def go(input_stream=sys.stdin, output_stream=sys.stdout, bowtie2_exe='bowtie2', bowtie_index_base='genome', bowtie2_index_base='genome2', manifest_file='manifest', bowtie2_args=None, bin_size=10000, verbose=False, exon_differentials=True, exon_intervals=False, report_multiplier=1.2, min_exon_size=8, search_filter=1, min_readlet_size=15, max_readlet_size=25, readlet_interval=12, capping_multiplier=1.5, drop_deletions=False, gzip_level=3, scratch=None, index_count=1, output_bam_by_chr=False, tie_margin=0, no_realign=False, no_polyA=False): """ Runs Rail-RNA-align_reads. A single pass of Bowtie is run to find end-to-end alignments. Unmapped reads are saved for readletizing to determine junctions in sucessive reduce steps as well as for realignment in a later map step. Input (read from stdin) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited input tuple columns in a mix of any of the following three formats: Format 1 (single-end, 3-column): 1. Nucleotide sequence or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse-complemented else 0 3. Name 4. Quality sequence or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 Format 2 (paired, 2 lines, 3 columns each) (so this is the same as single-end) 1. Nucleotide sequence for mate 1 or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse-complemented else 0 3. Name for mate 1 4. Quality sequence for mate 1 or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 (new line) 1. Nucleotide sequence for mate 2 or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse complemented else 0 3. Name for mate 2 4. Quality sequence for mate 2 or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 Input is partitioned and sorted by field 1, the read sequence. Hadoop output (written to stdout) ---------------------------- A given RNAME sequence is partitioned into intervals ("bins") of some user-specified length (see Exonic chunks (aka ECs; three formats, any or all of which may be emitted): Format 1 (exon_ival); tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number 2. Sample index 3. EC start (inclusive) on forward strand 4. EC end (exclusive) on forward strand Format 2 (exon_diff); tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number 2. max(EC start, bin start) (inclusive) on forward strand IFF diff is positive and EC end (exclusive) on forward strand IFF diff is negative 3. Sample index 4. '1' if alignment from which diff originates is "unique" according to --tie-margin criterion; else '0' 5. +1 or -1 * count, the number of instances of a read sequence for which to print exonic chunks Note that only unique alignments are currently output as ivals and/or diffs. Format 3 (sam); tab-delimited output tuple columns: Standard SAM output except fields are in different order, and the first field corresponds to sample label. (Fields are reordered to facilitate partitioning by sample name/RNAME and sorting by POS.) Each line corresponds to a spliced alignment. The order of the fields is as follows. 1. Sample index if outputting BAMs by sample OR sample-rname index if outputting BAMs by chr 2. (Number string representing RNAME; see BowtieIndexReference class in bowtie_index for conversion information) OR '0' if outputting BAMs by chr 3. POS 4. QNAME 5. FLAG 6. MAPQ 7. CIGAR 8. RNEXT 9. PNEXT 10. TLEN 11. SEQ 12. QUAL ... + optional fields Insertions/deletions (indel_bed) tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. 'I' or 'D' insertion or deletion line 2. Number string representing RNAME 3. Start position (Last base before insertion or first base of deletion) 4. End position (Last base before insertion or last base of deletion (exclusive)) 5. Inserted sequence for insertions or deleted sequence for deletions 6. Sample index ----Next fields are for junctions only; they are '\x1c' for indels---- 7. '\x1c' 8. '\x1c' -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Number of instances of insertion or deletion in sample; this is always +1 * count before bed_pre combiner/reducer Read whose primary alignment is not end-to-end Tab-delimited output tuple columns (unmapped): 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. SEQ 3. 1 if SEQ is reverse-complemented, else 0 4. QNAME 5. QUAL Tab-delimited output tuple columns (readletized): 1. Readlet sequence or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. read sequence ID + ('-' if readlet sequence is reverse-complemented; else '+') + '\x1e' + displacement of readlet's 5' end from read's 5' end + '\x1e' + displacement of readlet's 3' end from read's 3' end (+, for EXACTLY one readlet of a read sequence, '\x1e' + read sequence + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list A of unique sample labels with read sequences that match the original read sequence) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of unique sample labels B with read sequences that match the reversed complement of the original read sequence)) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of the number of instances of the read sequence for each respective sample in list A) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of the number of instances of the read sequence's reversed complement for each respective sample in list B). Here, a read sequence ID takes the form X:Y, where X is the "mapred_task_partition" environment variable -- a unique index for a task within a job -- and Y is the index of the read sequence relative to the beginning of the input stream. Tab-delimited tuple columns (postponed_sam): Standard 11+ -column raw SAM output