コード例 #1
    def dryrun(self, token, arg):
        ss = arg.split(',')
        size = [safeint(ss[0], 128) if len(ss)>0 else 128,
                safeint(ss[1], 128) if len(ss)>1 else 128]
        method = ss[2].upper() if len(ss)>2 and len(ss[2])>0 else 'BC'
        preproc = ss[3].lower() if len(ss)>3 and len(ss[3])>0 else ''
        preprocc = ',%s'%preproc if len(preproc)>0 else '' # attempt to keep the filename backward compatible
        fmt = ss[4].lower() if len(ss)>4 and len(ss[4])>0 else 'jpeg'

        dims = token.dims or {}
        num_x = int(dims.get('image_num_x', 0))
        num_y = int(dims.get('image_num_y', 0))
            width, height = compute_new_size(num_x, num_y, size[0], size[1], keep_aspect_ratio=True, no_upsample=True)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            log.warning('Thumbnail warning while guessing size %s: [%sx%s] to [%sx%s]', token.resource_id, num_x, num_y, width, height)
            width = size[0]
            height = size[1]

        info = {
            'image_num_x': width,
            'image_num_y': height,
            'image_num_c': 3,
            'image_num_z': 1,
            'image_num_t': 1,
            'image_pixel_depth': 8,
            'format': fmt,
        ext = self.server.converters.defaultExtension(fmt)
        ofile = '%s.thumb_%s,%s,%s%s.%s'%(token.data, size[0], size[1], method, preprocc, ext)
        #log.debug('Dryrun thumbnail [%s]', ofile)
        return token.setImage(ofile, fmt=fmt, dims=info, input=ofile)
コード例 #2
ファイル: fuse.py プロジェクト: satish1901/bisque-dev
    def action(self, token, arg):
        method = 'a'
        num_channels = 3
        arg = arg.lower()

        if arg == 'display':
            args = ['-fusemeta']
            argenc = 'display'
        elif arg == 'gray' or arg == 'grey':
            args = ['-fusegrey']
            num_channels = 1
            argenc = 'gray'
            args = ['-fusergb', arg]

            if ':' in arg:
                (arg, method) = arg.split(':', 1)
            elif '.' in arg:
                (arg, method) = arg.split('.', 1)
            argenc = ''.join([
                hex(int(i)).replace('0x', '')
                for i in arg.replace(';', ',').split(',') if i is not ''

            # test if all channels are valid
            dims = token.dims or {}
            img_num_c = misc.safeint(dims.get('image_num_c'), 0)
            groups = [i for i in arg.split(';') if i is not '']
            # if there are more groups than input channels
            if len(groups) > img_num_c:
                groups = groups[img_num_c:]
                for i, g in enumerate(groups):
                    channels = [misc.safeint(i, 0) for i in g.split(',')]
                    # we can skip 0 weighted channels even if they are outside of the image channel range
                    if max(channels) > 0:
                        raise ImageServiceException(
                            'Fuse: requested fusion of channel outside bounds %s>%s (%s)'
                            % (img_num_c + i, img_num_c, g))

        if method != 'a':
            args.extend(['-fusemethod', method])

        info = {
            'image_num_c': num_channels,

        ifile = token.first_input_file()
        ofile = '%s.fuse_%s_%s' % (token.data, argenc, method)
        log.debug('Fuse %s: %s to %s with [%s:%s]', token.resource_id, ifile,
                  ofile, arg, method)

        return self.server.enqueue(token,
コード例 #3
    def tile(cls, token, ofnm, level, x, y, sz, **kw):
        '''extract tile Level,X,Y tile from input filename into output in OME-TIFF format'''

        # imgcnv driver does not support arbitrary size interface
        if kw.get('arbitrary_size',
                  False) == True or level is None or sz is None:
            return None

        ifnm = token.first_input_file()
        series = token.series
        page = 0
        log.debug('Tile: %s %s %s %s %s for [%s]', level, x, y, sz, series,

        info = token.dims or {}
        tile_w = info.get('tile_num_x', 0)
        tile_h = info.get('tile_num_y', 0)
        num_l = info.get('image_num_resolution_levels', 1)
        if num_l <= 1 or tile_w < 1 or tile_h < 1:
            log.debug('Image does not contain tiles, skipping...')
            return None

        queue = token.getQueue()
        #command = ['-o', ofnm, '-t', 'tiff']
        command = []
        if token.series is not None and token.series != 0:
            command.extend(['-path', token.series])

        # separate normal and multi-file series
        if '-i' not in queue and '-il' not in queue and '-page' not in queue:
            if token.is_multifile_series() is False:
                command.extend(['-i', ifnm])
                command.extend(['-page', str(page + 1)])
                # use first image of the series, need to check for separate channels here
                files = token.input
                meta = token.meta or {}
                samples = meta.get('image_num_c', 0)
                if samples < 2:
                    command.extend(['-i', files[page]])
                    # in case of channels being stored in separate files
                    page = page * samples
                    command.extend(['-i', files[page]])
                    for s in range(1, samples):
                        command.extend(['-c', files[page + s]])

        level = misc.safeint(level, 0)
        x = misc.safeint(x, 0)
        y = misc.safeint(y, 0)
        sz = misc.safeint(sz, 0)
        command.extend(['-tile', '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (sz, x, y, level)])

