def pull(self): from boutiques.searcher import Searcher searcher = Searcher(self.zid, self.verbose, self.sandbox, None) r = searcher.zenodo_search() for hit in r.json()["hits"]["hits"]: file_path = hit["files"][0]["links"]["self"] file_name = file_path.split(os.sep)[-1] if hit["id"] == int(self.zid): if cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".cache", "boutiques") if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) if (self.verbose): print_info("Downloading descriptor %s" % file_name) downloaded = urlretrieve( file_path, os.path.join(cache_dir, file_name)) print_info("Downloaded descriptor to " + cache_dir) return downloaded if (self.verbose): print_info("Opening descriptor %s" % file_name) return urlopen(file_path) raise_error(ZenodoError, "Descriptor not found")
def pull(self): # return cached file if it exists if os.path.isfile(self.cached_fname): if (self.verbose): print_info("Found cached file at %s" % self.cached_fname) return self.cached_fname from boutiques.searcher import Searcher searcher = Searcher(self.zid, self.verbose, self.sandbox, exact_match=True) r = searcher.zenodo_search() for hit in r.json()["hits"]["hits"]: file_path = hit["files"][0]["links"]["self"] file_name = file_path.split(os.sep)[-1] if hit["id"] == int(self.zid): if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir): os.makedirs(self.cache_dir) if (self.verbose): print_info("Downloading descriptor %s" % file_name) downloaded = urlretrieve(file_path, self.cached_fname) print("Downloaded descriptor to " + downloaded[0]) return downloaded[0] raise_error(ZenodoError, "Descriptor not found")
def zenodo_deposit_updated_version(self, metadata, access_token, deposition_id): r = self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/actions/newversion' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': access_token}) if r.status_code == 403: raise_error( ZenodoError, "You do not have permission to access " "this resource. Note that you cannot " "publish an update to a tool belonging " "to someone else.", r) elif (r.status_code != 201): raise_error( ZenodoError, "Deposition of new version failed. Check " "that the Zenodo ID is correct (if one " "was provided).", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Deposition of new version succeeded", r) new_url = r.json()['links']['latest_draft'] new_zid = new_url.split("/")[-1] self.zenodo_update_metadata(new_zid, r.json()['doi'], metadata, access_token) self.zenodo_delete_files(new_zid, r.json()["files"], access_token) return new_zid
def zenodo_get_record(self, zenodo_id): r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/records/{}'.format(zenodo_id)) if r.status_code != 200: raise_error(ZenodoError, "Descriptor \"{}\" not found".format(zenodo_id), r) return r.json()
def __init__(self, zids, verbose=False, sandbox=False): # remove zenodo prefix self.zenodo_entries = [] self.cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".cache", "boutiques") discarded_zids = zids # This removes duplicates, should maintain order zids = list(dict.fromkeys(zids)) for zid in zids: discarded_zids.remove(zid) try: # Zenodo returns the full DOI, but for the purposes of # Boutiques we just use the Zenodo-specific portion (as its the # unique part). If the API updates on Zenodo to no longer # provide the full DOI, this still works because it just grabs # the last thing after the split. zid = zid.split('/')[-1] newzid = zid.split(".", 1)[1] newfname = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "zenodo-{0}.json".format(newzid)) self.zenodo_entries.append({"zid": newzid, "fname": newfname}) except IndexError: raise_error(ZenodoError, "Zenodo ID must be prefixed by " "'zenodo', e.g. zenodo.123456") self.verbose = verbose self.sandbox = sandbox if(self.verbose): for zid in discarded_zids: print_info("Discarded duplicate id {0}".format(zid))
def __init__(self, docopt_str, base_descriptor): with open(base_descriptor, "r") as base_desc: self.descriptor = collections.OrderedDict(json.load(base_desc)) del self.descriptor['groups'] del self.descriptor['inputs'] del self.descriptor['output-files'] self.docopt_str = docopt_str self.dependencies = collections.OrderedDict() self.all_desc_and_type = collections.OrderedDict() self.unique_ids = [] try: # docopt code snippet to extract args tree (pattern) # should run if docopt script is valid options = parse_defaults(docopt_str) self.pattern = parse_pattern( formal_usage(self._parse_section('usage:', docopt_str)[0]), options) argv = parse_argv(TokenStream(sys.argv[1:], DocoptLanguageError), list(options), False) pattern_options = set(self.pattern.flat(Option)) for options_shortcut in self.pattern.flat(AnyOptions): doc_options = parse_defaults(docopt_str) options_shortcut.children = list( set(doc_options) - pattern_options) matched, left, collected = self.pattern.fix().match(argv) except Exception: os.remove(base_descriptor) raise_error(ImportError, "Invalid docopt script")
