def get_sub_neuron(self, bounding_box, spacing=None, origin=None): """Returns sub-neuron with node coordinates bounded by start and end Arguments ---------- bounding_box : tuple or list or None Defines a bounding box around a sub-region around the neuron. Length 2 tuple/list. First element is the coordinate of one corner (inclusive) and second element is the coordinate of the opposite corner (exclusive). Both coordinates are numpy.array([x,y,z])in voxel units. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. Example ------- >>> bounding_box=[[1,2,4],[1,2,3]] >>> #swc input, no spacing and origin >>> swc_trace.get_sub_neuron(bounding_box) >>> <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f81a95d1e50> """ check_type(bounding_box, (tuple, list)) if len(bounding_box) != 2: raise ValueError("Bounding box must be length 2") check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub = self._get_sub_neuron(G, bounding_box) return G_sub
def create_skel_segids( swc_dir: str, origin: Sequence[Union[int, float]]) -> Tuple[Skeleton, List[int]]: """Create skeletons to be uploaded as precomputed format Arguments: swc_dir: Path to consensus swc files. origin: x,y,z coordinate of coordinate frame in space in mircons. Returns: skeletons: .swc skeletons to be pushed to bucket. segids: List of ints for each swc's label. """ check_type(swc_dir, str) check_size(origin) p = Path(swc_dir) files = [str(i) for i in p.glob("*.swc")] if len(files) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No .swc files found in {swc_dir}.") skeletons = [] segids = [] for i in tqdm(files, desc="converting swcs to neuroglancer format..."): skeletons.append(swc2skeleton(i, origin=origin)) segids.append(skeletons[-1].id) return skeletons, segids
def get_data_ranges( bin_path: List[List[str]], chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]: """Get ranges (x,y,z) for chunks to be stitched together in volume Arguments: bin_path: Binary paths to files. chunk_size: The size of chunk to get ranges over. Returns: x_range: x-coord int bounds. y_range: y-coord int bounds. z_range: z-coord int bounds. """ for b in bin_path: check_binary_path(b) check_size(chunk_size) x_curr, y_curr, z_curr = 0, 0, 0 tree_level = len(bin_path) print(bin_path) for idx, i in enumerate(bin_path): print(i) scale_factor = 2**(tree_level - idx - 1) x_curr += int(i[2]) * chunk_size[0] * scale_factor y_curr += int(i[1]) * chunk_size[1] * scale_factor # flip z axis so chunks go anterior to posterior z_curr += int(i[0]) * chunk_size[2] * scale_factor x_range = [x_curr, x_curr + chunk_size[0]] y_range = [y_curr, y_curr + chunk_size[1]] z_range = [z_curr, z_curr + chunk_size[2]] return x_range, y_range, z_range
def create_skel_segids( swc_dir: str, origin: Sequence[Union[int, float]], benchmarking: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Tuple[Skeleton, List[int]]: """Create skeletons to be uploaded as precomputed format Arguments: swc_dir: Path to consensus swc files. origin: x,y,z coordinate of coordinate frame in space in mircons. benchmarking: Optional, scales swc benchmarking data. Returns: skeletons: .swc skeletons to be pushed to bucket. segids: List of ints for each swc's label. """ check_type(swc_dir, str) check_size(origin) check_type(benchmarking, bool) p = Path(swc_dir) files = [str(i) for i in p.glob("*.swc")] if len(files) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No .swc files found in {swc_dir}.") skeletons = [] segids = [] for i in tqdm(files, desc="converting swcs to neuroglancer format..."): swc_trace = NeuronTrace(path=i) skel = swc_trace.get_skel(benchmarking, origin=np.asarray(origin)) skeletons.append(skel) segids.append(skeletons[-1].id) return skeletons, segids
