コード例 #1
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: knsd/botogram
def test_shared_memory_initialization():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    def init1(shared):
        if "a" in shared:
            shared["a"] = 1
            shared["a"] = 0

    def init2(shared):
        shared["b"] = 1

    shared.register_inits_list("comp1", [init1, init2])
    shared.register_inits_list("comp2", [init1])

    memory1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    memory2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    memory3 = shared.of("bot2", "comp1")

    assert memory1["a"] == 0
    assert memory1["b"] == 1
    assert memory2["a"] == 0
    assert "b" not in memory2
    # memory3["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    assert memory3["a"] == 0

    # memory1b["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    memory1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    assert memory1b["a"] == 0
コード例 #2
def test_shared_memory_pickleable():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()
    shared.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"] = "test"

    pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(shared))

    original = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"]
    assert original == pickled.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"]
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: m4h4n/botogram
def test_shared_memory_pickleable():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()
    shared.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"] = "test"

    pickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(shared))

    original = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"]
    assert original == pickled.of("bot1", "comp1")["test"]
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: knsd/botogram
def test_shared_memory_creation():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    comp1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    comp2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    comp1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")

    comp1["test"] = "test"

    assert "test" in comp1
    assert "test" in comp1b
    assert not comp2  # empty
    assert comp1["test"] == comp1b["test"]
コード例 #5
def test_switch_driver():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    # Initialize the memory with some dummy data
    shared.of("bot1", "test1")["a"] = "b"
    shared.of("bot1", "test2")["b"] = "c"

    # Create a new driver
    driver = botogram.shared.LocalDriver()

    assert shared.driver == driver
    assert shared.of("bot1", "test1")["a"] == "b"
    assert shared.of("bot1", "test2")["b"] == "c"
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: m4h4n/botogram
def test_switch_driver():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    # Initialize the memory with some dummy data
    shared.of("bot1", "test1")["a"] = "b"
    shared.of("bot1", "test2")["b"] = "c"

    # Create a new driver
    driver = botogram.shared.LocalDriver()

    assert shared.driver == driver
    assert shared.of("bot1", "test1")["a"] == "b"
    assert shared.of("bot1", "test2")["b"] == "c"
コード例 #7
def test_shared_memory_creation():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    comp1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    comp2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    comp1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    comp1sub = shared.of("bot1", "comp1", "sub")

    comp1["test"] = "test"

    assert "test" in comp1
    assert "test" in comp1b
    assert not comp2  # empty
    assert comp1["test"] == comp1b["test"]
    assert not comp1sub  # empty

    # memory3sub has more than two parts in a name, so special shared memory
    # methods should not have been applied
    assert not hasattr(comp1sub, "lock")
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: pietroalbini/botogram
def test_shared_memory_creation():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    comp1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    comp2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    comp1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    comp1sub = shared.of("bot1", "comp1", "sub")

    comp1["test"] = "test"

    assert "test" in comp1
    assert "test" in comp1b
    assert not comp2  # empty
    assert comp1["test"] == comp1b["test"]
    assert not comp1sub  # empty

    # memory3sub has more than two parts in a name, so special shared memory
    # methods should not have been applied
    assert not hasattr(comp1sub, "lock")
コード例 #9
def test_shared_memory_preparers():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    def init1(shared):
        if "a" in shared:
            shared["a"] = 1
            shared["a"] = 0

    def init2(shared):
        shared["b"] = 1

    comp = botogram.Component()
    init1_hook = botogram.hooks.MemoryPreparerHook(init1, comp)
    init2_hook = botogram.hooks.MemoryPreparerHook(init2, comp)

    shared.register_preparers_list("comp1", [init1_hook, init2_hook])
    shared.register_preparers_list("comp2", [init1_hook])

    memory1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    memory2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    memory3 = shared.of("bot2", "comp1")
    memory3sub = shared.of("bot2", "comp1", "sub")

    assert memory1["a"] == 0
    assert memory1["b"] == 1
    assert memory2["a"] == 0
    assert "b" not in memory2
    # memory3["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    assert memory3["a"] == 0

    # memory3sub has more than two parts in a name, so no preparer should have
    # been applied
    assert "a" not in memory3sub

    # memory1b["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    memory1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    assert memory1b["a"] == 0
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_shared.py プロジェクト: pietroalbini/botogram
def test_shared_memory_preparers():
    shared = botogram.shared.SharedMemory()

    def init1(shared):
        if "a" in shared:
            shared["a"] = 1
            shared["a"] = 0

    def init2(shared):
        shared["b"] = 1

    comp = botogram.Component()
    init1_hook = botogram.hooks.MemoryPreparerHook(init1, comp)
    init2_hook = botogram.hooks.MemoryPreparerHook(init2, comp)

    shared.register_preparers_list("comp1", [init1_hook, init2_hook])
    shared.register_preparers_list("comp2", [init1_hook])

    memory1 = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    memory2 = shared.of("bot1", "comp2")
    memory3 = shared.of("bot2", "comp1")
    memory3sub = shared.of("bot2", "comp1", "sub")

    assert memory1["a"] == 0
    assert memory1["b"] == 1
    assert memory2["a"] == 0
    assert "b" not in memory2
    # memory3["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    assert memory3["a"] == 0

    # memory3sub has more than two parts in a name, so no preparer should have
    # been applied
    assert "a" not in memory3sub

    # memory1b["a"] should be 1 if the initializer was called multiple times
    memory1b = shared.of("bot1", "comp1")
    assert memory1b["a"] == 0