        # add speed file
        command.extend(['-speed', token.get_speed_file()])

        return command
コード例 #4
    def get_formats(cls):
        '''inits supported file formats'''
        if cls.installed_formats is None:
            formats_xml = cls.run_command([cls.CONVERTERCOMMAND, '-fmtxml'])
            formats = etree.fromstring('<formats>%s</formats>' % formats_xml)

            cls.installed_formats = OrderedDict()
            codecs = formats.xpath('//codec')
            for c in codecs:
                    name = c.get('name')
                    fullname = c.xpath('tag[@name="fullname"]')[0].get(
                        'value', '')
                    exts = c.xpath('tag[@name="extensions"]')[0].get(
                        'value', '').split('|')
                    reading = len(
                            'tag[@name="support" and @value="reading"]')) > 0
                    writing = len(
                            'tag[@name="support" and @value="writing"]')) > 0
                    multipage = len(
                            'tag[@name="support" and @value="writing multiple pages"]'
                        )) > 0
                    metadata = len(
                            'tag[@name="support" and @value="reading metadata"]'
                    ) > 0 or len(
                            'tag[@name="support" and @value="writing metadata"]'
                        )) > 0
                    samples_min = misc.safeint(
                            'value', '0'))
                    samples_max = misc.safeint(
                            'value', '0'))
                    bits_min = misc.safeint(
                            'value', '0'))
                    bits_max = misc.safeint(
                            'value', '0'))
                except IndexError:
                cls.installed_formats[name.lower()] = Format(
                    samples=(samples_min, samples_max),
                    bits=(bits_min, bits_max))
コード例 #5
    def tile(cls, token, ofnm, level=None, x=None, y=None, sz=None, **kw):
        '''extract tile from image
        default interface:
            Level,X,Y tile from input filename into output in TIFF format
        alternative interface, not required to support and may return None in this case
        scale=scale, x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2, arbitrary_size=False '''

        # open slide driver does not support arbitrary size interface
        if kw.get('arbitrary_size',
                  False) == True or level is None or sz is None:
            return None

        ifnm = token.first_input_file()
        series = token.series
        if not cls.supported(token):
            return None
        log.debug('Tile: %s %s %s %s %s for [%s]', level, x, y, sz, series,

        level = misc.safeint(level, 0)
        x = misc.safeint(x, 0)
        y = misc.safeint(y, 0)
        sz = misc.safeint(sz, 0)
        with Locks(ifnm, ofnm, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked:  # the file is not being currently written by another process
                    _, tmp = misc.start_nounicode_win(ifnm, [])
                    slide = openslide.OpenSlide(tmp or ifnm)
                    dz = deepzoom.DeepZoomGenerator(slide,
                    img = dz.get_tile(dz.level_count - level - 1, (x, y))
                    img.save(ofnm, 'TIFF', compression='LZW')
                except (openslide.OpenSlideUnsupportedFormatError,
                    return None

        # make sure the file was written
        with Locks(ofnm, failonread=(not block_reads)) as l:
            if l.locked is False:  # dima: never wait, respond immediately
                raise ImageServiceFuture((1, 15))
        return ofnm
コード例 #6
    def init_classes_dataset(self):
        if self.training_set is None:
            raise ConnoisseurException(responses.BAD_REQUEST, 'Cannot initialize classes due to missing training dataset')

        with Locks(None, self.lockable, failonexist=True) as l:
            if l.locked is False: # the file is being written by another process
                raise ConnoisseurException(responses.LOCKED, 'The model is locked for processing by another process')
                dataset_url = ensure_url(self.training_set)
                adapter_gobs = self.create_adapter_gobs(model=self, image=None)

                classes = {}
                gobs = data_service.query(resource_type='value', parent=dataset_url, extract='gobject[type]')
                idx = 0
                self.total_samples = 0
                for g in gobs:
                    k = g.get('type')
                    n = misc.safeint(g.text, 0)
                    if k is None: continue
                    k = adapter_gobs.get_class_name(g) # adapt the class name, might need some change since the node is not a true gobject
                    if k is None: continue
                    if k not in classes:
                        classes[k] = {
                            'label': k,
                            'id': idx,
                            'samples': n,
                        idx += 1
                        classes[k]['samples'] += n
                    self.total_samples += n
                self.classes_data = classes
                self.classes_data_by_original_id = dict((v['id'],v) for k,v in self.classes_data.iteritems())
                #log.debug('Classes data: %s', str(self.classes_data))

                self.classes_model = {}
                self.classes_model_by_id = {}
                self.classes_model_by_original_id = {}
                self.number_classes_in_model = 0
                self.update_with_error('status.classes.init', 'Exception during init_classes_dataset')

