def bake_pipe_with_matlab_user_path_extend(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "CustomCode.MatlabCall", "submit_call": "disp(['Call result is: ' foo()])", "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00" } } ] } \n''')
def bake_a_matlab_pipe(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "CustomCode.MatlabCall", "submit_call": "disp('I am a mock custom matlab call')", "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00" } } ] } \n''')
def bake_a_mock_pipe_with_no_param(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "CustomCode.PythonCall", "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00", "batch_path": "../../BATCH" } } ] } \n''')
def bake_a_bash_pipe(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "CustomCode.BashCall", "submit_call": "echo 'I am a mock custom bash call'", "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00", "batch_path": "../../BATCH" } } ] } \n''')
def bake_a_pipe_for_folder_linking(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "Tools.LinkFiles", "source_location": "{process_path}", "target_location": "{plate_path}", "file_patterns": { "symlink": ["BATCH_*"] }, "file_type": "d" //"recursively": 0 } ] } \n''')
def bake_a_working_mock_pipe(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "Tools.LinkFiles", "source_location": "{batch_path}_old", "target_location": "{batch_path}", "file_patterns": { "symlink": ["test_sym_linking*"], "hardlink": ["/^.*_hard_linking$/"] }, "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00" } } ] } \n''')
def bake_an_empty_filepattern_list_pipe(): return MockPipesModule(''' { // Define iBRAIN pipe type "type": "CellProfiler.Pipe", // Define chain of processes "chain": [ { "type": "Tools.LinkFiles", "source_location": "''' + MOCK_LINKING_FILEPATH + '''", "target_location": "{batch_path}", "file_patterns": { "hardlink": [], "symlink": [] }, "default_parameters": { "job_submission_queue": "8:00", "job_resubmission_queue": "36:00" } } ] } \n''')