def do_step(context): settings = context.meta['settings'] username = settings["username"] home_dir = os.path.join("/home", username) index_file = context.meta['index-file'] client = bosh_client.BoshClient("", "admin", "admin") bosh_uuid = client.get_info()['uuid'] print "Director uuid is {0}".format(bosh_uuid) f = open("manifests/{0}".format(index_file)) manifests = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() # set the director id on the manifests for m in manifests['manifests']: with open("{0}/manifests/{1}".format(home_dir, m['file']), 'r+') as f: contents = template = Template(contents) contents = template.render(DIRECTOR_UUID=bosh_uuid) f.write(contents) f.truncate() f.close() return context
def do_step(context): settings = context.meta['settings'] username = settings["username"] home_dir = os.path.join("/home", username) index_file = context.meta['index-file'] f = open("manifests/{0}".format(index_file)) manifests = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() client = bosh_client.BoshClient("", "admin", "admin") # deploy! for m in manifests['manifests']: print "Deploying {0}/manifests/{1}...".format(home_dir, m['file']) manifest = open("{0}/manifests/{1}".format(home_dir, m['file'])).read() task_id = client.create_deployment(manifest) task = client.wait_for_task(task_id) retries = 0 while task['state'] == 'error' and retries < 5: retries += 1 print "Retrying deploy for {0}/manifests/{1}...".format(home_dir, m['file']) task_id = client.create_deployment(manifest) task = client.wait_for_task(task_id) print "Finished deploying {0}/manifests/{1}...".format(home_dir, m['file']) return context
def do_step(context): settings = context.meta['settings'] username = settings["username"] home_dir = os.path.join("/home", username) index_file = context.meta['index-file'] f = open("manifests/{0}".format(index_file)) manifests = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() client = bosh_client.BoshClient("", "admin", "admin") for m in manifests['manifests']: print "Running errands for {0}/manifests/{1}...".format( home_dir, m['file']) try: for errand in m['errands']: print "Running errand {0}".format(errand) task_id = client.run_errand(m['deployment-name'], errand) task = client.wait_for_task(task_id) retries = 0 while task['state'] == 'error' and retries < 5: retries += 1 print "Retrying errand {0}".format(errand) task_id = client.run_errand(m['deployment-name'], errand) task = client.wait_for_task(task_id) result = client.get_task_result(task_id) print "Errand finished with exit code {0}".format( result['exit_code']) print "=========== STDOUT ===========" print result['stdout'].encode('utf8') print "=========== STDERR ===========" print result['stderr'].encode('utf8') except KeyError: print "Ignoring KeyError exception" return context
def do_step(context): settings = context.meta['settings'] username = settings["username"] home_dir = os.path.join("/home", username) os.environ["HOME"] = home_dir # deploy director os.environ["BOSH_INIT_LOG_LEVEL"] = 'INFO' os.environ["BOSH_INIT_LOG_PATH"] = './bosh-init-debug.log' client = bosh_client.BoshClient("", "admin", "admin") try: client.get_info() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: res = None while res != 0: res = call("bosh-init deploy {0}/bosh.yml".format(home_dir), shell=True) return context
def do_step(context): settings = context.meta['settings'] index_file = context.meta['index-file'] pivnetAPIToken = settings["pivnet-api-token"] f = open("manifests/{0}".format(index_file)) manifests = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() eula_urls = [ "{0}/releases/{1}/eula_acceptance" .format(m['release-name'], m['release-number']) for m in manifests['manifests'] ] release_urls = [ "{0}/releases/{1}/product_files/{2}/download" .format(m['release-name'], m['release-number'], m['file-number']) for m in manifests['manifests'] ] stemcell_urls = [m['stemcell'] for m in manifests['manifests']] # accept eula for each product for url in eula_urls: print url if not "concourse" in url: res = authorizedPost(url, pivnetAPIToken) code = res.getcode() # releases is_release_file = re.compile("^releases\/.+") if not os.path.exists("/tmp/releases"): os.makedirs("/tmp/releases") client = bosh_client.BoshClient("", "admin", "admin") storage_account_name = settings["STORAGE-ACCOUNT-NAME"] storage_access_key = settings["STORAGE-ACCESS-KEY"] blob_service = BlobService(storage_account_name, storage_access_key) blob_service.create_container(container_name='tempreleases', x_ms_blob_public_access='container') print "Processing releases." for url in release_urls: print "Downloading {0}.".format(url) if "concourse" in url: release_url = "" res = urllib2.urlopen(release_url) else: res = authorizedPost(url, pivnetAPIToken) code = res.getcode() length = int(res.headers["Content-Length"]) # content-length if code is 200: total = 0 pcent = 0.0 CHUNK = 16 * 1024 with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as temp: while True: chunk = total += CHUNK pcent = (float(total) / float(length)) * 100 sys.stdout.write("Download progress: %.2f%% (%.2fM)\r" % (pcent, total / 1000000.0)) sys.stdout.flush() if not chunk: break temp.write(chunk) print "Download complete." z = zipfile.ZipFile(temp) for name in z.namelist(): # is this a release? if is_release_file.match(name): release_filename = "/tmp/{0}".format(name) print "Unpacking {0}.".format(name) z.extract(name, "/tmp") print "Uploading {0} to Azure blob store".format(name) blob_service.put_block_blob_from_path( 'tempreleases', name, "/tmp/{0}".format(name), x_ms_blob_content_type='application/x-compressed') os.unlink(release_filename) blob_url = "http://{0}{1}/{2}".format( storage_account_name, 'tempreleases', name) print "Uploading release {0} to BOSH director.".format( name) task_id = client.upload_release(blob_url) client.wait_for_task(task_id) z.close() temp.close() blob_service.delete_container("tempreleases") # stemcells print "Processing stemcells." for url in stemcell_urls: print "Processing stemcell {0}".format(url) task_id = client.upload_stemcell(url) client.wait_for_task(task_id) return context