def test_figure(self): plt.figure() self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), None) p =[1,2,3], [1,2,3]) self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), p) plt.figure() self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), None)
def plot_circle_density(nodes, degrees, plot_width=800, plot_height=800): print("Plotting circle density graph") TOOLS="hover,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,click,previewsave" plt.figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, tools=TOOLS) theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=len(nodes)) max_d, min_d = np.max(degrees), np.min(degrees) scale = 1.0/np.log(degrees) - 1.0/np.log(max_d) xs = np.cos(theta)*scale ys = np.sin(theta)*scale source_dict = dict( xs = xs, ys = ys, degrees = degrees, nodes = nodes, alphas = np.log(degrees)/np.log(max(degrees)), ) source = ColumnDataSource(source_dict) plt.hold(True)'xs', 'ys', source=source, radius=0.0025, fill_alpha='alphas', x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, title="Density Distribution of Degrees") plt.text([max(xs), max(xs)], [.95*max(ys), .85*max(ys)], ["distance from center = 1 / log(deg)", "angle = random"], angle=0, text_baseline="bottom", text_align="right") hover = [t for t in plt.curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('node', '@nodes'), ('degree', '@degrees') ]) plt.hold(False) return plt.curplot()
def get_plottag(script_path): """ Saves js in script_path and returns tag for embedding in html """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os y_data = np.random.randn(100) x_data = pd.date_range('31-Aug-2014', periods=len(y_data)) figure(x_axis_type='datetime', tools='pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,crosshair', name='test plot') hold() line(x_data, y_data, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=4, alpha=0.7, legend='random', background_fill= '#cccccc') circle(x_data, y_data, color='red', fill_color=None, size=6, legend='random') curplot().title = 'Test Plot' xaxis().axis_label='date' yaxis().axis_label='some random numbers' grid().grid_line_color='white' grid().grid_line_alpha = 0.5 plotid = curplot()._id script_path = os.path.join(script_path, plotid+'.js') js, tag = autoload_static(curplot(), CDN, script_path=script_path) with open(script_path, 'w') as f: f.write(js) return tag
def build_punchcard(datamap_list, concept_list, radii_list, fields_in_concept_list, datamaps, concepts, plot_width=1200, plot_height=800): source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( datamap=datamap_list, # x concept=concept_list, # y radii=radii_list, fields_in_concept=fields_in_concept_list, ) ) output_file('') hold() figure() plot_properties = { 'title': None, 'tools': "hover,resize,previewsave", 'y_range': [get_datamap_label(datamap) for datamap in datamaps], 'x_range': concepts, 'plot_width': plot_width, 'plot_height': plot_height, } rect('concept', 'datamap', # x, y 1, 1, # height, width source=source, color='white', # put in background **plot_properties) circle('concept', 'datamap', # x, y size='radii', source=source, color='black', **plot_properties) grid().grid_line_color = None x = xaxis() x.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 hover = [t for t in curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Datamap", "@datamap"), ("Concept", "@concept"), ("Fields", "@fields_in_concept"), ]) return curplot().create_html_snippet( static_path=settings.STATIC_URL, embed_save_loc=settings.BOKEH_EMBED_JS_DIR, embed_base_url=reverse('bokeh'), )
def test_figure(self): p = plt.figure() self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), p) q =[1,2,3], [1,2,3]) self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), q) self.assertNotEqual(p, q) r = plt.figure() self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), r) self.assertNotEqual(p, r) self.assertNotEqual(q, r) plt.hold() s =[1,2,3], [1,2,3]) self.assertEqual(plt.curplot(), s) self.assertEqual(r, s)
def bokeh_lsa(year, df): plt.output_file('output/lsa/' + str(year) + '.html') topics = [str(a) for a in df.columns] words = list(to_str(df.index)) p = plt.figure(x_range=topics, y_range=words, plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=year, tools='resize, save') plot_sizes = [] plot_topics = [] plot_words = [] print df for word, coeff in df.iterrows(): for n, c in enumerate(coeff): if c > 0: plot_sizes.append(c) plot_topics.append(str(n)) plot_words.append(word) if len(plot_sizes) == 0: return max_size = np.max(plot_sizes) plot_sizes = [int(a / max_size * 75) + 25 for a in plot_sizes] print plot_sizes, plot_words, plot_topics, y=plot_words, size=plot_sizes, fill_alpha=0.6) return plt.curplot()
def bokeh_lsa(year, df): plt.output_file('output/lsa/'+str(year)+'.html') topics = [str(a) for a in df.columns] words = list(to_str(df.index)) p = plt.figure(x_range=topics, y_range=words, plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=year, tools='resize, save') plot_sizes = [] plot_topics = [] plot_words = [] print df for word, coeff in df.iterrows(): for n, c in enumerate(coeff): if c > 0: plot_sizes.append(c) plot_topics.append(str(n)) plot_words.append(word) if len(plot_sizes) == 0: return max_size = np.max(plot_sizes) plot_sizes = [int(a/max_size * 75) + 25 for a in plot_sizes] print plot_sizes, plot_words, plot_topics, y=plot_words, size=plot_sizes, fill_alpha=0.6) return plt.curplot()
