コード例 #1
ファイル: vpc.py プロジェクト: TrendMicroDCS/omelet
 def create_vpc(self, cidr_block):
     self.logger.debug("start to create VPC, CIDR = %s" % cidr_block)
     for i in range(self.RETRY):
             vpc = self.conn.create_vpc(cidr_block)
             vpc.add_tag('Name', self.TAG_NAME)
             self.logger.info("successfully to create VPC id = %s" % vpc.id)
             self.vpc = vpc
             return self.vpc.id
         except Exception, e:
             self.logger.error("system error = %s, retry..." % e)
コード例 #2
def create_vpc(conn, name, cidr_block, instance_tenancy):
    print "Creating vpc %s" % name
    vpc = get_vpc_by_name(conn, name)
    if not vpc:
        vpc = conn.create_vpc(cidr_block, instance_tenancy=instance_tenancy)
        print "Created VPC %s (%s) for cidr_block: %s" % (name, vpc.id,
        wait_for_vpc(conn, vpc.id)
        vpc.add_tag("Name", name)
        print "VPC %s (%s) already exists at cidr_block: %s!" % (
            name, vpc.id, vpc.cidr_block)
    return vpc
def setup_module():
    l = logging.getLogger('mock_network')

    # create the network
    for region, vpcs in NETWORK:
        conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(region)
        l.info("Setting up region {}".format(region))

        sgids_by_name = {}
        for name, kwargses in SECURITY_GROUPS:
            sg = conn.create_security_group(name, 'd:{}'.format(name))
            sgids_by_name[name] = sg.id
            l.info("Security group {} has id {}".format(name, sg.id))
            for kwargs in kwargses:
                conn.authorize_security_group(name, **kwargs)

        for name, vpc_cidr, subnets in vpcs:
            vpc_cidr_ip = IP(vpc_cidr)
            vpc = conn.create_vpc(vpc_cidr)
            vpc.add_tag('Name', name)
            l.info("VPC {} has id {}".format(name, vpc.id))
            for name, subnet_cidr, instances in subnets:
                subnet_cidr_ip = IP(subnet_cidr)
                assert subnet_cidr_ip in vpc_cidr_ip
                subnet = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, subnet_cidr)
                subnet.add_tag('Name', name)
                l.info("Subnet {} has id {}".format(name, subnet.id))
                for name, address, sgs in instances:
                    address_ip = IP(address)
                    assert address_ip in subnet_cidr_ip
                    sgids = [sgids_by_name[sg] for sg in sgs]
                    res = conn.run_instances(
                        'ami', security_group_ids=sgids, subnet_id=subnet.id,
                    inst = res.instances[0]
                    inst.add_tag('Name', name)
                    l.info("Instance {} has id {} in subnet {} with security groups {}".format(
                        name, inst.id, subnet.id, ', '.join(sgids)))
コード例 #4

sg_private = conn.create_security_group('SG for Private Sbunet',
                                        'Private group for VPC via Python',

vpc.add_tag("Name", "Python VPC")
pubsub.add_tag("Name", "Public Subnet by Python")
prvsub.add_tag("Name", "Private Subnet by Python")
igw.add_tag("Name", "Python IGW")
rt.add_tag("Name", "Python Route Table")
sg_public.add_tag("Name", "Public Subnet SG")
sg_private.add_tag("Name", "Private Subnet SG")
print "Security Groups Done!"
print 'VPC Complete!'

#Time to create the NAT instance in the public space
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('us-east-1')
reservation = ec2.run_instances('ami-184dc970',
コード例 #5
ファイル: awscore.py プロジェクト: muhammadzaheer/AWS_setup
 def __create_vpc (self):
     vpc = self.vpc_conn.create_vpc (cidr_block = "");
     vpc.add_tag("Name", self.conf["name"] + "_VPC");
     return vpc;
コード例 #6
def one_time_provision(secrets, path, region, availability_zones, key_name = None):
    # 1 region
    # 2 VPCs, prod and nonprod
    # 3 AZs in each VPC
    # 6 subnets per AZ
    # 6*3 = 18 subnets
    # 32 /26 subnets in the VPC's /21

    from netaddr import IPNetwork # sudo pip install netaddr

    subnet_size = 24
    desired_security_groups = json.load(open('config/security_groups.json', 'r'))
    import boto.vpc
    import boto.ec2
    import boto.exception

