コード例 #1
def select_torsions(molecules_list_dict, molecule_attributes, forcefield, target_coverage=3):
    torsions_dict = {}
    smirks_torsions_counter = Counter()
    i_mol = 0
    for mol_index, mol_attr in molecule_attributes.items():
        central = []
        print(f'{i_mol:<7d}: {mol_index}')
        i_mol += 1
        mapped_smiles = mol_attr['canonical_isomeric_explicit_hydrogen_mapped_smiles']
        # round trip from QCFractal molecule to OpenEye molecule then to Off Molecule
        # this is needed for now to ensure atom indeices are consistent
        qcjson_mol = molecules_list_dict[mol_index][0]
        oemol = cmiles.utils.load_molecule(qcjson_mol)
        bonds  = []
        for bond in oemol.GetBonds():
            bonds.append((bond.GetBgnIdx(), bond.GetEndIdx()))
        bond_graph = BondGraph(bonds)
        rings = bond_graph.get_rings()
        d_rings = defaultdict(set)
        for i_ring, ring in enumerate(rings):
            for atom_idx in ring:
        off_mol = Off_Molecule.from_openeye(oemol, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
        torsions_coverage = smirnoff_analyze_torsions(forcefield, off_mol)
        for torsion_param, torsion_idx_list in torsions_coverage.items():
            smirks = torsion_param.smirks
            for atom_indices in torsion_idx_list:
                if smirks_torsions_counter[smirks] < target_coverage and torsion_param.id in list_of_tids:
                    i, j, k, l = atom_indices
                    if d_rings[j] & d_rings[k]:
                    elif set([j,k]) not in central:
                        smirks_torsions_counter[smirks] += 1
                        canonical_torsion_index = cmiles.utils.to_canonical_label(mapped_smiles, atom_indices)
                        torsions_dict[canonical_torsion_index] = {
                            'initial_molecules': molecules_list_dict[mol_index],
                            'atom_indices': [ atom_indices ],
                            'attributes': mol_attr,
                            'tid' : torsion_param.id
                        print(f"  - torsion {atom_indices} added for smirks {smirks}")
                elif smirks_torsions_counter[smirks] >= target_coverage and torsion_param.id in list_of_tids:
                    print(f"  - torsion {atom_indices} skipped because {smirks} have {smirks_torsions_counter[smirks]} already")
    print("\n## Selected Torsion Coverage ##\n" + '-'*90)
    ff_torsion_param_list = forcefield.get_parameter_handler('ProperTorsions').parameters
    n_covered = 0
    for param in ff_torsion_param_list:
        if param.id in list_of_tids:
            count = smirks_torsions_counter[param.smirks]
            print(f"{param.id:5s}{param.smirks:80s} : {count:7d}")
            if count > 0:
                n_covered += 1
    print(f'{n_covered} / {len(list_of_tids)} torsion SMIRKs covered')
    return torsions_dict
コード例 #2
class DihedralSelector:
    def __init__(self, molecule, skip_straight=True):
        self.m = molecule
        self.bond_graph = BondGraph(self.m.bonds)
        self.avoid_angles_set = set()
        if skip_straight:
            self.avoid_angles_set = self.get_straight_angles()

    def get_straight_angles(self, threshold=165.0):
        straight_angles = set()
        for a in self.m.find_angles():
            if self.m.measure_angles(*a)[0] >= threshold:
        return straight_angles

    def find_dihedrals(self, dihedral_filters=None):
        """ Find all dihedrals, then apply filters """
        # default empty filter
        if dihedral_filters is None: dihedral_filters = []
        # get the list of dihedrals
        dihedral_list = self.bond_graph.get_dihedrals()
        print(f'Found total {len(dihedral_list)} distinct dihedrals')
        if self.avoid_angles_set:
            dihedral_list = [d for d in dihedral_list if d[:3] not in self.avoid_angles_set and d[1:] not in self.avoid_angles_set]
            print(f'{len(dihedral_list)} dihedrals left after filter out straight angles')
        # apply filters
        available_filters = {
            'equiv_terminal': self.filter_equivalent_terminals,
            'heavy_atoms': self.filter_keep_4_heavy,
            'no_ring': self.filter_remove_ring,
            'unique_center_bond': self.filter_keep_unique_center
        for filt_name in dihedral_filters:
            if filt_name not in available_filters:
                raise ValueError(f"Filter named {filt_name} not recognized, choices are {available_filters.keys()}")
            filt = available_filters[filt_name]
            dihedral_list = filt(dihedral_list)
        return dihedral_list

    def filter_equivalent_terminals(self, dihedral_list):
        eq_idxs = self.find_equivalent_terminal_atom_idxs()
        print(f"Filtering based on equivalent terminal atoms: {eq_idxs}")
        dihedrals_set = set()
        for i,j,k,l in dihedral_list:
            skipped = False
            for eq_i in eq_idxs[i]:
                for eq_l in eq_idxs[l]:
                    if (eq_i, j, k, eq_l) in dihedrals_set:
                        print(f"Filter: dihedral {i}-{j}-{k}-{l} skipped because equivalent to {eq_i}-{j}-{k}-{eq_l}")
                        skipped = True
                if skipped: break
            if not skipped:
        # resume the ordering of dihedrals
        dihedral_list = sorted(dihedrals_set, key=lambda d: (d[1], d[2], d[0], d[3]))
        return dihedral_list