def distribution(): mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 measured = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=20) x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000) pdf = 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) cdf = (1 + scipy.special.erf((x - mu) / np.sqrt(2 * sigma ** 2))) / 2 output_server("distribution_reveal") hold() figure(title="Interactive plots", tools="pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, previewsave", background_fill="#E5E5E5") quad(top=hist, bottom=np.zeros(len(hist)), left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#333333", line_color="#E5E5E5", line_width=3) # Use `line` renderers to display the PDF and CDF line(x, pdf, line_color="#348abd", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") line(x, cdf, line_color="#7a68a6", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") xgrid().grid_line_color = "white" xgrid().grid_line_width = 3 ygrid().grid_line_color = "white" ygrid().grid_line_width = 3 legend().orientation = "top_left" return curplot(), cursession()
def animated(): from numpy import pi, cos, sin, linspace, zeros_like N = 50 + 1 r_base = 8 theta = linspace(0, 2 * pi, N) r_x = linspace(0, 6 * pi, N - 1) rmin = r_base - cos(r_x) - 1 rmax = r_base + sin(r_x) + 1 colors = ["FFFFCC", "#C7E9B4", "#7FCDBB", "#41B6C4", "#2C7FB8", "#253494", "#2C7FB8", "#41B6C4", "#7FCDBB", "#C7E9B4"] * 5 cx = cy = zeros_like(rmin) output_server("animated_reveal") figure(title="Animations") hold() annular_wedge( cx, cy, rmin, rmax, theta[:-1], theta[1:], x_range=[-11, 11], y_range=[-11, 11], inner_radius_units="data", outer_radius_units="data", fill_color=colors, line_color="black", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave" ) return curplot(), cursession()
def plot_3(data, ss): """t-SNE embedding of the parameters, colored by score """ scores = np.array([d['mean_test_score'] for d in data]) # maps each parameters to a vector of floats warped = np.array([ss.point_to_moe(d['parameters']) for d in data]) # Embed into 2 dimensions with t-SNE X = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(warped) e_scores = np.exp(scores) mine, maxe = np.min(e_scores), np.max(e_scores) color = (e_scores - mine) / (maxe - mine) mapped_colors = map(rgb2hex, cm.get_cmap('RdBu_r')(color)) bk.figure(title='t-SNE (unsupervised)') bk.hold() df_params = nonconstant_parameters(data) df_params['score'] = scores X[:, 0], X[:, 1], color=mapped_colors, radius=1, source=ColumnDataSource(df_params), fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=None, tools=TOOLS) cp = bk.curplot() hover = format_tt = [(s, '@%s' % s) for s in df_params.columns] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([("index", "$index")] + format_tt) xax, yax = bk.axis() xax.axis_label = 't-SNE coord 1' yax.axis_label = 't-SNE coord 2'
def tweetsGraph():"Drawing graphs to %s" % path_to_graphs+"Stats.html") stat_db_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM tweets') tweets = stat_db_cursor.fetchall() date, volume, cumulative, volumePast24h = zip(*[(datetime.datetime.strptime(t['date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H"), t['current_hour'], t['cumulative'], t['past_24h']) for t in tweets]) hourly =zip([datetime.datetime(year=d.year, month=d.month, for d in date],volume) hourly.sort() days, dailyVolume = zip(*[(d, sum([v[1] for v in vol])) for d,vol in itertools.groupby(hourly, lambda i:i[0])]) bokeh_plt.output_file(path_to_graphs+"Stats.html") bokeh_plt.hold() bokeh_plt.quad(days, [d+datetime.timedelta(days=1) for d in days], dailyVolume, [0]*len(dailyVolume), x_axis_type="datetime", color='gray', legend="Daily volume") bokeh_plt.line(date, volume, x_axis_type="datetime", color='red', legend="Hourly volume") bokeh_plt.line(date, volumePast24h, x_axis_type="datetime", color='green', legend="Volume in the past 24 hours") bokeh_plt.curplot().title = "Volume" bokeh_plt.figure() bokeh_plt.line(date, cumulative, x_axis_type="datetime") bokeh_plt.curplot().title = "Cumulative volume" fig, ax = matplotlib_plt.subplots() f=DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(f) matplotlib_plt.plot(date, volume) matplotlib_plt.plot(date, volumePast24h) matplotlib_plt.plot(days, dailyVolume) matplotlib_plt.xticks(np.concatenate((np.array(date)[range(0,len(date),24*7)],[date[-1]])), rotation=70) matplotlib_plt.savefig(path_to_graphs+"volume.png", bbox_inches="tight") stat_db_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users') users = stat_db_cursor.fetchall() date, nUsers, nUsersWithFriends = zip(*[(datetime.datetime.strptime(u['date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"), u['total'], u['with_friends']) for u in users]) bokeh_plt.figure() bokeh_plt.line(date, nUsers, x_axis_type="datetime", legend="Total") bokeh_plt.line(date, nUsersWithFriends, x_axis_type="datetime", legend="Friendship collected") bokeh_plt.legend().orientation = "top_left" bokeh_plt.curplot().title = "Number of users" matplotlib_plt.figure() fig, ax = matplotlib_plt.subplots() f=DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(f) matplotlib_plt.plot(date, nUsers) matplotlib_plt.plot(date, nUsersWithFriends) matplotlib_plt.xticks(np.concatenate((np.array(date)[range(0,len(date),24*7)],[date[-1]])), rotation=70) matplotlib_plt.savefig(path_to_graphs+"users.png", bbox_inches="tight")
def plot_adj(adj, sparcity): N, _ = adj.shape TOOLS="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,click,previewsave" plt.figure(plot_width=N+100, plot_height=N+100, tools=TOOLS) plt.image(image=[adj], x =[0], y=[0], dw=[N], dh=[N], x_range=[0, N], y_range=[0, N], palette=["Blues-3"], title="Adjacency of top %d nodes (%.2f%% sparcity)" % (N, sparcity), x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None) return plt.curplot()
