Button(label = '<') next_glider = Button(label = '>') glider_controlbox = HBox(children = [gliders, prev_glider, next_glider], height=80) chunkations = Select(title = 'Chunkation', value = 'segment', options = ['segment', '24hr', '30days', '-ALL-']) chunk_indicator = TextInput(title = 'index', value = '0') prev_chunk = Button(label = '<') next_chunk = Button(label = '>') chunk_ID = PreText(height=80) chunk_controlbox = HBox(chunkations, HBox(chunk_indicator, width=25), prev_chunk, next_chunk, chunk_ID, height = 80) control_box = HBox(glider_controlbox, chunk_controlbox) # DATA VARS deadby_date = '' depth = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) vert_vel = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mbpump = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) battpos = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) pitch = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mroll = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) # AXIS setup colors = COLORS[:] fig1.y_range.flipped = True fig1.yaxis.axis_label = 'm_depth (m)' fig1.extra_y_ranges = {'vert_vel': Range1d(start=-50, end=50), 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig1.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'vert_vel', axis_label = 'vertical velocity (cm/s)')) fig1.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig1.yaxis[1].visible = False fig1.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig2.yaxis.axis_label = 'pitch (deg)' fig2.y_range.start, fig2.y_range.end = -40,40 fig2.extra_y_ranges = {'battpos': Range1d(start=-1, end = 1), 'bpump': Range1d(start=-275, end=275)} fig2.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'battpos', axis_label = 'battpos (in)')) fig2.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'bpump', axis_label = 'bpump (cc)')) fig2.yaxis[1].visible = False # necessary for spacing. later gets set to true fig3.yaxis.axis_label = 'fin/roll (deg)' fig3.y_range.start, fig3.y_range.end = -30, 30 fig3.extra_y_ranges = {'heading': Range1d(start=0, end=360), #TODO dynamic avg centering 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig3.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'heading', axis_label = 'headings (deg)')) fig3.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig3.yaxis[1].visible = False fig3.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 # PLOT OBJECTS fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red')'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red') fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel')'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel') fig1.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'vert_vel', line_color= 'green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo')'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos')'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump')'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump') fig2.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan')'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange')'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta')'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'default', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) # CALLBACK FUNCS def update_data(attrib,old,new): g = gliders.value chnk = chunkations.value chindex = abs(int(chunk_indicator.value)) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]),startend = load_sensor(g, 'm_depth', chnk, chindex) if chnk == 'segment': xbd = startend[2] chunk_ID.text = '{} {} \n{} ({}) \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, xbd['mission'], xbd['onboard_filename'], xbd['the8x3_filename'], e2ts(xbd['start']), e2ts(xbd['end'])) if len(set(['x']))<=1 and attrib == 'chunk': if old > new: next_chunk.clicks += 1 else: prev_chunk.clicks += 1 return elif len(set(['x']))<=1 and chunk_indicator.value == 0: chunk_indicator.value = 1 elif chnk in ['24hr', '30days']: chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, e2ts(startend[0]), e2ts(startend[1])) elif chnk == '-ALL-': chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g,e2ts(['x'][0] /1000), e2ts(['x'][-1]/1000)) = calc_vert_vel(,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_de_oil_vol', chnk, chindex) if len(['x']) > 1: #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_de_oil_vol' pass else:,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_ballast_pumped', chnk, chindex) #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_ballast_pumped',_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_battpos', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_pitch', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']],_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_roll', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_heading', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_heading', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']] fig1.yaxis[1].visible = True fig2.yaxis[1].visible = True fig3.yaxis[1].visible = True #GLIDER SELECTS def glider_buttons(increment): ops = gliders.options new_index = ops.index(gliders.value) + increment if new_index >= len(ops): new_index = 0 elif new_index < 0: new_index = len(ops)-1 gliders.value = ops[new_index] chunkation_update(None, None, None) #reset chunk indicator and clicks def next_glider_func(): glider_buttons(1) def prev_glider_func(): glider_buttons(-1) def update_glider(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' #update_data(None,None,None) gliders.on_change('value', update_glider) next_glider.on_click(next_glider_func) prev_glider.on_click(prev_glider_func) #CHUNK SELECTS def chunkation_update(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 update_data(None,None,None) if new == '-ALL-': chunk_indicator.value = '-' def chunk_func(): chunkdiff = prev_chunk.clicks - next_chunk.clicks if chunkdiff < 0: prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 chunkdiff = 0 print (chunkdiff) chunk_indicator.value = str(chunkdiff) def chunk_indicator_update(attrib,old,new): try: if abs(int(old)-int(new))>1: #manual update, triggers new non-manual indicator update, ie else clause below prev_chunk.clicks = int(new) next_chunk.clicks = 0 else: update_data('chunk',int(old),int(new)) print("UPDATE", old, new) except Exception as e: print(type(e),e, old, new) chunkations.on_change('value', chunkation_update) chunk_indicator.on_change('value', chunk_indicator_update) next_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) prev_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) update_data(None,None,None) return vplot(control_box, figs)
solution_select.value)) = = = = # Bokeh Widgets from import output_file, show from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox from bokeh.models.widgets import TextInput, Slider, CheckboxGroup, DatePicker, DataTable, Div state_choose = TextInput(value="MA", title="Choose State") state_choose.on_change('value', update) radius_select = TextInput(value='5', title='Select Radius (Miles)') radius_select.on_change('value', update) solution_select = TextInput(value='0', title='Select Solution') solution_select.on_change('value', update) tran_type_select = CheckboxGroup(labels=['Sale', 'Return'], active=[0, 1], name='Transaction Type') tran_type_select.on_change('active', update) min_date_select = DatePicker(title='Start Date', value=min_date1, min_date=min_date1,
def on_text_value_change(attr, old, new): try: global expr expr = sy.sympify(new, dict(x=xs)) except (sy.SympifyError, TypeError, ValueError) as exception: dialog.content = str(exception) dialog.visible = True else: update_data() dialog = Dialog(title="Invalid expression") slider = Slider(start=1, end=20, value=order, step=1, title="Order", callback_policy="mouseup") slider.on_change("value", on_slider_value_change) text = TextInput(value=str(expr), title="Expression:") text.on_change("value", on_text_value_change) inputs = WidgetBox(children=[slider, text], width=400) layout = Column(children=[inputs, plot, dialog]) update_data() document.add_root(layout) if __name__ == "__main__": print("\npress ctrl-C to exit") session.loop_until_closed()
R = float(new) x = R * np.cos(t) y = R * np.sin(t) = dict(x=x, y=y) def x_input_handler(attr, old, new): x = R * np.cos(t) + float(new) y = R * np.sin(t) = dict(x=x, y=y) def y_input_handler(attr, old, new): x = R * np.cos(t) y = R * np.sin(t) + float(new) = dict(x=x, y=y) R_input = TextInput(value="1", title="R:") x_input = TextInput(value="0", title="x:") y_input = TextInput(value="0", title="y:") R_input.on_change("value", R_input_handler) x_input.on_change("value", x_input_handler) y_input.on_change("value", y_input_handler) inputs = column(R_input, x_input, y_input) curdoc().add_root(row(inputs, plot, width=800)) curdoc().title = "circle"
def _create_ui_components() -> (Figure, ColumnDataSource): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements global asp_table_source, asp_filter_src, op_table_source, op_filter_src global stats, aspects, tabs, lexicons_dropdown stats = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Quantity", "Score"]) aspects = pd.Series([]) def new_col_data_src(): return ColumnDataSource({"file_contents": [], "file_name": []}) large_text = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template="""<div><%= value %></div>""") def data_column(title): return TableColumn(field=title, title='<span class="header">' + title + "</span>", formatter=large_text) asp_table_columns = [ data_column("Term"), data_column("Alias1"), data_column("Alias2"), data_column("Alias3"), ] op_table_columns = [ data_column("Term"), data_column("Score"), data_column("Polarity") ] asp_table_source = empty_table("Term", "Alias1", "Alias2", "Alias3") asp_filter_src = empty_table("Term", "Alias1", "Alias2", "Alias3") asp_src = new_col_data_src() op_table_source = empty_table("Term", "Score", "Polarity", "Polarity") op_filter_src = empty_table("Term", "Score", "Polarity", "Polarity") op_src = new_col_data_src() asp_table = DataTable( source=asp_table_source, selectable="checkbox", columns=asp_table_columns, editable=True, width=600, height=500, ) op_table = DataTable( source=op_table_source, selectable="checkbox", columns=op_table_columns, editable=True, width=600, height=500, ) asp_examples_box = _create_examples_table() op_examples_box = _create_examples_table() asp_layout = layout([[asp_table, asp_examples_box]]) op_layout = layout([[op_table, op_examples_box]]) asp_tab = Panel(child=asp_layout, title="Aspect Lexicon") op_tab = Panel(child=op_layout, title="Opinion Lexicon") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[asp_tab, op_tab], width=700, css_classes=["mytab"]) lexicons_menu = [("Open", "open"), ("Save", "save")] lexicons_dropdown = Dropdown( label="Edit Lexicons", button_type="success", menu=lexicons_menu, width=140, height=31, css_classes=["mybutton"], ) train_menu = [("Parsed Data", "parsed"), ("Raw Data", "raw")] train_dropdown = Dropdown( label="Extract Lexicons", button_type="success", menu=train_menu, width=162, height=31, css_classes=["mybutton"], ) inference_menu = [("Parsed Data", "parsed"), ("Raw Data", "raw")] inference_dropdown = Dropdown( label="Classify", button_type="success", menu=inference_menu, width=140, height=31, css_classes=["mybutton"], ) text_status = TextInput(value="Select training data", title="Train Run Status:", css_classes=["statusText"]) text_status.visible = False train_src = new_col_data_src() infer_src = new_col_data_src() with open(join(SOLUTION_DIR, "dropdown.js")) as f: args = dict( clicked=lexicons_dropdown, asp_filter=asp_filter_src, op_filter=op_filter_src, asp_src=asp_src, op_src=op_src, tabs=tabs, text_status=text_status, train_src=train_src, infer_src=infer_src, train_clicked=train_dropdown, infer_clicked=inference_dropdown, opinion_lex_generic="", ) code = args["train_clicked"] = train_dropdown train_dropdown.js_on_change("value", CustomJS(args=args, code=code)) args["train_clicked"] = inference_dropdown inference_dropdown.js_on_change("value", CustomJS(args=args, code=code)) args["clicked"] = lexicons_dropdown lexicons_dropdown.js_on_change("value", CustomJS(args=args, code=code)) def update_filter_source(table_source, filter_source): df = table_source.to_df() sel_inx = sorted(table_source.selected.indices) df = df.iloc[sel_inx, 1:] new_source = ColumnDataSource(df) = def update_examples_box(data, examples_box, old, new): = {"Examples": []} unselected = list(set(old) - set(new)) selected = list(set(new) - set(old)) if len(selected) <= 1 and len(unselected) <= 1:{ "Examples": [str(data.iloc[unselected[0], i]) for i in range(4, 24)] if len(unselected) != 0 else [str(data.iloc[selected[0], i]) for i in range(4, 24)] }) def asp_selected_change(_, old, new): global asp_filter_src, asp_table_source, aspects_data update_filter_source(asp_table_source, asp_filter_src) update_examples_box(aspects_data, asp_examples_box, old, new) def op_selected_change(_, old, new): global op_filter_src, op_table_source, opinions_data update_filter_source(op_table_source, op_filter_src) update_examples_box(opinions_data, op_examples_box, old, new) def read_csv(file_src, headers=False, index_cols=False, readCSV=True): if readCSV: raw_contents =["file_contents"][0] if len(raw_contents.split(",")) == 1: b64_contents = raw_contents else: # remove the prefix that JS adds b64_contents = raw_contents.split(",", 1)[1] file_contents = base64.b64decode(b64_contents) return pd.read_csv( io.BytesIO(file_contents), encoding="ISO-8859-1", keep_default_na=False, na_values={None}, engine="python", index_col=index_cols, header=0 if headers else None, ) return file_src def read_parsed_files(file_content, file_name): try: # remove the prefix that JS adds b64_contents = file_content.split(",", 1)[1] file_content = base64.b64decode(b64_contents) with open(SENTIMENT_OUT / file_name, "w") as json_file: data_dict = json.loads(file_content.decode("utf-8")) json.dump(data_dict, json_file) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def train_file_callback(attr, old, new): global train_data SENTIMENT_OUT.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) train = TrainSentiment(parse=True, rerank_model=None) if len(["file_contents"]) == 1: train_data = read_csv(train_src, index_cols=0) file_name =["file_name"][0] raw_data_path = SENTIMENT_OUT / file_name train_data.to_csv(raw_data_path, header=False) print("Running_SentimentTraining on data...") else: f_contents =["file_contents"] f_names =["file_name"] raw_data_path = SENTIMENT_OUT /["file_name"][ 0].split("/")[0] if not os.path.exists(raw_data_path): os.makedirs(raw_data_path) for f_content, f_name in zip(f_contents, f_names): read_parsed_files(f_content, f_name) print("Running_SentimentTraining on data...") text_status.value = "Lexicon extraction completed" with, "r") as fp: aspect_data_csv = file_data = base64.b64encode(str.encode(aspect_data_csv)) file_data = file_data.decode("utf-8") = { "file_contents": [file_data], "file_name": ["nameFile.csv"] } out_path = LEXICONS_OUT / "generated_opinion_lex_reranked.csv" with, "r") as fp: opinion_data_csv = file_data = base64.b64encode(str.encode(opinion_data_csv)) file_data = file_data.decode("utf-8") = { "file_contents": [file_data], "file_name": ["nameFile.csv"] } def show_analysis() -> None: global stats, aspects, plot, source, tabs plot, source = _create_plot() events_table = _create_events_table() # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _events_handler(attr, old, new): _update_events(events_table, # Toggle display of in-domain / All aspect mentions events_type = RadioButtonGroup( labels=["All Events", "In-Domain Events"], active=0) analysis_layout = layout([[plot], [events_table]]) # events_type display toggle disabled # analysis_layout = layout([[plot],[events_type],[events_table]]) analysis_tab = Panel(child=analysis_layout, title="Analysis") tabs.tabs.insert(2, analysis_tab) = 2 events_type.on_change("active", _events_handler) source.selected.on_change("indices", _events_handler) # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=unused-argument def infer_file_callback(attr, old, new): # run inference on input data and current aspect/opinion lexicons in view global infer_data, stats, aspects SENTIMENT_OUT.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df_aspect = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( aspect_col_list = ["Term", "Alias1", "Alias2", "Alias3"] df_aspect = df_aspect[aspect_col_list] df_aspect.to_csv(SENTIMENT_OUT / "aspects.csv", index=False, na_rep="NaN") df_opinion = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( opinion_col_list = ["Term", "Score", "Polarity", "isAcquired"] df_opinion = df_opinion[opinion_col_list] df_opinion.to_csv(SENTIMENT_OUT / "opinions.csv", index=False, na_rep="NaN") solution = SentimentSolution() if len(["file_contents"]) == 1: infer_data = read_csv(infer_src, index_cols=0) file_name =["file_name"][0] raw_data_path = SENTIMENT_OUT / file_name infer_data.to_csv(raw_data_path, header=False) print("Running_SentimentInference on data...") text_status.value = "Running classification on data..." stats = data=raw_data_path, aspect_lex=SENTIMENT_OUT / "aspects.csv", opinion_lex=SENTIMENT_OUT / "opinions.csv", ) else: f_contents =["file_contents"] f_names =["file_name"] raw_data_path = SENTIMENT_OUT /["file_name"][ 0].split("/")[0] if not os.path.exists(raw_data_path): os.makedirs(raw_data_path) for f_content, f_name in zip(f_contents, f_names): read_parsed_files(f_content, f_name) print("Running_SentimentInference on data...") text_status.value = "Running classification on data..." stats = parsed_data=raw_data_path, aspect_lex=SENTIMENT_OUT / "aspects.csv", opinion_lex=SENTIMENT_OUT / "opinions.csv", ) aspects = pd.read_csv(SENTIMENT_OUT / "aspects.csv", encoding="utf-8")["Term"] text_status.value = "Classification completed" show_analysis() # pylint: disable=unused-argument def asp_file_callback(attr, old, new): global aspects_data, asp_table_source aspects_data = read_csv(asp_src, headers=True) # Replaces None values by empty string aspects_data = aspects_data.fillna("") new_source = ColumnDataSource(aspects_data) = asp_table_source.selected.indices = list(range(len(aspects_data))) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def op_file_callback(attr, old, new): global opinions_data, op_table_source, lexicons_dropdown, df_opinion_generic df = read_csv(op_src, headers=True) # Replaces None values by empty string df = df.fillna("") # Placeholder for generic opinion lexicons from the given csv file df_opinion_generic = df[df["isAcquired"] == "N"] # Update the argument value for the callback customJS lexicons_dropdown.js_property_callbacks.get("change:value")[0].args[ "opinion_lex_generic"] = df_opinion_generic.to_dict(orient="list") opinions_data = df[df["isAcquired"] == "Y"] new_source = ColumnDataSource(opinions_data) = op_table_source.selected.indices = list(range(len(opinions_data))) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def txt_status_callback(attr, old, new): print("Previous label: " + old) print("Updated label: " + new) text_status.on_change("value", txt_status_callback) asp_src.on_change("data", asp_file_callback) # pylint: disable=no-member asp_table_source.selected.on_change("indices", asp_selected_change) op_src.on_change("data", op_file_callback) op_table_source.selected.on_change("indices", op_selected_change) # pylint: disable=no-member train_src.on_change("data", train_file_callback) infer_src.on_change("data", infer_file_callback) return layout( [[_create_header(train_dropdown, inference_dropdown, text_status)], [tabs]])
def date_of_file(filename): day = filename[11:19] datetime_format = date(int(day[0:4]), int(day[4:6]), int( day[6:])) + timedelta(days=1) return datetime_format with open("two_reds/column_names.txt") as f: content = f.readlines() content = content[0].split(',') text_dsn = TextInput(title="DSN:") dsn_button = Button(label="Update DSN", button_type="success") curdoc().add_root(row(text_dsn)) def dsn_text_update(attrname, old, new): all_dates = get_file_names(text_dsn.value) most_recent = all_dates[-1] # is it already sorted??? df = dsn_date(most_recent) # df must not be empty p, source, source1, source2, source3, source4, source5 = plot_data( df, text_dsn.value) text_dsn.remove_on_change('value', dsn_text_update) set_up_widgets(p, source, source1, source2, source3, source4, source5, df, all_dates, text_dsn) text_dsn.on_change('value', dsn_text_update)
u_val = u_fun(x_val, y_val) v_val = v_fun(x_val, y_val) return x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, hx # initialize controls # text input for input of the vector function [fx(x,y),fy(x,y)] u_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_functions[ curveintegral_settings.init_fun_key][0], title="fx(x,y):") v_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_functions[ curveintegral_settings.init_fun_key][1], title="fy(x,y):") u_input.on_change('value', function_change) v_input.on_change('value', function_change) # text input for input of the parametrized curve [cx(t),cy(t)] cx_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_curves[ curveintegral_settings.init_curve_key][0], title="cx(t):") cy_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_curves[ curveintegral_settings.init_curve_key][1], title="cy(t):") # slider controlling the parameter t parameter_input = Slider(title="t", value=curveintegral_settings.parameter_input_init, start=curveintegral_settings.parameter_min, end=curveintegral_settings.parameter_max, step=curveintegral_settings.parameter_step)
