def new_http_connection(self, host, port, is_secure): if host is None: host = self.server_name() # Make sure the host is really just the host, not including # the port number host = host.split(':', 1)[0] http_connection_kwargs = self.http_connection_kwargs.copy() # Connection factories below expect a port keyword argument http_connection_kwargs['port'] = port # Override host with proxy settings if needed if self.use_proxy and not is_secure and \ not self.skip_proxy(host): host = self.proxy http_connection_kwargs['port'] = int(self.proxy_port) if is_secure: boto.log.debug( 'establishing HTTPS connection: host=%s, kwargs=%s', host, http_connection_kwargs) if self.use_proxy and not self.skip_proxy(host): connection = self.proxy_ssl(host, is_secure and 443 or 80) elif self.https_connection_factory: connection = self.https_connection_factory(host) elif self.https_validate_certificates and HAVE_HTTPS_CONNECTION: connection = https_connection.CertValidatingHTTPSConnection( host, ca_certs=self.ca_certificates_file, **http_connection_kwargs) else: connection = http_client.HTTPSConnection(host, **http_connection_kwargs) else: boto.log.debug('establishing HTTP connection: kwargs=%s' % http_connection_kwargs) if self.https_connection_factory: # even though the factory says https, this is too handy # to not be able to allow overriding for http also. connection = self.https_connection_factory(host, **http_connection_kwargs) else: connection = http_client.HTTPConnection(host, **http_connection_kwargs) if self.debug > 1: connection.set_debuglevel(self.debug) # self.connection must be maintained for backwards-compatibility # however, it must be dynamically pulled from the connection pool # set a private variable which will enable that if host.split(':')[0] == and is_secure == self.is_secure: self._connection = (host, port, is_secure) # Set the response class of the http connection to use our custom # class. connection.response_class = HTTPResponse return connection
def proxy_ssl(self, host=None, port=None): if host and port: host = '%s:%d' % (host, port) else: host = '%s:%d' % (, self.port) # Seems properly to use timeout for connect too timeout = self.http_connection_kwargs.get("timeout") if timeout is not None: sock = socket.create_connection((self.proxy, int(self.proxy_port)), timeout) else: sock = socket.create_connection((self.proxy, int(self.proxy_port))) boto.log.debug("Proxy connection: CONNECT %s HTTP/1.0\r\n", host) sock.sendall("CONNECT %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" % host) sock.sendall("User-Agent: %s\r\n" % UserAgent) if self.proxy_user and self.proxy_pass: for k, v in self.get_proxy_auth_header().items(): sock.sendall("%s: %s\r\n" % (k, v)) # See discussion about this config option at #!topic/boto-dev/teenFvOq2Cc if config.getbool('Boto', 'send_crlf_after_proxy_auth_headers', False): sock.sendall("\r\n") else: sock.sendall("\r\n") resp = http_client.HTTPResponse(sock, strict=True, debuglevel=self.debug) resp.begin() if resp.status != 200: # Fake a socket error, use a code that make it obvious it hasn't # been generated by the socket library raise socket.error(-71, "Error talking to HTTP proxy %s:%s: %s (%s)" % (self.proxy, self.proxy_port, resp.status, resp.reason)) # We can safely close the response, it duped the original socket resp.close() h = http_client.HTTPConnection(host) if self.https_validate_certificates and HAVE_HTTPS_CONNECTION: msg = "wrapping ssl socket for proxied connection; " if self.ca_certificates_file: msg += "CA certificate file=%s" %self.ca_certificates_file else: msg += "using system provided SSL certs" boto.log.debug(msg) key_file = self.http_connection_kwargs.get('key_file', None) cert_file = self.http_connection_kwargs.get('cert_file', None) sslSock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=key_file, certfile=cert_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=self.ca_certificates_file) cert = sslSock.getpeercert() hostname =':', 0)[0] if not https_connection.ValidateCertificateHostname(cert, hostname): raise https_connection.InvalidCertificateException( hostname, cert, 'hostname mismatch') else: # Fallback for old Python without ssl.wrap_socket if hasattr(http_client, 'ssl'): sslSock = http_client.ssl.SSLSocket(sock) else: sslSock = socket.ssl(sock, None, None) sslSock = http_client.FakeSocket(sock, sslSock) # This is a bit unclean h.sock = sslSock return h
