コード例 #1
class Server(Model):

    # The properties of this object consists of real properties for data that
    # is not already stored in EC2 somewhere (e.g. name, description) plus
    # calculated properties for all of the properties that are already in
    # EC2 (e.g. hostname, security groups, etc.)
    name = StringProperty(unique=True, verbose_name="Name")
    description = StringProperty(verbose_name="Description")
    region_name = StringProperty(verbose_name="EC2 Region Name")
    instance_id = StringProperty(verbose_name="EC2 Instance ID")
    elastic_ip = StringProperty(verbose_name="EC2 Elastic IP Address")
    production = BooleanProperty(verbose_name="Is This Server Production", default=False)
    ami_id = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="AMI ID", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    zone = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Availability Zone Name", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    hostname = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Public DNS Name", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    private_hostname = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Private DNS Name", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    groups = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Security Groups", calculated_type=list, use_method=True)
    security_group = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Primary Security Group Name", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    key_name = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Key Name", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    instance_type = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Instance Type", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    status = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Current Status", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    launch_time = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Server Launch Time", calculated_type=str, use_method=True)
    console_output = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Console Output", calculated_type=file, use_method=True)

    packages = []
    plugins = []

    def add_credentials(cls, cfg, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key):
        if not cfg.has_section('Credentials'):
        cfg.set('Credentials', 'aws_access_key_id', aws_access_key_id)
        cfg.set('Credentials', 'aws_secret_access_key', aws_secret_access_key)
        if not cfg.has_section('DB_Server'):
        cfg.set('DB_Server', 'db_type', 'SimpleDB')
        cfg.set('DB_Server', 'db_name', cls._manager.domain.name)

    def create(cls, config_file=None, logical_volume = None, cfg = None, **params):
        Create a new instance based on the specified configuration file or the specified
        configuration and the passed in parameters.

        If the config_file argument is not None, the configuration is read from there.
        Otherwise, the cfg argument is used.

        The config file may include other config files with a #import reference. The included
        config files must reside in the same directory as the specified file.

        The logical_volume argument, if supplied, will be used to get the current physical
        volume ID and use that as an override of the value specified in the config file. This
        may be useful for debugging purposes when you want to debug with a production config
        file but a test Volume.

        The dictionary argument may be used to override any EC2 configuration values in the
        config file.
        if config_file:
            cfg = Config(path=config_file)
        if cfg.has_section('EC2'):
            # include any EC2 configuration values that aren't specified in params:
            for option in cfg.options('EC2'):
                if option not in params:
                    params[option] = cfg.get('EC2', option)
        getter = CommandLineGetter()
        getter.get(cls, params)
        region = params.get('region')
        ec2 = region.connect()
        cls.add_credentials(cfg, ec2.aws_access_key_id, ec2.aws_secret_access_key)
        ami = params.get('ami')
        kp = params.get('keypair')
        group = params.get('group')
        zone = params.get('zone')
        # deal with possibly passed in logical volume:
        if logical_volume != None:
           cfg.set('EBS', 'logical_volume_name', logical_volume.name)
        cfg_fp = StringIO()
        # deal with the possibility that zone and/or keypair are strings read from the config file:
        if isinstance(zone, Zone):
            zone = zone.name
        if isinstance(kp, KeyPair):
            kp = kp.name
        reservation = ami.run(min_count=1,
                              max_count=params.get('quantity', 1),
                              placement = zone,
                              user_data = cfg_fp.getvalue())
        l = []
        i = 0
        elastic_ip = params.get('elastic_ip')
        instances = reservation.instances
        if elastic_ip is not None and instances.__len__() > 0:
            instance = instances[0]
            print('Waiting for instance to start so we can set its elastic IP address...')
            # Sometimes we get a message from ec2 that says that the instance does not exist.
            # Hopefully the following delay will giv eec2 enough time to get to a stable state:
            while instance.update() != 'running':
            print('set the elastic IP of the first instance to %s' % elastic_ip)
        for instance in instances:
            s = cls()
            s.ec2 = ec2
            s.name = params.get('name') + '' if i==0 else str(i)
            s.description = params.get('description')
            s.region_name = region.name
            s.instance_id = instance.id
            if elastic_ip and i == 0:
                s.elastic_ip = elastic_ip
            i += 1
        return l

    def create_from_instance_id(cls, instance_id, name, description=''):
        regions = boto.ec2.regions()
        for region in regions:
            ec2 = region.connect()
                rs = ec2.get_all_reservations([instance_id])
                rs = []
            if len(rs) == 1:
                s = cls()
                s.ec2 = ec2
                s.name = name
                s.description = description
                s.region_name = region.name
                s.instance_id = instance_id
                s._reservation = rs[0]
                for instance in s._reservation.instances:
                    if instance.id == instance_id:
                        s._instance = instance
                return s
        return None