def set_up_widgets(p, source, source1, source2, source3, source4, source5, df, all_dates, text_dsn): '''Set up widgets needed after an initial dsn is entered''' dsn = text_dsn.value # Set up widgets text_title = TextInput(title="Title:", value="{} Data".format(dsn)) text_save = TextInput(title="Save As:", value=dsn) max_for_dsn = df.timestamp.max() min_day = date_of_file( all_dates[0]) # works if sorted, needs to be formatted... max_day = date_of_file(all_dates[-1]) plus_one = max_for_dsn + timedelta(days=1) calendar = DatePicker(title="Day:", value=date(plus_one.year, plus_one.month,, max_date=max_day, min_date=min_day) button = Button(label="Update", button_type="success") columns = [ TableColumn(field="day", title="Date", formatter=DateFormatter(format="%m/%d/%Y")), TableColumn(field="hr", title="Avg HR", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.0")), TableColumn(field="o2", title="Avg O2", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.0")), TableColumn(field="temp", title="Avg Temp", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.0")) ] # table_title = Div(text="""Daily Averages:""", width=200) # daily_avg = get_daily_avgs(df_full) # data = { # 'day' : daily_avg.index, # 'hr' : daily_avg.heart_rate_avg, # 'o2' : daily_avg.oxygen_avg, # 'temp' : daily_avg.skin_temperature # } # table_source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) # data_table = DataTable(source=table_source, columns=columns, width=280, height=180, index_position=None) # export_png(data_table, filename="table.png") # save_table = Button(label='Save Daily Averages Table', button_type="primary") # Set up callbacks def update_title(attrname, old, new): p.title.text = text_title.value def update_save(attrname, old, new):[0].save_name = text_save.value def update(): text_dsn.value = text_dsn.value.strip(" ") # Get rid of extra space # Make sure time is valid update_data(p, source, source1, source2, source3, source4, source5, df, text_dsn.value, all_dates, date=str(calendar.value)) # Title/save update dsn text_title.value = text_dsn.value + " Data" text_save.value = text_dsn.value def save(): export_png(data_table, filename="{}_averages.png".format(text_dsn.value)) text_title.on_change('value', update_title) text_save.on_change('value', update_save) button.on_click(update) button.js_on_click(CustomJS(args=dict(p=p), code="""p.reset.emit()""")) # save_table.on_click(save) # Set up layouts and add to document inputs = widgetbox(text_title, text_save, calendar, button) #, table_title, data_table, save_table) curdoc().add_root(row(inputs, p, width=1300))
P2_experiment.append(float(j[3])) = dict(x=t, y=P0_experiment) = dict(x=t, y=P1_experiment) = dict(x=t, y=P2_experiment) except: print "could not open file, doesnt exist" file_name.on_change('value', update_exp_data) path.on_change('value', update_exp_data) def update_data(attrname, old, new): global t delta = 2 * math.pi * 17.5 * 10 ** 3 # Get the current slider values eta = etta.value pi_time = Pi_time.value nbar = n_bar.value omega = math.pi / (pi_time * 10 ** (-6)) lamda = 1.0*(eta*omega)**2/delta kai = 1.0*(eta*omega/delta)**2
class SlidersApp(HBox): """The main app, where parameters and controllers are defined.""" extra_generated_classes = [["SlidersApp", "SlidersApp", "HBox"]] ## read the BTC price data raw_price = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_folder, "price.csv"), names=['time', 'price'], index_col='time', parse_dates=[0], date_parser=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) raw_price['time_index'] = raw_price.index raw_price.drop_duplicates(subset='time_index', take_last=True, inplace=True) del raw_price['time_index'] ## downsample to 12h data price_data = pd.DataFrame(raw_price.resample('12h', how='ohlc').ix[:, 3]) price_data.columns = ['price'] ## data source source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) ## inputs inputs = Instance(VBoxForm) text = Instance(TextInput) threshold = Instance(Slider) ## plots plot = Instance(Plot) @classmethod def create(cls): """One-time creation of app's objects. This function is called once, and is responsible for creating all objects (plots, datasources, etc) """ ## create the obj of the app obj = cls() obj.inputs = VBoxForm() ## create input widgets obj.make_inputs() ## create data source obj.make_source() ## obj.make_plots() ## layout obj.set_children() return obj def make_inputs(self): self.text = TextInput( title="Title", name='title', value='BTC chart with news tag' ) self.threshold = Slider( title="Threshold", name='threshold', value=0.0, start=-1.0, end=1.0, step=0.1 ) def make_source(self): self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.df) def make_plots(self): toolset = "crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom" ## fixed time index limit (epoch) start_time = (datetime.strptime("1/1/12 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M") - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()*1000 end_time = (datetime.strptime("1/5/15 16:30", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M") - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()*1000 ## Generate a figure container plot = figure(title_text_font_size="12pt", plot_height=600, plot_width=1100, tools=toolset, title=self.text.value, # title="BTC chart with news", x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=[start_time, end_time], y_range=[0, 1300] ) plot.below[0].formatter.formats = dict(years=['%Y'], months=['%b %Y'], days=['%d %b %Y']) ## the price line plot plot.line( self.price_data.index, self.price_data['price'], # color='#A6CEE3', legend='BTC Price' ) ## the news tag plot'time', 'price', source=self.source,['color'], legend="News", size=8, ) self.plot = plot def set_children(self): self.children = [self.inputs, self.plot] self.inputs.children = [self.text, self.threshold] def setup_events(self): """Attaches the on_change event to the value property of the widget. The callback is set to the input_change method of this app. """ super(SlidersApp, self).setup_events() # if not self.text: # return # Text box event registration if self.text: self.text.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') # Slider event registration if self.threshold: self.threshold.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') def input_change(self, obj, attrname, old, new): """Executes whenever the input form changes. It is responsible for updating the plot, or anything else you want. Args: obj : the object that changed attrname : the attr that changed old : old value of attr new : new value of attr """ self.update_data() curdoc().add(self) def update_data(self): """Called each time that any watched property changes. This updates the sin wave data with the most recent values of the sliders. This is stored as two numpy arrays in a dict into the app's data source property. """ self.make_source() self.make_plots() self.set_children() # x = news_price.index # y = news_price['price'] # logging.debug( # "Threshold: %f" % self.threshold.value # ) ## plug back to source of the obj # = dict(x=x, y=y, color=news_price['color']) @property def df(self): return get_data(self.threshold.value)
current = df[df.content.str.contains( search_text.value.strip()) == True] # df[""] = { 'group_name': current.group_name, 'group_user_name': current.group_user_name, 'content': current.content, 'user_img': current.user_img, 'createdAt': current.createdAt, } search_text = TextInput(title="search") #search_text_val = search_text.value.strip() #slider = Slider(title="开始时间", start=10000, end=250000, value=150000, step=1000) #slider.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) search_text.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update()) ''' button = Button(label=u"搜索", button_type="success") button.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download.js")).read()) ''' columns = [ TableColumn(field="group_name", title="Group Name"), TableColumn(field="group_user_name", title="Group User Name"), TableColumn(field="content", title="Content"), TableColumn(field="user_img", title="User Img"), TableColumn(field="createdAt", title="createdAt"), #TableColumn(field="salary", title="Income", formatter=NumberFormatter(format="$0,0.00")), ]
]) df = df[1:] df['failure'] = [1 if b == 1 or b == '1' else 0 for b in df.failure] y = df.failure x = df.drop('failure', axis=1) x_train_original, x_test_original, y_train_original, y_test_original = train_test_split( x, y, test_size=N) clf = svm.LinearSVC(loss='l2', penalty='l1', dual=False), y_train_original) predictions = clf.predict(x_test_original) print("Accuracy =", accuracy_score(y_test_original, predictions)) print(np.unique(predictions)) tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test_original, predictions).ravel() print("True Negative:", tn) print("False Positive:", fp) print("False Negative:", fn) print("True Positive:", tp) #newdict = {'values':[tn,fp,tn,fn], 'names':['TP','FP','TN',"FN"] newdict = {'values': ['TP', 'FN', 'TN', 'FP'], 'timing': [tp, fp, fn, tn]} data.update(newdict) print(data) input.on_change('value', update_points) layout = column(row(input, width=400), row(bar)) #show(layout) curdoc().add_root(layout)
def main(): df = pd.read_csv("nlp_entities.csv") per_df = pd.read_csv("Person.csv") pla_df = pd.read_csv("Place.csv") org_df = pd.read_csv("Org.csv") entities = ["Person", "Place", "Org"] relations = [["Person_Org","Person_Place","Person_Person"],["Place_Person","Place_Org","Place_Place"],["Org_Person","Org_Place","Org_Org"]] dfs = [per_df, pla_df,org_df] button_group = RadioButtonGroup(labels=entities, active=0) slider = Slider(title="by Index", value=0, start=0, end=len(per_df.index)-1, step=1) text = TextInput(title="by Name:", value='') select1 = Select(title="y axis:", value="Person", options=["Person", "Place", "Org"]) files = per_df.iloc[0]["Documents"] d = [] y_n = [] headlines = [] datestr = [] if files == "None": files = [] else: files = ast.literal_eval(files) for f in files: v_d = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["date"].values datestr.append(v_d[0]) d.append(datetime.strptime(v_d[0],"%m/%d/%Y")) v_p = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["Person"].values y_n.append(len(ast.literal_eval(v_p[0]))) v_h = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["headlines"].values headlines.append(v_h[0]) dates = np.array(d) n = np.array(y_n) headlines = np.array(headlines) name = per_df.iloc[0]["Person"] # create the timeline plot for the searched entity s_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x = dates, y = n, f = files, h =headlines, d = datestr)) TOOLS = "box_select,pan,box_zoom,reset" f1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, plot_width=600, plot_height=450, title="Timeline for '" + name + "'", x_axis_type='datetime', x_axis_label='Time', y_range=[-50,250], y_axis_label='number in total', output_backend="webgl") c1 ='x', 'y', source=s_source, size=10, color="red", alpha=0.5) hover1 = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("document: ", "@f"), ("date", "@d"), ("headline: ", "@h") ] ) f1.add_tools(hover1) f1.x_range = Range1d(datetime.strptime('01/01/2002',"%m/%d/%Y"),datetime.strptime('12/31/2004',"%m/%d/%Y")) def update_y(attr,old,new): y = select1.value new_y = [] for f in["f"]: v = df.loc[df["filename"] == f][y].values new_y.append(len(ast.literal_eval(v[0]))) new_y = np.array(new_y)["y"] = new_y return select1.on_change("value",update_y) # create interactive network graph for timeline plot s1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[], ys=[])) s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(vx=[], vy=[], labels=[], color=[])) n1 = figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=500, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, outline_line_color=None, tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save",title="Related Entities of Selected Files", output_backend="webgl") n1.