コード例 #1
    def AlembicSwap(self, ModifierName):
        NewCachePath = bpy.context.scene.NewCachePath

        #upload new cache
        NewCache = bpy.data.cache_files.get(basename(NewCachePath))
        #just in case there's been a missmatch because of a previously loaded cache file with the same name...
        if abspath(NewCache.filepath) != abspath(NewCachePath):
            for CF in bpy.data.cache_files:
                if CF.name.contains(basename(NewCachePath)) and abspath(
                        CF.filepath) == abspath(NewCachePath):
                    NewCache = CF

        #look for objects with same current cache
        CurrentCache = bpy.context.active_object.modifiers[
        for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
            if len(obj.modifiers) > 0:
                for mod in obj.modifiers:
                    if mod.type == "MESH_SEQUENCE_CACHE":
                        if mod.cache_file == CurrentCache:
                            #swap cache
                            mod.cache_file = NewCache
                                        'Cache succesfully changed :)')
コード例 #2
def exportParticles(context, emitter, psys, oct_t):
    """Exports a particle system for the specified emitter"""
    octane = context.scene.octane_render
    export_path = bpath.abspath(octane.path)
    pset = psys.settings
    infostr = "Exporting PS '%s' (%s) on emitter '%s'" % (psys.name, pset.type,
    particles = [p for p in psys.particles] if pset.type == 'HAIR' else [
        p for p in psys.particles if p.alive_state == 'ALIVE'

    if pset.render_type == "OBJECT":
        dupli_ob = pset.dupli_object
        if dupli_ob is not None and octane.instances_write_dupli:
            info(infostr + " with %i instances of '%s' objects" %
                 (len(particles), dupli_ob.name))
            filepath = "".join([bpath.abspath(octane.path), dupli_ob.name])
            info("Writing dupli object to file '%s'" % (filepath + ".obj"))
            dupli_world = dupli_ob.matrix_world.copy()
            transl_inv = Matrix.Translation(-dupli_world.translation)
            dupli_ob.matrix_world = transl_inv * dupli_ob.matrix_world
            writeDupliObjects(context, [dupli_ob], filepath)
            dupli_ob.matrix_world = dupli_world
#	elif pset.render_type == "GROUP":
#		duplig = pset.dupli_group
#		if duplig is not None:
#			objects = duplig.objects
#			infostr += " with %i instances from group '%s'" % (len(particles), duplig.name)
#			info(infostr + " {0}".format([o.name for o in objects]))
#			# TODO: separate group scatter per object
        warning("Invalid PS visualization type '%s'" % pset.render_type)
    if not pset.use_rotation_dupli:
            "'Use object rotation' should be on. Rotations wont conform to Blender veiwport"

        fh = open(export_path + psys.name + ".csv", "w")
        for p in particles:
            #if pset.type == 'HAIR' or not p.alive_state == 'DEAD':
            if (pset.type == "HAIR"):
                loc = Matrix.Translation(p.hair_keys[0].co)
                scale = Matrix.Scale(p.size, 4) * Matrix.Scale(
                    pset.hair_length, 4)
                loc = Matrix.Translation(p.location)
                scale = Matrix.Scale(p.size, 4)
            rot = Quaternion.to_matrix(p.rotation).to_4x4()
            t = loc * rot * scale
            t = emitter.matrix_world * t if pset.type == "HAIR" else t
            t = oct_t[0] * t * oct_t[1]
            writeTransform(t, fh)
    except IOError as err:
        msg = "IOError during file handling '{0}'".format(err)
        raise ExportException(msg)
コード例 #3
    def execute(self, context):
        #find missing files and eliminate filepath to ignore them
        MissingFiles = []
        for img in bpy.data.images:
            path = abspath(img.filepath)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                MissingFiles.append((img, img.filepath))
                img.filepath = ""

        #remapping operation
        print("*packed all")
        print("*un-packed all")
        TexturesDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abspath(bpy.data.filepath)),
        if os.path.exists(TexturesDir):
            print("*packed images removed")
            print("*no textures folder was found")
        print("*images remapped")
        print("*paths made relative")

        #refill filepath for ignore images
        print("*ignored images:")
        for i in MissingFiles:
            i[0].filepath = i[1]

        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #4
def exportParticles(context, emitter, psys, oct_t):
	"""Exports a particle system for the specified emitter"""
	octane = context.scene.octane_render
	export_path = bpath.abspath(octane.path)
	pset = psys.settings
	infostr = "Exporting PS '%s' (%s) on emitter '%s'" % (psys.name, pset.type, emitter.name)
	particles = [p for p in psys.particles] if pset.type == 'HAIR' else [p for p in psys.particles if p.alive_state == 'ALIVE']
	if pset.render_type == "OBJECT":
		dupli_ob = pset.dupli_object
		if dupli_ob is not None and octane.instances_write_dupli:
			info(infostr + " with %i instances of '%s' objects" % (len(particles), dupli_ob.name))
			filepath = "".join([bpath.abspath(octane.path), dupli_ob.name])
			info("Writing dupli object to file '%s'" % (filepath + ".obj"))
			dupli_world = dupli_ob.matrix_world.copy()
			transl_inv = Matrix.Translation(-dupli_world.translation)
			dupli_ob.matrix_world = transl_inv * dupli_ob.matrix_world
			writeDupliObjects(context, [dupli_ob], filepath)
			dupli_ob.matrix_world = dupli_world
#	elif pset.render_type == "GROUP":
#		duplig = pset.dupli_group
#		if duplig is not None:
#			objects = duplig.objects
#			infostr += " with %i instances from group '%s'" % (len(particles), duplig.name)
#			info(infostr + " {0}".format([o.name for o in objects]))
#			# TODO: separate group scatter per object
		warning("Invalid PS visualization type '%s'" % pset.render_type)
	if not pset.use_rotation_dupli:
		warning("'Use object rotation' should be on. Rotations wont conform to Blender veiwport")
		fh = open(export_path + psys.name + ".csv", "w")
		for p in particles:
			#if pset.type == 'HAIR' or not p.alive_state == 'DEAD':
			if (pset.type == "HAIR"):
				loc = Matrix.Translation(p.hair_keys[0].co)
				scale = Matrix.Scale(p.size, 4) * Matrix.Scale(pset.hair_length, 4)
				loc = Matrix.Translation(p.location)
				scale = Matrix.Scale(p.size, 4)
			rot = Quaternion.to_matrix(p.rotation).to_4x4()
			t = loc * rot * scale
			t = emitter.matrix_world * t if pset.type == "HAIR" else t
			t = oct_t[0] * t * oct_t[1]
			writeTransform(t, fh)
	except IOError as err:
		msg = "IOError during file handling '{0}'".format(err)
		raise ExportException(msg)
コード例 #5
    def execute(self, context):
        s = context.scene

        individuals_table = IndividualsTable(
        attrib_table = AttributesTable(


        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #6
def findSequenceImages(context):
    scene = context.scene
    images = [[], []]
    if scene.cubester_image in bpy.data.images:
        image = bpy.data.images[scene.cubester_image]
        main = image.name.split(".")[0]
        exstention = image.name.split(".")[1]
        # first part of name to check against other files
        length = len(main)
        keep_going = True
        for i in range(len(main) - 1, -1, -1):
            if main[i].isdigit() and keep_going:
                length -= 1
                keep_going = not keep_going
        name = main[0:length]
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(path.abspath(image.filepath))
            for file in os.listdir(dir_name):
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_name, file)) and file.startswith(name):
                    images[0].append(os.path.join(dir_name, file))
            print("CubeSter: " + dir_name + " directory not found")
    return images
コード例 #7
 def execute(self, context):
     from .fmt_object_exp import export_file
     from bpy.path import abspath
     import os.path
     data = context.scene.xray
     cx = _mk_export_context(context, self.report,
                             data.fmt_version, data.object_export_motions)
         path = abspath(
             self.filepath if self.filepath else data.export_root)
         os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
         for o in OpExportProject.find_objects(context, self.use_selection):
             n = o.name
             if not n.lower().endswith('.object'):
                 n += '.object'
             opath = path
             if o.xray.export_path:
                 opath = os.path.join(opath, o.xray.export_path)
                 os.makedirs(opath, exist_ok=True)
             export_file(o, os.path.join(opath, n), cx)
     except AppError as err:
         self.report({'ERROR'}, str(err))
         return {'CANCELLED'}
     return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #8
 def get_font(self):
     use_most_recent_export = bpy.context.window_manager.converter_props.use_most_recent_export
     otf_file_path = bpy.context.window_manager.converter_props.otf_file_path
     most_recent_otf_export_path = bpy.context.window_manager.converter_props.most_recent_otf_export_path
     otf_path = ensure_ext(
                 if use_most_recent_export else otf_file_path), ".otf")
         f = open(otf_path, 'rb')
     except OSError:
         return self.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "File not found")
         fs = fstat(f.fileno())
         self.send_header("Content-type", "font/otf")
         self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-store")
         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(fs[6]))
         self.send_file(f, self.wfile)
コード例 #9
def exportPDB(path=homePath + "tmp" + os.sep + "tmp.pdb",
    print("=============== exporting PDB")
    print("Exporting model '%s' to %s" % (tag, path))

    outPath = abspath(path)
    print("=======outPath = " + str(outPath))
    with open(outPath, "w") as outFile:
        for o in bpy.data.objects:
                if ((o.bb2_pdbID == sPid) and (o.bb2_objectType == "ATOM")):
                    loc = o.location
                    info = o.BBInfo
                    x = "%8.3f" % loc[0]
                    y = "%8.3f" % loc[1]
                    z = "%8.3f" % loc[2]
                    # convert line to pdbstring class
                    line = ImportPDB.PDBString(info)
                    # clear location column
                    line = line.set(30, "                         ")
                    # insert new location
                    line = line.set(30, x)
                    line = line.set(38, y)
                    line = line.set(46, z)
                    outFile.write(line + "\n")
            except Exception as E:
                str4 = str(E)
                print("exportPDB Error " + str4)
        outFile.write("ENDMDL" + "\n")
コード例 #10
def exportDuplis(context, emitter, oct_t):
	"""Exports dupli objects for the specified emitter"""
	info("Exporting dupli objects for '%s'" % emitter.name)
	octane = context.scene.octane_render
	export_path = bpath.abspath(octane.path)
	if octane.instances_write_dupli:
		filepath = "".join([export_path, emitter.name, "_objects"])
		info("Writing dupli objects to file '%s'" % (filepath + ".obj"))
		duplis_world = {}
		for c in emitter.children:
			duplis_world[c] = c.matrix_world.copy()
			c.matrix_world = Matrix.Identity(4)
		d_type = emitter.dupli_type
		emitter.dupli_type = 'NONE' 
		writeDupliObjects(context, emitter.children, filepath)
		emitter.dupli_type = d_type
		for k, v in duplis_world.items():
			k.matrix_world = v
	lst = emitter.dupli_list
	if len(lst) == 0: # if not on active layers, dupli list = empty
		fh = open(export_path + emitter.name + ".csv", "w")
		for duplicate in lst.values():
			t = duplicate.matrix.copy()
			writeTransform(oct_t[0] * t * oct_t[1], fh)
	except IOError as err:
		msg = "IOError during file handling '{0}'".format(err)
		raise ExportException(msg)
コード例 #11
def exportMeshDuplis(context, obj, users, oct_t):
    """Exports the transforms of Alt+D duplicated objects"""
    octane = context.scene.octane_render
    export_path = bpath.abspath(octane.path)
    csv_filename = export_path + obj.data.name + ".csv"
    info("Saving transforms for '%s' mesh-dupli objects into file '%s' " %
         (obj.data.name, csv_filename))

        if octane.instances_write_dupli:
            filepath = export_path + obj.data.name
            obj_world = obj.matrix_world.copy()
            obj.matrix_world = Matrix.Identity(4)
            writeDupliObjects(context, [obj], filepath)
            obj.matrix_world = obj_world
        fh = open(csv_filename, "w")
        for o in users:
            t = o.matrix_world.copy()
            t = oct_t[0] * t * oct_t[1]
            writeTransform(t, fh)
    except IOError as err:
        msg = "IOError during file handling '{0}'".format(err)
        raise ExportException(msg)
コード例 #12
ファイル: fs.py プロジェクト: nttputus/blensor
def isdir(path):
    if os_path.isdir(path):
        return True
    # could be blender relative
    path = bpy_path.abspath(path)
    if os_path.isdir(path):
        return True
    return False
コード例 #13
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: cshard447/blender-xray
def gen_texture_name(tx, tx_folder):
    import os.path
    from bpy.path import abspath
    a_tx_fpath, a_tx_folder = os.path.normpath(abspath(tx.image.filepath)), os.path.abspath(tx_folder)
    a_tx_fpath = os.path.splitext(a_tx_fpath)[0]
    a_tx_fpath = a_tx_fpath[len(a_tx_folder):].replace(os.path.sep, '\\')
    if a_tx_fpath.startswith('\\'):
        a_tx_fpath = a_tx_fpath[1:]
    return a_tx_fpath
コード例 #14
def exportPDBSequence(curPDBpath="", tID=0):
    step = bpy.context.scene.BBPDBExportStep
    start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start
    end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
    bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_RENDER'