    def create_from_current_instances(cls):
        servers = []
        regions = boto.ec2.regions()
        for region in regions:
            ec2 = region.connect()
            rs = ec2.get_all_reservations()
            for reservation in rs:
                for instance in reservation.instances:
                        boto.log.info('Server for %s already exists' % instance.id)
                    except StopIteration:
                        s = cls()
                        s.ec2 = ec2
                        s.name = instance.id
                        s.region_name = region.name
                        s.instance_id = instance.id
                        s._reservation = reservation
        return servers

    def __init__(self, id=None, **kw):
        super(Server, self).__init__(id, **kw)
        self.ssh_key_file = None
        self.ec2 = None
        self._cmdshell = None
        self._reservation = None
        self._instance = None

    def _setup_ec2(self):
        if self.ec2 and self._instance and self._reservation:
        if self.id:
            if self.region_name:
                for region in boto.ec2.regions():
                    if region.name == self.region_name:
                        self.ec2 = region.connect()
                        if self.instance_id and not self._instance:
                                rs = self.ec2.get_all_reservations([self.instance_id])
                                if len(rs) >= 1:
                                    for instance in rs[0].instances:
                                        if instance.id == self.instance_id:
                                            self._reservation = rs[0]
                                            self._instance = instance
                            except EC2ResponseError:

    def _status(self):
        status = ''
        if self._instance:
            status = self._instance.state
        return status

    def _hostname(self):
        hostname = ''
        if self._instance:
            hostname = self._instance.public_dns_name
        return hostname

    def _private_hostname(self):
        hostname = ''
        if self._instance:
            hostname = self._instance.private_dns_name
        return hostname

    def _instance_type(self):
        it = ''
        if self._instance:
            it = self._instance.instance_type
        return it

    def _launch_time(self):
        lt = ''
        if self._instance:
            lt = self._instance.launch_time
        return lt

    def _console_output(self):
        co = ''
        if self._instance:
            co = self._instance.get_console_output()
        return co

    def _groups(self):
        gn = []
        if self._reservation:
            gn = self._reservation.groups
        return gn

    def _security_group(self):
        groups = self._groups()
        if len(groups) >= 1:
            return groups[0].id
        return ""

    def _zone(self):
        zone = None
        if self._instance:
            zone = self._instance.placement
        return zone

    def _key_name(self):
        kn = None
        if self._instance:
            kn = self._instance.key_name
        return kn

    def put(self):
        super(Server, self).put()

    def delete(self):
        if self.production:
            raise ValueError("Can't delete a production server")
        super(Server, self).delete()

    def stop(self):
        if self.production:
            raise ValueError("Can't delete a production server")
        if self._instance:

    def terminate(self):
        if self.production:
            raise ValueError("Can't delete a production server")
        if self._instance:

    def reboot(self):
        if self._instance:

    def wait(self):
        while self.status != 'running':

    def get_ssh_key_file(self):
        if not self.ssh_key_file:
            ssh_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
            if os.path.isdir(ssh_dir):
                ssh_file = os.path.join(ssh_dir, '%s.pem' % self.key_name)
                if os.path.isfile(ssh_file):
                    self.ssh_key_file = ssh_file
            if not self.ssh_key_file:
                iobject = IObject()
                self.ssh_key_file = iobject.get_filename('Path to OpenSSH Key file')
        return self.ssh_key_file

    def get_cmdshell(self):
        if not self._cmdshell:
            from boto.manage import cmdshell
            self._cmdshell = cmdshell.start(self)
        return self._cmdshell

    def reset_cmdshell(self):
        self._cmdshell = None

    def run(self, command):
        with closing(self.get_cmdshell()) as cmd:
            status = cmd.run(command)
        return status

    def get_bundler(self, uname='root'):
        return Bundler(self, uname)

    def get_ssh_client(self, uname='root', ssh_pwd=None):
        from boto.manage.cmdshell import SSHClient
        return SSHClient(self, uname=uname, ssh_pwd=ssh_pwd)

    def install(self, pkg):
        return self.run('apt-get -y install %s' % pkg)
コード例 #2
class Volume(Model):

    name = StringProperty(required=True, unique=True, verbose_name='Name')
    region_name = StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name='EC2 Region')
    zone_name = StringProperty(required=True, verbose_name='EC2 Zone')
    mount_point = StringProperty(verbose_name='Mount Point')
    device = StringProperty(verbose_name="Device Name", default='/dev/sdp')
    volume_id = StringProperty(required=True)
    past_volume_ids = ListProperty(item_type=str)
    server = ReferenceProperty(Server,
                               verbose_name='Server Attached To')
    volume_state = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Volume State",
    attachment_state = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Attachment State",
    size = CalculatedProperty(verbose_name="Size (GB)",

