def test_end2end_withtype_singlethread(self): self.args.data_config.type_prediction.use_type_pred = True self.args.model_config.hidden_size = 20 # Just setting this for testing pipelines self.args.data_config.eval_accumulation_steps = 2 # unfreezing the word embedding helps the type prediction task self.args.data_config.word_embedding.freeze = False scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 # losses from two tasks contribute to this assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.08 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert set([f for li in results for f in li["ctx_emb_ids"] ]) == set(range(51)) # 38 total mentions assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file)
def test_end2end_bert_long_context(self): self.args.model_config.attn_class = "BERTNED" # Only take the learned entity embeddings for BERTNED self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings = self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings[: 1] # Set the learned embedding to hidden size for BERTNED self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings[ 0].args.learned_embedding_size = 20 self.args.data_config.word_embedding.use_sent_proj = False self.args.data_config.max_seq_len = 100 self.args.data_config.max_aliases = 10 scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.5 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert set([f for li in results for f in li["ctx_emb_ids"] ]) == set(range(51)) # 38 total mentions assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file) shutil.rmtree("test/temp", ignore_errors=True)
def test_end2end_withtitle_accstep(self): self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings.append( DottedDict({ "key": "title1", "load_class": "TitleEmb", "send_through_bert": True, "args": { "proj": 6 }, })) # Just setting this for testing pipelines self.args.data_config.eval_accumulation_steps = 2 self.args.run_config.dataset_threads = 2 scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.08 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert set([f for li in results for f in li["ctx_emb_ids"] ]) == set(range(51)) # 38 total mentions assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file)
def test_end2end_withkg(self): # For the collate and dataloaders to play nicely, the spawn must be fork (this is set in torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True) scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.08 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file)
def test_end2end_withreg_evalbatch(self): reg_file = "test/temp/reg_file.csv" utils.ensure_dir("test/temp") reg_data = [ ["qid", "regularization"], ["Q1", "0.5"], ["Q2", "0.3"], ["Q3", "0.2"], ["Q4", "0.9"], ] self.args.data_config.eval_accumulation_steps = 2 self.args.run_config.dataset_threads = 2 self.args.run_config.eval_batch_size = 2 with open(reg_file, "w") as out_f: for item in reg_data: out_f.write(",".join(item) + "\n") self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings[0]["args"][ "regularize_mapping"] = reg_file scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.05 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert set([f for li in results for f in li["ctx_emb_ids"] ]) == set(range(51)) # 38 total mentions assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file) shutil.rmtree("test/temp", ignore_errors=True)
def test_end2end_withoutkg(self): # KG IS LAST EMBEDDING SO WE REMOVE IT self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings = self.args.data_config.ent_embeddings[: -1] # Just setting this for testing pipelines self.args.data_config.max_aliases = 1 scores = run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) assert type(scores) is dict assert len(scores) > 0 assert scores["model/all/train/loss"] < 0.05 self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" result_file, out_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=self.args) assert os.path.exists(result_file) results = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(result_file)] assert 18 == len(results) # 18 total sentences assert set([f for li in results for f in li["ctx_emb_ids"] ]) == set(range(51)) # 38 total mentions assert os.path.exists(out_emb_file)
def disambiguate_mentions(self, config_args): run_model(self.args.bootleg_dump_mode, config_args)
