def __check_response_existence(self, response: Dict, bot: Text, exp_message: Text = None, raise_error=True): saved_responses = list( Responses.objects(bot=bot, status=True).aggregate([{ "$group": { "_id": "$name", "texts": { "$push": "$text" }, "customs": { "$push": "$custom" }, } }])) saved_items = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([ items["texts"] + items["customs"] for items in saved_responses ])) if response in saved_items: if raise_error: if Utility.check_empty_string(exp_message): raise AppException("Exception message cannot be empty") raise AppException(exp_message) else: return True else: if not raise_error: return False
def __check_event_existence(self, events: List[Dict], bot: Text, exp_message: Text = None, raise_error=True): saved_events = list( Stories.objects(bot=bot, status=True).aggregate([{ "$group": { "_id": "$name", "events": { "$push": "$events" } } }])) saved_items = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [items["events"] for items in saved_events])) if events in saved_items: if raise_error: if Utility.check_empty_string(exp_message): raise AppException("Exception message cannot be empty") raise AppException(exp_message) else: return True else: if not raise_error: return False
async def save_from_path(self, path: Text, bot: Text, overwrite: bool = True, user="******"): try: story_files, nlu_files = get_core_nlu_files( os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_DATA_PATH)) nlu = utils.training_data_from_paths(nlu_files, "en") domain = Domain.from_file(os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PATH)) domain.check_missing_templates() story_steps = await StoryFileReader.read_from_files( story_files, domain) config = read_config_file(os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH)) self.save_domain(domain, bot, user) self.save_stories(story_steps, bot, user) self.save_nlu(nlu, bot, user) self.save_config(config, bot, user) except InvalidDomain as e: raise AppException("""Failed to validate yaml file. Please make sure the file is initial and all mandatory parameters are specified""" ) except Exception as e: raise AppException(e)
def deploy_model(endpoint: Dict, bot: Text): if not endpoint or not endpoint.get("bot_endpoint"): raise AppException( "Please configure the bot endpoint for deployment!") headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/plain"} url = endpoint["bot_endpoint"].get("url") if endpoint["bot_endpoint"].get( "token_type") and endpoint["bot_endpoint"].get("token"): headers["Authorization"] = ( endpoint["bot_endpoint"].get("token_type") + " " + endpoint["bot_endpoint"].get("token")) try: response = requests.put( url + "/model", json={ "model_file": Utility.get_latest_file( os.path.join(DEFAULT_MODELS_PATH, bot)) }, headers=headers, ) json_response = response.json() if "message" in json_response: result = json_response["message"] elif "reason" in json_response: result = json_response["reason"] else: result = json_response except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise AppException("Host is not reachable") return result
def remove_document(self, document: Document, id: Text, bot: Text, user: Text): try: doc = document.objects(bot=bot).get(id=id) doc.update(status=False, user=user) except DoesNotExist as e: raise AppException("Unable to remove document") except Exception as e: raise AppException("Unable to remove document")
def is_exist( document: Document, query: Dict, exp_message: Text = None, raise_error=True, ): doc = document.objects(status=True, __raw__=query) if doc.__len__(): if raise_error: if Utility.check_empty_string(exp_message): raise AppException("Exception message cannot be empty") raise AppException(exp_message) else: return True else: if not raise_error: return False
def start_training(bot: str, user: str): """ Prevents training of the bot if the training session is in progress otherwise start training """ exception = None model_file = None training_status = None ModelProcessor.set_training_status( bot=bot, user=user, status=MODEL_TRAINING_STATUS.INPROGRESS.value, ) try: model_file = train_model_for_bot(bot) training_status = MODEL_TRAINING_STATUS.DONE.value except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) training_status = MODEL_TRAINING_STATUS.FAIL.value exception = str(e) raise AppException(exception) finally: ModelProcessor.set_training_status( bot=bot, user=user, status=training_status, model_path=model_file, exception=exception, ) AgentProcessor.reload(bot) return model_file
def train_model_for_bot(bot: str): """ Trains the rasa model, using the data that is loaded onto Mongo, through the bot files """ processor = MongoProcessor() nlu = processor.load_nlu(bot) if not nlu.training_examples: raise AppException("Training data does not exists!") domain = processor.load_domain(bot) stories = processor.load_stories(bot) config = processor.load_config(bot) directory = Utility.save_files( nlu.nlu_as_markdown().encode(), domain.as_yaml().encode(), stories.as_story_string().encode(), yaml.dump(config).encode(), ) output = os.path.join(DEFAULT_MODELS_PATH, bot) model = train(domain=os.path.join(directory,DEFAULT_DOMAIN_PATH), config=os.path.join(directory,DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH), training_files=os.path.join(directory,DEFAULT_DATA_PATH), output=output) Utility.delete_directory(directory) return model
async def get_nlu_data(self, language: Optional[Text] = "en") -> TrainingData: """ Loads the data from the nlu file of the bot """ training_data = self.processor.load_nlu( if not training_data.training_examples: raise AppException("Training data does not exists!") return training_data
def is_exist(document: Document, exp_message: Text = None, raise_error=True, *args, **kwargs): doc = document.objects(**kwargs) if doc.__len__(): if raise_error: if Utility.check_empty_string(exp_message): raise AppException("Exception message cannot be empty") raise AppException(exp_message) else: return True else: if not raise_error: return False
def is_training_inprogress(bot: Text, raise_exception=True): if ModelTraining.objects( bot=bot, status=MODEL_TRAINING_STATUS.INPROGRESS.value).count(): if raise_exception: raise AppException("Previous model training in progress.") else: return True else: return False
def validate(self, clean=True): if Utility.check_empty_string( or Utility.check_empty_string( self.pattern): raise ValidationError( "Regex name and pattern cannot be empty or blank spaces") else: try: re.compile(self.pattern) except AppException as e: raise AppException("invalid regular expression " + self.pattern)
def __save_session_config(self, session_config: SessionConfig, bot: Text, user: Text): try: if session_config: try: session = SessionConfigs.objects().get(bot=bot) session.session_expiration_time = ( session_config.session_expiration_time) session.carryOverSlots = True session.user = user except DoesNotExist: session = self.__extract_session_config( session_config, bot, user) except NotUniqueError as e: raise AppException("Session Config already exists for the bot") except Exception as e: raise AppException("Internal Server Error")
def validate(self, clean=True): if (Utility.check_empty_string(self.type) or Utility.check_empty_string(self.url) or Utility.check_empty_string(self.db)): raise ValidationError( "Type, Url and DB cannot be blank or empty spaces") else: if self.type == "mongo": try: parse_uri(self.url) except InvalidURI: raise AppException("Invalid tracker url!")