    vpcs = {}

    vpcs[region] = {}
    conn_vpc = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(region)
    conn_ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)

    desired_vpcs = {'us-west-2': 
                         'vpn_target': ''}
                         'vpn_target': ''}

    asn_map = {'us-west-2': 65148,
               'us-east-1': 65146}

    ami_map = json.load(open('config/ami_map.json', 'r'))

    if not key_name:
        key_name = 'svcops-sl62-base-key-%s' % region

    for desired_vpc in desired_vpcs[region]:
        existing_vpcs = conn_vpc.get_all_vpcs()
        if desired_vpc['Name'] in [x.tags['Name'] for x in existing_vpcs if 'Name' in x.tags]:
            logging.debug('skipping creation of vpc %s since it already exists' % desired_vpc['Name'])
        vpcs[region][environment] = {}

        # Create VPCs
        vpcs[region][environment]['vpc'] = [x.tags['Name'] for x in existing_vpcs if 'Name' in x.tags]
        vpcs[region][environment]['vpc'] = conn_vpc.create_vpc(desired_vpc['cidr'])
        vpc = vpcs[region][environment]['vpc']
        logging.debug('created vpc %s with id %s and ip range %s' % (environment, vpc.id, vpc.cidr_block))
        if vpc.state != 'available':
            vpc = conn_vpc.get_all_vpcs([vpc.id])[0]
        vpc.add_tag('Name', environment)
        vpc.add_tag('App', desired_vpc['App'])
        vpc.add_tag('Env', desired_vpc['Env'])
        logging.debug('tagged vpc %s with %s' % (vpc.cidr_block, environment))

        # Create all security groups
        vpcs[region][environment]['security-groups'] = {}
        for security_group_definition in desired_security_groups:
            security_group_name = environment + '-' + security_group_definition[0]
            vpcs[region][environment]['security-groups'][security_group_name] = conn_ec2.create_security_group(
            security_group = vpcs[region][environment]['security-groups'][security_group_name]

            # This loop is to workaround the race condition between creating the security group
            # and the security group being available for use
            while True:
                    # This is to workaround the fact that AWS only returns the groupId when CreateSecurityGroup is called
                    # instead of the entire object
                    attempts += 1
                    security_group = conn_ec2.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=[security_group.id])[0]
                except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError:
                    if attempts > 5:

            security_group.add_tag('Name', security_group_name)
            security_group.add_tag('App', desired_vpc['App'])
            security_group.add_tag('Env', desired_vpc['Env'])

            # Delete the default egress authorization
            conn_ec2.revoke_security_group_egress(group_id=security_group.id, ip_protocol=-1, cidr_ip='')
            # And create an internal egress authorization
            conn_ec2.authorize_security_group_egress(group_id=security_group.id, ip_protocol=-1, cidr_ip=desired_vpc['cidr'])

            logging.debug('created security group %s in VPC %s' % (security_group.name, security_group.vpc_id))
            for security_group_definition_rule in security_group_definition[1]:
                rule = security_group_definition_rule.copy()
                rule['group_id'] = security_group.id

                # Handle rules where we set the cidr_ip to "vpc"
                if 'cidr_ip' in rule and rule['cidr_ip'] == 'vpc':
                    rule['cidr_ip'] = desired_vpc['cidr']
                if 'direction' not in rule:
                    rule['direction'] = 'ingress'

                # This is to deal with the fact that ingress and egress authorizations work differently
                if 'src_security_group_name' in rule:
                    rule['src_security_group_name'] = environment + '-' + rule['src_security_group_name']
                    src_group = vpcs[region][environment]['security-groups'][rule['src_security_group_name']]
                    if rule['direction'] == 'egress':
                        # egress
                        rule['src_group_id'] = src_group.id
                        # ingress
                        rule['src_security_group_owner_id'] = src_group.owner_id
                        rule['src_security_group_group_id'] = src_group.id
                    del rule['src_security_group_name']

                if rule['direction'] == 'ingress':
                    del rule['direction']
                    if not conn_ec2.authorize_security_group(**rule):
                        logging.error('failed to add ingress rule %s to security group %s' % (rule,security_group_name))
                    del rule['direction']
                    if not conn_ec2.authorize_security_group_egress(**rule):
                        logging.error('failed to add egress rule %s to security group %s' % (rule,security_group_name))
                logging.debug('added rule %s to security group %s' % (rule, security_group_name))