def build_timeplot(data): output_file('distribution.html', title='distribution')#, js="relative", css="relative") x,y=[],[] if len(data)>0: x,y=zip(*[(k, data[k]) for k in sorted(data)]) line([pd.DatetimeIndex([dt])[0] for dt in x] , [int(yt) for yt in y],x_axis_type='datetime', tools="pan,zoom,resize", width=400,height=300, title = 'voorkomens') xaxis()[0].axis_label = "Datum" yaxis()[0].axis_label = "# artikels" # Create an HTML snippet of our plot. snippet = curplot().create_html_snippet(embed_base_url='/static/plots/', embed_save_loc=plotdir) # Return the snippet we want to place in our page. return snippet
def merge(*args, **kwargs): import bokeh.plotting as bk bk.figure() bk.hold() y = kwargs.get('y', None) x = kwargs.get('x', 'Pos') try: kwargs.pop('y') kwargs.pop('x') except: pass y = (y if type(y) == list else [y] * len(args)) #FIXME do the same for x for yi, p in zip(y, args):, y=yi, color=next(kwargs["colors"]), **kwargs) return bk.curplot()
def merge(*args, **kwargs): import bokeh.plotting as bk bk.figure() bk.hold() y = kwargs.get('y',None) x = kwargs.get('x','Pos') try: kwargs.pop('y') kwargs.pop('x') except: pass y = (y if type(y) == list else [y]*len(args)) #FIXME do the same for x for yi,p in zip(y,args):, y=yi, color=next(kwargs["colors"]), **kwargs) return bk.curplot()
def graph(): print("Graphing") with open(DATA_FILE, "rb") as fin: issues = [Issue(x) for x in pickle.load(fin)] plotting.output_file("{}.{}.html".format(GH_USER, GH_REPO), title="") numbers = [iss.number for iss in issues] source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( number = [iss.number for iss in issues], ago = [iss.ago + iss.length/2 for iss in issues], length = [iss.length for iss in issues], title = [iss.title for iss in issues], pull_request = [iss.pull_request for iss in issues], color = [assign_color(iss) for iss in issues], since = ["{} days".format(int(abs(iss.ago))) for iss in issues], ), ) plotting.hold() plotting.rect("ago", "number", "length", 1, source=source, color="color", title="{}/{}".format(GH_USER, GH_REPO), y_range=(min(numbers), max(numbers)), tools="resize,hover,previewsave,pan,wheel_zoom", fill_alpha=0.8) text_props = { "source": source, "angle": 0, "color": "black", "text_align": "left", "text_baseline": "middle" } plotting.grid().grid_line_color = None hover = [t for t in plotting.curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("number", "@number"), ("title", "@title"), ("since", "@since"), ("pull_request", "@pull_request"), ])
def draw(self, x, y, z, title, func, **kwargs): import bokeh.plotting as bk #TODO: change colors if y is of list type y = (y if type(y) == list else [y]) # wrap y to a list so that we can iterate kwargs.update({ "outline_line_color":"black", #FIXME refactor "plot_width":300, "plot_height":300, }) bk.hold(True) for yi in y: x_data, y_data = self[x], self[yi] func(x=x_data, y=y_data, title=title, **kwargs) bk.hold(False) ret = bk.curplot() def _label(axis, field): label = kwargs.get(axis + '_label', False) if label:, {axis + '_label':label}) else: label =, axis + '_label', "None") return label def _range(axis, field): from bokeh.objects import Range1d p_range_args = kwargs.get(axis + '_range', False) if p_range_args:, {axis + '_range': p_range}) else: p_range =, axis + '_range') if not p_range: return False else: return Range1d(start=p_range[0], end=p_range[1]) bk.xaxis().axis_label = _label('x', x) if _range('x', x): ret.x_range = _range('x', x) bk.yaxis().axis_label = _label('y', y[0]) #TODO can this make sense for multiplots? if _range('y', y[0]): ret.y_range = _range('y', y[0]) return ret
def _draw(self, x, y, z, overlay, inst_func, **kwargs): import bokeh.plotting as bk import numpy as np def greatest_divisor(number): if number == 1: return 1 for i in reversed(range(number)): if number % i == 0: return i else: return 1 if not overlay: rows = [] for name, instance in self.cases.iteritems(): bk.figure() rows.append( getattr(instance, inst_func)(x=x, y=y, title=str(name), **kwargs) #FIXME num cars ) rows = np.array(rows).reshape(greatest_divisor(len(rows)), -1).tolist() return bk.GridPlot(children=rows, title="Scatter") else: bk.hold() colors = plot.next_color() exp_legend = kwargs.get("legend", None) if exp_legend != None: kwargs.pop("legend") exp_title = kwargs.get("title", None) if exp_title != None: kwargs.pop("title") for name, instance in self.cases.iteritems(): color = next(colors) legend = (exp_legend if exp_legend != None else name) title = (exp_title if exp_title != None else "") getattr(instance, inst_func)(x=x, y=y, title=title, color=color, legend=legend, **kwargs) bk.hold(False) return bk.curplot()
def count_by_day_graph(collection_name): # TODO: выделить на графике выходные дни import numpy as np from bokeh.plotting import output_file, hold, figure, line, curplot, grid, show a = count_by_day(collection_name) output_file("output/count_by_day_graph.html", title="count_by_day_graph") hold() figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave", plot_width=1800) line(np.array(a["date"], 'M64'), a['count'], color='#A6CEE3', legend='Количество статей') line(np.array(a["date"], 'M64'), [averange_count(collection_name)] * len(a["date"]), color='#ff0000', legend='Среднее количество статей') curplot().title = "Количество статей по дням" grid().grid_line_alpha=0.3 show()
def build_scatter_tooltip(x, y, tt, add_line=True, radius=3, title='My Plot', xlabel='Iteration number', ylabel='Score'): bk.figure(title=title) bk.hold() x, y, radius=radius, source=ColumnDataSource(tt), fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=None, tools=TOOLS) if add_line: bk.line(x, y, line_width=2) xax, yax = bk.axis() xax.axis_label = xlabel yax.axis_label = ylabel cp = bk.curplot() hover = format_tt = [(s, '@%s' % s) for s in tt.columns] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([("index", "$index")] + format_tt)