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_color="blue", source=s1, alpha=0.3) c2 ='vx', 'vy', size=20, line_color="black", fill_color='color', source=s2, alpha=0.5) n1.text('vx', 'vy', text='labels', text_color="black", text_font_size="10px", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", source=s2) # update network graph when the files are selected def update_network1(attr, old, new): inds = new['1d']['indices'] nodes = [] edges = [] t_t_edges = [] selected = [] if inds == []: = dict(xs=[], ys=[]) = dict(vx=[], vy=[], labels=[], color=[]) return for i in inds: f =["f"][i] v = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["all_nodes"].values n = ast.literal_eval(v[0]) selected.append(f) nodes = list(set(nodes).union(n)) e = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["all_edges"].values[0]) edges = list(set(edges).union(e)) t_t_e = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["file_neighbors_edge"].values[0]) t_t_edges = list(set(t_t_edges).union(t_t_e)) t_t = list(itertools.combinations(selected, 2)) for t in t_t: if (t in t_t_edges) or ((t[1],t[0])in t_t_edges): edges.append(t) new_dict = create_graph(nodes, edges, selected) = new_dict["s1"] = new_dict["s2"] return c1.data_source.on_change("selected", update_network1) # create person-place network graph v1 =[0, "Person_Place"] edges_1 = ast.literal_eval(v1) nodes_1 = [name] for e in edges_1: nodes_1.append(e[1]) g1 = create_graph(nodes_1,edges_1,[name]) s3 = ColumnDataSource(data=g1["s1"]) s4 = ColumnDataSource(data=g1["s2"]) n2 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, outline_line_color=None, tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save", title="Person_Place Relationships for Person: " + name, output_backend="webgl") n2.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_color="blue", source=s3, alpha=0.3) c3 ='vx', 'vy', size=20, line_color="black", fill_color='color', source=s4, alpha=0.5) n2.text('vx', 'vy', text='labels', text_color="black", text_font_size="8px", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", source=s4) # create person-org network graph v2 =[0, "Person_Org"] edges_2 = ast.literal_eval(v2) nodes_2 = [name] for e in edges_2: nodes_2.append(e[1]) g2 = create_graph(nodes_2, edges_2, [name]) s5 = ColumnDataSource(data=g2["s1"]) s6 = ColumnDataSource(data=g2["s2"]) n3 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, outline_line_color=None, tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save", title="Person_Org Relationships for Person: " + name, output_backend="webgl") n3.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_color="blue", source=s5, alpha=0.3) c4 ='vx', 'vy', size=20, line_color="black", fill_color='color', source=s6, alpha=0.5) n3.text('vx', 'vy', text='labels', text_color="black", text_font_size="8px", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", source=s6) # create person-org network graph v3 =[0, "Person_Person"] edges_3 = ast.literal_eval(v3) nodes_3 = [name] for e in edges_3: nodes_3.append(e[1]) g3 = create_graph(nodes_3, edges_3, [name]) s7 = ColumnDataSource(data=g3["s1"]) s8 = ColumnDataSource(data=g3["s2"]) n4 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, outline_line_color=None, tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save", title="Person_Person Relationships for Person: " + name, output_backend="webgl") n4.multi_line('xs', 'ys', line_color="blue", source=s7, alpha=0.3) c5 ='vx', 'vy', size=20, line_color="black", fill_color='color', source=s8, alpha=0.5) n4.text('vx', 'vy', text='labels', text_color="black", text_font_size="8px", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle", source=s8) #update visualizations when button group changes def button_group_update(attr, old, new): b = entity = entities[b] d = dfs[b] t = text.value #change slider slider.end = len(d.index) - 1 if (slider.value>slider.end): slider.value = slider.end if t == '': slider_update(attr, old, new) else: text_update(attr, old, new) button_group.on_change("active", button_group_update) def slider_update(attr,old,new): text.value = '' b = entity = entities[b] d = dfs[b] s = slider.value # clear the visualizations sources = [[s1, s2], [s3, s4], [s5, s6], [s7, s8]] networks = [n1, n2, n3, n4] = dict(x=[], y=[], f=[], h=[], d=[]) for i in range(4): sources[i][0].data = dict(xs=[], ys=[]) sources[i][1].data = dict(vx=[], vy=[], labels=[], color=[]) name = d.iloc[s][entity] # update cooccurence relationships for i in range(3): v =[s, relations[b][i]] edges = ast.literal_eval(v) nodes = [name] for e in edges: nodes.append(e[1]) g = create_graph(nodes, edges, [name]) sources[i + 1][0].data = g["s1"] sources[i + 1][1].data = g["s2"] networks[i + 1].title.text = relations[b][i] + " Relationships for " + entity + ": " + name #update timeline plot files = d.iloc[s]["Documents"] dates = [] y_n = [] headlines = [] datestr = [] select = select1.value if files == "None": files = [] f1.title.text = "No files found for '" + name + "'" else: files = ast.literal_eval(files) for f in files: v_d = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["date"].values datestr.append(v_d[0]) dates.append(datetime.strptime(v_d[0], "%m/%d/%Y")) v_p = df.loc[df["filename"] == f][select].values y_n.append(len(ast.literal_eval(v_p[0]))) v_h = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["headlines"].values headlines.append(v_h[0]) dates = np.array(dates) n = np.array(y_n) headlines = np.array(headlines) = dict(x=dates, y=n, f=files, h=headlines, d=datestr) f1.title.text = "Timeline for '" + name + "'" return slider.on_change("value", slider_update) def text_update(attr,old,new): b = entity = entities[b] print(entity) d = dfs[b] t = text.value slider.value = 0 # clear the visualizations sources = [[s1, s2], [s3, s4], [s5, s6], [s7, s8]] networks = [n1, n2, n3, n4] = dict(x=[], y=[], f=[], h=[], d=[]) for i in range(4): sources[i][0].data = dict(xs=[], ys=[]) sources[i][1].data = dict(vx=[], vy=[], labels=[], color=[]) name = t if t in np.array(d[entity]): s = d[d[entity] == t].index.tolist()[0] else: f1.title.text = "No such " + entity + " in the datasets" for x in networks: x.title.text = "No such " + entity + " in the datasets" return # update cooccurence relationships for i in range(3): v =[s, relations[b][i]] edges = ast.literal_eval(v) nodes = [name] for e in edges: nodes.append(e[1]) g = create_graph(nodes, edges, [name]) sources[i + 1][0].data = g["s1"] sources[i + 1][1].data = g["s2"] networks[i + 1].title.text = relations[b][i] + " Relationships for " + entity + ": " + name # update timeline plot files = d.iloc[s]["Documents"] dates = [] y_n = [] headlines = [] datestr = [] select = select1.value if files == "None": files = [] f1.title.text = "No files found for '" + name + "'" else: files = ast.literal_eval(files) for f in files: v_d = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["date"].values datestr.append(v_d[0]) dates.append(datetime.strptime(v_d[0], "%m/%d/%Y")) v_p = df.loc[df["filename"] == f][select].values y_n.append(len(ast.literal_eval(v_p[0]))) v_h = df.loc[df["filename"] == f]["headlines"].values headlines.append(v_h[0]) dates = np.array(dates) n = np.array(y_n) headlines = np.array(headlines) = dict(x=dates, y=n, f=files, h=headlines, d=datestr) f1.title.text = "Timeline for '" + name + "'" return text.on_change("value",text_update) widgets = widgetbox(button_group,slider,text) layout = column(widgets,row(n2,n3,n4),select1,row(f1,n1)) curdoc().add_root(layout) show(layout)
clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=Kn.value, p=Kd.value) n_feats = f.shape[1] y = [] for i in range(n_feats): b_trs = b_tr.drop([i], axis=1) b_tss = b_ts.drop([i], axis=1), y_tr) y.append(knn.score(b_tss, y_ts)) = dict(x=x, y=y) controls = [Test, Plot, model, Kn, Kd, Rn, Rmd, Rmf] for control in controls[1:len(controls)]: control.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update(f)) Test.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: call()) inputs = column(*controls, width=320, height=1000) inputs.sizing_mode = "fixed" l = layout([ [desc], [inputs, plot], ], sizing_mode="scale_both") #plot = figure(y_range=(0, 2),plot_width=400, plot_height=400) #plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) #layout=column(plot,n) #n.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: call()) call() update(f) curdoc().add_root(l)
) T_select = Slider(start=0.0, end=1000.0, step=1.0, value=10.0, title='T' ) r0_select = TextInput(value='1.00', title='r0') drdt0_select = TextInput(value='0.00', title='dr/dt_0') theta0_select = TextInput(value='0.00', title='theta0') dthetadt0_select = TextInput(value='1.00', title='dtheta/dt_0') # Update the plot when yields are changed mass_select.on_change('value', update) mass_attractive_center_select.on_change('value', update) mass_attractive_center_select.on_change('value', update) exponent_select.on_change('value', update) n_steps_ode_select.on_change('value', update) solver_method_select.on_change('value', update) T_select.on_change('value', update) r0_select.on_change('value', update) drdt0_select.on_change('value', update) theta0_select.on_change('value', update) dthetadt0_select.on_change('value', update) div = Div(text='', width=150, height=50)
size=25, color="red", alpha=2.0) p = gridplot([[p1, p2, p6], [p3, p4, p5], [p7]]) return row( p, column(widgetbox(button), widgetbox(table_values(ulirg, x_plot, y_plot)), widgetbox(pre))) def update(attr, old, new): layout.children[1] = row(create_figure()) ulirg = Select(title='Select ULIRG:', value="1", options=ulirg_num) ulirg.on_change('value', update) x_plot = TextInput(value="60", title="x_value:") x_plot.on_change('value', update) y_plot = TextInput(value="75", title="y_value:") y_plot.on_change('value', update) controls = column(widgetbox([ulirg, x_plot, y_plot]), width=250) layout = row(controls, create_figure()) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().title = "LYA ULIRG plotting "
scalemax = Slider(title="Singles Scale maximum", value=10.0, start=-100.0, end=100.0, step=1) statsA = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=40) statsB = Paragraph(text="100", width=400, height=40) # Set up callbacks def send_command(attrname, old, new): #TODO turn into a raw command area for sending any device command plot.title.text = command.value command.on_change('value', send_command) last_time = time.time() def update_data(): # TODO: store data in a stream for charting vs time global last_time T = time.time() - last_time last_time = time.time() #print(T) # get data: if realInstrument: data = inst.get_data("CH2") # select channel later on