            # update model resource
            set_tag(self.resource, 'total_samples', self.total_samples)
            set_classes(self.resource, 'classes_data', self.classes_data)
            set_classes(self.resource, 'classes_model', self.classes_model)
            set_tag(self.resource, 'status.classes.init', 'finished')
コード例 #7
ファイル: pixelcounter.py プロジェクト: satish1901/bisque-dev
    def action(self, token, arg):
        if not token.isFile():
            raise ImageServiceException(
                400, 'Pixelcounter: input is not an image...')
        arg = safeint(arg.lower(), 256) - 1
        ifile = token.first_input_file()
        ofile = '%s.pixelcounter_%s.xml' % (token.data, arg)
        log.debug('Pixelcounter %s: %s to %s with [%s]', token.resource_id,
                  ifile, ofile, arg)

        command = token.drainQueue()
        if not os.path.exists(ofile):
            command.extend(['-pixelcounts', str(arg)])
            self.server.imageconvert(token, ifile, ofile, extra=command)

        return token.setXmlFile(fname=ofile)
コード例 #8
    def dryrun(self, token, arg):
        # parse arguments
        #log.debug('Dryrun Slice')
        x1 = 0
        x2 = 0
        y1 = 0
        y2 = 0
        z1 = 0
        z2 = 0
        t1 = 0
        t2 = 0
        extended_dims = {}
        extended_str = ''
        if ':' not in arg:
            # the standard way of defining dimensions
            vs = [[safeint(i, 0) for i in vs.split('-', 1)]
                  for vs in arg.split(',')]
            for v in vs:
                if len(v) < 2: v.append(0)
            for v in range(len(vs) - 4):
                vs.append([0, 0])
            x1, x2 = vs[0]
            y1, y2 = vs[1]
            z1, z2 = vs[2]
            t1, t2 = vs[3]
            # the extended way of defining dimensions
            for a in arg.split(','):
                k, v = a.split(':', 1)
                if k not in self.dimension_names: continue
                extended_dims[k] = [safeint(i, 0) for i in v.split('-', 1)]
            # update x,y,z and t from the new style args
            x1, x2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'x')
            y1, y2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'y')
            z1, z2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'z')
            t1, t2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 't')
            # update extended string part
            if len(extended_dims) > 0:
                # get a string of extended dimensions in the defined order
                ddd = [
                    get_dimension_string(extended_dims, k)
                    for k in self.dimension_names if k in extended_dims
                extended_str = '.%s' % (','.join(ddd))

        # in case slices request an exact copy, skip
        if x1 == 0 and x2 == 0 and y1 == 0 and y2 == 0 and z1 == 0 and z2 == 0 and t1 == 0 and t2 == 0 and len(
                extended_dims) < 1:
            #log.debug('Dryrun Slice: skipping due to pars==0')
            return token

        dims = token.dims or {}
        if x1 <= 1 and x2 >= dims.get('image_num_x', 1):
            x1 = 0
            x2 = 0
        if y1 <= 1 and y2 >= dims.get('image_num_y', 1):
            y1 = 0
            y2 = 0
        if z1 <= 1 and z2 >= dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
            z1 = 0
            z2 = 0
        if t1 <= 1 and t2 >= dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
            t1 = 0
            t2 = 0

        # check image bounds - dima: comment since dryrun may not contain proper dimensions
        # if z1>dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
        #     raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Slice: requested Z slice outside of image bounds: [%s]'%z1 )
        # if z2>dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
        #     raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Slice: requested Z slice outside of image bounds: [%s]'%z2 )
        # if t1>dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
        #     raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Slice: requested T plane outside of image bounds: [%s]'%t1 )
        # if t2>dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
        #     raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Slice: requested T plane outside of image bounds: [%s]'%t2 )

        # shortcuts are only possible with no ROIs are requested
        if x1 == x2 == 0 and y1 == y2 == 0 and len(dims) > 0:
            # shortcut if input image has only one T and Z
            if dims.get('image_num_z', 1) <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_t', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                #log.debug('Dryrun Slice: plane requested on image with no T or Z planes, skipping...')
                return token
            # shortcut if asking for all slices with only a specific time point in an image with only one time pont
            if z1 == z2 == 0 and t1 <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_t', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                #log.debug('Dryrun Slice: T plane requested on image with no T planes, skipping...')
                return token
            # shortcut if asking for all time points with only a specific z slice in an image with only one z slice
            if t1 == t2 == 0 and z1 <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_z', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                #log.debug('Dryrun Slice: Z plane requested on image with no Z planes, skipping...')
                return token

        if z1 == z2 == 0:
            z1 = 1
            z2 = dims.get('image_num_z', 1)
        if t1 == t2 == 0:
            t1 = 1
            t2 = dims.get('image_num_t', 1)

        new_w = x2 - x1
        new_h = y2 - y1
        new_z = max(1, z2 - z1 + 1)
        new_t = max(1, t2 - t1 + 1)
        info = {
            'image_num_z': new_z,
            'image_num_t': new_t,
        if new_w > 0: info['image_num_x'] = new_w + 1
        if new_h > 0: info['image_num_y'] = new_h + 1

        ofname = '%s.%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d%s.ome.tif' % (
            token.data, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, t1, t2, extended_str)
        #log.debug('Dryrun Slice [%s]', ofname)
        return token.setImage(ofname,
コード例 #9
    def action(self, token, arg):
        '''arg = x1-x2,y1-y2,z|z1-z2,t|t1-t2
           arg = z:V1-V2,fov:V,...

        if not token.isFile():
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Slice: input is not an image...')