    a = time.time()

    cu = bpy.context.scene.render.filepath + "_" + (
        (curPDBpath.split("."))[0]) + ".pdb"
    pdbPath = abspath(cu)

    print("=======outPath = " + str(pdbPath))
    with open(pdbPath, "w") as outFile:
        i = start
        while i <= end:
            # PRINT MODEL n
            if i < 10:
                currentModelString = "MODEL " + "       " + str(i)
            elif 9 < i < 100:
                currentModelString = "MODEL " + "      " + str(i)
            elif 99 < i < 1000:
                currentModelString = "MODEL " + "     " + str(i)
                currentModelString = "MODEL " + "    " + str(i)
            outFile.write(currentModelString + "\n")
            for o in bpy.data.objects:
                    if (o.bb2_pdbID == tID) and (o.bb2_objectType == "ATOM"):
                        loc = trueSphereOrigin(o)
                        info = o.BBInfo
                        x = "%8.3f" % loc[0]
                        y = "%8.3f" % loc[1]
                        z = "%8.3f" % loc[2]
                        # convert line to pdbstring class
                        line = ImpPDB.PDBString(info)
                        # clear location column
                        line = line.set(30, "                         ")
                        # insert new location
                        line = line.set(30, x)
                        line = line.set(38, y)
                        line = line.set(46, z)
                        outFile.write(line + "\n")
                except Exception as E:
                    print("An error occured while exporting PDB sequence: " +
            outFile.write("ENDMDL" + "\n")
            i += step
        outFile.write("ENDMDL" + "\n")
    # clean up
    bpy.context.scene.frame_start = start
    bpy.context.scene.frame_end = end
    print(time.time() - a)
コード例 #15
ファイル: node_bsdf.py プロジェクト: vidarn/cloth-shader
    def get_bsdf_dict(self, export_ctx):
        params = {
            'type': 'irawan',
            'filename': abspath(self.filename),
            'repeatU' : self.repeatU,
            'repeatV' : self.repeatV,
            'kd': self.inputs['kd'].get_color_dict(export_ctx),
            'ks': self.inputs['ks'].get_color_dict(export_ctx),

        return params
コード例 #16
def get_image_hash(image):
    recompute_hash = True
    filename = abspath(image.filepath)
    if 'image_hash' in image:
        # get date (from file or packed crc)
        # if packed
        #    if png, get crc date
        #    else, get file date or blend date
        # else, get file date
        date = 0
        if image.packed_file:
            if image.file_format == 'PNG':
                crc = get_crcs_from_png_data(image.packed_file.data)
                if crc == image.get('packed_crc', b''):
                    date = image['packed_crc_date']
                    image['packed_crc'] = crc
                    image['packed_crc_date'] = date = time.time()
            elif not exists(filename) and exists(bpy.data.filepath):
                filename = bpy.data.filepath
        if date == 0 and exists(filename):
            date = getmtime(filename)
        recompute_hash = date > image['hash_date'] \
            or image.get('hash_version') != hash_version \
            or image.get('hash_file_name') != image.filepath
    if recompute_hash:
        # for our use case,
        # MD5 is good enough, fast enough and available natively
        if image.packed_file:
            digest = hashlib.md5(image.packed_file.data).digest()
        elif exists(filename):
            md5 = hashlib.md5()
            file = open(filename, 'rb')
            chunk = file.read(1048576)
            while chunk:
                chunk = file.read(1048576)
            digest = md5.digest()
            # file not found, always reset hash next time
            image['image_hash'] = ''
            image['hash_date'] = 0
            image['hash_file_name'] = ''
            image['has_alpha'] = True
        # convert digest to unpadded base64url
        hash = codecs.encode(digest, 'base64').strip(b'=\n') \
        image['image_hash'] = hash
        image['hash_date'] = time.time()
        image['has_alpha'] = image_has_alpha(image)
        image['hash_file_name'] = image.filepath
        image['hash_version'] = hash_version
    return image['image_hash']
コード例 #17
ファイル: node_bsdf.py プロジェクト: vidarn/cloth-shader
    def get_bsdf_dict(self, export_ctx):
        params = {
            "type": "irawan",
            "filename": abspath(self.filename),
            "repeatU": self.repeatU,
            "repeatV": self.repeatV,
            "kd": self.inputs["kd"].get_color_dict(export_ctx),
            "ks": self.inputs["ks"].get_color_dict(export_ctx),

        return params
コード例 #18
def setup(verbose=False, clear=True, setupPDBid=0):
    # PDB Path is retrieved from parent EMPTY
    pE = None
    global NamePDB
    NamePDB = " "
    for o1 in bpy.context.scene.objects:
            if o1.bb2_pdbID == setupPDBid:
                if o1.bb2_objectType == "PDBEMPTY":
                    pE = copy.copy(o1.name)
                    NamePDB = str(pE)
        except Exception as E:
            str3 = str(E)  # Do not print...
            print("Setup Error " + str3)
    print("pE: " + str(pE))
    PDBPath = abspath(bpy.data.objects[pE].bb2_pdbPath)
    print("pdppath: " + str(PDBPath))

    if clear:
        if opSystem == "linux":
            if os.path.isdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep)):
                shutil.rmtree(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
                os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
                os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
        elif opSystem == "darwin":
            if os.path.isdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep)):
                shutil.rmtree(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
                os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
                os.mkdir(quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep))
            if os.path.isdir(r"\\?\\" + homePath + "tmp" + os.sep):
                print("There is a TMP folder!")
                # os.mkdir(r"\\?\\" + homePath+"tmp" + os.sep)
                print("Trying to making dir on Win (no TMP folder)...")
                os.mkdir(r"\\?\\" + homePath + "tmp")

    if opSystem == "linux":
                    quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep + "original.pdb"))
    elif opSystem == "darwin":
                    quotedPath(homePath + "tmp" + os.sep + "original.pdb"))
        shutil.copy(r"\\?\\" + PDBPath,
                    r"\\?\\" + homePath + "tmp" + os.sep + "original.pdb")

    print("Exporting PDB...")
    exportPDB(tag=bpy.data.objects[pE].name.split("#")[0], sPid=setupPDBid)

    print("Setup is complete!")
コード例 #19
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: mysticfall/alleycat
    def start(self, args: OrderedDict) -> None:
        key = validators.string(args["key"])
        config_path = validators.string(args["config"])

        self.logger.info("Starting %s.", key)

        config_file = Path(abspath(config_path))

        print(f"Loading configuration from {config_file}.")

        if config_file.exists():
            with open(config_file) as f:
                config = Configuration()

                features = filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, Feature),

                for feature in features:
                    self.logger.info("Configuring feature %s.",

                    # noinspection PyBroadException
                        cast(Feature, feature).config(config)
                    except BaseException as e:
                        self.logger.error("Failed to initialise feature.",

        def except_hook(tpe, value, traceback):
            if tpe != KeyboardInterrupt:
                self.logger.exception("Unhandled error occurred:",

            sys.__excepthook__(tpe, value, traceback)

        # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
        sys.excepthook = except_hook

        for callback in _initializers:
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.exception(e, exc_info=True)

        global _initialized

        _initialized = True

        self.logger.info("Bootstrap has completed successfully.")
コード例 #20
ファイル: sprytile_utils.py プロジェクト: carlhuth/Sprytile
 def check_files(self):
     did_reload = False
     for img in bpy.data.images:
         if img is None:
         filepath = abspath(img.filepath)
         filetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(path.getmtime(filepath))
         if self.last_check_time is None or filetime > self.last_check_time:
             print("Reloading", img.filepath)
             did_reload = True
     self.last_check_time = datetime.now()
     return did_reload
コード例 #21
    def execute(self, context):
        ModifierName = self.CurrentCacheFile.rsplit("___")[0]
        Format = self.CurrentCacheFile.rsplit("___")[1]

        if os.path.exists(abspath(context.scene.NewCachePath)):
            if Format == "ABC":
            self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Path does not exist')

        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #22
    def get_bsdf_dict(self, export_ctx):
        params = {
            'type': 'thunderloom_mitsuba',
            'wiffile': abspath(self.wiffile),
            'uscale': self.uscale,
            'vscale': self.vscale,
            'yrn0_specular_strength': self.yrn0_specular_strength,
            'yrn0_delta_x': self.yrn0_delta_x,
            'yrn0_bend': self.yrn0_bend,
            'yrn0_alpha': self.yrn0_alpha,
            'yrn0_beta': self.yrn0_beta,
            'yrn0_psi': self.yrn0_psi,

        return params
コード例 #23
def get_image_data_block(imageName):
    # type: (str) -> bpy.types.Image
    """This assumes your save your files in 
    and that your images are in ${projectRoot}/images"""
    # filePath = abspath(bpy.data.filepath)
    # blenderFilesPath = dirname(filePath)
    # blenderPath = dirname(blenderFilesPath)
    # projectRootDirectoryPath = dirname(blenderPath)
    # imagesPath = join(projectRootDirectoryPath, "images")
    imagesPath = abspath(

    return bpy.data.images.load(join(imagesPath, imageName),
コード例 #24
def core_importFile():
    for o in bpy.data.objects:
        o.select = False
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = None
    tmpFilePath = abspath(bpy.context.scene.BBImportPath)
    extension = tmpFilePath.lower().endswith
    if getNumModel() == -1:
        raise Exception(
            "Error: Invalid user ordering of model sequence.  Use comma to separate values"
    if extension(".pdb") or extension(".pqr"):
    elif extension(".txt") or extension(".csv"):
コード例 #25
 def poll(cls, context):
     scene = context.scene
     smurf = scene.smurf
     tree = context.scene.node_tree
     tgt_nodes = []
     '''Checks if the string to be replaced (B) is contained in any of the images' filepath,
     and if the potential outcome of switching it to A would point to an existing file.
     for nodes in tree.nodes:
         if nodes.type == 'IMAGE':
             if nodes.image:
                 if smurf.suf2 in bpath.basename(nodes.image.filepath):
                     nodepath = bpath.abspath(nodes.image.filepath).replace(smurf.suf2, smurf.suf1)
                     if opath.isfile(nodepath):
     return tgt_nodes
コード例 #26
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Almahmudrony/blender-xray
def gen_texture_name(texture, tx_folder, level_folder=None):
    from bpy.path import abspath
    a_tx_fpath = os.path.normpath(abspath(texture.image.filepath))
    a_tx_folder = os.path.abspath(tx_folder)
    a_tx_fpath = os.path.splitext(a_tx_fpath)[0]
    if not level_folder:  # find texture in gamedata\textures folder
        a_tx_fpath = make_relative_texture_path(a_tx_fpath, a_tx_folder)
        if a_tx_fpath.startswith(a_tx_folder):  # gamedata\textures folder
            a_tx_fpath = make_relative_texture_path(a_tx_fpath, a_tx_folder)
        elif a_tx_fpath.startswith(
                level_folder):  # gamedata\levels\level_name folder
            a_tx_fpath = make_relative_texture_path(a_tx_fpath, level_folder)
        else:  # gamedata\levels\level_name\texture_name
            log.warn('Image "{}" has an invalid path'.format(
            a_tx_fpath = os.path.split(a_tx_fpath)[-1]
    return a_tx_fpath
コード例 #27
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        scene = context.scene

        row = layout.row()
        row.prop(scene, "RemapPath")
        row = layout.row()
        row.enabled = False
        if os.path.exists(abspath(scene.RemapPath)):
            if ".." in scene.RemapPath:
                row = layout.row()
                row.label(text="Path should be absolute", icon='ERROR')
                row.enabled = True
            row = layout.row()
            row.label(text="Invalid path", icon='ERROR')
コード例 #28
def computeNormalModeTrajectories():
    name = bpy.context.scene.BBModelRemark
    inputpath = abspath(PDBIMPORT.PDBAddress())
    if os.path.isfile(inputpath):
        modestr = bpy.context.scene.BBNormalModeAnalysis
        mode = int(modestr) + 1
        struct = "--all"
        name = bpy.context.scene.BBModelRemark
        rmsd = bpy.context.scene.BBNMARMSD
        gamma = bpy.context.scene.BBNMAGamma
        cutoff = bpy.context.scene.BBNMACutoff
        nbconfiguration = bpy.context.scene.BBNMANbModel

        outputpath = homePath + "fetched" + os.sep + name + "_" + "Mode" + str(
            mode) + "_" + struct + "_" + str(rmsd) + "_" + str(
                nbconfiguration) + ".pdb"

        file = open(outputpath, 'w+')

        if opSystem == "linux":
            command = "chmod 755 %s" % (panel.quotedPath(homePath + "bin" +
                                                         os.sep + "nma" +
                                                         os.sep + "nma.py"))
            command = panel.quotedPath(command)
            p = panel.launch(exeName=command, async=False)
        elif opSystem == "darwin":
            command = "chmod 755 %s" % (panel.quotedPath(homePath + "bin" +
                                                         os.sep + "nma" +
                                                         os.sep + "nma.py"))
            command = panel.quotedPath(command)
            p = panel.launch(exeName=command, async=False)
            pyPath = "python"
        command = "%s %s -i %s -o %s -m %d -r %f -n %d %s " % (
            panel.quotedPath(homePath + "bin" + os.sep + "nma" + os.sep +
                             "nma.py"), panel.quotedPath(inputpath),
            panel.quotedPath(outputpath), mode, rmsd, nbconfiguration, struct)
        p = panel.launch(exeName=command, async=False)
        bpy.context.scene.BBImportPath = outputpath
        print("File does not exist !!")
コード例 #29
def scenewideSetup():
    path = homePath + "tmp" + os.sep + "scenewide.pdb"
    # Actually, this is a custom "exportPDB" function, without instructions which were present in original "setup" function...
    print("=============== exporting PDB")
    print("Exporting scene to: " + str(path))