def test_end2end(self): # ====================== # PART 1: TRAIN A SMALL MODEL WITH ONE PROFILE DUMP # ====================== # Generate entity profile data data = [ { "entity_id": "Q123", "mentions": [["dog", 10.0], ["dogg", 7.0], ["animal", 4.0]], "title": "Dog", "types": {"hyena": ["animal"], "wiki": ["dog"]}, "relations": [ {"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q345"}, {"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q567"}, ], }, { "entity_id": "Q345", "mentions": [["cat", 10.0], ["catt", 7.0], ["animal", 3.0]], "title": "Cat", "types": {"hyena": ["animal"], "wiki": ["cat"]}, "relations": [{"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q123"}], }, # Missing type system { "entity_id": "Q567", "mentions": [["catt", 6.5], ["animal", 3.3]], "title": "Catt", "types": {"hyena": ["animal", "animall"]}, "relations": [{"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q123"}], }, # No KG/Types { "entity_id": "Q789", "mentions": [["animal", 12.2]], "title": "Dogg", }, ] # Generate train data train_data = [ { "sent_idx_unq": 1, "sentence": "I love animals and dogs", "qids": ["Q567", "Q123"], "aliases": ["animal", "dog"], "gold": [True, True], "spans": [[2, 3], [4, 5]], } ] self.write_data(self.profile_file, data) self.write_data(self.train_data, train_data) entity_profile = EntityProfile.load_from_jsonl(self.profile_file) # Dump profile data in format for model # Setup model args to read the data/new profile data raw_args = { "emmental": { "n_epochs": 1, }, "run_config": { "dataloader_threads": 1, "dataset_threads": 1, }, "train_config": {"batch_size": 2}, "model_config": {"hidden_size": 20, "num_heads": 1}, "data_config": { "entity_dir": str(self.save_dir), "max_seq_len": 7, "max_aliases": 2, "data_dir": str(self.data_dir), "emb_dir": str(self.save_dir), "word_embedding": { "layers": 1, "freeze": True, "cache_dir": str(self.save_dir / "retrained_bert_model"), }, "ent_embeddings": [ { "key": "learned", "freeze": False, "load_class": "LearnedEntityEmb", "args": {"learned_embedding_size": 10}, }, { "key": "learned_type", "load_class": "LearnedTypeEmb", "freeze": True, "args": { "type_labels": f"{TYPE_SUBFOLDER}/wiki/qid2typeids.json", "type_vocab": f"{TYPE_SUBFOLDER}/wiki/type_vocab.json", "max_types": 2, "type_dim": 10, }, }, { "key": "kg_adj", "load_class": "KGIndices", "batch_on_the_fly": True, "normalize": False, "args": {"kg_adj": f"{KG_SUBFOLDER}/kg_adj.txt"}, }, ], "train_dataset": {"file": "train.jsonl"}, "dev_dataset": {"file": "train.jsonl"}, "test_dataset": {"file": "train.jsonl"}, }, } with open(self.arg_file, "w") as out_f: ujson.dump(raw_args, out_f) args = parser_utils.parse_boot_and_emm_args(str(self.arg_file)) # This _MUST_ get passed the args so it gets a random seed set emmental.init(log_dir=str(self.dir / "temp_log"), config=args) if not os.path.exists(emmental.Meta.log_path): os.makedirs(emmental.Meta.log_path) scores = run_model(mode="train", config=args) saved_model_path1 = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" assert type(scores) is dict # ====================== # PART 3: MODIFY PROFILE AND LOAD PRETRAINED MODEL AND TRAIN FOR MORE # ====================== entity_profile = EntityProfile.load_from_jsonl( self.profile_file, edit_mode=True ) entity_profile.add_type("Q123", "cat", "wiki") entity_profile.remove_type("Q123", "dog", "wiki") entity_profile.add_mention("Q123", "cat", 100.0) # Dump profile data in format for model # Modify arg paths args["data_config"]["entity_dir"] = str(self.save_dir2) args["data_config"]["emb_dir"] = str(self.save_dir2) # Load pretrained model args["model_config"]["model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"]["model_path"] = saved_model_path1 # Init another run emmental.init(log_dir=str(self.dir / "temp_log"), config=args) if not os.path.exists(emmental.Meta.log_path): os.makedirs(emmental.Meta.log_path) scores = run_model(mode="train", config=args) saved_model_path2 = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" assert type(scores) is dict # ====================== # PART 4: VERIFY CHANGES IN THE MODEL WERE AS EXPECTED # ====================== # Check that type mappings are different in the right way...we remove "dog" # from EID 1 and added "cat". "dog" is not longer a type. eid2typeids_table1, type2row_dict1, num_types_with_unk1 = torch.load( self.save_dir / "prep" / "" ) eid2typeids_table2, type2row_dict2, num_types_with_unk2 = torch.load( self.save_dir2 / "prep" / "" ) # Modify mapping 2 to become mapping 1 # Row 1 is Q123, Col 0 is type (this was "cat") eid2typeids_table2[1][0] = entity_profile._type_systems["wiki"]._type_vocab[ "dog" ] self.assertEqual(num_types_with_unk1, num_types_with_unk2) self.assertDictEqual({1: 1, 2: 2}, type2row_dict1) self.assertDictEqual({1: 1}, type2row_dict2) assert torch.equal(eid2typeids_table1, eid2typeids_table2) # Check that the alias mappings are different alias2entity_table1 = torch.from_numpy( np.memmap( self.save_dir / "prep" / "", dtype="int64", mode="r", shape=(5, 30), ) ) gold_alias2entity_table1 = torch.tensor( [ [ 4, 1, 3, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 2, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], ] ) assert