def headlines(self, x, y): for i in range(x, y): headlines = ([i])['title'] gui.display('\n' + headlines) talk(headlines) headlines = headlines.lower() self.lit.append(headlines)
def question(self): gui.display('\n please, let me help you') talk('please, let me help you') question = command() res = self.clint.query(question) answer = next(res.results).text gui.display('\n' + answer) talk(answer)
def synonym(self, text): de_word = [ "what", 'is', 'are', 'the', 'synonyms', 'synonym', 'of', "a", "?", ".", "," ] word = get_stem(text, de_word) synonym = self.dictionary.synonym(word) gui.display(word.upper() + ':--') talk('synonyms of ' + word + ' are ') for i in range(len(synonym)): gui.display(str(i + 1) + ') ' + synonym[i]) talk(synonym[i])
def __init__(self): self.greet = True self.dictionary = Dictionary() self.question = Ask_question() self.open_in_browser = Open_in_browser() = Weather() = News() self.maths = Mathparse() self.word_game = WordGame() pid = os.getpid() gui.display(pid)
def command(): try: with sr.Microphone() as source: gui.display('\tlistening...\n') voice = listener.listen(source) command = listener.recognize_google(voice) command = command.lower() except: command = 'none' gui.display('->> ' + command + '\n') return command
def initials(): global name try: with sr.Microphone() as source: gui.display("...\n") voice = listener.listen(source) recognise_name = listener.recognize_google(voice) recognise_name = recognise_name.lower() except Exception: recognise_name = 'none' if name.lower() in recognise_name: return True
def perform_task(self): typ, command = self.get_task() if typ == "response": gui.display(command + "\n") talk(command) elif typ == "close": self.close() elif typ == 'time': time ='%I:%M:%p') gui.display('\n' + time) talk('the time is ' + time.replace(':', '')) elif typ == "wikisearch": wikisearch = command.replace('who is', '') info = wikipedia.summary(wikisearch, 2) gui.display('\n' + info) talk(info) elif typ == "meaning": self.dictionary.meaning(command) elif typ == "antonym": self.dictionary.antonym(command) elif typ == "synonym": self.dictionary.synonym(command) elif typ == "wolframalpha": self.question.question() elif typ == "url": self.open_in_browser.open_url(command) elif typ == "open site": self.open_in_browser.open_special(command) elif typ == "youtube": self.open_in_browser.play_in_yt(command) elif typ == "weather": elif typ == "maths": self.maths.solve(command) elif typ == 'news': elif typ == 'word_game': elif typ == "none": gui.display('\n' + 'sorry I did not get you') talk('sorry I did not get you')
def solve(self, statement): de_word = ['mathparse'] statement = get_stem(statement, de_word) statement = statement.replace("to the power", "^") statement = statement.replace("into", "*") statement = statement.replace("multiplied by", "*") statement = statement.replace("divided by", "/") statement = statement.replace("by", "/") expression = mathparse.extract_expression(statement, language='ENG') ans = mathparse.parse(expression) gui.display(f"{expression} = {ans}") talk(f"{expression} = {ans}")
def open_url(self, topic): de_word = ['open', 'the', 'site', 'url'] topic = get_stem(topic, de_word) url = 'https://' + topic if self.validator(url): gui.display('\n' + url) de_word = ['https://', 'www.', '.com', '.in'] for w in de_word: if w in url: url = url.replace(w, '') talk('opening ' + url) else: gui.display('\nSorry! Invalid url!') talk('Sorry! Invalid u r l')
def get_weather(self): response = requests.get(self.complete_url) x = response.json() if x["cod"] != "404": y = x["main"] current_temperature = int(y["temp"] - 273) current_humidiy = y["humidity"] z = x["weather"] weather_description = z[0]["description"] gui.display('\nWEATHER REPORT -') talk('current weather report is as follows') gui.display(" Temperature = " + str(current_temperature) + "°С" + "\n Humidity = " + str(current_humidiy) + "(%)" + "\n Description = " + str(weather_description) + '\n') talk("Temperature is " + str(current_temperature) + "degree celcius" + "\n Humidity is " + str(current_humidiy) + " percent" "\n and, it is " + str(weather_description))
def play_in_yt(self, topic): de_word = ["open", "in", 'youtube', 'play', 'on', 'play_yt', '_yt'] topic = get_stem(topic, de_word) url = '' + topic count = 0 cont = requests.get(url) data = cont.content data = str(data) lst = data.split('"') for i in lst: count += 1 if i == 'WEB_PAGE_TYPE_WATCH': break if lst[count - 5] == "/results": raise Exception("No video found.") #print("Videos found, opening most recent video")"" + lst[count - 5]) talk('playing' + topic) gui.display(f"playing {topic}")
def meaning(self, text): de_word = [ "what", 'is', 'are', 'the', 'meanings', 'meaning', 'of', "a", "?", ".", "," ] word = get_stem(text, de_word) meaning = self.dictionary.meaning(word) gui.display(word.upper() + ':--') talk('meanings of ' + word + ' are ') key = list(meaning) for i in range(len(meaning)): gui.display(key[i] + ' -') talk('as a ' + key[i]) v = meaning[key[i]] for e in range(len(v)): gui.display('\n' + str(e + 1) + ') ' + v[e]) talk(v[e]) gui.display('\n')
def greatings(self): hour = if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: gui.display('\n' + "Hello,Good Morning\n") talk("Hello, Good Morning") talk("How may I help you?") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 16: gui.display('\n' + "Hello,Good Afternoon\n") talk("Hello, Good Afternoon") talk("How may I help you?") else: gui.display("Hello,Good Evening\n") talk("Hello, Good Evening") talk("How may I help you?")