def reload(bot: Text): try: endpoint = AgentProcessor.mongo_processor.get_endpoints( bot, raise_exception=False) action_endpoint = (EndpointConfig( url=endpoint["action_endpoint"]["url"]) if endpoint and endpoint.get("action_endpoint") else None) model_path = AgentProcessor.get_latest_model(bot) agent = Agent.load(model_path, action_endpoint=action_endpoint) InMemoryAgentCache.set(bot, agent) except Exception as e: raise AppException("Please train the bot first")
def get_endpoints(self, bot: Text, raise_exception=True): try: endpoint = Endpoints.objects().get(bot=bot).to_mongo().to_dict() endpoint.pop("bot") endpoint.pop("user") endpoint.pop("timestamp") endpoint["_id"] = endpoint["_id"].__str__() return endpoint except DoesNotExist as e: if raise_exception: raise AppException("Endpoint Configuration does not exists!") else: return {}
async def download_model( background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, current_user: User = Depends(auth.get_current_user), ): """Download latest trained model file""" try: model_path = AgentProcessor.get_latest_model(current_user.get_bot()) response = FileResponse(model_path, filename=os.path.basename(model_path), background=background_tasks) response.headers[ "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + os.path.basename( model_path) return response except Exception as e: raise AppException(str(e))
def is_daily_training_limit_exceeded(bot: Text, raise_exception=True): today = today_start = today.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) today_end = today.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59) doc_count = ModelTraining.objects( bot=bot, start_timestamp__gte=today_start, start_timestamp__lte=today_end, end_timestamp__gte=today_start, end_timestamp__lte=today_end, ).count() if doc_count >= Utility.environment["MODEL_TRAINING_LIMIT_PER_DAY"]: if raise_exception: raise AppException("Daily model training limit exceeded.") else: return True else: return False
def valid_password(password: Text): """Used to validate password against the password policy""" results = Utility.password_policy.test(password) if results: response = [] for result in results: if isinstance(result, Length): response.append("Password length must be " + str(result.length)) elif isinstance(result, Special): response.append("Missing " + str(result.count) + " special letter") elif isinstance(result, Uppercase): response.append("Missing " + str(result.count) + " uppercase letter") elif isinstance(result, Numbers): response.append("Missing " + str(result.count) + "number") if response: raise AppException("\n".join(response))
def add_endpoints(self, endpoint_config: Dict, bot: Text, user: Text): try: endpoint = Endpoints.objects().get(bot=bot) except DoesNotExist: if Endpoints.objects(bot=bot): raise AppException("Endpoint Configuration already exists!") endpoint = Endpoints() endpoint.bot_endpoint = (EndPointBot( **endpoint_config.get("bot_endpoint")) if endpoint_config.get("bot_endpoint") else None) endpoint.action_endpoint = ( EndPointAction(**endpoint_config.get("action_endpoint")) if endpoint_config.get("action_endpoint") else None) endpoint.tracker_endpoint = ( EndPointTracker(**endpoint_config.get("tracker_endpoint")) if endpoint_config.get("tracker_endpoint") else None) = bot endpoint.user = user return["_id"].__str__()
def add_session_config( self, bot: Text, user: Text, id: Text = None, sesssionExpirationTime: int = 60, carryOverSlots: bool = True, ): if not Utility.check_empty_string(id): session_config = SessionConfigs.objects().get(id=id) session_config.sesssionExpirationTime = sesssionExpirationTime session_config.carryOverSlots = carryOverSlots else: if SessionConfigs.objects(bot=bot): raise AppException("Session config already exists!") session_config = SessionConfigs( sesssionExpirationTime=sesssionExpirationTime, carryOverSlots=carryOverSlots, bot=bot, user=user, ) return["_id"].__str__()
def get_latest_file(folder): if not os.path.exists(folder): raise AppException("Folder does not exists!") return max(glob.iglob(folder + "/*"), key=os.path.getctime)
def validate(self, clean=True): if isinstance(url(self.url), ValidationFailure): raise AppException("Invalid Bot server url")
def _inprogress_execption_response(*args, **kwargs): raise AppException("Previous model training in progress.")