def _loadInputsFromUsage(self, usage): ancestors = [] for arg in usage.children: # Traverse usage args and add them to dependencies tree arg_type = type(arg).__name__ if hasattr(arg, "children"): fchild_type = type(arg.children[0]).__name__ # Has sub-arguments, maybe recurse into _loadRtrctnsFrmUsg # but have to deal with children in subtype if arg_type == "Optional" and fchild_type == "AnyOptions": for option in arg.children[0].children: self._addArgumentToDependencies(option, ancestors=ancestors, optional=True) elif arg_type == "OneOrMore": list_name = "<list_of_{0}>".format( self._getParamName(arg.children[0].name)) list_arg = Argument(list_name) list_arg.parse(list_name) self.all_desc_and_type[list_name] = { 'desc': "List of {0}".format( self._getParamName(arg.children[0].name)) } self._addArgumentToDependencies(list_arg, ancestors=ancestors, isList=True) ancestors.append(list_name) elif arg_type == "Optional" and fchild_type == "Option": for option in arg.children: self._addArgumentToDependencies(option, ancestors=ancestors, optional=True) elif arg_type == "Optional" and fchild_type == "Either": # Mutex choices group, add group to dependencies tree # add choices args to group ancestors = self._addGroupArgumentToDependencies( arg, ancestors, optional=True) elif arg_type == "Required" and fchild_type == "Either": # Mutex choices group, add group to dependencies tree # add choices args to group ancestors = self._addGroupArgumentToDependencies( arg, ancestors) elif arg_type == "Command": self._addArgumentToDependencies(arg, ancestors=ancestors) ancestors.append( elif arg_type == "Argument": self._addArgumentToDependencies(arg, ancestors=ancestors) ancestors.append( elif arg_type == "Option": self._addArgumentToDependencies(arg, ancestors=ancestors, optional=True) ancestors.append( else: raise_error( ImportError, "Non implemented docopt arg.type: {0}".format(arg_type))
def record_exists(self, record_id): r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/records/{}'.format(record_id)) if r.status_code == 200: return True if r.status_code == 404: return False raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot test existence of record {}".format(record_id), r)
def get_nexus_access_token(self): json_creds = self.read_credentials() if json_creds.get(self.config_token_property_name()): return json_creds.get(self.config_token_property_name()) if self.no_int: raise_error(NexusError, "Cannot find Nexus credentials.") prompt = ("Please enter your Nexus access token (it will be " "saved in {0} for future use): ".format(self.config_file)) return self.prompt(prompt)
def validate_bids(descriptor, valid=False): if not valid: msg = "Please provide a Boutiques descriptor that has been validated." raise_error(DescriptorValidationError, msg) errors = [] # TODO: verify not only that all fields/keys exist, their properties, too # Ensure the command-line conforms to the BIDS app spec msg_template = " CLIError: command-line doesn't match template: {}" cltemp = r"mkdir -p \[OUTPUT_DIR\]; (.*) \[BIDS_DIR\] \[OUTPUT_DIR\]"\ r" \[ANALYSIS_LEVEL\] \[PARTICIPANT_LABEL\] \[SESSION_LABEL\]"\ r"[\\s]*(.*)" cmdline = descriptor["command-line"] if len(re.findall(cltemp, cmdline)) < 1: errors += [msg_template.format(cltemp)] # Verify IDs are present which link to the OUTPUT_DIR # key bot as File and String ftypes = set(["File", "String"]) msg_template = " OutError: \"{}\" types for outdir do not match \"{}\"" outtypes = set([ inp["type"] for inp in descriptor["inputs"] if inp["value-key"] == "[OUTPUT_DIR]" ]) if outtypes != ftypes: errors += [msg_template.format(", ".join(outtypes), ", ".join(ftypes))] # Verify that analysis levels is an enumerable with some # subset of "paricipant", "session", and "group" choices = ["session", "participant", "group"] msg_template = " LevelError: \"{}\" is not a valid analysis level" alevels = [ inp["value-choices"] for inp in descriptor["inputs"] if inp["value-key"] == "[ANALYSIS_LEVEL]" ][0] errors += [msg_template.format(lv) for lv in alevels if lv not in choices] # Verify there is only a single output defined (the directory) msg_template = "OutputError: 0 or multiple outputs defined" if len(descriptor["output-files"]) != 1: errors += [msg_template] else: # Verify that the output shows up as an output msg_template = "OutputError: OUTPUT_DIR is not represented as an output" if descriptor["output-files"][0]["path-template"] != "[OUTPUT_DIR]": errors += [msg_template] errors = None if errors == [] else errors if errors is None: print_info("BIDS validation OK") else: raise_error(DescriptorValidationError, "Invalid BIDS app descriptor:" "\n" + "\n".join(errors))
def get_zid_from_filename(self, filename): # Filename must be in the form /a/b/c/zenodo-1234.json # where zenodo.1234 is the record id. basename = os.path.basename(filename) if not re.match(r'zenodo-[0-9]*\.json', basename): raise_error( ZenodoError, 'This does not look like a valid file name: {}'.format( filename)) return basename.replace('.json', '').replace('-', '.')