def close(self): hour = if hour >= 21 or hour <= 2: gui.display('\n' + "Good Night, Sleep Tight," + "\n Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bight") talk("Good night sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bight") gui.stop() exit() # closes perform_task elif hour > 2 and hour < 4: gui.display('\n Abee soo jaa BSDK') talk('Abee so jaa B S D K') gui.stop() exit() # closes perform_task else: gui.display('\n' + 'See you later, Alligator') talk('See you later, Alligator') gui.stop() exit() # closes perform_task
def get_news(self): gui.display("today's news headlines are :") talk("today's news headlines are") self.headlines(0, 5) gui.display('do you want more news headlines?') talk('do you want more headlines?') reply = command() if 'yes' in reply: self.headlines(5, 10) gui.display('do you want more details?') talk('do you want more details?') reply = command() if 'tell me more about' in reply: self.details(reply) gui.display("that's all for current news headlines") talk("that's all for current news headlines") else: gui.display("that's all for current news headlines") talk("that's all for current news headlines") elif 'tell me more about' in reply: self.details(reply) gui.display("that's all for current news headlines") talk("that's all for current news headlines") else: gui.display("that's all for current news headlines") talk("that's all for current news headlines")
def open_special(self, topic): de_word = ['open'] site = get_stem(topic, de_word) if 'amazon' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) if 'google' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) if 'facebook' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) if 'facebook' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) if 'reddit' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) if 'github' in site: url = '' gui.display('\n' + url) talk('opening' + site) else: gui.display('\nSorry! I am currently limited in my capablities') talk('Sorry! I am currently limited in my capablities')
def play(self): gui.display("Wellcome to Word Game. Let's play") talk("Wellcome to Word Game. Let's play") while self.playing: compword ="true") self.compwords.append(compword) gui.display(compword) talk(compword) reply = command() if reply != 'none': if self.dic.meaning(reply) != None: if compword[-1] == reply[0]: if reply not in self.playerwords and reply not in self.compwords: self.playerwords.append(reply) else: gui.display("you used that word already") talk("you used that word already") gui.display("you loose") talk("you loose") self.playing = False else: gui.display("Against the rule, you loose") talk("Against the rule, you loose") self.playing = False else: gui.display("Not a Real Word, You loose") talk("Not a Real Word, You loose") self.playing = False else: gui.display('Too late!! You loose') talk("too late, you loose") self.playing = False
def details(self, text): if 'exit' not in text: topic = text.replace('tell me more about ', '') for i in range(len(self.lit)): if topic in self.lit[i]: description = ([i])['description'] gui.display(description) talk(description) gui.display('do you want more details?') talk('do you want more details?') reply = command() if 'tell me more about' in reply: self.details(reply) elif 'no' in reply: gui.display("that's all for current news headlines") talk("that's all for current news headlines") else: gui.display('sorry I did not get you') talk('sorry I did not get you') gui.display('please repeat') talk('please repeat') reply = command() self.details(reply) else: if i + 1 == len(self.lit): gui.display('sorry I did not get you') talk('sorry I did not get you') gui.display('please repeat') talk('please repeat') reply = command() self.details(reply)