torch.equal(alias2entity_table1, gold_alias2entity_table1) # The change is the "cat" alias has entity 1 added to the beginning # It used to only point to Q345 which is entity 2 alias2entity_table2 = torch.from_numpy( np.memmap( self.save_dir2 / "prep" / "", dtype="int64", mode="r", shape=(5, 30), ) ) gold_alias2entity_table2 = torch.tensor( [ [ 4, 1, 3, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 1, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 2, 3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], [ 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ], ] ) assert torch.equal(alias2entity_table2, gold_alias2entity_table2) # The type embeddings were frozen so they should be the same model1 = torch.load(saved_model_path1) model2 = torch.load(saved_model_path2) assert torch.equal( model1["model"]["module_pool"]["learned_type"]["type_emb.weight"], model2["model"]["module_pool"]["learned_type"]["type_emb.weight"], )
def test_annotator(self): torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True) # Just to make it go faster self.args["learner_config"]["n_epochs"] = 5 # First train some model so we have it stored run_model(mode="train", config=self.args) self.args["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" emmental.Meta.config["model_config"][ "model_path"] = f"{emmental.Meta.log_path}/last_model.pth" ann = BootlegAnnotator(config=self.args, verbose=True) # TEST SINGLE TEXT # Res should have alias1 res = ann.label_mentions( "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea") gold_ans = { "qids": [["Q1"]], "titles": [["alias1"]], "cands": [[["Q1", "Q4", "-1"]]], "spans": [[[0, 1]]], "aliases": [["alias1"]], } for k in gold_ans: self.assertListEqual(gold_ans[k], res[k]) # TEST LONG TEXT # Res should have alias1 res = ann.label_mentions([ "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea", "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea", "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea", ]) gold_ans = { "qids": [["Q1"] * 8] * 3, "titles": [["alias1"] * 8] * 3, "cands": [[["Q1", "Q4", "-1"]] * 8] * 3, "spans": [ [ [0, 1], [9, 10], [18, 19], [27, 28], [36, 37], [45, 46], [54, 55], [63, 64], ], [ [0, 1], [9, 10], [18, 19], [27, 28], [36, 37], [45, 46], [54, 55], [63, 64], ], [ [0, 1], [9, 10], [18, 19], [27, 28], [36, 37], [45, 46], [54, 55], [63, 64], ], ], "aliases": [["alias1"] * 8] * 3, } for k in gold_ans: self.assertListEqual(gold_ans[k], res[k]) # TEST RETURN EMBS ann.return_embs = True res = ann.label_mentions( "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea") assert "embs" in res assert res["embs"][0][0].shape[0] == 20 assert list(res["cand_embs"][0][0].shape) == [3, 20] # TEST CUSTOM CANDS ann.return_embs = False extracted_exs = [ { "sentence": "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea", "aliases": ["alias3"], "spans": [[0, 1]], "cands": [["Q3"]], }, { "sentence": "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. " "alias1 alias2 multi word alias3 I have no idea. ", "aliases": ["alias1", "alias3", "alias1"], "spans": [[0, 1], [1, 2], [9, 10]], "cands": [["Q2"], ["Q3"], ["Q2"]], }, ] res = ann.label_mentions(extracted_examples=extracted_exs) gold_ans = { "qids": [["Q3"], ["Q2", "Q3", "Q2"]], "titles": [ ["word alias3"], ["multi alias2", "word alias3", "multi alias2"], ], "cands": [ [["Q3", "-1", "-1"]], [["Q2", "-1", "-1"], ["Q3", "-1", "-1"], ["Q2", "-1", "-1"]], ], "spans": [[[0, 1]], [[0, 1], [1, 2], [9, 10]]], "aliases": [["alias3"], ["alias1", "alias3", "alias1"]], } for k in gold_ans: self.assertListEqual(gold_ans[k], res[k])
config_args = load_yaml_file(config_in_path) # decrease number of data threads as this is a small file config_args["run_config"]["dataset_threads"] = 2 config_args["run_config"]["log_level"] = "info" # set the model checkpoint path config_args["emmental"]["model_path"] = str( root_dir / "models/bootleg_wiki/bootleg_wiki.pth" ) config_args["emmental"]["log_path"] = str(Path(args.data_dir) / "bootleg_results") # set the path for the entity db and candidate map config_args["data_config"]["entity_dir"] = str(root_dir / "data/wiki_entity_data") config_args["data_config"]["alias_cand_map"] = str(cand_map) config_args["data_config"]["data_dir"] = args.data_dir config_args["data_config"]["test_dataset"]["file"] = args.outfile_name # set the embedding paths config_args["data_config"]["emb_dir"] = str(root_dir / "data/emb_data") config_args["data_config"]["word_embedding"]["cache_dir"] = str( root_dir / "data/emb_data/pretrained_bert_models" ) config_args = parse_boot_and_emm_args( config_args ) # or you can pass in the config_out_path bootleg_label_file, bootleg_emb_file = run_model(mode="dump_embs", config=config_args)