def build_plot(datalist,logx=True): # Set the output for our plot. output_file('plot.html', title='Plot')#, js="relative", css="relative") # Create some data for our plot. colors=['red','green','blue','yellow','black'] # colors=['tomato','navy'] hold() cnt=0 for name,data in datalist: cnt+=1 x,y=zip(*data) if logx: scatter([np.log(x_el) for x_el in x] ,list(y) , color=colors[cnt], legend=name) else: scatter(list(x) ,list(y) , color=colors[cnt], legend=name) # Create an HTML snippet of our plot. snippet = curplot().create_html_snippet(embed_base_url='/static/plots/', embed_save_loc=plotdir) # Return the snippet we want to place in our page. return snippet
def animated(): from numpy import pi, cos, sin, linspace, zeros_like N = 50 + 1 r_base = 8 theta = linspace(0, 2 * pi, N) r_x = linspace(0, 6 * pi, N - 1) rmin = r_base - cos(r_x) - 1 rmax = r_base + sin(r_x) + 1 colors = [ "FFFFCC", "#C7E9B4", "#7FCDBB", "#41B6C4", "#2C7FB8", "#253494", "#2C7FB8", "#41B6C4", "#7FCDBB", "#C7E9B4" ] * 5 cx = cy = zeros_like(rmin) output_server("animated_reveal") figure(title="Animations", x_range=[-11, 11], y_range=[-11, 11], tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") hold() annular_wedge( cx, cy, rmin, rmax, theta[:-1], theta[1:], inner_radius_units="data", outer_radius_units="data", fill_color=colors, line_color="black", ) return curplot(), cursession()
def distribution(): mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 measured = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=20) x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000) pdf = 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2)) cdf = (1 + scipy.special.erf((x - mu) / np.sqrt(2 * sigma**2))) / 2 output_server("distribution_reveal") hold() figure(title="Interactive plots", tools="pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, previewsave", background_fill="#E5E5E5") quad(top=hist, bottom=np.zeros(len(hist)), left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#333333", line_color="#E5E5E5", line_width=3) # Use `line` renderers to display the PDF and CDF line(x, pdf, line_color="#348abd", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") line(x, cdf, line_color="#7a68a6", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") xgrid().grid_line_color = "white" xgrid().grid_line_width = 3 ygrid().grid_line_color = "white" ygrid().grid_line_width = 3 legend().orientation = "top_left" return curplot(), cursession()
def _draw(self, x, y, z, overlay, inst_func, **kwargs): import bokeh.plotting as bk import numpy as np def greatest_divisor(number): if number == 1: return 1 for i in reversed(range(number)): if number % i == 0: return i else: return 1 if not overlay: rows=[] for name, instance in self.cases.iteritems(): bk.figure() rows.append( getattr(instance, inst_func) (x=x, y=y, title=str(name), **kwargs) #FIXME num cars ) rows = np.array(rows).reshape(greatest_divisor(len(rows)),-1).tolist() return bk.GridPlot(children=rows, title="Scatter") else: bk.hold() colors = plot.next_color() exp_legend = kwargs.get("legend", None) if exp_legend != None: kwargs.pop("legend") exp_title = kwargs.get("title", None) if exp_title != None: kwargs.pop("title") for name, instance in self.cases.iteritems(): color = next(colors) legend = (exp_legend if exp_legend != None else name) title = (exp_title if exp_title != None else "") getattr(instance, inst_func)(x=x, y=y, title=title, color=color, legend=legend, **kwargs) bk.hold(False) return bk.curplot()
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return self.render_to_json_response({'plot': u''}) # measurement_type_pk = kwargs.get('measurement_type_pk') # measurement_type = MeasurementType.objects.get(pk=measurement_type_pk) collection = Collection.objects.get(pk=kwargs.get('pk')) units = Unit.objects.filter(measurements__match={'measurement_type':, 'active': True}, pk__in=[ for unit in collection.units], active=True) if units: bk.hold() bk.figure(x_axis_type="datetime", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") colors = self.get_colors(len(units)) for i, unit in enumerate(units): measurements = [(measurement.created_at, measurement.value) for measurement in unit.measurements if and measurement.measurement_type == measurement_type] measurements.sort(key=lambda measurement: measurement[0]) data = { 'date': [measurement[0] for measurement in measurements], 'value': [measurement[1] for measurement in measurements] } bk.line(np.array(data['date']), data['value'], color=colors[i], line_width=2, legend=unit.__unicode__()) bk.grid().grid_line_alpha = 0.3 xax, yax = bk.axis() xax.axis_label = ugettext('Date') yax.axis_label = ugettext('Values') plot = bk.curplot() bk.get_default_color() plot.title = ugettext('Measurements type') # plot.title = ugettext('Measurements type {}'.format(measurement_type.__unicode__())) js, tag = autoload_static(plot, Resources(mode='server', root_url=settings.STATIC_URL), "") return self.render_to_json_response({'plot': u'{}<script>{}</script>'.format(tag, js)}) return self.render_to_json_response(ugettext('Not found'), status=404)