        # Create internet gateway (a separate one is required for each VPC)
        vpcs[region][environment]['internet_gateway'] = conn_vpc.create_internet_gateway()
        # not testing to validate that the ig exists
        internet_gateway = vpcs[region][environment]['internet_gateway']
        if not conn_vpc.attach_internet_gateway(internet_gateway.id, vpc.id):
            logging.error('failed to attach internet gateway %s to vpc %s' % (internet_gateway.id, vpc.id))
        # TODO : tag the internet_gateway

        # Create VPN to PHX1
        if 'vpn_target' in desired_vpc:
            customer_gateway = conn_vpc.create_customer_gateway('ipsec.1', desired_vpc['vpn_target'], asn_map[region])
            vpn_gateway = conn_vpc.create_vpn_gateway('ipsec.1')
            vpn_connection = conn_vpc.create_vpn_connection('ipsec.1', customer_gateway.id, vpn_gateway.id)
            # routing : dynamic
            customer_gateway_configuration = vpn_connection.customer_gateway_configuration
            # TODO set the route table to allow route propoation from the VGW

            vpn_gateway_attachment = conn_vpc.attach_vpn_gateway(vpn_gateway.id, vpc.id)
            #conn_vpc.create_vpn_connection_route(destination_cidr_block, vpn_connection_id)
            #conn_vpc.create_route(route_table_id, destination_cidr_block, gateway_id=None, instance_id=None)

        # Create subnets
        vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'] = {}
        ip = IPNetwork(vpc.cidr_block)
        available_subnets = ip.subnet(subnet_size)
        for availability_zone in [region + x for x in availability_zones]:
            vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone] = {}
            vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone]['subnets'] = {}
            for subnet_type in ['public', 'private']:
                vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone]['subnets'][subnet_type] = conn_vpc.create_subnet(
                subnet = vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone]['subnets'][subnet_type]
                if subnet.state != 'available':
                    subnet = conn_vpc.get_all_subnets([subnet.id])[0]
                subnet.add_tag('Name', environment + '-' + subnet_type + '-' + availability_zone)
                subnet.add_tag('App', desired_vpc['App'])
                subnet.add_tag('Env', desired_vpc['Env'])
                logging.debug('created %s subnet %s in VPC %s in AZ %s' % (subnet_type, subnet.cidr_block, subnet.vpc_id, subnet.availability_zone)) 
                # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-ItemType-SubnetType.html

        # Spin up a NAT instance
        # We'll just put it in the first availability zone, whatever that is
        reservation = conn_ec2.run_instances(image_id = ami_map['ami-vpc-nat-1.0.0-beta.i386-ebs'][region],
                               key_name = key_name,
                               security_group_ids = [vpcs[region][environment]['security-groups'][environment + '-' + 'natsg'].id],
                               instance_type = 't1.micro',
                               subnet_id = vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][region + availability_zones[0]]['subnets']['public'].id)
        vpcs[region][environment]['nat_instance'] = {}
        # Loop to wait for the instance to spin up
        attempts = 0
        sleep_time = 10
        max_attempts = 600
        while True:
                nat_instance_state = conn_ec2.get_all_instances([reservation.instances[0].id])[0].instances[0].state
            except (boto.exception.EC2ResponseError, IndexError):
                nat_instance_state = False
            attempts += 1
            if nat_instance_state != 'running':
                logging.debug('waiting 10 seconds while instance %s enters a "running" state in order to assign it\'s EIP' % reservation.instances[0].id) 
                if attempts > max_attempts:
                    logging.error('after 10 minutes instance %s remains in a state other than "running". continuing with EIP association which will fail' % reservation.instances[0].id)

        vpcs[region][environment]['nat_instance']['instance'] = conn_ec2.get_all_instances([reservation.instances[0].id])[0].instances[0]
        nat_instance = vpcs[region][environment]['nat_instance']['instance']

        nat_instance.add_tag('Name', environment + '-nat_instance')
        nat_instance.add_tag('App', desired_vpc['App'])
        nat_instance.add_tag('Env', desired_vpc['Env'])

        # Get and assign EIP to NAT instance
        vpcs[region][environment]['nat_instance']['address'] = conn_ec2.allocate_address('vpc')
        address = vpcs[region][environment]['nat_instance']['address']