def tubes_from_paths( size: Tuple[int, int, int], paths: List[List[int]], radius: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, ): """Constructs tubes from list of paths. Returns densely labeled paths within the shape of the image. Arguments: size: The size of image to consider. paths: The list of paths. Each path is a list of points along the path (non-dense). radius: The radius of the line to draw. Default is None = 1 pixel wide line. """ check_size(size) for path in paths: [check_iterable_type(vert, (int, np.integer)) for vert in path] if radius is not None: check_type(radius, (int, np.integer, float, np.float)) if radius <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Radius {radius} must be positive.") def _within_img(line, size): arrline = np.array(line).astype(int) arrline = arrline[:, arrline[0, :] < size[0]] arrline = arrline[:, arrline[0, :] >= 0] arrline = arrline[:, arrline[1, :] < size[1]] arrline = arrline[:, arrline[1, :] >= 0] arrline = arrline[:, arrline[2, :] < size[2]] arrline = arrline[:, arrline[2, :] >= 0] return (arrline[0, :], arrline[1, :], arrline[2, :]) coords = [[], [], []] for path in tqdm(paths): for i in range(len(path) - 1): line = draw.line_nd(path[i], path[i + 1]) line = _within_img(line, size) if len(line) > 0: coords[0] = np.concatenate((coords[0], line[0])) coords[1] = np.concatenate((coords[1], line[1])) coords[2] = np.concatenate((coords[2], line[2])) try: coords = (coords[0].astype(int), coords[1].astype(int), coords[2].astype(int)) except AttributeError: # if a list was passed coords = (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]) if radius is not None: line_array = np.ones(size, dtype=int) line_array[coords] = 0 seg = distance_transform_edt(line_array) labels = np.where(seg <= radius, 1, 0) else: labels = np.zeros(size, dtype=int) labels[coords] = 1 return labels
def get_paths(self, spacing=None, origin=None): """Converts dataframe in either spatial or voxel coordinates into a list of paths. Will convert to voxel coordinates if spacing is specified. Arguments ---------- spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : None, :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_paths()[0][1:10] >>> array([[-52, -1, -1], [-51, -1, 0], [-51, -1, 0], [-50, 0, 0], [-50, 0, 0], [-49, 0, 0], [-48, 0, 0], [-46, 0, 0], [-46, 0, 0]], dtype=object) """ check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G) return paths
def get_graph(self, spacing=None, origin=None): """Converts dataframe in either spatial or voxel coordinates into a directed graph. Will convert to voxel coordinates if spacing is specified. Arguments ---------- spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Neuron from swc represented as directed graph. Coordinates x,y,z are node attributes accessed by keys 'x','y','z' respectively. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_graph() >>> <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f81a83937f0> """ check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) return G
def get_df_voxel(self, spacing, origin=np.array([0, 0, 0])): """Converts coordinates in pd.DataFrame from spatial units to voxel units Arguments ---------- spacing : :class:`numpy.array` Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate. Default is (0,0,0). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- df_voxel : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Indicies, coordinates, and parents of each node in the swc. Coordinates are in voxel units. Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_df_voxel(spacing=np.asarray([2,2,2])) >>> sample structure x y z r parent 0 1 0 -26 -1 -1 1.0 -1 1 2 0 -26 -1 -1 1.0 1 2 3 0 -26 -1 0 1.0 2 3 4 0 -26 -1 0 1.0 3 4 5 0 -25 0 0 1.0 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 149 0 23 7 -4 1.0 148 149 150 0 23 7 -4 1.0 149 150 151 0 23 7 -4 1.0 150 151 152 0 24 8 -4 1.0 151 152 153 6 24 8 -4 1.0 152 153 rows × 7 columns """ check_type(spacing, np.ndarray) check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, np.ndarray) check_size(origin) df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) return df_voxel
def subsample( arr: np.ndarray, orig_shape: List[int], dest_shape: List[int] ) -> np.ndarray: """Subsamples a flattened neighborhood to a smaller flattened neighborhood. Arguments: arr: The flattened array orig_shape: The original shape of the array before flattening dest_shape: The desired shape of the array before flattening """ check_type(arr, np.ndarray) if len(orig_shape) != len(dest_shape): raise ValueError("Mismatched in and out dimensions.") if != len(arr): raise ValueError("Original shape is incorrect.") if len(orig_shape) == 3: check_size(orig_shape, dim=3) elif len(orig_shape) == 2: check_size(dest_shape, dim=2) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2 and 3 dimensions supported.") start = np.subtract(orig_shape, dest_shape) // 2 end = start + dest_shape if len(orig_shape) == 2: idx = np.ravel_multi_index( (np.mgrid[start[0] : end[0], start[1] : end[1]].reshape(2, -1)), orig_shape ) elif len(orig_shape) == 3: idx = np.ravel_multi_index( ( np.mgrid[ start[0] : end[0], start[1] : end[1], start[2] : end[2] ].reshape(3, -1) ), orig_shape, ) return arr[idx]