def drawPlot(shapeFilename, zipBorough, zipMaxAgency): # Read the ShapeFile dat = shapefile.Reader(shapeFilename) # Creates a dictionary for zip: {lat_list: [], lng_list: []}. zipCodes = [] hoverZip = [] hoverAgency = [] hoverComplaints = [] polygons = {'lat_list': [], 'lng_list': [], 'centerLat_list': [], 'centerLon_list': []} record_index = 0 for r in dat.iterRecords(): currentZip = r[0] # Keeps only zip codes in NY area. if currentZip in zipMaxAgency: # was in zipBorough: # zipCodes.append(currentZip) # moving this line into the parts loop # Gets shape for this zip. shape = dat.shapeRecord(record_index).shape for part in range(len( zipCodes.append(currentZip) hoverZip.append(currentZip) hoverAgency.append(zipMaxAgency[currentZip][0]) hoverComplaints.append(zipMaxAgency[currentZip][1]) start =[part] if part == len( - 1: end = len(shape.points) else: end =[part + 1] points = shape.points[start : end] # Breaks into lists for lat/lng. lngs = [p[0] for p in points] lats = [p[1] for p in points] # Calculate centers center_lngs = min(lngs) + (max(lngs) - min(lngs))/2 center_lats = min(lats) + (max(lats) - min(lats))/2 # Store centroids for current part shape polygons['centerLat_list'].append(center_lats) polygons['centerLon_list'].append(center_lngs) # Stores lat/lng for current zip shape. polygons['lng_list'].append(lngs) polygons['lat_list'].append(lats) record_index += 1 # Palette ##d9d9d9 brewer11 = ['#8dd3c7', '#ffffb3', '#bebada','#fb8072','#80b1d3','#fdb462','#b3de69','#fccde5','#d9d9d9','#bc80bd','#ccebc5'] #brewer11 = ['#a6cee3', '#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#ffff99'] #agencies = sorted(list({zipMaxAgency[zipCode] for zipCode in zipMaxAgency})) biggestComplaints = {} for zz, aa in zipMaxAgency.iteritems(): if aa[0] in biggestComplaints: biggestComplaints[aa[0]] += 1 else: biggestComplaints[aa[0]] = 1 # sorting agencies by number of zip codes (to try to get better colors) agencies = list(biggestComplaints.iteritems()) agencies = sorted(agencies, key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True) agencies = [agency[0] for agency in agencies] # Assign colors to agencies agencyColor = {agencies[i] : brewer11[i] for i in range(len(brewer11))} polygons['colors'] = [agencyColor[zipMaxAgency[zipCode][0]] for zipCode in zipCodes] # Prepare hover #source = bk.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(hoverAgency=hoverAgency, hoverZip=hoverZip, hoverComplaintCount=hoverComplaintCount,)) source = bk.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(hoverZip = hoverZip, hoverAgency = hoverAgency, hoverComplaints = hoverComplaints),) # Creates the Plot bk.output_file("problem1.html") bk.hold() TOOLS="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,hover" fig = bk.figure(title="311 Complaints by Zip Code", \ tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=650) # Creates the polygons. bk.patches(polygons['lng_list'], polygons['lat_list'], fill_color=polygons['colors'], line_color="gray", source = source) # RP: add hover hover = bk.curplot().select(dict(type=HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Zip", "@hoverZip"), ("Agency", "@hoverAgency"), ("Number of complaints", "@hoverComplaints"), ]) ### Zip codes as text on polygons #for i in range(len(polygons['centerLat_list'])): # y = polygons['centerLat_list'][i] # x = polygons['centerLon_list'][i] # zipCode = zipCodes[i] # bk.text([x], [y], text=zipCode, angle=0, text_font_size="8pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle") fonts = ["Comic sans MS", "Papyrus", "Curlz", "Impact", "Zapf dingbats", "Comic sans MS", "Papyrus", "Curlz", "Impact", "Zapf Dingbats", "Comic sans MS"] ### Legend x = -73.66 y = 40.50 #x = -74.25 #y = 40.9 for agency, color in agencyColor.iteritems(): #print "Color: ", a #print "x:", x #print "y:", y bk.rect([x], [y], color = color, width=0.03, height=0.015) bk.text([x], [y], text = agency, angle=0, text_font_size="7pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle") y = y + 0.015 #bokeh.embed.components(fig, bokeh.resources.CDN)
deploys = deploydata[:, 1] lwrs = [] for v in deploydata[:, 1]: lwrs.append(100 - int(v / 3)) bp.output_file("sfr.html", title=" example") bp.figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") bp.line(time, deploys, x_axis_label="Time (m)", y_axis_label="Reactors (#)", color='#1F78B4', legend='SFRs') bp.hold() bp.line(time, lwrs, x_axis_label="Time (m)", y_axis_label="Reactors (#)", color="green", legend='LWRs') bp.curplot().title = "SFRs" bp.grid().grid_line_alpha = 0.3 # open a browser
pres_y = np.array([20]) bk.output_server('Pressure') bk.line( time_x, pres_y, color='#0000FF', tools= 'pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize,crosshair,select,previewsave,embed', width=1200, height=300) bk.xaxis()[0].axis_label = 'Time' bk.yaxis()[0].axis_label = 'Pressure' renderer = [r for r in bk.curplot().renderers if isinstance(r, Glyph)][0] ds = renderer.data_source while True:["x"] = time_x["y"] = pres_y ds._dirty = True bk.session().store_obj(ds) time.sleep(1) t = t + 1 time_x = np.append(time_x, time_x[t - 1] + 1) pres_y = np.append( pres_y, pres_y[t - 1] + np.random.random() * pres_y[t - 1] * 0.01)
from bokeh.objects import Glyph import time t = 0 time_x = np.array([0]) pres_y = np.array([20]) bk.output_server('Pressure') bk.line(time_x, pres_y, color='#0000FF', tools='pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize,crosshair,select,previewsave,embed', width=1200,height=300) bk.xaxis()[0].axis_label = 'Time' bk.yaxis()[0].axis_label = 'Pressure' renderer = [r for r in bk.curplot().renderers if isinstance(r, Glyph)][0] ds = renderer.data_source while True:["x"] = time_x["y"] = pres_y ds._dirty = True bk.session().store_obj(ds) time.sleep(1) t = t + 1 time_x = np.append(time_x, time_x[t-1]+1) pres_y = np.append(pres_y, pres_y[t-1] + np.random.random()*pres_y[t-1]*0.01)