    def create(cls, **params):
        getter = CommandLineGetter()
        getter.get(cls, params)
        region = params.get('region')
        ec2 = region.connect()
        zone = params.get('zone')
        size = params.get('size')
        ebs_volume = ec2.create_volume(size, zone.name)
        v = cls()
        v.ec2 = ec2
        v.volume_id = ebs_volume.id
        v.name = params.get('name')
        v.mount_point = params.get('mount_point')
        v.device = params.get('device')
        v.region_name = region.name
        v.zone_name = zone.name
        return v

    def create_from_volume_id(cls, region_name, volume_id, name):
        vol = None
        ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region_name)
        rs = ec2.get_all_volumes([volume_id])
        if len(rs) == 1:
            v = rs[0]
            vol = cls()
            vol.volume_id = v.id
            vol.name = name
            vol.region_name = v.region.name
            vol.zone_name = v.zone
        return vol

    def create_from_latest_snapshot(self, name, size=None):
        snapshot = self.get_snapshots()[-1]
        return self.create_from_snapshot(name, snapshot, size)

    def create_from_snapshot(self, name, snapshot, size=None):
        if size < self.size:
            size = self.size
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        if self.zone_name == None or self.zone_name == '':
            # deal with the migration case where the zone is not set in the logical volume:
            current_volume = ec2.get_all_volumes([self.volume_id])[0]
            self.zone_name = current_volume.zone
        ebs_volume = ec2.create_volume(size, self.zone_name, snapshot)
        v = Volume()
        v.ec2 = self.ec2
        v.volume_id = ebs_volume.id
        v.name = name
        v.mount_point = self.mount_point
        v.device = self.device
        v.region_name = self.region_name
        v.zone_name = self.zone_name
        return v

    def get_ec2_connection(self):
        if self.server:
            return self.server.ec2
        if not hasattr(self, 'ec2') or self.ec2 == None:
            self.ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(self.region_name)
        return self.ec2

    def _volume_state(self):
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        rs = ec2.get_all_volumes([self.volume_id])
        return rs[0].volume_state()

    def _attachment_state(self):
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        rs = ec2.get_all_volumes([self.volume_id])
        return rs[0].attachment_state()

    def _size(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '__size'):
            ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
            rs = ec2.get_all_volumes([self.volume_id])
            self.__size = rs[0].size
        return self.__size

    def install_xfs(self):
        if self.server:
            self.server.install('xfsprogs xfsdump')

    def get_snapshots(self):
        Returns a list of all completed snapshots for this volume ID.
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        rs = ec2.get_all_snapshots()
        all_vols = [self.volume_id] + self.past_volume_ids
        snaps = []
        for snapshot in rs:
            if snapshot.volume_id in all_vols:
                if snapshot.progress == '100%':
                    snapshot.date = dateutil.parser.parse(snapshot.start_time)
                    snapshot.keep = True
        snaps.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.date, y.date))
        return snaps

    def attach(self, server=None):
        if self.attachment_state == 'attached':
            print 'already attached'
            return None
        if server:
            self.server = server
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        ec2.attach_volume(self.volume_id, self.server.instance_id, self.device)

    def detach(self, force=False):
        state = self.attachment_state
        if state == 'available' or state == None or state == 'detaching':
            print 'already detached'
            return None
        ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()
        ec2.detach_volume(self.volume_id, self.server.instance_id, self.device,
        self.server = None

    def checkfs(self, use_cmd=None):
        if self.server == None:
            raise ValueError, 'server attribute must be set to run this command'
        # detemine state of file system on volume, only works if attached
        if use_cmd:
            cmd = use_cmd
            cmd = self.server.get_cmdshell()
        status = cmd.run('xfs_check %s' % self.device)
        if not use_cmd:
        if status[1].startswith('bad superblock magic number 0'):
            return False
        return True

    def wait(self):
        if self.server == None:
            raise ValueError, 'server attribute must be set to run this command'
        with closing(self.server.get_cmdshell()) as cmd:
            # wait for the volume device to appear
            cmd = self.server.get_cmdshell()
            while not cmd.exists(self.device):
                boto.log.info('%s still does not exist, waiting 10 seconds' %

    def format(self):
        if self.server == None:
            raise ValueError, 'server attribute must be set to run this command'
        status = None
        with closing(self.server.get_cmdshell()) as cmd:
            if not self.checkfs(cmd):
                status = cmd.run('mkfs -t xfs %s' % self.device)
        return status