        # TODO : tag the address


        # Not using address.associate while waiting for merge of  https://github.com/boto/boto/pull/1310
        # address.associate(nat_instance.id)
        # Disabling Source/Destination Checks
        if not conn_ec2.modify_instance_attribute(nat_instance.id, 'sourceDestCheck', False):
            logging.error('failed to disable Source/Desk Checks on nat_instance %s' % nat_instance.id)
        # Route tables
        vpcs[region][environment]['route_tables'] = {}

        # Create public route table
        vpcs[region][environment]['route_tables']['public'] = conn_vpc.create_route_table(vpc.id)
        route_table = vpcs[region][environment]['route_tables']['public']
        if not conn_vpc.create_route(route_table_id = route_table.id,
                                     destination_cidr_block = '',
                                     gateway_id = internet_gateway.id):
            logging.error('failed to add route sending traffic to internet gateway %s in route table %s' % (internet_gateway.id, route_table.id))

        # TODO : tag the route_table

        # Associate public subnets with route table
        for availability_zone in [region + x for x in availability_zones]:
            subnet = vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone]['subnets']['public']
            route_table_association = conn_vpc.associate_route_table(route_table.id,
            logging.debug('associated subnet %s with route table %s' % (subnet.id, route_table.id)) 

        # Create private route table
        vpcs[region][environment]['route_tables']['private'] = conn_vpc.create_route_table(vpc.id)
        route_table = vpcs[region][environment]['route_tables']['private']

        # TODO : tag the route_table

        # TODO add a route for the PHX1 DB

        # Associate private subnets with route table
        for availability_zone in [region + x for x in availability_zones]:
            subnet = vpcs[region][environment]['availability_zones'][availability_zone]['subnets']['private']
            route_table_association = conn_vpc.associate_route_table(route_table.id,
            logging.debug('associated subnet %s with route table %s' % (subnet.id, route_table.id)) 

        # Set Instance NAT as gateway route for private route table
        if not conn_vpc.create_route(route_table_id = route_table.id,
                                     destination_cidr_block = '',
                                     instance_id = nat_instance.id):
            logging.error('failed to add route sending traffic to nat instance %s in route table %s' % (nat_instance.id, route_table.id))

        if 'vpn_target' in desired_vpc:
            logging.info('Customer Gateway Configuration = "\n%s\n"' % customer_gateway_configuration)
        logging.debug('vpc created')
        #pickle.dump(vpcs[region][environment], open(pkl_filename, 'wb'))
        #logging.debug('pickled vpc to %s' % pkl_filename)

    return vpcs
コード例 #7
ファイル: vpc.py プロジェクト: Surfman1975/amz_vpc
#public route to IGW
conn.create_route(rt.id, '',igw.id)

#setup Security Group
sg_public = conn.create_security_group('SG for Public Sbunet','Public group for VPC via Python',vpc.id)
sg_public.authorize(ip_protocol='tcp', from_port=22,to_port=22,cidr_ip='')
sg_public.authorize(ip_protocol='tcp', from_port=80,to_port=80,cidr_ip='')

sg_private = conn.create_security_group('SG for Private Sbunet','Private group for VPC via Python',vpc.id)
sg_private.authorize(ip_protocol='tcp', from_port=22,to_port=22,cidr_ip='')

vpc.add_tag("Name", "Python VPC")
pubsub.add_tag("Name","Public Subnet by Python")
prvsub.add_tag("Name","Private Subnet by Python")
igw.add_tag("Name","Python IGW")
rt.add_tag("Name","Python Route Table")
sg_public.add_tag ("Name","Public Subnet SG")
sg_private.add_tag("Name","Private Subnet SG")
print "Security Groups Done!"
print 'VPC Complete!'

#Time to create the NAT instance in the public space
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region('us-east-1')
reservation = ec2.run_instances(
コード例 #8
    def __create_vpc(self):

        vpc = self.vpc_conn.create_vpc(cidr_block="")
        vpc.add_tag("Name", self.conf["name"] + "_VPC")
        return vpc
コード例 #9
ファイル: fabfile.py プロジェクト: bardo/kanedias
def build_private_public_vpc(cidr, key_user, domain_name, aws_id=None or AWS_ID, aws_key=None or AWS_KEY,
                             region=None or REGION):
    Create a VPC with one private and one public subnet, in 2 different availability zones chosed at random
    :param cidr: The CIDR for your VPC; min /16, max /28
    :param key_user: The name of the AWS PEM key user
    :param domain_name: the domain name for your internal DNS resolution in the DHCP option
    :param aws_id: Amazon Access Key ID
    :param aws_key: Amazon Secret Access Key
    :param region: Target region for the VPC
    :return: Nothing
    vpc_conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=aws_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_key)
    ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=aws_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_key)
    av_zones = ec2_conn.get_all_zones()