# Make a text glyph for each rect glyph to show the cabinet names and locations bk.text(x=dict(field="posx", units="data"), y=dict(field="text_locy", units="data"), text=dict(field="loc", units="data"), text_font_style="bold", text_font_size="12pt", **text_props) bk.text(x=dict(field="posx", units="data"), y=dict(field="text_namey", units="data"), text=dict(field="name", units="data"), text_font_style="bold", text_font_size="9pt", **text_props) bk.text(x=dict(field="posx", units="data"), y=dict(field="text_suby", units="data"), text=dict(field="sub", units="data"), text_font_style="bold", text_font_size="9pt", **text_props) # turn off grid lines bk.grid().grid_line_color = None # Add hovertool to show equipment in tooltips hover = bk.curplot().select(dict(type=HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("name", "@name"), ("subsystem", "@sub"), ("equipment","@equip"), ("phone","@phone") ]) # Show the graph
def drawPlot(shapeFilename, zipBorough, zipMaxAgency): # Read the ShapeFile dat = shapefile.Reader(shapeFilename) # Creates a dictionary for zip: {lat_list: [], lng_list: []}. zipCodes = [] hoverZip = [] hoverAgency = [] hoverComplaints = [] polygons = { 'lat_list': [], 'lng_list': [], 'centerLat_list': [], 'centerLon_list': [] } record_index = 0 for r in dat.iterRecords(): currentZip = r[0] # Keeps only zip codes in NY area. if currentZip in zipMaxAgency: # was in zipBorough: # zipCodes.append(currentZip) # moving this line into the parts loop # Gets shape for this zip. shape = dat.shapeRecord(record_index).shape for part in range(len( zipCodes.append(currentZip) hoverZip.append(currentZip) hoverAgency.append(zipMaxAgency[currentZip][0]) hoverComplaints.append(zipMaxAgency[currentZip][1]) start =[part] if part == len( - 1: end = len(shape.points) else: end =[part + 1] points = shape.points[start:end] # Breaks into lists for lat/lng. lngs = [p[0] for p in points] lats = [p[1] for p in points] # Calculate centers center_lngs = min(lngs) + (max(lngs) - min(lngs)) / 2 center_lats = min(lats) + (max(lats) - min(lats)) / 2 # Store centroids for current part shape polygons['centerLat_list'].append(center_lats) polygons['centerLon_list'].append(center_lngs) # Stores lat/lng for current zip shape. polygons['lng_list'].append(lngs) polygons['lat_list'].append(lats) record_index += 1 # Palette ##d9d9d9 brewer11 = [ '#8dd3c7', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#80b1d3', '#fdb462', '#b3de69', '#fccde5', '#d9d9d9', '#bc80bd', '#ccebc5' ] #brewer11 = ['#a6cee3', '#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a','#ffff99'] #agencies = sorted(list({zipMaxAgency[zipCode] for zipCode in zipMaxAgency})) biggestComplaints = {} for zz, aa in zipMaxAgency.iteritems(): if aa[0] in biggestComplaints: biggestComplaints[aa[0]] += 1 else: biggestComplaints[aa[0]] = 1 # sorting agencies by number of zip codes (to try to get better colors) agencies = list(biggestComplaints.iteritems()) agencies = sorted(agencies, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) agencies = [agency[0] for agency in agencies] # Assign colors to agencies agencyColor = {agencies[i]: brewer11[i] for i in range(len(brewer11))} polygons['colors'] = [ agencyColor[zipMaxAgency[zipCode][0]] for zipCode in zipCodes ] # Prepare hover #source = bk.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(hoverAgency=hoverAgency, hoverZip=hoverZip, hoverComplaintCount=hoverComplaintCount,)) source = bk.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(hoverZip=hoverZip, hoverAgency=hoverAgency, hoverComplaints=hoverComplaints), ) # Creates the Plot bk.output_file("problem1.html") bk.hold() TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,hover" fig = bk.figure(title="311 Complaints by Zip Code", \ tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=650) # Creates the polygons. bk.patches(polygons['lng_list'], polygons['lat_list'], fill_color=polygons['colors'], line_color="gray", source=source) # RP: add hover hover = bk.curplot().select(dict(type=HoverTool)) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Zip", "@hoverZip"), ("Agency", "@hoverAgency"), ("Number of complaints", "@hoverComplaints"), ]) ### Zip codes as text on polygons #for i in range(len(polygons['centerLat_list'])): # y = polygons['centerLat_list'][i] # x = polygons['centerLon_list'][i] # zipCode = zipCodes[i] # bk.text([x], [y], text=zipCode, angle=0, text_font_size="8pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle") fonts = [ "Comic sans MS", "Papyrus", "Curlz", "Impact", "Zapf dingbats", "Comic sans MS", "Papyrus", "Curlz", "Impact", "Zapf Dingbats", "Comic sans MS" ] ### Legend x = -73.66 y = 40.50 #x = -74.25 #y = 40.9 for agency, color in agencyColor.iteritems(): #print "Color: ", a #print "x:", x #print "y:", y bk.rect([x], [y], color=color, width=0.03, height=0.015) bk.text([x], [y], text=agency, angle=0, text_font_size="7pt", text_align="center", text_baseline="middle") y = y + 0.015 #bokeh.embed.components(fig, bokeh.resources.CDN)
