コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos_tagger = SequentialTagger()
     self.hp_obj = HpObj(debug=DEBUG)
     self.hp_subj = HpSubj(debug=DEBUG)
     self.lexicon = self.hp_obj.lexicon
     self.bootstrapping = Bootstrapping(self.hp_obj, self.hp_subj, self.pos_tagger, debug=DEBUG) 
     self.sentence_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
     self.total_sentences = ["good","bad"]
     self.total_sentiments = ["positive","negative"]
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos_tagger = SequentialTagger()
     self.hp_obj = HpObj(debug=DEBUG)
     self.hp_subj = HpSubj(debug=DEBUG)
     self.lexicon = self.hp_obj.lexicon
     self.bootstrapping = Bootstrapping(self.hp_obj, self.hp_subj, self.pos_tagger, debug=DEBUG) 
     self.sentence_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
     self.total_sentences = ["good","bad"]
     self.total_sentiments = ["positive","negative"]
コード例 #3
class Sentiment:
        Sentiment: Analyses the global sentiment of given text regions  
        that are decomposed to sentences, using bootstrapping methods for 
        subjectivity and polarity classification. All sub modules except 
        from POS tagging are learning by experience.
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos_tagger = SequentialTagger()
        self.hp_obj = HpObj(debug=DEBUG)
        self.hp_subj = HpSubj(debug=DEBUG)
        self.lexicon = self.hp_obj.lexicon
        self.bootstrapping = Bootstrapping(self.hp_obj, self.hp_subj, self.pos_tagger, debug=DEBUG) 
        self.sentence_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
        self.total_sentences = ["good","bad"]
        self.total_sentiments = ["positive","negative"]
    def analyze(self, clean_text_areas):
            Analysis of text regions using the following order: Each sentence per
            region is passed from the subjectivity classification using bootstrapping
            method and then if it turns out to be subjective it is passed 
            from the polarity classification using bootstrapping method also.
            Finally, it results to a decision for the sentiment of the sentence
            and the overall sentiment of the regions. 
        if len(clean_text_areas) > 0:  
            for clean_text in clean_text_areas:
                # Sentence detection
                clean_text = self.normalize(clean_text)
                    sentences = self.sentence_tokenizer.tokenize(clean_text)
                    return {}
                sentiments = [] 
                scores = []
                nscores = []
                results = {'positive':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0},
                           'neutral':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0},
                           'negative':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0}}
                print Tcolors.ACT + " Checking block of text:"
                for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
                    print "[" + str(i+1) + "] " + sentence
                for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
                    # Proceed to subjectivity classification (bootstrapping procedure).
                    # (This step could be skipped in case you deal with subjective sentences only.)
                    sentiment = ""
                    previous = ""
                    next = ""
                    score = 0
                    nscore = 0
                    if i == 0 and i + 1 < len(sentences): 
                        next = sentences[i+1] 
                    elif i != 0 and i < len(sentences):
                        if i + 1 != len(sentences):
                            next = sentences[i+1]
                        previous = sentences[i-1] 
                    if DEBUG: print Tcolors.ACT + " Analyzing subjectivity..." 
                    result = self.bootstrapping.classify(sentence, previous, next) 
                    if result is None:
                        res = 'Not found!'
                        res = result
                    if DEBUG:
                        print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " " + res + Tcolors.ENDC
                    # If sentence is subjective 
                    if result == 'subjective' or result is None:
                        # Proceed to polarity classification
                        if DEBUG: print Tcolors.ACT + " Analyzing sentiment..."
                        polarity_classifier = PolarityClassifier(self.pos_tagger, self.lexicon, debug=DEBUG)
                        sentiment, score, nscore = polarity_classifier.classify(sentence)
                        if DEBUG: print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " " + sentiment + Tcolors.ENDC
                    # If sentence is objective
                    elif result == 'objective':
                        sentiment = 'neutral'  
                    # Collect high-confidence training instances for SVM classifier.
                    # After the training, SVM can be used to classify new sentences.
                    #if sentiment != "neutral" and sentiment != "": 
                        #if sentiment != "neutral" and abs(nscore) >= 0.4:
                        #   self.total_sentences.append(sentence)
                        #   self.total_sentiments.append(sentiment)
                    # Store results to memory
                    # Update score
                    if results.has_key(sentiment):
                        results[sentiment]['nscore'] += nscore
                        results[sentiment]['score'] += score
                        results[sentiment]['count'] += 1 
                print Tcolors.ACT + " Overall sentiment analysis:"
                print Tcolors.BGH
                print " Parts: ", len(sentences)
                print " Sentiments: ", sentiments
                print " Scores: ", scores 
                print " Results: ", "},\n\t    ".join((str)(results).split("}, "))
                print Tcolors.C