        # parse arguments
        x1 = 0
        x2 = 0
        y1 = 0
        y2 = 0
        z1 = 0
        z2 = 0
        t1 = 0
        t2 = 0
        extended_dims = {}
        extended_str = ''
        if ':' not in arg:
            # the standard way of defining dimensions
            vs = [[safeint(i, 0) for i in vs.split('-', 1)]
                  for vs in arg.split(',')]
            for v in vs:
                if len(v) < 2: v.append(0)
            for v in range(len(vs) - 4):
                vs.append([0, 0])
            x1, x2 = vs[0]
            y1, y2 = vs[1]
            z1, z2 = vs[2]
            t1, t2 = vs[3]
            # the extended way of defining dimensions
            for a in arg.split(','):
                k, v = a.split(':', 1)
                if k not in self.dimension_names: continue
                extended_dims[k] = [safeint(i, 0) for i in v.split('-', 1)]
            # update x,y,z and t from the new style args
            x1, x2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'x')
            y1, y2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'y')
            z1, z2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 'z')
            t1, t2 = pop_dimension_range(extended_dims, 't')
            # update extended string part
            if len(extended_dims) > 0:
                # get a string of extended dimensions in the defined order
                ddd = [
                    get_dimension_string(extended_dims, k)
                    for k in self.dimension_names if k in extended_dims
                extended_str = '.%s' % (','.join(ddd))

        # in case slices request an exact copy, skip
        if x1 == 0 and x2 == 0 and y1 == 0 and y2 == 0 and z1 == 0 and z2 == 0 and t1 == 0 and t2 == 0 and len(
                extended_dims) < 1:
            return token

        dims = token.dims or {}
        if x1 <= 1 and x2 >= dims.get('image_num_x', 1):
            x1 = 0
            x2 = 0
        if y1 <= 1 and y2 >= dims.get('image_num_y', 1):
            y1 = 0
            y2 = 0
        if z1 <= 1 and z2 >= dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
            z1 = 0
            z2 = 0
        if t1 <= 1 and t2 >= dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
            t1 = 0
            t2 = 0

        # check image bounds
        if z1 > dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
            raise ImageServiceException(
                'Slice: requested Z slice outside of image bounds: [%s]' % z1)
        if z2 > dims.get('image_num_z', 1):
            raise ImageServiceException(
                'Slice: requested Z slice outside of image bounds: [%s]' % z2)
        if t1 > dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
            raise ImageServiceException(
                'Slice: requested T plane outside of image bounds: [%s]' % t1)
        if t2 > dims.get('image_num_t', 1):
            raise ImageServiceException(
                'Slice: requested T plane outside of image bounds: [%s]' % t2)

        # shortcuts are only possible with no ROIs are requested
        if x1 == x2 == 0 and y1 == y2 == 0:
            # shortcut if input image has only one T and Z
            if dims.get('image_num_z', 1) <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_t', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                    'Slice: plane requested on image with no T or Z planes, skipping...'
                return token
            # shortcut if asking for all slices with only a specific time point in an image with only one time pont
            if z1 == z2 == 0 and t1 <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_t', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                    'Slice: T plane requested on image with no T planes, skipping...'
                return token
            # shortcut if asking for all time points with only a specific z slice in an image with only one z slice
            if t1 == t2 == 0 and z1 <= 1 and dims.get(
                    'image_num_z', 1) <= 1 and len(extended_dims) < 1:
                    'Slice: Z plane requested on image with no Z planes, skipping...'
                return token

        if z1 == z2 == 0:
            z1 = 1
            z2 = dims.get('image_num_z', 1)
        if t1 == t2 == 0:
            t1 = 1
            t2 = dims.get('image_num_t', 1)