Single column (unique): 1. A unique read sequence Two columns, exactly one line (dummy); ensures creation of junction index: 1. character "-" 2. the word "dummy" ALL OUTPUT COORDINATES ARE 1-INDEXED. input_stream: where to find input reads. output_stream: where to emit exonic chunks and junctions. bowtie2_exe: filename of Bowtie2 executable; include path if not in $PATH. bowtie_index_base: the basename of the Bowtie1 index files associated with the reference. bowtie2_index_base: the basename of the Bowtie2 index files associated with the reference. manifest_file: filename of manifest bowtie2_args: string containing precisely extra command-line arguments to pass to first-pass Bowtie2. bin_size: genome is partitioned in units of bin_size for later load balancing. verbose: True iff more informative messages should be written to stderr. exon_differentials: True iff EC differentials are to be emitted. exon_intervals: True iff EC intervals are to be emitted. report_multiplier: if verbose is True, the line number of an alignment or read written to stderr increases exponentially with base report_multiplier. min_exon_size: minimum exon size searched for in later in pipeline; used to determine how large a soft clip on one side of a read is necessary to pass it on to junction search pipeline search_filter: how large a soft clip on one side of a read is necessary to pass it on to junction search pipeline min_readlet_size: "capping" readlets (that is, readlets that terminate at a given end of the read) are never smaller than this value max_readlet_size: size of every noncapping readlet readlet_interval: number of bases separating successive readlets along the read capping_multiplier: successive capping readlets on a given end of a read are increased in size exponentially with base capping_multiplier drop_deletions: True iff deletions should be dropped from coverage vector gzip_level: compression level to use for temporary files scratch: scratch directory for storing temporary files or None if securely created temporary directory index_count: number of transcriptome Bowtie 2 indexes to which to assign unmapped reads for later realignment output_bam_by_chr: True iff final output BAMs will be by chromosome tie_margin: allowed score difference per 100 bases among ties in max score. For example, 150 and 144 are tied alignment scores for a 100-bp read when --tie-margin is 6. no_realign: True iff job flow does not need more than readlets: this usually means only a transcript index is being constructed no_polyA: kill noncapping readlets that are all As and write as unmapped all reads with polyA prefixes whose suffixes are < min_exon_size No return value. """ global _input_line_count reference_index = bowtie_index.BowtieIndexReference(bowtie_index_base) manifest_object = manifest.LabelsAndIndices(manifest_file) alignment_printer = AlignmentPrinter( manifest_object, reference_index, bin_size=bin_size, output_stream=output_stream, exon_ivals=exon_intervals, exon_diffs=exon_differentials, drop_deletions=drop_deletions, output_bam_by_chr=output_bam_by_chr, tie_margin=tie_margin ) # Get task partition to pass to try: task_partition = os.environ['mapred_task_partition'] except KeyError: # Hadoop 2.x? try: task_partition = os.environ['mapreduce_task_partition'] except KeyError: # A unit test is probably being run task_partition = '0' temp_dir = make_temp_dir(scratch) register_cleanup(tempdel.remove_temporary_directories, [temp_dir]) align_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'first_pass_reads.temp.gz') other_reads_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'other_reads.temp.gz') second_pass_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'second_pass_reads.temp.gz') k_value, _, _ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie2_args) nothing_doing = True # Required length of prefix after poly(A) is trimmed remaining_seq_size = max(min_exon_size - 1, 1) with xopen(True, align_file, 'w', gzip_level) as align_stream, \ xopen(True, other_reads_file, 'w', gzip_level) as other_stream: for seq_number, ((seq,), xpartition) in enumerate( xstream(sys.stdin, 1) ): seq_length = len(seq) if no_polyA and ( all(seq[i] == 'A' for i in xrange(seq_length - remaining_seq_size)) or all(seq[i] == 'T' for i in xrange(remaining_seq_size, seq_length)) or all(seq[i] == 'A' for i in xrange(remaining_seq_size, seq_length)) or all(seq[i] == 'T' for i in xrange(seq_length - remaining_seq_size)) ): if not no_realign: '''If a sequence is too short without its poly(A) tail, make all reads with that sequence unmapped. Technically, this also kills poly(A)s at 5' ends, but we probably couldn't align those sequences anyway.''' reversed_complement_seq = seq[::-1].translate( _reversed_complement_translation_table ) for is_reversed, name, qual in xpartition: if is_reversed == '0': alignment_printer.print_unmapped_read( name, seq, qual ) else: alignment_printer.print_unmapped_read( name, reversed_complement_seq, qual[::-1] ) continue nothing_doing = False '''Select highest-quality read with alphabetically last qname for first-pass alignment.''' best_name, best_mean_qual, best_qual_index, i = None, None, 0, 0 others_to_print = dlist() for is_reversed, name, qual in xpartition: _input_line_count += 1 others_to_print.append( '\t'.join([ str(seq_number), is_reversed, name, qual ]) ) mean_qual = ( float(sum([ord(score) for score in qual])) / len(qual) ) if (mean_qual > best_mean_qual or mean_qual == best_mean_qual and name > best_name): best_qual_index = i best_mean_qual = mean_qual best_name = name to_align = '\t'.join([ '%s\x1d%s' % (is_reversed, name), seq, qual ]) i += 1 assert i >= 1 if i == 1: print >>other_stream, str(seq_number) else: for j, other_to_print in enumerate(others_to_print): if j != best_qual_index: print >>other_stream, other_to_print print >>align_stream, to_align # Print dummy line print 'dummy\t-\tdummy' sys.stdout.flush() # this is REALLY important b/c called script will stdout if nothing_doing: # No input sys.exit(0) input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % align_file bowtie_command = ' '.join([bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', ' --sam-no-qname-trunc --local -t --no-hd --mm -x', bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -']) delegate_command = ''.join( [sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --task-partition {task_partition} ' '--other-reads {other_reads} --second-pass-reads ' '{second_pass_reads} --min-readlet-size ' '{min_readlet_size} {drop_deletions} ' '--max-readlet-size {max_readlet_size} ' '--readlet-interval {readlet_interval} ' '--capping-multiplier {capping_multiplier:1.12f} ' '{verbose} --report-multiplier {report_multiplier:1.12f} ' '--k-value {k_value} ' '--bowtie-idx {bowtie_index_base} ' '--partition-length {bin_size} ' '--manifest {manifest_file} ' '{exon_differentials} {exon_intervals} ' '--gzip-level {gzip_level} ' '--search-filter {search_filter} ' '--index-count {index_count} ' '--tie-margin {tie_margin} ' '{no_realign} ' '{no_polyA} ' '{output_bam_by_chr}').format( task_partition=task_partition, other_reads=other_reads_file, second_pass_reads=second_pass_file, min_readlet_size=min_readlet_size, drop_deletions=('--drop-deletions' if drop_deletions else ''), max_readlet_size=max_readlet_size, readlet_interval=readlet_interval, capping_multiplier=capping_multiplier, verbose=('--verbose' if verbose else ''), report_multiplier=report_multiplier, k_value=k_value, bowtie_index_base=bowtie_index_base, bin_size=bin_size, manifest_file=manifest_file, exon_differentials=('--exon-differentials' if exon_differentials else ''), exon_intervals=('--exon-intervals' if exon_intervals else ''), gzip_level=gzip_level, search_filter=search_filter, index_count=index_count, tie_margin=tie_margin, no_realign=('--no-realign' if no_realign else ''), no_polyA=('--no-polyA' if no_polyA else ''), output_bam_by_chr=('--output-bam-by-chr' if output_bam_by_chr else '') )] ) full_command = ' | '.join([input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >>sys.stderr, \ 'Starting first-pass Bowtie 2 with command: ' + full_command bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command] ), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError('Error occurred while reading first-pass Bowtie 2 ' 'output; exitlevel was %d.' % return_code) os.remove(align_file) os.remove(other_reads_file) if not no_realign: input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % second_pass_file bowtie_command = ' '.join([bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', ' --sam-no-qname-trunc --local -t --no-hd --mm -x', bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -']) delegate_command = ''.join( [sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --task-partition {task_partition} ' '--min-readlet-size {min_readlet_size} ' '{drop_deletions} ' '--max-readlet-size {max_readlet_size} ' '--readlet-interval {readlet_interval} ' '--capping-multiplier {capping_multiplier:012f} ' '{verbose} ' '--report-multiplier {report_multiplier:012f} ' '--k-value {k_value} ' '--bowtie-idx {bowtie_index_base} ' '--partition-length {bin_size} ' '--manifest {manifest_file} ' '{exon_differentials} {exon_intervals} ' '--gzip-level {gzip_level} ' '--search-filter {search_filter} ' '--index-count {index_count} ' '--tie-margin {tie_margin} ' '{output_bam_by_chr}').format( task_partition=task_partition, min_readlet_size=min_readlet_size, drop_deletions=('--drop-deletions' if drop_deletions else ''), readlet_interval=readlet_interval, max_readlet_size=max_readlet_size, capping_multiplier=capping_multiplier, verbose=('--verbose' if verbose else ''), report_multiplier=report_multiplier, k_value=k_value, bowtie_index_base=bowtie_index_base, bin_size=bin_size, manifest_file=manifest_file, exon_differentials=('--exon-differentials' if exon_differentials else ''), exon_intervals=('--exon-intervals' if exon_intervals else ''), gzip_level=gzip_level, search_filter=search_filter, index_count=index_count, tie_margin=tie_margin, output_bam_by_chr=('--output-bam-by-chr' if output_bam_by_chr else '') )] ) full_command = ' | '.join([input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >>sys.stderr, \ 'Starting second-pass Bowtie 2 with command: ' + full_command bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command] ), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError('Error occurred while reading second-pass ' 'Bowtie 2 output; exitlevel was %d.' % return_code) sys.stdout.flush()