class StockApp(VBox): extra_generated_classes = [["StockApp", "StockApp", "VBox"]] jsmodel = "VBox" Y = Instance(ColumnDataSource) # plots hist1 = Instance(Plot) hist2 = Instance(Plot) hist3 = Instance(Plot) # data source source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) risk_source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) # layout boxes mainrow = Instance(HBox) ticker1_box = Instance(HBox) ticker2_box = Instance(HBox) ticker3_box = Instance(HBox) ticker4_box = Instance(HBox) ticker5_box = Instance(HBox) second_row = Instance(HBox) histrow = Instance(HBox) # inputs ticker1 = String(default="1.2*(1.1-x)") ticker1p = String(default="-1.2") ticker2 = String(default="4.0") ticker2p = String(default="0.0") ticker3 = String(default="500") ticker3_1 = String(default="252") ticker3_2 = String(default="0.01") ticker4 = String(default="100") ticker4_1 = String(default="1.01") ticker4_2 = String(default="Milstein") button = String(default="") ticker1_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker1p_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker2_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker2p_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker3_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker3_1_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker3_2_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker4_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker4_1_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker4_2_select = Instance(Select) button_select = Instance(TextInput) input_box = Instance(VBoxForm) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StockApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._dfs = {} @classmethod def create(cls): """ This function is called once, and is responsible for creating all objects (plots, datasources, etc) """ # create layout widgets obj = cls() obj.mainrow = HBox() obj.ticker1_box = HBox(width=500) obj.ticker2_box = HBox(width=500) obj.ticker3_box = HBox(width=467) obj.ticker4_box = HBox(width=500) obj.ticker5_box = HBox(width=500) obj.second_row = HBox() obj.histrow = HBox() obj.input_box = VBoxForm(width=600) # create input widgets obj.make_inputs() # outputs #obj.make_source() obj.main_mc(252,500,0.01,'Milstein',1.01) obj.make_plots() # layout obj.set_children() return obj def make_inputs(self): self.ticker1_select = TextInput( name='ticker1', title='Drift Function:', value='1.2*(1.1-x)', ) self.ticker1p_select = TextInput( name='ticker1p', title='Drift Derivative:', value='-1.2', ) self.ticker2_select = TextInput( name='ticker2', title='Volatility Function:', value='4.0', ) self.ticker2p_select = TextInput( name='ticker2p', title='Volatility Derivative:', value='0.0', ) self.ticker3_select = TextInput( name='ticker3', title='Number of Paths:', value='500' ) self.ticker3_1_select = TextInput( name='ticker3_1', title='Number of Points:', value='252' ) self.ticker3_2_select = TextInput( name='ticker3_2', title='Time Step:', value='0.01' ) self.ticker4_select = TextInput( name='ticker4', title='Histogram Line:', value='100' ) self.ticker4_1_select = TextInput( name='ticker4_1', title='Initial Value:', value='1.01' ) self.ticker4_2_select = Select( name='ticker4_2', title='MC Scheme:', value='Milstein', options=['Euler','Milstein', 'Pred/Corr'] ) self.button_select = TextInput( name='button', title='Type any word containing "run" to run Simulation ', value = '' ) def make_source(self): self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.Y) def main_mc(self,num_pts,num_paths, delta_t, method, Y0): def a(x): return eval(self.ticker1) def ap(x): return eval(self.ticker1p) def b(x): return eval(self.ticker2) def bp(x): return eval(self.ticker2p) rpaths = np.random.normal(0, delta_t, size=(num_pts,num_paths)) Y = np.array([[Y0]*num_paths]) dt_vec = np.array([delta_t]*num_paths) if method == 'Milstein': for i in xrange(0,num_pts): tY = Y[-1,:] dW = rpaths[i,:] Y = np.vstack([Y, tY + a(tY)*dt_vec + b(tY)*dW + 0.5*b(tY)*bp(tY)*(dW*dW-dt_vec)]) elif method == 'Pred/Corr': # Predictor corrector method is taken from equation 2.6 in this paper: # rpaths2 = np.random.normal(0, delta_t, size=(num_pts,num_paths)) for i in xrange(0,num_pts): tY = Y[-1,:] Ybar = tY + a(tY)*dt_vec + b(tY)*rpaths[i,:] abar_before = a(tY) - 0.5*b(tY)*bp(tY) abar_after = a(Ybar) - 0.5*b(Ybar)*bp(Ybar) Y = np.vstack([Y, tY + 0.5*(abar_before + abar_after)*dt_vec + 0.5*(b(tY)+b(Ybar))*rpaths2[i,:]]) else: # default to Euler Scheme for i in xrange(0,num_pts): tY = Y[-1,:] Y = np.vstack([Y, tY + a(tY)*dt_vec + b(tY)*rpaths[i,:]]) return Y # return simulated paths def path_plot(self): num_paths_plot = min(50,int(self.ticker3)) hist_point = int(self.ticker4) #print 'Hist Point ', hist_point Y = self.Y.as_matrix() pltdat = Y[:,0:num_paths_plot] mY, MY = min(Y[hist_point,:]), max(Y[hist_point,:]) plt.plot(pltdat, alpha=0.1, linewidth=1.8) sns.tsplot(pltdat.T,err_style='ci_band', ci=[68,95,99], alpha=1, \ linewidth = 2.5, color='indianred') #sns.tsplot(pltdat.T,err_style='ci_band', ci=[68,95,99,99.99999], alpha=1, \ # linewidth = 2.5, condition='Mean Path', color='indianred') plt.plot([hist_point, hist_point], [0.99*mY, 1.01*MY], 'k-',label='Time Series Histogram') plt.xlabel('Time Step') plt.ylabel('Price') #plt.legend() p = mpl.to_bokeh() p.title = 'Mean Path (Red), MC Paths (Background) and Density Line (Black)' p.title_text_font_size= str(TITLE_SIZE)+'pt' return p def hist_den_plot(self): Y = self.Y.as_matrix() hist_point = int(self.ticker4) delta_t = float(self.ticker3_2) data = Y[hist_point,:] sns.distplot(data, color='k', hist_kws={"color":"b"}, norm_hist=True) #sns.distplot(data, color='k', hist_kws={"color":"b"}) plt.hist(data) plt.title('Distribution at T = ' + str(np.round(delta_t*hist_point,4)) + ' with Mean: ' +str(np.round(np.mean(data),4)) + ' and Std Dev: ' + str(np.round(np.std(data),4))) plt.xlabel('Price Bins') plt.ylabel('Bin Count') p = mpl.to_bokeh() p.title_text_font_size= str(TITLE_SIZE)+'pt' return p def mc_results(self): # Compute Monte Carlo results Y = self.Y.as_matrix() Y0 = float(self.ticker4_1) hist_point = int(self.ticker4) num_paths = int(self.ticker3) center_point = np.mean(Y[hist_point,:]) stkgrid = np.linspace(0.5*center_point,1.5*center_point,100) meanlst = np.array([]) stdlst = np.array([]) paylst = np.array([]) for stk in stkgrid: meanlst = np.append(meanlst, np.mean(payoff(Y[hist_point,:],stk))) stdlst = np.append(stdlst,np.std(payoff(Y[hist_point,:],stk))/np.sqrt(num_paths)) plt.plot(stkgrid,meanlst+2*stdlst, 'g-') plt.plot(stkgrid,meanlst-2*stdlst,'g-',label='2-Sig Error') plt.plot(stkgrid,meanlst+stdlst,'r-') plt.plot(stkgrid,meanlst-stdlst,'r-',label='1-Sig Error') plt.plot(stkgrid,meanlst,'b',label='Mean') plt.title('MC Option Price (Blue) with 1-Sig (Red) and 2-Sig (Green) Errors') plt.xlabel('Strike') plt.ylabel('Value') p = mpl.to_bokeh() p.title_text_font_size= str(TITLE_SIZE)+'pt' return p def hist_plot(self): histdf = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD')) #pltdf = self.source.to_df().set_index('date').dropna() #qlow, qhigh = mquantiles(pltdf[ticker],prob=[0.01,0.99]) #tdf = pltdf[ticker] #histdf = tdf[((tdf > qlow) & (tdf < qhigh))] hist, bins = np.histogram(histdf, bins=50) width = 0.7 * (bins[1] - bins[0]) center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 start = bins.min() end = bins.max() top = hist.max() p = figure( title=' Histogram', plot_width=600, plot_height=400, tools="", title_text_font_size="16pt", x_range=[start, end], y_range=[0, top], x_axis_label = ' Bins', y_axis_label = 'Bin Count' ) p.rect(center, hist / 2.0, width, hist) return p def make_plots(self): self.hist_plots() def hist_plots(self): self.hist1 = self.path_plot() self.hist2 = self.hist_den_plot() self.hist3 = self.mc_results() def set_children(self): self.children = [self.mainrow, self.second_row] self.mainrow.children = [self.input_box, self.hist1] self.second_row.children = [self.hist2, self.hist3] self.input_box.children = [self.ticker1_box, self.ticker2_box, self.ticker3_box,self.ticker4_box,self.ticker5_box] self.ticker1_box.children =[self.ticker1_select, self.ticker1p_select] self.ticker2_box.children =[self.ticker2_select, self.ticker2p_select] self.ticker3_box.children =[self.ticker3_select, self.ticker3_1_select, self.ticker3_2_select] self.ticker4_box.children =[self.ticker4_select, self.ticker4_1_select, self.ticker4_2_select] self.ticker5_box.children =[self.button_select] def input_change(self, obj, attrname, old, new): if obj == self.ticker4_2_select: self.ticker4_2 = new if obj == self.ticker4_1_select: self.ticker4_1 = new if obj == self.ticker4_select: self.ticker4 = new if obj == self.ticker3_2_select: self.ticker3_2 = new if obj == self.ticker3_1_select: self.ticker3_1 = new if obj == self.ticker3_select: self.ticker3 = new if obj == self.ticker2p_select: self.ticker2p = new if obj == self.ticker2_select: self.ticker2 = new if obj == self.ticker1p_select: self.ticker1p = new if obj == self.ticker1_select: self.ticker1 = new if obj == self.button_select: self.button = new if 'run' in self.button: self.make_source() self.make_plots() self.set_children() curdoc().add(self) #self.make_source() #self.make_plots() #self.set_children() #curdoc().add(self) def setup_events(self): super(StockApp, self).setup_events() if self.ticker1_select: self.ticker1_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker1p_select: self.ticker1p_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker2_select: self.ticker2_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker2p_select: self.ticker2p_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker3_select: self.ticker3_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker3_1_select: self.ticker3_1_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker3_2_select: self.ticker3_2_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker4_select: self.ticker4_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker4_1_select: self.ticker4_1_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker4_2_select: self.ticker4_2_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.button_select: self.button_select.on_change('value',self, 'input_change') @property def Y(self): tmpdf = pd.DataFrame(self.main_mc(int(self.ticker3_1),int(self.ticker3),float(self.ticker3_2),self.ticker4_2,float(self.ticker4_1))) tmpdf.columns = ['Col_' + str(i) for i in xrange(len(tmpdf.columns))] #print tmpdf return tmpdf
Speed = Slider(title="Speed", value=250, start=100, end=250) Delay = Slider(title="Delay", value=1, start=1, end=100) CurveList = [("Sin", "C1"), ("Poly", "C2"), ("Abs", "C3"), ("inv/inf", "C5"), ("Frq", "C6"), ("Custom", "C4")] dropdown = Dropdown(label="Curve Lists", button_type="warning", menu=CurveList) button = Button(label="Run ", button_type="success") def update_title(attrname, old, new): plot.title.text = text.value x = np.linspace(-4 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi, N) text.on_change('value', update_title) div = Div(width=1000) def change_output(attr, old, new): global Del global Sp Del = Delay.value Sp = Speed.value def display_event(div): return CustomJS(args=dict(div=div), code=""" console.log("run")
