def createBubbleMaterial(name, baseColor): mat = mat.use_nodes = True mat.blend_method = 'BLEND' principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=False) principled.base_color = baseColor principled.metallic = 0.5 principled.specular = 0.2 principled.roughness = 0.05 #principled.IOR = 1.1 principled.alpha = 0.3 # principled.specular_texture.image = load_image("/path/to/image.png") # Export principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(mat, is_readonly=True) base_color = principled.base_color specular_texture = principled.specular_texture if specular_texture and specular_texture.image: specular_texture_filepath = principled.specular_texture.image.filepath
def handle_materials(context, model, materials, update): """ """ for m in model.Materials: matname = material_name(m) if matname not in materials: blmat = utils.get_iddata(context.blend_data.materials, None, m.Name, None) if update: blmat.use_nodes = True refl = m.Reflectivity transp = m.Transparency ior = m.IndexOfRefraction roughness = m.ReflectionGlossiness transrough = m.RefractionGlossiness spec = m.Shine / 255.0 if m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity > 0.0 and m.Transparency == 0.0: r, g, b, _ = m.ReflectionColor elif m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity == 0.0 and m.Transparency > 0.0: r, g, b, _ = m.TransparentColor refl = 0.0 elif m.DiffuseColor == _black and m.Reflectivity > 0.0 and m.Transparency > 0.0: r, g, b, _ = m.TransparentColor refl = 0.0 else: r, g, b, a = m.DiffuseColor if refl > 0.0 and transp > 0.0: refl = 0.0 principled = PrincipledBSDFWrapper(blmat, is_readonly=False) principled.base_color = (r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) principled.metallic = refl principled.transmission = transp principled.ior = ior principled.roughness = roughness principled.specular = spec principled.node_principled_bsdf.inputs[ 16].default_value = transrough materials[matname] = blmat