        # construct a sliced filename
        ifname = token.first_input_file()
        ofname = '%s.%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d,%d-%d%s.ome.tif' % (
            token.data, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, t1, t2, extended_str)
        log.debug('Slice %s: from [%s] to [%s]', token.resource_id, ifname,

        new_w = x2 - x1
        new_h = y2 - y1
        new_z = max(1, z2 - z1 + 1)
        new_t = max(1, t2 - t1 + 1)
        info = {
            'image_num_z': new_z,
            'image_num_t': new_t,
        if new_w > 0: info['image_num_x'] = new_w + 1
        if new_h > 0: info['image_num_y'] = new_h + 1

        meta = token.meta or {}
        unsupported_multifile = False
        if token.is_multifile_series() is True and (z2 == 0 or z2 == z1) and (
                t2 == 0 or t2 == t1) and x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 and meta.get(
                    'image_num_c', 0) == 0:
            unsupported_multifile = True

        if dims.get(
                '') == ConverterImgcnv.name or unsupported_multifile is True:
            r = ConverterImgcnv.slice(token,
                                      z=(z1, z2),
                                      t=(t1, t2),
                                      roi=(x1, x2, y1, y2),
            # if decoder returned a list of operations for imgcnv to enqueue
            if isinstance(r, list):
                return self.server.enqueue(token,

        # slice the image
        if not os.path.exists(ofname):
            intermediate = '%s.ome.tif' % token.data

            if 'converter' in dims and dims.get(
                    'converter') in self.server.converters:
                r = self.server.converters[dims.get('converter')].slice(
                    z=(z1, z2),
                    t=(t1, t2),
                    roi=(x1, x2, y1, y2),

            # if desired converter failed, perform exhaustive conversion
            if r is None:
                for n, c in self.server.converters.iteritems():
                    if n in [ConverterImgcnv.name, dims.get('converter')]:
                    r = c.slice(token,
                                z=(z1, z2),
                                t=(t1, t2),
                                roi=(x1, x2, y1, y2),
                    if r is not None:

            if r is None:
                log.error('Slice %s: could not generate slice for [%s]',
                          token.resource_id, ifname)
                raise ImageServiceException(415, 'Could not generate slice')

            # if decoder returned a list of operations for imgcnv to enqueue
            if isinstance(r, list):
                return self.server.enqueue(token,

        return token.setImage(ofname,
コード例 #10
    def meta(cls, token, **kw):
        if not cls.installed:
            return {}
        ifnm = token.first_input_file()
        series = int(token.series)
        log.debug('Meta for: %s', ifnm )

        if os.name == 'nt':
            nulldevice = 'NUL'
        elif os.name == 'posix':
            nulldevice = '/dev/null'

        command = [cls.CONVERTERCOMMAND, '-i', ifnm, '-m', '-l', nulldevice, '-ii', '%s'%series]
        command.extend( cls.extension(token, **kw) ) # extend if timeout or meta are present
        meta = cls.run_read(ifnm, command)

        if meta is None:
            return {}

        # fix a bug in Imaris Convert exporting XML with invalid chars
        # by removing the <ImplParameters> tag
        # params is formatted in INI format
        params = ''
            p = misc.between(BLOCK_START, BLOCK_END, meta)
            meta = meta.replace('%s%s%s'%(BLOCK_START, p, BLOCK_END), '', 1)
            params = p
        except UnboundLocalError:
            return {}

        # Parse Meta XML
        # most files have improper encodings, try to recover
        rd = {}
            mee = etree.fromstring(meta)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                mee = etree.fromstring(meta, parser=etree.XMLParser(encoding='iso-8859-1'))
            except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, LookupError):
                    mee = etree.fromstring(meta, parser=etree.XMLParser(encoding='utf-16'))
                except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, LookupError):
                        mee = etree.fromstring(meta, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True))
                    except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                        log.error ("Unparsable %s", meta)
                        return {}

        if '<FileInfo2>' in meta: # v7
            rd['image_num_series'] = misc.safeint(misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '/FileInfo2/NumberOfImages'), 1)
            imagenodepath = '/FileInfo2/Image[@mIndex="%s"]'%series
        else: # v8
            rd['image_num_series'] = misc.safeint(misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '/MetaData/NumberOfImages'), 1)
            imagenodepath = '/MetaData/Image[@mIndex="%s"]'%series

        rd['image_series_index'] = series
        rd['date_time'] = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ImplTimeInfo'%imagenodepath).split(';', 1)[0]
        #rd['format']    = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/BaseDescription'%imagenodepath).split(':', 1)[1].strip(' ')
        rd['format']    = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/BaseDescription'%imagenodepath) #.split(':', 1)[1].strip(' ')

        # dims
        dims = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/BaseDimension'%imagenodepath).split(' ')
            rd['image_num_x'] = misc.safeint(dims[0])
            rd['image_num_y'] = misc.safeint(dims[1])
            rd['image_num_z'] = misc.safeint(dims[2])
            rd['image_num_c'] = misc.safeint(dims[3])
            rd['image_num_t'] = misc.safeint(dims[4])
        except IndexError:

        # pixel format
        pixeltypes = {
            'uint8':  ('unsigned integer', 8),
            'uint16': ('unsigned integer', 16),
            'uint32': ('unsigned integer', 32),
            'uint64': ('unsigned integer', 64),
            'int8':   ('signed integer', 8),
            'int16':  ('signed integer', 16),
            'int32':  ('signed integer', 32),
            'int64':  ('signed integer', 64),
            'float':  ('floating point', 32),
            'double': ('floating point', 64),
            t = pixeltypes[misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ImplDataType'%imagenodepath).lower()]
            rd['image_pixel_format'] = t[0]
            rd['image_pixel_depth']  = t[1]
        except KeyError:

        # resolution
        extmin = [misc.safefloat(i) for i in misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ImplExtendMin'%imagenodepath).split(' ')]
        extmax = [misc.safefloat(i) for i in misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ImplExtendMax'%imagenodepath).split(' ')]
        rd['pixel_resolution_x'] = (extmax[0]-extmin[0])/rd['image_num_x']
        rd['pixel_resolution_y'] = (extmax[1]-extmin[1])/rd['image_num_y']
        rd['pixel_resolution_z'] = (extmax[2]-extmin[2])/rd['image_num_z']
        # Time resolution is apparently missing in Imaris XML
        #rd['pixel_resolution_z'] = (extmax[2]-extmin[2])/rd['image_num_z']

        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_x'] = 'microns'
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_y'] = 'microns'
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_z'] = 'microns'

        # Parse params INI
        #params = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ImplParameters'%imagenodepath)
        # use index 0 since we fetch meta data with imageindex argument
        sp = StringIO.StringIO(params)
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        except Exception:
            safe_config_read(config, sp)

        # custom - any tags in proprietary files should go further prefixed by the custom parent
        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                rd['custom/%s/%s'%(section,option)] = config.get(section, option)

        # Image parameters
        safeReadAndSet(config, 'Image', 'numericalaperture', rd, 'numerical_aperture')

        # channel names, colors and other info
        for c in range(rd['image_num_c']):
            section = 'Channel %s'%c
            path    = 'channels/channel_%.5d'%c

            name = safeRead(config, section, 'Name') or ''
            dye  = safeRead(config, section, 'Dye name') or safeRead(config, section, 'Fluor')
            if dye is not None:
                name = '%s (%s)'%(name, dye)
            if len(name)>0:
                rd['channel_%s_name'%c] = name

            rgb = safeRead(config, section, 'Color')
            if rgb is not None:
                rd['channel_color_%s'%c] = ','.join([str(int(misc.safefloat(i)*255)) for i in rgb.split(' ')])

            # new channel format
            if len(name)>0:
                rd['%s/name'%path] = name
            if rgb is not None:
                rd['%s/color'%path] = ','.join(rgb.split(' '))
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'ColorOpacity',            rd, '%s/opacity'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'Fluor',                   rd, '%s/fluor'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'GammaCorrection',         rd, '%s/gamma'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'LSMEmissionWavelength',   rd, '%s/lsm_emission_wavelength'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'LSMExcitationWavelength', rd, '%s/lsm_excitation_wavelength'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'LSMPinhole', rd, '%s/lsm_pinhole_radius'%path)
            safeReadAndSet(config, section, 'objective', rd, '%s/objective'%path)

            rng = safeRead(config, section, 'ColorRange')
            if rng is not None:
                rd['%s/range'%path] = ','.join(rng.split(' '))

            # read Zeiss CZI specific metadata not parsed properly by the Imaris convert
            qpath = 'custom/ZeissAttrs/imagedocument/metadata/information/image/dimensions/channels/channel'

            # color as defined in CZI and not properly red by ImarisConvert
            t = '%s/color %s'%(qpath, c)
            if t in rd:
                #<tag name="color 0" value="#FF0000FF"/>
                    v = rd[t]
                    r,g,b,a = imaris_to_rgb(v)
                    rd['%s/color'%path] = '%s,%s,%s'%(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0)
                    # old
                    rd['channel_color_%s'%c] = '%s,%s,%s'%(r, g, b)
                except Exception:

            # channel exposure defined in CZI
            t = '%s/exposuretime %s'%(qpath, c)
            if t in rd:
                    #<tag name="exposuretime 0" value="53000000"/> -> 53.0 ms
                    v = misc.safefloat(rd[t])
                    rd['%s/exposure'%path] = v/1000000.0
                    rd['%s/exposure_units'%path] = 'ms'
                except Exception:

        # instrument and assay names, not standard CZI but used in industry
        path  = 'custom/Document'
        qpath = 'custom/ZeissAttrs/imagedocument/metadata/experiment/experimentblocks/acquisitionblock/processinggraph/filters/filter'
        t = '%s/argument'%(qpath)
        if t in rd:
            v = rd[t]
                v = [i.split(':') for i in v.split(';')]
                for i in v:
                    rd['%s/%s'%(path, i[0].lower())] = i[1]
            except Exception:

        # slide id found in barcode
        path  = 'custom/Document'
        qpath = 'custom/ZeissAttrs/imagedocument/metadata/attachmentinfos/attachmentinfo/label/barcodes/barcode'
        t = '%s/content'%(qpath)
        if t in rd:
            rd['%s/slide_id'%path] = rd[t]

        return rd
コード例 #11
    def meta(cls, token, **kw):
        if not cls.installed:
            return {}
        ifnm = token.first_input_file()
        series = token.series
        if not os.path.exists(ifnm):
            return {}
        log.debug('Meta for: %s', ifnm )
        o = cls.run_read(ifnm, [cls.BFINFO, '-nopix', '-omexml', '-novalid', '-no-upgrade', '-series', '%s'%series, ifnm] )
        if o is None:
            return {}