def load_page(plate): ''' Load new page ''' global well_id well_id = (0, 0) global sample sample = plate[well_id] # Button to upload local file global file_source file_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(file_contents = [], file_name = [])) file_source.on_change('data', file_callback) try: output_file_name =['file_name'] + '-out.csv' except: output_filename = 'output.csv' global upload_button upload_button = Button(label="Upload local file", button_type="success", width=200, height=30) upload_button.js_on_click(CustomJS(args=dict(file_source=file_source), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "upload.js")).read())) # Text boxes for setting fit parameters global bottom_set_text bottom_set_text = TextInput(value='', title="Set initial value for Fmin", width=200, height=50) bottom_set_text.on_change('value', parameter_set_callback) global top_set_text top_set_text = TextInput(value='', title="Set initial value for Fmax", width=200, height=50) top_set_text.on_change('value', parameter_set_callback) global slope_set_text slope_set_text = TextInput(value='', title="Set initial value for a", width=200, height=50) slope_set_text.on_change('value', parameter_set_callback) # Radio button group for setting plate type global plate_type_buttons global plate_type plate_type_buttons = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['96 well', '384 well'], width=200, height=25, active=plate_type) plate_type_buttons.on_change('active', plate_type_callback) # Radio button group for setting data layout global plate_layout_buttons global plate_layout plate_layout_buttons = RadioButtonGroup(labels=['by row', 'by column'], width=200, height=25, active=plate_layout) plate_layout_buttons.on_change('active', plate_layout_callback) # Checkbox groups for fixing fit parameters global fix_bottom_checkbox fix_bottom_checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=['Fix min fluoresence (Fmin)'], width=200, height=30) fix_bottom_checkbox.on_change('active', parameter_set_callback) global fix_top_checkbox fix_top_checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=['Fix max fluorescence (Fmax)'], width=200, height=30) fix_top_checkbox.on_change('active', parameter_set_callback) global fix_slope_checkbox fix_slope_checkbox = CheckboxButtonGroup(labels=['Fix curve shape parameter (a)'], width=200, height=30) fix_slope_checkbox.on_change('active', parameter_set_callback) # Slider for selecting data to fit global df xmin = df[df.columns[0]].values[0] xstep = df[df.columns[0]].values[1] - xmin xstart =['x'].values[0] xend =['x'].values[-1] xmax = df[df.columns[0]].values[-1] global range_slider range_slider = RangeSlider(start=xmin, end=xmax, value=(xstart, xend), step=xstep, title='Fine tune temperature range', width=550) range_slider.on_change('value', slider_callback) # Scatter plot for fitting individual samples global sample_source sample_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(,, fit=sample.y_fit, residuals=sample.residuals)) global sample_scatter plot_tools = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, save' sample_scatter = figure(title="Boltzman sigmoidal fit", x_axis_label='Temperature ('+degree_sign+'C)', y_axis_label="Fluoresence intensity", plot_width=600, plot_height=300, tools=plot_tools)'x', y='y', color='grey', size=8, alpha=0.6, source=sample_source) sample_scatter.line(x='x', y='fit', color='black', line_width=2, alpha=1.0, source=sample_source) sample_scatter.title.text = + ' fit' # Scatter plot for residuals of individual sample fit global residual_scatter residual_scatter = figure(title="Fit residuals", x_axis_label='Temperature ('+degree_sign+'C)', y_axis_label="Residual", plot_width=600, plot_height=200, tools='wheel_zoom,pan,reset') residual_scatter.yaxis.formatter = BasicTickFormatter(precision=2, use_scientific=True)'x', 'residuals', size=8, source=sample_source, color='grey', alpha=0.6) # Heatmap for displaying all Tm values in dataset global plate_source letters = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P'] w, n, t, e = [], [], [], [] if == 1: rows = 16 columns = 24 else: rows = 8 columns = 12 for i in range(rows): for j in range(columns): w.append(letters[i]+str(j+1)) try: n.append(plate[(i, j)].name) t.append(plate[(i, j)].v50_fit) e.append(plate[(i, j)].v50_err) except: n.append('') t.append(np.nan) e.append(np.nan) xname = [x[1:] for x in w] yname = [y[0] for y in w] plate_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(w=w, n=n, t=t, e=e, xname=xname, yname=yname)) plate_columns = [ TableColumn(field='w', title='Well ID'), TableColumn(field='n', title='Sample name'), TableColumn(field='t', title='Tm ('+degree_sign+'C)'), TableColumn(field='e', title='Error ('+degree_sign+'C)'), ] plate_map_hover = HoverTool(tooltips=""" <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; ">@n:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; ">@t</span> </div> </div> """ ) if == 1: plate_map = figure(title="Plate view", x_axis_location="above", height=400, width=620, tools=["save, tap, reset", plate_map_hover], x_range=[str(x+1) for x in range(0, columns)]+['', 'Tm ('+degree_sign+'C)'], y_range=letters[:rows][::-1]) else: plate_map = figure(title="Plate view", x_axis_location="above", height=400, width=620, tools=["save, tap, reset", plate_map_hover], x_range=[str(x+1) for x in range(0, columns)]+['Tm ('+degree_sign+'C)'], y_range=letters[:rows][::-1]) taptool = plate_map.on_event(Tap, plate_select) global mapper mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='t', palette=RdBu[8], low=min(t), high=max(t)) global color_bar color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper['transform'], width=10, height=250, name='Tm ('+degree_sign+'C)') plate_map.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') plate_map.grid.grid_line_color = None plate_map.axis.axis_line_color = None plate_map.axis.major_tick_line_color = None plate_map.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "10pt" plate_map.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 plate_map.rect('xname', 'yname', .95, .95, source=plate_source, color=mapper, line_color='black', line_width=1) # Table listing all Tm values in dataset global plate_table plate_table = DataTable(source=plate_source, columns=plate_columns, width=500, height=500, selectable=True, editable=True) plate_table.source.selected.on_change('indices', table_select) # Table showing fitting parameters for current sample global sample_table_source sample_table_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(l=['Fit value', 'Std. error'], b=[sample.bottom_fit, sample.bottom_err], t=[sample.top_fit, sample.top_err], v=[sample.v50_fit, sample.v50_err], s=[sample.slope_fit, sample.slope_err])) sample_table_columns = [ TableColumn(field='l', title=''), TableColumn(field='b', title='Fmin'), TableColumn(field='t', title='Fmax'), TableColumn(field='v', title='Tm ('+degree_sign+'C)'), TableColumn(field='s', title='a') ] global sample_table sample_table = DataTable(source=sample_table_source, columns=sample_table_columns, width=600, height=200, selectable=False, editable=False) # Button to re-fit all with current parameter settings global refit_all_button refit_all_button = Button(label="Re-fit all samples", button_type='danger', width=200, height=30) refit_all_button.on_click(refit_all_callback) # Button to download Tm table to csv file global download_button download_button = Button(label="Download table to CSV", button_type="primary", width=200, height=30) download_button.js_on_click(CustomJS(args=dict(source=plate_source, file_name=output_filename), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "download.js")).read())) # Button to copy Tm table to clipboard global copy_button copy_button = Button(label="Copy table to clipboard", button_type="primary", width=200, height=30) copy_button.js_on_click(CustomJS(args=dict(source=plate_source), code=open(join(dirname(__file__), "copy.js")).read())) # page formatting desc = Div(text=open(join(dirname(__file__), "description.html")).read(), width=1200) main_row = row(column(plate_type_buttons, plate_layout_buttons, upload_button, fix_bottom_checkbox, bottom_set_text, fix_top_checkbox, top_set_text, fix_slope_checkbox, slope_set_text, refit_all_button, download_button, copy_button), column(sample_scatter, residual_scatter, range_slider, sample_table), column(plate_map, plate_table)) sizing_mode = 'scale_width' l = layout([ [desc], [main_row] ], sizing_mode=sizing_mode) update() curdoc().clear() curdoc().add_root(l) curdoc().title = "DSF"
order = int(new) update_data() def on_text_value_change(attr, old, new): try: global expr expr = sy.sympify(new, dict(x=xs)) except (sy.SympifyError, TypeError, ValueError) as exception: dialog.content = str(exception) dialog.visible = True else: update_data() dialog = Dialog(title="Invalid expression") slider = Slider(start=1, end=20, value=order, step=1, title="Order",callback_policy='mouseup') slider.on_change('value', on_slider_value_change) text = TextInput(value=str(expr), title="Expression:") text.on_change('value', on_text_value_change) inputs = WidgetBox(children=[slider, text],width=400) layout = Column(children=[inputs, plot, dialog]) update_data() document.add_root(layout) if __name__ == "__main__": print("\npress ctrl-C to exit") session.loop_until_closed()
TableColumn(field="name", title=u"组合"), TableColumn(field="net value", title=u"单位净值"), TableColumn(field="year return", title=u"今年以来业绩"), TableColumn(field="total return", title=u"成立以来业绩"), TableColumn(field="max drawdown", title=u"最大回撤"), TableColumn(field="sharpe", title=u"夏普率"), TableColumn(field="volatility", title=u"波动率") ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=900, height=500) today = yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(1) yesterday = yesterday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time_text = TextInput(value=yesterday, title="提取时间", width=300) time_text.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update_excel()) portfolio_select = Select(value=portfolio_selection[0], title="组合", width=300, options=portfolio_selection) portfolio_select.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new: update_plot()) update_excel() update_plot() update_time_text = TextInput(value=today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), title=u"更新日期", width=300) update_button = Button(label=u"更新数据", width=300, button_type="success") update_row = row(update_time_text, update_button)
contour_g = my_bokeh_utils.Contour(plot, line_color='red', line_width=2, legend='g(x,y) = 0') # Plot corresponding tangent vector quiver_isolevel = my_bokeh_utils.Quiver(plot, fix_at_middle=False, line_width=2, color='black') # Plot corresponding tangent vector quiver_constraint = my_bokeh_utils.Quiver(plot, fix_at_middle=False, line_width=2, color='red') # Plot mark at position on constraint function plot.cross(x='x', y='y', color='red', size=10, line_width=2, source=source_mark) # object that detects, if a position in the plot is clicked on interactor = my_bokeh_utils.Interactor(plot) # adds callback function to interactor, if position in plot is clicked, call on_selection_change interactor.on_click(on_selection_change) # text input window for objective function f(x,y) to be optimized f_input = TextInput(value=lagrange_settings.f_init, title="f(x,y):") f_input.on_change('value', f_changed) # dropdown menu for selecting one of the sample functions sample_fun_input_f = Dropdown(label="choose a sample function f(x,y) or enter one below", menu=lagrange_settings.sample_f_names) sample_fun_input_f.on_click(sample_fun_input_f_changed) # text input window for side condition g(x,y)=0 g_input = TextInput(value=lagrange_settings.g_init, title="g(x,y):") g_input.on_change('value', g_changed) # dropdown menu for selecting one of the sample functions sample_fun_input_g = Dropdown(label="choose a sample function g(x,y) or enter one below", menu=lagrange_settings.sample_g_names) sample_fun_input_g.on_click(sample_fun_input_g_changed)