    def find_equivalent_terminal_atom_idxs(self):
        elem_list = self.m.elem
        neighbor_list = self.bond_graph
        noa = self.m.na
        equal_atom_idxs = {i:{i} for i in range(noa)}
        for i in range(noa):
            for j in range(i+1, noa):
                if elem_list[i] == elem_list[j]:
                    if len(neighbor_list[i]) == len(neighbor_list[j]) == 1:
                        if neighbor_list[i] == neighbor_list[j]:
        return equal_atom_idxs

    def filter_keep_4_heavy(self, dihedral_list):
        """ Filter dihedrals, keep only with 4 heavy atoms """
        print("Filter: only keep dihedrals formed by 4 heavy atoms")
        elem_list = self.m.elem
        filtered_dihedral_list = [d for d in dihedral_list if not any(elem_list[idx] == 'H' for idx in d)]
        print(f"Number Left: {len(dihedral_list)} => {len(filtered_dihedral_list)}")
        return filtered_dihedral_list

    def filter_remove_ring(self, dihedral_list):
        """ Filter dihedrals, remove any dihedral that's inside a ring """
        rings = self.bond_graph.get_rings()
        print(f"Filter: Removing dihedrals that the center bond is in any of the rings {rings}")
        # build a dictionary stores the index of ring each atom belongs to
        d_rings = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for i_ring, ring in enumerate(rings):
            for atom_idx in ring:
        # go over dihedrals and check if any four belong to the same ring
        filtered_dihedral_list = []
        for i, j, k, l in dihedral_list:
            if d_rings[j] & d_rings[k]:
                print(f"Dihedral {i}-{j}-{k}-{l} skipped because bond {j}-{k} is in a ring")
        print(f"Number Left: {len(dihedral_list)} => {len(filtered_dihedral_list)}")
        return filtered_dihedral_list

    def filter_keep_unique_center(self, dihedral_list):
        """ Keep only one dihedral for each unique center bond """
        print(f"Filter: Keep only one dihedral for each center bond")
        filtered_dihedral_list = []
        d_center_bond = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for i,j,k,l in dihedral_list:
            center_bond = (j,k) if j < k else (k,j)
        for center_bond, dihedral_candidates in d_center_bond.items():
            print(f"best dihedral among {dihedral_candidates}:")
            best_dihedral = self.find_best_dihedral_same_center_bond(dihedral_candidates)
        print(f"Number Left: {len(dihedral_list)} => {len(filtered_dihedral_list)}")
        return filtered_dihedral_list

    def find_best_dihedral_same_center_bond(self, dihedral_candidates):
        """ Find the best dihedral among candidates with same center bond
        Definition of best dihedral i-j-k-l: (From Lee-Ping)
        Temporarily disconnect all i-j bonds, then check the total number of connected atoms for each i,
        Same method applies to all candidates of l.
        The dihedral angle with the maximum connected_i + connected_j wins
        Return a single dihedral as [i, j, k, l]
        if len(dihedral_candidates) == 0: return
        # check center bond are all the same
        _, center_j, center_k, _ = next(iter(dihedral_candidates))
        assert all(j==center_j and k==center_k for i,j,k,l in dihedral_candidates), "all candidates should share same center"
        # build new bond graph with only heavy atoms
        heavy_atom_bonds = [[b1, b2] for b1, b2 in self.m.bonds if self.m.elem[b1] != 'H' and self.m.elem[b2] != 'H']
        # get a new bond graph with only heavy atoms
        bond_graph = BondGraph(heavy_atom_bonds)
        # find the best i among all candidates
        i_candidates = {i for i,_,_,_ in dihedral_candidates}
        # compute and store the number of connected atoms
        n_connected_i = {}
        if len(i_candidates) == 1:
            n_connected_i[i_candidates.pop()] = 0
            # temporarily remove all i-j bonds
            for i in i_candidates:
                bond_graph.remove_bond(i, center_j)
            # compare i_candidates and find the one with most connected atom
            for i in i_candidates:
                # get all atoms connect to i in the temporary graph
                n_connected_i[i] = len(bond_graph.get_connected_nodes(i))
            print(f"n_connected for each i: {n_connected_i}")
            # add back all i-j bonds
            for i in i_candidates:
                bond_graph.add_bond(i, center_j)
        # find the best_l among all candidates
        l_candidates = {l for _,_,_,l in dihedral_candidates}
        n_connected_l = {}
        if len(l_candidates) == 1:
            n_connected_l[l_candidates.pop()] = 0
            # temporarily remove all i-j bonds
            for l in l_candidates:
                bond_graph.remove_bond(center_k, l)
            # compare i_candidates and find the one with most connected atom
            for l in l_candidates:
                # get all atoms connect to i in the temporary graph
                n_connected_l[l] = len(bond_graph.get_connected_nodes(l))
            print(f"n_connected for each l: {n_connected_l}")
        # get the best dihedral
        best_dihedral = max(dihedral_candidates, key=lambda d: n_connected_i[d[0]] + n_connected_l[d[3]])
        return best_dihedral