def zenodo_search(self): r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/records/?q=%s&' 'keywords=boutiques&keywords=schema&' 'keywords=version&file_type=json&type=software' '&page=1&size=%s' % (self.query, self.max_results)) if (r.status_code != 200): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Error searching Zenodo", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Search successful.", r) return r
def get_nexus_project(self): json_creds = self.read_credentials() if json_creds.get("nexus-project"): return json_creds.get("nexus-project") if self.no_int: raise_error(NexusError, "Cannot find Nexus project.") prompt = ("Please enter the Nexus project you want to publish to" " (it will be saved in {0} for future use): ".format( self.config_file)) return self.prompt(prompt)
def zenodo_publish(self, deposition_id): r = + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/actions/publish' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': self.zenodo_access_token}) if(r.status_code != 202): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot publish descriptor", r) if(self.verbose): print_info("Descriptor published to Zenodo, doi is {0}". format(r.json()['doi']), r) return r.json()['doi']
def zenodo_delete_files(self, new_deposition_id, files, access_token): for file in files: file_id = file["id"] r = requests.delete(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/files/%s' % (new_deposition_id, file_id), params={'access_token': access_token}) if (r.status_code != 204): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Could not delete old file", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Deleted old file", r)
def resolve_glob(glob, boutiques_inputs): if not glob.startswith("$"): return glob if not glob.startswith("$(inputs."): raise_error(ImportError, "Unsupported reference: " + glob) input_id = glob.replace("$(inputs.", "").replace(")", "") for i in boutiques_inputs: if i['id'] == input_id: return i['value-key'] raise_error(ImportError, "Unresolved reference" " in glob: " + glob)
def __init__(self, zid, verbose, download, sandbox): # remove zenodo prefix try: self.zid = zid.split(".", 1)[1] except IndexError: raise_error( ZenodoError, "Zenodo ID must be prefixed by " "'zenodo', e.g. zenodo.123456") self.verbose = verbose = download self.sandbox = sandbox
def get_record_id_from_zid(self, zenodo_id): ''' zenodo_id is in the form zenodo.1234567 record id is 1234567 ''' if not re.match(r'zenodo\.[0-9]', zenodo_id): raise_error( ZenodoError, 'This does not look like a valid Zenodo ID: {}.' 'Zenodo ids must be in the form zenodo.1234567'.format( zenodo_id)) parts = zenodo_id.split('.') return parts[1]
def get_zenodo_access_token(self): json_creds = self.read_credentials() if json_creds.get(self.config_token_property_name()): return json_creds.get(self.config_token_property_name()) if (self.no_int): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot find Zenodo credentials.") prompt = ("Please enter your Zenodo access token (it will be " "saved in {0} for future use): ".format(self.config_file)) try: return raw_input(prompt) # Python 2 except NameError: return input(prompt) # Python 3
def zenodo_search(self): # Get all results r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/records/?q=' 'keywords:(/Boutiques/) AND ' 'keywords:(/schema-version.*/)' '%s' '&file_type=json&type=software&' 'page=1&size=%s' % (self.query_line, 9999)) if(r.status_code != 200): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Error searching Zenodo", r) if(self.verbose): print_info("Search successful for query \"%s\"" % self.query, r) return r
def zenodo_update_metadata(self, deposition_id): data = self.create_metadata() headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} r = requests.put(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': self.zenodo_access_token}, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if (r.status_code != 200): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot update metadata of new version", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Updated metadata of new version", r)
def zenodo_test_api(self, access_token): r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions') if (r.status_code != 401): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot access Zenodo", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Zenodo is accessible", r) r = requests.get(self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions', params={'access_token': access_token}) message = "Cannot authenticate to Zenodo API, check your access token" if (r.status_code != 200): raise_error(ZenodoError, message, r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Authentication to Zenodo successful", r)