    # Check if a VPC with that CIDR already exists
    vpcs = test_vpc_cidr(cidr=cidr, vpc_conn=vpc_conn)
    if vpcs:
        print(red('You have a VPC withing the desired subnet already, aborting...'))
        # Create the VPC
        vpc = vpc_conn.create_vpc(cidr_block=cidr)
        vpc.add_tag('Name', 'Public/Private VPC')
        vpc_conn.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc_id=vpc.id, enable_dns_support=True)
        vpc_conn.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc_id=vpc.id, enable_dns_hostnames=True)
        print('VPC {} in {} ({}) created'.format(vpc.id, AWS_REGIONS[vpc.region.name], vpc.region.name))

    # Create the DHCP Option
    dhcp_options = vpc_conn.create_dhcp_options(domain_name=domain_name, domain_name_servers=['AmazonProvidedDNS'],
    dhcp_options.add_tag('Name', domain_name + ' internal')
    vpc_conn.associate_dhcp_options(dhcp_options_id=dhcp_options.id, vpc_id=vpc.id)
    print('DHCP Options {} created'.format(dhcp_options.id))

    # Create an Internet Gateway
    internet_gateway = vpc_conn.create_internet_gateway()
    print('Internet Gateway {} created'.format(internet_gateway.id))
    vpc_conn.attach_internet_gateway(internet_gateway.id, vpc_id=vpc.id)
    internet_gateway.add_tag("Name", "Internet Gateway " + vpc.tags['Name'])

    # Divide the VPC in subnet_dict
    subnetting = calculate_public_private_cidr(vpc_cidr=cidr, av_zones=av_zones)
    subnet_dict = {}
    for key, item in subnetting.iteritems():
        subnet_dict[key] = vpc_conn.create_subnet(vpc_id=vpc.id, cidr_block=item['Network'].cidr,
        subnet_dict[key].add_tag('Name', key + '-' + item['Zone'].name)

    # Tag the Main Route Table
    vpc_filter = {'vpc-id': vpc.id}
    main_route_table = vpc_conn.get_all_route_tables(filters=vpc_filter)[0]
    main_route_table.add_tag('Name', 'Main Route Table')

    # Create the Public Route Table
    public_route_table = vpc_conn.create_route_table(vpc_id=vpc.id)
    print('Public Route Table {} created'.format(public_route_table.id))
    public_route_table.add_tag('Name', 'Public Route Table')
    vpc_conn.create_route(route_table_id=public_route_table.id, destination_cidr_block='',
    print('Public Route created')

    # Associate the public subnet
    vpc_conn.associate_route_table(route_table_id=public_route_table.id, subnet_id=subnet_dict['Public'].id)

    # Create a SSH key for the region
    key_name = key_user + '-' + vpc.region.name
    keys = [x for x in ec2_conn.get_all_key_pairs() if key_name in x.name]
    if keys:
        print('SSH key {} already exists'.format(key_name))
        key = keys[0]
        key = ec2_conn.create_key_pair(key_name=key_name)
        print('SSH key {} created'.format(key.name))
        print('SSH key downloaded in {}'.format(DEFAULT_SSH_DIR))

    # Create a NAT instance
    nat_instance = spin_nat(subnet_id=subnet_dict['Public'].id, key_name=key.name, env_tag='prd')
    print('NAT instance {} created'.format(nat_instance.id))

    # Create Private Route Table
    private_route_table = vpc_conn.create_route_table(vpc_id=vpc.id)
    print('Private Route Table {} created'.format(private_route_table.id))
    private_route_table.add_tag('Name', 'Private Route Table')
    vpc_conn.create_route(route_table_id=private_route_table.id, destination_cidr_block='',
    print('Private Route created')

    # Associate the private subnet
    vpc_conn.associate_route_table(route_table_id=private_route_table.id, subnet_id=subnet_dict['Private'].id)

    print(green('VPC succesfully created!'))
    print(red('Remember to create manually the Private Hosted Zone {}'.format(domain_name)))