    outPath = abspath(path)
    print("=======outPath = " + str(outPath))
    i = 1
    with open(outPath, "w") as outFile:
        for o in bpy.data.objects:
                if o.bb2_objectType == "ATOM":
                    loc = PDBOUT.trueSphereOrigin(o)
                    info = o.BBInfo
                    x = "%8.3f" % loc[0]
                    y = "%8.3f" % loc[1]
                    z = "%8.3f" % loc[2]
                    # convert line to pdbstring class
                    line = PDBIMPORT.PDBString(info)
                    # Recalculate ATOM id number...
                    line = line.set(1, "           ")
                    if i < 10:
                        tmpString = "ATOM      " + str(i)
                    elif 9 < i < 100:
                        tmpString = "ATOM     " + str(i)
                    elif 99 < i < 1000:
                        tmpString = "ATOM    " + str(i)
                        tmpString = "ATOM   " + str(i)
                    line = line.set(0, tmpString)
                    # clear location column
                    line = line.set(30, "                         ")
                    # insert new location
                    line = line.set(30, x)
                    line = line.set(38, y)
                    line = line.set(46, z)
                    outFile.write(line + "\n")
                    i = i + 1
            except Exception as E:
                str4 = str(E)
                print("An error occured in sceneWideSetup: " + str4)
        outFile.write("ENDMDL" + "\n")
    print("scenewideSetup is complete!")
コード例 #30
ファイル: cubester.py プロジェクト: BlendingJake/CubeSter
    def execute(self, context):
        props = context.scene.cs_properties
        dir_path = Path(abspath(props.image.filepath)).parent

        image_files = []
        for _, _, files in walk(dir_path):
            for file in files:
                if file.startswith(props.image_base_name):

            break  # only get top-level


        for fi in range(props.start_image_index, len(image_files), props.step_image_index):
            file = image_files[fi]
            img = props.image_sequence.add()
            img.filepath = str(dir_path / file)

        return {"FINISHED"}
コード例 #31
    def execute(self, context):
        props = context.scene.cs_properties
        dir_path = Path(abspath(props.image.filepath)).parent

        image_files = []
        for _, _, files in walk(dir_path):
            for file in files:
                if file.startswith(props.image_base_name):

            break  # only get top-level


        for fi in range(props.start_image_index, len(image_files), props.step_image_index):
            file = image_files[fi]
            img = props.image_sequence.add()
            img.filepath = str(dir_path / file)

        return {"FINISHED"}
コード例 #32
ファイル: node_bsdf.py プロジェクト: vidarn/cloth-shader
    def get_bsdf_dict(self, export_ctx):
        params = {
            "type": "cloth",
            "wiffile": abspath(self.wiffile),
            "specular_strength": self.specular_strength,
            "deltaX": self.deltaX,
            "umax": self.umax,
            "alpha": self.alpha,
            "beta": self.beta,
            "psi": self.psi,
            "utiling": self.utiling,
            "vtiling": self.vtiling,
            "intensity_fineness": self.intensity_fineness,
            "yarnvar_amplitude": self.yarnvar_amplitude,
            "yarnvar_xscale": self.yarnvar_xscale,
            "yarnvar_yscale": self.yarnvar_yscale,
            "yarnvar_persistance": self.yarnvar_persistance,
            "yarnvar_octaves": self.yarnvar_octaves,
            "reflectance": self.inputs["Diffuse Reflectance"].get_color_dict(export_ctx),

        return params
コード例 #33
 def execute(self, context):
     from .fmt_object_exp import export_file
     from bpy.path import abspath
     data = context.scene.xray
     export_context = _mk_export_context(
         data.object_texture_name_from_image_path, data.fmt_version, data.object_export_motions
         path = abspath(self.filepath if self.filepath else data.export_root)
         os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
         for obj in OpExportProject.find_objects(context, self.use_selection):
             name = obj.name
             if not name.lower().endswith('.object'):
                 name += '.object'
             opath = path
             if obj.xray.export_path:
                 opath = os.path.join(opath, obj.xray.export_path)
                 os.makedirs(opath, exist_ok=True)
             export_file(obj, os.path.join(opath, name), export_context)
     except AppError as err:
         raise err
     return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #34
ファイル: node_bsdf.py プロジェクト: vidarn/cloth-shader
    def get_bsdf_dict(self, export_ctx):
        params = {
            'type': 'cloth',
            'wiffile': abspath(self.wiffile),
            'specular_strength'   : self.specular_strength,
            'deltaX'   : self.deltaX,
            'umax'   : self.umax,
            'alpha'   : self.alpha,
            'beta'   : self.beta,
            'psi'   : self.psi,
            'utiling': self.utiling,
            'vtiling': self.vtiling,
            'intensity_fineness': self.intensity_fineness,
            'yarnvar_amplitude': self.yarnvar_amplitude,
            'yarnvar_xscale': self.yarnvar_xscale,
            'yarnvar_yscale': self.yarnvar_yscale,
            'yarnvar_persistance': self.yarnvar_persistance,
            'yarnvar_octaves': self.yarnvar_octaves,
            'reflectance': self.inputs['Diffuse Reflectance'].get_color_dict(export_ctx),

        return params
コード例 #35
    def execute(self, context):
        scene = context.scene

        if not context.scene.check_head_render and not context.scene.check_body_render:
            raise Exception("No picture type selected!")

        if not context.scene.output_path:
            raise Exception("No output path selected!")

        if not bpy.types.Scene.character_file_list_items:
            raise Exception("No characters loaded!")

        print("Rendering all characters...")
        for file_name in bpy.types.Scene.character_file_list_items:
            filepath = os.path.join(context.scene.conf_path, file_name[0])
            filepath = abspath(filepath)
            print("Importing", filepath)
            print("Rendering", file_name[0])

        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #36
 def save_file(self, input):
     # type: (bpy.SaveFileInput) -> None
     name = basename(input["name"])
     pngURL = input["pngURL"]
     comma = pngURL.index(",")
     if comma < 0:
         return self.send_error(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid ata url")
     data = b64decode(pngURL[comma:])
     # filePath = abspath(bpy.data.filepath)
     # blenderFilesPath = dirname(filePath)
     # blenderPath = dirname(blenderFilesPath)
     # projectRootDirectoryPath = dirname(blenderPath)
     # imagesPath = join(projectRootDirectoryPath, "images")
     imagesPath = abspath(
     with open(join(imagesPath, f"{name}.png"), "wb") as f:
         _ = f.write(data)
     with open(join(imagesPath, "charStrings", f"{name}.charstring"),
               "w") as f:
         _ = f.write(input["charStringInfo"])
コード例 #37
def exportMeshDuplis(context, obj, users, oct_t):
	"""Exports the transforms of Alt+D duplicated objects"""
	octane = context.scene.octane_render
	export_path = bpath.abspath(octane.path)
	csv_filename = export_path + obj.data.name + ".csv"
	info("Saving transforms for '%s' mesh-dupli objects into file '%s' " % (obj.data.name, csv_filename))
		if octane.instances_write_dupli:
			filepath = export_path + obj.data.name
			obj_world = obj.matrix_world.copy()
			obj.matrix_world = Matrix.Identity(4)
			writeDupliObjects(context, [obj], filepath)
			obj.matrix_world = obj_world
		fh = open(csv_filename, "w")
		for o in users:
			t = o.matrix_world.copy()
			writeTransform(oct_t[0] * t * oct_t[1], fh)
	except IOError as err:
		msg = "IOError during file handling '{0}'".format(err)
		raise ExportException(msg)
コード例 #38
def readSimulationData(simulationFile):
    # Open timing file (output.csv)
    neuronTimingPath = abspath(simulationFile)
    fileName = display_name_from_filepath(simulationFile)
    timingZip = import_model_from_zip(neuronTimingPath)
    # read the data into the TIMINGS variable
    global TIMINGS
    TIMINGS = []
    timing_data = timingZip['spikes']

    for row in timing_data:
        if len(row) == 3:
            # if start time point is not reached, simply continue
            if (float(row[2]) < bpy.context.scene.pam_anim_animation.startTime):
            # only load data up to the prespecified time point
            if (float(row[2]) < bpy.context.scene.pam_anim_animation.endTime):
                TIMINGS.append((int(row[0]), int(row[1]), float(row[2])))

    # Sort by fire time
    TIMINGS.sort(key = lambda x: x[2])

    global DELAYS
    DELAYS = []
    for i in range(0, len(model.MODEL.connections)):
            DELAYS.append(timingZip["delay_" + str(i)])
            print('cannot find file: ' + 'delay_' + str(i) + '.csv')
    DELAYS = numpy.array(DELAYS)
    global noAvailableConnections
    noAvailableConnections = len(DELAYS[0][0])
    def execute(self, context):

        print('execute miura')

        scene = context.scene
        sequence_editor = scene.sequence_editor

        active_strip = sequence_editor.active_strip
        target_path = abspath(active_strip.directory)
        processed_dir = join(target_path, clean_name(active_strip.name))
        window_manager = context.window_manager

        makedirs(processed_dir, exist_ok=True)

        elements = active_strip.elements
        frame_offset_start = active_strip.frame_offset_start
        frame_final_start = active_strip.frame_final_start
        frame_final_duration = active_strip.frame_final_duration

        elements_to_process = elements[
            frame_offset_start:frame_final_duration + frame_offset_start]

        window_manager.progress_begin(0, len(elements_to_process))

        module_name = self.module_name

        if module_name in loaded_modules and self.reload_if_loaded:
            module = importlib.reload(loaded_modules.get(module_name))
            module = importlib.import_module(module_name)

        loaded_modules[module_name] = module

        use_multiview = active_strip.use_multiview

        if use_multiview:
            print('stereo strip\n', active_strip, dir(active_strip))
            print('—' * 10)
            print('^' * 10)

            assert active_strip.views_format == 'STEREO_3D', 'Only STEREO_3D views formatsupported'
            assert active_strip.stereo_3d_format.display_mode == 'TOPBOTTOM', 'Only TOPBOTTOM display mode supported'

        for i, element in enumerate(elements_to_process):


            image_path = join(target_path, element.filename)

            print('image_path', image_path)

            orig = imageio.imread(image_path)
            original_file_name = display_name_from_filepath(element.filename)
            process_name = 'hcy_' + original_file_name 

            print('--- cer cebprff', orig, orig.shape)

            processed = module.process_frame(
                orig, frame_final_start + i, process_name, 

            print('--- cbfg cebprff')

            new_file_name = process_name + '.png'
            process_full_path = path.join(processed_dir, new_file_name)

            print('path to save', process_full_path)

            imageio.imsave(process_full_path, processed)

            print('saved image', process_full_path)

            if i == 0:
                new_sequence_name = active_strip.name + '_processed.000'
                print('Creating new image sequence "{}"', new_sequence_name)
                new_sequence = sequence_editor.sequences.new_image(
                    channel=active_strip.channel + 1)

        if use_multiview:
            new_sequence.use_multiview = use_multiview
            new_sequence.views_format = 'STEREO_3D'
            new_sequence.stereo_3d_format.display_mode = 'TOPBOTTOM'

        new_sequence.blend_type = 'ALPHA_OVER'


        return {'FINISHED'}
コード例 #40
    def writeTexture(self, scene, tex):
        name = tex.name

        if name in self.loadedTextures:

        yi = self.yi

        textureConfigured = False
        yi.paramsSetBool("img_grayscale", tex.yaf_img_grayscale)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_red", tex.factor_red)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_green", tex.factor_green)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_blue", tex.factor_blue)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_intensity", tex.intensity)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_contrast", tex.contrast)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_saturation", tex.saturation)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_hue", math.degrees(tex.yaf_adj_hue))
        yi.paramsSetFloat("trilinear_level_bias", tex.yaf_trilinear_level_bias)
        yi.paramsSetFloat("ewa_max_anisotropy", tex.yaf_ewa_max_anisotropy)
        yi.paramsSetBool("adj_clamp", tex.use_clamp)

        if tex.use_color_ramp:
            yi.paramsSetBool("use_color_ramp", tex.use_color_ramp)
            yi.paramsSetString("ramp_color_mode", tex.color_ramp.color_mode)
            yi.paramsSetString("ramp_hue_interpolation", tex.color_ramp.hue_interpolation)
            yi.paramsSetString("ramp_interpolation", tex.color_ramp.interpolation)
            i = 0
            for item in tex.color_ramp.elements:
                yi.paramsSetColor("ramp_item_%x_color" % i, item.color[0], item.color[1], item.color[2], item.color[3])
                yi.paramsSetFloat("ramp_item_%x_alpha" % i, item.alpha)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("ramp_item_%x_position" % i, item.position)
                i += 1
            yi.paramsSetInt("ramp_num_items", i)
        if tex.yaf_tex_type == 'BLEND':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "blend")

            switchBlendType = {
                'LINEAR': 'lin',
                'QUADRATIC': 'quad',
                'EASING': 'ease',
                'DIAGONAL': 'diag',
                'SPHERICAL': 'sphere',
                'QUADRATIC_SPHERE': 'halo',
                'RADIAL': 'radial',

            stype = switchBlendType.get(tex.progression, 'lin')  # set blend type for blend texture, default is 'lin'
            yi.paramsSetString("stype", stype)
            if tex.use_flip_axis == "HORIZONTAL":
                yi.paramsSetBool("use_flip_axis", False)
            if tex.use_flip_axis == "VERTICAL":
                yi.paramsSetBool("use_flip_axis", True)
            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'CLOUDS':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "clouds")

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)
            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'WOOD':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "wood")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", 0)

            turb = 0.0
            noise_size = 0.25
            hard = True

            if tex.wood_type == 'BANDNOISE' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':

                turb = tex.turbulence
                noise_size = tex.noise_scale

                if  noise_size > 0:
                    noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
                if tex.noise_type == 'SOFT_NOISE':
                    hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", turb)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            ts = "bands"

            if tex.wood_type == 'RINGS' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':
                ts = "rings"

            yi.paramsSetString("wood_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            # shape parameter

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MARBLE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "marble")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", tex.turbulence)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            sharp = 4.0
            if tex.marble_type == 'SOFT':
                sharp = 2.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARP':
                sharp = 4.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARPER':
                sharp = 8.0

            yi.paramsSetFloat("sharpness", sharp)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'VORONOI':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "voronoi")

            if tex.color_mode == 'POSITION':
                ts = "col1"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE':
                ts = "col2"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE_INTENSITY':
                ts = "col3"
                ts = "int"

            yi.paramsSetString("color_type", ts)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight1", tex.weight_1)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight2", tex.weight_2)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight3", tex.weight_3)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight4", tex.weight_4)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("mk_exponent", tex.minkovsky_exponent)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            switchDistMetric = {
                'DISTANCE_SQUARED': 'squared',
                'MANHATTAN': 'manhattan',
                'CHEBYCHEV': 'chebychev',
                'MINKOVSKY_HALF': 'minkovsky_half',
                'MINKOVSKY_FOOUR': 'minkovsky_four',
                'MINKOVSKY': 'minkovsky',

            ts = switchDistMetric.get(tex.distance_metric, 'minkovsky')  # set distance metric for VORONOI Texture, default is 'minkovsky'
            yi.paramsSetString("distance_metric", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MUSGRAVE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "musgrave")

            switchMusgraveType = {
                'MULTIFRACTAL': 'multifractal',
                'RIDGED_MULTIFRACTAL': 'ridgedmf',
                'HYBRID_MULTIFRACTAL': 'hybridmf',
                'HETERO_TERRAIN': 'heteroterrain',
                'FBM': 'fBm',
            ts = switchMusgraveType.get(tex.musgrave_type, 'multifractal')  # set MusgraveType, default is 'multifractal'

            yi.paramsSetString("musgrave_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetFloat("H", tex.dimension_max)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("lacunarity", tex.lacunarity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("octaves", tex.octaves)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("offset", tex.offset)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gain", tex.gain)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'DISTORTED_NOISE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "distorted_noise")

            yi.paramsSetFloat("distort", tex.distortion)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type1", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type2", noise2string(tex.noise_distortion))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'IMAGE' and tex.image and tex.image.source in {'FILE', 'SEQUENCE', 'GENERATED'}:

            filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath))[0]

            if not any(filename):
                filename = "untitled"
                save_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
                save_dir = "//"

            filename = clean_name(filename)
            fileformat = scene.render.image_settings.file_format.lower()
            extract_path = os.path.join(filename, "{:05d}".format(scene.frame_current))

            if tex.image.source == 'GENERATED':
                image_tex = "yaf_baked_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
            if tex.image.source == 'FILE':
                if tex.image.packed_file:
                    image_tex = "yaf_extracted_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                    image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                    image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                    tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
                    if tex.image.library is not None:
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath, library=tex.image.library)
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath)
                    if not os.path.exists(image_tex):
                        yi.printError("Exporter: Image texture {0} not found on: {1}".format(tex.name, image_tex))
                        return False
            if tex.image.source == 'SEQUENCE':
                if tex.image.packed_file:
                    image_tex = "yaf_extracted_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                    image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                    image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                    tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
                    #Try to figure out the correct file name depending on the frame, guessing the calculations done by Blender
                    if tex.image_user.use_cyclic:
                        image_number = scene.frame_current - tex.image_user.frame_start
                        if image_number < 0:
                            image_number += (divmod(-1 * image_number, tex.image_user.frame_duration)[0]+1) * tex.image_user.frame_duration

                        image_number = (image_number % tex.image_user.frame_duration) + tex.image_user.frame_offset + 1

                        image_number = scene.frame_current - (tex.image_user.frame_start - 1) + tex.image_user.frame_offset
                        if image_number < tex.image_user.frame_start:
                            image_number = tex.image_user.frame_start
                        elif image_number > (tex.image_user.frame_duration + tex.image_user.frame_offset):
                            image_number = (tex.image_user.frame_duration + tex.image_user.frame_offset)

                    tex_image_filepath = abspath(tex.image.filepath)
                    tex_image_filepath_splitext = os.path.splitext(tex_image_filepath)
                    tex_image_filepath_searchnumber = re.search(r'\d+$', tex_image_filepath_splitext[0])
                    tex_image_filepath_base = tex_image_filepath[0:tex_image_filepath_searchnumber.span()[0]] if tex_image_filepath_searchnumber else tex_image_filepath_splitext[0]
                    tex_image_filepath_number = tex_image_filepath_searchnumber.group() if tex_image_filepath_searchnumber else None
                    tex_image_filepath_number_numdigits = len(tex_image_filepath_number) if tex_image_filepath_number else 0
                    tex_image_filepath_ext = tex_image_filepath_splitext[1]
                    if tex_image_filepath_number is not None:
                        tex_image_filepath_sequence = tex_image_filepath_base + str(image_number).zfill(tex_image_filepath_number_numdigits) + tex_image_filepath_ext
                        tex_image_filepath_sequence = tex_image_filepath_base + str(image_number) + tex_image_filepath_ext

                    if tex.image.library is not None:
                        image_tex = abspath(tex_image_filepath_sequence, library=tex.image.library)
                        image_tex = abspath(tex_image_filepath_sequence)
                    if not os.path.exists(image_tex):
                        yi.printError("Exporter: Image texture {0} not found on: {1}".format(tex.name, image_tex))
                        return False

            image_tex = os.path.realpath(image_tex)
            image_tex = os.path.normpath(image_tex)

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")
            yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_tex)

            yi.paramsSetBool("use_alpha", tex.yaf_use_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("calc_alpha", tex.use_calculate_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("normalmap", tex.yaf_is_normal_map)
            yi.paramsSetString("fileformat", fileformat.upper())
            texture_color_space = "sRGB"
            texture_gamma = 1.0

            if tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "sRGB" or tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "VD16":
                texture_color_space = "sRGB"
            elif tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "XYZ":
                texture_color_space = "XYZ"
            elif tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Linear" or tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Linear ACES" or tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Non-Color":
                texture_color_space = "LinearRGB"
            elif tex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Raw":
                texture_color_space = "Raw_Manual_Gamma"
                texture_gamma = tex.yaf_gamma_input  #We only use the selected gamma if the color space is set to "Raw"
            yi.paramsSetString("color_space", texture_color_space)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gamma", texture_gamma)

            if tex.yaf_tex_optimization == "default":
                texture_optimization = scene.gs_tex_optimization
                texture_optimization = tex.yaf_tex_optimization

            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}: {2}. Texture Color Space: '{3}', gamma={4}. Texture optimization='{5}'".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type, image_tex, texture_color_space, texture_gamma, texture_optimization))

            yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", tex.yaf_tex_interpolate)
            yi.paramsSetString("texture_optimization", texture_optimization)

            # repeat
            repeat_x = 1
            repeat_y = 1

            if tex.extension == 'REPEAT':
                repeat_x = tex.repeat_x
                repeat_y = tex.repeat_y

            yi.paramsSetInt("xrepeat", repeat_x)
            yi.paramsSetInt("yrepeat", repeat_y)

            # clipping
            extension = tex.extension
            switchExtension = {
                'EXTEND': 'extend',
                'CLIP': 'clip',
                'CLIP_CUBE': 'clipcube',
                'CHECKER': 'checker',
            clipping = switchExtension.get(extension, 'repeat')  # set default clipping to 'repeat'
            yi.paramsSetString("clipping", clipping)
            if clipping == 'checker':
                yi.paramsSetBool("even_tiles", tex.use_checker_even)
                yi.paramsSetBool("odd_tiles", tex.use_checker_odd)

            # crop min/max
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_x", tex.crop_min_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_y", tex.crop_min_y)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_x", tex.crop_max_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_y", tex.crop_max_y)

            yi.paramsSetBool("rot90", tex.use_flip_axis)
            yi.paramsSetBool("mirror_x", tex.use_mirror_x)
            yi.paramsSetBool("mirror_y", tex.use_mirror_y)
            textureConfigured = True

        if textureConfigured:

        return textureConfigured
コード例 #41
def createMeshFromAudio(scene, verts, faces):
    audio_filepath = scene.cubester_audio_path
    width = scene.cubester_audio_width_blocks
    length = scene.cubester_audio_length_blocks
    size_per_hundred = scene.cubester_size_per_hundred_pixels
    size = size_per_hundred / 100   
    # create all blocks
    y = -(width / 2) * size + (size / 2)
    for r in range(width):        
        x = -(length / 2) * size + (size / 2)
        for c in range(length):
            createBlock(x, y, size / 2, 1, verts, faces)
            x += size            
        y += size
    # create object   
    mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("cubed")
    mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
    ob = bpy.data.objects.new("cubed", mesh)
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
    ob.select = True
    # inital vertex colors
    if scene.cubester_materials == "image":
        picture = bpy.data.images[scene.cubester_color_image]
        pixels = list(picture.pixels)
        vert_colors = []
        skip_y = int(picture.size[1] / width)
        skip_x = int(picture.size[0] / length)
        for row in range(0, picture.size[1], skip_y + 1): 
            # go through each column, step by appropriate amount
            for column in range(0, picture.size[0] * 4, 4 + skip_x * 4):   
                r, g, b, a = getPixelValues(picture, pixels, row, column)
                vert_colors += [(r, g, b) for i in range(24)]
        i = 0
        for c in ob.data.vertex_colors[0].data:
            c.color = vert_colors[i]
            i += 1
        # image squence handling
        if scene.cubester_load_type == "multiple":            
            images = findSequenceImages(bpy.context)
            frames_vert_colors = []
            if len(images[0]) > scene.cubester_max_images:
                max = scene.cubester_max_images + 1
                max = len(images[0])            
            # goes through and for each image for each block finds new height
            for image_index in range(0, max, scene.cubester_skip_images):
                filepath = images[0][image_index]
                name = images[1][image_index]                                
                picture = fetchImage(name, filepath)
                pixels = list(picture.pixels)
                frame_colors = []               
                for row in range(0, picture.size[1], skip_y + 1):        
                    for column in range(0, picture.size[0] * 4, 4 + skip_x * 4): 
                        r, g, b, a = getPixelValues(picture, pixels, row, column)                        
                        frame_colors += [(r, g, b) for i in range(24)]                                                         

            scene.cubester_vertex_colors[ob.name] = {"type" : "vertex", "frames" : frames_vert_colors, 
                    "frame_skip" : scene.cubester_frame_step, "total_images" : max}     
        # either add material or create   
        if ("CubeSter_" + "Vertex")  in bpy.data.materials:
            ob.data.materials.append(bpy.data.materials["CubeSter_" + "Vertex"])
             createMaterial(scene, ob, "Veratex")                         

    # set keyframe for each object as inital point
    frame = [1 for i in range(int(len(verts) / 8))]
    frames = [frame]
    area = bpy.context.area
    old_type = area.type
    area.type = "GRAPH_EDITOR"                    
    scene.frame_current = 0
    createFCurves(mesh, frames, 1, "blocks")
    # deselct all fcurves
    fcurves = ob.data.animation_data.action.fcurves.data.fcurves
    for i in fcurves:
        i.select = False
    max = scene.cubester_audio_max_freq
    min = scene.cubester_audio_min_freq
    freq_frame = scene.cubester_audio_offset_type
    freq_step = (max - min) / length 
    freq_sub_step = freq_step / width
    frame_step = scene.cubester_audio_frame_offset                

    # animate each block with a portion of the frequency
    for c in range(length):   
        frame_off = 0                  
        for r in range(width):
            if freq_frame == "frame":
                scene.frame_current = frame_off
                l = c * freq_step
                h = (c + 1) * freq_step  
                frame_off += frame_step           
                l = c * freq_step + (r * freq_sub_step) 
                h = c * freq_step  + ((r + 1) * freq_sub_step)  
            pos = c + (r * length) # block number
            index = pos * 4 # first index for vertex                                            
            # select curves
            for i in range(index, index + 4):
                curve = i * 3 + 2 # fcurve location       
                fcurves[curve].select = True                                
            bpy.ops.graph.sound_bake(filepath = path.abspath(audio_filepath), low = l, high = h)
            # deselect curves   
            for i in range(index, index + 4):
                curve = i * 3 + 2 # fcurve location   
                fcurves[curve].select = False               

    area.type = old_type 
    # UV unwrap
    createUVMap(context, rows, int(len(faces) / 6 / rows))
    # if radial apply needed modifiers
    if scene.cubester_audio_block_layout == "radial":
        # add bezier curve of correct width
        curve = bpy.context.object
        curve_size = (0.319 * (width * (size * 100)) - 0.0169) / 100 # slope determined off of collected data
        curve.dimensions = (curve_size, curve_size, 0.0)
        curve.scale = (curve.scale[0], curve.scale[0], curve.scale[0]) # correct for z height   

        ob.select = True    
        curve.select = False
        scene.objects.active = ob
        # data was collected and then multi-variable regression was done in Excel
        width_infl, length_infl, intercept = -0.159125, 0.49996, 0.007637 # influence of width and length
        x_offset = ((width * (size * 100) * width_infl) + (length * (size * 100) * length_infl) + intercept) / 100
        ob.location = (ob.location[0] + x_offset, ob.location[1], ob.location[2])
        ob.rotation_euler = (radians(-90), 0.0, 0.0)
        bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type = "CURVE")
        ob.modifiers["Curve"].object = curve
        ob.modifiers["Curve"].deform_axis = "POS_Z"            
コード例 #42
ファイル: tby_world.py プロジェクト: rubdos/Blender-Exporter
    def setEnvironment(self, scene):
        yi = self.yi
        # init..
        world = bpy.context.scene.world
        bg_type = "constant"
        bgColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        useIBL = False
        iblSamples = 16
        bgPower = 1 
        if scene.world:
            # exporter properties
            world = scene.world.bounty
            bg_type = world.bg_type
            bgColor = world.bg_single_color
            useIBL = world.bg_use_ibl
            iblSamples = world.bg_ibl_samples
            bgPower = world.bg_power
            with_caustic = world.bg_with_caustic
            with_diffuse = world.bg_with_diffuse

        if bg_type == 'textureback':
            worldTexture = None
            if scene.world.active_texture is not None:
                worldTexture = scene.world.active_texture
                self.yi.printInfo("World Texture, name: {0}".format(worldTexture.name))

                if worldTexture.type == "IMAGE" and (worldTexture.image is not None):
                    image_file = ''
                    if worldTexture.image.packed_file:
                        # is packed but too exists on disk..
                        if not os.path.exists(abspath(worldTexture.image.filepath)):
                            yi.printInfo("Image file unpacked to: {0}".format(abspath(worldTexture.image.filepath)))
                        image_file = abspath(worldTexture.image.filepath)
                        # not packed..
                        image_file = abspath(worldTexture.image.filepath)
                    image_file = realpath(image_file)
                    image_file = normpath(image_file)                        
                    yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_file)
                    # image interpolate
                    yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", worldTexture.interpolation_type)
                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")

                    # Background settings..
                    worldMappingCoord = "angular"
                    if world.bg_mapping_type == "SPHERE":
                        worldMappingCoord = "spherical"
                    yi.paramsSetString("mapping", worldMappingCoord)                    
                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "textureback")
                    yi.paramsSetString("texture", "world_texture")
                    yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", world.bg_use_ibl)
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", world.bg_with_caustic)
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", world.bg_with_diffuse)
                    yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", world.bg_ibl_samples)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("rotation", world.bg_rotation)
                    self.yi.printWarning("World Texture, name: {0} is not valid format".format(worldTexture.name))
                self.yi.printWarning('texture background not found')
        elif bg_type == 'gradientback':
            c = world.bg_horizon_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_horizon_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", world.bg_use_ibl)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", world.bg_ibl_samples)

        elif bg_type in {'sunsky', "darksky"}:
            if bg_type == 'sunksky':
                yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_turbidity)
            # specific sunsky2 values
            if bg_type == 'darksky':
                yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_ds_turbidity)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("altitude", world.bg_dsaltitude)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("bright", world.bg_dsbright)
                yi.paramsSetBool("night", world.bg_dsnight)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("exposure", world.bg_exposure)
                yi.paramsSetString("color_space", world.bg_color_space)
                if world.bg_background_light:
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", world.bg_with_caustic)
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", world.bg_with_diffuse)
            # common values
            f = world.bg_from
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", f[0], f[1], f[2])
            yi.paramsSetFloat("a_var", world.bg_a_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("b_var", world.bg_b_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("c_var", world.bg_c_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("d_var", world.bg_d_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("e_var", world.bg_e_var)            
            yi.paramsSetBool("add_sun", world.bg_add_sun)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("sun_power", world.bg_sun_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("background_light", world.bg_background_light)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)            
            yi.paramsSetInt("light_samples", world.bg_light_samples)           

            yi.paramsSetColor("color", bgColor[0], bgColor[1], bgColor[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
        yi.paramsSetString("type", bg_type)
        self.yi.printInfo("Exporting World, type: {0}".format(bg_type))
        return True
コード例 #43
    def createLight(self, yi, lamp_object, matrix=None):

        lamp = lamp_object.data
        name = lamp_object.name

        if matrix is None:
            matrix = lamp_object.matrix_world.copy()
        pos = matrix[3]
        dir = matrix[2]
        # up = matrix[1]  /* UNUSED */
        to = pos - dir

        lampType = lamp.lamp_type
        power = lamp.yaf_energy
        color = lamp.color

        if self.preview:
            if name == "Lamp":
                pos = (-6, -4, 8, 1.0)
                power = 5
            elif name == "Lamp.001":
                pos = (6, -6, -2, 1.0)
                power = 6
            elif name == "Lamp.002":
                pos = (-2.9123109, -7.270790733, 4.439187765, 1.0)
                to = (-0.0062182024121284485, 0.6771485209465027, 1.8015732765197754, 1.0)
                power = 5
            elif name == "Lamp.008":
                lampType = "sun"
                power = 0.8


        yi.printInfo("Exporting Lamp: {0} [{1}]".format(name, lampType))

        if lamp.create_geometry and not self.lightMat:
            self.yi.paramsSetString("type", "light_mat")
            self.lightMat = self.yi.createMaterial("lm")

        if lampType == "point":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "pointlight")
            power = 0.5 * power * power  # original value

            if getattr(lamp, "use_sphere", False):
                radius = lamp.shadow_soft_size
                power /= (radius * radius)  # radius < 1 crash geometry ?

                if lamp.create_geometry:
                    ID = self.makeSphere(24, 48, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], radius, self.lightMat)
                    yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)

                yi.paramsSetString("type", "spherelight")
                yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", radius)

        elif lampType == "spot":
            if self.preview and name == "Lamp.002":
                angle = 50
                # Blender reports the angle of the full cone in radians
                # and we need half of the apperture angle in degrees
                angle = degrees(lamp.spot_size) * 0.5

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "spotlight")

            yi.paramsSetFloat("cone_angle", angle)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("blend", lamp.spot_blend)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("to", to[0], to[1], to[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("soft_shadows", lamp.spot_soft_shadows)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("shadowFuzzyness", lamp.shadow_fuzzyness)
            yi.paramsSetBool("photon_only", lamp.photon_only)
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            power = 0.5 * power * power

        elif lampType == "sun":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "sunlight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("angle", lamp.angle)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("direction", dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])
            if lamp.directional:
                yi.paramsSetString("type", "directional")
                yi.paramsSetBool("infinite", lamp.infinite)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", lamp.shadow_soft_size)

        elif lampType == "ies":
            # use for IES light
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "ieslight")
            yi.paramsSetPoint("to", to[0], to[1], to[2])
            ies_file = abspath(lamp.ies_file)
            if ies_file != "" and not os.path.exists(ies_file):
                return False
            yi.paramsSetString("file", ies_file)
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetBool("soft_shadows", lamp.ies_soft_shadows)
            # yi.paramsSetFloat("cone_angle", degrees(lamp.spot_size))  # not used for IES, cone angle is defined in IES File?

        elif lampType == "area":

            sizeX = 1.0
            sizeY = 1.0

            matrix = lamp_object.matrix_world.copy()

            # generate an untransformed rectangle in the XY plane with
            # the light's position as the centerpoint and transform it
            # using its transformation matrix

            point = mathutils.Vector((-sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner1 = mathutils.Vector((-sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner2 = mathutils.Vector((sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner3 = mathutils.Vector((sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))
            point = matrix * point  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner1 = matrix * corner1  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner2 = matrix * corner2  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner3 = matrix * corner3  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674

            if lamp.create_geometry:
                ID = yi.getNextFreeID()
                yi.startTriMesh(ID, 4, 2, False, False, 0)

                yi.addVertex(point[0], point[1], point[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])
                yi.addTriangle(0, 1, 2, self.lightMat)
                yi.addTriangle(0, 2, 3, self.lightMat)
                yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "arealight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)

            yi.paramsSetPoint("corner", point[0], point[1], point[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point1", corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point2", corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])

        yi.paramsSetPoint("from", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
        yi.paramsSetColor("color", color[0], color[1], color[2])
        yi.paramsSetFloat("power", power)

        return True
コード例 #44
    def writeTexture(self, scene, tex):
        name = tex.name

        if name in self.loadedTextures:

        yi = self.yi

        textureConfigured = False

        if tex.yaf_tex_type == 'BLEND':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "blend")

            stype = switchBlendType.get(tex.progression, 'lin')  # set blend type for blend texture, default is 'lin'
            yi.paramsSetString("stype", stype)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'CLOUDS':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "clouds")

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)
            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'WOOD':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "wood")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", 0)

            turb = 0.0
            noise_size = 0.25
            hard = True

            if tex.wood_type == 'BANDNOISE' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':

                turb = tex.turbulence
                noise_size = tex.noise_scale

                if  noise_size > 0:
                    noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
                if tex.noise_type == 'SOFT_NOISE':
                    hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", turb)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            ts = "bands"

            if tex.wood_type == 'RINGS' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':
                ts = "rings"

            yi.paramsSetString("wood_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            # shape parameter

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MARBLE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "marble")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", tex.turbulence)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            sharp = 4.0
            if tex.marble_type == 'SOFT':
                sharp = 2.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARP':
                sharp = 4.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARPER':
                sharp = 8.0

            yi.paramsSetFloat("sharpness", sharp)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'VORONOI':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "voronoi")

            if tex.color_mode == 'POSITION':
                ts = "col1"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE':
                ts = "col2"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE_INTENSITY':
                ts = "col3"
                ts = "int"

            yi.paramsSetString("color_type", ts)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight1", tex.weight_1)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight2", tex.weight_2)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight3", tex.weight_3)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight4", tex.weight_4)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("mk_exponent", tex.minkovsky_exponent)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            ts = switchDistMetric.get(tex.distance_metric, 'minkovsky')
            yi.paramsSetString("distance_metric", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MUSGRAVE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "musgrave")

            ts = switchMusgraveType.get(tex.musgrave_type, 'multifractal')

            yi.paramsSetString("musgrave_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetFloat("H", tex.dimension_max)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("lacunarity", tex.lacunarity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("octaves", tex.octaves)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("offset", tex.offset)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gain", tex.gain)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'DISTORTED_NOISE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "distorted_noise")

            yi.paramsSetFloat("distort", tex.distortion)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type1", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type2", noise2string(tex.noise_distortion))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'IMAGE' and tex.image and tex.image.source in {'FILE', 'GENERATED'}:

            filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath))[0]

            if not any(filename):
                filename = "untitled"
                save_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
                save_dir = "//"

            filename = clean_name(filename)
            fileformat = lowerImageFileExtension.get(scene.render.image_settings.file_format,'PNG')
            extract_path = os.path.join(filename, "{:05d}".format(scene.frame_current))

            if tex.image.source == 'GENERATED':
                image_tex = "baked_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                # test for not overwrite current file (or non extract every time)
                if not os.path.exists(image_tex):
                    tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
            if tex.image.source == 'FILE':
                image_tex = ''
                if tex.image.packed_file:
                    # checking local path
                    if not os.path.exists(abspath(tex.image.filepath)):
                    image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath)                        
                    if tex.image.library is not None:
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath, library=tex.image.library)
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath)
                    if not os.path.exists(image_tex):
                        yi.printError("Exporter: Image texture {0} not found on: {1}".format(tex.name, image_tex))
                        return False

            image_tex = os.path.realpath(image_tex)
            image_tex = os.path.normpath(image_tex)

            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}: {2}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type, image_tex))

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")
            yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_tex)

            yi.paramsSetBool("use_alpha", tex.yaf_use_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("calc_alpha", tex.use_calculate_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("normalmap", tex.yaf_is_normal_map)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gamma", scene.bounty.gs_gamma_input)