#for mytool in Tools: # mytool.plot = figure_obj = Tools figure_obj.line("x", "y", source=two[0], line_width=2, line_color=colour_list[3]) figure_obj.line("x", "y", source=two[1], line_width=2, line_color=colour_list[1]) text = TextInput(title="title", value='my sine wave') radio = RadioGroup(labels=["0", "1"], active=0) text.on_change('value', lambda attr, old, new, radio=radio, sources=two: update_title(new, radio, sources)) tabs.append( Panel(child=hplot(figure_obj, vform(text, radio)), title="two by two")) tabs = Tabs(tabs=tabs) session = push_session(curdoc()) session.loop_until_closed()
x_val, y_val = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) # evaluate function at sample points u_val = u_fun(x_val, y_val) v_val = v_fun(x_val, y_val) return x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, hx # initialize controls # text input for input of the vector function [fx(x,y),fy(x,y)] u_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_functions[curveintegral_settings.init_fun_key][0], title="fx(x,y):") v_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_functions[curveintegral_settings.init_fun_key][1], title="fy(x,y):") u_input.on_change('value', function_change) v_input.on_change('value', function_change) # text input for input of the parametrized curve [cx(t),cy(t)] cx_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_curves[curveintegral_settings.init_curve_key][0], title="cx(t):") cy_input = TextInput(value=curveintegral_settings.sample_curves[curveintegral_settings.init_curve_key][1], title="cy(t):") # slider controlling the parameter t parameter_input = Slider(title="t", value=curveintegral_settings.parameter_input_init, start=curveintegral_settings.parameter_min, end=curveintegral_settings.parameter_max, step=curveintegral_settings.parameter_step) cx_input.on_change('value', curve_change)
def country_tab(list_sp_objs): def make_data_set(speeches, country, type_display): overall_counter = Counter() word_counter = dict() dict_of_selected_counters_inp = search_mentions(country) dict_of_selected_counters_out = search_is_mentioned_by(country) tot_mentions = Counter() tot_mentioned_by = Counter() for k, val in dict_of_selected_counters_inp.items(): tot_mentions += Counter(dict(dict_of_selected_counters_inp[k])) for k, val in dict_of_selected_counters_inp.items(): tot_mentioned_by += Counter(dict(dict_of_selected_counters_out[k])) sp_country = [] for s in speeches: if == country: sp_country.append(s) # sp_country = speeches[idx] # counts = defaultdict(int) for sp in list(sp_country): overall_counter += sp.word_frequency most_common_words = list(dict(overall_counter.most_common(10)).keys()) most_common_counter = Counter() for mcw in most_common_words: most_common_counter[mcw] = overall_counter[mcw] word = list(dict(most_common_counter).keys()) counts = list(dict(most_common_counter).values()) for w in most_common_words: word_counter[w] = Counter() for sp in sp_country: if sp.word_frequency[w]: add = sp.word_frequency[w] else: add = 0 word_counter[w][sp.year] += add years = range(1970, 2016, 1) selected_data = dict() for w, cnter in word_counter.items(): selected_data[w] = [] for yr in years: if yr in cnter: count = cnter[yr] else: count = float('nan') selected_data[w].append(count) # print(selected_data) multi_counts = [val for val in selected_data.values()] multi_years = [list(years)] * len(multi_counts) colors = word_colors[:len(multi_counts)] labels = most_common_words data = { 'counts': multi_counts, 'years': multi_years, 'colors': colors, 'labels': labels } if type_display == 'mentions': prepared_map_data = make_map_data(tot_mentions) else: prepared_map_data = make_map_data(tot_mentioned_by) return ColumnDataSource(data), ColumnDataSource(prepared_map_data) def update(attr, old, new): country_code = list(country_dic.keys())[list( country_dic.values()).index(country_input.value)] # print('updating ', country_input.value, country_code, dropdown.value) (word_frequency_to_plot, map_data) = make_data_set(list_sp_objs, country_code, dropdown.value) # print(country_input.value, word_frequency_to_plot) def search_mentions(input_country, output_countries=list_country_codes): specific_mentions_dict = yearwise_data(input_country, 'mentions') return specific_mentions_dict def search_is_mentioned_by(input_country, output_countries=list_country_codes): specific_mentioned_by_dict = yearwise_data(input_country, 'is_mentioned_by') return specific_mentioned_by_dict def yearwise_data(inp_country, m): '''Function to get yearly data on either mentions or is mentioned by data for a specific country. @param inp_country: country input. @param out_country: country of interest @param m: 'mentions' or 'is_mentioned_by' Example: After receiving an input country 'IND', to find the number of mentions of 'USA' in speeches by 'IND'. -Here, dict_of_interest is the mentions dict of IND >>>yearwise_data('IND','USA','mentions') <returns two arrays: years and mentions >>>[1971,1975,1995,2000],[1,2,2,1] The same thing can be applied to an is_mentioned_by dict ''' # [x for x in dict_searched_country[1989] if x[0]=='COL'] # print(inp_country,out_country,m) input_file = Path.cwd().joinpath(f'data/{m}.pickle') # Path.cwd().joinpath('data/members_dic.pkl') with'rb') as pkl_file: dict = pickle.load(pkl_file) try: dict_of_int = dict[inp_country] except KeyError: print("Check the country again!") return None, None return dict_of_int def make_plot(src): p = figure(plot_height=600, title='Most used words') # print('SRC', src['years'], src['counts']) # print(src.daa['labels']) p.multi_line('years', 'counts', color='colors', legend='labels', source=src) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Year' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Word count' # print(selected_countries) # for country in selected_countries: # p.line('years', country, source=src) return p def make_map_data(country_counter1): # 1 A mentions B , 2 A is mentioned by B unzipped = list(zip(*country_counter1)) countries = list(dict(country_counter1).keys()) country_counts = list(dict(country_counter1).values()) data = dict() data['country'] = countries data['counts'] = country_counts k = list(country_shapes.keys()) country_xs = [country_shapes[i]['lats'] for i in k] country_ys = [country_shapes[i]['lons'] for i in k] country_names = [country_shapes[i]['name'] for i in k] # country_rates = list(range(len(country_names))) country_rates = [float('NaN')] * len(country_names) country_inds = {country_shapes[j]['ID']: i for i, j in enumerate(k)} for i in range(len(data['country'])): try: country_rates[country_inds[data['country'] [i]]] = data['counts'][i] except: pass src_map = dict( x=country_xs, y=country_ys, name=country_names, rate=country_rates, ) return src_map def make_map(src_map, country, type_display): color_mapper = LogColorMapper(palette=palette) TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,hover,save" p = figure( plot_width=1150, plot_height=800, title='World Map', tools=TOOLS, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, tooltips=[ ("Name", "@name"), ("Mentions", "@rate") # , # ("(Long, Lat)", "($x, $y)") ]) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" p.x_range = Range1d(start=-180, end=180) p.y_range = Range1d(start=-90, end=90) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.patches('x', 'y', source=src_map, fill_color={ 'field': 'rate', 'transform': color_mapper }, fill_alpha=0.7, line_color="white", line_width=0.5) return (p) country_input = TextInput(value="India", title="Label:") country_code = list(country_dic.keys())[list(country_dic.values()).index( country_input.value)] country_input.on_change('value', update) # For the dropdown menu = [("Mentions", "mentions"), ("Is mentioned by", "is_mentioned_by")] dropdown = Dropdown(label="Type of display", button_type="primary", value='mentions', menu=menu) dropdown.on_change('value', update) word_colors = Category20_16 word_colors.sort() src, map_src = make_data_set(list_sp_objs, country_code, dropdown.value) p = make_plot(src) map = make_map(map_src, country_input, dropdown.value) # Put controls in a single element controls = widgetbox(country_input) # Create a row layout layout = row( column(controls, dropdown, p), map, ) # Make a tab with the layout tab = Panel(child=layout, title='Country referencing') return tab
plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) # Set up widgets text = TextInput(title="title", value='my sine wave') offset = Slider(title="offset", value=0.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0, step=0.1) amplitude = Slider(title="amplitude", value=1.0, start=-5.0, end=5.0) phase = Slider(title="phase", value=0.0, start=0.0, end=2*np.pi) freq = Slider(title="frequency", value=1.0, start=0.1, end=5.1) # Set up callbacks def update_title(attrname, old, new): plot.title.text = text.value text.on_change('value', update_title) def update_data(attrname, old, new): # Get the current slider values a = amplitude.value b = offset.value w = phase.value k = freq.value # Generate the new curve x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, N) y = a*np.sin(k*x + w) + b = dict(x=x, y=y)
def correlations_tab(ts): # Making dataset using the autocorrelation function, # input is a timeseries and default maximum lag of 10 def make_dataset_autocorr(ts, col, lag): df_to_plot_autocorr = auto_corr(ts[col], lag) return ColumnDataSource(df_to_plot_autocorr) # Making autocorrelation plot def make_autocorrplot(source): ttp = [("Lag", "$x"), ("Autocorrelation", "$y")] plot_autocorr = figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=600, tooltips=ttp, title="Autocorrelation", x_axis_label="Lag", y_axis_label="Autocorrelation", tools="hover, pan, zoom_in, zoom_out, \ reset, save")'lags', 'auto_corrs', source=source) plot_autocorr.line('lags', 'auto_corrs', source=source, line_width=0.5) plot_autocorr.title.text_font_size = '14pt' plot_autocorr.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' plot_autocorr.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' plot_autocorr.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' plot_autocorr.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' return plot_autocorr # Set up callbacks to interactively update data when different # time series and lag values are selected, and letting the user # set the title def update_title(attrname, old, new): plot_autocorr.title.text = text_autocorr.value def update_data_autocorr(attrname, old, new): new_source_autocorr = make_dataset_autocorr(ts, ts_select_autocorr.value, lag=lag_select_autocorr. value) # Set up widgets. # Input for plot titles text_autocorr = TextInput(title="Title", value='Autocorrelation') text_autocorr.on_change('value', update_title) # Select time series for Autocorrelation ts_available = ts.columns.tolist() print(ts_available) ts_available.remove('time') ts_select_autocorr = Select(value=ts_available[0], title='Time Series', options=ts_available) ts_select_autocorr.on_change('value', update_data_autocorr) # Select lag value up to a max of # the length of the time series max_lag = ts.shape[0] lag_select_autocorr = Slider(start=10, end=max_lag, step=1, value=10, title='Lag') lag_select_autocorr.on_change('value', update_data_autocorr) # Initial state and plotting. source_autocorr = make_dataset_autocorr(ts, ts_available[0], 10) plot_autocorr = make_autocorrplot(source_autocorr) # Set up layouts and add to document. # Put controls in a single element. controls_autocorr = WidgetBox(text_autocorr, ts_select_autocorr, lag_select_autocorr) # making dataset using the correlation function # inputs are two different timeseries and default maximum lag of 10 def make_dataset_corr(ts, col1, col2, lag): df_to_plot_corr = corr(ts[col1], ts[col2], lag) return ColumnDataSource(df_to_plot_corr) # Make line plot for correlation def make_corrplot(source): ttp = [("Lag", "$x"), ("Autocorrelation", "$y")] plot_corr = figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=600, tooltips=ttp, title="Correlation", x_axis_label="Lag", y_axis_label="Correlation", tools="hover, pan, zoom_in, zoom_out, reset, save")'lags', 'corrs', source=source) plot_corr.line('lags', 'corrs', source=source, line_width=0.5) plot_corr.title.text_font_size = '14pt' plot_corr.