    def write_dihedrals(self, dihedral_list, filename):
        with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(dihedral_list, outfile, indent=2)

    def find_dihedral_pairs(self, pattern='ring-a-ring'):
        res = []
        if pattern == 'ring-a-ring':
            # Find all pairs of dihedrals that two center bonds are
            # (ring-a)-ring and ring-(a-ring)
            rings = self.bond_graph.get_rings()
            if len(rings) >= 2:
                rsets = [set(ring) for ring in rings]
                for r1, r2 in combinations(rsets, 2):
                    # find all paths between the two rings
                    all_paths = self.bond_graph.find_all_paths(r1, r2)
                    # we want only one path, and the path has len == 3 (exactly one bridge atom)
                    if len(all_paths) != 1 or len(all_paths[0]) != 3: continue
                    left, center, right = all_paths[0]
                    print(f"Found ring-a-ring: {r1}-{center}-{r2}")
                    # since both ends are rings, the (effective size)* of end groups are the same, randomly pick one
                    left_neighbor = (self.bond_graph[left] & r1).pop()
                    right_neighbor = (self.bond_graph[right] & r2).pop()
                    # add dihedral pair to result list
                    dihedral_pair = ((left_neighbor, left, center, right), (left, center, right, right_neighbor))
                    # filter out straight angles
                    if self.avoid_angles_set:
                        avoid_angles = {(left_neighbor, left, center), (left, center, right), (center, right, right_neighbor)} & self.avoid_angles_set
                        if avoid_angles:
                            print(f"{dihedral_pair} ignored because angle {avoid_angles} should be avoided")
                    print(f"{dihedral_pair} added")
        return res
def filter_torsions_coverage(torsions_coverage, oemol):
    # Collect usuful information using BondGraph
    bonds = []
    for bond in oemol.GetBonds():
        bonds.append((bond.GetBgnIdx(), bond.GetEndIdx()))
    bond_graph = BondGraph(bonds)
    rings = bond_graph.get_rings()
    d_rings = defaultdict(set)
    for i_ring, ring in enumerate(rings):
        for atom_idx in ring:
    elem_list = []
    for atom in oemol.GetAtoms():
    # print('elem_list',elem_list)
    # Filter out (1) unwanted in-ring rotations (2) terminal H when terminal is not specified
    filtered_torsions_coverage = defaultdict(list)
    for torsion_param, indices_list in torsions_coverage.items():
        rotatable_bond = False
        heavy_atoms = 4

        # Screening out unwanted in-ring rotations
        smirks_mod = re.sub(':2](\(.*\))?', ':2]', torsion_param.smirks)
        smirks_chopped = re.split('\:2\]', smirks_mod)[1]
        central_bond = re.split('\[.*:3\]', smirks_chopped)[0]

        if central_bond in ['-;@', '-@', ':', '=,:', '@']:
            rotatable_bond = False
            rotatable_bond = True

        if re.search("[^!]#1:1", torsion_param.smirks):
            if re.search("[^!]#1:4", torsion_param.smirks):
                heavy_atoms = 2
                heavy_atoms = 3
        elif re.search("[^!]#1:4", torsion_param.smirks):
            heavy_atoms = 3
        # validation for each indices
        for indices in indices_list:
            valid1 = False
            valid2 = False
            check_elem = [elem_list[idx] for idx in indices]
            if heavy_atoms == 4:
                if not any(elem_idx == 1 for elem_idx in check_elem):
                    valid1 = True
            elif heavy_atoms == 3:
                if check_elem.count(1) == 1:
                    valid1 = True
            elif heavy_atoms == 2:
                if not any(elem_idx == 1 for elem_idx in check_elem[1:3]):
                    valid1 = True
            if rotatable_bond == False:
                valid2 = True
                i, j, k, l = indices
                if d_rings[j] & d_rings[k]:
                    valid2 = True

            if valid1 and valid2:

    return filtered_torsions_coverage
コード例 #4
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from itertools import combinations
from forcebalance.molecule import Molecule
from bond_graph import BondGraph

mol_folder = 'processed_molecules/mol2'
total_count = 0
mol_with_bridges = []
for f in sorted(os.listdir(mol_folder)):
    fn = os.path.join(mol_folder, f)
    m = Molecule(fn)
    bg = BondGraph(m.bonds)
    rings = bg.get_rings()
    if len(rings) >= 2:
        rsets = [set(ring) for ring in rings]
        for r1, r2 in combinations(rsets, 2):
            # find all paths between the two rings
            all_paths = bg.find_all_paths(r1, r2)
            # we want only one path, and the path has len == 3 (exactly one bridge atom)
            if len(all_paths) == 1 and len(all_paths[0]) == 3:
                #print(f'found ring-bridge molecule {f}')
    total_count += 1

for f in mol_with_bridges: