def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.db = database.Database(self.config) = botogram.create(config["telegram_token"]) = "it" = config["owner"] = "Ricevi gli orari scolastici e gli avvisi dal sito " + utils.shorten_url( config["school_website"]) = [ "Sai programmare?", "<a href=\"\">Questo bot è opensource!</a>", ] = False, self.db))
YEAR_CHOICES = { "1st": ["first", "one", "1", "1st"], "2nd": ["second", "two", "2", "2nd"], "3rd": ["third", "three", "3", "3rd"], "4th": ["fourth", "four", "4", "4th"], } LANG_CHOICES = { 1: "Python 2/3", 2: "C++", 4: "C", 8: "Java", } my_handle = "YOUR_HANDLE" bot = botogram.create("YOUR_TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN") bot.about = """ Welcome to CSEC-CPD registration bot. You can use this bot to register for CSEC-CPD membership.""" bot.owner = my_handle class memory: def __init__(self): self.names = {} self.ids = {} self.genders = {} self.emails = {} self.phone_nums = {} self.years = {} self.langs = {}
from scraper import scrape import json import config import botogram import jellyfish bot = botogram.create(config.BOT_TOKEN) ls = json.load(open('last_scrape.json', 'r')) stats = scrape() for news in stats['news']: abort = False if news not in ls['news']: for n in ls['news']: if jellyfish.jaro_distance(news, n) > 0.9: abort = True if abort: continue \ .send(f"тЪая╕П {news.lstrip().rstrip()}\n\nЁЯФЧ By @CoronaVirusOfficialNews", syntax='html') json.dump({**ls, 'news': stats['news']}, open('last_scrape.json', 'w'))
import botogram import rpgModular import charter bot = botogram.create("KEY") @bot.command("start") def start(chat, message): chat.send("Welcome to the Nexus of Memoirs. Please /login") @bot.command("login") def login(chat, message): messageParsed = message.text[7:] character = rpgModular.CharacterExist(messageParsed) if == 1: chat.send("No such character") elif == 0: output = character.showStats() output2 = character.showSkills() chat.send(str(output)) chat.send(str(output2)) if __name__ == "__main__":
import Buffer_operation as bo import botogram import pickle bot = botogram.create("731472091:AAGGqOJK_HEmYxpuHwMKwyZw25rJ9bLIThU") bot.about = '''This is a bot created for Sending the values from Sensors and to detect whether the washroom is clean or not''' bot.owner = '''@KuroAkuma''' bot.after_help = [ """This bot is capable of fetching the realtime data with command /getData, more features will be coming in future. Feel free to ping Aeres on Freenode irc servers, [not on bouncer anymore tho, if not found worry not]. mostly hangs around in #anime, ##anime. @KuroAkuma is the telegram[keeps changing and hard to track]. Mail: [email protected] [replies within a week!] """ ] primary_sent = {"Gas Sensor": "", "LDRSensor": "", "Usage Count": ""} primary_gasbuffer = [] primary_ldrbuffer = [] primary_pc = [] @bot.command("greetMe") def greetMe_command(chat, message, args): """Says hello world to the person whose name is provided""" test_str = "Konichiwa" test_str_2 = "Senpai, watashi Anata no jujun'na shimo be" if len(args) > 0: test_str += " " + args[0] test_str += test_str_2 else: test_str += " " + test_str_2
import botogram import conf import db bot = botogram.create(conf.api_token) @bot.command("add") def add_command(chat, message, args): """Add url for check""" if len(args) == 1: db.add_url(, args[0]) chat.send("Ok") else: chat.send("Enter valid url") @bot.command("remove") def remove_command(chat, message, args): """Remove url from check""" if len(args) == 1: db.remove_url(, args[0]) chat.send("Ok") else: chat.send("Enter valid url")
import botogram import requests import time from datetime import datetime from urllib.request import urlopen from wakeonlan import wol import sport import apiKey import altriCom keyBot = apiKey.apiBot() bot = botogram.create(keyBot) bot.about = "Questo è il bot di Infopz\nUtilizza l'opzione /help per ottenere un elenco di tutti i comandi e delle possibili opzioni" bot.owner = "@infopz" @bot.command("hello", hidden=True) def hello_command(chat, message, args): '''Ciaone! \nTi saluta con un bel ciao''' control(message) chat.send("Hello World") #SERIEA COMMANDS @bot.command('seriea') def seriea_command(chat, message, args, shared): '''Visualizza Partite e Classifica Serie A \nOpzioni:
import API import botogram from datetime import datetime import sqlite3 bot = botogram.create("TOKEN") conn = sqlite3.connect('MinecraftBot.db') c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute('''CREATE TABLE users(userid INTEGER)''') except: pass @bot.command("start") def start(chat, message, args): """Welcome!""" message.reply("*Welcome!*"+\ "\n*Thanks* you very much for starting *me*!"+\ "\n*How use me*? Do /help!"+ "\nDo you need more *help*? Contact me! @MarcoBuster") c.execute('''DELETE FROM users WHERE userid=?''',(,)) c.execute('''INSERT INTO users VALUES(?)''',(,)) conn.commit() @bot.command("viewusers") def viewusers(chat, message, args): """View the list and the count of users""" if != 26170256: #Only admin command
import botogram from wfreader24hr import * from wfreader2hr import * from wfutility import readAPIKey, extractDateTime from wfgeolocation import wfGeolocation bot = botogram.create(readAPIKey("telegram")) def sg_general_forecast(): weather_forecast_reader = Weather24hrForecastReader() forecast_dic = weather_forecast_reader.getForecast() forecast = "Latest 24 hr Weather for Singapore:" datetime = extractDateTime(forecast_dic.get('Timestamp')).split("T") forecast += "\nGeneral Forecast(As Of {}):".format(datetime[1]) forecast += "\nForecast: {}".format(forecast_dic.get('Forecast')) forecast += "\nHumidity: {} {}".format(forecast_dic.get('Humidity'), "%") forecast += "\nTemperature: {} {}".format(forecast_dic.get('Temperature'), u"\u2103") forecast += "\nWind Speed: {} {}".format(forecast_dic.get('Windspeed'), "km/h") forecast += "\nWind Direction: {}".format( forecast_dic.get('Winddirection')) forecast += "\n\nRegion Specific Forecast:"
import botogram import sqlite3 import config, utils from objects import messages, callbacks, commands conn = sqlite3.connect(config.DATABASE_FILE_NAME + '.db') c = conn.cursor() bot = botogram.create(config.API_TOKEN) if config.FIRST_START: utils.first_start() @bot.command("start") def start(chat, message): commands.start(chat, message) @bot.callback("informazioni") def informazioni(query, message): callbacks.informazioni(query, message, "it") bot._components[0]._Component__no_commands = [] bot._main_component._add_no_commands_hook(messages.command_not_found) if __name__ == '__main__':
SOFTWARE. """ import json from source.objects.config_parser import ConfigParser # configuration parser to get telegram info from botogram import create, Buttons as BButtons # Get botogram.create to save the username of the bot and # Get a botogram.Buttons class and save it as BButtons from typing import Union, List # Needed for parameters and return hints config = ConfigParser("data/configs/config.json") bot = create(config.telegram.BOT_TOKEN) # todo new config bot_username = bot.itself.username del bot, create class _Category: """prende il nome del tipo della categoria #todo eng. Attributes ---------- lang : str The lang of the message text json_lang : dict
'''LICENSED WITH APACHE 2.0''' # IMPORTANT: CHANGE ALL ELEMENTS WITH '$' # REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO CHANGE ALSO THE JSON FILE # Set your password, Set your Api token import botogram import sqlite3 import os import time from obj.start import r, d, dat, logch from obj.jsonr import p from obj.visualizers import visualizer, staffvis, verdict from obj.checks import checklink, check2, knowit, checkperm bot = botogram.create(p["values"]["token"]) # Set your api token in the json file (data/lang.json)$ bot.owner = "@Mamiglia &" # Set yourself as the owner$ d.execute("SELECT id FROM ids WHERE type=3") x = d.fetchone() if x is not None:[0])).send('Admins, press /refreshpin!') def checkreq(cht, typ): '''Check if the user can make a request, the users can have only one request at time''' if int(r.get('door')) > 0: try: d.execute("INSERT INTO request (userid, type) VALUES (?,?)", (, typ)) dat.commit()
import botogram from datetime import datetime import json import re import time import threading import requests import sys import subprocess import socket bot = botogram.create('441586309:AAGfrlV7RniRRSrn9rUlSkriqvvEajXBVt4') status = {0: 'Alive', 1: 'Dead', 2: "No connection to internet"} ports = { 22: 'ssh', 80: 'http', 443: 'https', 23: 'telnet', 21: 'ftp', 25: 'smtp', 110: 'pop3', 143: 'impap' } userLock = threading.Lock() class Host: def __init__(self, ip, nickname, state=1): self.ip = ip self.state = state self.nickname = nickname
#!/bin/env python3 from quoter import replaceWords import botogram bot = botogram.create("your api key here") bot.owner = "KeiTachikawa on telegram, aeres99[at]" bot.after_help = [ "This bot simply gives new random quotes.", ] @bot.command("hello") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """This basically says hello, and tells about the bot. Its goal and purpose""" chat.send( "Hello, I am linux quotes bot. Please note none of these quotes are real, they are made for fun and no cute animals were harmed in its creation" ) @bot.command("new") def new_command(chat, message, args): """Send in the new random quote!""" output_quote = replaceWords() print("*" * 10) print(output_quote) chat.send(output_quote) if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import datetime import botogram import os bot_token = os.environ.get("PEI_BOT_TOKEN") staff_chat_id = os.environ.get("PEI_STAFF_CHAT_ID") if not bot_token or not staff_chat_id: print("Config unavailable.") bot = botogram.create(bot_token) @bot.command("info") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """Welcome to Telegram File System """ btns = botogram.Buttons() # btns[0].callback("Prenota un appuntamento", "prenota") # chat.send("Benvenuto al Pei - " + str(, attach=btns) chat.send("chat_id: " + str( @bot.command("start") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """Welcome to Pei Support Bot """
import botogram # <python3> -m pip install botogram2 token = input('Please insert your Telegram bot token from ') bot = botogram.create(token) @bot.before_processing def any_message(chat): chat.send("GitHub is for everyone!") return True if __name__ == '__main__':
import botogram, os, sqlite3, gettext bot = botogram.create(os.environ['BOT']) bot.about = "A nHentai's (unofficial) bot" bot.owner = "@Bestfast" @bot.command("start") def start_command(chat, message, args): """Start the bot""" conn = sqlite3.connect('users.db') c = conn.cursor() try: c.execute("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", (, )) except sqlite3.OperationalError: return lang(chat, message) data = c.fetchall() if not data: conn.close() return lang(chat, message) else: _ = getlang( btns = botogram.Buttons() btns[0].url(_("Open a pull request"),
"id": str, "from": botogram.User, "query": str, "offset": str, } optional = { "location": botogram.Location, } replace_keys = { "from": "sender" } botogram.Update.optional["callback_query"] = CallbackQuery botogram.Update.optional["inline_query"] = InlineQuery bot = botogram.create(config.BOT_TOKEN) @bot.command("start") def start(message, args): """Avvia il bot""" if args: deeplinking.process_deeplinking(bot, message, args) return commands.process_start_command(bot, message) @bot.command("admin", hidden=True) def admin(message): commands.process_admin_command(bot, message)
import botogram bot = botogram.create("AQUI VA EL TOKEN DEL BOT") bot.owner = "linguini" @bot.command("spam") def spam_command(chat, message, args): for i in range(10000): chat.send("*PON TU MENSAJE AQUI*") if __name__ == "__main__":
import json from buspy.checker_builder import build_checker from buspy.datetime_helpers import gettime from buspy.bots.explain_arrivals import explain rel_path = "../buspy/tokens.json" with open(rel_path) as f: tokens = json.load(f) import botogram bot = botogram.create(tokens["telegram"]) subscriptions = [] @bot.command("hello") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """Welcome to buspy. I can help you to find and send reminder when the next bus is coming!""" chat.send( "Welcome to buspy. I can help you to find and send reminder when the next bus is coming" ) def clean_message(message): return message.replace('<text>', '').replace('</text>', '') def check_and_send_message(chat, checker): result = checker.time_to_be_at_bus_stop() can_use_result = (result.within_range or (result.outside_range
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta import re import botogram import yaml import requests import database as db config = yaml.safe_load(open('config.yml')) blip_blop_explanation = ''\ '/blob/master/' # bot information bot = botogram.create(config.get('token')) bot.about = "This bot is used to block a flooder with a captcha" bot.owner = "@sonomichelequellostrano" # antiflood config antiflood_config = config.get('antiflood_config') # emoji list for captcha emojis = config.get('emojis') # list of privacy friend Youtube player ytinstances = config.get('ytinstances') # delete message with replaced links if clicked by original sender @bot.callback("delete_message")
""" Demo ==== user: /hello bot: What's up bitch """ import botogram from input import * bot = botogram.create(API_key) @bot.command("hello") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """Say hello to the world!""" chat.send("What's up bitch") if __name__ == "__main__":
import botogram import hashlib import os import time import re import random import argparse import sys from instabot import Bot import requests import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt bot = botogram.create("your token") def loadList(file, type): if type == "int": with open(file, "r") as file: list = [int(line.rstrip("\n")) for line in file] else: with open(file, "r") as file: list = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in file] return list def writeList(file, list): with open(file, "w+") as file: for item in list: file.write(str(item) + "\n")
import requests import botogram import datetime from src import config bot = botogram.create(config.token_tg) bot.owner = "@ch3p4ll3" def convert_time(strr): strr = strr.replace("Z", "") a = strr.split(":") h = str(int(a[0]) + 1) return h + ":" + a[1] + ":" + a[2] def control_year(year): url = "{}".format(year) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return year else: return "current" def diffdate(data, f): datetime_format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' now = date1 = data + " " + f
import botogram import requests bot = botogram.create('376118437:AAEIPV1YVQmgEhELB8Q3NOJ1tiDd50m2xTY') #url = "" @bot.command("hello") def hello_command(chat, message, args): """Say hello to the world!""" chat.send("Hello world") @bot.command("myaf") def myaf_command(chat, message, args): """Say hello to the world!""" chat.send("Kot kot") if __name__ == "__main__":
from decouple import config import botogram import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient import re bot = botogram.create(config("API_KEY")) bot.about = config("about") bot.owner = config("owner") client = MongoClient() db = client.vpnbotdb users = db.users @bot.command("start") def add_user(chat, message, args): """ Just a simple start """ new_user = { "chat_id":, "username": chat.username, "first_name": chat.first_name, "last_name": chat.last_name, "months": 1, "this_month": True } try: users.insert_one(new_user) send_msg_to_admin('{} just started the bot'.format(
import botogram import redis import random from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta # bot information bot = botogram.create("BOT_TOKEN") bot.about = "This bot is used to block a flooder with a captcha" bot.owner = "@sonomichelequellostrano" # redis r = redis.Redis() # antiflood config antiflood_config = {"messaggi": 3, "secondi": 4} # emoji list for captcha emojis = { "grinning_face": { "emoji": "😀", "description": "faccia sorridente" }, "face_with_tears_of_joy": { "emoji": "😂", "description": "faccia con lacrime di gioia" }, "upside_down_face": { "emoji": "🙃", "description": "faccia sotto sopra" } }
import botogram bot = botogram.create("YOUR API KEY") bot.owner = "BOT OWNER" @bot.command("spam") def spam_command(chat, message, args): """Spam For big Groups! This command send the word "spam" using the markdown syntaxis """ for i in range (Number): chat.send("*SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM*") if __name__ == "__main__":
# Copyright (c) 2020 Hearot # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from environs import Env import botogram env = Env() env.read_env() bot = botogram.create(env.str("BOT_TOKEN", default="")) del botogram, env, Env
from random import randint from nhentai import Nhentai import botogram bot = botogram.create("TOKEN") @bot.command("search") def search_command(chat, message, args): if not args: chat.send("Command usage: `/search <ID>`") else: try: if Nhentai().book_info(int(args[0]))["title"]: chat.send("" + str(args[0])) if (int(args[0]) == 177013): chat.send( "God damn it, I can't believe you're really doing this." ) except KeyError: chat.send("404 Not Found") except ValueError: chat.send("Invalid data") @bot.command("latest") def latest_command(chat, message, args): chat.send("" + str(Nhentai().latest_id())) @bot.command("random")
if path.exists(a): try: validyaml = yaml.safe_load(a) except ValueError as e: return False return True """ Prestart """ log = logbook.Logger("botogram bot")"Starting...")"Preflight check...") bot = botogram.create(check_env("TGTOKEN")) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("tg2") parser.add_argument("configfile", help="Configuration file", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if check_file_arg(args.configfile): cmdlist = configfileload(args.configfile) """ Base commands """ @bot.command("version") def version_command(chat, message, args): """Bot version and link"""
import botogram import parser import redis import conf bot = botogram.create("") r = redis.Redis(host=conf.HOST, port=conf.PORT, password=conf.PASS) r.set(, "INIT") @bot.command("start") def start(chat): chat.send("benvenuto") return r.set(, "START") @bot.command("cerca") def search_command(chat): print(r.get( if r.get( == "INIT": chat.send("Usare il comando /start per iniziare") return chat.send("Inserisci il nome del manga.") return r.set(, "SEARCH") @bot.process_message def process(chat, message): btns = botogram.Buttons() index = 0
# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import botogram import redis from datetime import datetime from .callback import camera, senato import config bot = botogram.create(config.TOKEN) r = redis.StrictRedis(host=config.REDIS_HOST, port=config.REDIS_PORT, db=config.REDIS_DB, password=config.REDIS_PASSWORD) @bot.before_processing def analytics(message): rhash = 'user:'******'id', r.hset(rhash, 'username', message.sender.username) r.hset(rhash, 'last_access', str( @bot.command("start")
required = { "id": str, "from": botogram.User, "query": str, } optional = { "location": botogram.Location, "offest": str, } replace_keys = {"from": "sender"} botogram.Update.optional["inline_query"] = InlineQuery import botogram bot = botogram.create(TOKEN) from pyshorteners import Shortener google = Shortener('Google', api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) @bot.before_processing def start(chat, message): if message.text == "/users": return False add_user( text = ( "<b>Welcome!</b>" "\nWith this bot you can <b>short</b> any (valid) <b>URL</b> in the <b>web!</b>"
import botogram import random from config import * # Prepara il bot bot = botogram.create(TELEGRAM_TOKEN) # Lista dei messaggi messages = ( "Compra un raspberry pi!", "Ti sei ricordato di comparare un raspberry pi?", "Compralo!", "Anche Pelloni ne dovrebbe compare uno!", "Costa solo 45€!", "Se vuoi c'è anche quello da 5€!" ) # Il messaggio in chat contiene 'raspberry' @bot.message_contains("raspberry") def raspberry_message(chat, message): """Invia un messaggio a random dalla lista messages""" send_raspberry_message(chat, message) # Comando /raspberry @bot.command("raspberry") def raspberry_commad(chat, message): """Invia un messaggio a random dalla lista messages""" send_raspberry_message(chat, message)