def test_1_basic(self): print('--- running S3Connection tests ---') c = S3Connection() # create a new, empty bucket bucket_name = 'test-%d' % int(time.time()) bucket = c.create_bucket(bucket_name) # now try a get_bucket call and see if it's really there bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name) # test logging logging_bucket = c.create_bucket(bucket_name + '-log') logging_bucket.set_as_logging_target() bucket.enable_logging(target_bucket=logging_bucket, bucket.disable_logging() c.delete_bucket(logging_bucket) k = bucket.new_key('foobar') s1 = 'This is a test of file upload and download' s2 = 'This is a second string to test file upload and download' k.set_contents_from_string(s1) fp = open('foobar', 'wb') # now get the contents from s3 to a local file k.get_contents_to_file(fp) fp.close() fp = open('foobar') # check to make sure content read from s3 is identical to original assert s1 ==, 'corrupted file' fp.close() # test generated URLs url = k.generate_url(3600) file = urlopen(url) assert s1 =='utf-8'), 'invalid URL %s' % url url = k.generate_url(3600, force_http=True) file = urlopen(url) assert s1 =='utf-8'), 'invalid URL %s' % url url = k.generate_url(3600, force_http=True, headers={'x-amz-x-token': 'XYZ'}) file = urlopen(url) assert s1 =='utf-8'), 'invalid URL %s' % url rh = {'response-content-disposition': 'attachment; filename="foo.txt"'} url = k.generate_url(60, response_headers=rh) file = urlopen(url) assert s1 =='utf-8'), 'invalid URL %s' % url #test whether amperands and to-be-escaped characters work in header filename rh = { 'response-content-disposition': 'attachment; filename="foo&z%20ar&ar&zar&bar.txt"' } url = k.generate_url(60, response_headers=rh, force_http=True) file = urlopen(url) assert s1 =='utf-8'), 'invalid URL %s' % url # overwrite foobar contents with a PUT url = k.generate_url(3600, 'PUT', force_http=True, policy='private', reduced_redundancy=True) up = urlsplit(url) con = http_client.HTTPConnection(up.hostname, up.port) con.request("PUT", up.path + '?' + up.query, body="hello there") resp = con.getresponse() assert 200 == resp.status assert b"hello there" == k.get_contents_as_string() bucket.delete_key(k) # test a few variations on get_all_keys - first load some data # for the first one, let's override the content type phony_mimetype = 'application/x-boto-test' headers = {'Content-Type': phony_mimetype} = 'foo/bar' k.set_contents_from_string(s1, headers) = 'foo/bas' size = k.set_contents_from_filename('foobar') assert size == 42 = 'foo/bat' k.set_contents_from_string(s1) = 'fie/bar' k.set_contents_from_string(s1) = 'fie/bas' k.set_contents_from_string(s1) = 'fie/bat' k.set_contents_from_string(s1) # try resetting the contents to another value md5 = k.md5 k.set_contents_from_string(s2) assert k.md5 != md5 os.unlink('foobar') all = bucket.get_all_keys() assert len(all) == 6 rs = bucket.get_all_keys(prefix='foo') assert len(rs) == 3 rs = bucket.get_all_keys(prefix='', delimiter='/') assert len(rs) == 2 rs = bucket.get_all_keys(maxkeys=5) assert len(rs) == 5 # test the lookup method k = bucket.lookup('foo/bar') assert isinstance(k, bucket.key_class) assert k.content_type == phony_mimetype k = bucket.lookup('notthere') assert k == None # try some metadata stuff k = bucket.new_key('has_metadata') mdkey1 = 'meta1' mdval1 = 'This is the first metadata value' k.set_metadata(mdkey1, mdval1) mdkey2 = 'meta2' mdval2 = 'This is the second metadata value' k.set_metadata(mdkey2, mdval2) # try a unicode metadata value mdval3 = u'föö' mdkey3 = 'meta3' k.set_metadata(mdkey3, mdval3) k.set_contents_from_string(s1) k = bucket.lookup('has_metadata') assert k.get_metadata(mdkey1) == mdval1 assert k.get_metadata(mdkey2) == mdval2 assert k.get_metadata(mdkey3) == mdval3 k = bucket.new_key('has_metadata') k.get_contents_as_string() assert k.get_metadata(mdkey1) == mdval1 assert k.get_metadata(mdkey2) == mdval2 assert k.get_metadata(mdkey3) == mdval3 bucket.delete_key(k) # test list and iterator rs1 = bucket.list() num_iter = 0 for r in rs1: num_iter = num_iter + 1 rs = bucket.get_all_keys() num_keys = len(rs) assert num_iter == num_keys # try a key with a funny character k = bucket.new_key('testnewline\n') k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test') rs = bucket.get_all_keys() assert len(rs) == num_keys + 1 bucket.delete_key(k) rs = bucket.get_all_keys() assert len(rs) == num_keys # try some acl stuff bucket.set_acl('public-read') policy = bucket.get_acl() assert len(policy.acl.grants) == 2 bucket.set_acl('private') policy = bucket.get_acl() assert len(policy.acl.grants) == 1 k = bucket.lookup('foo/bar') k.set_acl('public-read') policy = k.get_acl() assert len(policy.acl.grants) == 2 k.set_acl('private') policy = k.get_acl() assert len(policy.acl.grants) == 1 # try the convenience methods for grants bucket.add_user_grant( 'FULL_CONTROL', 'c1e724fbfa0979a4448393c59a8c055011f739b6d102fb37a65f26414653cd67') try: bucket.add_email_grant('foobar', '*****@*****.**') except S3PermissionsError: pass # now try to create an RRS key k = bucket.new_key('reduced_redundancy') k.set_contents_from_string('This key has reduced redundancy', reduced_redundancy=True) # now try to inject a response header data = k.get_contents_as_string( response_headers={'response-content-type': 'foo/bar'}) assert k.content_type == 'foo/bar' # now delete all keys in bucket for k in bucket: if == 'reduced_redundancy': assert k.storage_class == 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' bucket.delete_key(k) # now delete bucket time.sleep(5) c.delete_bucket(bucket) print('--- tests completed ---')