                pcount = results['positive']['count']
                ncount = results['negative']['count'] 
                total = len(sentences)
                print Tcolors.BG
                print " subjective".ljust(16,"-") + "> %.2f" % ((float)(pcount + ncount)*100 / total) + "%"
                print " objective".ljust(16,"-") + "> %.2f" % (100 - ((float)(pcount + ncount)*100 / total)) + "%"
                print Tcolors.C
                print Tcolors.BGGRAY
                for sense in results.keys():
                    count = results[sense]['count']
                    percentage = (float)(count) * 100 / (len(sentences))
                    print " " +sense.ljust(15,"-")+"> %.2f" % (percentage) + "%"
                print Tcolors.C 
                ssum = sum(scores)
                confidence = " (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ssum,sum(nscores))
                final_sent = ""
                pos = True
                if results["negative"]["count"] > len(sentences)*1.0/3:
                    pos = False

                # Print total sentiment score and normalized sentiment score
                if ssum > 0 and pos:
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " positive" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "positive"
                elif ssum == 0:
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN +  " neutral" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "neutral"
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN +  " negative" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "negative"
                print Tcolors.C
                # Store results
                total_result_hash = {'sentences' : sentences,
                                     'sentiments': sentiments,
                                     'scores'    : scores,
                                     'nscores'   : nscores,
                                     'results'   : results,
                                      'final' : {final_sent:{'score':ssum,'nscore':sum(nscores)}}} 
        # Train SVM classifier
        # self.train_svm()
        return total_result_hash
    def normalize(self, text):
            Make some word improvements before feeding to the sentence tokenizer.
        rr = RepeatReplacer(self.lexicon)
        normalized_text = []
        final = None
            for word in text.split():
                normal = rr.replace(word.lower()) 
                if word[0].isupper(): 
                    normal = normal[0].upper() + normal[1:]
                final = " ".join(normalized_text)
                final = text
        return final
    def train_svm(self):
            Train SVM and store data with pickle.
        self.svm.train(self.total_sentences, self.total_sentiments)
        t_output = open(self.svm_train_filename,'wb')
        l_output = open(self.svm_label_filename,'wb')
コード例 #4
pp=Probcpredict(q,mu_pos,mu_neg,sigma2_pos,sigma2_neg, z)
print("Predict result of probcpredict:",pp.probcpredict())
print("Predict result of nearestneighbor:",nn.nearestneighbor())

#case 4_1

X = np.array([[-3, 2],
[-2, 1.5],
[-1, 1],
[0, 0.5],
[1, 0],
[2, 2],
[-0.5, -1],
[0.5, 0]])
y = np.array([[1], [-1], [1], [-1], [1], [-1], [1], [-1]])
print("When k equals to 2, the accuracy of kfold is:",kf.kfoldcv())
print("When B equals to 5, the accuracy of bootstrapping is:",bs.bootstrapping())

# for Hypotest
a = np.array([[0.09],[0.08],[0.15],[0.11],[0.13]])
b = np.array([[0.10],[0.12],[0.14],[0.13],[0.13]])
print("When alpha equals to 0.05, the result of hypotest is:",ht.hypotest())