def get_skel(self, benchmarking=False, origin=None): """Gets a skeleton version of dataframe, if swc input is provided Arguments ---------- origin : None, numpy array with shape (3,1) (default = None) origin of coordinate frame in microns, (default: None assumes (0,0,0) origin) benchmarking : bool For swc files, specifies whether swc file is from benchmarking dataset, to obtain skeleton ID Returns -------- skel : cloudvolume.Skeleton Skeleton object of given SWC file Example ------- >>> swc_trace.get_skel(benchmarking=True) >>> Skeleton(segid=, vertices=(shape=153, float32), edges=(shape=152, uint32), radius=(153, float32), vertex_types=(153, uint8), vertex_color=(153, float32), space='physical' transform=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) """ check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(benchmarking, bool) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) if self.input_type == "swc": skel = self._swc2skeleton(self.path, benchmarking, origin) return skel elif self.input_type == "skel": cv = CloudVolume( self.path, mip=self.mip, fill_missing=self.fill_missing, use_https=self.use_https, ) skel = cv.skeleton.get(self.seg_id) return skel
def get_sub_neuron_paths(self, bounding_box, spacing=None, origin=None): """Returns sub-neuron with node coordinates bounded by start and end Arguments ---------- bounding_box : tuple or list or None Defines a bounding box around a sub-region around the neuron. Length 2 tuple/list. First element is the coordinate of one corner (inclusive) and second element is the coordinate of the opposite corner (exclusive). Both coordinates are numpy.array([x,y,z])in voxel units. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> bounding_box=[[1,2,4],[1,2,3]] >>> #swc input, no spacing and origin >>> swc_trace.get_sub_neuron_paths(bounding_box) >>> array([], dtype=object) """ check_type(bounding_box, (tuple, list)) if len(bounding_box) != 2: raise ValueError("Bounding box must be length 2") check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub = self._get_sub_neuron(G, bounding_box) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G_sub) return paths
def get_bfs_subgraph(self, node_id, depth, df=None, spacing=None, origin=None): """ Creates a spanning subgraph from a seed node and parent graph using BFS. Arguments ---------- node_id : int The id of the node to use as a seed. If df is not None this become the node index. depth : int The max depth for BFS to traven in each direction. df : None, DataFrame (default = None) Dataframe storing indices. In some cases indexing by row number is preferred. spacing : None, :class:`numpy.array` (default = None) Conversion factor (spatial units/voxel). Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]). Provided if graph should convert to voxel coordinates first. Default is None. origin : :class:`numpy.array` Origin of the spatial coordinate, if converting to voxels. Default is None. Assumed to be np.array([x,y,z]) Returns ------- G_sub : :class:`networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph` Subgraph tree : DiGraph The tree returned by BFS. paths : list List of Nx3 numpy.array. Rows of the array are 3D coordinates in voxel units. Each array is one path. Example ------- >>> #swc input, specify node_id and depth >>> swc_trace.get_bfs_subgraph(node_id=11,depth=2) >>>(<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7f2ce65670>, <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x7f7f2ce65370>, array([array([[4727, 4440, 3849], [4732, 4442, 3850], [4739, 4455, 3849]]), array([[4732, 4442, 3850], [4749, 4439, 3856]])], dtype=object)) """ check_type(node_id, (list, int)) check_type(depth, int) check_type(df, (type(None), pd.core.frame.DataFrame)) check_type(spacing, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: check_size(spacing) check_type(origin, (type(None), np.ndarray)) if type(origin) == np.ndarray: check_size(origin) # if origin isn't specified but spacing is, set origin to np.array([0, 0, 0]) if type(spacing) == np.ndarray and origin is None: origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # voxel conversion option if type(spacing) == np.ndarray: df_voxel = self._df_in_voxel(self.df, spacing, origin) G = self._df_to_graph(df_voxel) # no voxel conversion option else: G = self._df_to_graph(self.df) G_sub, tree = self._get_bfs_subgraph(G, node_id, depth, df) paths = self._graph_to_paths(G_sub) return G_sub, tree, paths
def create_cloud_volume( precomputed_path: str, img_size: Sequence[int], voxel_size: Sequence[Union[int, float]], num_resolutions: int, chunk_size: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, parallel: Optional[bool] = False, layer_type: Optional[str] = "image", dtype: Optional[str] = None, commit_info: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> CloudVolumePrecomputed: """Create CloudVolume object and info file. Handles both image volumes and segmentation volumes from octree structure. Arguments: precomputed_path: cloudvolume path img_size: x, y, z voxel dimensions of tiff images. voxel_size: x, y, z dimensions of highest res voxel size (nm). num_resolutions: The number of resolutions to upload. chunk_size: The size of chunks to use for upload. If None, uses img_size/2. parallel: Whether to upload chunks in parallel. layer_type: The type of cloudvolume object to create. dtype: The data type of the volume. If None, uses default for layer type. commit_info: Whether to create an info file at the path, defaults to True. Returns: vol: Volume designated for upload. """ # defaults if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = [int(i / 4) for i in img_size] # /2 took 42 hrs if dtype is None: if layer_type == "image": dtype = "uint16" elif layer_type == "segmentation" or layer_type == "annotation": dtype = "uint64" else: raise ValueError( f"layer type is {layer_type}, when it should be image or str") # check inputs check_precomputed(precomputed_path) check_size(img_size, allow_float=False) check_size(voxel_size) check_type(num_resolutions, (int, np.integer)) if num_resolutions < 1: raise ValueError( f"Number of resolutions should be > 0, not {num_resolutions}") check_size(chunk_size) check_type(parallel, bool) check_type(layer_type, str) if layer_type not in ["image", "segmentation", "annotation"]: raise ValueError( f"{layer_type} should be 'image', 'segmentation', or 'annotation'") check_type(dtype, str) if dtype not in ["uint16", "uint64"]: raise ValueError(f"{dtype} should be 'uint16' or 'uint64'") check_type(commit_info, bool) info = CloudVolume.create_new_info( num_channels=1, layer_type=layer_type, data_type=dtype, # Channel images might be 'uint8' encoding="raw", # raw, jpeg, compressed_segmentation, fpzip, kempressed resolution=voxel_size, # Voxel scaling, units are in nanometers voxel_offset=[0, 0, 0], # x,y,z offset in voxels from the origin chunk_size=chunk_size, # units are voxels volume_size=[i * 2**(num_resolutions - 1) for i in img_size], ) vol = CloudVolume(precomputed_path, info=info, parallel=parallel) [ vol.add_scale((2**i, 2**i, 2**i), chunk_size=chunk_size) for i in range(num_resolutions) ] if commit_info: vol.commit_info() if layer_type == "image" or layer_type == "annotation": vols = [ CloudVolume(precomputed_path, mip=i, parallel=parallel) for i in range(num_resolutions - 1, -1, -1) ] elif layer_type == "segmentation": info.update(skeletons="skeletons") skel_info = { "@type": "neuroglancer_skeletons", "transform": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "vertex_attributes": [ { "id": "radius", "data_type": "float32", "num_components": 1 }, { "id": "vertex_types", "data_type": "float32", "num_components": 1 }, { "id": "vertex_color", "data_type": "float32", "num_components": 4 }, ], } with storage.SimpleStorage(vol.cloudpath) as stor: stor.put_json(str(Path("skeletons") / "info"), skel_info) vols = [vol] return vols