        # extract the OME-XML part
            omexml = misc.between('<OME', '</OME>', o)
            omexml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<OME%s</OME>'%omexml
        except UnboundLocalError:
            return {}

        # Parse non XML parts
        rd = {}
        rd['image_num_series'] = misc.safeint(misc.between('Series count =', '\n', o),1)
        rd['image_series_index'] = series
        rd['format'] = misc.between('Checking file format [', ']', o)

        # Parse Meta XML
        # bioformats defines UTF-8 encoding, but it may be something else, try to recover
            mee = etree.fromstring(omexml)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
                mee = etree.fromstring(omexml, parser=etree.XMLParser(encoding='iso-8859-1'))
            except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, LookupError):
                    mee = etree.fromstring(omexml, parser=etree.XMLParser(encoding='cp1252'))
                except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, LookupError):
                    mee = etree.fromstring(omexml, parser=etree.XMLParser(recover=True))

        imagenodepath = 'ome:Image[@ID="Image:%s"]'%(series)
        namespaces = {
            'ome': misc.between('OME xmlns="', '"', omexml),
            'sa': misc.between('StructuredAnnotations xmlns="', '"', omexml),
            #'om': misc.between('OriginalMetadata xmlns="', '"', o), # dima: v4.x.x

        rd['date_time'] = misc.xpathtextnode(mee, '%s/ome:AcquisitionDate'%imagenodepath, namespaces=namespaces).replace('T', ' ')

        pixels = mee.xpath('%s/ome:Pixels'%imagenodepath, namespaces=namespaces)[0]
        rd['image_num_x'] = misc.safeint(pixels.get('SizeX', '0').split(' ')[0])
        rd['image_num_y'] = misc.safeint(pixels.get('SizeY', '0').split(' ')[0])
        rd['image_num_z'] = misc.safeint(pixels.get('SizeZ', '0').split(' ')[0])
        rd['image_num_c'] = misc.safeint(pixels.get('SizeC', '0').split(' ')[0]) # fix for '3 (effectively 1)' as number of channels
        rd['image_num_t'] = misc.safeint(pixels.get('SizeT', '0').split(' ')[0])

        # pixel format
        pixeltypes = {
            'uint8':  ('unsigned integer', 8),
            'uint16': ('unsigned integer', 16),
            'uint32': ('unsigned integer', 32),
            'uint64': ('unsigned integer', 64),
            'int8':   ('signed integer', 8),
            'int16':  ('signed integer', 16),
            'int32':  ('signed integer', 32),
            'int64':  ('signed integer', 64),
            'float':  ('floating point', 32),
            'double': ('floating point', 64),
            t = pixeltypes[pixels.get('Type', 0).lower()]
            rd['image_pixel_format'] = t[0]
            rd['image_pixel_depth']  = t[1]
        except KeyError:

        # resolution
        rd['pixel_resolution_x'] = misc.safefloat(pixels.get('PhysicalSizeX', '0.0'))
        rd['pixel_resolution_y'] = misc.safefloat(pixels.get('PhysicalSizeY', '0.0'))
        rd['pixel_resolution_z'] = misc.safefloat(pixels.get('PhysicalSizeZ', '0.0'))
        rd['pixel_resolution_t'] = misc.safefloat(pixels.get('TimeIncrement', '0.0'))
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_x'] = 'microns'
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_y'] = 'microns'
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_z'] = 'microns'
        rd['pixel_resolution_unit_t'] = 'seconds'

        # default channel mapping
        if rd.get('image_num_c', 0) == 1:
            rd.setdefault('channel_color_0', '255,255,255')

        # channel info
        channels = mee.xpath('%s/ome:Pixels/ome:Channel'%imagenodepath, namespaces=namespaces)
        for c,i in zip(channels, range(len(channels))):
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'Name',   rd, 'channel_%s_name'%i, defval='ch_%s'%i)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'Color',  rd, 'channel_color_%s'%i, f=bfColorToString)

        # new format
        for c,i in zip(channels, range(len(channels))):
            path    = 'channels/channel_%.5d'%i

            bfReadAndSet(c, 'Name',   rd, '%s/name'%path, defval='ch_%s'%i)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'Color',  rd, '%s/color'%path, f=bfColorToString)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'Fluor',  rd, '%s/fluor'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'EmissionWavelength',  rd, '%s/lsm_emission_wavelength'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'ExcitationWavelength',  rd, '%s/lsm_excitation_wavelength'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'ContrastMethod',  rd, '%s/contrast_method'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'AcquisitionMode',  rd, '%s/acquisition_mode'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'IlluminationType',  rd, '%s/illumination'%path)
            bfReadAndSet(c, 'PinholeSize',  rd, '%s/pinhole_size'%path)
            #bfReadAndSet(c, 'ColorOpacity',  rd, '%s/opacity'%path)
            #bfReadAndSet(c, 'GammaCorrection',  rd, '%s/gamma'%path)
            #bfReadAndSet(c, 'ColorRange',  rd, '%s/range'%path)