def make_plot(xr): yr = Range1d(start=-10, end=10) figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=350, y_range=yr, x_range=xr, tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,hover,box_zoom,reset") hold() genes = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/genes.refseq.hg19.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) genes.rename(columns={0: "chromosome", 1: "start", 2: "end"}, inplace=True) genes = genes[genes.chromosome == 'chr5'] g_len = len(genes) quad( genes.start - 0.5, # left edge genes.end - 0.5, # right edge [2.3] * g_len, # top edge [1.7] * g_len, ['blue'] * g_len) # bottom edge exons = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/exons.refseq.hg19.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) exons.columns = ["chromosome", "start", "end", "meta1", "meta2", "meta3"] exons = exons[exons.chromosome == 'chr5'] e_len = len(exons) quad( exons.start - 0.5, # left edge exons.end - 0.5, # right edge [1.3] * e_len, # top edge [0.7] * e_len, ['blue'] * e_len) # bottom edge df = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/CHP2.20131001.hotspots.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) df.columns = ["chromosome", "start", "end", "meta1", "meta2", "meta3"] df = df[df.chromosome == 'chr5'] singles = df[df.start + 1 == df.end] widers = df[df.start + 1 != df.end] slen = len(singles) wlen = len(widers) s_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(start=singles.start, end=singles.end, meta1=singles.meta1, meta2=singles.meta2, meta3=singles.meta3)) rect( 'start', # x center [1] * slen, # y center [0.9] * slen, [1] * slen, color=['red'] * slen, source=s_source) # height hover = [t for t in curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ # add to this ("position", "@start"), ("meta 1", "@meta1"), ("meta 2", "@meta2"), ("meta 3", "@meta3") ]) quad( widers.start - 0.5, # left edge widers.end - 0.5, # right edge [0.3] * wlen, # top edge [-0.3] * wlen) # bottom edge hold() return curplot()
def plot_points(cells, style="circle", size=2, color=None, figure=None, **kwargs): """ Plot molecule locations. If no colour is explicitly defined, colouring is based on the cell index. Arguments: cells (Partition): full partition style (str): point marker style size (float): point marker size (in screen units) color (str or numpy.ndarray): cell colours figure (bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure): figure handle returns: list: handles of the various clouds of points """ # for compatibility with tramway.plot.mesh.plot_points try: kwargs.pop("min_count") except KeyError: pass if isinstance(cells, np.ndarray): points = cells label = None elif isinstance(cells, pd.DataFrame): points = cells[["x", "y"]].values label = None elif isinstance(cells, Partition): points = cells.descriptors(cells.points, asarray=True) label = cells.cell_index npts = points.shape[0] ncells = cells.location_count.size # if label is not a single index vector, convert it following # tessellation.base.Delaunay.cell_index with `preferred`='force index'. merge = mplt.nearest_cell(points, cells.tessellation.cell_centers) label = format_cell_index(cells.cell_index, format="array", select=merge, shape=(npts, ncells)) if isstructured(points): x = points["x"] y = points["y"] else: x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] if figure is None: assert False try: figure = plt.curplot() # does not work except: figure = plt.figure() handles = [] if label is None: if color is None: color = "k" elif isinstance(color, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): raise NotImplementedError color = np.asarray(color) if isinstance(color, np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError cmin, cmax = np.min(color), np.max(color) color = (color - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) cmap = plt.get_cmap() color = [cmap(c) for c in color] else: color = long_colour_name(color) h = figure.scatter(x, y, marker=style, color=color, size=size, **kwargs) handles.append(h) else: L = np.unique(label) if color in [None, "light"]: if color == "light" and "alpha" not in kwargs: kwargs["alpha"] = 0.2 if 2 < len(L): color = __colors__ color = ["gray"] + list( itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(color), len(L))) elif len(L) == 2: color = ["gray", "k"] else: color = "k" elif isinstance(color, str) and L.size == 1: color = [color] for i, l in enumerate(L): clr_i = long_colour_name(color[i]) h = figure.scatter(x[label == l], y[label == l], marker=style, color=clr_i, size=size, **kwargs) handles.append(h) ## resize window # try: # figure.x_range = Range1d(*cells.bounding_box['x'].values) # figure.y_range = Range1d(*cells.bounding_box['y'].values) # except AttributeError: # pass # except ValueError: # traceback.print_exc() return handles
def plot_trajectories(trajs, color=None, loc_style="circle", figure=None, **kwargs): """ Plot trajectories. If no colour is explicitly defined, colouring is based on the trajectory index. Arguments: trajs (pandas.DataFrame): full partition loc_style (str): location marker style loc_size (float): location marker size (in screen units) color (str or numpy.ndarray): trajectory colours figure (bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure): figure handle returns: list: handles of the glyphs """ loc_kwargs = {} line_kwargs = {} for attr in dict(kwargs): if attr.startswith("loc_"): loc_kwargs[attr[4:]] = kwargs.pop(attr) if attr.startswith("line_"): if attr == "line_width": # compatibility for old bokeh versions line_kwargs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr) continue line_kwargs[attr[5:]] = kwargs.pop(attr) loc_kwargs.update(kwargs) line_kwargs.update(kwargs) lines_x, lines_y = [], [] for _, df in trajs.groupby([trajs["n"]]): lines_x.append(df["x"].values) lines_y.append(df["y"].values) if figure is None: assert False try: figure = plt.curplot() # does not work except: figure = plt.figure() handles = [] if color is None: ntrajs = len(lines_x) if color in [None, "light"]: if color == "light" and "alpha" not in kwargs: kwargs["alpha"] = 0.2 if 2 < ntrajs: color = __colors__ color = ["gray"] + list( itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(color), ntrajs)) elif ntrajs == 2: color = ["gray", "k"] else: color = "k" elif isinstance(color, str) and ntrajs == 1: color = [color] for i, line in enumerate(zip(lines_x, lines_y)): line_x, line_y = line clr_i = long_colour_name(color[i]) h = figure.line(line_x, line_y, color=clr_i, **line_kwargs) handles.append(h) h = figure.scatter(line_x, line_y, color=clr_i, marker=loc_style, **loc_kwargs) handles.append(h) else: color = long_colour_name(color) h = figure.multi_line(lines_x, lines_y, color=color, **line_kwargs) handles.append(h) h = figure.scatter(list(itertools.chain(*lines_x)), list(itertools.chain(*lines_y)), color=color, marker=loc_style, **loc_kwargs) handles.append(h) return handles