            # repeat
            repeat_x = 1
            repeat_y = 1

            if tex.extension == 'REPEAT':
                repeat_x = tex.repeat_x
                repeat_y = tex.repeat_y

            yi.paramsSetInt("xrepeat", repeat_x)
            yi.paramsSetInt("yrepeat", repeat_y)

            # clipping
            clipping = switchExtension.get(tex.extension, 'repeat')  # set default clipping to 'repeat'
            yi.paramsSetString("clipping", clipping)
            if clipping == 'checker':
                yi.paramsSetBool("even_tiles", tex.use_checker_even)
                yi.paramsSetBool("odd_tiles", tex.use_checker_odd)

            # crop min/max
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_x", tex.crop_min_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_y", tex.crop_min_y)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_x", tex.crop_max_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_y", tex.crop_max_y)

            yi.paramsSetBool("rot90", tex.use_flip_axis)
            #yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", tex.interpolation_type)
            textureConfigured = True

        if textureConfigured:

        return textureConfigured
コード例 #45
ファイル: tby_light.py プロジェクト: rubdos/Blender-Exporter
    def createLight(self, yi, object, matrix=None):
        # for use Blender properties
        lamp = object.data
        lamp_name = object.name
        if matrix is None:
            matrix = object.matrix_world.copy()
        # matrix indexing (row, colums) changed in Blender rev.42816, for explanation see also:
        # http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:TrumanBlending/Matrix_Indexing
        pos = matrix.col[3]
        direct = matrix.col[2]
        # up = matrix[1]  /* UNUSED */
        to = pos - direct

        power = lamp.bounty.energy
        color = lamp.color

        if self.preview:
            if lamp_name == "Lamp":
                pos = (-6, -4, 8, 1.0)
                power = 5
            elif lamp_name == "Lamp.001":
                pos = (6, -6, -2, 1.0)
                power = 6
            elif lamp_name == "Lamp.002":
                pos = (-2.9123109, -7.270790733, 4.439187765, 1.0)
                to = (-0.0062182024121284485, 0.6771485209465027, 1.8015732765197754, 1.0)
                power = 5
            elif lamp_name == "Lamp.008":
                lamp.type = "SUN"
                power = 1.0 #0.8


        yi.printInfo("Exporting Lamp: {0} [{1}]".format(lamp_name, lamp.type))

        if lamp.bounty.create_geometry:
            yi.paramsSetColor("color", color[0], color[1], color[2])
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "light_mat")
            self.lightMat = self.yi.createMaterial(lamp_name)

        if lamp.type == "POINT":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "pointlight")
            yi.paramsSetBool("useGeometry", lamp.bounty.create_geometry)
            power = 0.5 * power * power
            if lamp.bounty.use_sphere:
                yi.paramsSetString("type", "spherelight")
                yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.bounty.samples)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", lamp.bounty.sphere_radius)
                # use sphere light attenuation  
                power /= lamp.bounty.sphere_radius * lamp.bounty.sphere_radius
                if lamp.bounty.create_geometry:
                    ID = self.makeSphere(24, 48, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], lamp.bounty.sphere_radius, self.lightMat)
                    yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)

        elif lamp.type == "SPOT":
            if self.preview and lamp_name == "Lamp.002":
                angle = 50
                # Blender reports the angle of the full cone in radians
                # and we need half of the apperture angle in degrees
                angle = degrees(lamp.spot_size) * 0.5
            light_type = "spotlight"
            if lamp.bounty.ies_file !="":
                ies_file = abspath(lamp.bounty.ies_file)
                if not any(ies_file) and not os.path.exists(ies_file):
                    yi.printWarning("IES file not found for {0}".format(lamp_name))
                    return False
                yi.paramsSetString("file", ies_file)
                light_type = "ieslight"
                yi.paramsSetFloat("cone_angle", angle)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("blend", lamp.spot_blend)            
                yi.paramsSetFloat("shadowFuzzyness", lamp.bounty.shadow_fuzzyness)
                yi.paramsSetBool("photon_only", lamp.bounty.photon_only)
            ## commons values
            yi.paramsSetPoint("to", to[0], to[1], to[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("soft_shadows", lamp.bounty.spot_soft_shadows)
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.bounty.samples)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", light_type)

        elif lamp.type == "SUN":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "sunlight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.bounty.samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("angle", lamp.bounty.angle)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("direction", direct[0], direct[1], direct[2])        
        elif lamp.type == "HEMI":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "directional")
            yi.paramsSetPoint("direction", direct[0], direct[1], direct[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("infinite", lamp.bounty.infinite)
            if not lamp.bounty.infinite:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", lamp.bounty.shadows_size)
                yi.paramsSetPoint("from", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
        elif lamp.type == "AREA":
            sizeX = lamp.size
            sizeY = lamp.size
            if lamp.shape == 'RECTANGLE':
                sizeY = lamp.size_y
            matrix = object.matrix_world.copy()

            # generate an untransformed rectangle in the XY plane with the light's position
            # as the centerpoint and transform it using its transformation matrix
            point = Vector((-sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner1 = Vector((-sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner2 = Vector((sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner3 = Vector((sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))

            point = matrix * point      # ----------------------------------
            corner1 = matrix * corner1  # use reverse vector multiply order
            corner2 = matrix * corner2  # API changed with rev. 38674
            corner3 = matrix * corner3  # ----------------------------------

            if lamp.bounty.create_geometry:
                ID = yi.getNextFreeID()
                yi.startTriMesh(ID, 4, 2, False, False, 0)

                yi.addVertex(point[0], point[1], point[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])
                yi.addTriangle(0, 1, 2, self.lightMat)
                yi.addTriangle(0, 2, 3, self.lightMat)
                yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "arealight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.bounty.samples)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("corner", point[0], point[1], point[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point1", corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point2", corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])

        # sunlight and directional light don't use 'from' parameter
        if lamp.type not in {"SUN", "HEMI"}:
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
        yi.paramsSetColor("color", color[0], color[1], color[2])
        yi.paramsSetFloat("power", power)

        return True
コード例 #46
    def writeTexture(self, scene, tex):
        name = tex.name

        if name in self.loadedTextures:

        yi = self.yi

        textureConfigured = False

        if tex.yaf_tex_type == 'BLEND':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "blend")

            switchBlendType = {
                'LINEAR': 'lin',
                'QUADRATIC': 'quad',
                'EASING': 'ease',
                'DIAGONAL': 'diag',
                'SPHERICAL': 'sphere',
                'QUADRATIC_SPHERE': 'halo',
                'RADIAL': 'radial',

            stype = switchBlendType.get(tex.progression, 'lin')  # set blend type for blend texture, default is 'lin'
            yi.paramsSetString("stype", stype)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'CLOUDS':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "clouds")

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)
            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'WOOD':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "wood")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", 0)

            turb = 0.0
            noise_size = 0.25
            hard = True

            if tex.wood_type == 'BANDNOISE' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':

                turb = tex.turbulence
                noise_size = tex.noise_scale

                if  noise_size > 0:
                    noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
                if tex.noise_type == 'SOFT_NOISE':
                    hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", turb)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            ts = "bands"

            if tex.wood_type == 'RINGS' or tex.wood_type == 'RINGNOISE':
                ts = "rings"

            yi.paramsSetString("wood_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            # shape parameter

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MARBLE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "marble")

            yi.paramsSetInt("depth", tex.noise_depth)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbulence", tex.turbulence)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size

            if tex.noise_type == 'HARD_NOISE':
                hard = True
                hard = False

            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetBool("hard", hard)

            sharp = 4.0
            if tex.marble_type == 'SOFT':
                sharp = 2.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARP':
                sharp = 4.0
            elif tex.marble_type == 'SHARPER':
                sharp = 8.0

            yi.paramsSetFloat("sharpness", sharp)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))

            if tex.noise_basis_2 == 'SAW':
                ts = "saw"
            elif tex.noise_basis_2 == 'TRI':
                ts = "tri"
                ts = "sin"

            yi.paramsSetString("shape", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'VORONOI':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "voronoi")

            if tex.color_mode == 'POSITION':
                ts = "col1"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE':
                ts = "col2"
            elif tex.color_mode == 'POSITION_OUTLINE_INTENSITY':
                ts = "col3"
                ts = "int"

            yi.paramsSetString("color_type", ts)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight1", tex.weight_1)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight2", tex.weight_2)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight3", tex.weight_3)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("weight4", tex.weight_4)

            yi.paramsSetFloat("mk_exponent", tex.minkovsky_exponent)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            switchDistMetric = {
                'DISTANCE_SQUARED': 'squared',
                'MANHATTAN': 'manhattan',
                'CHEBYCHEV': 'chebychev',
                'MINKOVSKY_HALF': 'minkovsky_half',
                'MINKOVSKY_FOOUR': 'minkovsky_four',
                'MINKOVSKY': 'minkovsky',

            ts = switchDistMetric.get(tex.distance_metric, 'minkovsky')  # set distance metric for VORONOI Texture, default is 'minkovsky'
            yi.paramsSetString("distance_metric", ts)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'MUSGRAVE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "musgrave")

            switchMusgraveType = {
                'MULTIFRACTAL': 'multifractal',
                'RIDGED_MULTIFRACTAL': 'ridgedmf',
                'HYBRID_MULTIFRACTAL': 'hybridmf',
                'HETERO_TERRAIN': 'heteroterrain',
                'FBM': 'fBm',
            ts = switchMusgraveType.get(tex.musgrave_type, 'multifractal')  # set MusgraveType, default is 'multifractal'

            yi.paramsSetString("musgrave_type", ts)
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetFloat("H", tex.dimension_max)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("lacunarity", tex.lacunarity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("octaves", tex.octaves)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("offset", tex.offset)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("intensity", tex.noise_intensity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gain", tex.gain)

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'DISTORTED_NOISE':
            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type))
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "distorted_noise")

            yi.paramsSetFloat("distort", tex.distortion)

            noise_size = tex.noise_scale
            if  noise_size > 0:
                noise_size = 1.0 / noise_size
            yi.paramsSetFloat("size", noise_size)

            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type1", noise2string(tex.noise_basis))
            yi.paramsSetString("noise_type2", noise2string(tex.noise_distortion))

            textureConfigured = True

        elif tex.yaf_tex_type == 'IMAGE' and tex.image and tex.image.source in {'FILE', 'GENERATED'}:

            filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bpy.data.filepath))[0]

            if not any(filename):
                filename = "untitled"
                save_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
                save_dir = "//"

            filename = clean_name(filename)
            fileformat = scene.render.image_settings.file_format.lower()
            extract_path = os.path.join(filename, "{:05d}".format(scene.frame_current))

            if tex.image.source == 'GENERATED':
                image_tex = "yaf_baked_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
            if tex.image.source == 'FILE':
                if tex.image.packed_file:
                    image_tex = "yaf_extracted_image_{0}.{1}".format(clean_name(tex.name), fileformat)
                    image_tex = os.path.join(save_dir, extract_path, image_tex)
                    image_tex = abspath(image_tex)
                    tex.image.save_render(image_tex, scene)
                    if tex.image.library is not None:
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath, library=tex.image.library)
                        image_tex = abspath(tex.image.filepath)
                    if not os.path.exists(image_tex):
                        yi.printError("Exporter: Image texture {0} not found on: {1}".format(tex.name, image_tex))
                        return False

            image_tex = os.path.realpath(image_tex)
            image_tex = os.path.normpath(image_tex)

            yi.printInfo("Exporter: Creating Texture: '{0}' type {1}: {2}".format(name, tex.yaf_tex_type, image_tex))

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")
            yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_tex)

            yi.paramsSetBool("use_alpha", tex.yaf_use_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("calc_alpha", tex.use_calculate_alpha)
            yi.paramsSetBool("normalmap", tex.yaf_is_normal_map)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("gamma", scene.gs_gamma_input)

            # repeat
            repeat_x = 1
            repeat_y = 1

            if tex.extension == 'REPEAT':
                repeat_x = tex.repeat_x
                repeat_y = tex.repeat_y

            yi.paramsSetInt("xrepeat", repeat_x)
            yi.paramsSetInt("yrepeat", repeat_y)

            # clipping
            extension = tex.extension
            switchExtension = {
                'EXTEND': 'extend',
                'CLIP': 'clip',
                'CLIP_CUBE': 'clipcube',
                'CHECKER': 'checker',
            clipping = switchExtension.get(extension, 'repeat')  # set default clipping to 'repeat'
            yi.paramsSetString("clipping", clipping)
            if clipping == 'checker':
                yi.paramsSetBool("even_tiles", tex.use_checker_even)
                yi.paramsSetBool("odd_tiles", tex.use_checker_odd)

