from fileInteraction import * from patronMod import patron from bookMod import book # newPatron('bill', 'minear', '3') bookInfo = checkForBook('aBook','me') if bookInfo != False: theBook = book(bookInfo) updateBook(theBook.returnForWriting())
def bookMenu(secMenuSelection): if secMenuSelection[0] == 1: title = raw_input('Enter book title: ') author = raw_input("Enter book's author: ") bookExists = checkForBook(title.lower(), author.lower()) if bookExists != False: currentBook = book(bookExists) clearScreen() print currentBook.outputBookInfo() raw_input('\nPress ENTER to continue.') else: raw_input('Book not found. Press ENTER to continue.') elif secMenuSelection[0] == 2: title = raw_input('Enter book title: ') author = raw_input("Enter book's author: ") bookExists = checkForBook(title.lower(), author.lower()) if bookExists != False: currentBook = book(bookExists) # Book object. firstName = raw_input("Enter patron's first name: ") lastName = raw_input("Enter patron's last name: ") newLoaneeExists = checkForPatron(firstName.lower(), lastName.lower()) if newLoaneeExists != False: newLoanee = patron() newLoanee.update(newLoaneeExists) # Person that wants the book. if currentBook.available() == True: numberCheck = newLoanee.canCheckout() if numberCheck == True: newLoanee.addNumber() currentBook.updateLoanee(newLoanee.listPatron()) updateBook(currentBook.listBookInfo()) updatePatron(newLoanee.listPatron()) elif numberCheck == False: raw_input('\nPatron has three books already. Press ENTER to continue.') else: currentBook.appendWaitList(newLoanee.listPatron()) updateBook(currentBook.listBookInfo()) print 'Book already checked out. Patron added to wait list.' raw_input('\nPress ENTER to continue.') else: raw_input('Patron not found. Press ENTER to continue.') else: raw_input('Book not found. Press ENTER to continue.') elif secMenuSelection[0] == 3: title = raw_input('Enter book title: ') author = raw_input("Enter book's author: ") bookExists = checkForBook(title.lower(), author.lower()) if bookExists != False: returnedBook = book(bookExists) loanee = returnedBook.getLoanee() curPatron = patron() curPatron.update(checkForPatron(loanee[0],loanee[1])) curPatron.subtractNumber() updatePatron(curPatron.listPatron()) returnedBook.popList() newLoanee = returnedBook.getLoanee() if newLoanee != '': curPatron = patron() curPatron.update(checkForPatron(newLoanee[0],newLoanee[1])) curPatron.addNumber() updatePatron(curPatron.listPatron()) updateBook(returnedBook.listBookInfo()) else: raw_input('Book not found. Press ENTER to continue.') elif secMenuSelection[0] == 4: title = raw_input('Enter book title: ') author = raw_input("Enter book's author: ") bookExists = checkForBook(title.lower(), author.lower()) if bookExists == False: bookInfo = [title.lower(), author.lower()] newBook = book(bookInfo) addBook(newBook.listBookInfo()) else: raw_input('Book already exists. Press ENTER to continue.') elif secMenuSelection[0] == 5: title = raw_input('Enter book title: ') author = raw_input("Enter book's author: ") bookExists = checkForBook(title.lower(), author.lower()) if bookExists == False: raw_input('Book not found. Press ENTER to continue.') else: oldBook = book(bookExists) removeBook(oldBook.listBookInfo()) elif secMenuSelection[0] == 6: pass