def zenodo_publish(self, access_token, deposition_id, msg_obj): r = self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/actions/publish' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': access_token}) if (r.status_code != 202): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot publish {}".format(msg_obj), r) if (self.verbose): print_info( "{0} published to Zenodo, doi is {1}".format( msg_obj, r.json()['doi']), r) return r.json()['doi']
def parse_req(req, req_type, bout_desc): # We could support InitialWorkDirRequiment, through config files if req_type == 'DockerRequirement': container_image = {} container_image['type'] = 'docker' container_image['index'] = '' container_image['image'] = req['dockerPull'] bout_desc['container-image'] = container_image return if req_type == 'EnvVarRequirement': bout_envars = [] for env_var in req['envDef']: bout_env_var = {} bout_env_var['name'] = env_var bout_env_var['value'] = resolve_glob( req['envDef'][env_var], boutiques_inputs) bout_envars.append(bout_env_var) bout_desc['environment-variables'] = bout_envars return if req_type == 'ResourceRequirement': suggested_resources = {} if req.get('ramMin'): suggested_resources['ram'] = req['ramMin'] if req.get('coresMin'): suggeseted_resources['cpu-cores'] = req['coresMin'] bout_desc['suggested-resources'] = suggested_resources return if req_type == 'InitialWorkDirRequirement': listing = req.get('listing') for entry in listing: file_name = entry.get('entryname') assert(file_name is not None) template = entry.get('entry') for i in boutiques_inputs: if i.get("value-key"): template = template.replace("$(inputs."+i['id']+")", i.get("value-key")) template = template.split(os.linesep) assert(template is not None) name = op.splitext(file_name)[0] boutiques_outputs.append( { 'id': name, 'name': name, 'path-template': file_name, 'file-template': template }) return raise_error(ImportError, 'Unsupported requirement: '+str(req))
def validateSchema(s, d=None, **kwargs): # Check schema wrt meta-schema try: jsonschema.Draft4Validator.check_schema(s) except jsonschema.SchemaError as se: errExit("Invocation schema is invalid.\n" + str(se.message), False) # Check data instance against schema if d: try: jsonschema.validate(d, s) except ValidationError as e: raise_error(InvocationValidationError, e) if kwargs.get("verbose"): print_info("Invocation Schema validation OK")
def _zenodo_upload_dataset(self, deposition_id, file): file_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, file) data = {'filename': file} files = {'file': open(file_path, 'rb')} r = + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/files' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': self.zenodo_access_token}, data=data, files=files) if (r.status_code != 201): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot upload record", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Record uploaded to Zenodo", r)
def zenodo_deposit_updated_version(self, deposition_id): r = self.zenodo_endpoint + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/actions/newversion' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': self.zenodo_access_token}) if (r.status_code != 201): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Deposition of new version failed", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Deposition of new version succeeded", r) new_url = r.json()['links']['latest_draft'] new_zid = new_url.split("/")[-1] self.zenodo_update_metadata(new_zid) self.zenodo_delete_files(new_zid, r.json()["files"]) return new_zid
def zenodo_upload_descriptor(self, deposition_id): data = {'filename': os.path.basename(self.descriptor_file_name)} files = {'file': open(self.descriptor_file_name, 'rb')} r = + '/api/deposit/depositions/%s/files' % deposition_id, params={'access_token': self.zenodo_access_token}, data=data, files=files) # Status code is inconsistent with Zenodo documentation if (r.status_code != 201): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Cannot upload descriptor", r) if (self.verbose): print_info("Descriptor uploaded to Zenodo", r)
def __init__(self, zid, verbose=False, sandbox=False): # remove zenodo prefix try: self.zid = zid.split(".", 1)[1] except IndexError: raise_error( ZenodoError, "Zenodo ID must be prefixed by " "'zenodo', e.g. zenodo.123456") self.verbose = verbose self.sandbox = sandbox self.cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".cache", "boutiques") self.cached_fname = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "zenodo-{0}.json".format(self.zid))
def zenodo_deposit(self, metadata, access_token): headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} data = metadata r = + '/api/deposit/depositions', params={'access_token': access_token}, json={}, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if (r.status_code != 201): raise_error(ZenodoError, "Deposition failed", r) zid = r.json()['id'] if (self.verbose): print_info("Deposition succeeded, id is {0}".format(zid), r) return zid