            # crop min/max
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_x", tex.crop_min_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmin_y", tex.crop_min_y)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_x", tex.crop_max_x)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("cropmax_y", tex.crop_max_y)

            yi.paramsSetBool("rot90", tex.use_flip_axis)
            textureConfigured = True

        if textureConfigured:

        return textureConfigured
コード例 #47
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: aothms/ear
def get_exec_path():
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    path = normpath(abspath(scn.ear_exec_path))
    return path if os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK) else "EAR"
コード例 #48
ファイル: yaf_light.py プロジェクト: YafaRay/Blender-Exporter
    def createLight(self, yi, lamp_object, matrix=None):

        lamp = lamp_object.data
        name = lamp_object.name

        if matrix is None:
            matrix = lamp_object.matrix_world.copy()
        # matrix indexing (row, colums) changed in Blender rev.42816, for explanation see also:
        # http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:TrumanBlending/Matrix_Indexing
        pos = matrix.col[3]
        direct = matrix.col[2] # msg 'Assignment to reserved built-in symbol: dir' ( change to direct)
        # up = matrix[1]  /* UNUSED */
        to = pos - direct

        lampType = lamp.lamp_type
        power = lamp.yaf_energy
        color = lamp.color

        if self.preview:
            if name == "Lamp":
                pos = (-6, -4, 8, 1.0)
                power = 5
                if bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.enable:
                    power *= bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.fillLightPowerFactor
                    color = bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.fillLightColor

            elif name == "Lamp.001":
                pos = (6, -6, -2, 1.0)
                power = 6
                if bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.enable:
                    power *= bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.fillLightPowerFactor
                    color = bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.fillLightColor
            elif name == "Lamp.002":
                pos = (-2.9123109, -7.270790733, 4.439187765, 1.0)
                to = (-0.0062182024121284485, 0.6771485209465027, 1.8015732765197754, 1.0)
                power = 5
                if bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.enable:
                    power *= bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.keyLightPowerFactor
                    color = bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.keyLightColor
            elif name == "Lamp.008":
                lampType = "sun"
                power = 0.8
                if bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.enable:
                    power *= bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.keyLightPowerFactor
                    color = bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.keyLightColor
            if bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.enable:
                matrix2 = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(bpy.data.scenes[0].yafaray.preview.lightRotZ, 4, 'Z')
                pos = multiplyMatrix4x4Vector4(matrix2, mathutils.Vector((pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3])))


        yi.printInfo("Exporting Lamp: {0} [{1}]".format(name, lampType))

        if lamp.create_geometry:  # and not self.lightMat:
            yi.paramsSetColor("color", color[0], color[1], color[2])  # color for spherelight and area light geometry
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "light_mat")
            power_sphere = power / lamp.yaf_sphere_radius
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", power_sphere)
            self.lightMat = self.yi.createMaterial(name)
            #yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)

        if lampType == "point":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "pointlight")
            if getattr(lamp, "use_sphere", False):
                if lamp.create_geometry:
                    ID = self.makeSphere(24, 48, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], lamp.yaf_sphere_radius, self.lightMat)
                    yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)
                yi.paramsSetString("type", "spherelight")
                yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", lamp.yaf_sphere_radius)
                yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
                yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        elif lampType == "spot":
            if self.preview and name == "Lamp.002":
                angle = 50
                # Blender reports the angle of the full cone in radians
                # and we need half of the apperture angle in degrees
                angle = degrees(lamp.spot_size) * 0.5

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "spotlight")

            yi.paramsSetFloat("cone_angle", angle)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("blend", lamp.spot_blend)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("to", to[0], to[1], to[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("soft_shadows", lamp.spot_soft_shadows)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("shadowFuzzyness", lamp.shadow_fuzzyness)
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        elif lampType == "sun":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "sunlight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("angle", lamp.angle)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("direction", direct[0], direct[1], direct[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        elif lampType == "directional":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "directional")
            yi.paramsSetPoint("direction", direct[0], direct[1], direct[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("infinite", lamp.infinite)
            if not lamp.infinite:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("radius", lamp.shadow_soft_size)
                yi.paramsSetPoint("from", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        elif lampType == "ies":
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "ieslight")
            yi.paramsSetPoint("to", to[0], to[1], to[2])
            ies_file = abspath(lamp.ies_file)
            if not any(ies_file) and not os.path.exists(ies_file):
                yi.printWarning("IES file not found for {0}".format(name))
                return False
            yi.paramsSetString("file", ies_file)
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetBool("soft_shadows", lamp.ies_soft_shadows)
            yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        elif lampType == "area":
            sizeX = lamp.size
            sizeY = lamp.size
            if lamp.shape == 'RECTANGLE':
                sizeY = lamp.size_y                       
            matrix = lamp_object.matrix_world.copy()           

            # generate an untransformed rectangle in the XY plane with
            # the light's position as the centerpoint and transform it
            # using its transformation matrix
            point = Vector((-sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner1 = Vector((-sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner2 = Vector((sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
            corner3 = Vector((sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0))
            point = matrix * point  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner1 = matrix * corner1  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner2 = matrix * corner2  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            corner3 = matrix * corner3  # use reverse vector multiply order, API changed with rev. 38674
            if lamp.create_geometry:
                ID = yi.getNextFreeID()
                yi.startTriMesh(ID, 4, 2, False, False, 0)

                yi.addVertex(point[0], point[1], point[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner2[0], corner2[1], corner2[2])
                yi.addVertex(corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])
                yi.addTriangle(0, 1, 2, self.lightMat)
                yi.addTriangle(0, 2, 3, self.lightMat)
                yi.paramsSetInt("object", ID)

            yi.paramsSetString("type", "arealight")
            yi.paramsSetInt("samples", lamp.yaf_samples)
            yi.paramsSetPoint("corner", point[0], point[1], point[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point1", corner1[0], corner1[1], corner1[2])
            yi.paramsSetPoint("point2", corner3[0], corner3[1], corner3[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)

        if lampType not in {"sun", "directional"}:
            # "from" is not used for sunlight and infinite directional light
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
        if lampType in {"point", "spot"}:
            if getattr(lamp, "use_sphere", False) and lampType == "point":
                power = 0.5 * power * power / (lamp.yaf_sphere_radius * lamp.yaf_sphere_radius)
                power = 0.5 * power * power

        yi.paramsSetColor("color", color[0], color[1], color[2])
        yi.paramsSetFloat("power", power)
        yi.paramsSetBool("light_enabled", lamp.light_enabled)
        yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", lamp.cast_shadows)
        yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", lamp.caustic_photons)
        yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", lamp.diffuse_photons)
        yi.paramsSetBool("photon_only", lamp.photon_only)

        return True
コード例 #49
    def exportWorld(self, scene):
        yi = self.yi

        world = scene.world

        if world:
            bg_type = world.bg_type
            useIBL = world.bg_use_ibl
            iblSamples = world.bg_ibl_samples
            bgPower = world.bg_power
            with_caustic = world.bg_with_caustic
            with_diffuse = world.bg_with_diffuse
            c = world.bg_single_color
            bg_type = "Single Color"
            c = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            useIBL = False
            iblSamples = 16
            bgPower = 1

        self.yi.printInfo("Exporting World, type: {0}".format(bg_type))

        if bg_type == 'Texture':
            if world.active_texture is not None:
                worldTex = world.active_texture
                self.yi.printInfo("World Texture, name: {0}".format(worldTex.name))
                worldTex = None

            if worldTex is not None:

                if worldTex.type == "IMAGE" and (worldTex.image is not None):

                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")

                    image_file = abspath(worldTex.image.filepath)
                    image_file = realpath(image_file)
                    image_file = normpath(image_file)

                    yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_file)

                    # exposure_adjust not restricted to integer range anymore
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("exposure_adjust", world.bg_exposure)

                    if worldTex.use_interpolation == True:
                        yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", "bilinear")
                        yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", "none")

                    # Export the actual background
                    #texco = world.texture_slots[world.active_texture_index].texture_coords
                    texco = world.yaf_mapworld_type

                    if texco == 'ANGMAP':
                        yi.paramsSetString("mapping", "probe")
                    elif texco == 'SPHERE':
                        yi.paramsSetString("mapping", "sphere")
                        yi.printWarning("World texture mapping neither Sphere or AngMap, set it to Sphere now by default!")
                        yi.paramsSetString("mapping", "sphere")

                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "textureback")
                    yi.paramsSetString("texture", "world_texture")
                    yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
                    # 'with_caustic' and 'with_diffuse' settings gets checked in textureback.cc,
                    # so if IBL enabled when they are used...
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", with_caustic)
                    yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", with_diffuse)
                    yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("rotation", world.bg_rotation)

        elif bg_type == 'Gradient':
            c = world.bg_horizon_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_horizon_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "gradientback")

        elif bg_type == 'Sunsky1':
            f = world.bg_from
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", f[0], f[1], f[2])
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_turbidity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("a_var", world.bg_a_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("b_var", world.bg_b_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("c_var", world.bg_c_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("d_var", world.bg_d_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("e_var", world.bg_e_var)
            yi.paramsSetBool("add_sun", world.bg_add_sun)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("sun_power", world.bg_sun_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("background_light", world.bg_background_light)
            yi.paramsSetInt("light_samples", world.bg_light_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "sunsky")

        elif bg_type == "Sunsky2":
            f = world.bg_from
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", f[0], f[1], f[2])
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_ds_turbidity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("altitude", world.bg_dsaltitude)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("a_var", world.bg_a_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("b_var", world.bg_b_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("c_var", world.bg_c_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("d_var", world.bg_d_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("e_var", world.bg_e_var)
            yi.paramsSetBool("add_sun", world.bg_add_sun)
            if world.bg_add_sun:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("sun_power", world.bg_sun_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("background_light", world.bg_background_light)
            if world.bg_background_light:
                yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", world.bg_with_caustic)
                yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", world.bg_with_diffuse)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
            yi.paramsSetInt("light_samples", world.bg_light_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("bright", world.bg_dsbright)
            yi.paramsSetBool("night", world.bg_dsnight)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("exposure", world.bg_exposure)
            yi.paramsSetBool("clamp_rgb", world.bg_clamp_rgb)
            yi.paramsSetBool("gamma_enc", world.bg_gamma_enc)
            yi.paramsSetString("color_space", world.bg_color_space)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "darksky")

            yi.paramsSetColor("color", c[0], c[1], c[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "constant")


        return True
コード例 #50
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: aothms/ear
def export(filename):

    scn = bpy.context.scene
    basename = filename.split("\\")[-1].split("/")[-1]
    fs = open(filename, "wb")

    def is_iterable(ob):
        return not is_instance(ob, str) and isinstance(ob, Iterable)

    # Appends d to s according to the .EAR file format specification
    def pack(d, s=b""):
        if type(d) == type(0):
            s += b"int4"
            s += struct.pack("i", d)
        elif type(d) == type(0.0):
            s += b"flt4"
            s += struct.pack("f", d)
        elif type(d) == type([]) and len(d) > 1 and len(d) < 10 and type(d[0]) == type(0.0):
            s += ("vec%d" % len(d)).encode("ascii")
            for f in d:
                s += pack(f)
        elif type(d) == type([]) and type(d[0]) == type([]):
            s += b"tri "
            for f in d:
                s += pack(f)
        elif type(d) == type(""):
            e = d.encode("utf8")
            a = d + "\x00" * (4 - len(e) % 4)
            s += b"str "
            s += a.encode("utf8")
        elif type(d) == type(b""):
            return d
            raise ValueError(str(type(d)))
        return s

    # Writes a variable to the output stream
    def write(d):

    # Serializes the block with header h and arguments p
    def packblock(h, p):
        ret = b""
        if type(h) == type(b""):
            ret += h
            ret += str(h).encode("ascii")
        b = b""
        for x in p:
            b += pack(x)
        ret += struct.pack("i", len(b))
        ret += b
        return ret

    # Writes the block with header h and arguments p to the output stream
    def writeblock(h, p):
        if type(h) == type(b""):
        b = b""
        for x in p:
            b += pack(x)
        write(struct.pack("i", len(b)))

    # Writes header and version identifier
    writeblock("VRSN", [0])

    # Writes the materials in the blender file
    for mat in bpy.data.materials:
        # First see if the material is used by any sound reflecting meshes
        if not len([o for o in bpy.context.scene.objects if o.is_surface and mat.name in o.data.materials]):
        if mat.aud_preset != "0":
            bl = [mat.name]
            bl.extend(y for x in materials.lookup(mat.aud_preset) for y in x)
            bl = [mat.name, mat.refl_low, mat.refl_mid, mat.refl_high]
            bl.extend((mat.refr_low, mat.refr_mid, mat.refr_high))
            bl.extend((mat.exp_low, mat.exp_mid, mat.exp_high))
        writeblock("MAT ", bl)

    # Writes the settings block
    settings = [
        [scn.ab_low, scn.ab_mid, scn.ab_high],
        10 ** scn.num_samples,
    debug_dir = normpath(abspath(scn.debug_dir))
    if debug_dir != "." and os.path.exists(debug_dir):
        settings.extend(["debugdir", debug_dir])
    writeblock("SET ", settings)

    # A function to determines whether ob has suitable fcurves or its parent object
    def is_animated(ob):
        return (
            and ob.animation_data.action
            and len(ob.animation_data.action.fcurves)
            or (ob.parent and is_animated(ob.parent))

    # A check whether any object that is being exported is animated
    # If one of them is animated all other objects are threated as
    # animated as well.
    contains_animation = (
                for o in scn.objects
                if o.type == "EMPTY" and (o.is_storyboard or o.is_listener or o.is_emitter) and is_animated(o)
        > 0