def go(input_stream=sys.stdin, output_stream=sys.stdout, bowtie2_exe='bowtie2', bowtie2_build_exe='bowtie2-build', bowtie2_args=None, temp_dir_path=None, verbose=False, report_multiplier=1.2, gzip_level=3, count_multiplier=4, tie_margin=0): """ Runs Rail-RNA-realign. Realignment script for MapReduce pipelines that wraps Bowtie2. Creates Bowtie2 indexes including only sequences framing introns to align only those reads for which Bowtie2 did not report alignments in Rail-RNA-align. Each group of input reads (specified by first field below) is associated with a distinct set of transcript fragments to which they are aligned. Reference names in the index encode intron sizes and locations in the (presmably) exonic sequences it records. Exonic chunks and junctions are inferred from alignments in the next step. Input (read from stdin) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited input tuple columns: (two kinds) Type 1: 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. Read sequence 3. '\x1c' + FASTA reference name including '>'. The following format is used: original RNAME + '+' or '-' indicating which strand is the sense strand + '\x1d' + start position of sequence + '\x1d' + comma-separated list of subsequence sizes framing junctions + '\x1d' + comma-separated list of intron sizes) + '\x1d' + 'p' if derived from primary alignment to genome; 's' if derived from secondary alignment to genome; 'i' if derived from cojunction search 4. FASTA sequence Type 2: 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. Read sequence 3. 1 if SEQ is reverse-complemented, else 0 4. QNAME 5. QUAL Type 1 corresponds to a FASTA line to index to which the read sequence is predicted to align. Type 2 corresponds to a distinct read. Input is partitioned by field 1 and sorted by field 2. Hadoop output (written to stdout) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited output tuple columns: Standard 11+ -column SAM output. ALL OUTPUT COORDINATES ARE 1-INDEXED. input_stream: where to find input reads. output_stream: where to emit exonic chunks and junctions. bowtie2_exe: filename of Bowtie executable; include path if not in $PATH. bowtie2_build_exe: path to bowtie2-build executable bowtie2_args: string containing precisely extra command-line arguments to pass to Bowtie2 temp_dir_path: path of temporary directory for storing intermediate alignments verbose: True iff more informative messages should be written to stderr. report_multiplier: if verbose is True, the line number of an alignment, read, or first readlet of a read written to stderr increases exponentially with base report_multiplier. gzip_level: level of gzip compression to use for some temporary files count_multiplier: the bowtie2 -k parameter used is alignment_count_to_report * count_multiplier, where alignment_count_to_report is the user-specified bowtie2 -k arg tie_margin: allowed score difference per 100 bases among ties in max alignment score. No return value. """ start_time = time.time() if temp_dir_path is None: temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() bowtie2_index_base = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'tempidx') alignment_count_to_report, _, _ \ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie2_args) reads_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'reads.temp') input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % reads_filename bowtie_command = ' ' .join([bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', '{0} --local -t --no-hd --mm -x'.format( '-k {0}'.format(alignment_count_to_report * count_multiplier) ), bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -']) delegate_command = ''.join( [sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --report-multiplier %08f ' '--alignment-count-to-report %d ' '--tie-margin %d %s') % (report_multiplier, alignment_count_to_report, tie_margin, '--verbose' if verbose else '')] ) # Use grep to kill empty lines terminating python script full_command = ' | '.join([input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >>sys.stderr, 'Bowtie2 command to execute: ' + full_command for fasta_file, reads_file in input_files_from_input_stream( input_stream, output_stream, verbose=verbose, temp_dir_path=temp_dir_path, gzip_level=gzip_level ): bowtie_build_return_code = create_index_from_reference_fasta( bowtie2_build_exe, fasta_file, bowtie2_index_base ) if bowtie_build_return_code == 0: try: os.remove(fasta_file) except OSError: pass bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command] ), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError( 'Error occurred while reading Bowtie 2 output; ' 'exitlevel was %d.' % return_code ) elif bowtie_build_return_code == 1: print >>sys.stderr, ('Bowtie build failed, but probably because ' 'FASTA file was empty. Continuing...') else: raise RuntimeError('Bowtie build process failed with exitlevel %d.' % bowtie_build_return_code) print >>sys.stderr, 'DONE with; in=%d; ' \ 'time=%0.3f s' % (_input_line_count, time.time() - start_time)
for i, argument in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]): if in_args: bowtie_args += argument + ' ' if argument == '--': argv = sys.argv[:i + 1] in_args = True '''Now collect other arguments. While the variable args declared below is global, properties of args are also arguments of the go() function so different command-line arguments can be passed to it for unit tests.''' args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) reference_index = bowtie_index.BowtieIndexReference( os.path.expandvars(args.bowtie_idx)) manifest_object = manifest.LabelsAndIndices(os.path.expandvars(args.manifest)) alignment_count_to_report, seed, non_deterministic \ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie_args) alignment_printer = AlignmentPrinter(manifest_object, reference_index, output_stream=sys.stdout, bin_size=args.partition_length, exon_ivals=args.exon_intervals, exon_diffs=args.exon_differentials, drop_deletions=args.drop_deletions, output_bam_by_chr=args.output_bam_by_chr, tie_margin=args.tie_margin) input_line_count, output_line_count = 0, 0 start_time = time.time() for (qname, ), xpartition in xstream(sys.stdin, 1): alignments = [(qname, ) + alignment for alignment in xpartition]