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' plot_corr.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' plot_corr.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' plot_corr.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'bold' return plot_corr # Set up callbacks to interactively update data when different # time series and lag values are selected, and letting the user # set the title def update_title(attrname, old, new): plot_corr.title.text = text_corr.value def update_data_corr(attrname, old, new): new_source_corr = make_dataset_corr(ts, ts_select_corr.value, ts_select2_corr.value, lag=lag_select_corr.value) # Set up widgets. # Input for plot titles text_corr = TextInput(title="Title", value='Correlation') text_corr.on_change('value', update_title) # Select time series for Autocorrelation ts_available = ts.columns.tolist() ts_available.remove('time') ts_select_corr = Select(value=ts_available[0], title='Time Series 1', options=ts_available) ts_select_corr.on_change('value', update_data_corr) ts_select2_corr = Select(value=ts_available[0], title='Time Series 2 (shifted)', options=ts_available) ts_select2_corr.on_change('value', update_data_corr) # Select lag value up to a max of # the length of the time series max_lag = ts.shape[0] lag_select_corr = Slider(start=10, end=max_lag, step=1, value=10, title='Lag') lag_select_corr.on_change('value', update_data_corr) # Initial state and plotting. source_corr = make_dataset_corr(ts, ts_available[0], ts_available[0], 10) plot_corr = make_corrplot(source_corr) # Set up layouts and add to document. # Put controls in a single element. controls_corr = WidgetBox(text_corr, ts_select_corr, ts_select2_corr, lag_select_corr) # Create a row layout grid = gridplot([[controls_autocorr, plot_autocorr], [controls_corr, plot_corr]], plot_width=500, plot_height=500) # Make a tab with the layout. tab = Panel(child=grid, title='Autocorrelation and Correlation') return tab
from bokeh.models.widgets import Button, TextInput label_saccade_button = Button(label='saccade') label_saccade_button.on_click(label_saccade_cb) label_pursuit_button = Button(label='pursuit') label_pursuit_button.on_click(label_pursuit_cb) label_fixation_button = Button(label='fixation') label_fixation_button.on_click(label_fixation_cb) remove_button = Button(label='remove') remove_button.on_click(remove_cb) trial_text = TextInput(value=str(trialNum)) trial_text.on_change('value', trial_text_cb) nextTrial_button = Button(label='+trial') nextTrial_button .on_click(next_trial_cb) prevTrial_button= Button(label='-trial') prevTrial_button.on_click(prev_trial_cb) from bokeh.layouts import row buttonBox = row(label_saccade_button, label_pursuit_button, label_fixation_button, remove_button) trialSelectBox = row(prevTrial_button, trial_text, nextTrial_button) #, sizing_mode='scale_width' ########################################################################### # Get the HTML description header from os.path import dirname, join
class StockApp(VBox): extra_generated_classes = [["StockApp", "StockApp", "VBox"]] jsmodel = "VBox" # text statistics pretext = Instance(DataTable) # plots line_plot1 = Instance(Plot) hist1 = Instance(Plot) # data source source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) risk_source = Instance(ColumnDataSource) # layout boxes mainrow = Instance(HBox) histrow = Instance(HBox) statsbox = Instance(VBox) # inputs ticker1 = String(default="INTC") ticker2 = String(default="Daily Prices") ticker3 = String(default='63') ticker4 = String(default='2010-01-01') ticker5 = String(default='2015-08-01') ticker1_select = Instance(Select) ticker2_select = Instance(Select) ticker3_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker4_select = Instance(TextInput) ticker5_select = Instance(TextInput) input_box = Instance(VBoxForm) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StockApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._dfs = {} @classmethod def create(cls): """ This function is called once, and is responsible for creating all objects (plots, datasources, etc) """ # create layout widgets obj = cls() obj.mainrow = HBox() obj.histrow = HBox() obj.statsbox = VBox() obj.input_box = VBoxForm() # create input widgets obj.make_inputs() # outputs #obj.pretext = PreText(text="", width=300) obj.pretext = DataTable(width=300) obj.make_source() obj.make_plots() obj.make_stats() # layout obj.set_children() return obj def make_inputs(self): self.ticker1_select = Select( name='ticker1', title='Portfolio:', value='MSFT', options = ['INTC', 'Tech Basket', 'IBB', 'IGOV'] ) self.ticker2_select = Select( name='ticker2', title='Risk/Performance Metric:', value='Price', options=['Daily Prices', 'Daily Returns', 'Daily Cum Returns', 'Max DD Percentage', 'Percentage Up Days', 'Rolling 95% VaR', 'Rolling Ann. Volatility', 'Rolling Worst Dly. Loss', 'Ann. Sharpe Ratio'] ) self.ticker3_select = TextInput( name='ticker3', title='Window Size:', value='63' ) self.ticker4_select = TextInput( name='ticker4', title='Start Date:', value='2010-01-01' ) self.ticker5_select = TextInput( name='ticker5', title='End Date:', value='2015-08-01' ) @property def selected_df(self): pandas_df = self.df selected = self.source.selected['1d']['indices'] if selected: pandas_df = pandas_df.iloc[selected, :] return pandas_df def make_source(self): if self.ticker2 == 'Daily Prices': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.df) elif self.ticker2 == 'Daily Returns': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=daily_returns_df(self.df)) elif self.ticker2 == 'Daily Cum Returns': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=daily_cum_returns_df(daily_returns_df(self.df),int(self.ticker3))) elif self.ticker2 == 'Rolling Ann. Volatility': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=annualized_volatility_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3))) elif self.ticker2 == 'Rolling Worst Dly. Loss': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=worst_daily_loss_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3))) elif self.ticker2 == 'Rolling 95% VaR': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=VaR_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3),0.95)) elif self.ticker2 == 'Ann. Sharpe Ratio': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=sharpe_ratio_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3))) elif self.ticker2 == 'Max DD Percentage': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=draw_down_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3))) elif self.ticker2 == 'Percentage Up Days': self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=per_up_days_df(self.df,int(self.ticker3))) else: self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=self.df) def line_plot(self, ticker, x_range=None): if self.ticker2 in ['Daily Prices', 'Daily Returns']: tltstr = self.ticker1 + ' ' + self.ticker2 else: tltstr=self.ticker1 + ' ' +self.ticker2 + ' with ' + self.ticker3 + ' Day Trailing Window' p = figure( title=tltstr, x_range=x_range, x_axis_type='datetime', plot_width=1200, plot_height=400, title_text_font_size="16pt", tools="pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,reset", x_axis_label = 'Date', y_axis_label = self.ticker2 ) p.line( 'date', ticker, line_width=2, line_join='bevel', source=self.source, nonselection_alpha=0.02 ) return p def hist_plot(self, ticker): pltdf = self.source.to_df().set_index('date').dropna() qlow, qhigh = mquantiles(pltdf[ticker],prob=[0.01,0.99]) tdf = pltdf[ticker] histdf = tdf[((tdf > qlow) & (tdf < qhigh))] hist, bins = np.histogram(histdf, bins=50) width = 0.7 * (bins[1] - bins[0]) center = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 start = bins.min() end = bins.max() top = hist.max() p = figure( title=self.ticker1 + ' ' + self.ticker2 + ' Histogram', plot_width=600, plot_height=400, tools="", title_text_font_size="16pt", x_range=[start, end], y_range=[0, top], x_axis_label = self.ticker2 + ' Bins', y_axis_label = 'Bin Count' ) p.rect(center, hist / 2.0, width, hist) return p def make_plots(self): ticker1 = self.ticker1 ticker2 = self.ticker2 self.line_plot1 = self.line_plot(ticker1) self.hist_plots() def hist_plots(self): ticker1 = self.ticker1 ticker2 = self.ticker2 self.hist1 = self.hist_plot(ticker1) #self.hist2 = self.hist_plot(ticker2) def set_children(self): self.children = [self.mainrow, self.line_plot1] self.mainrow.children = [self.input_box, self.hist1, self.pretext] self.input_box.children = [self.ticker1_select, self.ticker2_select, self.ticker3_select, self.ticker4_select, self.ticker5_select] #self.statsbox.children = [self.pretext] def input_change(self, obj, attrname, old, new): if obj == self.ticker5_select: self.ticker5 = new if obj == self.ticker4_select: self.ticker4 = new if obj == self.ticker3_select: self.ticker3 = new if obj == self.ticker2_select: self.ticker2 = new if obj == self.ticker1_select: self.ticker1 = new self.make_source() self.make_stats() self.make_plots() self.set_children() curdoc().add(self) def setup_events(self): super(StockApp, self).setup_events() if self.source: self.source.on_change('selected', self, 'selection_change') if self.ticker1_select: self.ticker1_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker2_select: self.ticker2_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker3_select: self.ticker3_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker4_select: self.ticker4_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') if self.ticker5_select: self.ticker5_select.on_change('value', self, 'input_change') def make_stats(self): ## Build up a list of Summary stats for the time series statsdf = self.source.to_df().dropna() stats = statsdf.describe() stats.index = ['Data Point Count', 'Mean', 'Standard Deviation', 'Minimum', '25%-ile', '50%-ile', '75%-ile', 'Maximum'] stats.loc['Skewness',:] = my_round(my_skewness(statsdf[self.ticker1].values),4) stats.loc['Excess Kurtosis',:] = my_round(my_ex_kurtosis(statsdf[self.ticker1].values),4) stats = stats.fillna(-10) = "stats" columns = [TableColumn(field='stats', title='Time Series Statistic'), TableColumn(field=self.ticker1, title="Value", formatter=NumberFormatter(format='0.0000'))] self.pretext.columns = columns self.pretext.source = ColumnDataSource(data=stats) def selection_change(self, obj, attrname, old, new): self.make_stats() self.hist_plots() self.set_children() curdoc().add(self) @property def df(self): return get_data(self.ticker1).truncate(before=self.ticker4, after=self.ticker5)