    # Write the global key-frame offsets to the file
    if contains_animation:
        anim_keys = []
        for fr in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end + 1, scn.frame_step):
            anim_keys.append((fr - 1) / scn.render.fps)
        writeblock("KEYS", anim_keys)

    # Write the equalizer frequencies to the file
    writeblock("FREQ", [scn.freq1, scn.freq2, scn.freq3])

    # Keep track of the number of sounds and recorders
    num_sounds = 0
    num_recorders = 0
    recorder_names = []

    old_frame = scn.frame_current

    for ob in scn.objects:
        if ob.type == "MESH":
            # Mesh objects can either be a reflecting surface or an emitter
            if ob.is_surface or ob.is_emitter:
                # Transform the vertex coordinates to world space
                ve = [list(ob.matrix_world * v.co) for v in ob.data.vertices]
                # In case of reflecting surfaces meshes need to be separated by material index
                mi_to_fa = {}
                mis = range(len(ob.data.materials))
                # Use the new tesselated faces api if available (2.63 and onwards)
                if hasattr(ob.data, "tessfaces"):
                    faces = ob.data.tessfaces
                    faces = ob.data.faces
                for f in faces:
                    mi = f.material_index
                    if mi in mis:
                        fvs = f.vertices
                        if len(fvs) == 4:
                            vs = [[fvs[0], fvs[1], fvs[2]], [fvs[0], fvs[2], fvs[3]]]
                            vs = [fvs]
                        fa = mi_to_fa.get(mi, [])
                        for f in vs:
                            fa.append([ve[i] for i in f])
                        mi_to_fa[mi] = fa
                        print("Warning no material assigned to slot %d for object %s" % (mi, ob.name))
                if ob.is_emitter:
                    # In case of an emitter material indices are not important so the dictionary is flattened
                    mesh_block = packblock("mesh", sum([fa for mi, fa in mi_to_fa.items()], []))
                    block_id = "3src" if ob.is_tripleband else "ssrc"
                    fn = "//%s.sine.wav" % (ob.name) if ob.is_sine else ob.filename
                    # The file is a computer generated sine, generate it and write to file
                    if ob.is_sine:
                        sine_args = [
                        if ob.sine_harmonics:
                                (ob.sine_base_frequency, [(x.harmonic, x.amplitude) for x in ob.sine_frequencies])
                            sine_args.append([(x.frequency, x.amplitude) for x in ob.sine_frequencies])
                    block_args = [normpath(abspath(fn))]
                    if ob.is_tripleband:
                        block_args.extend((normpath(abspath(ob.filename2)), normpath(abspath(ob.filename3))))
                    block_args.extend((mesh_block, ob.gain))
                    writeblock(block_id, block_args)
                elif ob.is_surface:
                    for mi, fa in mi_to_fa.items():
                        writeblock("MESH", [ob.data.materials[mi].name] + fa)
        elif ob.type == "EMPTY":
            if contains_animation:
                locs = []
                for fr in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end + 1, scn.frame_step):
                loc = packblock("anim", locs)
                loc = list(ob.location)
            if ob.is_storyboard:
                generated_file, step_locs = storyboard.generate(ob, ob.step_size)
                if generated_file:
                    new_locs = []
                    step_index = 0
                    for fr in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end + 1, scn.frame_step):
                        step_loc = list(ob.location)
                        step_loc[2] = step_locs[step_index][2]
                        step_index += 1
                    new_loc = packblock("anim", new_locs)
                    writeblock("SSRC", [normpath(generated_file), new_loc, ob.gain])
                    num_sounds += 1
            if ob.is_emitter:
                block_id = "3SRC" if ob.is_tripleband else "SSRC"
                fn = "//%s.sine.wav" % (ob.name) if ob.is_sine else ob.filename
                if ob.is_sine:
                    sine_args = [
                    if ob.sine_harmonics:
                            (ob.sine_base_frequency, [(x.harmonic, x.amplitude) for x in ob.sine_frequencies])
                        sine_args.append([(x.frequency, x.amplitude) for x in ob.sine_frequencies])
                block_args = [normpath(abspath(fn))]
                if ob.is_tripleband:
                    block_args.extend((normpath(abspath(ob.filename2)), normpath(abspath(ob.filename3))))
                block_args.extend((loc, ob.gain, ob.sound_offset))
                writeblock(block_id, block_args)
                num_sounds += 1
            if ob.is_listener:
                channels = 2 if ob.is_stereo else 1
                li = [normpath(abspath(ob.filename)), 35.0, loc]
                if ob.is_stereo:
                    if contains_animation:
                        ears = []
                        for fr in range(scn.frame_start, scn.frame_end + 1, scn.frame_step):
                            mat = ob.matrix_world.to_3x3()
                            vec = mat * mathutils.Vector((-1, 0, 0))
                        ear = packblock("anim", ears)
                        mat = ob.matrix_world.to_3x3()
                        vec = mat * mathutils.Vector((-1, 0, 0))
                        ear = list(vec)
                    li.append([ob.head_ab_low, ob.head_ab_mid, ob.head_ab_high])
                writeblock("OUT%d" % channels, li)
                num_recorders += 1

コード例 #51
ファイル: yaf_world.py プロジェクト: YafaRay/Blender-Exporter
    def exportWorld(self, scene, is_preview):
        yi = self.yi

        world = scene.world

        if world:
            bg_type = world.bg_type
            useIBL = world.bg_use_ibl
            iblSamples = world.bg_ibl_samples
            bgPower = world.bg_power
            c = world.bg_single_color
            bg_type = "Single Color"
            c = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            useIBL = False
            iblSamples = 16
            bgPower = 1

        self.yi.printInfo("Exporting World, type: {0}".format(bg_type))

        if bg_type == 'Texture':
            if world.active_texture is not None:
                worldTex = world.active_texture
                self.yi.printInfo("World Texture, name: {0}".format(worldTex.name))
                worldTex = None

            if worldTex is not None:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_red", worldTex.factor_red)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_green", worldTex.factor_green)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_mult_factor_blue", worldTex.factor_blue)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_intensity", worldTex.intensity)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_contrast", worldTex.contrast)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_saturation", worldTex.saturation)
                yi.paramsSetFloat("adj_hue", math.degrees(worldTex.yaf_adj_hue))
                yi.paramsSetBool("adj_clamp", worldTex.use_clamp)

                if worldTex.type == "IMAGE" and (worldTex.image is not None):

                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "image")

                    image_file = abspath(worldTex.image.filepath)
                    image_file = realpath(image_file)
                    image_file = normpath(image_file)

                    yi.paramsSetString("filename", image_file)

                    # exposure_adjust not restricted to integer range anymore
                    #yi.paramsSetFloat("exposure_adjust", world.exposure) #bg_exposure)

                    interpolate = 'none'
                    if worldTex.use_interpolation == True:
                        interpolate = 'bilinear'
                    yi.paramsSetString("interpolate", interpolate)

                    texture_color_space = "sRGB"
                    texture_gamma = 1.0

                    if worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "sRGB" or worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "VD16":
                        texture_color_space = "sRGB"
                    elif worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "XYZ":
                        texture_color_space = "XYZ"
                    elif worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Linear" or worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Linear ACES" or worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Non-Color":
                        texture_color_space = "LinearRGB"
                    elif worldTex.image.colorspace_settings.name == "Raw":
                        texture_color_space = "Raw_manualGamma"
                        texture_gamma = worldTex.yaf_gamma_input  #We only use the selected gamma if the color space is set to "Raw"
                    yi.paramsSetString("color_space", texture_color_space)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("gamma", texture_gamma)

                    # Export the actual background
                    #texco = world.texture_slots[world.active_texture_index].texture_coords
                    textcoord = world.yaf_mapworld_type
                    mappingType = {'ANGMAP': 'angular',
                                   'SPHERE': 'sphere'}                    
                    texco = mappingType.get(textcoord, "angular")
                    yi.paramsSetString("mapping", texco)
                    # now, this msg is not need , but....
                    if textcoord not in {'ANGMAP', 'SPHERE'}:
                        yi.printWarning("World texture mapping neither Sphere or AngMap, set it to AngMap now by default!")
                    yi.paramsSetString("type", "textureback")
                    yi.paramsSetString("texture", "world_texture")
                    yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
                    #yi.paramsSetFloat("ibl_clamp_sampling", world.ibl_clamp_sampling) #No longer needed after this issue was solved in Core (http://www.yafaray.org/node/752#comment-1621), but I will leave it here for now just in case...
                    if is_preview:
                        yi.paramsSetFloat("smartibl_blur", 0.0) #To avoid causing Blender UI freezing while waiting for the blur process to complete in the material/world previews
                        yi.paramsSetFloat("smartibl_blur", world.bg_smartibl_blur)
                    # 'with_caustic' and 'with_diffuse' settings gets checked in textureback.cc,
                    # so if IBL enabled when they are used...
                    yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
                    yi.paramsSetFloat("rotation", world.bg_rotation)

        elif bg_type == 'Gradient':
            c = world.bg_horizon_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_horizon_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("horizon_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            c = world.bg_zenith_ground_color
            yi.paramsSetColor("zenith_ground_color", c[0], c[1], c[2])

            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "gradientback")

        elif bg_type == 'Sunsky1':
            f = world.bg_from
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", f[0], f[1], f[2])
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_turbidity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("a_var", world.bg_a_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("b_var", world.bg_b_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("c_var", world.bg_c_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("d_var", world.bg_d_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("e_var", world.bg_e_var)
            yi.paramsSetBool("add_sun", world.bg_add_sun)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("sun_power", world.bg_sun_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("background_light", world.bg_background_light)
            yi.paramsSetInt("light_samples", world.bg_light_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "sunsky")

        elif bg_type == "Sunsky2":
            f = world.bg_from
            yi.paramsSetPoint("from", f[0], f[1], f[2])
            yi.paramsSetFloat("turbidity", world.bg_ds_turbidity)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("altitude", world.bg_dsaltitude)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("a_var", world.bg_a_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("b_var", world.bg_b_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("c_var", world.bg_c_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("d_var", world.bg_d_var)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("e_var", world.bg_e_var)
            yi.paramsSetBool("add_sun", world.bg_add_sun)
            if world.bg_add_sun:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("sun_power", world.bg_sun_power)
            yi.paramsSetBool("background_light", world.bg_background_light)
            if world.bg_background_light:
                yi.paramsSetFloat("power", world.bg_power)
            yi.paramsSetInt("light_samples", world.bg_light_samples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("bright", world.bg_dsbright)
            yi.paramsSetBool("night", world.bg_dsnight)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("exposure", world.bg_exposure)
            yi.paramsSetBool("clamp_rgb", world.bg_clamp_rgb)
            yi.paramsSetBool("gamma_enc", world.bg_gamma_enc)
            yi.paramsSetString("color_space", world.bg_color_space)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "darksky")

            yi.paramsSetColor("color", c[0], c[1], c[2])
            yi.paramsSetBool("ibl", useIBL)
            yi.paramsSetInt("ibl_samples", iblSamples)
            yi.paramsSetFloat("power", bgPower)
            yi.paramsSetString("type", "constant")
        if world is not None:
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows", world.bg_cast_shadows)
            yi.paramsSetBool("cast_shadows_sun", world.bg_cast_shadows_sun)
            yi.paramsSetBool("with_caustic", world.bg_with_caustic)
            yi.paramsSetBool("with_diffuse", world.bg_with_diffuse)

        return True
コード例 #52
def createMeshFromAudio(scene, verts, faces):
    filepath = scene.cubester_audio_path
    width = scene.cubester_audio_width_blocks
    length = scene.cubester_audio_length_blocks
    offset = scene.cubester_audio_offset
    size_per_hundred = scene.cubester_size_per_hundred_pixels

    size = size_per_hundred / 100

    # create all blocks
    y = -(width / 2) * size
    for r in range(width):
        x = -(length / 2) * size
        for c in range(length):
            createBlock(x, y, size, 1, verts, faces)

            x += size
        y += size

    # create object
    mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new("cubed")
    mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
    ob = bpy.data.objects.new("cubed", mesh)
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
    ob.select = True

    # set keyframe for each object as inital point
    frame = [1 for i in range(int(len(verts) / 8))]
    frames = [frame]

    area = bpy.context.area
    old_type = area.type
    area.type = "GRAPH_EDITOR"

    scene.frame_current = 0

    createFCurves(mesh, frames, 1, "blocks")

    # deselct all fcurves
    fcurves = ob.data.animation_data.action.fcurves.data.fcurves
    for i in fcurves:
        i.select = False

    max = scene.cubester_audio_max_freq
    min = scene.cubester_audio_min_freq

    freq_step = (max - min) / length

    # animate each block with a portion of the frequency
    for c in range(length):

        l = c * freq_step
        h = (c + 1) * freq_step

        for r in range(width):
            pos = c + (r * length)  # block number
            index = pos * 4  # first index for vertex

            # select curves
            for i in range(index, index + 4):
                curve = i * 3 + 2  # fcurve location
                fcurves[curve].select = True

            bpy.ops.graph.sound_bake(filepath=path.abspath(filepath), low=l, high=h)

            # deselect curves
            for i in range(index, index + 4):
                curve = i * 3 + 2  # fcurve location
                fcurves[curve].select = False

    area.type = old_type