def go(input_stream=sys.stdin, output_stream=sys.stdout, bowtie2_exe='bowtie2', bowtie2_build_exe='bowtie2-build', bowtie2_args=None, temp_dir_path=None, verbose=False, report_multiplier=1.2, gzip_level=3, count_multiplier=4, tie_margin=0): """ Runs Rail-RNA-realign. Realignment script for MapReduce pipelines that wraps Bowtie2. Creates Bowtie2 indexes including only sequences framing introns to align only those reads for which Bowtie2 did not report alignments in Rail-RNA-align. Each group of input reads (specified by first field below) is associated with a distinct set of transcript fragments to which they are aligned. Reference names in the index encode intron sizes and locations in the (presmably) exonic sequences it records. Exonic chunks and junctions are inferred from alignments in the next step. Input (read from stdin) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited input tuple columns: (two kinds) Type 1: 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. Read sequence 3. '\x1c' + FASTA reference name including '>'. The following format is used: original RNAME + '+' or '-' indicating which strand is the sense strand + '\x1d' + start position of sequence + '\x1d' + comma-separated list of subsequence sizes framing junctions + '\x1d' + comma-separated list of intron sizes) + '\x1d' + 'p' if derived from primary alignment to genome; 's' if derived from secondary alignment to genome; 'i' if derived from cojunction search 4. FASTA sequence Type 2: 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. Read sequence 3. 1 if SEQ is reverse-complemented, else 0 4. QNAME 5. QUAL Type 1 corresponds to a FASTA line to index to which the read sequence is predicted to align. Type 2 corresponds to a distinct read. Input is partitioned by field 1 and sorted by field 2. Hadoop output (written to stdout) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited output tuple columns: Standard 11+ -column SAM output. ALL OUTPUT COORDINATES ARE 1-INDEXED. input_stream: where to find input reads. output_stream: where to emit exonic chunks and junctions. bowtie2_exe: filename of Bowtie executable; include path if not in $PATH. bowtie2_build_exe: path to bowtie2-build executable bowtie2_args: string containing precisely extra command-line arguments to pass to Bowtie2 temp_dir_path: path of temporary directory for storing intermediate alignments verbose: True iff more informative messages should be written to stderr. report_multiplier: if verbose is True, the line number of an alignment, read, or first readlet of a read written to stderr increases exponentially with base report_multiplier. gzip_level: level of gzip compression to use for some temporary files count_multiplier: the bowtie2 -k parameter used is alignment_count_to_report * count_multiplier, where alignment_count_to_report is the user-specified bowtie2 -k arg tie_margin: allowed score difference per 100 bases among ties in max alignment score. No return value. """ start_time = time.time() if temp_dir_path is None: temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() bowtie2_index_base = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'tempidx') alignment_count_to_report, _, _ \ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie2_args) reads_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'reads.temp') input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % reads_filename bowtie_command = ' '.join([ bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', '{0} --local -t --no-hd --mm -x'.format('-k {0}'.format( alignment_count_to_report * count_multiplier)), bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -' ]) delegate_command = ''.join([ sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --report-multiplier %08f ' '--alignment-count-to-report %d ' '--tie-margin %d %s') % (report_multiplier, alignment_count_to_report, tie_margin, '--verbose' if verbose else '') ]) # Use grep to kill empty lines terminating python script full_command = ' | '.join( [input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >> sys.stderr, 'Bowtie2 command to execute: ' + full_command for fasta_file, reads_file in input_files_from_input_stream( input_stream, output_stream, verbose=verbose, temp_dir_path=temp_dir_path, gzip_level=gzip_level): bowtie_build_return_code = create_index_from_reference_fasta( bowtie2_build_exe, fasta_file, bowtie2_index_base) counter.add('bowtie_build_invocations') counter.add('bowtie_build_return_%d' % bowtie_build_return_code) if bowtie_build_return_code == 0: try: os.remove(fasta_file) except OSError: pass bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command]), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError( 'Error occurred while reading Bowtie 2 output; ' 'exitlevel was %d.' % return_code) elif bowtie_build_return_code == 1: print >> sys.stderr, ('Bowtie build failed, but probably because ' 'FASTA file was empty. Continuing...') else: raise RuntimeError( 'Bowtie build process failed with exitlevel %d.' % bowtie_build_return_code) print >>sys.stderr, 'DONE with; in=%d; ' \ 'time=%0.3f s' % (_input_line_count, time.time() - start_time)
