def __init__ (self, dest_dir, log, pkg_dirs=None, no_download=False, copy_files=False) : self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.log = log self.pkg_dirs = pkg_dirs self.no_download = no_download self.copy_files = copy_files self.toolbox = Toolbox()
def fetch_git_repository(package, use_ssh): """ Download a git repository """ Toolbox.git(package, git_repositories[package], destination=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package), use_ssh=use_ssh, verbose=True) assert op.isdir(package)
class fetch_packages(object): """ Download manager for the packages defined by this module - this is used by but also for setting up installer bundles. """ def __init__(self, dest_dir, log, pkg_dirs=None, no_download=False, copy_files=False): self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.log = log self.pkg_dirs = pkg_dirs self.no_download = no_download self.copy_files = copy_files self.toolbox = Toolbox() def __call__( self, pkg_name, pkg_url=None, output_file=None, return_file_and_status=False, download_url=None, # If given this is the URL used for downloading, otherwise construct using pgk_url and pkg_name ): if (pkg_url is None): pkg_url = BASE_CCI_PKG_URL if (output_file is None): output_file = pkg_name os.chdir(self.dest_dir) print >> self.log, " getting package %s..." % pkg_name if (self.pkg_dirs is not None) and (len(self.pkg_dirs) > 0): for pkg_dir in self.pkg_dirs: static_file = op.join(pkg_dir, pkg_name) if (op.exists(static_file)): print >> self.log, " using %s" % static_file if self.copy_files: copy_file(static_file, op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file)) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) else: if return_file_and_status: return static_file, 0 return static_file if (self.no_download): if (op.exists(pkg_name)): print >> self.log, " using ./%s" % pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, pkg_name) else: raise RuntimeError( ("Package '%s' not found on local filesystems. ") % pkg_name) full_url = download_url or "%s/%s" % (pkg_url, pkg_name) if not download_url: self.log.write(" downloading from %s : " % pkg_url) size = self.toolbox.download_to_file(full_url, output_file, log=self.log) if (size == -2): print >> self.log, " using ./%s (cached)" % pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) assert (size > 0), pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file)
class fetch_packages (object) : """ Download manager for the packages defined by this module - this is used by but also for setting up installer bundles. """ def __init__ (self, dest_dir, log, pkg_dirs=None, no_download=False, copy_files=False) : self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.log = log self.pkg_dirs = pkg_dirs self.no_download = no_download self.copy_files = copy_files self.toolbox = Toolbox() def __call__ (self, pkg_name, pkg_url=None, output_file=None, return_file_and_status=False, ) : if (pkg_url is None) : pkg_url = BASE_CCI_PKG_URL if (output_file is None) : output_file = pkg_name os.chdir(self.dest_dir) print >> self.log, " getting package %s..." % pkg_name if (self.pkg_dirs is not None) and (len(self.pkg_dirs) > 0) : for pkg_dir in self.pkg_dirs : static_file = op.join(pkg_dir, pkg_name) if (op.exists(static_file)) : print >> self.log, " using %s" % static_file if self.copy_files : copy_file(static_file, op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file)) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) else : if return_file_and_status: return static_file, 0 return static_file if (self.no_download) : if (op.exists(pkg_name)) : print >> self.log, " using ./%s" % pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, pkg_name) else : raise RuntimeError(("Package '%s' not found on local filesystems. ") % pkg_name) full_url = "%s/%s" % (pkg_url, pkg_name) self.log.write(" downloading from %s : " % pkg_url) size = self.toolbox.download_to_file(full_url, output_file, log=self.log) if (size == -2): print >> self.log, " using ./%s (cached)" % pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) assert (size > 0), pkg_name if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file)
class fetch_packages(object): """ Download manager for the packages defined by this module - this is used by but also for setting up installer bundles. """ def __init__(self, dest_dir, log, pkg_dirs=None, no_download=False, copy_files=False): self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.log = log self.pkg_dirs = pkg_dirs self.no_download = no_download self.copy_files = copy_files self.toolbox = Toolbox() def __call__( self, pkg_name, pkg_url=None, output_file=None, return_file_and_status=False, download_url=None, # If given this is the URL used for downloading, otherwise construct using pkg_url and pkg_name ): if (pkg_url is None): pkg_url = BASE_CCI_PKG_URL if (output_file is None): output_file = pkg_name os.chdir(self.dest_dir) print(" getting package %s..." % pkg_name, file=self.log) if (self.pkg_dirs is not None) and (len(self.pkg_dirs) > 0): for pkg_dir in self.pkg_dirs: static_file = op.join(pkg_dir, pkg_name) if (op.exists(static_file)): print(" using %s" % static_file, file=self.log) if self.copy_files: copy_file(static_file, op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file)) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) else: if return_file_and_status: return static_file, 0 return static_file if (self.no_download): if (op.exists(pkg_name)): print(" using ./%s" % pkg_name, file=self.log) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), 0 return op.join(self.dest_dir, pkg_name) else: raise RuntimeError( ("Package '%s' not found on local filesystems. ") % pkg_name) # Generate list of possible URL candidates if download_url: if isinstance(download_url, list): urls = download_url else: urls = [download_url] else: if isinstance(pkg_url, list): urls = ["%s/%s" % (p, pkg_name) for p in pkg_url] else: urls = ["%s/%s" % (pkg_url, pkg_name)] for url_attempt in urls: self.log.write(" downloading from %s : " % url_attempt) for retry in (3, 3, 0): try: size = self.toolbox.download_to_file(url_attempt, output_file, log=self.log) if (size == -2): print(" using ./%s (cached)" % pkg_name, file=self.log) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) assert size > 0, "File %s has size %d" % (pkg_name, size) if return_file_and_status: return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file), size return op.join(self.dest_dir, output_file) except Exception as e: self.log.write(" download failed with %s" % str(e)) if retry: self.log.write(" retrying in %d seconds" % retry) time.sleep(retry) raise RuntimeError("Could not download " + pkg_name)