    def mount(self):
        if self.server == None:
            raise ValueError, 'server attribute must be set to run this command'
        with closing(self.server.get_cmdshell()) as cmd:
            cmd = self.server.get_cmdshell()
            if not cmd.isdir(self.mount_point):
                boto.log.info('making directory')
                # mount directory doesn't exist so create it
                cmd.run("mkdir %s" % self.mount_point)
                boto.log.info('directory exists already')
                status = cmd.run('mount -l')
                lines = status[1].split('\n')
                for line in lines:
                    t = line.split()
                    if t and t[2] == self.mount_point:
                        # something is already mounted at the mount point
                        # unmount that and mount it as /tmp
                        if t[0] != self.device:
                            cmd.run('umount %s' % self.mount_point)
                            cmd.run('mount %s /tmp' % t[0])
                            cmd.run('chmod 777 /tmp')
            # Mount up our new EBS volume onto mount_point
            cmd.run("mount %s %s" % (self.device, self.mount_point))
            cmd.run('xfs_growfs %s' % self.mount_point)

    def make_ready(self, server):
        self.server = server

    def freeze(self):
        if self.server:
            return self.server.run("/usr/sbin/xfs_freeze -f %s" %

    def unfreeze(self):
        if self.server:
            return self.server.run("/usr/sbin/xfs_freeze -u %s" %

    def snapshot(self):
        # if this volume is attached to a server
        # we need to freeze the XFS file system
            if self.server == None:
                snapshot = self.get_ec2_connection().create_snapshot(
                snapshot = self.server.ec2.create_snapshot(self.volume_id)
            boto.log.info('Snapshot of Volume %s created: %s' %
                          (self.name, snapshot))
        except Exception:
            boto.log.info('Snapshot error')
            status = self.unfreeze()
            return status

    def get_snapshot_range(self, snaps, start_date=None, end_date=None):
        l = []
        for snap in snaps:
            if start_date and end_date:
                if snap.date >= start_date and snap.date <= end_date:
            elif start_date:
                if snap.date >= start_date:
            elif end_date:
                if snap.date <= end_date:
        return l

    def trim_snapshots(self, delete=False):
        Trim the number of snapshots for this volume.  This method always
        keeps the oldest snapshot.  It then uses the parameters passed in
        to determine how many others should be kept.

        The algorithm is to keep all snapshots from the current day.  Then
        it will keep the first snapshot of the day for the previous seven days.
        Then, it will keep the first snapshot of the week for the previous
        four weeks.  After than, it will keep the first snapshot of the month
        for as many months as there are.

        snaps = self.get_snapshots()
        # Always keep the oldest and the newest
        if len(snaps) <= 2:
            return snaps
        snaps = snaps[1:-1]
        now = datetime.datetime.now(snaps[0].date.tzinfo)
        midnight = datetime.datetime(year=now.year,
        # Keep the first snapshot from each day of the previous week
        one_week = datetime.timedelta(days=7, seconds=60 * 60)
        print midnight - one_week, midnight
        previous_week = self.get_snapshot_range(snaps, midnight - one_week,
        print previous_week
        if not previous_week:
            return snaps
        current_day = None
        for snap in previous_week:
            if current_day and current_day == snap.date.day:
                snap.keep = False
                current_day = snap.date.day
        # Get ourselves onto the next full week boundary
        if previous_week:
            week_boundary = previous_week[0].date
            if week_boundary.weekday() != 0:
                delta = datetime.timedelta(days=week_boundary.weekday())
                week_boundary = week_boundary - delta
        # Keep one within this partial week
        partial_week = self.get_snapshot_range(snaps, week_boundary,
        if len(partial_week) > 1:
            for snap in partial_week[1:]:
                snap.keep = False
        # Keep the first snapshot of each week for the previous 4 weeks
        for i in range(0, 4):
            weeks_worth = self.get_snapshot_range(snaps,
                                                  week_boundary - one_week,
            if len(weeks_worth) > 1:
                for snap in weeks_worth[1:]:
                    snap.keep = False
            week_boundary = week_boundary - one_week
        # Now look through all remaining snaps and keep one per month
        remainder = self.get_snapshot_range(snaps, end_date=week_boundary)
        current_month = None
        for snap in remainder:
            if current_month and current_month == snap.date.month:
                snap.keep = False
                current_month = snap.date.month
        if delete:
            for snap in snaps:
                if not snap.keep:
                    boto.log.info('Deleting %s(%s) for %s' %
                                  (snap, snap.date, self.name))
        return snaps

    def grow(self, size):

    def copy(self, snapshot):

    def get_snapshot_from_date(self, date):

    def delete(self, delete_ebs_volume=False):
        if delete_ebs_volume:
            ec2 = self.get_ec2_connection()

    def archive(self):
        # snapshot volume, trim snaps, delete volume-id