def go(input_stream=sys.stdin, output_stream=sys.stdout, bowtie2_exe='bowtie2', bowtie_index_base='genome', bowtie2_index_base='genome2', manifest_file='manifest', bowtie2_args=None, bin_size=10000, verbose=False, exon_differentials=True, exon_intervals=False, report_multiplier=1.2, min_exon_size=8, search_filter=1, min_readlet_size=15, max_readlet_size=25, readlet_interval=12, capping_multiplier=1.5, drop_deletions=False, gzip_level=3, scratch=None, index_count=1, output_bam_by_chr=False, tie_margin=0, no_realign=False, no_polyA=False): """ Runs Rail-RNA-align_reads. A single pass of Bowtie is run to find end-to-end alignments. Unmapped reads are saved for readletizing to determine introns in sucessive reduce steps as well as for realignment in a later map step. Input (read from stdin) ---------------------------- Tab-delimited input tuple columns in a mix of any of the following three formats: Format 1 (single-end, 3-column): 1. Nucleotide sequence or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse-complemented else 0 3. Name 4. Quality sequence or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 Format 2 (paired, 2 lines, 3 columns each) (so this is the same as single-end) 1. Nucleotide sequence for mate 1 or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse-complemented else 0 3. Name for mate 1 4. Quality sequence for mate 1 or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 (new line) 1. Nucleotide sequence for mate 2 or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. 1 if sequence was reverse complemented else 0 3. Name for mate 2 4. Quality sequence for mate 2 or its reverse, whichever corresponds to field 1 Input is partitioned and sorted by field 1, the read sequence. Hadoop output (written to stdout) ---------------------------- A given RNAME sequence is partitioned into intervals ("bins") of some user-specified length (see Exonic chunks (aka ECs; three formats, any or all of which may be emitted): Format 1 (exon_ival); tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number 2. Sample index 3. EC start (inclusive) on forward strand 4. EC end (exclusive) on forward strand Format 2 (exon_diff); tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number 2. max(EC start, bin start) (inclusive) on forward strand IFF diff is positive and EC end (exclusive) on forward strand IFF diff is negative 3. Sample index 4. '1' if alignment from which diff originates is "unique" according to --tie-margin criterion; else '0' 5. +1 or -1 * count, the number of instances of a read sequence for which to print exonic chunks Note that only unique alignments are currently output as ivals and/or diffs. Format 3 (sam); tab-delimited output tuple columns: Standard SAM output except fields are in different order, and the first field corresponds to sample label. (Fields are reordered to facilitate partitioning by sample name/RNAME and sorting by POS.) Each line corresponds to a spliced alignment. The order of the fields is as follows. 1. Sample index if outputting BAMs by sample OR sample-rname index if outputting BAMs by chr 2. (Number string representing RNAME; see BowtieIndexReference class in bowtie_index for conversion information) OR '0' if outputting BAMs by chr 3. POS 4. QNAME 5. FLAG 6. MAPQ 7. CIGAR 8. RNEXT 9. PNEXT 10. TLEN 11. SEQ 12. QUAL ... + optional fields Insertions/deletions (indel_bed) tab-delimited output tuple columns: 1. 'I' or 'D' insertion or deletion line 2. Number string representing RNAME 3. Start position (Last base before insertion or first base of deletion) 4. End position (Last base before insertion or last base of deletion (exclusive)) 5. Inserted sequence for insertions or deleted sequence for deletions 6. Sample index ----Next fields are for introns only; they are '\x1c' for indels---- 7. '\x1c' 8. '\x1c' -------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Number of instances of insertion or deletion in sample; this is always +1 * count before bed_pre combiner/reducer Read whose primary alignment is not end-to-end Tab-delimited output tuple columns (unmapped): 1. Transcriptome Bowtie 2 index group number 2. SEQ 3. 1 if SEQ is reverse-complemented, else 0 4. QNAME 5. QUAL Tab-delimited output tuple columns (readletized): 1. Readlet sequence or its reversed complement, whichever is first in alphabetical order 2. read sequence ID + ('-' if readlet sequence is reverse-complemented; else '+') + '\x1e' + displacement of readlet's 5' end from read's 5' end + '\x1e' + displacement of readlet's 3' end from read's 3' end (+, for EXACTLY one readlet of a read sequence, '\x1e' + read sequence + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list A of unique sample labels with read sequences that match the original read sequence) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of unique sample labels B with read sequences that match the reversed complement of the original read sequence)) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of the number of instances of the read sequence for each respective sample in list A) + '\x1e' + (an '\x1f'-separated list of the number of instances of the read sequence's reversed complement for each respective sample in list B). Here, a read sequence ID takes the form X:Y, where X is the "mapred_task_partition" environment variable -- a unique index for a task within a job -- and Y is the index of the read sequence relative to the beginning of the input stream. Tab-delimited tuple columns (postponed_sam): Standard 11+ -column raw SAM output Single column (unique): 1. A unique read sequence Two columns, exactly one line (dummy); ensures creation of intron index: 1. character "-" 2. the word "dummy" ALL OUTPUT COORDINATES ARE 1-INDEXED. input_stream: where to find input reads. output_stream: where to emit exonic chunks and introns. bowtie2_exe: filename of Bowtie2 executable; include path if not in $PATH. bowtie_index_base: the basename of the Bowtie1 index files associated with the reference. bowtie2_index_base: the basename of the Bowtie2 index files associated with the reference. manifest_file: filename of manifest bowtie2_args: string containing precisely extra command-line arguments to pass to first-pass Bowtie2. bin_size: genome is partitioned in units of bin_size for later load balancing. verbose: True iff more informative messages should be written to stderr. exon_differentials: True iff EC differentials are to be emitted. exon_intervals: True iff EC intervals are to be emitted. report_multiplier: if verbose is True, the line number of an alignment or read written to stderr increases exponentially with base report_multiplier. min_exon_size: minimum exon size searched for in later in pipeline; used to determine how large a soft clip on one side of a read is necessary to pass it on to intron search pipeline search_filter: how large a soft clip on one side of a read is necessary to pass it on to intron search pipeline min_readlet_size: "capping" readlets (that is, readlets that terminate at a given end of the read) are never smaller than this value max_readlet_size: size of every noncapping readlet readlet_interval: number of bases separating successive readlets along the read capping_multiplier: successive capping readlets on a given end of a read are increased in size exponentially with base capping_multiplier drop_deletions: True iff deletions should be dropped from coverage vector gzip_level: compression level to use for temporary files scratch: scratch directory for storing temporary files or None if securely created temporary directory index_count: number of transcriptome Bowtie 2 indexes to which to assign unmapped reads for later realignment output_bam_by_chr: True iff final output BAMs will be by chromosome tie_margin: allowed score difference per 100 bases among ties in max score. For example, 150 and 144 are tied alignment scores for a 100-bp read when --tie-margin is 6. no_realign: True iff job flow does not need more than readlets: this usually means only a transcript index is being constructed no_polyA: kill noncapping readlets that are all As and write as unmapped all reads with polyA prefixes whose suffixes are < min_exon_size No return value. """ global _input_line_count # Required length of prefix after poly(A) is trimmed remaining_seq_size = max(min_exon_size - 1, 1) polyA_set = frozenset(['A' * i for i in xrange(1, remaining_seq_size + 1)] + ['T' * i for i in xrange(1, remaining_seq_size + 1)] + ['']) reference_index = bowtie_index.BowtieIndexReference(bowtie_index_base) manifest_object = manifest.LabelsAndIndices(manifest_file) alignment_printer = AlignmentPrinter(manifest_object, reference_index, bin_size=bin_size, output_stream=output_stream, exon_ivals=exon_intervals, exon_diffs=exon_differentials, drop_deletions=drop_deletions, output_bam_by_chr=output_bam_by_chr, tie_margin=tie_margin) # Get task partition to pass to try: task_partition = os.environ['mapred_task_partition'] except KeyError: # Hadoop 2.x? try: task_partition = os.environ['mapreduce_task_partition'] except KeyError: # A unit test is probably being run task_partition = '0' temp_dir = make_temp_dir(scratch) register_cleanup(tempdel.remove_temporary_directories, [temp_dir]) align_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'first_pass_reads.temp.gz') other_reads_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'other_reads.temp.gz') second_pass_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'second_pass_reads.temp.gz') k_value, _, _ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie2_args) nothing_doing = True with xopen(True, align_file, 'w', gzip_level) as align_stream, \ xopen(True, other_reads_file, 'w', gzip_level) as other_stream: for seq_number, ((seq, ), xpartition) in enumerate(xstream(sys.stdin, 1)): if no_polyA and (seq[:-remaining_seq_size] in polyA_set or seq[remaining_seq_size:] in polyA_set): if not no_realign: '''If a sequence is too short without its poly(A) tail, make all reads with that sequence unmapped. Technically, this also kills poly(A)s at 5' ends, but we probably couldn't align those sequences anyway.''' reversed_complement_seq = seq[::-1].translate( _reversed_complement_translation_table) for is_reversed, name, qual in xpartition: if is_reversed == '0': alignment_printer.print_unmapped_read( name, seq, qual) else: alignment_printer.print_unmapped_read( name, reversed_complement_seq, qual[::-1]) continue nothing_doing = False '''Select highest-quality read with alphabetically last qname for first-pass alignment.''' best_name, best_mean_qual, best_qual_index, i = None, None, 0, 0 others_to_print = dlist() for is_reversed, name, qual in xpartition: _input_line_count += 1 others_to_print.append('\t'.join( [str(seq_number), is_reversed, name, qual])) mean_qual = (float(sum([ord(score) for score in qual])) / len(qual)) if (mean_qual > best_mean_qual or mean_qual == best_mean_qual and name > best_name): best_qual_index = i best_mean_qual = mean_qual best_name = name to_align = '\t'.join( ['%s\x1d%s' % (is_reversed, name), seq, qual]) i += 1 assert i >= 1 if i == 1: print >> other_stream, str(seq_number) else: for j, other_to_print in enumerate(others_to_print): if j != best_qual_index: print >> other_stream, other_to_print print >> align_stream, to_align # Print dummy line print 'dummy\t-\tdummy' sys.stdout.flush( ) # this is REALLY important b/c called script will stdout if nothing_doing: # No input sys.exit(0) input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % align_file bowtie_command = ' '.join([ bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', ' --sam-no-qname-trunc --local -t --no-hd --mm -x', bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -' ]) delegate_command = ''.join([ sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --task-partition {task_partition} ' '--other-reads {other_reads} --second-pass-reads ' '{second_pass_reads} --min-readlet-size ' '{min_readlet_size} {drop_deletions} ' '--max-readlet-size {max_readlet_size} ' '--readlet-interval {readlet_interval} ' '--capping-multiplier {capping_multiplier:1.12f} ' '{verbose} --report-multiplier {report_multiplier:1.12f} ' '--k-value {k_value} ' '--bowtie-idx {bowtie_index_base} ' '--partition-length {bin_size} ' '--manifest {manifest_file} ' '{exon_differentials} {exon_intervals} ' '--gzip-level {gzip_level} ' '--search-filter {search_filter} ' '--index-count {index_count} ' '--tie-margin {tie_margin} ' '{no_realign} ' '{no_polyA} ' '{output_bam_by_chr}').format( task_partition=task_partition, other_reads=other_reads_file, second_pass_reads=second_pass_file, min_readlet_size=min_readlet_size, drop_deletions=('--drop-deletions' if drop_deletions else ''), max_readlet_size=max_readlet_size, readlet_interval=readlet_interval, capping_multiplier=capping_multiplier, verbose=('--verbose' if verbose else ''), report_multiplier=report_multiplier, k_value=k_value, bowtie_index_base=bowtie_index_base, bin_size=bin_size, manifest_file=manifest_file, exon_differentials=('--exon-differentials' if exon_differentials else ''), exon_intervals=('--exon-intervals' if exon_intervals else ''), gzip_level=gzip_level, search_filter=search_filter, index_count=index_count, tie_margin=tie_margin, no_realign=('--no-realign' if no_realign else ''), no_polyA=('--no-polyA' if no_polyA else ''), output_bam_by_chr=('--output-bam-by-chr' if output_bam_by_chr else '')) ]) full_command = ' | '.join( [input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >>sys.stderr, \ 'Starting first-pass Bowtie 2 with command: ' + full_command bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command]), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError('Error occurred while reading first-pass Bowtie 2 ' 'output; exitlevel was %d.' % return_code) os.remove(align_file) os.remove(other_reads_file) if not no_realign: input_command = 'gzip -cd %s' % second_pass_file bowtie_command = ' '.join([ bowtie2_exe, bowtie2_args if bowtie2_args is not None else '', ' --sam-no-qname-trunc --local -t --no-hd --mm -x', bowtie2_index_base, '--12 -' ]) delegate_command = ''.join([ sys.executable, ' ', os.path.realpath(__file__)[:-3], (' --task-partition {task_partition} ' '--min-readlet-size {min_readlet_size} ' '{drop_deletions} ' '--max-readlet-size {max_readlet_size} ' '--readlet-interval {readlet_interval} ' '--capping-multiplier {capping_multiplier:012f} ' '{verbose} ' '--report-multiplier {report_multiplier:012f} ' '--k-value {k_value} ' '--bowtie-idx {bowtie_index_base} ' '--partition-length {bin_size} ' '--manifest {manifest_file} ' '{exon_differentials} {exon_intervals} ' '--gzip-level {gzip_level} ' '--search-filter {search_filter} ' '--index-count {index_count} ' '--tie-margin {tie_margin} ' '{output_bam_by_chr}').format( task_partition=task_partition, min_readlet_size=min_readlet_size, drop_deletions=('--drop-deletions' if drop_deletions else ''), readlet_interval=readlet_interval, max_readlet_size=max_readlet_size, capping_multiplier=capping_multiplier, verbose=('--verbose' if verbose else ''), report_multiplier=report_multiplier, k_value=k_value, bowtie_index_base=bowtie_index_base, bin_size=bin_size, manifest_file=manifest_file, exon_differentials=('--exon-differentials' if exon_differentials else ''), exon_intervals=('--exon-intervals' if exon_intervals else ''), gzip_level=gzip_level, search_filter=search_filter, index_count=index_count, tie_margin=tie_margin, output_bam_by_chr=('--output-bam-by-chr' if output_bam_by_chr else '')) ]) full_command = ' | '.join( [input_command, bowtie_command, delegate_command]) print >>sys.stderr, \ 'Starting second-pass Bowtie 2 with command: ' + full_command bowtie_process = subprocess.Popen(' '.join( ['set -exo pipefail;', full_command]), bufsize=-1, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return_code = bowtie_process.wait() if return_code: raise RuntimeError('Error occurred while reading second-pass ' 'Bowtie 2 output; exitlevel was %d.' % return_code) sys.stdout.flush()
argv = sys.argv[:i + 1] in_args = True '''Now collect other arguments. While the variable args declared below is global, properties of args are also arguments of the go() function so different command-line arguments can be passed to it for unit tests.''' args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) reference_index = bowtie_index.BowtieIndexReference( os.path.expandvars(args.bowtie_idx) ) manifest_object = manifest.LabelsAndIndices( os.path.expandvars(args.manifest) ) alignment_count_to_report, seed, non_deterministic \ = bowtie.parsed_bowtie_args(bowtie_args) alignment_printer = AlignmentPrinter( manifest_object, reference_index, output_stream=sys.stdout, bin_size=args.partition_length, exon_ivals=args.exon_intervals, exon_diffs=args.exon_differentials, drop_deletions=args.drop_deletions, output_bam_by_chr=args.output_bam_by_chr, tie_margin=args.tie_margin ) input_line_count, output_line_count = 0, 0 start_time = time.time()