コード例 #5
class Sentiment:
        Sentiment: Analyses the global sentiment of given text regions  
        that are decomposed to sentences, using bootstrapping methods for 
        subjectivity and polarity classification. All sub modules except 
        from POS tagging are learning by experience.
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos_tagger = SequentialTagger()
        self.hp_obj = HpObj(debug=DEBUG)
        self.hp_subj = HpSubj(debug=DEBUG)
        self.lexicon = self.hp_obj.lexicon
        self.bootstrapping = Bootstrapping(self.hp_obj, self.hp_subj, self.pos_tagger, debug=DEBUG) 
        self.sentence_tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
        self.total_sentences = ["good","bad"]
        self.total_sentiments = ["positive","negative"]
    def analyze(self, clean_text_areas):
            Analysis of text regions using the following order: Each sentence per
            region is passed from the subjectivity classification using bootstrapping
            method and then if it turns out to be subjective it is passed 
            from the polarity classification using bootstrapping method also.
            Finally, it results to a decision for the sentiment of the sentence
            and the overall sentiment of the regions. 
        if len(clean_text_areas) > 0:  
            for clean_text in clean_text_areas:
                # Sentence detection
                clean_text = self.normalize(clean_text)
                    sentences = self.sentence_tokenizer.tokenize(clean_text)
                    return {}
                sentiments = [] 
                scores = []
                nscores = []
                results = {'positive':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0},
                           'neutral':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0},
                           'negative':{'count' : 0, 'score' : 0, 'nscore' : 0}}
                print Tcolors.ACT + " Checking block of text:"
                for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
                    print "[" + str(i+1) + "] " + sentence
                for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
                    # Proceed to subjectivity classification (bootstrapping procedure).
                    # (This step could be skipped in case you deal with subjective sentences only.)
                    sentiment = ""
                    previous = ""
                    next = ""
                    score = 0
                    nscore = 0
                    if i == 0 and i + 1 < len(sentences): 
                        next = sentences[i+1] 
                    elif i != 0 and i < len(sentences):
                        if i + 1 != len(sentences):
                            next = sentences[i+1]
                        previous = sentences[i-1] 
                    if DEBUG: print Tcolors.ACT + " Analyzing subjectivity..." 
                    result = self.bootstrapping.classify(sentence, previous, next) 
                    if result is None:
                        res = 'Not found!'
                        res = result
                    if DEBUG:
                        print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " " + res + Tcolors.ENDC
                    # If sentence is subjective 
                    if result == 'subjective' or result is None:
                        # Proceed to polarity classification
                        if DEBUG: print Tcolors.ACT + " Analyzing sentiment..."
                        polarity_classifier = PolarityClassifier(self.pos_tagger, self.lexicon, debug=DEBUG)
                        sentiment, score, nscore = polarity_classifier.classify(sentence)
                        if DEBUG: print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " " + sentiment + Tcolors.ENDC
                    # If sentence is objective
                    elif result == 'objective':
                        sentiment = 'neutral'  
                    # Collect high-confidence training instances for SVM classifier.
                    # After the training, SVM can be used to classify new sentences.
                    #if sentiment != "neutral" and sentiment != "": 
                        #if sentiment != "neutral" and abs(nscore) >= 0.4:
                        #   self.total_sentences.append(sentence)
                        #   self.total_sentiments.append(sentiment)
                    # Store results to memory
                    # Update score
                    if results.has_key(sentiment):
                        results[sentiment]['nscore'] += nscore
                        results[sentiment]['score'] += score
                        results[sentiment]['count'] += 1 
                print Tcolors.ACT + " Overall sentiment analysis:"
                print Tcolors.BGH
                print " Parts: ", len(sentences)
                print " Sentiments: ", sentiments
                print " Scores: ", scores 
                print " Results: ", "},\n\t    ".join((str)(results).split("}, "))
                print Tcolors.C

                pcount = results['positive']['count']
                ncount = results['negative']['count'] 
                total = len(sentences)
                print Tcolors.BG
                print " subjective".ljust(16,"-") + "> %.2f" % ((float)(pcount + ncount)*100 / total) + "%"
                print " objective".ljust(16,"-") + "> %.2f" % (100 - ((float)(pcount + ncount)*100 / total)) + "%"
                print Tcolors.C
                print Tcolors.BGGRAY
                for sense in results.keys():
                    count = results[sense]['count']
                    percentage = (float)(count) * 100 / (len(sentences))
                    print " " +sense.ljust(15,"-")+"> %.2f" % (percentage) + "%"
                print Tcolors.C 
                ssum = sum(scores)
                confidence = " (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ssum,sum(nscores))
                final_sent = ""
                pos = True
                if results["negative"]["count"] > len(sentences)*1.0/3:
                    pos = False

                # Print total sentiment score and normalized sentiment score
                if ssum > 0 and pos:
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN + " positive" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "positive"
                elif ssum == 0:
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN +  " neutral" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "neutral"
                    print Tcolors.RES + Tcolors.OKGREEN +  " negative" + confidence + Tcolors.C
                    final_sent = "negative"
                print Tcolors.C
                # Store results
                total_result_hash = {'sentences' : sentences,
                                     'sentiments': sentiments,
                                     'scores'    : scores,
                                     'nscores'   : nscores,
                                     'results'   : results,
                                      'final' : {final_sent:{'score':ssum,'nscore':sum(nscores)}}} 
        # Train SVM classifier
        # self.train_svm()
        return total_result_hash
    def normalize(self, text):
            Make some word improvements before feeding to the sentence tokenizer.
        rr = RepeatReplacer(self.lexicon)
        normalized_text = []
        final = None
            for word in text.split():
                normal = rr.replace(word.lower()) 
                if word[0].isupper(): 
                    normal = normal[0].upper() + normal[1:]
                final = " ".join(normalized_text)
                final = text
        return final
    def train_svm(self):
            Train SVM and store data with pickle.
        self.svm.train(self.total_sentences, self.total_sentiments)
        t_output = open(self.svm_train_filename,'wb')
        l_output = open(self.svm_label_filename,'wb')