def get_worker_instance(availabilityZone, subnetId): response = client.run_instances( ImageId=IMAGE_ID, InstanceType=INSTANCE_TYPE, KeyName=KEY_NAME, MaxCount=MAX_COUNT, MinCount=MIN_COUNT, Placement={ 'AvailabilityZone': availabilityZone }, SubnetId=subnetId ) worker_id = response['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'] worker_instance = ec2.Instance(worker_id) filters = [{ 'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [worker_id] }]"Waiting for worker instance %s to start....", worker_id) worker_instance.wait_until_running(Filters=filters) return worker_instance
def createNATinstance(): global natname global NATid natname = Environmentname[0:3] + "mod3" + "NAT" waiter = client.get_waiter('instance_exists') instance = ec2.Instance('id') NATinstance = ec2.create_instances( DryRun=False, ImageId='ami-184dc970', # ami-184dc970 MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, KeyName='jeenanatk', SecurityGroupIds=[ secgrpidlist[0], ], InstanceType='t2.micro', SubnetId=subnetidlist[0]) NATid = NATinstance[0].id print "NAt id", NATid waiter.wait(InstanceIds=[NATid]) # print "NAT id after wait", NATid ec2.create_tags(Resources=[NATid], Tags=[{ 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': natname }]) return
def createbastionhost(): waiter = client.get_waiter('instance_exists') global Bastionid instance = ec2.Instance('id') Bastionhost = ec2.create_instances( DryRun=False, ImageId='ami-8fcee4e5', # ami-8fcee4e5 MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, KeyName='jeenanatk', SecurityGroupIds=[ secgrpidlist[0], ], InstanceType='t2.micro', SubnetId=subnetidlist[0]) Bastionid = Bastionhost[0].id waiter.wait(InstanceIds=[Bastionid]) # print "NAT id after wait", NATid ec2.create_tags(Resources=[Bastionid], Tags=[{ 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': 'Mod3Bastion' }]) return
def main(cmd_args):"Getting a list of block devices for instance: %s", cmd_args.instance) instance_root_volume = get_instance_root_volume(cmd_args.instance)"Root volume ID: %s", instance_root_volume) instance = ec2.Instance(cmd_args.instance) filters = [{ 'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [] }]"Stopping instance ID: %s", cmd_args.instance) instance.stop() instance.wait_until_stopped(Filters=filters)"Instance stoped")"Detaching volume ID: %s", instance_root_volume) instance.detach_volume(VolumeId=instance_root_volume)"Launching a new worker instance.....") az = instance.placement.values()[2] subnet = instance.subnet_id worker_instance = get_worker_instance(az, subnet)"Attaching volume to worker instance") worker_instance.attach_volume( Device='/dev/xvdz', VolumeId=instance_root_volume )"Replacing SSH key in the volume")["./", "-k", cmd_args.bastion_key, "-i", cmd_args.bastion_ip, "-u", cmd_args.bastion_user, "-K", cmd_args.instance_key, "-I", worker_instance.private_ip_address, "-U", cmd_args.instance_user])"Terminating worker instance") client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[]) filters = [{ 'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [] }] worker_instance.wait_until_terminated(Filters=filters)"Worker instance terminated")"Attaching volume %s back to original instance %s", instance_root_volume, instance.attach_volume(Device=instance.root_device_name,, VolumeId=instance_root_volume) filters = [{ 'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [] }]"Starting back original instance %s", instance.start() instance.wait_until_running(Filters=filters)"Instance started")
def terminate(RI_NAME, S_NEW_NAME=None): client = boto3.client('ec2') instance_vol = [] RI_ID = None instance = [ i for i in ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{ 'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [RI_NAME] }, { 'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running'] }]) ] for i in instance: RI_ID = print(RI_ID) if RI_ID != None: print('\nWe are terminating...', RI_NAME) else: print("\nSeems you are trying to remove instance with don't exist") sys.exit(1) try: instance = ec2.Instance(RI_ID) for device in instance.block_device_mappings: if (device.get('DeviceName')) == '/dev/xvdh': volume = device.get('Ebs') instance_vol.append(volume.get('VolumeId')) response = client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[ RI_ID, ], DryRun=False) wait_time(RI_NAME) if (S_NEW_NAME == None): for vm in instance_vol: volume = ec2.Volume(vm) response = volume.delete() print("\nInstance terminated and volume deleted") else: for vm in instance_vol: try: snapshot = ec2.create_snapshot( VolumeId=vm, Description="Snapshot from instance") snapshot = ec2.Snapshot( tag = snapshot.create_tags(Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': S_NEW_NAME }, ]) print( "\nPlease save this snapshot name.Use it in next instance creation: ", S_NEW_NAME) except: raise except: sys.exit(1)
def get_instance_root_volume(instance_id): instance = ec2.Instance(instance_id) blocks = list(instance.block_device_mappings) for block in blocks: if block['DeviceName'] == instance.root_device_name: volume = block['Ebs']['VolumeId'] return volume
def rm(): for i in ec2.instances.all(): for tag in i.tags: if RI_NAME in tag['Value']: RI_ID = i.instance_id else: print( "Seems you are trying to remove instance with dont exist") sys.exit(1) try: instance = ec2.Instance(RI_ID) for device in instance.block_device_mappings: if (device.get('DeviceName')) == '/dev/xvdh': volume = device.get('Ebs') instance_vol.append(volume.get('VolumeId')) response = client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[ RI_ID, ], DryRun=False) if (R_VOL == "Y"): S_NEW_NAME = (input( "\nEnter volume snap name you want to give:")).strip() for vm in instance_vol: try: snapshot = ec2.create_snapshot( VolumeId=vm, Description="Snapshot from instance") snapshot = ec2.Snapshot( tag = snapshot.create_tags(Tags=[ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': S_NEW_NAME }, ]) print( "Please save this snapshot name.Use it in next instance creation: ", S_NEW_NAME) except: raise elif (R_VOL == "N"): print("Termination is in process...") for vm in instance_vol: volume = ec2.Volume(vm) response = volume.detach_from_instance( Device='/dev/xvdh', Force=True, InstanceId=RI_ID) time.sleep(120) response = volume.delete() print("\nInstance terminated and volume deleted") else: print( "You haven't choosed what to do with volume correctly") except: sys.exit(1)