# import the Bokeh plotting tools from bokeh import plotting as bp # as in the above example, load deploys.csv into a numpy array deploydata = np.loadtxt('sfr_dep.dat',delimiter=" ") # provide handles for the x and y columns time = deploydata[:,0] deploys = deploydata[:,1] lwrs = [] for v in deploydata[:,1] : lwrs.append(100-int(v/3)) bp.output_file("sfr.html", title=" example") bp.figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") bp.line(time, deploys, x_axis_label="Time (m)", y_axis_label="Reactors (#)", color='#1F78B4', legend='SFRs') bp.hold() bp.line(time, lwrs, x_axis_label="Time (m)", y_axis_label="Reactors (#)", color="green", legend='LWRs') bp.curplot().title = "SFRs" bp.grid().grid_line_alpha=0.3 # open a browser
fig = bplt.figure() bplt.hold() ### build data source for hover tool source = bplt.ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=all_x, y=all_y, stefilename=all_stefilename, Nmodes=all_Nmodes, Ngens=all_Ngens, Ntriples=all_Ntriples)) ### plot circle glyphs, all_y, source=source, tools=TOOLS, fill_color=None, fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=all_color, Title="%s vs %s"%(xlabel, ylabel), plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height) #, all_y, radius=radii, source=source, tools=TOOLS, fill_color=None, fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=all_color, Title="%s vs %s"%(xlabel, ylabel)) ### annotate circle glyphs # text(x, y, text=inds, alpha=0.5, text_font_size="5pt", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", angle=0) ### find hover tool, and tell it what to look for hover = [t for t in bplt.curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ #("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("stefilename", "@stefilename"), ("Nmodes","@Nmodes"), ("Ntriples","@Ntriples"), ("Ngens","@Ngens"), ]) ### label axes bplt.xaxis().axis_label=xlabel bplt.yaxis().axis_label=ylabel #
import numpy as np # import the Bokeh plotting tools from bokeh import plotting as bp # as in the above example, load decays.csv into a numpy array decaydata = np.loadtxt("decays2.csv", delimiter=",", skiprows=1) # provide handles for the x and y columns time = decaydata[:, 0] decays = decaydata[:, 1] bp.output_file("decays.html", title=" example") bp.figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") bp.line(time, decays, x_axis_label="Time (s)", y_axis_label="Decays (#)", color="#1F78B4", legend="Decays per second") bp.curplot().title = "Decays" bp.grid().grid_line_alpha = 0.3 # open a browser
def make_plot(xr): yr = Range1d(start=-10, end=10) figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=350, y_range=yr, x_range=xr, tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,hover,box_zoom,reset") hold() genes = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/genes.refseq.hg19.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) genes.rename(columns={ 0: "chromosome", 1: "start", 2: "end"}, inplace=True ) genes = genes[genes.chromosome == 'chr5'] g_len = len(genes) quad(genes.start - 0.5, # left edge genes.end - 0.5, # right edge [2.3] * g_len, # top edge [1.7] * g_len, ['blue'] * g_len) # bottom edge exons = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/exons.refseq.hg19.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) exons.columns = ["chromosome", "start", "end", "meta1", "meta2", "meta3"] exons = exons[exons.chromosome == 'chr5'] e_len = len(exons) quad(exons.start - 0.5, # left edge exons.end - 0.5, # right edge [1.3] * e_len, # top edge [0.7] * e_len, ['blue'] * e_len) # bottom edge df = pd.read_csv('/home/hugoshi/data/lab7/CHP2.20131001.hotspots.bed', sep='\t', skiprows=[0], header=None) df.columns = ["chromosome", "start", "end", "meta1", "meta2", "meta3"] df = df[df.chromosome == 'chr5'] singles = df[df.start+1 == df.end] widers = df[df.start+1 != df.end] slen = len(singles) wlen = len(widers) s_source = ColumnDataSource( data = dict( start=singles.start, end=singles.end, meta1=singles.meta1, meta2=singles.meta2, meta3=singles.meta3)) rect('start', # x center [1]*slen, # y center [0.9]*slen, [1]*slen, color=['red']*slen, source=s_source) # height hover = [t for t in curplot().tools if isinstance(t, HoverTool)][0] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ # add to this ("position", "@start"), ("meta 1", "@meta1"), ("meta 2", "@meta2"), ("meta 3", "@meta3") ]) quad(widers.start - 0.5, # left edge widers.end - 0.5, # right edge [0.3] * wlen, # top edge [-0.3] * wlen) # bottom edge hold() return curplot()
import numpy as np # import the Bokeh plotting tools from bokeh import plotting as bp # as in the above example, load decays.csv into a numpy array decaydata = np.loadtxt('decays.csv', delimiter=",", skiprows=1) # provide handles for the x and y columns time = decaydata[:, 0] decays = decaydata[:, 1] bp.output_file("decays.html", title=" example") bp.figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave") bp.line(time, decays, x_axis_label="Time (s)", y_axis_label="Decays (#)", color='#1F78B4', legend='Decays per second') bp.curplot().title = "Decays" bp.grid().grid_line_alpha = 0.3 # open a browser