        # custom - any other tags in proprietary files should go further prefixed by the custom parent
        custom = mee.xpath('sa:StructuredAnnotations/sa:XMLAnnotation', namespaces=namespaces)
        for a in custom:
            #k = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'sa:Value/om:OriginalMetadata/om:Key', namespaces=namespaces)  # dima: v4.x.x
            #v = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'sa:Value/om:OriginalMetadata/om:Value', namespaces=namespaces) # dima: v4.x.x
            #k = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'Value/OriginalMetadata/Key', namespaces=namespaces)  # dima: v5.0.0
            #v = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'Value/OriginalMetadata/Value', namespaces=namespaces) # dima: v5.0.0
            k = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'sa:Value/sa:OriginalMetadata/sa:Key', namespaces=namespaces)  # dima: v5.1.0
            v = misc.xpathtextnode(a, 'sa:Value/sa:OriginalMetadata/sa:Value', namespaces=namespaces) # dima: v5.1.0
            rd['custom/%s'%k] = v

        return rd
コード例 #12
ファイル: pixelcounter.py プロジェクト: satish1901/bisque-dev
 def dryrun(self, token, arg):
     arg = safeint(arg.lower(), 256) - 1
     ofile = '%s.pixelcounter_%s.xml' % (token.data, arg)
     return token.setXmlFile(fname=ofile)
コード例 #13
    def action(self, token, arg):
        ss = arg.split(',')
        size = [safeint(ss[0], 128) if len(ss)>0 else 128,
                safeint(ss[1], 128) if len(ss)>1 else 128]
        method = ss[2].upper() if len(ss)>2 and len(ss[2])>0 else 'BC'
        preproc = ss[3].lower() if len(ss)>3 and len(ss[3])>0 else ''
        preprocc = ',%s'%preproc if len(preproc)>0 else '' # attempt to keep the filename backward compatible
        fmt = ss[4].lower() if len(ss)>4 and len(ss[4])>0 else 'jpeg'

        if size[0]<=0 and size[1]<=0:
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Thumbnail: size is unsupported [%s]'%arg)

        if method not in ['NN', 'BL', 'BC']:
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Thumbnail: method is unsupported [%s]'%arg)

        if preproc not in ['', 'mid', 'mip', 'nip']:
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Thumbnail: method is unsupported [%s]'%arg)

        ext = self.server.converters.defaultExtension(fmt)
        ifile = token.first_input_file()
        ofile = '%s.thumb_%s,%s,%s%s.%s'%(token.data, size[0], size[1], method, preprocc, ext)

        dims = token.dims or {}
        num_x = int(dims.get('image_num_x', 0))
        num_y = int(dims.get('image_num_y', 0))

            width, height = compute_new_size(num_x, num_y, size[0], size[1], keep_aspect_ratio=True, no_upsample=True)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            raise ImageServiceException(400, 'Thumbnail: new image size cannot be guessed due to missing info' )

        info = {
            'image_num_x': width,
            'image_num_y': height,
            'image_num_c': 3,
            'image_num_z': 1,
            'image_num_t': 1,
            'image_pixel_depth': 8,
            'format': fmt,

        # if image can be decoded with imageconvert, enqueue
        if dims.get('converter', '') == ConverterImgcnv.name:
            r = ConverterImgcnv.thumbnail(token, ofile, size[0], size[1], method=method, preproc=preproc, fmt=fmt)
            if isinstance(r, list):
                return self.server.enqueue(token, 'thumbnail', ofile, fmt=fmt, command=r, dims=info)

        # if image requires other decoder
        if not os.path.exists(ofile):
            intermediate = '%s.ome.tif'%(token.data)

            r = None
            if 'converter' in dims and dims.get('converter') in self.server.converters:
                r = self.server.converters[dims.get('converter')].thumbnail(token, ofile, size[0], size[1], method=method, intermediate=intermediate, preproc=preproc, fmt=fmt)

            # if desired converter failed, perform exhaustive conversion
            if r is None:
                for n,c in self.server.converters.iteritems():
                    if n in [ConverterImgcnv.name, dims.get('converter')]: continue
                    r = c.thumbnail(token, ofile, size[0], size[1], method=method, intermediate=intermediate, preproc=preproc, fmt=fmt)
                    if r is not None:
            if r is None:
                log.error('Thumbnail %s: could not generate thumbnail for [%s]', token.resource_id, ifile)
                raise ImageServiceException(415, 'Could not generate thumbnail' )
            if isinstance(r, list):
                return self.server.enqueue(token, 'thumbnail', ofile, fmt=fmt, command=r, dims=info)

        return token.setImage(ofile, fmt=fmt, dims=info, input=ofile)